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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Portal
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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17.4 Troubleshooting Search Functionality

My Search portlet displays an advanced search link. Can I change the destination of this link?

Your portal administrator determines the destination of the advanced search link. The advanced search link can be to an external site, another portal page, or a package call within Oracle Portal. As this is a global setting, any changes to the link will be applied to both new and existing search portlets that display an advanced search link. For more information, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal available on the Oracle Portal documentation page of the Oracle Technology Network at

My Search portlet displays an Internet search link. Can I change the destination of this link?

Your portal administrator determines the destination of the Internet search link and the link text that users click to access the specified Internet search engine. As this is a global setting, any changes to the link will be applied to both new and existing search portlets that display an Internet search link. For more information, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal available on the Oracle Portal documentation page of the Oracle Technology Network at

Is it possible to add or remove options on Basic and Advanced Search portlets? Neither portlet seems to offer the search features that I need.

The Basic Search and Advanced Search portlets offer few editable options or personalizations; you may change only the portlet title and show/hide the page group selector. If you want a search form that offers a combination of basic/advanced search features, use a Custom Search portlet. The Custom Search portlet is fully customizable, so you can choose what is displayed on the search form.

I changed some search result display settings and now my search portlet does not work properly.

If you change search results settings for a Custom Search portlet (Edit Defaults: Results Display tab) and then it does not display results from another search portlet, it is probably because the search results page setting of the Custom Search portlet was reset to This Portlet. Whenever you change display options on the Results Display tab the target search results page automatically defaults to This Portlet, overriding the original result page selection (Default Search Results Page or Custom Search Results Page).

Check the Results Display tab settings to see if this is the problem and then restore your results page selection (Default Search Results Page or Custom Search Results Page).

I don't see my newly created category listed in the Filter By criteria.

Newly created categories are not always immediately visible in the Filter By section of the Advanced or Custom search forms, usually as a result of caching issues. To invalidate the cache for the portlet in View mode, click the Personalize link, then click OK. In Edit mode, click the Edit Defaults icon and then OK.

The Search page group selection box does not seem to be working properly. Some page groups are not displayed and some display incorrectly.

If the name of a page group contains one or more commas it does not display properly in search-related page group selection boxes. This is because the comma character is used as the delimiter between page group names. For example, a page group named Sales, London, UK, might appear as three, separate, selectable page group names instead of just a single page group. The extra, invalid page group entries get displayed instead of valid page groups and therefore you might also find that some page groups appear unavailable. Report your problem to the page group administrator. Page group administrators are advised not to use commas within page group names due to this issue.