Working With Context Manager Pagelets

This chapter provides an overview of Context Manager pagelets and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Context Manager Pagelets

Context Manager provides the user with immediate, relevant information for any business transaction without requiring a manual search. To the users, Context Manager appears as a frame on the right side of the page displaying pagelets that are loaded with appropriate information based on the target page or transaction. Therefore, Context Manager can be considered to be the framework within which features—such as, related information, related contacts, related resources, related discussions, related workspaces, related links, and content ratings—operate.

Note. Defined security rules are maintained such that items to which a user does not have access will not appear.

Context Manager is just one method that PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal delivers for providing contextually relevant information to your users. PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal also provides a general purpose solution that can be deployed to any of your PeopleSoft application pages. PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal related content services provide PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal features on PeopleSoft application pages.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal-Delivered Related Content Services.

Once pagelets have been assigned to menu items, these pagelets can be used by:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Content in the Context Manager Pagelets

Context Manager pagelets provide features for topic experts to manage the content items displayed within each pagelet. Topic experts are responsible for adding, editing, expiring, or deleting content items for each combination of menu item and template pagelet publication.

The following example shows a page (the sample Context Manager Item page) with a number of Context Manager pagelets, including the Related Information pagelet. In this example, the topic expert has clicked the Add button in the Related Information pagelet, which opens the Related Information page in a separate window, allowing the expert to add a new content item.

Topic expert adding content to the Related Information pagelet

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Content in the Context Manager Pagelets

Unlike homepage pagelets, Context Manager pagelets display in the Context Manager frame on the right side of the page. The Context Manager frame displays when you accesses a transaction or page to which one or more of the pagelets has been assigned. The Context Manager pagelets are designed to provide convenient access to data that is contextually relevant to the transaction or page being displayed.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Context Manager Frame

Access a page that has the dynamic content template and pagelets assigned.

The following example displays the Context Manager frame showing the pagelets configured for this page:

Context Manager frame


Click the Click to Expand Contextual Pagelets button to expand the Context Manager frame to display the configured pagelets.


Click the Click to Collapse Contextual Pagelets button to collapse the Context Manager frame to hide the configured pagelets.

Administer Pagelets

Click the Administer Pagelets link to access the Assign Template Pagelets page to manage template pagelets assigned to this menu item.

Note. The Administer Pagelets link displays for portal administrators with privileges to manage template pagelet assignments.

See Assigning Additional Template Pagelets to Menu Items.


Click the Maximize button or Minimize button to display or hide the contents of a specific pagelet.

<link title>

Click the title of a link to open that content item in a separate browser window.

Note. A maximum of five links can appear on each pagelet. If more than five links are available, the pagelet displays the five most recently added links along with a Show All link. You can click this link to access a page listing all available links.

Note. The system checks the publication and expiration dates and displays only currently active content.

Click the Edit this link button to edit the attributes of this content item.

Note. The Edit this link button displays for topic experts who have been assigned to manage content for this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Add button to add a new content item to this pagelet.

Note. The Add button displays for topic experts who have been assigned to manage content for this pagelet–menu item combination.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Related Contacts Pagelet

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work With the Related Contacts Pagelet

Page Name

Definition Name



Contact User


Click the name of a contact in the Related Contacts pagelet.

Open a new browser window to send an email to a related contact.

Related Contacts List


Click the Show All… link in the Related Contacts pagelet.

Open a new browser window to view the entire list of related contacts.

Note. From this page, topic experts can also maintain related contacts.

Related Contact


  • Click the Edit this link button or the Add button in the Related Contacts pagelet.

  • Click the Edit button or the Add button on the Related Contacts List page.

Open a new browser window to add a new related contact or edit an existing related contact.

Note. Only topic experts can add or edit related contacts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Related Contacts Pagelet

Access the Related Contacts pagelet in the Context Manager frame.

Use these elements in the Related Contacts pagelet:

<Contact description>

Click a contact link to open a new browser window showing the Contact User page on which you can send an email to the selected contact.

Click the Edit this link button to open a new browser window showing the Related Contact page on which you can update information for the contact.

Note. The Edit this link button displays for topic experts only.

Show All...

Click the Show All... link to open a new browser window showing the Related Contacts List page on which you can view the complete list of contacts.


Click the Add button to open a new browser window showing the Related Contact page on which you can add a new contact for the current menu item.

