Working With Discussion Forums

This chapter provides an overview of discussion forums and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Discussion Forums

Discussion forums in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal provide a platform that groups can use to discuss topics of interest. Participants can post discussion topics, such as issues, suggestions, or questions, and receive replies and feedback. Discussion forums enable multiple relevant individuals to contribute to the review and resolution of a question. In addition, participants can monitor the forums to which they belong using summary and detail pages, as well as the Discussion Forums pagelet, which can be placed on their homepage.

In PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, discussion forums can be created as “standalone” in portals and sites, or as an integrated module of a collaborative workspace. Standalone discussion forums can be accessed through the My Discussion Forums page and the Discussion Forums homepage pagelet.

When portal system administrators create a standalone discussion forum, they can then assign a moderator to manage each forum. The discussion forum moderator determines the membership and privileges for the forum, and has the option to manage the forum as moderated or unmoderated. Forum moderation can be applied to all posts (new topics or replies), or to first-time posts only. If moderation is set to all posts, the moderator has to approve each post before it can be viewed by the forum participants. If moderation is set to first post only, then the first time that a member makes a post (new topic or reply), it has to be approved by the forum moderator. The approval or rejection of a post causes an email notification to be sent to the participant who posted to the forum.

This section also provides an overview of:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Indicates that no alerts are set at this level. At the forum level, this indicates that a forum-level alert has not been set. At the topic level, this indicates that neither a forum-level alert nor a topic-level alert have been set.

Indicates that an alert is set at this level. At the forum level, this indicates that a forum-level alert has been set. At the topic level, this indicates that either a forum-level alert, a topic-level alert, or both have been set.

Designates that the discussion topic does not yet contain any replies.

Note. This icon also represents replies in the threaded view of a topic.

Designates that the discussion topic contains one or more replies.

Note. This icon also represents a topic on alert subscription pages.

Represents a discussion forum on alert subscription pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Discussion Forum Privileges

The following table summarizes discussion forum privileges granted by portal role or privilege set ID. Privilege set IDs are defined on the Define Privilege Sets page. Privileges are assigned to discussion forum participants on the Forum Privileges page.

Role ID or Privilege Set ID




Enterprise Portal System Admin role.

A portal administrator can:

  • Create new discussion forums.

  • Assign moderators to manage discussion forums.

  • Manage discussion forums.

  • Reactivate inactive discussion forums.

  • Delete discussion forums.

  • Approve or reject forum posts (when moderation of the forum is enabled).

In addition, as a participant of discussion forum a portal administrator can:

  • View discussion topics and replies.

  • Add topics to discussion forums.

  • Add replies to discussion forums.


Moderator privilege set.

  • Manage the discussion forum.

  • Approve or reject forum posts (when moderation of the forum is enabled).

  • Inactivate the discussion forum.

  • Add topics.

  • Edit any topic or reply.

  • Delete any topic or reply.

  • Edit own topics or replies.

  • Delete own topics or replies.

  • View discussion forum topics and replies.


Contributor privilege set.

  • Add topics.

  • Edit own topics or replies.

  • Delete own topics or replies (if no replies have been posted to that topic or reply).

  • View discussion forum topics and replies.


Viewer privilege set.

View discussion forum topics and replies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Discussions Module in Collaborative Workspaces

The Discussions module provides a platform that workspace members can use to discuss topics of interest. The discussion can be configured as moderated or unmoderated, and members can post discussion topics and replies. In addition, members can monitor current topics using the Recent Discussions pagelet on the workspace homepage. The pages used to participate in discussions in the Discussions module are the same pages used for standalone discussion forums.

See Using the Discussions Module.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Related Discussion Related Content Service

The Related Discussion related content service provides the features of PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal discussion forums to other PeopleSoft applications, such as PeopleSoft FSCM, PeopleSoft HCM, and so on.

For example, using the Related Discussion service, users can collaborate to share critical data about a specific vendor or vendors (for example, on a purchase requisition process page). In this example, the vendor name or ID could serve as the context of the discussions. As the user navigates to other POs raised to a specific vendor, all the discussions pertinent to the vendor can be discovered through a search.

See Working With the Related Discussion Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Discussion Forums in the Related Discussion Pagelet

The Related Discussion pagelet provides the features of discussion forums in the Context Manager frame on the right side of the page. The Related Discussion pagelet can be assigned to menu items through Context Manager.

See Working With the Related Discussion Pagelet.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Discussion Forums

This section discusses how to:

Note. Portal system administrators can create standalone discussion forums and then assign a moderator to manage each forum.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Discussion Forums

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Forum


  • My Content, Create Discussion Forum

  • Click the Create Forum link on the Discussion Forums pagelet.

Set the properties for a new discussion forum.

Forum Privileges


My Content, Create Discussion Forum, Forum Privileges

Assign discussion forum participants by user or role. Assign privileges to the participants.

Forum Policy


My Content, Create Discussion Forum, Forum Policy

Create a policy statement for the discussion forum.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Discussion Forum

Access the Create Forum page (My Content, Create Discussion Forum).

Use the Create Forum page to set the properties for a new discussion forum.


Enter a title for the discussion forum. This text appears on the Discussion Forums pagelet as the link to access the discussion forum.


Enter a description of the goal of the discussion forum. This text appears on the Discussion Forums pagelet as hover text for the link used to access the discussion forum.

Show by Default For All Users

Select to display this discussion forum in the Discussion Forums pagelet by default for all users who are included in the users and roles assigned on the Forum Privileges page.

