Maintaining Customer Account Balances

This chapter provides an overview of customer account maintenance and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customer Account Maintenance

PeopleSoft Receivables provides two options to maintain customer account balances. Each option offsets debit items with credit items and writes off items that meet the write-off tolerances:

This section discusses:

See Also

Maintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets

Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWrite-Off Tolerances

The system uses the write-off tolerances that you defined for the customer, business unit, and entry reason assigned to the write-off item to determine whether the item is eligible to be written off automatically or on the maintenance worksheet. The system also uses the write-off tolerances for the user using the worksheet to determine whether items on a worksheet can be written off. The system uses the most restrictive write-off tolerance values. For example, if the maximum write-off amount is 100.00 for a business unit, 20.00 for a customer, 50.00 for a deduction reason, and 30.00 for the user, the maintenance worksheet uses the 20.00 maximum write-off requirement for the customer because it is the most restrictive.

Note. If you enable a user to override write-off tolerances on the maintenance worksheet, the write-off must still meet the write-off tolerances for the user.

The tolerances determine the maximum amount that the system can write off and the minimum age of an item before the system can write it off. To determine whether to write off an item, the system checks:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWrite-Off Approvals

The write-off approval workflow is designed to require approval for write-off amounts entered on the maintenance worksheet that are below the write-off tolerances but above the approval-needed limit. This approval workflow is controlled by the Approval Framework feature in PeopleSoft Enterprise Components. You must set up the write-off approval workflow before using this feature.

Note. The write-off approval workflow is designed to require approval for write-off amounts entered on the payment worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet only. The workflow does not pick up write-off transactions from processes such as the Automatic Maintenance process.

See Also

Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow

Approving Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcess Flow

To maintain customer account balances:

  1. (Optional) Run the Automatic Maintenance process.

  2. Enter item selection criteria and matching criteria, and build maintenance worksheets.

  3. Use the worksheet to match debits and credits and create write-off, refund, and adjustment items.

    Note. If you specify in the automatic maintenance method that you want to generate a worksheet for specific conditions, the Automatic Maintenance process automatically builds the worksheet. Use the worksheet to review the maintenance groups before posting.

  4. Set the maintenance worksheet to post.

    Each maintenance worksheet creates one maintenance group. The next time that the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) runs, the system updates the customer balances and item activity for the selected items and generates the appropriate accounting entries.

    Note. The Automatic Maintenance process also creates maintenance groups and automatically sets them to post, unless the automatic maintenance method indicates that the process should generate a worksheet.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can maintain items, you must:

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Defining Additional Processing Options

Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

Entering Additional Billing, Purchasing, Payment, and Write-Off Options for Bill To Customers

Defining Receivables Write-off and Discount Tolerances

Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Customer Accounts Using the Automatic Maintenance Process (AR_AUTOMNT)

This section provides an overview of automatic maintenance, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Automatic Maintenance

The Automatic Maintenance process automatically matches debit and credit items based on criteria in automatic maintenance methods. It places the matching items in match groups and either creates write-off items to balance the group or creates an adjustment item to resolve the remaining balance for a group. The Automatic Maintenance process uses the anchor business unit to write off any remaining balances. Depending on the instructions in the automatic maintenance method, it either sets the match group to post or puts the match group on a maintenance worksheet. Use the worksheet to review the match groups and to set the maintenance group to post. It places all match groups for a corporate customer on the same worksheet.

Note. The process assigns items to the appropriate customer on the worksheet based on the customer level that you select for the automatic maintenance method step. For example, if you select Corporate for the customer level, the items are assigned to the corporate customer.

After you run the process, you can run these reports:

You can run the Potential Matches report and Actual Matches report for a single process instance of the Automatic Maintenance process by running the Automatic Maintenance and Reports multiprocess job (ARAUTOMT).

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Process Instance

Enter the number of a process instance for the Automatic Maintenance process to include only items from a specific run of the process.

Separate DR/CR Amount Fields (separate debit/credit amount fields)

Select to display the entered amount for each item in either the Debit Total or Credit Total column depending on whether it is a debit or credit item. Otherwise, the report displays all item amounts in the Entered Amount column.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Accounts Using the Automatic Maintenance Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Automatic Maintenance


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance, Request Automatic Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance

Run the Automatic Maintenance process.

Actual Matches Report


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance, Actual Matches Report, Actual Matches Report

Running the Actual Matches report (AR11004).

Potential Matches Report


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance, Potential Matches Report, Potential Matches Report

Running the Potential Matches report (AR11005).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Automatic Maintenance Process

Access the Automatic Maintenance page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance, Request Automatic Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance.)

Override Method

Select an automatic maintenance method if you want to use the same method for all items instead of the method assigned to the business unit.

Select one of these methods:

  • MATCH EQUAL AMT (match equal amount)

    Select to match debits and credits for items exactly by their open amounts.

  • NO MATCH WO (no match write-off)

    Select to write off debit or credit items that were not matched by the previous steps that have an amount that is less than the tolerances that you defined.


    Select to match using the #OLDEST algorithm, which matches items by due date.


    Select to match by reference information.