Note. The Add button displays for topic experts only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicContacting a Related Contact

Access the Contact User page (click the name of a contact in the Related Contacts pagelet or click the Email button on the Related Contacts List page).

User ID and Description

Displays the user ID and description of the selected contact.

Email Subject

Enter a subject for your email.

Note. The topic expert can define a default email subject, which you can override, on the Related Contact page.

Message Text

Enter the email message.


Click to send your email. A confirmation page appears to inform you that your email was transmitted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a List of Related Contacts

Access the Related Contacts List page (click the Show All… link in the Related Contacts pagelet).

Use the Related Contacts List page to send an email to any of the related contacts.

Note. From this page, topic experts can also maintain related contacts.

Click the Email button to access the Contact User page to send an email to that contact.


Click the Edit button to access the Related Contact page to edit the contact information for this related contact.

Note. The Edit button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Delete button to delete this related contact.

Note. The Delete button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Add button to access the Related Contact page to add a new related contact.

Note. The Add button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Save button to save your changes.

Note. The Save button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Editing Related Contacts

Access the Related Contact page (click the Edit this link button or the Add button in the Related Contacts pagelet).


Displays the name of the template pagelet publication.

Menu Item Name

Displays the name of the current menu item.


Select the user ID of the related contact.

Display Label

Enter a description for the contact, which appears in the Related Contacts pagelet and on the Related Contacts List page.

Publish Dt (publish date)

Select the date on which the contact should be published and available for viewing in the pagelet for this menu item.

Expiration Date

Select the date on which you want this contact to become inactive for this menu item. Leave this field blank if there is no expiration date.

Note. Enter a date in the past to immediately remove a related contact link from the pagelet.

Link Hover Text

Enter tool tip text that you want to display when the user's cursor hovers over the link for this related contact.

Email Address

Displays the contact's default email address from his or her system profile.

Email Subject

Enter a default subject to appear when a user sends an email to this contact.

Email Address Override

Select if you want to override the default email address for the contact.

Override Email

If you selected the Email Address Override, option, enter the overriding email address for this contact.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Related Discussion Pagelet

This section provides an overview of forums started from the Related Discussion pagelet and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Forums Started from the Related Discussion Pagelet

Discussions started from the Related Discussion pagelet are similar to stand alone discussions created in the portal. However, these discussions have several distinctions from stand alone discussions including:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Related Discussion Pagelet

Access the Related Discussion pagelet in the Context Manager frame.

<Topic title>

Click the link for a discussion topic to view the Post Details page.

View / Add Topic

Click the View / Add Topic link access discussion forum homepage.


Click the Manage link to open the Forum Privileges page in a new window.

Note. The Manage link appears for the first user to access the page after the Related Discussion pagelet has been assigned. This user becomes the default forum moderator. The Manage link also appears for users who have discussion administrator privileges.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicParticipating in and Managing Forums Started from the Related Discussion Pagelet

Discussions started from the Related Discussion pagelet are similar to stand alone discussions created in the portal.

To participate in a discussion started from the Related Discussion pagelet, see the chapter on discussion forums in this PeopleBook.

See Participating in Discussion Forums.

To manage in a discussion forum started from the Related Discussion pagelet, see the chapter on discussion forums in this PeopleBook.

See Creating Discussion Forums.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Related Information Pagelet

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work With the Related Information Pagelet

Page Name

Definition Name



Related Information - <Content Title>



Click the link for a related information item in the Related Information pagelet.

Open a new browser window to view the selected related information item.

Related Information List


Click the Show All... link in the Related Information pagelet.

Open a new browser window to view the entire list of related information items.

Note. From this page, topic experts can also maintain related information items.

Related Information


  • Click the Edit this link button or the Add button in the Related Information pagelet.

  • Click the Edit button or the Add button on the Related Information List page.

Open a new browser window to add a new related information item or edit an existing related information item.

Note. Only topic experts can add or edit related information items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Related Information Pagelet

Access the Related Information pagelet in the Context Manager frame.

Use these elements in the Related Information pagelet:

<Content description>

Click a content link to open a new browser window displaying the related information item. The links listed in the Related Information pagelet can connect to any of the following:

  • External websites

  • File attachments

  • Managed content items

  • Menu items

Click the Edit this link button to open a new browser window showing the Related Information page on which you can update information for the related information item.

Note. The Edit this link button displays for topic experts only.

Show All...

Click the Show All... link to open a new browser window showing the Related Information List page on which you can view the complete list of items.


