Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use JavaClass The parser API. The parser's class file reader. Classes common to model implementations. The parser model API. Various utilities for use with the parser. Public API for the java model. Public implementations of the JavaFileProvider interface. 

Uses of JavaClass in

Methods in that return JavaClass
 JavaClass JavaProvider.getClass(java.lang.String fqName)
          Fetch the JavaClass for the given fully-qualified type name in dotted notation.
 JavaClass JavaProvider.getClass(java.lang.String fqPrefix, java.lang.String name)
          Fetch the JavaClass for the given qualified class.
 JavaClass JavaProvider.getClassByVMName(java.lang.String fqVmName)
          Fetch the JavaClass for the specified fully-qualified type name in VM notation.
 JavaClass JavaProvider2.getClassByVMNameInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqVmName)
          Fetch the JavaClass for the specified fully-qualified type name in VM notation.
 JavaClass JavaProvider2.getClassInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqName)
          Fetch the JavaClass for the given fully-qualified type name in dotted notation.
 JavaClass JavaProvider2.getClassInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqPrefix, java.lang.String name)
          Fetch the JavaClass for the given qualified class.

Methods in with parameters of type JavaClass
static CallerContext CallerContext.createContext(JavaProvider provider, JavaClass callingClass)
          Deprecated. Not supported

Uses of JavaClass in

Classes in that implement JavaClass

Uses of JavaClass in

Classes in that implement JavaClass
 class AbstractClass
          An abstract implementation of JavaClass.
 class PrimitiveType
          Represents a primitive type JavaClass.
 class WrapperClass
          Skeleton implementation of an object wrapping a class.

Fields in declared as JavaClass
protected  JavaClass WrapperClass.thing
          The underlying thing.

Methods in that return JavaClass
static JavaClass CommonUtilities.getClass(JavaFile target, java.lang.String name)
static JavaClass CommonUtilities.getClass(JavaType target, java.lang.String name)
 JavaClass AbstractType.getClass(java.lang.String name)
 JavaClass AbstractType.getClosestClass()
          Deprecated. Please use AbstractType.getTypeErasure().
static JavaClass CommonUtilities.getDeclaredClass(JavaType target, java.lang.String name)
 JavaClass AbstractType.getDeclaredClass(java.lang.String name)
 JavaClass WrapperField.getOwningClass()
abstract  JavaClass AbstractMethod.getOwningClass()
abstract  JavaClass AbstractField.getOwningClass()
 JavaClass WrapperMethod.getOwningClass()
 JavaClass AbstractType.getOwningClass()
 JavaClass WrapperClass.getOwningClass()
 JavaClass QuickMethod.getOwningClass()
abstract  JavaClass AbstractType.getTypeErasure()
 JavaClass WrapperClass.getTypeErasure()
 JavaClass AbstractClass.getTypeErasure()
static JavaClass CommonUtilities.getTypeErasure(JavaTypeVariable thing)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type JavaClass
static java.util.Collection<JavaClass> CommonUtilities.getClasses(JavaType target)

Methods in with parameters of type JavaClass
static QuickMethod QuickMethod.createMethod(JavaClass owning, char access, JavaType returnType, java.lang.String name, java.util.Collection parameters, java.util.Collection exceptions)
          We could let a client directly create a QuickMethod, but all the other Quick* classes have package-private (or private) constructors, so let's follow the convention.
static JavaField CommonUtilities.getDeclaredFieldFromUniqueId(JavaClass javaClass, java.lang.String uniqueIdentifier)
          Given a JavaClass and a unique identifier, find the JavaField in the JavaClass that has that unique identifier.
static JavaMethod CommonUtilities.getDeclaredMethodFromUniqueId(JavaClass javaClass, java.lang.String uniqueIdentifier)
          Given a JavaClass and a unique identifier, find the JavaMethod in the JavaClass that has that unique identifier.
static java.lang.String CommonUtilities.getDescriptor(JavaClass input)
static java.lang.String CommonUtilities.getSignature(JavaClass input)
static SourceClass CommonUtilities.getSourceElement(JavaClass target, SourceClass searchSpace)
          Searches for the target type as a member of the search class.
static SourceClass CommonUtilities.getSourceElement(JavaClass target, SourceFile searchSpace)
          Searches for the target type as a member of the search class.
static java.lang.String CommonUtilities.getTypeSignature(JavaClass input)
static java.lang.String CommonUtilities.getUniqueIdentifier(JavaClass thing)

Constructors in with parameters of type JavaClass
WrapperClass(JavaClass thing)

Uses of JavaClass in

Subinterfaces of JavaClass in
 interface SourceClass
          A SourceClass is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java class: classes, enums, interfaces, and annotation types.

Fields in declared as JavaClass
static JavaClass[] JavaClass.EMPTY_ARRAY

Methods in that return JavaClass
 JavaClass JavaFile.getClass(java.lang.String name)
 JavaClass JavaType.getClass(java.lang.String name)
          Iteratively retrieves all member classes declared in this class or its hierarchy.
 JavaClass JavaType.getClosestClass()
          Deprecated. Please use JavaType.getTypeErasure().
 JavaClass JavaType.getDeclaredClass(java.lang.String name)
 JavaClass JavaMember.getOwningClass()
 JavaClass JavaFile.getPrimaryClass()
          Here, "primary class" means the class that bears the same name as the compilation unit (file).
 JavaClass CompiledImport.getQualifyingType()
          If this import is a static import, then there must be a qualifying type.
 JavaClass JavaType.getTypeErasure()
          Gets the type erasure of this type, as defined by the JLS3.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type JavaClass
 java.util.Collection<JavaClass> JavaFile.getClasses()
 java.util.Collection<JavaClass> JavaType.getClasses()
          Iteratively retrieves all member classes declared in this class or its hierarchy.
 java.util.Collection<JavaClass> JavaPackage.getDeclaredClasses()
 java.util.Collection<JavaClass> JavaType.getDeclaredClasses()
          In order to get all inner classes, clients must recurse through direct inner classes.

