Creating Collaborative Workspaces

This chapter provides an overview of workspace creation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Workspace Creation

In Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, when you create a collaborative workspace, you can create the workspace at the root of the workspace hierarchy or as a child of any existing workspace. When you create a root-level workspace, you typically use the five-step workspace creation wizard to guide you through the process of selecting a template, selecting workspace modules, and so on. When you create a child workspace, many of the characteristics of the parent workspace are inherited by the child by default and only one step is required to name the workspace and select a template.

The following example of the Workspaces - Hierarchy page shows four root-level workspaces. One of the root-level workspaces, Wiki WS, has a child workspace:

Collaborative workspaces can also be created and updated in batch mode. When you create or update workspaces in batch mode, you specify the workspace attributes to create or update in XML following the specifications of the workspace DTD.

You can create a workspace from each of the following locations:

Note. The Workspaces - Search page and the Workspaces - Hierarchy page are also available through the Browse Workspaces module of each workspace.

See Also

Working With the My Workspaces Pagelet

Creating and Using Links with the Related Links Service

Working With the Related Workspaces Pagelet

Using the Browse Workspaces Module

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Root-Level Workspaces

This section discusses how to use the workspace creation wizard to create a root-level workspace by:

  1. Selecting a workspace template.

  2. Relating a workspace to a transaction (if applicable).

  3. Naming and describing a workspace.

  4. Selecting workspace modules.

  5. Adding workspace members.

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Select A Workspace Template


  • Browse Workspaces

    Click the Create Workspace button.

  • Browse Workspaces

    Select the Workspaces - Hierarchy page.

    Click the Create Root Workspace button.

  • Portal Administration, Workspaces, Create Workspace

  • Click the Create Workspace link in the My Workspaces pagelet.

  • Click the Save button on the Create and Link Workspace page in the Related Links service.

  • Click the Create Workspace link in the Related Workspaces pagelet.

  • Click the Select a Template button on any page in the Create A Collaborative Workspace wizard.

Select the template on which you want to base the new workspace.

Relate Workspace to a Transaction


  • Click the Next button on the Select A Workspace Template page.

  • Click the Relate Workspace button on any page in the Create A Collaborative Workspace wizard.

If the workspace template on which you are basing the creation of your workspace contains contextual data, you can use this page to relate the workspace to specific data about a transaction; otherwise, this page is skipped during workspace creation.

Name and Describe Workspace


  • Click the Next button the Relate Workspace to a Transaction page.

  • Click the Name and Describe Workspace button on any page in the Create A Collaborative Workspace wizard.

Enter a name, description, and category to help identify the workspace.

Select Workspace Modules


  • Click the Next button on the Name and Describe Workspace page.

  • Click the Select Workspace Modules button on any page in the Create A Collaborative Workspace wizard.

Select the modules you want to include in the workspace.

Add Members (Optional)


  • Click the Next button on the Select Workspace Modules page.

  • Click the Add Members button on any page in the Create A Collaborative Workspace wizard.

Select and invite members to participate in the new workspace.

Create User Account


Click the Create Account button on the Add Members (Optional) page.

Create a system account and ID to allow an external user to access this workspace.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStep 1: Selecting a Workspace Template

Access the Select A Workspace Template page (Browse Workspaces; click the Create Workspace button on the Search page) or (Browse Workspaces; select the Hierarchy page; click the Create Root Workspace button).


Select the template on which you want to base your workspace.

If you have accessed this wizard directly from the transaction for which you are building this workspace and the transaction has been associated with a workspace template, a recommended template is selected by default, but can be overridden.


A description of the selected template is displayed.

Contextual Data

If you have selected a template and contextual data has been defined for the template, the labels of the key fields selected to supply contextual data appear here.

See Also

Creating a Workspace Template

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStep 2: Relating a Workspace to a Transaction

Access the Relate Workspace to a Transaction page (click the Next button on the Select Workspace Template page).

Note. If there is no contextual data required for this workspace, this step is skipped and the system displays step 3 automatically.