Click the Add button to open a new browser window showing the Related Information page on which you can add a new related information item for the current menu item.

Note. The Add button displays for topic experts only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Related Information Item

Access the item of related information (click the link for an item in the Related Information pagelet or click the link for an item on the Related Information List page).

Depending on the type of related information, a new browser window is opened displaying the following:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a List of Related Information Items

Access the Related Information List page (click the Show All... link in the Related Information pagelet).

Related Content

Click a link to open a new browser window displaying the content item or the Related Information - <Content Title> page for an item of managed content.


Click the Edit button to access the Related Information page to edit the information for this related information item.

Note. The Edit button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Delete button to delete this related information item.

Note. The Delete button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Add button to access the Related Information page to add a new related information item.

Note. The Add button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Save button to save your changes.

Note. The Save button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Editing Related Information

Access the Related Information page (click the Edit this link button or the Add button on the Related Information pagelet).


Displays the name of the template pagelet publication.

Menu Item Name

Displays the name of the menu item for this pagelet–menu item combination.

Content Type

If the administrator specified All Types on the Related Information Publication page, use the drop-down list to select a type for this related information item:

  • External Website — Specify an external website URL as related information.

  • File Attachment — Upload a text file as related information.

  • Managed Content Select an item of managed content as related information.

  • Menu Item — Select a menu item from the portal registry as related information.

Important! If the portal administrator specified a content type for the publication on the Related Information Publication page, then that value is displayed in this field and should not be changed.

Note. After you select a type, the page presents only the fields necessary to further define the selected related information type.

Display Label

Enter a value in this required field before attempting to select or define an item.


If the type is set to External Website, enter the URL for the website.

File Name

If the type is set to File Attachment, click the Add Attachment button to upload the file.

Once uploaded, the name of the file appears as a link. Click the link to display the contents of the file in a new browser window. Click the Delete Attachment button to remove an uploaded file.

Content Title

If the type is set to Managed Content, click the Select Content button to select the item of managed content.

Once selected, the content title appears as a link. Click the link to display the item in a new browser window. Click the Re-Select Content button to select a different item of managed content.

Menu Item Name

If the type is set to Menu Item, select the menu item.

Publish Dt (publish date)

Select the date on which the information should be published and available for viewing in the pagelet for this menu item.

Expiration Date

Select the date on which you want this related information link to become inactive for this menu item. Leave this field blank if there is no expiration date.

Note. Enter a date in the past to immediately remove a related information link from the pagelet.

Link Hover Text

Enter tool tip text that you want to display when the user's cursor hovers over the link for this related information item.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Related Resources Pagelet

This section discusses how to:

Note. You must set up Resource Finder and its search indices before you can use Related Resources pagelet. In addition, the Resource Finder installationoption must be enabled.

See Also

Enterprise Portal Resource Finder Overview

Performing Resource Finder Searches

Defining Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work With the Related Resources Pagelet

Page Name

Definition Name



Resource Finder profile


Click the link for a related resource in the Related Resources pagelet.

Open a new browser window to view the Resource Finder profile for the selected resource.

Related Resources List


Click the Show All... link in the Related Resources pagelet.

Open a new browser window to view the entire list of related resources.

Note. From this page, topic experts can also maintain related resources.

Related Resources


Click the Edit this link button or the Add button in the Related Resources pagelet.

Open a new browser window to add a new related resource or edit an existing related resource.

Note. Only topic experts can add or edit related resources.

Related Resources - Advanced Search


Click the Search button on the Related Resources page.

Search for and select a Resource Finder resource as a related resource.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Related Resources Pagelet

Access the Related Resources pagelet in the Context Manager frame.

The Related Resources pagelet derives its resources from the Resource Finder feature. Resource Finder is a highly flexible repository that can receive data loads containing information about any entity, along with links that relate these entities to each other. These entities are typically things like customers, suppliers, employees, departments, locations, companies, and business units.

Use these elements in the Related Resources pagelet:

<Resource Name>

Click a resource name to open a new browser window displaying the Resource Finder profile for that resource.

Click the Edit this link button to open a new browser window showing the Related Resources page on which you can update information for the related resource.

Note. The Edit this link button displays for topic experts only.

Show All...

Click the Show All... link to open a new browser window showing the Related Resources List page on which you can view the complete list of resources.


Click the Add button to open a new browser window showing the Related Resources page on which you can add a new related resource for the current menu item.

