Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Interface ControlBinding

All Known Subinterfaces:
AttributeBinding, AttributeBinding, AttributesBinding, AttributesBinding, ControlBinding, OperationBinding, OperationBinding, RangeBinding, RangeBinding
All Known Implementing Classes:
JUActionBinding, JUButtonBinding, JUButtonGroupBinding, JUComboBoxBinding, JUComboBoxCtrlBinding, JUComboBoxLovEditBinding, JUCtrlActionBinding, JUCtrlAdaptRangeBinding, JUCtrlAdaptValueBindingRef, JUCtrlAttrsBinding, JUCtrlBoolBinding, JUCtrlHierBinding, JUCtrlListBinding, JUCtrlParameterBinding, JUCtrlRangeBinding, JUCtrlValueBindingRef, JUDefaultControlBinding, JUFormattedTextFieldBinding, JULabelBinding, JUListSingleSelBinding, JULovButtonBinding, JUProgressBarAttrBinding, JUScrollBarAttrBinding, JUSliderAttrBinding, JUSpinnerBinding, JUTableBinding, JUTextFieldBinding, JUTreeBinding, JUTreeTableBinding

public interface ControlBinding

Base interface for all bindings that allow binding a View component to the data accessed via a datacontrol.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return name that identifies this binding uniquely in it's container.
 java.lang.String getPath()
          Get a unique path to this instance of the control binding inside it's 'outermost' container that is referred in the BindingContext.
 void release()
          Releases this ControlBinding.
 boolean resolvePath(java.util.Map postMap)
          Given a map of name/value pairs, use this binding's path to find an entry in this map.
 void setListener(UpdateListener listener)
          Adds a listener that should be notified when the associated attribute value changes.

Method Detail


void release()
Releases this ControlBinding. This method is called when the view component has finished using this ControlBinding.


void setListener(UpdateListener listener)
Adds a listener that should be notified when the associated attribute value changes.

listener - The listener object that needs be notified.


java.lang.String getPath()
Get a unique path to this instance of the control binding inside it's 'outermost' container that is referred in the BindingContext. This string allows the control binding to extract it's data or action out of the postMap provided in resolvePath(). Both these apis are useful in web style clients and may not have much role to play in interactive clients like Swing.


boolean resolvePath(java.util.Map postMap)
Given a map of name/value pairs, use this binding's path to find an entry in this map. If found, return true so that controller logic may use that information to update binding's data if changed or otherwise.


java.lang.String getName()
Return name that identifies this binding uniquely in it's container.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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