Default View Options

Select the default view for this discussion forum:

  • Threaded View — Displays the posts for a discussion topic in a hierarchical manner.

  • Flat View — Displays all posts for a discussion topic and the details of each post.

Forum participants can switch between the threaded view and flat view on the Post Details page.

See Comparing the Threaded and Flat Views.

Portal administrators can set the system-level default for this option on the Installation Options page.

See Defining Installation Options.

Forum Moderation

Note. Forum moderation applies to all post types—that is, new topics and replies.

Select the moderation option for this forum:

  • Unmoderated — Posts to this forum are not moderated.

  • Moderated — All posts to this forum are moderated.

    The forum moderator must review and approve or reject each post to this forum.

  • First Post — First posts to this forum by each participant are moderated.

    Only the first post for each participant is submitted to the moderator for approval.

Email Notification For Pending Messages

Select this option to send an email notification to the forum moderator for each post that requires approval.

Number of days to retain Pending Messages

Set the number of days to retain a pending post.

After the set number of days has passed, a pending post will be rejected. Set this field to 0 to retain pending posts indefinitely.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Discussion Forum Participants and Privileges

Access the Forum Privileges page (My Content, Create Discussion Forum, Forum Privileges).

Member Type

Select the type of participant you want to add to the discussion forum:

Role — Select to add forum participants by role.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Setting Up Roles.”

User — Select to add forum participants by user ID.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Administering User Profiles.”

Member Name

Select the role or user ID.

Privilege Set ID

Select the privilege level you want to assign to the member:




Note. At a minimum, every discussion forum requires a moderator.

See Understanding Discussion Forum Privileges.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Discussion Forum Policy Statement

Access the Forum Policy page (My Content, Create Discussion Forum, Forum Policy).

Use the rich text editor to enter any policies that apply to the discussion forum.

See Also

About the Rich Text Editor

Click to jump to parent topicParticipating in Discussion Forums

This section discusses participating in discussion forums and how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Participate in Discussion Forums

Page Name

Definition Name



My Discussion Forums


  • My Content, My Discussion Forums

  • Click the My Forums link on the Discussion Forums pagelet.

Provides access to all of the discussion forums of which you are a participant.

<Discussion Forum> homepage


  • Click the link for a discussion forum on the My Discussion Forums page.

  • Click the link for a discussion forum in the Discussion Forums pagelet.

Serves as the homepage for a discussion forum listing all forum topics and providing features to participate in the forum.

Create New Topic


  • Click the Add Topic button on the discussion forum homepage.

  • Click the Create a Topic button in the Discussion Forums pagelet.

Add a discussion topic to a discussion forum.

Add a Reply


Click the Reply button on the Post Details page.

Add a reply to a discussion post (topic or reply).

Note. The fields on this page are the same as those on the Create New Topic page.



Click the Edit button on the Post Details page.

Edit a discussion post (topic or reply).

Note. The fields on this page are the same as those on the Create New Topic page.

Post Details



  • Click the link for a topic on the discussion forum homepage.

  • Click the link for a topic or a reply in the Discussion Forums pagelet.

View details of a discussion post (topic or reply).



Click the Preferences link on the Post Details page.

Set a personal preference for the display view for all your discussion forums.

View Pending Posts


Click the View My Pending Posts link on the discussion forum homepage.

Review topics that you added that have not been accepted yet by the forum moderator.

View Rejected Posts


Click the View My Rejected Posts link on the discussion forum homepage.

Review topics that you added that have been rejected by the forum moderator.

View Pending Replies


Click the View My Pending Replies link on the Post Details page.

Review replies that you added that have not been accepted yet by the forum moderator.

View Rejected Replies


Click the View My Rejected Replies link on the Post Details page.

Review replies that you added that have been rejected by the forum moderator.

Forum Policy


Click the Forum Policy link on the discussion forum homepage.

View the policy statement for the discussion forum.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Discussion Forums

To access a discussion forum:

  1. Select My Content, My Discussion Forums to access the My Discussion Forums page.

    Use the My Discussion Forums page to access to all of the discussion forums of which you are a participant. The My Discussion Forums page provides an overview of the activity in each of these forums.

  2. Click the link for a discussion forum on the My Discussion Forums page to access the homepage for a discussion forum.

    Use the discussion forum homepage to participate in the forum.

    Note. Certain functions are available on this page only if you have been granted contributor or moderator privilege for this forum.

    View My Pending Posts

    Click to access the View Pending Posts page to view which of your new forum topics are pending acceptance by the forum moderator.

    View My Rejected Posts

    Click to access the View Rejected Posts page to view which of your new forum topics were rejected by the forum moderator.

    Hover over any of these to view the list of feeds published for this discussion forum. Click any list item to open that feed document.

    Click the Feed button or Feed link to open the first feed document in the list.

    Click the Open menu button to toggle the list of feeds between frozen open and closed.

    See Viewing and Subscribing to Feeds.

    Add Topic

    Click to access the Create New Topic page.

    Note. This button appears only for contributors or moderators of the forum.

    Manage Forum

    Click to access the Manage Forum page.

    Note. This button and the note “You are a moderator” appear only if you are a moderator of the forum.


    Click to access the Add Alert Subscription page to manage alerts at the forum level.

    Forum Policy

    Click to access the Forum Policy page, which displays the policy statement for the discussion forum.


    Click to access the Search Discussion Forums page to search in the current forum or other discussion forums.

    <Discussion Forum> Tags

    Click to view the Tags section for the discussion forum.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Editing a Discussion Post

Access the Create New Topic page (click the Add Topic button on the discussion forum homepage).