See PeopleSoft Receivables: "Setting Up Automated Maintenance Processing," Understanding Automatic Maintenance Methods, Viewing a Sample Automatic Maintenance Method.

Anchor Business Unit

Select the business unit to use for transactions that cross business units for interunit accounting entries. Leave blank to use the business unit of the first item in each group as the anchor business unit for the maintenance group.

If you enter an anchor business unit, the system uses the format currency for the business unit to convert transaction amounts to a common currency. Otherwise, it uses the format currency for the lowest-value business unit that you enter in the Process Request Parameters grid. The process assigns the same anchor currency to each Maintenance worksheet that it creates. The system displays the worksheet totals in the anchor currency.

Note. The system uses the anchor business unit to perform an automatic write-off of a remaining amount.

Accounting Date

Enter the accounting date for the process to use as the accounting date for any new items that it creates. If you leave the field blank, the process uses the date at the time of the run as the accounting date.

Item Selection Criteria

Select one of the following dates for the last activity date:

  • Specific Date, for which the process selects items with a last activity date that is less than or equal to a date the user selects in the Specific Date field on this page.

  • Today, for which the process selects items with a last activity date that is less than or equal to the current date at the time the process is run.

  • All Dates, for which the process selects all items regardless of the last activity date.

Business Unit

Enter the ID of all business units for which you want to match items. If you do not want to create match groups that include items across all business units, enter only one business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Actual Matches Report

Access the Actual Matches Report page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance, Actual Matches Report, Actual Matches Report.)

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range that identifies when the Automatic Maintenance process created the pending items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Potential Matches Report

Access the Potential Matches Report page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance, Potential Matches Report, Potential Matches Report.)

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range that identifies when the Automatic Maintenance process created the worksheets.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets

This section provides an overview of how to use the maintenance worksheet, lists a common element, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Use the Maintenance Worksheet

This section provides an overview of the maintenance worksheet and discusses:

A maintenance worksheet is a workspace for offsetting, writing off, or adjusting posted items. You can also use maintenance worksheets to refund an item with a credit balance or to create a new refund item for a credit remaining from maintenance tasks.

You can use two different views to work with the worksheet:

Because you frequently do not resolve the remaining balance for an item at one time, you can partially match a debit to a credit item or partially write off an item by changing the amount for the item on the worksheet. The system updates only the amount of the item that you specify.

Process Flow

To use a maintenance worksheet:

  1. Enter information that determines which items appear in the worksheet.

  2. (Optional) Enter criteria to match items in match groups.

  3. Use the Worksheet Application or Worksheet Group View page to select items to match, to create write-off and adjustment items, or to create refund items.

  4. Set the worksheet to post.

Match Groups

If you work with the worksheet in group mode, the system places debits and credits in match groups based on your matching criteria. The match group can contain items that belong to different business units and customers. Each group contains at least one credit and a least one debit. You can move items from one group to another as needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

Reason Code

(Optional) Select a reason code to apply to all items selected on the worksheet. This reason code appears with the item activity for these items.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Worksheet Selection


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Selection

Create a new worksheet, or add and change items on an existing maintenance worksheet. Build the worksheet.

Worksheet Matches


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Matches

Specify matching criteria to create match groups in the worksheet and build the worksheet.

Worksheet Application


  • Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Worksheet, Worksheet Application

  • Click the Normal View link on the Worksheet Group View page.

Offset individual debits and credits, write off items, create new items, or refund items.

Worksheet Group View


  • Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Worksheet Match Groups, Worksheet Group View

  • Click the Group View link on the Worksheet Application page.

Balance match groups, create write-offs and new items, or refund items as needed.

Move Item


Click the Move button on the Worksheet Group View page.

Move an item to a different match group.

Anchor Information


Click the Anchor Information link on the Worksheet Application page or the Worksheet Group View page.

Specify the anchor currency for multicurrency processing and the anchor business unit and distribution code for the maintenance control distribution lines.

Currency Conversion


Click the Currency Conversion Panel button on the Worksheet Application page or the Worksheet Group View page.

Select the currency code, rate, and date of conversion for the display currency on the worksheet. The values that you enter determine the currency and amount for the Conversion Amount - Currency field.

Worksheet Application Detail View


Click the View Detail button on the Worksheet Application page or the Worksheet Group View page.

View or change details about a selected item on a worksheet. Write off a remaining balance for the worksheet.

Item Activity Detail


Click the Item Activity link on the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

View all activities for an item.



Click the Conversations link on the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

Add or view conversation entries for the item.

Item in Other Groups


Click the Item in Other Groups link on the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

View other worksheet groups that have the selected item or any pending item groups that are not posted that have the item.

Additional Customer Information


Click the Additional Cust Information link on the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

View additional customer information.

Multiple Revenue Line Distribution


Click the Revenue Distribution link on the Worksheet Application Detail View page, the Worksheet Application page, or the Worksheet Group View page.

Determine how to distribute revenue to control budgets for partial payments when an item has multiple revenue lines.

AR Billing Inquiry

(accounts receivable billing inquiry)


Click the View Billing Information link on the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

Review details for an invoice in PeopleSoft Billing. The amounts are in the base currency. This page contains data only if you use PeopleSoft Billing.

