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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Interface XMLWriterCallback

public interface XMLWriterCallback

An interface for an object that Oracle OLAP calls to find out whether or not to exclude an attribute or an owner name from the XML that an MdmMetadataProvider is exporting. An application passes an implementation of this interface to an exportFullXML or an exportIncrementalXML method of the MdmMetadataProvider. As the Oracle OLAP XML writer exports the XML representations of the metadata objects, Oracle OLAP calls the methods of the XMLWriterCallback. The methods of the XMLWriterCallback return a boolean that tells the XML writer whether or not to exclude the attribute or owner name from the exported XML.

Method Summary
 boolean suppressOwnerName(BaseMetadataObject obj, java.lang.String attribute, SyntaxObject syntaxValue, boolean defaultSuppression)
          Indicates whether or not the XML writer should suppress the name of the owner of the object so that it does not appear in the exported XML.
 boolean suppressXMLAttribute(BaseMetadataObject obj, java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.String value)
          Indicates whether or not the XML writer should suppress the XML attribute of the object so that it does not appear in the exported XML.


Method Detail


boolean suppressXMLAttribute(BaseMetadataObject obj,
                             java.lang.String attribute,
                             java.lang.String value)
Indicates whether or not the XML writer should suppress the XML attribute of the object so that it does not appear in the exported XML. XML attributes are strings such as ETViewName, ETKeyColumnName, and TablespaceName.
obj - The BaseMetadataObject to export to XML.
attribute - A String that contains the XML attribute to suppress.
value - A String that contains the value of the attribute.
A boolean that is true if you want the XML writer to suppress the attribute or false if you do not want the attribute suppressed.


boolean suppressOwnerName(BaseMetadataObject obj,
                          java.lang.String attribute,
                          SyntaxObject syntaxValue,
                          boolean defaultSuppression)
Indicates whether or not the XML writer should suppress the name of the owner of the object so that it does not appear in the exported XML. XML attributes that can have a SyntaxObject as a value include a KeyExpression or a Query of an ObjectMap.

One use for excluding the owner name is that you can export the table mappings that you created in a schema owned by one user and then import those mappings and apply them to a schema owned by a different user.

obj - The BaseMetadataObject to export to XML.
attribute - A String that contains the XML attribute of the object that has a SyntaxObject as a value.
syntaxValue - A SyntaxObject that includes the name of the owner.
defaultSuppression - The value of the includeOwnerString parameter of the exportFullXML or exportIncrementalXML method that is exporting the XML.
A boolean that is true if you want the XML writer to suppress the name of the owner or false if you do not want the owner name suppressed.

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