Access the Add a Reply page (click the Reply button on the Post Details page).

Access the Discussion page (click the Edit button on the Post Details page).

Use the Create New Topic page to add a new discussion topic to a discussion forum.

Use the Add a Reply page to add a reply to any discussion post (topic or reply). The Add a Reply page has the same fields as the Create New Topic page.

Use the Discussion page to edit a discussion post (topic or reply). The Discussion page has the same fields as the Create New Topic page.


Enter a title for your discussion post.

<edit field>

Use the rich text editor to enter the text of the post.

See About the Rich Text Editor.

Attachment Type

Select the type of attachment to include with the post:

  • File Attachment — Select to upload a local file.

  • Managed Content — Select to attach a piece of managed content from the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal content management system.

Add Attachment

If you have selected the File Attachment attachment type, click to browse and select the file to upload.

Select Content

If you have selected the Managed Content attachment type, click to look up the items of managed content available in the content management system.

Add Alert Subscription

Select if you want to receive email alerts regarding updates to this discussion topic.


Select the notification frequency:

  • Every Day — Select to have an email alert sent to you each day that an update occurs.

  • Once Per Week — Select to have an email alert sent to you once a week during a week in which an update occurs.

    Select the day of the week in the adjacent drop-down list box.

Update Subscriptions

Note. If the original post already contains an alert, the Alert Delivery Options group box on the Discussion page does not enable you to define settings. Instead, it provides the Update Subscriptions link.

Click this link to access the Update Alerts Subscription page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Discussion Post

Access the Post Details page (click the link for a post on the discussion forum homepage or in the Post Details page).

Use the Post Details page to view the details for a discussion post (topic or reply).

View My Pending Replies

Click to access the View Pending Replies page to view which of your replies are pending acceptance by the forum moderator.

View My Rejected Replies

Click to access the View Rejected Replies page to view which of your replies were rejected by the forum moderator.

Hover over any of these to view the list of feeds published for this discussion forum. Click any list item to open that feed document.

Click the Feed button or Feed link to open the first feed document in the list.

Click the Open menu button to toggle the list of feeds between frozen open and closed.

See Viewing and Subscribing to Feeds.


Click to access the Add a Reply page to reply to this topic or reply.


Click to access the Discussion page to edit this post.


Click to access the Notify Members page to send a notification to forum participants.


Click to delete this post. Any replies to this post will also be deleted.

Flat View or Threaded View

Click a Change Display View link to toggle between a threaded view and a flat view.

See Comparing the Threaded and Flat Views.


Click to access the Preferences page to set your preferences for viewing discussion forums.

See Setting Forum View Preferences.


Click to access the Add Alert Subscription page to manage alerts at the topic and forum levels.


Click to access the Search Discussion Forums page to search in the current forum or other discussion forums.

Use the Previous Topic and Next Topic buttons to navigate to the previous or next topic in this forum.

Note. Each button is active only when there is a previous or next topic to navigate to.

Use the Previous Post and Next Post buttons to navigate up and down in the hierarchy of posts for this discussion topic.

Note. Each button is active only when there is a previous or next post to navigate to. When you are viewing the topic post, clicking Previous Post navigates to the discussion forum homepage.

<Forum Title> or <Post Title>

Click to navigate to the discussion forum homepage or to a specific post.


Click to view the member profile for the author of the current post.


Click to view the Tags section for the discussion topic.

This section also discusses how to:

Comparing the Threaded and Flat Views

The threaded view displays only the post titles for a discussion topic in a hierarchical manner. The flat view displays all posts for a discussion topic and the details of each post.

The following is an example of the threaded view, which shows the hierarchy of the discussion topic and replies with details for the selected post only.

Depending on which post is selected, not all posts are displayed for the topic. For example, only the predecessors in a direct line to the currently selected post are displayed. Compare this threaded view with the following flat view.

The following is an example of the flat view of the same discussion topic. The post details are displayed with replies to the initial post in the order in which they were posted. This view enables you to see the details of all responses with the currently selected post highlighted.

Compare this flat view with the preceding threaded view. The flat view includes all five posts: the original topic, two replies, and one reply to each reply. The threaded view includes three posts only in a direct line from the original topic to the currently selected reply.

Setting Forum View Preferences

Access the Preferences page (click the Preferences link on the Post Details page).

Use the Preferences page to set a personal preference for the display view for all your discussion forums. Select one of the following options:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Pending or Rejected Posts

Access the View Pending Posts page (click the View My Pending Posts link on the discussion forum homepage).

Access the View Rejected Posts page (click the View My Rejected Posts link on the discussion forum homepage).

Access the View Pending Replies page (click the View My Pending Replies link on the Post Details page).

Access the View Rejected Replies page (click the View My Rejected Replies link on the Post Details page).

Use these pages to view your pending or rejected topics and replies for this discussion forum. The links and buttons are the same for each page. In the preceding example, the View Pending Replies page is shown.


Click to pop up a dialog box allowing you to search the page contents for a specific topic or reply.


Click to return to the previous page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting a Post

To delete a post from a discussion forum:

  1. Go to the Post Details page for the post that you want to delete.

    Note. If the post includes a reply, only the forum moderator can delete the post (and any associated replies). The contributor who added the original post will be unable to delete it.

  2. Click the Delete button.

  3. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete that post and any associated replies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Discussion Forum Feeds

Once a discussion forum is published as a feed, the link to the forum's feed is available on the discussion forum homepage, the Post Details page, the Discussion Forums pagelet, and in other pages and pagelets in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system.