Use the Go To field to access a page in the Bill Inquiry component (BI_INQUIRY) in PeopleSoft Billing.

See Pages Used to Change and Review Item Information.

Worksheet Action


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Finalize Worksheet, Worksheet Action

Select a posting action, create or review accounting entries, delete a worksheet, create accounting entries online for the worksheet, or delete accounting entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding a Maintenance Worksheet

Access the Worksheet Selection page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Selection.)

Customer Criteria

Customer Criteria

Select the type of customer that you want to include in the worksheet. Values are: Corporate Items, Customer Items, Remit From Items, and None. If you select None, the system creates a worksheet based on your other selection criteria and does not limit items to specific customers. In addition, if you select None, the Customer Reference fields are not available.

Cust ID (customer ID) and Business Unit

Enter a customer ID and business unit.

Note. If you select Corporate Items or Remit From Items in Customer Criteria, you must enter a business unit. The system needs a business unit to determine the setID of corporate and remit from customers. The resulting worksheet displays all open items that have the specified corporate or remit from customer across all business units, not just the business unit that you selected.

Rate Type

Required if you are working with multiple currencies. The default value for the rate type comes from the value that you defined for the business unit on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Warning! If you do not enter a rate type and you select multicurrency items, the system returns you to the Worksheet Selection page, and you must start from the beginning. None of your work on the worksheet will be saved. To avoid accidentally losing your work, enter a rate type on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page so that you always have a default value on the Worksheet Application page.

MICR ID (magnetic ink character recognition ID)

(Optional) Enter the customer's MICR ID.


Link the customer's MICR ID to other customers who have the same MICR ID.

Accounting Date

For new worksheets, select the accounting date that you want to apply to all items that you select on the worksheet.

For existing worksheets, you can change the accounting date only if no items have been selected on the worksheet. If you have selected items, click the Clear button to clear the selections. Then change the accounting date.

Reference Criteria

Reference Criteria

Select a value that indicates how you will identify the items for the worksheet. Values are Specific Value, None, and a Range of References. If you select either Range of References or Specific Value, you work with the other two Item Reference fields.

Note. The only instance in which you can use reference criteria independently of customer criteria is when All Customers appears as the value for the Restrict to field.

Restrict To

Select a value to qualify items by customer. Values are All Customers, Corporate Cust Only, Customer Only, and Remit Cust Only.

Match Rule

If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, specify whether the item information is an exact match or a like match. A like match enables you to use a percent (%) wildcard to identify the reference, as long as you provide the beginning letters or numbers. For example, if you enter a purchase order (PO) number of 24% and select Like Match, the worksheet will contain all items having PO numbers beginning with 24xx, but will not catch a PO number of x24x.

Anchor Business Unit

Select a business unit. The system uses the currency for the business unit as the anchor currency for conversion when items on the worksheet are in different currencies. The system also uses the maintenance control code (AR distribution code) that you assigned to this business unit to create offsetting accounting entries. The system uses this business unit when you perform an automatic write-off of a remaining balance.

If items are selected on the worksheet, you cannot change an anchor business unit. To change an anchor business unit, click the Clear button to clear the selections.


Enter the control currency for the worksheet. This field appears only if you enter reference values.

Reference and To Reference

If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, enter the specific item reference. If you selected Range of References, enter the starting and ending values for the range of references.

Reference Qualifier Code

Select the type of reference, such as document, item, purchase order, or any other criteria that you set up on the Reference Qualifier page.

Note. You must enter a qualifier code before you enter a reference number if you do not have a default value assigned to the business unit.

Item Inclusion Options

All Items, Deduction Items Only, and Items in Dispute Only

Select one of these options to indicate the type of items to include in the worksheet. If you select All Items, you can select one or more of these check boxes to exclude those item types from the worksheet: Exclude Deduction Items, Exclude Collection Items, and Exclude Dispute Items.

Item Selection Filter

To limit the list of items on the worksheet, enter additional selection criteria in the Item Selection Filter group box. The Worksheet Application page displays only items the values of which match the ones that you enter. For example, enter the code for a receivables (AR) specialist to view only the items assigned to that person. This option is useful when you want to build a worksheet to resolve deductions.

Worksheet Action


Click to create a new worksheet or to add items that meet your selection criteria to an existing worksheet.


Click to remove all items from an existing worksheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Matching Criteria

Access the Worksheet Matches page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Matches.)

You specify the criteria for matching debit items to credit items in the Match Criteria group box. When you build the worksheet, the system displays groups of matching debit and credit items on the Worksheet Group View page.

Field Match

Select an option for matching the field values. Options are:

Field: Select to match any value in a specific debit item field to the exact same value in a specific credit item field. When you select this option, only the Debit Field and Credit Field are available.

Value: Select to match a specific or partial value in a specific debit field to a specific or partial value in a specific credit field.

Debit Field and Credit Field

Select the matching criteria for debits in the debit fields and the matching criteria for credit items in the credit fields.

For each line, select the field on the Item table (PS_ITEM) that you want to match. Values are Bill of Lading, Broker ID, Carrier ID, Claim Number, Class of Trade, Contract, Division, Document ID, Entry Reason, Family, Invoice, Item ID, Major Classification, Order No, Price Promotion Code, Proof of Delivery, Purchase Order Ref, Sales Person, and Sales Person 2.


