Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use TNode
oracle.ide.cmd Contains classes implementing several JDeveloper commands. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.navigator Contains classes providing navigator support. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 

Uses of TNode in oracle.ide.cmd

Methods in oracle.ide.cmd with parameters of type TNode
protected  boolean RemoveFileCommand.canRemove(TNode[] tnodes, Folder ownerFolder, java.util.List removedFiles, java.util.List unremovedFiles)
          Returns true if the ownerFolder allows the elements encapsulated by the specified tnodes to be removed.

Uses of TNode in oracle.ide.explorer

Methods in oracle.ide.explorer that return TNode
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.addChild(Element element, TNode parent, javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel model)
          Add the specified element to the model as a child of parent.
 TNode ChildFilter.childrenAdded(UpdateMessage message, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree)
          The childrenAdded method is called when the UI is notified that an element has been added to the node that owns this filter.
 TNode ChildFilter.childrenRemoved(UpdateMessage message, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree)
          The childrenRemoved method is called when the UI is notified that an element has been removed from the node that owns this filter.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.createTNode(Element element)
          Factory method for creating a TNode that will represent the specified Element in this TreeExplorer.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.findTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TreeExplorer.findTNode(Element element, TNode root, Context context)
          Find the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.findTNodeBreadthFirst(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TNode.getAncestorTNode(java.lang.Class clazz, boolean checkBaseClass)
          Gets this TNode closest ancestor TNode that encapsulates an Element of class clazz, or if checkBaseClass is true, an Element extending or implementing the specified class.
static TNode ExplorerContext.getFirstTNode(Context context)
          Returns the first selected TNode from the specified Context if there is at least one Element selected in the Context and that Element has a corresponding TNode.
 TNode ChildFilter.getOwner()
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.getRoot()
          Returns the root TNode in the tree.
static TNode ExplorerContext.getSingleTNode(Context context)
          Returns the selected TNode from the specified Context if there is only one Element selected in the Context and that Element has a corresponding TNode.
static TNode[] ExplorerContext.getTNodes(Context context)
          Returns the array of selected TNode objects from the specified Context if there are one or more Element objects selected in the Context and those Element objects have corresponding TNode objects.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.removeChild(TNode child, javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel model)
          Remove the specified child from the model.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.searchTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TreeExplorer.searchTNode(Element element, TNode root, Context context)
          Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.searchTNodeBreadthFirst(Element element, TNode root)
          Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode ChildFilter.update(TNode node, UpdateMessage change)
          This method will be called when the UI needs to tell a filter that a property set notification has happened.

