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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class SecondaryPartitionLevel

  extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.metadata.deployment.SecondaryPartitionLevel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SecondaryPartitionLevel
extends BaseMetadataObject

A BaseMetadataObject that represents a secondary partitioning level for an AWCubeOrganization. Secondary partitions can improve the performance of building or refreshing a cube that has many dimensions.

You create a SecondaryPartitionLevel with the findOrCreateSecondaryPartitionLevel method of an AWCubeOrganization. You then use the setLevel method of the SecondaryPartitionLevel to specify the hierarchy level that you want to use as the basis of the secondary partitioning.

With a SecondaryPartitionLevel you can specify the creation of partitions for the dimension members of a level that is in the top-level partition of a primary partition. You specify a primary partition level for a cube by using the setPartitionLevel method of an AWCubeOrganization. That method creates a partition of the cube for each dimension member of the specified hierarchy level. The partition includes the dimension member and any descendants of the member. It also creates a top-level partition that includes all of the levels above the level specified for partitioning.

For example, the CALENDAR_YEAR hierarchy of the TIME_AWJ dimension of the UNITS_CUBE_AWJ cube has four hierarchy levels: TOTAL_TIME, YEAR, QUARTER, and MONTH. If you specify the QUARTER level as the basis for the primary partitioning, then when you build the cube Oracle OLAP generates a partition for each quarter and a top-level partition that contains the members of the YEAR and TOTAL_TIME levels. Each QUARTER partition also contains the MONTH level members that are the children of the quarter.

You could then create a SecondaryPartitionLevel for partitioning a level that is in the top-level partition of the primary partitioning. For example, if you specify YEAR as the level for a SecondaryPartitionLevel for the cube, then when you build the cube, Oracle OLAP generates a partition for each member of the YEAR level. The secondary partitions would contain only the YEAR members because the descendants of a year already belong to the primary partitions of the QUARTER level.

The secondary partitioning levels must be in the same dimension as the primary partitioning level. You can specify up to three secondary partitioning levels. The order in which you create the SecondaryPartitionLevel objects determines the order in which Oracle OLAP computes the measure values dimensioned by the dimension members in the partitions. You can change the order of the SecondaryPartitionLevel objects by removing a SecondaryPartitionLevel and then by specifying a different position when you add the SecondaryPartitionLevel back to the AWCubeOrganization. You remove and add a SecondaryPartitionLevel with the removeSecondaryPartitionLevel and addSecondaryPartitionLevel methods of the AWCubeOrganization.

A dimension member can be in only one partition, so if you have more than one secondary partitioning level, then you should have the levels in ascending order, with the lowest secondary partitioning level in the first position.

Method Summary
 AWCubeOrganization getAWCubeOrganization()
          Gets the AWCubeOrganization that contains this SecondaryPartitionLevel.
 MdmHierarchyLevel getLevel()
          Gets the dimension hierarchy level that is the basis for the secondary partitioning of the cube that is associated with this SecondaryPartitionLevel.
 int getPrecomputePercent()
          Gets the percentage of the aggregate measure values that Oracle OLAP computes and stores during a build or refresh operation for the measure values that are specified by the dimension members in the secondary partitions.
 void setLevel(MdmHierarchyLevel level)
          Specifies the dimension hierarchy level to use as the basis for the secondary partitioning of the cube that is associated with this SecondaryPartitionLevel.
 void setPrecomputePercent(int val)
          For the measure values that are specified by the dimension members in the secondary partitions, specifies the percentage of the aggregate values that Oracle OLAP computes and stores during a build or refresh operation.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataObject
getContainedByObject, getID, getName, getNewName, getOwner


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public final AWCubeOrganization getAWCubeOrganization()
Gets the AWCubeOrganization that contains this SecondaryPartitionLevel.
The AWCubeOrganization that contains this SecondaryPartitionLevel.


public final void setLevel(MdmHierarchyLevel level)
Specifies the dimension hierarchy level to use as the basis for the secondary partitioning of the cube that is associated with this SecondaryPartitionLevel. When it builds the cube, Oracle OLAP generates a secondary partition for each dimension member of the hierachy level.
level - The MdmHierarchyLevel to use as the basis for the secondary partitioning the cube associated with this SecondaryPartitionLevel.


public final MdmHierarchyLevel getLevel()
Gets the dimension hierarchy level that is the basis for the secondary partitioning of the cube that is associated with this SecondaryPartitionLevel.
The MdmHierarchyLevel that is the basis for the secondary partitioning the cube associated with this SecondaryPartitionLevel.


public final int getPrecomputePercent()
Gets the percentage of the aggregate measure values that Oracle OLAP computes and stores during a build or refresh operation for the measure values that are specified by the dimension members in the secondary partitions.
An integer that represents the percentage of the measure values that Oracle OLAP precomputes for the secondary partitions.


public final void setPrecomputePercent(int val)
For the measure values that are specified by the dimension members in the secondary partitions, specifies the percentage of the aggregate values that Oracle OLAP computes and stores during a build or refresh operation.
val - An integer that represents the percentage of the measure values for Oracle OLAP to precompute. The value can be 0 (zero) or greater.

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