Contextual Data

If contextual data has been defined for the workspace template, the key fields selected to supply contextual data display here. In addition, if you have accessed this component directly from a transaction for which you are building this workspace, applicable values display in the key fields. If you did not access this component directly from a transaction, you can enter your own values in the key fields.

For example, if you tied a template to a customer profile transaction with a key of customer ID, you could create a workspace that is contextually tied to a customer. Another example could involve a template tied to a help desk transaction with a key of case ID. You could create a workspace that is contextually tied to a specific case.

Note. While you can manually enter data on this page, we recommend that you populate these fields by creating a workspace directly from a transaction.

See Also

Defining Contextual Data for a Template

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStep 3: Naming and Describing a Workspace

Access the Name and Describe Workspace page (click the Next button on the Relate Workspace to a Transaction page).


Enter a name for the workspace. The name of the workspace appears in the header on the workspace homepage, at the top of the workspace menu, and anywhere workspaces are listed—for example, on pages to search for or manage workspaces, in pagelets, in search results, and so on.


Enter an optional description for the workspace.

This description also becomes the default welcome text, which is displayed in the Welcome module if that module is configured for this workspace.


Select a category for the workspace.

If a category has been defined for the workspace template, the category displays by default. You can select a different category if the template definition specifies that the category can be overridden.

You can also use the Administration - Properties page accessed from the workspace to modify the workspace name, description, category, and other attributes.

See Also

Administering Workspace Properties

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStep 4: Selecting Workspace Modules

Access the Select Workspace Modules page (click the Next button on the Name and Describe Workspace page).

Modules selected in the workspace template are selected by default on this page. You can select or remove modules as appropriate to your workspace. Removing a module simply hides the link to the module. Data is preserved and no activity in the module is deleted. If you select to include the module in the workspace in the future, all data present prior to its removal will still be available.

If you selected the Base Workspace Template, then the Member, Administration, and Welcome modules are required and cannot be deleted from the workspace. If you selected the Base Workspace Template Wiki, then the Member, Administration, and Wiki Content modules are required and cannot be deleted from the workspace.

You can also use the Administration - Modules page accessed from the workspace to add and remove workspace modules.

See Also

Administering Workspace Modules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStep 5: Adding Workspace Members

Access the Add Members (Optional) page (click the Next button on the Select Workspace Modules page).

You can add members and create a user account using this page when you create the workspace. If the workspace template contains definitions for default members, those members will display on this page. You can also use the Administration - Members page accessed from the workspace to add and remove members.

See Administering Workspace Members.

Adding Workspace Members

Send Invite

Select to send a notification to the selected members alerting them that they have been added as a member to the workspace. The default notification text will be used and includes a link to the workspace homepage. Alternatively, you can send notifications after the workspace has been created, which also allows you to modify the notification text on the Set Invitation Message page.

See Sending Invitations to Workspace Members.


Select the type of member you want to add to the workspace. To be able to select Administrator or Owner in the Privilege Set field, you must select the User value here.

Available values include:

Role. Select to be able to select a role in the Member Name field. Available roles are derived from PeopleSoft roles defined on the Roles page.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Setting Up Roles”

User. Select to be able to select a user in the Member Name field. Available users are derived from PeopleSoft users defined on the User Profiles page.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Administering User Profiles”

Member Name

Select a name from the list of roles or users.

Privilege Set

Select a privilege level you want to assign to the member. To be able to assign the Administrator or Owner privilege level to a member, you must have selected User in the Type field. Available values are:







See Understanding Workspace Privilege Sets.

Add Workspace Member

Click to add another member to the workspace.

Create User Account

Click to access the Create User Account page that enables you to enter a new user name and email account for an external member.

Note. The Create User Account button appears only if the Enable External Users option has been set on the Installation Options page.

See Setting System Options.


Click to finish workspace creation and access the workspace homepage.

Creating an External User Account

Access the Create User Account page.

Use the Create User Account page to create an account to allow an external user to access this workspace. The system user ID will be based on the email address you enter. The name will be used as the description in the PeopleTools user profile. A dynamically created password will be mailed to the user enabling access to the workspace. When the external user logs in to the workspace for the first time, the Change Password page is displayed and they are asked to change the password that was sent in the invitation.


