Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 2 ( E17489-01 |
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This is the JavaScript Documentation for package "oracle.adf.view.js.component.rich.input".
Classes |
AdfRichChooseColor |
The chooseColor component is used in conjunction with an inputColor to allow the user to quickly select a color value without having to navigate to a secondary window.
AdfRichChooseDate |
The chooseDate component is used in conjunction with an inputDate to allow the user to quickly select a date value without having to navigate to a secondary window.
AdfRichInputColor |
Renders an input field for colors.
AdfRichInputComboboxListOfValues |
Used to present a list of values as a choice list control.
AdfRichInputDate |
Renders an input field for dates.
AdfRichInputFile |
The inputFile component is a component that can be used to upload a file.
AdfRichInputListOfValues |
LOV input control.
AdfRichInputNumberSlider |
Represents an input number slider component.
AdfRichInputNumberSpinbox |
The inputNumberSpinbox tag creates a browser input widget; it is used to enter numbers and it has a spinbox to quickly increment or decrement the number.
AdfRichInputRangeSlider |
Represents an input range slider component.
AdfRichInputText |
An input text field control.
AdfRichSelectBooleanCheckbox |
A component which allows the end user to select a checkbox.
AdfRichSelectBooleanRadio |
A component which allows the end user to select a radio button in a group of radio buttons.
AdfRichSelectItem |
The selectItem tag represents a single item that the user may select from a list, choice, radio, or shuttle ADF control.
AdfRichSelectManyCheckbox |
A component which allows the end user to select multiple valuesfrom a list of available options.
AdfRichSelectManyChoice |
The selectManyChoice component creates a menu-style component, which allows the user to select multiple values from a dropdown list of items.
AdfRichSelectManyListbox |
The selectManyListbox component creates a component which allows the user to select multiple values from a list of items.
AdfRichSelectManyShuttle |
The selectManyShuttle component provides a mechanism for selecting multiple values from a list of values by allowing the user to move items between two lists.
AdfRichSelectOneChoice |
The selectOneChoice component creates a menu-style component, which allows the user to select a single value from a list of items.
AdfRichSelectOneListbox |
The selectOneListbox component creates a component which allows the user to select a single value from a list of items.
AdfRichSelectOneRadio |
A component which allows the end user to select a single value from a list of available options.
AdfRichSelectOrderShuttle |
The selectOrderShuttle component provides a mechanism for selecting multiple values from a list of values by allowing the user to move items between two lists, and reordering that list of values.
AdfRichTextEditor |
An input control for richly formatted text.
Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 2 ( E17489-01 |
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