Working With Feeds and Alerts

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicPublishing PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal Content as a Feed

This section provides an overview of which PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal items can be published as a feed and discusses how to publish that content as a feed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Which PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal Items Can Be Published as a Feed

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal provides the capability to publish many types of PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal content as feeds. Typically, a feed for one of these items can be published through a Publish as Feed link directly from the administration pages for that item without having to specify any advanced feed options. In PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, you can publish the following types of content as feeds:

In addition, PeopleTools delivers the capability to publish several types of feeds including queries, worklists, Integration Broker messages, and lists of feeds. The PeopleTools PeopleBooks cover publishing and managing PeopleTools feed data types.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Feed Publishing Framework, “Creating and Using Feeds.” Defining and Publishing Feeds.

Additional information on specific PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal feed types can be found in the Enterprise Portal PeopleBooks.

See Also

Publishing a Blog as a Feed

Publishing a Discussion Forum as a Feed

Publishing a Folder as a Feed

Publishing Categorized Content Folders

Publishing a News Publication as a Feed

Administering Workspace Feeds

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Publish PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal Content as a Feed

Page Name

Definition Name



Publish Feed Definition


  • Click the Publish as Feed link on the administration page for the item to be published.

  • Click the Edit button on the Publish as Feed page.

  • Click the Add Feed button on the Publish as Feed page.

Define feed security options, enter additional feed properties, and access advanced options.

Advanced Feed Options


Click the Advanced Options link on the Publish Feed Definition page.

Enter advanced option values that are specific to the feed data type.

Publish as Feed


  • When one or more feeds have been defined for this item, click the Publish as Feed link on the administration page for the item.

  • Click the Publish button on the Publish Feed Definition page.

  • Click the Cancel button on the Publish Feed Definition page.

Review, edit, add, or delete feed definitions for this item.

Publish Feed Definition to Sites


Click the Publish Feed to Other Sites link on the Publish Feed Definition page.

Publish an existing feed to other sites.

Define Feed Data Types


PeopleTools, Feeds, Define Feed Data Types

Define feed data types and publish the list of feeds for that type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing Feed Content

This section provides a high-level overview of the process to publish PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal items as feeds.

Note. In order to have the privileges to publish an item as a feed, you must be an administrator, manager, or owner of that item.

To publish an item as a feed:

  1. Go to the administration page for that item.

    For example, for a blog, go to the Manage Blog page; for a news publication, go to the Folder Properties page; for a workspace, go to the Administration - Feeds page; and so on.

  2. Click the Publish as Feed link.

    Depending on whether feed has already been published for this item, one of the following pages is displayed:

  3. Determine whether you want to edit one of the current feeds, or create a new feed.

    On the Publish as Feed page, click Edit to edit an existing feed; click Add New to create a new feed.

  4. Set the feed parameters, additional feed parameters, and feed security options on the Publish Feed Definition page.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Feed Publishing Framework, “Creating and Using Feeds,” Defining and Publishing Feeds, Defining Feed Properties.

  5. If you are required to set advanced options for this feed data type or if you wish to define advanced options for this feed, click the Advanced Options link.

    1. Set the advanced options for the feed.

    2. Click OK on the Advanced Feed Options page.

  6. Click the Publish button on the Publish Feed Definition page to save any new or revised feed definitions.

This section also discusses the following topics:

Publishing Feeds to Other Sites

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal feeds can also be published to other sites within the system. You use the Publish Feed Definition to Sites page to do this.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Feed Publishing Framework, “Creating and Using Feeds,” Defining and Publishing Feeds, Publishing Feeds to Additional Sites.

Publishing a List of Feeds

Each of the delivered PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal feed data types can also be published as a list of feeds, which provides a list of published feeds of that type.

To publish a list of feeds for a feed data type:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Feeds, Define Feed Data Types to access the Define Feed Data Types page for the type of feed you wish to publish as a list.

  2. Select the data type for which to produce the list of feeds.

    Note. While action items, calendars, and wiki content appear in the list of feed data types delivered with PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, these items can only be published as part of a workspace feed. Therefore, if you publish a list of feeds for one of these types, the feed document will always be empty even though some items have been published as part of a workspace feed.

  3. Click the Publish as Feed link.

  4. Enter the feed definition information.

    Note. To distinguish this as a list of feeds, you can change the feed title to include “List of” — for example, “List of Workspace Feeds.”

  5. Publish and save the feed definition.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Feed Publishing Framework, “Creating and Using Feeds,” Publishing Feeds Lists.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Subscribing to Feeds

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Subscribe to Feeds

Page Name

Definition Name



My Feeds


  • My Feeds

  • Click the View All Feeds link in the My Feeds pagelet.

  • Click the search button in the My Feeds pagelet.

Search and view published feeds to which you have access.

Personalize My Feeds


Click the Customize My Feeds button in the My Feeds pagelet.

Customize the display of the My Feeds pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Searching the List of Feeds

Access the My Feeds page (click the My Feeds link).