Enter a valid email address.

The system user ID generated from this email address will be truncated at the @ sign. For example, an email address of will result in a user ID of FIRST.LAST.


Enter a description for this account.

This will be used as the description in the PeopleTools user profile.

Matching Accounts

After you enter a valid email address and exit the Email field, if a matching email address is found in the system, the Matching Accounts group box appears displaying matching accounts.

Create Account

Click the Create Account button to create a new external user account and return to the Add Members (Optional) page.

Cancel and Previous

Click either button to return to the Add Members (Optional) page without creating the external user account.


The Finish button is not active on this page. Click Create Account or Cancel.

External user information can be accessed and managed from the Manage External User page.

See Managing External User Accounts for Workspaces.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Child Workspaces

This section discusses how to create a child workspace.

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Create Child Workspace


Browse Workspaces

Select the Workspaces - Hierarchy page.

Select a parent workspace.

Click the Create Child Workspace button.

Create a child workspace of the selected parent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Child Workspace

Access the Create Child Workspace page (select a parent workspace and click the Create Child Workspace button on the Workspaces - Hierarchy page).

Use the Create Child Workspace page to create a child of the parent workspace. As an alternative to the five steps of the workspace wizard, this page allows you to specify the name, description, template, and default members in one step. If the child workspace uses the same template as the parent, then the default option is to copy workspace members from the parent. If the child workspace uses a different template, then the default option is to copy workspace members from the template.


Enter a name for the workspace. The name of the workspace appears in the header on the workspace homepage, at the top of the workspace menu, and anywhere workspaces are listed—for example, on pages to search for or manage workspaces, in pagelets, in search results, and so on.


Enter an optional description for the workspace.

This description also becomes the default welcome text, which is displayed in the Welcome module if that module is configured for this workspace.


Select the template on which you want to base your child workspace.

The template used by the parent workspace is selected by default, but can be overridden.

Copy Members Option

Select the copy option:

  • Copy From The Workspace — Copies the members from the parent workspace.

    Note. When the child’s template is the same as the parent’s, this option is selected by default.

  • Copy From The Template — Copies the members from the template.

    Note. When the child’s template is different from the parent’s, this option is selected by default.

  • Do Not Copy Members — No members are added to the workspace by default.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Workspaces in Batch Mode

This section discusses how to run the process to create and update workspaces in batch mode.

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Batch Create Workspaces


Portal Administration, Workspaces, Batch Create Workspaces, Batch Create Workspaces

Specify the XML and other parameters for the workspace batch process.

Document Type Definition (DTD)


Click the View Document Type Definition (DTD) link on the Batch Create Workspaces page.

Review the DTD that provides the specification for the XML for the workspace batch process.

Sample XML File


Click the View Sample XML File link on the Batch Create Workspaces page.

View example XML that can be copied and modified to be the input to the workspace batch process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Process to Create and Update Workspaces in Batch Mode

This section discusses how to:

Creating and Updating Workspaces in Batch

Access the Batch Create Workspaces page (Portal Administration, Workspaces, Batch Create Workspaces, Batch Create Workspaces).

Use the Batch Create Workspaces page to specify the XML and other parameters for the workspace batch process (EPPCW_IMPORT). The EPPCW_IMPORT Application Engine program returns a standard processing log for the job and an XML file of any workspaces that had errors and were not created by the process—for example, workspaces that had blank values for required elements. You can correct the XML blocks and resubmit them for processing.

Report Manager

Click to access the Report Manager module to view report results.

See PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Using Report Manager.

Process Monitor

Click to access the Process Monitor to view the status of job requests.

See PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Using Process Monitor.

Run / Schedule

Click to schedule and run this process.

Process Scheduler runs the EPPCW_IMPORT process at the user-defined time.

See PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Submitting and Scheduling Process Requests.

View Document Type Definition (DTD)

Click to review the DTD that provides the specification for the XML for the workspace batch process.

