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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Interface XML11_2_ParserCallback

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public interface XML11_2_ParserCallback
extends XMLParserCallback

An extension of the XMLParserCallback interface that adds methods for renaming an object and for suppressing attributes of objects.

Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface oracle.olapi.metadata.XMLParserCallback


Method Summary
 java.lang.String renameObject(java.lang.String objectID, java.lang.String currentName, java.lang.Class objectType)
          Gets a new name for an object that is being imported by an MdmMetadataProvider.importXML method or that is being produced by a SyntaxObject.fromSyntax method of a SyntaxObject.
 boolean suppressXMLAttribute(java.lang.String objectID, java.lang.Class objectType, java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.String value)
          Indicates whether or not the XML parser should suppress an XML attribute of an object so that it does not appear in the imported XML.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.olapi.metadata.XMLParserCallback
processError, processSyntaxIdentifiersError, processSyntaxIdentifiersError


Method Detail


java.lang.String renameObject(java.lang.String objectID,
                              java.lang.String currentName,
                              java.lang.Class objectType)
Gets a new name for an object that is being imported by an MdmMetadataProvider.importXML method or that is being produced by a SyntaxObject.fromSyntax method of a SyntaxObject.
objectID - A String that contains the identifier of an object.
currentName - A String that contains the current name of the object.
objectType - The Class of the type of object that the parser is processing.
A String that contains a new name for the object.


boolean suppressXMLAttribute(java.lang.String objectID,
                             java.lang.Class objectType,
                             java.lang.String attribute,
                             java.lang.String value)
Indicates whether or not the XML parser should suppress an XML attribute of an object so that it does not appear in the imported XML. XML attributes are strings such as ETViewName, ETKeyColumnName, and TablespaceName.
objectID - A String that contains the identifier of the BaseMetadataObject that the parser is processing.
objectType - The Class of the BaseMetadataObject being parsed.
attribute - A String that contains the XML attribute being parsed.
value - A String that contains the value of the attribute being parsed.
A boolean that is true if you want the XML parser to suppress the attribute or false if you do not want the attribute suppressed.

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