Select the operator for each field match:

= (equal): Matches the exact value that you enter in the From field.

BTW (in between): Matches a range of values that you enter in the From and To fields. For example, if you enter C to DZ, it matches all values that begin with C to DZ.

LIKE (like comparison): Includes references that begin or end with the same characters or numbers by entering a partial value and the percent (%) wildcard in the From field. For example, if you enter a PO number of 24%, it matches items that have PO numbers beginning with 24xx, but won't match a PO number of x24x.

Note. The To field is available only if you selected BTW for the operator. If you selected LIKE, you must enter a percent wildcard in the From field.

The system creates one match group that contains all of the items that meet your matching criteria for each line. For example, enter the following matching criteria:

Debit Field






Credit Field






If you have the debit item DE1234 and the CR1234, CR1236, and CR1239 credit items in the system, the system creates one match group containing these items:

Worksheet Action


Click to create a new worksheet or to add items that meet your selection criteria to an existing worksheet.


Click to remove all items from an existing worksheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Worksheet to Maintain Items Individually

Access the Worksheet Application page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Worksheet, Worksheet Application, and click the Normal View link on the Worksheet Group View page.)

The page appears in normal view if you did not enter any matching criteria on the Worksheet Matches page or if the matching criteria did not generate any match groups.

Anchor Information

Click to access the Anchor Information page, where you select an anchor business unit and anchor currency for multicurrency processing. Select a control distribution code for accounting entries. If an item is selected on the worksheet, then you are unable to change or select any of these fields.

Working with Item Selection Controls

The item selection controls enable you to work with all items in the worksheet at once or a specified range of items.

Entry Type and Reason

Select the entry type for the activity that you want to perform for the selected items. You must enter a valid entry reason in the Reason field if you selected the Require Reason check box for the entry type on either the Item Entry Type - Selection page or the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page. Valid entry types are:

Offset an Item: Select to offset all of the selected items.

Refund a Credit: Select to refund selected credit items. If you also have debit items selected, the system ignores them.

Write off a Debit: Select to write off selected debit items. If you also have credit items selected, the system ignores them. The system issues a message if you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit. If approval framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off amounts entered on the worksheet that are below the write-off tolerances but above the approval-needed limit.

Write off a Credit: Select to write off selected credit items. If you also have debit items selected, the system ignores them. The system issues a message if you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit.

If you receive a warning message that the write-off exceeds the tolerances, you can bypass the message, as long as you are enabled to override tolerances in user preferences and the write-off meets your tolerance requirements. If approval framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off amounts entered and saved on the worksheet that are above the approval-needed limit.

Note. If you select an item that is selected in another worksheet, and you selected the No Mult Pending Item Selection field on the Installation Options - Receivables page, the system does not select the item in the grid. To determine whether the item is selected in another group, click the Items in Other Groups link on the Detail View page for the item. The system also does not automatically select an item that you added to the worksheet by clicking the Add Item button if that item is selected in another worksheet.

Important! The system allows you to select Write off a Debit or Write off a Credit if the business unit for both items being matched requires VAT (value added tax) only if VAT applicability is set to Exempt or Out of Scope.

Choice and Range

Select an option to select or deselect multiple items at a time. Values are Select All, De-Select All, Select Range, De-Select Range.

If you select Select Range or De-Select Range, enter the range in the Range field. For example, enter 4-7.


Click to apply your selections to the items in the grid and to update the worksheet balances.

If you have a remaining balance, you can write off the remaining balance or create a new debit or credit item for the difference.

Using Item Display Controls


Specify which items to display in the grid, such as All Items, Unselected Items, or Selected Items.


Click to refresh the item list and balances.

Click the Currency Conversion Panel button to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select a display currency for the Conversion Amount - Currency column and specify whether to use today's date, the accounting date for the item, or a date that you specify to determine which exchange rate to use.

Sort All

Use the Sort All field to sort all items in the worksheet, not just the items that are displayed in the scroll area. This field is not available if the number of rows does not exceed the maximum chunk size. Select Match to place matching credits and debits together. The worksheet matches the items by comparing the item ID and line number with the document and document line number. Select Items to sort the worksheet in the order that you entered the items on the Worksheet Selection page. Then click Go to resort all items in the worksheet.

The page displays the selected rows that currently appear in the list. Click the arrows to view different chunks of data. For better performance, you can limit the number of rows that appear in the scroll area on the Installation Options - Receivables page. Oracle recommends a maximum chunk size of 100 rows, although larger chunks may perform satisfactorily.

These fields and buttons are not available if the number of rows does not exceed the maximum chunk size.

Working with Item Summary Information

Use the Customize link to sort by column and reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This enables you to put the key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort your data.

See the section on using grid and scroll area controls in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications.

Click the View Detail button to access the Worksheet Application Detail View page, where you view and update details for an item.

Note. If you selected the option to view all items in the grid, the Detail View page displays information about all items in the grid and the page takes longer to open.

