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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 2 (
Class QueryModel

  extended by

public abstract class QueryModel
extends java.lang.Object

The model for query component, it is used to manage QueryDescriptor objects.

A user can perform various operations on saved searches while interacting with a query component. These actions include creating, deleting, duplicating, selecting, resetting and updating a saved search.
The above actions result in a QueryDescriptor object to be created, deleted, duplicated, updated, reset or retrieved. The methods that perform the above actions are typically called during the 'Invoke Application' phase of the JSF lifecycle.

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
abstract  QueryDescriptor create(java.lang.String name, QueryDescriptor qdBase)
          Creates or retrieves a QueryDescriptor with the specified name.
abstract  void delete(QueryDescriptor qd)
          Removes the specified QueryDescriptor.
abstract  java.util.List<AttributeDescriptor> getAttributes()
          Returns the List of AttributeDescriptor objects by their names.
abstract  java.util.List<QueryDescriptor> getSystemQueries()
          Returns the list of QueryDescriptor objects that are 'system saved searches'.
abstract  java.util.List<QueryDescriptor> getUserQueries()
          Returns the list of QueryDescriptor objects that are 'user saved searches'.
abstract  void reset(QueryDescriptor qd)
          Resets the QueryDescriptor to its last saved state.
abstract  void setCurrentDescriptor(QueryDescriptor qd)
          Sets the current descriptor on the QueryModel.
abstract  void update(QueryDescriptor qd, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> uiHints)
          Updates the QueryDescriptor using the changed UIHint values.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public QueryModel()

Method Detail


public abstract QueryDescriptor create(java.lang.String name,
                                       QueryDescriptor qdBase)
Creates or retrieves a QueryDescriptor with the specified name.
name - unique name to use for the (about to be) cloned QueryDescriptor or the name of an existing QueryDescriptor if retrieving an existing one.
qdBase - QueryDescriptor that is used to clone the new one or null (when retrieving an existing one).
QueryDescriptor newly created/cloned QueryDescriptor or an existing QueryDescriptor


public abstract void delete(QueryDescriptor qd)
Removes the specified QueryDescriptor.

This method in the 'Invoke Application' phase of the JSF lifecycle.
The query component registers an internal listener for the QueryOperationEvent and invokes this method. NOTE: For more information regarding the event and its contents refer to QueryOperationEvent.

qd - QueryDescriptor instance to be deleted
See Also:


public abstract java.util.List<AttributeDescriptor> getAttributes()
Returns the List of AttributeDescriptor objects by their names. An AttributeDescriptor represents an attribute of a a business object in general terms or a view object (in ADF) and provides methods useful to render a component based on that attribute.
See Also:


public abstract java.util.List<QueryDescriptor> getSystemQueries()
Returns the list of QueryDescriptor objects that are 'system saved searches'.
System saved searches are typically setup by the administrator and come pre-cofigured with an application. They can also not be deleted by users although these restrictions are left to the discretion of application designers and model implementors.
a List of QueryDescriptor objects or null or empty list.


public abstract java.util.List<QueryDescriptor> getUserQueries()
Returns the list of QueryDescriptor objects that are 'user saved searches'.
User saved searches are created by the user and its associated QueryDescriptor object can be updated by users.
When a null is returned by this method, then certain features on the query component are disabled. Please refer to the query component documentation for more details.
a List of QueryDescriptor objects or null or empty list.


public abstract void reset(QueryDescriptor qd)
Resets the QueryDescriptor to its last saved state.

This method is invoked during the 'Invoke Application' phase of the JSF lifecyle. Subclasses can override this method to reset the QueryDescriptor to its original state.

qd - QueryDescriptor to be restored to its last saved state.


public abstract void setCurrentDescriptor(QueryDescriptor qd)
Sets the current descriptor on the QueryModel. If the queryDescriptor, is not valid or part of the QueryModel, then current QueryDescriptor remains unchanged.
qd - the QueryDescriptor that will be the current descriptor.


public abstract void update(QueryDescriptor qd,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> uiHints)
Updates the QueryDescriptor using the changed UIHint values.

This method is called when the user personalizes a saved search by changing its name or its UI hints. This method is invoked during the 'Invoke Application' phase of the JSF lifecyle. The query component registers an internal listener for the QueryOperationEvent and invokes this method. NOTE: For more information regarding the event and its contents refer to QueryOperationEvent.

qd - QueryDescriptor object to updated
uiHints - Map of uiHints that contain the changed values.
See Also:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 2 (

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