See Viewing and Subscribing to Feeds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Tags in a Discussion Forum

In a discussion forum, tags can be added and managed in the Tags section at two levels:

In addition, the Tags section on the discussion forum homepage includes a tag cloud showing all tags (forum level and topic level) added to this discussion forum. The following example shows the Tags section from a discussion forum homepage:

In this example, employees and kiosk are tags at the forum level. NYC, west, offices, Pleasanton, and Boston were added as tags for the first topic; luncheons and gatherings (not visible) were added as tags for the second topic.

Creating, managing, and using tags is discussed in this PeopleBook.

See Working With Tags.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Forum Policy Statement

Access the Forum Policy page (click the Forum Policy link on the discussion forum homepage). Use the Forum Policy page to review the policy statement for the discussion forum.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Discussion Forums

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Discussion Forums

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Forum


  • Click the Manage Forum button on the discussion forum homepage.

  • Click the link for a discussion forum on the Administer Discussion Forums page.

Set the properties for a discussion forum.

Forum Privileges


On the Manage Forum page, select the Forum Privileges page.

Assign discussion forum participants by user or role. Assign privileges to the participants.

Forum Policy


On the Manage Forum page, select the Forum Policy page.

Enter a policy statement for the discussion forum.

Pending Messages


On the Manage Forum page, select the Pending Messages page.

Approve or reject pending posts to the discussion forum.

View a Post


Click the title for a post on the Pending Messages page.

Review the post text prior to approving or rejecting the post.

Reject Expired Pending Forum Posts/Blog Comments


Portal Administration, Discussion Forums, Reject Expired Posts/Comments

Run the EPPDF_PSTRJT Application Engine program to reject pending posts that have expired.

Administer Discussion Forums


Portal Administration, Discussion Forums, Administer Forums

Delete discussion forums. Also, access the Manage Forum page for each forum.

Administer Discussion Forums - Delete Confirmation


On the Administer Discussion Forums page, click the delete button for a discussion forum.

Confirm deletion of the discussion forum.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging a Discussion Forum

Access the Manage Forum page (click the Manage Forum button on the discussion forum homepage).

Use the Manage Forum page to set the properties for a discussion forum.


Enter a title for the discussion forum. This text appears on the Discussion Forums pagelet as the link to access the discussion forum.


Enter a description of the goal of the discussion forum. This text appears on the Discussion Forums pagelet as hover text for the link used to access the discussion forum.

Show by Default For All Users

Select to display this discussion forum in the Discussion Forums pagelet by default for all users who are included in the users and roles assigned on the Forum Privileges page.


Clear this option to inactivate the discussion forum. The discussion forum will no longer appear for any users in the Discussion Forums pagelet or the My Discussion Forums page.

Note. To activate a discussion forum that has been inactivated, you must go to the Administer Discussion Forums page to access the forum.

Reselect this option to make an inactive forum active again. Reactivating a forum makes existing topics and replies available again.

Default View Options

Select the default view for this discussion forum:

  • Threaded View — Displays the posts for a discussion topic in a hierarchical manner.

  • Flat View — Displays all posts for a discussion topic and the details of each post.

Forum participants can switch between the threaded view and flat view on the Post Details page.

See Comparing the Threaded and Flat Views.

Portal administrators can set the system-level default for this option on the Installation Options page.

See Defining Installation Options.

Forum Moderation

Note. Forum moderation applies to all post types—that is, new topics and replies.

Select the moderation option for this forum:

  • Unmoderated — Posts to this forum are not moderated.

  • Moderated — All posts to this forum are moderated.

    The forum moderator must review and approve or reject each post to this forum.

  • First Post — First posts to this forum by each participant are moderated.

    Only the first post for each participant is submitted to the moderator for approval.

Email Notification For Pending Messages

Select this option to send an email notification to the forum moderator for each post that requires approval.

Number of days to retain Pending Messages

Set the number of days to retain a pending post.

After the set number of days has passed, a pending post will be rejected. Set this field to 0 to retain pending posts indefinitely.

Publish as Feed

Click to access the Manage Forum - Publish Feed Definition page to publish this discussion forum as a feed.

Publish as Pagelet

Click to access the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page to publish this discussion forum as a pagelet.


Click to return to the previous page.

This section also discusses how to:

Managing Discussion Forum Participants and Privileges

Access the Forum Privileges page (select Forum Privileges on the Manage Forum page). Use the Forum Privileges page to assign discussion forum participants and privileges.

See Assigning Discussion Forum Participants and Privileges.

Managing the Discussion Forum Policy Statement

Access the Forum Policy page (select Forum Policy on the Manage Forum page). Use the Forum Policy page to edit the discussion forum policy statement.

See Creating a Discussion Forum Policy Statement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving or Rejecting Pending Posts

This section discusses how to:

Note. The approval or rejection of a post causes an email notification to be sent to the participant who posted to the forum.

Approving or Rejecting Posts Manually

Access the Pending Messages page (select Pending Messages on the Manage Forum page).

Use the Pending Messages page to approve or reject posts (new topics or replies) to the discussion forum.


Select one or more posts to update in bulk.


Click a post title to access the View a Post page to review the posted text.

Post Status and Change Selected To

Select one of the following statuses:

  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Rejected

Select All

Click to select all listed posts.

Clear All

Click to clear the selection of all listed posts.


Click to return to the previous page.

Reviewing a Post

Access the View a Post page (click the link for a post on the Pending Messages page).

Use the View a Post page to review the post text prior to approving or rejecting the post. Click Return to return to the Pending Messages page.

