Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13941-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidParameterException Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Authentication security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Authorization, Adjudication, and Role Mapping security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Abstract interfaces for SAML 1.1 Asserting Parties, Relying Parties, and metadata. 

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void ExportMBean.exportData(String format, String filename, Properties constraints)
          Exports provider specific data in a specified format.
 void ImportMBean.importData(String format, String filename, Properties constraints)
          Imports provider specific data from a specified format.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void GroupEditorMBean.addMemberToGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Adds a user or group (member) to a group.
 void UserPasswordEditorMBean.changeUserPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
          Used by a user to change his or her password.
 void GroupEditorMBean.createGroup(String groupName, String description)
          Creates a group.
 void UserEditorMBean.createUser(String userName, String password, String description)
          Creates a user and sets the user's password.
 String GroupReaderMBean.getGroupDescription(String groupName)
          Gets a group's description.
 OpenType UserAttributeReaderMBean.getSupportedUserAttributeType(String userAttributeName)
          Returns the user attribute type
 Object UserAttributeReaderMBean.getUserAttributeValue(String userName, String userAttributeName)
          Gets a user attribute value for a user.
 String UserReaderMBean.getUserDescription(String userName)
          Gets a user's description.
 boolean GroupReaderMBean.groupExists(String groupName)
          Indicates whether the specified group exists.
 boolean GroupReaderMBean.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Indicates whether a user or group is a member of the group that you specify.
 boolean UserAttributeReaderMBean.isUserAttributeNameSupported(String userAttributeName)
          Checks if a user attribute is supported.
 String[] GroupUserListerMBean.listAllUsersInGroup(String groupName, String userNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Searches within a group for user (member) names that match a pattern.
 String GroupMemberListerMBean.listGroupMembers(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Searches within a group for user and group (member) names that match a pattern.
 String GroupReaderMBean.listGroups(String groupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Searches for a user name that matches a pattern.
 String MemberGroupListerMBean.listMemberGroups(String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Lists the groups that directly contain a user or a group.
 String UserReaderMBean.listUsers(String userNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Searches for a user name that matches a pattern.
 void GroupRemoverMBean.removeGroup(String groupName)
          Removes a group.
 void GroupEditorMBean.removeMemberFromGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Removes a user or group (member) from a group.
 void UserRemoverMBean.removeUser(String userName)
          Removes a user.
 void UserPasswordEditorMBean.resetUserPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
          Used by an administrator to change a user's password.
 void GroupEditorMBean.setGroupDescription(String groupName, String description)
          Sets the description for an existing group.
 void UserAttributeEditorMBean.setUserAttributeValue(String userName, String userAttributeName, Object newValue)
          Sets the value for a user attribute for a user.
 void UserEditorMBean.setUserDescription(String userName, String description)
          Sets the description for an existing user.
 boolean UserReaderMBean.userExists(String userName)
          Indicates whether the specified user exists.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 Properties PolicyListerMBean.getPolicy(String resourceId)
          Obtain a policy definition for a resource.
 Properties RoleListerMBean.getRole(String resourceId, String roleName)
          Obtain a role definition.
 Properties RoleListerMBean.getRoleScopedByResource(String resourceId, String roleName)
          Obtain a role definition for a role scoped by a specified resource.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listChildPolicies(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of policy definitions for the children of a resource.
 String RoleListerMBean.listChildRoles(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of role definitions for the children of a resource.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listPoliciesByApplication(String applicationName, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of policy definitions by application name.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listPoliciesByComponent(String componentName, String componentType, String applicationName, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of policy definitions for a specific J2EE component.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listPoliciesByResourceType(String resourceType, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of policy definitions by resource type.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listRepeatingActionsPolicies(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of policy definitions for the actions that are repeating on a resource.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRepeatingActionsRoles(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of role definitions for the actions that are repeating on a resource.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRoles(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of role definitions for a specific resource.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRolesByApplication(String applicationName, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of role definitions by application name.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRolesByComponent(String componentName, String componentType, String applicationName, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of role definitions for a specific J2EE component.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRolesByResourceType(String resourceType, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of role definitions by resource type.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void SAMLPartner.validate()
          Validate this partner.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13941-02