Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


E_RESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ViewController
east-resize cursor
EDGE - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. JSF event parameter: Edge.
edge - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.PositionDiscriminator
EDGE_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class
The value placed in the edge field when the deprecated constructor is used.
EdgeComponentHandle - Class in oracle.dss.dataView
Represents a cell in a row header or in a column header.
EdgeComponentHandle(int, String, Object, int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.dataView.EdgeComponentHandle
Constructor that uses edge, depth, and index values to identify the location of the cell.
EdgeComponentHandle(int, String, Object, EdgeComponentInfo) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.dataView.EdgeComponentHandle
Constructor that uses an EdgeComponentInfo to identify the location of the cell.
EdgeComponentInfo - Class in oracle.dss.util
Information about the location of a DataView component in an edge.
EdgeComponentInfo(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.EdgeComponentInfo
EdgeOutOfRangeException - Exception in oracle.dss.util
Indicates that an edge parameter was out of range.
EdgeOutOfRangeException(int, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.dss.util.EdgeOutOfRangeException
Constructor to use to display a standard message.
EdgeOutOfRangeException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.dss.util.EdgeOutOfRangeException
Constructor to use to display a customized message.
EdgeOutOfRangeException(int, int, Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.dss.util.EdgeOutOfRangeException
Constructor for an exception that passes on a previous exception and that identifies the slice and the boundary.
EdgeOutOfRangeException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.dss.util.EdgeOutOfRangeException
Constructor for an exception that passes on a previous exception and that uses a customized message.
EdgeRangeComponentHandle - Class in oracle.dss.dataView
Represents a range of cells in a GridView edge component and provides information about the range.
EdgeRangeComponentHandle(int, String, Object, EdgeComponentInfo[]) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.dataView.EdgeRangeComponentHandle
EDIT - Static variable in class
EDIT_BACKGROUND_KEY - Static variable in class
EDIT_FOREGROUND_KEY - Static variable in class
EDITBACKGROUND - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
EDITFOREGROUND - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
editStyle(CustomStyle) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.Style
Opens an existing style for editing.
editStyle(CustomStyle) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
editStyle(CustomStyle) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
EFFECT_KEY - Static variable in class
EFFECTOFF_KEY - Static variable in class
einfo - Variable in class oracle.dss.graph.managers.GraphRuleStyles
ELEM_CIRCLE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: circle.
ELEM_CLIP_PATH - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: clipPath.
ELEM_DATA_BLOCK - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ELEM_FONT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: font.
ELEM_GAUGE_SET - Static variable in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Element name: gaugeSet.
ELEM_GRAD - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: grad.
ELEM_HANDLE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ELEM_IMAGE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: image.
ELEM_LINE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: line.
ELEM_LINE_MARKER - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: lineMarker.
ELEM_LINEGRAD - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: lineGradient.
ELEM_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ELEM_MENU_ITEM - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ELEM_METADATA - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: metadata.
ELEM_OVAL - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: oval.
ELEM_PATH - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: path.
ELEM_PIE_SLICE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
ELEM_PIE_SLICE_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Label subelement for enclosing the shapeAttributes for the label of a pie slice element.
ELEM_POLYGON - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: polygon.
ELEM_POLYLINE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: polyline.
ELEM_PPR_HINT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataHintEncoder
ELEM_PPR_REPAINT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataHintEncoder
ELEM_RECT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: rect.
ELEM_ROOT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: root.
ELEM_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: shapeAttributes.
ELEM_STOP - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: stop.
ELEM_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: text.
ELEM_TOOLTIP_FORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Element name: tooltip formatting.
ELEMENT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.QDR
ElementA - Class in
ElementA() - Constructor for class
ElementA - Class in oracle.dss.gauge
ElementA(CommonGauge) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.gauge.ElementA
ELEMENTA_BORDERCOLOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTA_BOTTOMLABEL - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTA_FILLCOLOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTA_KEY - Static variable in class
ELEMENTA_SFX - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTA_TOPLABEL - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTA_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
elementAt(int) - Method in exception oracle.dss.util.BIBaseException
Retrieves the exception at the specified index.
elementAt(int) - Method in exception oracle.dss.util.BIBaseRuntimeException
Retrieves the exception at the specified index.
elementAt(int) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.BIException
Retrieves the exception at the specified index.