Rejecting Expired Posts Automatically

Access the Reject Expired Pending Forum Posts/Blog Comments page (select Portal Administration, Discussion Forums, Reject Expired Posts/Comments).

Run the EPPDF_PSTRJT Application Engine program to reject pending posts that have expired. This program searches for all pending posts and checks the authored date for each. If the difference between the current date and the authored date is equal to or greater than the number of days set on the Manage Forum page for that discussion forum, then the message status is set to rejected.

Set the process recurrence for the EPPDF_PSTRJT program to a frequency suitable for your system—for example, M-F at 5pm.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing a Discussion Forum as a Feed

Discussion forums can be published as feeds. Once published, the link to a discussion forum's feed is available on the discussion forum homepage, the Post Details page, the Discussion Forums pagelet, and in other pages and pagelets in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system.

There are no special advanced options for discussion forum feeds. Therefore, the standard feed publishing process can be followed.

See Publishing PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal Content as a Feed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdministering Discussion Forums

Access the Administer Discussion Forums page (select Portal Administration, Discussion Forums, Administer Forums).

Use the Administer Discussion Forums page to delete discussion forums and to access the Manage Forum page for each forum.

Forum Name

Click the title for a forum to access its Manage Forum page.

Note. Forums that have been inactivated can be accessed through the Administer Discussion Forums page only.


Click to delete the forum.

Click to jump to parent topicPublishing a Discussion Forum as a Pagelet

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Publish Discussion Forums as Pagelets

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition


  • My Content, My Discussion Forums

    Click the link for the discussion forum on the My Discussion Forums page.

    Click the Manage Forum button on the discussion forum homepage.

    Click the Publish as Pagelet link on the Manage Forum page.

  • Click the Add Pagelet button or the Edit button on the Manage Forum - Publish as Pagelet page.

Create a pagelet definition for a discussion forum.

Pagelet Wizard - Specify Pagelet Information


  • Click the Go to Pagelet Wizard link on the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page.

  • Portal Administration, Pagelets, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

  • PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

  • Click the Pagelet Information button from any page in the wizard.

Provide information to identify and categorize a pagelet.

Pagelet Wizard - Select Data Source


  • Click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Pagelet Information page.

  • Click the Data Type button from any page in the wizard.

Select the type of data source for the pagelet.

Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameters


  • Click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Select Data Source page.

  • Click the Data Source Parameters button from any page in the wizard.

Configure the data source parameters that are required for data to be displayed in the pagelet.

Note. This page is accessible only when you are building a pagelet with a data source that allows modification of associated parameters.

Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameter Values


Click the Values link on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameters page.

Specify prompt values for the end user to select from when personalizing the pagelet.

Note. This page is accessible only for data source parameters for which you have selected the User Specified or Admin Specified usage types.

Pagelet Wizard - Select Display Format


  • Click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameters page.

  • Click the Display Format button from any page in the wizard.

Specify the data transformation method and display format for the pagelet.

Pagelet Wizard - Specify Display Options


  • Select Custom as the display format and click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Select Display Format page.

  • Click the Transformation button from any page in the wizard.

Enter the custom formatting details for the pagelet as well as header and footer options. Preview the pagelet.

Pagelet Wizard - Specify Publishing Options


  • Click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Display Options page.

  • Click the Register Pagelet icon from any page in the wizard.

Specify the manner in which the pagelet is published. Provide registration, caching, and security details, and register the pagelet.

Pagelet Wizard - Pagelet Creation Confirmed


Click the Finish button on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Publishing Options page.

Confirm that the creation of the pagelet is complete.

Manage Forum - Publish as Pagelet


  • Click the Publish button on the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page.

  • If this discussion forum has already been published as a pagelet, click the Publish as Pagelet link on the Manage Forum page.

Administer pagelet definitions for a discussion forum.

Publish to Multiple Portals


  • Click the Publish Pagelet in Other Sites link on the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page.

  • Portal Administration, Pagelets, Publish Pagelets

  • PeopleTools, Portal, Portal Utilities, Publish Pagelets

Publish the pagelet definition to additional portals and sites.

Publish Multiple Pagelets


  • On the Publish to Multiple Portals page, select Publish Multiple Pagelets.

  • Portal Administration, Pagelets, Publish Pagelets, Publish Multiple Pagelets

  • PeopleTools, Portal, Portal Utilities, Publish Pagelets, Publish Multiple Pagelets

Publish multiple pagelet definitions to another portal or site.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing a Pagelet from a Discussion Forum

Access the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page (click the Publish as Pagelet link on the Manage Forum page).

Use the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page to create a pagelet definition for a discussion forum.


The pagelet title and description from the Manage Forum page appear in the Pagelet group box. You can edit these two fields, if necessary.

Pagelet Title

Displays the title for the discussion forum, which can be edited as the title for the pagelet.


Displays the description for the discussion forum, which can be edited as the description for the pagelet.

Pagelet Folder

Select a folder to publish to. Only folders from the current site are available to select.

Pagelet Security

Select the security options for viewing the pagelet. Available options are:

Publish as Public, which enables all users to view the pagelet.

Publish with Security Roles, which uses the roles defined on the Forum Privileges page when publishing the pagelet.

Note. If there are no roles defined on the Forum Privileges page, the system automatically selects to publish the pagelet as public.

Homepage Tabs

Use this group box to define the homepage tab labels and behavior for the pagelet.

Homepage Tab

Select the tabs that will display the pagelet.

Pagelet Behavior

Select the behavior options for the pagelet.