Uses of JavaClass in

Methods in that return JavaClass
 JavaClass NullProvider.getClass(java.lang.String fqName)
 JavaClass NullProvider.getClass(java.lang.String fqPrefix, java.lang.String name)
 JavaClass NullProvider.getClassByVMName(java.lang.String fqVmName)

Methods in with parameters of type JavaClass
 T Annotations.AnnotationValueGetter.get(JavaClass target)
          Gets this

Uses of JavaClass in

Methods in that return JavaClass
 JavaClass JavaModel.getClass(java.lang.String fqName)
          Fetch the JavaClass instance for the given fully-qualified type name.
 JavaClass JavaModel.getClass(java.lang.String fqPrefix, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. use JavaModel.getClass(String) instead
 JavaClass JavaModel.getClassByVMName(java.lang.String fqVMName)
          Fetch the JavaClass instance for the given fully-qualified type name in VM notation.

Uses of JavaClass in

Classes in that implement JavaClass
protected  class BaseFileProvider.BaseClass
          Our ClCass implementation to override handling of inner class searching and source file hints for SourceClass searching.

Fields in declared as JavaClass
protected static JavaClass CachedFileProvider.CLASS_NOT_FOUND
          Marker for class not found in the class cache

Fields in with type parameters of type JavaClass
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,JavaClass> CachedFileProvider._classCacheMap
          Our cache of class instances.

Methods in that return JavaClass
 JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClass(java.lang.String fqName)
          If fqName is a primitive type, the implementer is required to return the canonical PrimitiveType instance.
 JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClass(java.lang.String fqPrefix, java.lang.String name)
          The same thing as getClass(S) except that the client can save on the string concatenate.
 JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassByVMName(java.lang.String fqVMName)
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassByVMNameImpl(java.lang.String fqVMName, boolean interruptibly)
 JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassByVMNameInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqVMName)
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassExactImpl(java.lang.String fqOuterClassName)
          Utility routine to try to locate the given outer class.
protected  JavaClass CachedFileProvider.getClassExactImpl(java.lang.String fqOuterClassName)
          Utility routine to try to locate the given outer class.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassExactImplInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqOuterClassName)
          Utility routine to try to locate the given outer class.
protected  JavaClass CachedFileProvider.getClassExactImplInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqOuterClassName)
          Utility routine to try to locate the given outer class.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassImpl(java.lang.String fqName, boolean interruptibly)
          If fqName is a primitive type, the implementer is required to return the canonical PrimitiveType instance.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassImpl(java.lang.String fqPrefix, java.lang.String name, boolean interruptibly)
          The same thing as getClass(S) except that the client can save on the string concatenate.
 JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqName)
          If fqName is a primitive type, the implementer is required to return the canonical PrimitiveType instance.
 JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqPrefix, java.lang.String name)
          The same thing as getClass(S) except that the client can save on the string concatenate.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassLeftToRight(java.lang.String fqName)
          Utility routine to do the left-to-right resolution search to try to locate a given class.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassLeftToRightImpl(java.lang.String fqName, boolean interruptibly)
          Utility routine to do the left-to-right resolution search to try to locate a given class.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getClassLeftToRightInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqName)
          Utility routine to do the left-to-right resolution search to try to locate a given class.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getInnerClassByVMName(java.lang.String fqVMName)
          Utility routine to locate inner classes for *.class files only based on the raw VM notation name.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.BaseClass.getInnerClassByVMName(java.lang.String fqInnerVMName)
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.getPrimitiveClass(java.lang.String name)
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.locateClass(JavaClass javaClass, java.lang.String fqName)
          Utility routine to search through the given JavaClass instance to find the fully-qualified class specified.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.locateClass(JavaFile javaFile, java.lang.String fqName)
          Utility routine to search through the given JavaFile instance to find the fully-qualified class specified.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.locateClassByVMName(JavaClass javaClass, java.lang.String fqVMName)
          Utility routine to search through the given JavaClass instance to find the fully-qualified class by raw name.

Methods in with parameters of type JavaClass
protected  JavaFile BaseFileProvider.getJavaFile(JavaClass javaClass)
          Fetch the JavaFile instance for a JavaClass.
protected  SourceClass BaseFileProvider.getSourceClassByHint(JavaClass searchClass, java.lang.String sourceFileHint)
          Retrieves the matching top-level SourceClass in the search space.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.locateClass(JavaClass javaClass, java.lang.String fqName)
          Utility routine to search through the given JavaClass instance to find the fully-qualified class specified.
protected  JavaClass BaseFileProvider.locateClassByVMName(JavaClass javaClass, java.lang.String fqVMName)
          Utility routine to search through the given JavaClass instance to find the fully-qualified class by raw name.

Uses of JavaClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces that return JavaClass
 JavaClass FacesMethodBindingPanel.getManagedBeanJavaClass()
          Returns the JavaClass for the managed bean.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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