Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Interface IdeActivationListener

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public interface IdeActivationListener
extends java.util.EventListener

A listener for IDE activation and deactivation events. Implementations of this interface should do the minimum necessary to respond to the event, especially activation, since the events are delivered on the AWT/Swing event dispatch thread.

Method Summary
 void activated(IdeActivationEvent e)
          Called when the user activates the IDE.
 void deactivated(IdeActivationEvent e)
          Called when the user deactivates the IDE.

Method Detail


void activated(IdeActivationEvent e)
Called when the user activates the IDE. Usually this means bringing IDE's user interface to the foreground, after switching from a different application.

The IDE calls this method on the AWT/Swing event dispatch thread.

e - the event


void deactivated(IdeActivationEvent e)
Called when the user deactivates the IDE. Usually this means moving the IDE's user interface into the background and switching to a different application.

The IDE calls this method on the AWT/Swing event dispatch thread.

e - the event

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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