Optional. The pagelet will not automatically appear on the homepage. However, it is available for selection when users personalize their homepages. This setting should not be used for guest homepage pagelets because guest users do not have personalization privileges.

Optional-Default. The pagelet will appear on all user homepages if they have access to the pagelet. The pagelet can be removed when users personalize their homepages. This setting should not be used for guest homepage pagelets because guest users do not have personalization privileges.

Required-Fixed. The pagelet will appear on all user homepages if they have access to the pagelet. The placement of the pagelet cannot be changed and the pagelet cannot be removed from the homepage.

Required. The pagelet will appear on all user homepages if they have access to the pagelet. The placement of the pagelet can be changed, but it cannot be removed from the homepage.


Click the Publish button to publish this pagelet and display the Manage Forum - Publish as Pagelet page, on which you can review or edit the pagelet definition

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing a Discussion Forum from Pagelet Wizard

Pagelets for discussion forums can be created and published using Pagelet Wizard and then managed from the Manage Forum page. This section provides an overview of how to use Pagelet Wizard to complete the following six steps:

Note. If you access Pagelet Wizard from the Go to Pagelet Wizard link, you will be modifying an existing pagelet definition. If you want to create a new pagelet definition, start from the Portal Administration or PeopleTools navigation path.

Where appropriate, this section provides details specific to using Pagelet Wizard to publish a discussion forum as a pagelet. The PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBooks provide detailed information on using Pagelet Wizard.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Using Pagelet Wizard.”

Step 1: Entering Pagelet Identifying Information

Access the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Pagelet Information page (click the Go to Pagelet Wizard link on the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page; or Portal Administration, Pagelets, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard).

Use the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Pagelet Information page to identify and categorize a pagelet.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Using Pagelet Wizard,” Step 1: Entering Pagelet Identifying Information.

Step 2: Selecting a Pagelet Data Source

Access the Pagelet Wizard - Select Data Source page (click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Pagelet Information page).

Use the Pagelet Wizard - Select Data Source page to select the Pagelet Wizard data source type.

Data Type

For discussion forums, select Discussions.


Select the discussion forum to display in the pagelet.


Displays the data source parameters that are used to retrieve data for the pagelet.


Displays the data source parameter fields that are displayed as output in the pagelet.

Step 3: Specifying Data Source Parameters

Access the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameters page (select Discussions as the data type on the Pagelet Wizard - Select Data Source page, then click the Next button).

Use the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameters page to configure the data source parameters that are required for data to be displayed in the pagelet.

Note. This page is accessible only when you are building a pagelet with a data source that allows modification of associated parameters.

Field Name

Displays the name of the data source parameter.

For discussion forums, the following data source parameters can be defined:

MAXROWS — Limits the number of entries displayed in the pagelet


Displays a description of the data source parameter.

Usage Type

Select the type of accessibility that you want to grant for the data source parameter when it appears in the pagelet. Options are:

  • Admin Specified: Select to enable those users with administrative privileges to specify variables for this field, as well as access the Configure link on the published pagelet and select from those parameters for users.

  • Context Sensitive: Select to enable Context Manager to specify a data source parameter value for this field.

  • Fixed: Select to enter a fixed value for the data source parameter that the end user cannot modify.

  • System Variable: Select to assign a system variable as the data source parameter value. The value of the system variable is automatically inserted into the parameter when the pagelet appears. When you select this option, the pagelet end user cannot modify the data source parameter.

    For example, suppose that you specify %UserId as the system variable for a parameter name User. When the pagelet appears on a user’s homepage, the User field is populated by the %UserId system variable, which is the user ID used to access the pagelet.

  • User Specified: Select to enable end users to specify a data source parameter value for this field. When a pagelet contains a user-specified parameter, the Customize button appears on the pagelet title bar.

    End users can click this button to access a personalization page, on which they can select a data source parameter value that they want to use for the pagelet. Users can select a value from a prompt, or they can manually enter their own value if no prompt values are available.

    See Specifying Prompt Values for Data Source Parameters.

    If you change the usage type from or to User Specified for a data source parameter on a published homepage pagelet, you must unpublish and then republish the pagelet.


This check box is selected and disabled for parameters specified as administrator-specified, context-sensitive, fixed, and system variable; otherwise, it is selected but enabled for user-specified parameters.

Default Value

You can enter a value that includes the % and * wildcards at the beginning or end of a value in the Default Value field.

Note the following about default values:

  • If you select User Specified as the usage type and the data source parameter is a required value, you must enter the default value that should appear before a user enters a value. If the data source parameter is not a required value, you do not have to enter a default value.

    If you select a default value when defining prompt values on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameter Values page, that default value populates this field.

    If you select User Specified as the usage type, you can also enter a system variable as the default value. For example, to make the current date the default value for a user-specified parameter, enter a default value of %Date.

  • If you select System Variable as the usage type, you must enter a system variable to use as the data source parameter value. You can use the Look up Value button to access a list of valid system variables.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, "Using Pagelet Wizard," Step 3: Specifying Pagelet Data Source Parameters, Understanding System Variables Supported as Data Source Parameters.

  • If you select Fixed as the usage type, you must enter the fixed value.


If you select User Specified or Admin Specified as the usage type, click Values to access the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameter Values page.

See Specifying Prompt Values for Data Source Parameters.


Use the Personalization Instructions group box to enter custom personalization instructions for the pagelet. These personalization instructions appear on the personalization page of the pagelet.

Note. Personalization instructions must be translatable.

Specifying Prompt Values for Data Source Parameters

Access the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameter Values page (click the Values link on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameters page).