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

This number relates to the order in which the items were entered on the Worksheet Selection page. Initially the items appear in this order. If you sort the worksheet based on the value in another column or by using the Sort All field, the number stays with the item, but the grid order changes. Use this column to resort the worksheet in the original order.

Item Balance

Displays the amount of the item on which you are taking action. Change the amount if you do not want to take action on the full amount of the item. For new items that you create, add the amount for the item.

Item ID and Line

If you added a new item to the worksheet to balance the worksheet, enter the item ID and line number. If you need to add additional information for the item, use the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

Type and Reason

Select the entry type and reason for the activity. If you are working with an existing item, select one of these entry types:

MT (Offset an Item): Select to match the item.

Note. If you are offsetting a vendor rebate claim or claimback item derived from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management and the item's business unit is associated with a VAT entity, you create two items, one with the base amount of the item in the Item Balance field and one with the VAT amount for the item in the Item Balance field. Use the MT (Offset an Item) entry type for each item. Use the CRBSE entry reason for the row with the base amount and CRVAT entry reason for the row with the VAT amount. You also must enter the reference number for the claim item in the Document field on the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

RC (Refund a Credit): Select to refund a credit item.

WO (Write-off a Debit): Select to write off a debit item.

WOC (Write-off a Credit): Select to write off a credit item.

If you are working with a new item in the worksheet that you created by adding a new row to the worksheet, select one of these entry types:

MC (Create New Credit): Select to create a new credit memo and add the amount to the adjustment total. The amount in the balance field must be negative.

MD (Create New Debit): Select to create a new debit memo and add the amount to the adjustment total. The amount in the balance field must be positive.

RRC (Refund Remaining Credit): Select to refund the remaining balance for the worksheet in the Net field.

WRC (Write-off Remaining Credit): Select to write off the remaining credit balance for the worksheet in the Net field. The system creates a credit (MT-05) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a credit write-off (MT-06) and adds that amount to the write-off total.

WRD (Write-off Remaining Debit): Select to write off the remaining debit balance for the worksheet in the Net field. The system creates a debit memo (MT-04) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a debit write-off (MT-07) and adds that amount to the write-off total.

Note. If you receive a warning message that the write-off exceeds the tolerances, you can bypass the message, as long as you are enabled to override tolerances in user preferences and the write-off meets your tolerance requirements. If approval framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off amounts entered and saved on the worksheet that are above the approval-needed limit.

Important! The system allows you to select Write off a Debit or Write off a Credit if the business unit for both items being matched requires VAT only if VAT applicability is set to Exempt or Out of Scope.

Add Item

Click to add an existing item that is not already in the worksheet. When you add an item, enter the business unit, customer ID, and item ID. The system selects the item and assigns an MT offset entry type. If you are using line items, all line items for the item are selected. If you attempt to add an invalid item ID or any open item that does not meet the current editing criteria, it will not be added to the worksheet.

Note. To add all of another customer's open items as opposed to a single item, access the Worksheet Selection page, where you can add a customer ID and rebuild the worksheet.

Group View

Click to access the Worksheet Group View page, where you match items in match groups.

Write Off Remaining Amount

Click to write off the remaining balance for the worksheet. The link is available only if a balance is in the Net field. The system creates two new pending items—the new debit or credit and the write-off—and assigns an item ID to each item. Override the item ID if you want to assign your own number.

If the net amount is greater than zero, the system creates a debit memo (MT-04) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a debit write-off (MT-07) and adds that amount to the write-off total.

If the net is less than zero, the system creates a credit (MT-05) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a credit write-off (MT-06) and adds that amount to the write-off total.

If either MT-06 or MT-07 have the Require Reason option selected, you will not be able to use this link. Instead, you must create a new line on the Worksheet and enter the information for the write-off including the reason code.

Revenue Distribution

Click to distribute revenue amounts for control budgets when an item has multiple revenue lines and you are only partially taking action on it. This link is available only if you enabled commitment control processing and if you enabled the entry of multiple revenue lines for the business unit.


The system updates the balance information when you click Go or Refresh, or you save the worksheet. You must have a zero balance before you can post the worksheet.

Dr (debit)

Displays the total of positive amounts.

Cr (credit)

Displays the total of negative amounts.

Adj (adjustment)

Displays the amount of new debit and credit pending items that you created.


Displays the remaining or unmatched amount for selected items (debits – credits + adjustments).

WO (write-off)

Displays the total of both item and remainder write-offs.

Ref (refund)

Displays the total of refunded items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Items in Match Groups

Access the Worksheet Group View page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Worksheet Match Groups, Worksheet Group View, and click the Group View link on the Worksheet Application page.)

The page opens in group view if you entered matching criteria on the Worksheet Matches page and your criteria generated match groups.

Each match group contains the items that matched based on your matching criteria. Match group number 99999 contains all items that did not match any other items. The group balance for each match group must be zero before you can post the worksheet. Also, the net amount for the worksheet must be zero.

To balance a match group, you can:

Use the Match Group scroll area to scroll through the match groups. Use the Item List grid to scroll through items within a match group.

Anchor Information

Click to access the Anchor Information page, where you select an anchor business unit and anchor currency for multicurrency processing. Select a control distribution code for accounting entries. If an item is selected, then you will not be able to change or select any of these fields.

