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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 2 (
Class MoveChildComponentChange

  extended by org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.ComponentChange
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:, org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.DocumentChange

Deprecated. The functionality in this class is now promoted to Trinidad as class org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.MoveChildComponentChange. The methods in this class does nothing more than delegating to the Trinidad class, hence this class is deprecated. Please use the class org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.MoveChildComponentChange instead of this one.

public final class MoveChildComponentChange
extends org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.ComponentChange
implements org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.DocumentChange

Change specialization for moving a child from one container to another. MoveChildComponent should be registered on the parent component that is common to the child being moved and the container component at destination, while calling addComponentChange() or addDocumentChange() on the ChangeManager. The add() method in this class can be alternatively used for convenience.

See Also:
add, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
MoveChildComponentChange(javax.faces.component.UIComponent child, javax.faces.component.UIComponent destinationContainer)
          Deprecated. Constructs a MoveChildComponentChange that appends the child component to list of children in the destinationContainer.
MoveChildComponentChange(javax.faces.component.UIComponent child, javax.faces.component.UIComponent destinationContainer, java.lang.String insertBeforeId)
          Deprecated. Constructs a MoveChildComponentChange that moves the child component into the destinationContainer just before its child with the supplied insertBeforeId.
MoveChildComponentChange(javax.faces.component.UIComponent child, javax.faces.component.UIComponent destinationContainer, java.lang.String insertBeforeId, java.lang.String identifier)
          Deprecated. The only allowed value for identifier argument in this constructor is 'id'. Given this, the other constructors is just enough.


Method Summary
 javax.faces.component.UIComponent add(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.ChangeManager manager)
          Deprecated. Convenience method to register this MoveChildComponentChange on the parent component that is common to the child being moved and the container component at destination.
 void changeComponent(javax.faces.component.UIComponent uiComponent)
          Deprecated. Apply this change to the specified component, which is the UIComponent shared root of source child and destination container
 void changeDocument(org.w3c.dom.Node componentNode)
          Deprecated. Given the DOM Node representing a Component, apply any necessary DOM changes.
 javax.faces.component.UIComponent getChild()
          Deprecated. Returns the child component which has to be moved
 java.lang.String getChildId()
          Deprecated. Returns the id of the child component which has to be moved
 javax.faces.component.UIComponent getDestination()
          Deprecated. Returns the destination component to which the child component is to be added.
 java.lang.String getDestinationId()
          Deprecated. Returns the id of the destination container component to which the child component is to be added.
 boolean getForcesDocumentReload()
          Deprecated. Returns true if adding the DocumentChange should force the JSP Document to reload
 java.lang.String getIdentifier()
          Deprecated. Returns the name of the identifier used for lookup.
 java.lang.String getInsertBeforeId()
          Deprecated. Returns the identifier of the sibling before which this new child needs to be inserted.This is typically an id of one of the target container's children.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public MoveChildComponentChange(javax.faces.component.UIComponent child,
                                javax.faces.component.UIComponent destinationContainer)
Constructs a MoveChildComponentChange that appends the child component to list of children in the destinationContainer. Child and destination components cannot be null.
child - the child component which has to be moved.
destinationContainer - the destination component to which the child component is to be added.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if specified childComponent is null or destination container component is null


public MoveChildComponentChange(javax.faces.component.UIComponent child,
                                javax.faces.component.UIComponent destinationContainer,
                                java.lang.String insertBeforeId)
Constructs a MoveChildComponentChange that moves the child component into the destinationContainer just before its child with the supplied insertBeforeId. If the component with insertBeforeId is not found when applying this Change or is null the child will be appended to the list of destination's children. Child and destinationContainer components cannot be null.
child - the child which has to be moved
destinationContainer - the destination component to which the child component is to be added
insertBeforeId - the identifier value of the sibling before which this new child is to be inserted. This is an id of one of the destination container's children. If this is null, the child will be appended to the list of destination's children
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if specified childComponent is null or destination container component is null


public MoveChildComponentChange(javax.faces.component.UIComponent child,
                                           javax.faces.component.UIComponent destinationContainer,
                                           java.lang.String insertBeforeId,
                                           java.lang.String identifier)
Deprecated. The only allowed value for identifier argument in this constructor is 'id'. Given this, the other constructors is just enough.
Constructs a MoveChildComponentChange that moves the child component into the destinationContainer just before its child with the supplied insertBeforeId. If the component with insertBeforeId is not found when applying this Change or is null the child will be appended to the list of destination's children. Child and destinationContainer components cannot be null.
child - the child which has to be moved
destinationContainer - the destination component to which the child component is to be added
insertBeforeId - the identifier value of the sibling before which this new child is to be inserted. This corresponds to the type mentioned in the 'identifier' parameter. If this is null, the child will be appended to the list of destination's children
identifier - the name of attribute to use for finding the child, the destinationContainer and the component having insertBeforeId. The child, destinationContainer and the insertBefore components must all have this identifier set. 'id' is the only valid value for identifier.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either of child component, destination container component, identifier is null, identifier not set on the child or destinationContainer.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
Returns the name of the identifier used for lookup.


public boolean getForcesDocumentReload()
Returns true if adding the DocumentChange should force the JSP Document to reload
Specified by:
getForcesDocumentReload in interface org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.DocumentChange
true since moving of components should force the document to reload


public javax.faces.component.UIComponent add(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                                             org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.ChangeManager manager)
Convenience method to register this MoveChildComponentChange on the parent component that is common to the child being moved and the container component at destination.
context - The FacesContext
manager - The Change Manager
The root UIX component that the change was added to


public void changeComponent(javax.faces.component.UIComponent uiComponent)
Apply this change to the specified component, which is the UIComponent shared root of source child and destination container
Specified by:
changeComponent in class org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.ComponentChange
uiComponent - The first UIComponent shared root of the source and destination


public void changeDocument(org.w3c.dom.Node componentNode)
Given the DOM Node representing a Component, apply any necessary DOM changes. The node passed will be the common parent node for both source and destination. This node will be useful in finding the source Node and destination Node. The move operation would become easy once the source and destination nodes are found out. There is a limitation with the document change. source Node, destination Node, and the common parent node have to be in the same document.
Specified by:
changeDocument in interface org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.DocumentChange
componentNode - DOM node of the first UIComponent shared root of the source and destination


public javax.faces.component.UIComponent getChild()
Returns the child component which has to be moved
the Child component


public javax.faces.component.UIComponent getDestination()
Returns the destination component to which the child component is to be added.
the Destination component


public java.lang.String getChildId()
Returns the id of the child component which has to be moved
the id of the Child component


public java.lang.String getDestinationId()
Returns the id of the destination container component to which the child component is to be added.
the id of the destination container component


public java.lang.String getInsertBeforeId()
Returns the identifier of the sibling before which this new child needs to be inserted.This is typically an id of one of the target container's children.
the identifier of the sibling before which the new child has to be added

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 2 (

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