Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Interface JUIteratorChangedListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
JUProgressBarBinding, JUScrollBarBinding, JUSliderBinding

public interface JUIteratorChangedListener

Implemented by all controls/classes that are interested in knowing when the RowSetIterator for an iteratorBinding in a panel is changed. Typically controls like JUNavigationBar and JUStatusBar that are interested in updating their display based on current iterator settings listen into this event (generated by JUPanelBinding). When an iterator binding's iterator is changed via JUPanelBinding.bindRowSetIterator(), PanelBinding notifies all such listeners of the change. Note that if the iterator behind an IteratorBinding is changed via JUIteratorBinding.bindRowSetIterator(), then it is left to the caller to perform this notification using a protected method in JUPanelBinding: notifyIteratorChanged().

Method Summary
 void iteratorChanged(java.lang.String iterName, NavigatableRowIterator rsi)
          Invoked when a new RowSetIterator is bound to a JUIteratorBinding within the context of a PanelBinding.

Method Detail


void iteratorChanged(java.lang.String iterName,
                     NavigatableRowIterator rsi)
Invoked when a new RowSetIterator is bound to a JUIteratorBinding within the context of a PanelBinding.

iterName - Name of the JUIteratorBinding for which the RowSetIterator is changed.
rsi - The new RowSetIterator (could be null) to which an iterator binding should be bound.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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