See Reviewing the DTD.

View Sample XML File

View example XML that demonstrates how to create and update workspaces.

Copy and modify this XML to be the input to the workspace batch process. Save the XML as a file, or paste the modified XML directly into the text box.

See Viewing the Example XML.

Select File

Click to browse to a local file that you want to use to create or modify workspaces in batch mode.

text box

Insert the XML defining the workspaces to be created or updated.

See XML Attributes for Workspace Creation and Update.

Notify Workspace Owners

Select this option to send an email to the owner of each workspace indicating that the workspace has been created or modified.

The output file is named EPPCW_BATCH_ERROR.xml and is written to the application server. Use the Process Monitor to access the log file.

Reviewing the DTD

Access the Document Type Definition (DTD) page (click the View Document Type Definition (DTD) on the Batch Create Workspaces page).

Use the Document Type Definition (DTD) page to review the DTD, which provides the specification for the XML for the workspace batch process. The workspace DTD is included here for reference:

<!DOCTYPE WORKSPACES [ <!ELEMENT workspaces (workspace+)> <!ELEMENT workspace (portalname, description, welcometext, invitationtext,⇒ category, template, validfrom, validto, members, keys)> <!ELEMENT members (member+)> <!ELEMENT keys (key+)> <!ELEMENT portalname (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT description (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT welcometext (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT invitationtext (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT category (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT template (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT member (name, type, privilege)> <!ELEMENT key (keyname, keyvalue, keydescr, keyshow)> <!ELEMENT name (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT type (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT privilege (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT keyname (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT keyvalue (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT keydescr (#CDATA)> <!ELEMENT keyshow (#CDATA)> <!ATTLIST workspace mode (ADD|UPDATE)> ]>

Viewing the Example XML

Access the Sample XML File page (click the View Sample XML File link on the Batch Create Workspaces page).

Use the Sample XML File page to view example XML that demonstrates how to create and update workspaces. You can copy and modify this XML to be the input to the workspace batch process. Save the XML as a file, or paste the modified XML directly into the text box on the Batch Create Workspaces page.

See XML Attributes for Workspace Creation and Update.

XML Attributes for Workspace Creation and Update

Copy the delivered sample XML and modify it to create or update specific workspaces. To create or update multiple workspaces, copy and modify the block of XML for each workspace you are modifying or creating.

The workspace DTD specifies the following XML elements:


Requires at least one <workspace> element.


Each <workspace> element corresponds to a workspace and has two attributes:

  • title =

    Enter the name of the workspace. This is a required attribute for ADD mode only.

  • mode=

    Enter ADD or UPDATE. If you are updating the workspace, then the portal name becomes a required attribute.


Enter the name of the portal. This is a required attribute for UPDATE mode only.


Optional attribute. Enter a text string describing the workspace.


Optional attribute. Enter text that you want to appear as a welcome message in the Welcome pagelet.


Optional attribute. Enter the text that is sent out in an email as an invitation to participate in the workspace.


Optional attribute. Enter the name of the category you want to assign to the workspace.


Optional attribute. Enter the template name for the workspace.


Optional attribute. Enter the date that the workspace becomes valid.


Optional attribute. Enter the date that the workspace is no longer valid.


Each <workspace> element requires a <members> element, which in turn requires at least one <member> element.


Each <member> element corresponds to a workspace member and has three required elements:

  • <name>

    The user ID or role name for the workspace member.

  • <type>

    Enter USER or ROLE.

  • <privilege>

    Enter one of the following values:








The <keys> element is optional and is only valid when the workspace template defines contextual keys. If used, then at least one <key> element must be defined.


Each <key> element corresponds to a contextual data key for the workspace and has four required elements:

  • <keyname>

    The name for the contextual data key.

  • <keyvalue>

    The value of the contextual key.

  • <keydescr>

    The custom label for the contextual data key.

  • <keyshow>

    Enter Y or N to indicate whether the key is displayed in the workspace menu on the homepage.

    Note. The <keyshow> parameter is equivalent to the Display option on the Administration - Contextual Data page.