Use the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameter Values page to specify the prompt values, which are displayed to users when they personalize the pagelet. In addition, specify the default value for the parameter.

Parameter Value

Specify the parameter value.



Provide an optional description of the parameter value.



Select one value as the default value. If the parameter is required, then a default value is required; otherwise, it is optional.

Step 4: Selecting a Pagelet Display Format

Access the Pagelet Wizard - Select Display Format page (click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameters page).

Use the Pagelet Wizard - Select Display Format page to specify the data transformation method and display format for the pagelet.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Using Pagelet Wizard,” Step 4: Selecting a Pagelet Display Format.

Step 5: Specifying Pagelet Display Options

Access the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Display Options page (select Custom as the display format and click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Select Display Format page}.

Use the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Display Options page to enter the custom formatting details for the pagelet as well as header and footer options, and to preview the pagelet.

Note. If you are modifying an existing pagelet definition or if you modify data source parameter definitions, you might need to reselect the XSL template, regenerate the XSL, or both to have the modified pagelet display actual data.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Using Pagelet Wizard,” Step 5: Specifying Pagelet Display Options.

Step 6: Specifying Pagelet Publication Options

Access the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Publishing Options page (click the Next button on the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Display Options page).

Use the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Publishing Options page to specify the type of pagelet that you want to publish. In addition, provide registration, caching, and security details, and register the pagelet.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Using Pagelet Wizard,” Step 6: Specifying Pagelet Publication Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing a Published Pagelet

Access the Manage Forum - Publish as Pagelet page (click the Publish button on the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page; or if this discussion forum has already been published as a pagelet, click the Publish as Pagelet link on the Manage Forum page).

Use the Manage Forum - Publish as Pagelet page to review, edit, or add Pagelet Wizard pagelet definitions for this discussion forum. To edit a pagelet definition, it must be marked as published and have a content reference in the current site.

Note. Pagelets for this discussion forum published directly from Pagelet Wizard also appear in this list.


Displays the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page on which you can make changes to the pagelet definition.


Deletes this pagelet definition and the published pagelet content references in all sites.

Add Pagelet

Adds a new pagelet definition based on the current discussion forum.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing a Pagelet to Multiple Portals

Access the Publish to Multiple Portals page (click the Publish Pagelet in Other Sites link on the Manage Forum - Publish Pagelet Wizard Definition page; or Portal Administration, Pagelets, Publish Pagelets).

Two pages are available for you to publish pagelets to multiple portals:

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Working With Navigation Pages,” Publishing Pagelets.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Discussion Forum Alerts and Notifications

This section provides an overview of discussion forum alerts and notifications and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Discussion Forum Alerts and Notifications

You can create personal alert subscriptions at the discussion forum level and at the discussion topic level. In addition, any forum participant can send notifications to selected forum members from any discussion forum post.

Prior to creating any alerts, discussion forum alerts must be enabled on the Alert Setup page. In addition, for alerts to be delivered to subscribers, alert notifications need to be scheduled by the portal administrator.

See Also

Defining Alert Options By Feature

Scheduling Alert Notifications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Discussion Forum Alerts and Notifications

Page Name

Definition Name



Add Alert Subscription


  • Click the Alerts link on the discussion forum homepage.

  • Click the Alerts link on the Post Details page.

Create subscriptions for email alerts for the discussion forum.

Update Alerts Subscription


  • Click the Alerts link on the discussion forum homepage.

  • Click the Alerts link on the Post Details page.

  • Click the Update Subscriptions link on the Create New Topic page.

  • Click the Update Subscriptions link on the Add a Reply page.

  • Click the Update Subscriptions link on the Discussion page.

Update existing alert subscriptions for the discussion forum.

Notify Members


Click the Notify button (threaded view) or Notify link (flat view) on the Post Details page.

Compose and send an email message to the discussion forum participants.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubscribing to Discussion Forum Alerts

Access the Add Alert Subscription page (when an alert has not been defined for this forum, click the Alerts link on the discussion forum homepage or click the Alerts link on the Post Details page).

Use the Add Alert Subscription page to create subscriptions for email alerts for the discussion forum.


Select this option to subscribe to an email alert at the discussion forum level.


Select this option to subscribe to an email alert at the discussion topic level.

Note. This option is available only when accessing this page from the Post Details page.


Select the notification frequency:

  • Every Day — Select to have an email alert sent to you each day that an update occurs.

  • Once Per Week — Select to have an email alert sent to you once a week during a week in which an update occurs.

    In addition, select the day of the week in the adjacent drop-down list box.

View All My Alert Subscriptions

Click to view the My Alerts page.

See Also

Maintaining Alert Subscriptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Discussion Forum Alerts

Access the Update Alerts Subscription page (when an alert has already been defined for this forum, click the Alerts link on the discussion forum homepage or click the Alerts link on the Post Details page).

Use the Update Alerts Subscription page to update subscriptions for email alerts for the discussion forum.


Select this option to subscribe to an email alert at the discussion forum level.


Select this option to subscribe to an email alert at the discussion topic level.

Note. This option is available only when accessing this page from the topic level within the forum.


Select the notification frequency:

  • Every Day — Select to have an email alert sent to you each day that an update occurs.

  • Once Per Week — Select to have an email alert sent to you once a week during a week in which a update occurs.

    In addition, select the day of the week in the adjacent drop-down list box.

View All My Alert Subscriptions

Click to view the My Alerts page.

See Also

Maintaining Alert Subscriptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Email Notifications to Forum Participants

Access the Notify Members page (click the Notify button on the Post Details page).

