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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)


Class UnresolvedDimensionArgument

  extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.SyntaxObject
      extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.DataObject
          extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.DimensionArgument
              extended by oracle.olapi.syntax.UnresolvedDimensionArgument

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class UnresolvedDimensionArgument
extends DimensionArgument

A DimensionArgument that represents an invalid or unresolvable identifier. An application might encounter this class if it has passed an implementation of the XMLParserCallback interface in a call to a SyntaxObject.fromSyntax or MdmMetadataProvider.importXML method. If the methods of the XMLParserCallback implementation return XMLParserCallback.ERROR_BY_INVALIDATING, then Oracle OLAP does not throw an exception when it encounters an invalid or unresolvable identifier. Instead, it marks the object as invalid and continues parsing the XML or producing the SyntaxObject. However, if the application gets a DimensionArgument for the invalid object, that DimensionArgument is an instance of UnresolvedDimensionArgument.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object visit(SyntaxObjectVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object context)
          Calls the visitUnresolvedExpression method of the SyntaxObjectVisitor and passes that method this UnresolvedDimensionArgument and an Object.


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.syntax.DimensionArgument


Methods inherited from class oracle.olapi.syntax.SyntaxObject
equals, equals, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, fromSyntax, isValid, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax, toSyntax


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public java.lang.Object visit(SyntaxObjectVisitor visitor,
                              java.lang.Object context)
Calls the visitUnresolvedExpression method of the SyntaxObjectVisitor and passes that method this UnresolvedDimensionArgument and an Object.
visit in class DimensionArgument
visitor - A SyntaxObjectVisitor.
context - An Object.
The Object returned by the visitUnresolvedDimensionArgument method.

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