Click the Currency Conversion Panel button to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select a display currency for the Conversion Amount - Currency column and specify whether to use today's date, the accounting date for the item, or a date that you specify to determine which exchange rate to use.

Normal View

Click to access the Worksheet Application page, where you match individual items instead of matching items in groups.

Revenue Distribution

Click to distribute revenue amounts for control budgets when an item has multiple revenue lines and you are only partially taking action on it. This link is available only if you enabled commitment control processing and if you enabled the entry of multiple revenue lines for the business unit.

Using the Item Controls to Balance Groups

The item selection controls enable you to work with all items in a single match group at once or a specified range of items.

Entry Type and Reason

Select the entry type for the activity that you want to perform for the selected items. You must enter a valid entry reason in the Reason field if you selected the Require Reason field for the selected entry type on either the Item Entry Type - Selection page or the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page. Valid entry types are:

MT (Offset an Item): Select to offset all of the selected items.

RC (Refund a Credit): Select to refund selected credit items. If you also have debit items selected, the system ignores them.

WO (Write off a Debit): Select to write off selected debit items. If you also have credit items selected, the system ignores them. The system issues a message if you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit. If approval framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off amounts entered on the worksheet that are below the write-off tolerances but above the approval-needed limit.

WOC (Write off a Credit): Select to write off selected credit items. If you also have debit items selected, the system ignores them. The system issues a message if you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit.

If you receive a warning message that the write-off exceeds the tolerances, you can bypass the message, as long as you are enabled to override tolerances in user preferences and the write-off meets your tolerance requirements. If approval framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off amounts entered and saved on the worksheet that are above the approval-needed limit.

Note. If you select an item that is selected in another worksheet, and if you selected the No Mult Pending Item Selection option on the Installation Options - Receivables page, the system does not select the item in the grid. To determine whether the item is selected in another group, click the Items in Other Groups link on the Detail View page for the item.

Important! The system allows you to select Write off a Debit or Write off a Credit if the business unit for both items being matched requires VAT only if VAT applicability is set to Exempt or Out of Scope.

Match Group

Select the number of the match group with which you want to work.

Choice and Range

Select an option to select or deselect multiple items in the group at once. Values are Select All, De-Select All, Select Range, De-Select Range, and none.

If you select Select Range or De-Select Range, enter the range in the Range field. For example, enter 4-7.


Click to apply your selections to the items in the match group and to update the group balance and worksheet balances.

If you have a remaining balance for a match group, you can write off the remaining balance or create a new debit or credit item for the difference. To write off the remaining balance, add a new row for a write-off item to the match group and enter the remaining amount in the Item Balance field. Select either the WRD or WRC entry type to write off the remaining debit or credit.

Working with Individual Items to Balance Match Groups

Use the Customization link to sort by column and reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This will enable you to put the key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort your data.

See the section on using grid and scroll area controls in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications.

Click the View Detail button to access the Worksheet Application Detail View page, where you can view and update details for an item.

Note. You can review only one item in the Detail page when clicking the View Detail button on the Worksheet Group View page.

Item Balance

Displays the amount of the item on which you are taking action. Change the amount if you do not want to take action on the full amount of the item. For new items that you create, add the amount for the item.

Seq (sequence)

This number relates to the order in which the items were entered on the Worksheet Selection page. Initially, the items in each match appear in this order. If you sort the match group based on the value in another column, the number stays with the item, but the grid sequence number for the item in the left column changes. Use this column to resort the worksheet in the original order.

Item ID and Line

If you added a new item to the match group to balance the group, enter the item ID and line number. Add additional information for the item on the Detail View page.

Type and Reason

Select the entry type and reason for the activity. If you are working with existing items, select one of these entry types:

MT (Offset an Item): Select to match the item.

Note. If you are offsetting a vendor rebate claim or claimback item derived from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management and the item's business unit is associated with a VAT entity, you create two items, one with the base amount of the item in the Item Balance field and one with the VAT amount for the item in the Item Balance field. Use the MT (Offset an Item) entry type for each item. Use the CRBSE entry reason for the row with the base amount and CRVAT entry reason for the row with the VAT amount. You also must enter the reference number for the claim item in the Document field on the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

RC (Refund a Credit): Select to refund a credit item.

WO (Write off a Debit): Select to write off a debit item.

WOC (Write off a Credit): Select to write off a credit item.

If you are working with a new item in the match group that you created by adding a new row, select one of these entry types:

MC (Create New Credit): Select to create a new credit memo and add the amount to the adjustment total. The amount in the balance field must be negative.

MD (Create New Debit): Select to create a new debit memo and add the amount to the adjustment total. The amount in the balance field must be positive.

RRC (Refund Remaining Credit): Select to refund the remaining balance for the match group in the Group Balance field.

WRC (Write-off Remaining Credit): Select to write off the remaining credit balance for the match group in the Group Balance field. The system creates a credit (MT-05) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a credit write-off (MT-06) and adds that amount to the write-off total.

WRD (Write-off Remaining Debit): Select to write off the remaining debit balance for the match group in the Group Balance field. The system creates a debit memo (MT-04) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a debit write-off (MT-07) and adds that amount to the write-off total.