Use the My Feeds page to search for and view a list of published feeds to which you have access. For example, you must select the All Sites option on the My Feeds page to view published workspace feeds.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Feed Publishing Framework, “Creating and Using Feeds,” Accessing Feeds, Using the My Feeds Page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking With the My Feeds Pagelet

This section discusses how to:

Personalizing the My Feeds Pagelet

Access the Personalize My Feeds page (click the Customize My Feeds button in the My Feeds pagelet).

Use the Personalize My Feeds page to customize the display of the My Feeds pagelet.

Max Number of Rows

Enter the maximum number of feeds you want to display in the pagelet. The default value is 10.

Sort Order

Select one of the following:

  • Created Date - Ascending — Select to sort by feed definition creation date in ascending order—that is, from first to last.

  • Created Date - Descending — Select to sort by feed definition creation date in descending order—that is, from last to first.

  • Feed Data Type ID — Select to group feeds by their feed data type.

  • Feed ID — Select to sort by the feed ID.

  • Feed Title - Ascending — Select to sort by user-specified feed title in ascending order.

  • Feed Title - Descending — Select to sort by user-specified feed title in descending order

  • Modified Date - Ascending — Select to sort by feed definition modification date in ascending order—that is, from first to last.

  • Modified Date - Descending — Select to sort by feed definition modification date in descending order—that is, from last to first. This is the default sort order.

Using the My Feeds Pagelet

Access the My Feeds pagelet on the portal homepage.

Use the My Feeds pagelet to access and search for the feeds you are authorized to view. The My Feeds pagelet shows feeds from the current site only. To access feeds from a different site—for example, from a workspace—use the My Feeds page, or publish the feed definition to the current site using the Publish to Sites page.

See Viewing and Searching the List of Feeds.

<Feed Title>

Click a feed title link to open and view the feed document in a separate browser window.

View All Feeds

Click to access the My Feeds page to search for and view a list of published feeds to which you have access.

Click to access the My Feeds page having searched on the text entered in the Search field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing and Viewing Feeds

In PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, feeds can be accessed and viewed in multiple locations including:

When you click a link to view a feed, the feed document opens in a separate browser window.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Feed Publishing Framework, “Creating and Using Feeds,” Accessing Feeds, Using Related Feeds Hover Menus.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubscribing to Feeds

You can subscribe to PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal feeds using the Feed Reader pagelet, using your browser, or using a third-party feed aggregator or reader. To subscribe to a feed, obtain the feed URL by:

See Also

Using the Feed Reader Pagelet

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Alert Subscriptions

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Alert Subscriptions

Page Name

Definition Name



My Alerts


  • My Content, My Alerts

  • Click the View All My Alert Subscriptions on the Update Alerts Subscription page.

  • Click the View All My Alert Subscriptions on the Add Alert Subscription page.

View and maintain all of your alert subscriptions.

General Profile Information


  • Click the Edit link on the My Alerts page.

  • My System Profile

Maintain your system profile including the email address used for alert subscriptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Your Alert Subscriptions

Access the My Alerts page (My Content, My Alerts).

Use the My Alerts page to view and maintain all of your alert subscriptions. You can subscribe to alerts for:

Display Subscriptions for

Select a scope:

  • All — To display all your calendar and discussion forum subscriptions.

  • Community Calendars— To display all your calendar subscriptions.

  • Discussion Forum— To display all your discussion forum subscriptions.


Click a title to open that item in a new window.


Click the Edit button to access the Update Alerts Subscription page to edit that alert subscription.


Click the Delete button to delete the alert subscription. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

Delete All Subscriptions

Click to delete all alert subscriptions. You are prompted to confirm the deletions.


Click the Edit link to access the General Profile Information page, on which you can enter the email address at which you want to receive email alerts.

Email Address

Displays the email address to which the email alerts are being sent. This email address is defined on the General Profile Information page.

Email Format

Select the format in which email alerts should be sent to you:

  • Text Only — Select for text-based email alerts.

    Note. The contents of the email will use any text header and footer definitions defined by the portal administrator on the Define Alerts Email page.

  • HTML — Select for HTML-based email alerts.

    Note. For this option to be available, the Allow HTML Email option must be selected by the portal administrator on the Define Alerts Email page. The contents of the email will use any HTML header and footer definitions defined by the portal administrator on the Define Alerts Email page.


Select one of the following:

  • Links Only — Select to indicate that the email should contain only links to the items in the alert.

  • Links with Summaries — Select to indicate that the email should contain links to and summaries about the items in the alert.

Include Overview/Outline

Select to have email alerts sent with an overview at the beginning of the email. The overview contains an outline of the email contents.

See Also

Administering the Alerts Framework

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Your Email Address

Access the General Profile Information page (click the Edit link on the My Alerts page).

Use the General Profile Information page to maintain your system profile including the email address used for alert subscriptions.

Primary Email Account

Select to identify the email account for alert subscriptions.

Email Type

Select the type for this email address.

Email Address

Enter your complete email address.

The other fields on this page are documented in PeopleTools PeopleBooks.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications, “Setting User Preferences,” Setting User Personalizations, Setting Up Your System Profile.