Methods in oracle.ide.explorer with parameters of type TNode
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.addChild(Element element, TNode parent, javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel model)
          Add the specified element to the model as a child of parent.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.addChildren(TNode root)
          Add the children to the specified root TNode.
 void ChildFilter.cache(TNode node)
          This method will be called when the UI creates a TNode that is a descendant of a filtered node.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.cacheFilter(TNode node, ChildFilter filter)
          Associate the specified node and filter.
 boolean ChildFilter.canRefresh(TNode[] nodes)
          This method will be called when the UI needs to determine the sensitivity of the Refresh menu item.
abstract  boolean TreeExplorer.canRefresh(TNode tnode, java.lang.Class cls)
          Check if the ancestor of the specified tnode whose data object class is an instance of the specified cls can be refreshed.
 boolean ChildFilter.canUpdate(TNode node, UpdateMessage change)
          Call to determine if an update should be done due a property set notification.
 TNode ChildFilter.childrenAdded(UpdateMessage message, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree)
          The childrenAdded method is called when the UI is notified that an element has been added to the node that owns this filter.
 TNode ChildFilter.childrenRemoved(UpdateMessage message, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree)
          The childrenRemoved method is called when the UI is notified that an element has been removed from the node that owns this filter.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.collapse(TNode tnode, boolean drop)
          Collapse the specified tnode.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.expand(TNode tnode, boolean all)
          Expand the specified tnode.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.expand(TNode tnode, boolean all, boolean select)
          Expand the specified tnode.
abstract  ChildFilter TreeExplorer.findCacheFilter(TNode node)
          Find the ChildFilter associated with the specified node.
static javax.swing.tree.TreePath ExplorerContext.findNewPath(TNode currentRoot, javax.swing.tree.TreePath oldPath, boolean matchFullPath)
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.findTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TreeExplorer.findTNode(Element element, TNode root, Context context)
          Find the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.findTNodeBreadthFirst(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 boolean ChildFilterHelper.handleChildrenAdded(Context context, java.util.List children, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree)
 boolean ChildFilterHelper.handleChildrenRemoved(Context context, java.util.List children, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree)
abstract  void TreeExplorer.nodeChanged(TNode tnode)
          Call this method when you want to repaint the cell associated with the specified tnode.
abstract  boolean node)
          Add the children of the specified node.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.refresh(TNode tnode)
          Drops all children of the specified tnode and immediately collects them again.
 void ChildFilter.refresh(TNode[] nodes)
          This method will be called when the UI is requested to refresh.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.refresh(TNode tnode, java.lang.Class cls)
          Refresh the ancestor of the specified tnode whose data object class is an instance of the specified cls.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.removeChild(TNode child, javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel model)
          Remove the specified child from the model.
static void ExplorerContext.restoreExpansionState(TNode tnode, TreeExplorer explorer, java.util.List expandDataList)
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.searchTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 TNode TreeExplorer.searchTNode(Element element, TNode root, Context context)
          Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
abstract  TNode TreeExplorer.searchTNodeBreadthFirst(Element element, TNode root)
          Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
 void ChildFilter.setOwner(TNode owner)
          Sets the node that owns this filter.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.setSelected(TNode tnode)
          Select the given tnode in the tree.
abstract  void TreeExplorer.setSelected(TNode[] tnodes)
          Select the given tnodes in the tree.
static void ExplorerContext.setTNodes(Context context, TNode[] tnodes)
          Sets the specified array of TNodes into the specified Context.
static java.util.List ExplorerContext.storeExpansionState(TNode root, TreeExplorer explorer)
          Returns a list containing the paths of all expanded nodes that are descendant of the specified root node.
 void ChildFilter.uncache(TNode node)
 TNode ChildFilter.update(TNode node, UpdateMessage change)
          This method will be called when the UI needs to tell a filter that a property set notification has happened.

Uses of TNode in oracle.ide.model

Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type TNode
 boolean ContentSetFilter.handleChildrenAdded(Context context, java.util.List children, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree)
 boolean ContentSetFilter.handleChildrenRemoved(Context context, java.util.List children, TNode parent, TreeExplorer tree)
protected  void DefaultFilter.refreshExplorerNode(TNode tnode)

Uses of TNode in oracle.ide.navigator

Methods in oracle.ide.navigator that return TNode
abstract  TNode NavigatorWindow.findTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the specified element.

Methods in oracle.ide.navigator with parameters of type TNode
abstract  void NavigatorWindow.collapse(TNode tnode, boolean all)
          Collapse the specified TNode.
abstract  void NavigatorWindow.expand(TNode tnode, boolean all)
          Expand the specified TNode.
abstract  TNode NavigatorWindow.findTNode(Element element, TNode root)
          Find the specified element.
abstract  void NavigatorWindow.refresh(TNode tnode)
          Closes and re-opens the specified tnode.
 Context Extension.updateContext(Context context, TNode[] tnodes)
          This method is called when the NavigatorWindow getContext method is called.

Uses of TNode in oracle.jdeveloper.model

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model with parameters of type TNode
 Context NavigatorExtension.updateContext(Context context, TNode[] tnodes)
          This method is called when the NavigatorWindow getContext method is called.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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