Note. If you receive a warning that the write-off exceeds the tolerances, you can bypass the message, as long as you are enabled to override tolerances in user preferences and the write-off meets your tolerance requirements. If approval framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off amounts entered and saved on the worksheet that are above the approval-needed limit.

Important! The system allows you to select Write off a Debit or Write off a Credit if the business unit for both items being matched requires VAT only if VAT applicability is set to Exempt or Out of Scope.


Click to access the Move Item page. Select the Move Item check box and enter the number for the new match group in the To Match Group ID field. Click Save to move the item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Item Details

Access the Worksheet Application Detail View page. (Click the View Detail button on the Worksheet Application page or the Worksheet Group View page.)

Item Balance

To partially take action on an item, change the amount and click Edit to update the worksheet balance information.

Entry Type and Entry Reason

Select the entry type and reason for the activity.


Enter the address sequence number for new items. You must enter a value in this field to include the item in correspondence if you selected the Item Address option for the correspondence customer on the Correspondence Options page.


If you are applying the payment to a vendor rebate claim item or claimback item that is derived from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management, you must enter a reference ID. When you run the Rebate Notification process, it sends the reference ID to PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management to use to reconcile the claims on the claims management workbench.

This field is available for existing items only if you enter entry reasons on the AR Integration page.

Click the links to view and update more information about the item.

Note. To save your changes, return to the Worksheet Application or Worksheet Group View page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDistributing Multiple Revenue Lines

Access the Multiple Revenue Line Distribution page. (Click the Revenue Distribution link on the Worksheet Application Detail View page, the Worksheet Application page, or the Worksheet Group View page.)

See Distributing Amounts for Multiple Revenue Lines for Control Budgets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChoosing a Worksheet Action

Access the Worksheet Action page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Finalize Worksheet, Worksheet Action.)

Delete Worksheet

Click to delete the entire worksheet and any accounting entries that you created for the worksheet.

Delete Maintenance Group

Click to delete the accounting entries that you created, but leave the worksheet intact.


If approval workflow is enabled, any write-offs must be approved before you can proceed with any of the posting actions. You must select Submit to Workflow action. The approver can access the worksheet and change this action to Pending Approval. Once the write-off is approved, the system enables the approver to perform a posting action.

Select a posting action for the group and click OK to carry out the action. Values are:

Do Not Post: Saves the changes to the group, but no posting occurs. Use this option to change the posting option for a group set to Batch Standard if the group has not been processed yet.

Post Now: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately. If the user enabled the notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.

Post Now to GL: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately and runs processes to create and post journals to the general ledger. If the user enabled the notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.

Batch Priority: Runs the Receivable Update process the next time that a priority scheduled job runs or the next time that a standard scheduled job runs, if that occurs first. This option is not intended for large jobs.

Batch Standard: Runs the next time that a standard scheduled batch jobs runs. This may occur once a day, depending on how often the organization schedules standard jobs.

Note. The posting options that are available depend on the options that you select for the user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page. Use the Post Now and Post Now to GL options only for small groups or when an immediate need exists to post the transaction. The system issues a message if another user or scheduled process is posting transactions for the same business unit and customer combination at the same time. If approval workflow is enabled, the write-off has to be approved before a posting action can be selected.

See Receivable Update Processing Options.

Create/Review Accounting Entries

Click to create accounting entries online. Normally you do not use this option in a production environment.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Accounting Entries and Correcting Errors

When you post maintenance groups, the Receivable Update process and the Pending Group Generator process (AR_PGG_SERV) work together to create the group, pending items, and accounting entries. To review the accounting entries before background processing occurs, you can create them online by clicking the Create/Review Entries button on the Worksheet Action page. The process edits for ChartField combination errors if you enabled this option for the business unit on the Receivables Options - General 2 page. A single error message appears if at least one distribution line has a ChartField combo edit error. This message instructs the user to refer to the ChartField Combo Error tab for further details about the error. The ChartField Combo Error tab appears in the Distribution Lines grid. This tab identifies the specific fields and combination group that was used to compare against the distribution line with the error. If no errors occurred, this tab does not appear. You cannot post the accounting entries until you fix the errors if you selected Recycle in the ChartField Editing group box for the business unit.

Use the Accounting Entries page to review or edit accounting entries that have already been created for maintenance group items and correct them if needed. You can edit both the receivables (AR) line and the user-defined lines for these types of new items that do not reference existing items:

Note. You cannot edit the AR lines when the system generates two transactions for the same new item ID because the AR line must match for both transactions. This applies when a Write-off Remaining Debit (MT-07) item automatically creates a Create a New Debit (MT-04) item, or when a Write-off Remaining Credit (MT-06) or Refund Remaining Credit (MT-08) item automatically creates a Create a New Credit (MT-05) item.

For write-off items (MT-02) and MT-03), you can edit only the user-defined lines. To keep these accounting entries balanced when you make changes, enable the ChartField Balancing option on the Ledger Group - Balancing page. This enables the system to create intraunit accounting entries across the from and to line.