Use the Notify Members page to compose and send an email message to discussion forum participants. The To field is automatically populated with addresses for all members of the discussion forum who have defined an email address in their system profile.

Note. The email will contain a link to the discussion forum. Only members of the discussion forum will be able to access the forum through the link.


Enter additional email addresses for forum participants separated by commas.


Enter a subject for the email.


Enter the message text for your email.


Click to send the notification.

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Searches Within Discussion Forums

This section provides an overview of searching within discussion forum and describes how to search within discussion forums.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Searching Within Discussion Forums

You can search for items within a discussion forum in two ways:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Search Within Discussion Forums

Page Name

Definition Name



Search Discussion Forums


  • Click the Search link on the discussion forum homepage.

  • Click the Search link on the Post Details page.

  • Click the Search Discussions link in the Discussion Forums pagelet.

Perform a search within a discussion forum or across selected discussion forums and sites.



  • In the portal header, select Discussions as the search scope, enter the search string in the Search field, and press ENTER.

  • In the portal header, select Discussions as the search scope, enter the search string in the Search field, and click the Search button.

  • On the Search page, select Discussions as the search scope, enter the search string in the Search For field, and click the Search button.

Perform a search across all discussion forums sites.

Search Tips


  • Click the Search Tips link on the Search Discussion Forums page.

  • Click the Search Tips link on the Search page.

Display search syntax and examples.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching Within Discussion Forums

Access the Search Discussion Forums page (click the Search link on the discussion forum homepage).

Use the Search Discussion Forums page to perform a search within a discussion forum or across selected discussion forums and sites.

Search Text

Enter the search criteria.

Search Tips

Click to display search syntax and examples on the Search Tips page.

See Search Considerations and Syntax.

Search In

Current Forum — Select to search within the current discussion forum only.

Note. The Current Forum option is not displayed when the page is accessed from the Discussion Forums pagelet.

Current Site — Select to search within all discussion forums of which you are a member in the current site.

All Forums and Sites — Select to search within all discussion forums of which you are a member across all sites.

Related Forums — Select to search within related forums created through the Discussions related content service.


Click to perform the search.

Hide Summaries and Show Summaries

Click to hide or show the summaries in the search results.

Search Results

Click a link to view that item.

Return to <Discussion Forum>

If the search originated from a particular discussion forum, click to return to that forum or post.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Discussion Forums Pagelet

This section provides an overview of the Discussion Forums pagelet and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Discussion Forums Pagelet

The Discussion Forums pagelet lists discussion forums, topics, and replies. If you do not personalize the Discussion Forums pagelet, the pagelet displays the first 10 forums to which you have access, including those forums created with the Show by Default for All Users option selected, with three topics per forum and three replies per topic. In wide format, the pagelet also provides identification of the author of a topic or reply, as well as the date of the post. In narrow format, the pagelet does not provide this additional information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Personalize the Discussion Forums Pagelet

Page Name

Definition Name



Personalize Discussion Forums


Click the Customize button in the Discussion Forums pagelet.

Select the discussion forums and options for display in your Discussion Forums pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing Your Discussion Forums Pagelet

Access the Personalize Discussion Forums page (click the Customize icon in the Discussion Forums pagelet).

Use the Personalize Discussion Forums page to select the discussion forums and options for display in your Discussion Forums pagelet.

Number of Forums

Enter the maximum number of discussion forums you want to display in the pagelet. The default value is 10. The maximum number is 99.

Number of topics per forum

Enter the maximum number of topics that you want to display per forum in the pagelet. The default value is 3. The maximum number is 99.

Number of replies per topic

Enter the maximum number of replies you want to display per topic in the pagelet. The default value is 3. The maximum number is 99,999.

Order Forums

Select one of the following:

  • Alphabetically - Ascending — Select to sort by forum title in ascending order.

  • None - Default Sorting — Select to have no sort order. This is the default.

  • Time Ascending — Select to sort by date and time of creation in ascending order.

  • Time Descending — Select to sort by date and time of creation in descending order.

  • User Defined — Select to order explicitly by number. An Order of Appearance column appears in the My Forums grid.

Select All

Select to select all discussion forums.

Clear All

Select to clear all selected discussion forums.


Select the discussion forums you want to display on the pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Discussion Forums Pagelet

Access the Discussion Forums pagelet on the portal homepage.

Use the Discussion Forums pagelet to access and manage discussion forums, topics, and replies.

Click the Create a Topic button to access the Create New Topic page within the corresponding discussion forum.

<Discussion Forum>

Click a discussion forum link to access the discussion forum's homepage on which you can view details about the forum.

The hover text of the discussion forum link displays the description of the discussion forum.

<Topic Title>

Click a topic link to access the Post Details page on which you can view details about the topic.

<Reply Title>

Click a reply link to access the Post Details page on which you can view details about the reply.

Create Forum

Click to access the Create Forum page from which you can create a new discussion forum. This link displays for portal administrators only.

Administer Forums

Click to access to the Administer Discussion Forums page for all discussion forums. This link displays for portal administrators only.

My Forums

Click to access to the My Discussion Forums page.

Search Forums

Click to access the Search Discussion Forums page on which you can perform a search of text in the discussion forums to which you belong.

Hover over any of these to view the list of feeds published for all discussion forums. Click any list item to open that feed document.

Click the Feed button or Feed link to open the first feed document in the list.

Click the Open menu button to toggle the list of feeds between frozen open and closed.

See Viewing and Subscribing to Feeds.