elementAt(int, Throwable) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.BIExceptionSupport
ElementB - Class in
ElementB() - Constructor for class
ElementB - Class in oracle.dss.gauge
ElementB(CommonGauge) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.gauge.ElementB
ELEMENTB_BORDERCOLOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTB_BOTTOMLABEL - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTB_FILLCOLOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTB_KEY - Static variable in class
ELEMENTB_SFX - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTB_TOPLABEL - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
ELEMENTB_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeAttributes
elements() - Method in exception oracle.dss.util.BIBaseException
Retrieves An enumeration of exceptions in the exception chain.
elements() - Method in exception oracle.dss.util.BIBaseRuntimeException
Retrieves An enumeration of exceptions in the exception chain.
elements() - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.BIException
Retrieves An enumeration of exceptions in the exception chain.
elements(Throwable) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.BIExceptionSupport
elements() - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.Collection
elements() - Method in class oracle.dss.util.UpdatableBagImpl
elements() - Method in class oracle.dss.util.UpdatableSetImpl
EMPTY_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_TEXT_NAME - Static variable in class
encode(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.BASE64Encoder
Encodes a byte array to a String
ENCODE_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
ENCODE_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class
encodeBegin(FacesContext, boolean) - Method in class
This is an overloaded encodeBegin() method.
encodeBegin(FacesContext) - Method in class
Clears all the currency strings.
encodeBegin(FacesContext) - Method in class
encodeBegin(FacesContext) - Method in class
encodeBegin(FacesContext) - Method in class
encodeChildren(FacesContext) - Method in class
encodeEnd(FacesContext, boolean) - Method in class
This is an overloaded encodeBegin() method.
encodeEnd(FacesContext) - Method in class
encodeEnd(FacesContext) - Method in class
end - Variable in class oracle.dss.util.Range
END_CONNECTOR_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class
END_TIME - Static variable in interface
END_TIME_KEY - Static variable in class
endAxisChanges() - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Deprecated. As of 4.0, no replacement as there is no need to call this method anymore
endElement(String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
End the given element.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.SVGShapesHandler
endExport() - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ExportableGraph
endExport() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
endExport() - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
endGaugeSetElement() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Ends the gaugeSet element.
endGroupEdit() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.LocalPivotTableDataSource
endGroupEdit() - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.DataAccess
Indicates the end of a group of setValue calls.
endGroupEdit() - Method in class oracle.dss.util.DataAccessAdapter
Indicates the end of a group of setValue calls.
endPrint() - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
Sets the view back to its original state.
endPrint() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewPrinter
Sets the view back to its original state.
endPrint() - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphPrinter
Sets the Graph back to its original state.
endRootElement() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Ends the root element.
ENGLISH - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.LocaleUtils
Deprecated. Clients should use oracle.bali.share.nls.LocaleUtils instead.
ENTRY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.util.MemberContext
ENTRY_SEPARATOR_S - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.util.MemberContext
entrySet() - Method in class
Always returns Collections.emptySet().
entrySet() - Method in class
Always returns Collections.emptySet().
entrySet() - Method in class
Always returns Collections.emptySet().
entrySet() - Method in class oracle.dss.util.ArrayMap
entrySet() - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDR
EQ - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.ConditionElement
Operator: Equals.
EQ - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.ValueDiscriminator
Equals (=).
eq - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.ValueDiscriminator
EQ - Static variable in class oracle.dss.util.SimpleCondition
Equals (=).
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Indicates whether the specified object is equal to this range.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Indicates whether the specified object is equal to this range.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Compares the specified object with this selection for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if and only if the specified object is a DataCellIndex whose row and column are equal to those of this DataCellIndex.
equals(DataCellIndex) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if and only if the specified object is a DataCellKey whose row and column QDRs are equal to those of this DataCellKey.
equals(DataCellKey) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if and only if the specified object is a HeaderCellIndex whose edge, layer, and slice are equal to those of this HeaderCellIndex.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if and only if the specified object is a HeaderCellKey whose QDR equals the QDR of this HeaderCellKey.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ColumnComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ColumnRangeComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ComponentHandle
equals(ConditionElement) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ConditionElement
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ConditionElement
equals(CSSStyle) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.CSSStyle
Determine if the given style is equal to this style.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.DataRangeComponentHandle
equals(MemberContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.DimensionMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.DrillComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.EdgeComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.EdgeRangeComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.GroupComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.DrillOutLink
Checks whether the specified DrillOutLink is identical to this DrillOutLink instance.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewSizing
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this ViewSizing object.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this ViewStyle object.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.NonDataComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.NonDataIndexComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.RowComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.RowRangeComponentHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.SeriesComponentHandle
equals(int[]) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewPrinter.HPosWrapper
equals(ViewPrinter.HPosWrapper) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ViewPrinter.HPosWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.DataSpecification
Returns whether the two data specifications are equal or not
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.DataSelection
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphSelectionSet
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.KeyMap
equals(ToolTipTextCallback.DimValuePairs) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.ToolTipTextCallback.DimValuePairs
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.CompositeDiscriminator
Determine if the given object is equal to this CompositeDiscriminator.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.DateValueDiscriminator
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this DateValueDiscriminator.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.NumberValueDiscriminator
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this NumberValueDiscriminator.
EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.QDRDiscriminator
The QDR for this Discriminator must be equivalent to the QDR from the RuleContext.
equals - Static variable in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.QDRDiscriminator
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.QDRDiscriminator
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.StringValueDiscriminator
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this StringValueDiscriminator.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.discriminator.TotalsDiscriminator
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this TotalsDiscriminator.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.rules.DiscriminatorRule
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this DiscriminatorRule.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.ColumnComponentInfo
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this ColumnComponentInfo.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.ColumnSortInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.CompoundCondition
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this CompoundCondition.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.DataComponentInfo
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this DataComponentInfo.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.DrillComponentInfo
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this DrillComponentInfo.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.EdgeComponentInfo
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this EdgeComponentInfo.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this ViewFormat object.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.GroupComponentInfo
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this GroupComponentInfo.
equals(HierarchicalQDR, Comparison) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
Specifies whether this QDR is equivalent to the specified QDR.
equals(HierarchicalQDR) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
Specifies whether this QDR is equivalent to the specified QDR.
equals(QDR) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
equals(Object, Comparison) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
Specifies whether this QDR is equivalent to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDR
equals(HierarchicalQDRMember, Comparison) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDRMember
Specifies whether this HierarchicalQDRMember is equivalent to the specified HierarchicalQDRMember.
equals(HierarchicalQDRMember) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDRMember
Specifies whether this HierarchicalQDRMember is equivalent to the specified HierarchicalQDRMember.
equals(Object, Comparison) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDRMember
Specifies whether this HierarchicalQDRMember is equivalent to the specified Object.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.HierarchicalQDRMember
Specifies whether this HierarchicalQDRMember is equivalent to the specified Object.
equals(MemberContext) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.MemberContext
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.PageItemComponentInfo
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this PageItemComponentInfo.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.Parameter
Tests this Parameter for true equality
equals(QDR) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDR
Specifies whether this QDR is equivalent to the specified QDR.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDR
Specifies whether this QDR is equivalent to the specified object.
equals(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDR
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDR.QDRMapEntry
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.QDRInterface
This must be implemented as a non order specific equality test of the dim/member pairs
equals(QDRMember) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDRMember
Specifies whether this QDRMember is equivalent to the specified QDRMember.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDRMember
Specifies whether this QDRMember is equivalent to the specified Object.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDRSliceSortInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.QDRSortInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.Range
Tests this Step for true equality
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.RowComponentInfo
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this RowComponentInfo.
equals(MemberContext) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.RuleMemberContext
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.RuleMemberContext
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.SeriesComponentInfo
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this SeriesComponentInfo.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.SimpleCondition
Indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this SimpleCondition.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.SortInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.UpdatableSetImpl
error(Throwable, String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.DefaultErrorHandler
Responds to trapped exceptions.
error(Throwable, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.ErrorHandler
Responds to trapped exceptions.
ErrorHandler - Interface in oracle.dss.util
Interface for error handlers.
ErrorHandlerCallback - Interface in oracle.dss.util
Interface for beans that send messages to an error handler.
escape(String) - Static method in class
ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.util.MemberContext
ESCAPE_CHARS - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.util.MemberContext
escapeStateString(String, char[], char[], char) - Static method in class oracle.dss.util.Utility
establishBaseState() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonBaseTitle
establishCheckpointState() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.CommonBaseTitle
EVENT - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. Event that needs to be handled.
EVENT - Static variable in class
EVENT - Static variable in class
EVENT_HANDLED - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. handleEvent return value: This thin bean handled the event.
EVENT_NAME - Static variable in class
EVENT_NAME - Static variable in class
EVENT_NAME - Static variable in class
EVENT_NAME - Static variable in class
EVENT_NOT_HANDLED - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. handleEvent return value: This thin bean did not handle the event.
EVENT_RESPONSE_DONE - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. handleEvent return value: This thin bean handled the event and wrote the HTTP response.