Note. The Add button displays for topic experts only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Related Resource Profile

Access the Resource Finder profile page (click the link for an item in the Related Resources pagelet or click the link for an item on the Related Resources List page).

A Resource Finder profile displays contact information about a resource along with relationships amongst the resource and other resources in the system. Resource Finder and Resource Finder profiles are discussed in the Resource Finder PeopleBook.

See Using Participant Profiles and Organization Charts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a List of Related Resources

Access the Related Resources List page (click the Show All... link in the Related Resources pagelet).

Related Resources

Click a link to open a new browser window displaying the Resource Finder profile for the related resource.


Click the Edit button to access the Related Resources page to edit the information for this related resource.

Note. The Edit button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Delete button to delete this related resource.

Note. The Delete button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Add button to access the Related Resources page to add a new related resource.

Note. The Add button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.


Click the Save button to save your changes.

Note. The Save button appears only for topic experts assigned to this pagelet–menu item combination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Editing Related Resources

Access the Related Resources page (click the Edit this link button or the Add button in the Related Resources pagelet).


Displays the name of the template pagelet publication.

Menu Item Name

Displays the name of the menu item for this pagelet–menu item combination.

Display Label

Enter the link name that is displayed in the Related Resources pagelet for this resource.

Note. The default is the name of the resource, which is populated after a resource is selected.

Text to Search For

Enter search criteria to select a resource from Resource Finder.


Click the Search button to access the Related Resources - Advanced Search page.

Contact Description

Displays the name of the selected resource.

Publish Dt (publish date)

Select the date on which the resource should be published and available for viewing on the pagelet for this menu item.

Expiration Date

Select the date on which you want this resource to become inactive for this menu item. Leave this field blank if there is no expiration date.

Note. Enter a date in the past to immediately remove a related resource link from the pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for a Related Resource

Access the Related Resources - Advanced Search page (enter search criteria and click the Search button on the Related Resources page).


Select the resource type: Customer Contact, Employee, and Product Expert.

Note. The resource type determines the available search fields.


Enter text to search for in the the resource's name.

Contains Words

Enter any text (word, phrase, or word fragment) to search for in all fields of the resource's profile.

Look Up

Click the Look Up button to execute the search.


Click a Name link in the search results to select that profile as the related resource.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Related Workspaces Pagelet

This section discusses how to use the Related Workspaces pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work With the Related Workspaces Pagelet

Page Name

Definition Name



Select A Workspace Template


Click the Create Workspace link in the My Workspaces pagelet.

Select the template on which you want to base the new workspace.

Workspaces - Search


Click the View All Workspaces link in the My Workspaces pagelet.

Specify criteria to search for workspaces of which you are already a member.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Related Workspaces Pagelet

Access the Related Workspaces pagelet in the Context Manager frame.

View All Workspaces

Click to access the Browse Workspaces search page.

See Searching for Workspaces.

Create Workspace

Click to display step 1 of the workspace creation wizard.

Note. When you access this wizard through the Related Workspaces pagelet from the transaction for which you are building this workspace and the transaction has been associated with a workspace template, that recommended template is selected by default, but can be overridden.

See Step 1: Selecting a Workspace Template.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Content Ratings Pagelet

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used with the Content Ratings Pagelet

Page Name

Definition Name



Content ratings survey


  • Click the link for a survey in the Content Ratings pagelet.

  • Click the View Results button after completing the survey.

Participate in a content ratings survey associated with the current menu item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Content Ratings Pagelet

Access the Content Ratings pagelet in the Context Manager frame.

Click a link to access a survey that has been assigned to the menu item.

See Also

Managing Content Ratings and iTracker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicParticipating in Content Ratings Surveys


Access a content ratings survey page (click the link for a survey in the Content Ratings pagelet).

Note. The actual page name and question depend on the survey.

Each content ratings survey consists of a single question. The question can be in the form of multiple choice, ranking list, or a yes/no question.


Enter free-form text in this field to add any comments that you have regarding the survey.


Click to submit your response. A confirmation page is displayed.

Note. From the confirmation page, click theView Results button to view the current results of the survey.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Menu 2.0 Pagelet

The Menu 2.0 pagelet replicates the menu items of the drop-down Main Menu and the Enterprise Menu pagelet. The Menu 2.0 pagelet provides you with access to all of your menu items in the Context Manager frame.

Note. The current menu item is highlighted in the Menu 2.0 pagelet.