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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class BuildItem

  extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.SyntaxObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.BuildItem

public final class BuildItem
extends SyntaxObject

A SyntaxObject that specifies a Buildable object and optionally a BuildSpecification, or a system change number (SCN), or both. An SCN identifies the state of the source data as of a particular moment when the database recorded a change to the source table. For information on obtaining system change numbers, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

Constructor Summary
BuildItem(Buildable obj)
          Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object.
BuildItem(Buildable obj, BuildSpecification inlineSpec)
          Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using the specified BuildSpecification.
BuildItem(Buildable obj, BuildSpecification inlineSpec, long scn)
          Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using the specified BuildSpecification and using data as of the SCN.
BuildItem(Buildable obj, long scn)
          Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using data as of the SCN.
BuildItem(Buildable obj, java.lang.String buildName)
          Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using the named BuildSpecification.
BuildItem(Buildable obj, java.lang.String buildName, long scn)
          Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using the named BuildSpecification and using data as of the SCN.


Method Summary
 long getAsOfSCN()
          Gets the system change number (SCN) at which to apply the build.
 Buildable getBuildObject()
          Gets the Buildable object that is associated with this BuildItem.
 java.lang.String getBuildSpecName()
          Gets the name of the BuildSpecification for a BuildItem that was created with the BuildItem(Buildable obj, String buildName) constructor.
 BuildSpecification getInlineBuildSpecification()
          Gets the BuildSpecification for a BuildItem that was created with the BuildItem(Buildable obj, BuildSpecification inlineSpec) constructor.
 java.lang.Object visit(SyntaxObjectVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object context)
          Calls the visitBuildItem method of the SyntaxObjectVisitor and passes that method this BuildItem and an Object.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.syntax.SyntaxObject
equals, equals, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, isValid, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public BuildItem(Buildable obj)
Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object.
obj - The MdmCube or MdmPrimaryDimension to build.


public BuildItem(Buildable obj,
                 long scn)
Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using data as of the SCN.
obj - The MdmCube or MdmPrimaryDimension to build.
scn - A long value that specifies the SCN at which to load data.


public BuildItem(Buildable obj,
                 java.lang.String buildName)
Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using the named BuildSpecification.
obj - The MdmCube to build.
buildName - A String that contains the name of a BuildSpecification contained by the AWCubeOrganization for the MdmCube.


public BuildItem(Buildable obj,
                 java.lang.String buildName,
                 long scn)
Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using the named BuildSpecification and using data as of the SCN.
obj - The MdmCube to build.
buildName - A String that contains the name of a BuildSpecification contained by the AWCubeOrganization for the MdmCube.
scn - A long value that specifies the SCN at which to load data.


public BuildItem(Buildable obj,
                 BuildSpecification inlineSpec)
Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using the specified BuildSpecification.
obj - The MdmCube or MdmPrimaryDimension to build.
inlineSpec - A BuildSpecification that contains the BuildCommand objects to use.


public BuildItem(Buildable obj,
                 BuildSpecification inlineSpec,
                 long scn)
Creates a BuildItem for a Buildable object, using the specified BuildSpecification and using data as of the SCN.
obj - The MdmCube or MdmPrimaryDimension to build.
inlineSpec - A BuildSpecification that contains the BuildCommand objects to use.
scn - A long value that specifies the SCN at which to load data.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object visit(SyntaxObjectVisitor visitor,
                              java.lang.Object context)
Calls the visitBuildItem method of the SyntaxObjectVisitor and passes that method this BuildItem and an Object.
Specified by:
visit in class SyntaxObject
visitor - A SyntaxObjectVisitor.
context - An Object.
The Object returned by the visitBuildItem method.


public java.lang.String getBuildSpecName()
Gets the name of the BuildSpecification for a BuildItem that was created with the BuildItem(Buildable obj, String buildName) constructor.
A String that contains the name of the BuildSpecification associated with this BuildItem.


public Buildable getBuildObject()
Gets the Buildable object that is associated with this BuildItem.
The Buildable object associated with this BuildItem.


public BuildSpecification getInlineBuildSpecification()
Gets the BuildSpecification for a BuildItem that was created with the BuildItem(Buildable obj, BuildSpecification inlineSpec) constructor.
The BuildSpecification associated with this BuildItem.


public long getAsOfSCN()
Gets the system change number (SCN) at which to apply the build. If the SCN is 0, then the build process does not use an SCN. If the SCN is greater than 0, then the build process executes a LoadCommand as of the SCN.
A long that is the SCN of this BuildItem.

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