EXACT_MATCH_REQUIRED_KEY - Static variable in class
exceptionalRaiserBorderColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphDefaultValues
exceptionalRaiserFillColor - Static variable in class oracle.dss.graph.GraphDefaultValues
ExceptionalRiser - Class in oracle.dss.graph
The exceptional riser component of the graph.
ExceptionalRiser(CommonGraph, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.graph.ExceptionalRiser
exclude(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.UpdatableBagImpl
exclude(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.UpdatableCollection
exclude(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.UpdatableSetImpl
execute(Object) - Method in class oracle.dss.util.Operation
Execute the operation on a given implementing object.
EXPLICIT_END_KEY - Static variable in class
EXPLICIT_START_KEY - Static variable in class
EXPLICIT_TIME_RANGE_END_KEY - Static variable in class
EXPLICIT_TIME_RANGE_START_KEY - Static variable in class
EXPLORER_LISTENERS_FOR_OPEN_SAVE - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. When a java.util.Map of parameters is being handed off to the OpenSave dialog upon its launch, EXPLORER_LISTENERS_FOR_OPEN_SAVE should be used as a parameter key.
ExportableGraph - Interface in oracle.dss.dataView
exportGraphToStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ExportableGraph
exportGraphToStream(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
exportToFlash(OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToFlash(OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Deprecated. exportToXML should be used instead
exportToFlash(OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Delegates the work to CommonGauge by passing the outputstream associated with the flash file to be written and a flag indicating if it will be a static or a dynamic rendering
exportToFlash(OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Deprecated. use exportToXML instead
exportToFlash(OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Delegates the work to CommonGraph by passing the outputstream associated with the flash file to be written and a flag indicating if it will be a static or a dynamic rendering
exportToGIF(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
exportToGIF(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Adds the specified focus listener to the graph.
exportToGIFWithException(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
exportToGIFWithException(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the GIF file.
exportToGraphicsWithException(Graphics) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports the graph to the specified Graphics Object.
exportToPNG(OutputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToPNG(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Exports a snapshot of the gauge set to the PNG file.
exportToPNG(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Exports a snapshot of the gauge set to the PNG file.
exportToPNG(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the PNG file.
exportToPNG(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the PNG file.
exportToPNG(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.sparkChart.CommonSparkChart
Exports this spark chart to the OutputStream as a PNG file.
exportToPNGWithException(OutputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
Exports a snapshot of this view as a PNG image.
exportToPNGWithException(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Exports a snapshot of the gauge set to the PNG file.
exportToPNGWithException(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Exports a snapshot of the gauge set to the PNG file.
exportToPNGWithException(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the PNG file.
exportToPNGWithException(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the PNG file.
exportToSVG(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToSVG(Writer, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToSVG(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVG(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVG(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Exports a snapshot of the gauge set that is currently displayed to the given output stream.
exportToSVG(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Exports a snapshot of the gauge set that is currently displayed to the given writer.
exportToSVG(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVG(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVG(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVG(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVG(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.dss.sparkChart.CommonSparkChart
Exports this spark chart to the OutputStream as an SVG file.
exportToSVGWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToSVGWithException(Writer, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToSVGWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVGWithException(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
exportToSVGWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Exports a snapshot of the gauge set that is currently displayed to the SVG file, throwing any exceptions that occur during the process.
exportToSVGWithException(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Exports a snapshot of the gauge set that is currently displayed to the given writer, throwing any exceptions that occur during the process.
exportToSVGWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVGWithException(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVGWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSVGWithException(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the SVG file.
exportToSWFWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToSWFWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Deprecated. use the BI Publisher Flash Processor directly
exportToSWFWithException(String, OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Deprecated. use the BI Publisher Flash Processor directly
exportToSWFWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Deprecated. use the BI Publisher Flash Processor directly
exportToSWFWithException(String, OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Deprecated. use the BI Publisher Flash Processor directly
exportToXMLWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToXMLWithException(Writer, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ImageView
exportToXMLWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the XML file.
exportToXMLWithException(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the XML file.
exportToXMLWithException(OutputStream, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the XML file.
exportToXMLWithException(Writer, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.CommonGraph
Exports a snapshot of the page that is currently displayed to the XML file.
ExtendedBitSet - Class in oracle.dss.util
ExtendedBitSet() - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.ExtendedBitSet
Default constructor for ExtendedBitSet.
ExtendedBitSet(String) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.ExtendedBitSet
Alternate constructor for ExtendedBitSet.
EXTENDS_LAYER_KEY - Static variable in class

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (

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