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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class InvalidMetadataException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by java.lang.RuntimeException
              extended by oracle.olapi.OLAPIRuntimeException
                  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.InvalidMetadataException

All Implemented Interfaces:, HasLocalizedMessage

public class InvalidMetadataException
extends OLAPIRuntimeException

Indicates that one or more metadata objects are invalid. To find out which objects are invalid, use the getInvalidObjectIds method, which returns a Set of String objects, each of which is the unique identifier of an invalid MetadataObject. You can use the getMetadataObjects method of an MdmMetadataProvider to retrieve the MetadataObject instances that have those IDs. You can then use the methods of this class to retrieve the error messages for each MetadataObject.

You can also retrieve InvalidMetadataObjectInfo objects for each object. An InvalidMetadataObjectInfo contains additional information about the error, such as the command that caused the error, and the error message prefix, and the error message number.

If the number of errors for the object exceeds the error limit, then the getErrorMessages might not return all of the messages for the object. In that case, the hasMoreErrors method returns true.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 java.util.List getErrorInfoList(MetadataObject object)
          Gets the InvalidMetadataObjectInfo objects for the specified MetadataObject.
 java.util.List getErrorInfoList(java.lang.String objectID)
          Gets the InvalidMetadataObjectInfo objects for the MetadataObject that has the specified unique String identifier.
 java.util.List getErrorMessages(MetadataObject object)
          Gets the error messages for the specified MetadataObject.
 java.util.List getErrorMessages(java.lang.String objectID)
          Gets the error messages for the MetadataObject that has the specified unique String identifier.
 java.util.Set getInvalidObjectIds()
          Gets the unique String identifier for each invalid MetadataObject.
 java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage(java.util.Locale locale)
          Gets a message in the language specified by the java.util.Locale object.
 boolean hasMoreErrors()
          Indicates whether the number of error messages generated for the invalid MetadataObject objects is greater than the limit of error messages that Oracle OLAP allows.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.OLAPIRuntimeException
getLocalizedMessage, toString


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public java.util.Set getInvalidObjectIds()
Gets the unique String identifier for each invalid MetadataObject.
A Set that contains the IDs of the invalid MetadataObject objects.


public java.util.List getErrorInfoList(java.lang.String objectID)
Gets the InvalidMetadataObjectInfo objects for the MetadataObject that has the specified unique String identifier.
objectID - A String that contains the identifier for the MetadataObject.
A List that contains the InvalidMetadataObjectInfo objects for the MetadataObject with the specified ID.


public java.util.List getErrorInfoList(MetadataObject object)
Gets the InvalidMetadataObjectInfo objects for the specified MetadataObject.
object - The MetadataObject for which to retrieve InvalidMetadataObjectInfo objects.
A List that contains the InvalidMetadataObjectInfo objects for the specified MetadataObject.


public java.util.List getErrorMessages(java.lang.String objectID)
Gets the error messages for the MetadataObject that has the specified unique String identifier.
objectID - A String that contains the identifier for the MetadataObject.
A List that contains the error messages for the MetadataObject with the specified ID.


public java.util.List getErrorMessages(MetadataObject object)
Gets the error messages for the specified MetadataObject.
object - The MetadataObject for which to retrieve error messages.
A List that contains the error messages for the specified MetadataObject.


public boolean hasMoreErrors()
Indicates whether the number of error messages generated for the invalid MetadataObject objects is greater than the limit of error messages that Oracle OLAP allows. If this method returns true, then the lists returned by the methods of this class might not have all of the error messages.
A boolean that is true if the number of error messages exceeds the limit and false otherwise.


public java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage(java.util.Locale locale)
Gets a message in the language specified by the java.util.Locale object.
Specified by:
getLocalizedMessage in interface HasLocalizedMessage
getLocalizedMessage in class OLAPIRuntimeException
locale - The Locale object that specifies the language for the message.
A String that has the message in the specified language.

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