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Oracle® Database XML Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Interface OracleNodeTypeManager

All Superinterfaces:

public interface OracleNodeTypeManager
extends NodeTypeManager

OracleNodeTypeManager allows discovery of JCR node types.

For the XML DB Content Connector, OracleNodeTypeManager also allows XML schemas to be registered for use in JCR. Doing so creates JCR node types corresponding to the schema types and global element declarations defined by the XML schema. Schema-based content and metadata will then be exposed as JCR nodes of these node types, instead of the nt:unstructured node type.

Before a schema is registered for use in JCR, it should be registered for use in the database using the DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerschema PL/SQL procedure. Only globally-registered schemas can be used in JCR.

The list of registered XML schemas is cached by the OracleNodeTypeManager object. The cache is automatically refreshed each time registerXMLSchema or unregisterXMLSchema is called on the OracleNodeTypeManager object. Call refresh to explicitly refresh the cache.

Refer to XDBRepositoryConfiguration for further information on how the list of registered XML schemas is stored by the XML DB Content Connector.

Method Summary
 void refresh()
          Invalidates the in-memory copy of the node type registry and reloads it from the content repository.
 void registerXMLSchema(java.lang.String schemaLocation, java.lang.String jcrNodeTypeNamespace)
          Registers the XML Schema having the specified schema location URL.
 void unregisterXMLSchema(java.lang.String schemaLocation)
          Unregisters the XML Schema having the specified schema location URL.


Methods inherited from interface javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeManager
getAllNodeTypes, getMixinNodeTypes, getNodeType, getPrimaryNodeTypes


Method Detail


void refresh()
             throws RepositoryException
Invalidates the in-memory copy of the node type registry and reloads it from the content repository.
RepositoryException - if the operation fails


void registerXMLSchema(java.lang.String schemaLocation,
                       java.lang.String jcrNodeTypeNamespace)
                       throws AccessDeniedException,
Registers the XML Schema having the specified schema location URL.

If the schema is already registered, the JCR node type namespace is updated to the value specified.

schemaLocation - the schema location; required
jcrNodeTypeNamespace - the namespace into which to create JCR node types, or null to use the target namespace of the schema
AccessDeniedException - if the session does not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation
RepositoryException - if the operation otherwise fails


void unregisterXMLSchema(java.lang.String schemaLocation)
                         throws AccessDeniedException,
Unregisters the XML Schema having the specified schema location URL.
schemaLocation - the schema location; required
AccessDeniedException - if the session does not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation
RepositoryException - if the operation otherwise fails

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Oracle® Database XML Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


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