Note. You cannot edit the entries if you selected the Always Inherit or Inherit within BU inheritance option.

If ChartField combination errors occur on Offset an Item (MT-01) and Refund a Credit (MT-09) transactions:

  1. Delete the accounting entries on the error correction pages.

  2. Modify the ChartField combinations for either the combination edit rules or for the distribution codes.

  3. Rerun the Receivable Update process to regenerate the accounting entries.

If your automatic entry type accounting templates contain multiple user-defined lines, and you create entries online, you can manually allocate the amount of the item across the accounting lines. If you create entries during background processing, the accounting lines will not be balanced and you must use the error correction pages to manually allocate the amount across the accounting lines.

If the original item that an item references has project ChartFields and you want to use the same ChartField values, access the AR Billing Inquiry page for the item and click the Bill Header - Project Info link. This enables you to view the project ChartFields on the bill header in PeopleSoft Billing. Otherwise, the system uses the ChartField values that you defined on the Auto Entry Type - Accounting Template for the entry type and reason.

See Also

Correcting Posting Errors

Editing ChartField Combinations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Accounting Entries and Correct Errors

Page Name

Definition Name



Worksheet Control


  • Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Accounting Entries, Worksheet Control

  • Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Correct Posting Errors, Worksheet, Worksheet Control

Review the control totals for a maintenance group.

Accounting Entries


  • Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Accounting Entries, Accounting Entries

  • Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Correct Posting Errors, Worksheet, Accounting Entries

Review and correct errors for accounting entries in a maintenance group.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Refunds

This section provides an overview of refund processing, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  1. Create refunds using the maintenance worksheet.

  2. Post the refunds using the Receivable Update process.

  3. Run the Receivables Refund process to update the Voucher Stage tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Refund Processing

The Receivables Refund Application Engine process (AR_REFUND) adds rows to the PS_VCHR_HDR_STG, PS_VCHR_LINE_STG, and PS_VCHR_DIST_STG tables for PeopleSoft Receivables. The PeopleSoft Payables Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD) creates voucher record sets. The Receivables Refund process does not add unposted vouchers to the voucher tables in your accounts payable system.

If PeopleSoft Payables is not installed, the Receivables Refund process adds rows to the PS_AR_REFUND_TMP table instead.

Note. If you do not have PeopleSoft Payables installed on your system, disable Payables on the Installed Products page so that the option to load the rows to the PeopleSoft Payables staging tables is not available on the Refund Parameters page.

Process Flow

Perform these steps to process refunds:

  1. Create refunds using the maintenance worksheet.

  2. Post the refunds using the Receivable Update process.

  3. Run the Receivables Refund process to update the Voucher Stage tables.

After you perform the three tasks, run the Voucher Build process in PeopleSoft Payables, and continue with normal voucher processing in PeopleSoft Payables.

Accounting for Refund Processing

The system debits accounts receivable and credits the Refund Control ChartField combination when you run the Receivables Update process or create accounting entries online for the refunds that you create on a maintenance worksheet.

The Receivables Refund process creates an offsetting debit to the Refund control account. The system determines the corresponding credit by using your PeopleSoft Payables account entry templates associated with the payables business unit.

See Also

Running the Voucher Posting Process

Understanding Realized Gain and Loss Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must set up your system to process refunds correctly. Perform these tasks before you create a refund:

See Also

Defining the Accounting Options 2 Page

Viewing Vendor Names and IDs

Entering Tax ID, Vendor ID, Web Addresses, Stock Symbols, and SubCustomer Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Worksheet Selection


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Selection

Build the maintenance worksheet.

Worksheet Application


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Worksheet, Worksheet Application

Select the items to refund.

Worksheet Group View


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Worksheet Match Groups, Worksheet Group View

Select the items to refund.

Worksheet Action


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Finalize Worksheet, Worksheet Action

Select a posting action.

Receivable Update Request


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Request Receivables Update, Receivable Update Request

Post the worksheet refund items.



Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Refunds, Request Refund Item, Refunds

Run the Receivables Refunds process.

Refund Status


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Refunds, Refund Status, Refund Status

View information for a refund voucher that was created by PeopleSoft Payables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Refunds

Access the Worksheet Selection page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Selection.)

To create refunds:

  1. Build the maintenance worksheet on the Worksheet Selection page.

  2. Select the credit items that you want to refund on the Worksheet Application page or the Worksheet Group View page, and select the Refund a Credit entry type.

    Alternatively, create a new row on a worksheet with a net credit balance and select the Refund Remaining Credit entry type.

  3. Select a posting action on the Worksheet Action page.

See Also

Maintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Refunds

Access the Receivables Update Request page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Request Receivables Update, Receivable Update Request.)

See Also

Running Receivable Update

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Receivable Refunds Process

Access the Refunds page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Refunds, Request Refund Item, Refunds.)

Load Directly to AP

Select to load the processed refunds into the PeopleSoft Payables voucher staging tables. Deselect to enable the system to write refund information to the PS_AR_REFUND_TMP table. If you do not select this check box, you must write a custom process to read information from the PS_AR_REFUND_TMP table and update the appropriate PeopleSoft Payables tables or third-party payables system. This check box is available only if PeopleSoft Payables is installed on your system.