Maintaining Standard Budgets in General Ledger

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger standard budgets and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding General Ledger Standard Budgets

PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger enables you to develop, maintain, and report on standard budgets, also referred to as static budgets. As with actual or statistical data, you maintain budgets in a ledger. You can create any number of separate ledgers to track various types of budgets, including high-level forecasts and budgets based on summary ChartField levels.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Note. Standard budgets do not include control budgets, which are set up and maintained using the Commitment Control feature.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you enter amounts in a budget ledger, you must:

  1. Define a ledger template.

  2. Link the template to a detail budget ledger.

  3. Add the budget ledger to a budget ledger group.

  4. Activate the budget ledger groups for business units.

Note. The scenario ChartField in the budget ledger and budget journal line records does not exist in the standard ledger definition. PeopleSoft Budgeting uses the scenario ChartField extensively because that ChartField facilitates an integration link between PeopleSoft Budgeting and General Ledger. Even if you do not currently use PeopleSoft Budgeting or populate values for this ChartField, retain the additional ChartField in the general ledger budget records. You cannot include a budget ledger in a budget ledger group with other types of ledgers. That is, you must not include budget ledgers with an actuals (recording) ledger or any other type of ledger in a ledger group. You do not have to use the same accounting calendar for a budget that you use for an actuals (recording) ledger. You create calendars on the Detail Calendar page, activate the budget ledger, and select the calendars that you want to use for the standard budgets.

See Also

Defining a Ledger Template

Defining a Ledger Group

Defining a Detail Ledger

Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Defining Accounting Calendars

Adding Scenario Values

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMethods for Creating and Maintaining Standard Budgets

You can set up standard budgets based on fixed amounts or percentages. In addition, you can set up standard budgets by:

You can also set up standard budgets that:

Note. General Ledger integrates with PeopleSoft Budgeting, which shares all of the functionality described in this section. If you use PeopleSoft Budgeting to manage the budget process and prepare budget ledger data, you have immediate access to that budget data for reporting and comparison with General Ledger actuals data. Many of the steps described in this section apply only if you do not use PeopleSoft Budgeting for budget preparation.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Planning and Budgeting PeopleBook

Typically, you maintain budgets in an unbalanced ledger. With expense budgets and sales forecasts, for example, you are normally concerned with only one side of the accounting equation. Because you use most budgets for planning and analysis (and you continually modify and round them), you may not need to create an exact offset every time that you change a budgeted amount. The Detail Budget Maintenance pages that enable you to modify budget rows directly are supported against unbalanced ledgers only.

In General Ledger, you can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Spreading, Repeating, and Percentage-Increase Processes

The budget spreading and repeating processes provide an alternative to the often time-consuming job of specifying budget amounts on an amount-by-amount, period-by-period basis. You can enter a lump sum budget amount or a percentage of an existing amount for a ChartField combination.

General Ledger can automatically spread an amount or apply a percentage across the periods in a fiscal year. The amounts can be:

Spreading or repeating a fixed amount or percentage over a range of periods reduces data entry. Here is an example:

Suppose that you send a memo to the manager of the account management department indicating that the monthly office party expense for January through June will be 1,200.00 USD. The manager repeats the 1,200.00 USD amount for each month during that period.

When you review the sales department's budget, however, you realize that you have made a mistake, and you send another memo clarifying that 1,200.00 USD is the entire amount for the half-year period, and it must be divided evenly among the six months. The manager decides to spread a negative 6,000.00 USD evenly across the January through June time period. This leaves 200.00 USD in each monthly period and corrects the error.

Now suppose that after you consider the number of new employees, you decide to add 200.00 USD to each monthly period for a total expense of 2,400.00 USD. However, before the budget is finalized, you receive a memo from the budget committee directing you to reduce all nonessential sales and all general and administrative expenses by 50 percent. After you reduce the selected monthly expenses by the required 50 percent, you have 1200.00 USD for the final office party budget for the six months period.

This table shows the transactions:








Repeat 1200,00 USD







Spread evenly 6000.00 USD














Add by period 200.00 USD














Percentage change by period














Remember the following points when you spread amounts:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Copy Process

The Budget Copy feature is ideal for creating multiple versions of a budget. You set up what-if scenarios or assess the impact of each level of review. You can use this feature to create a new budget based on an existing ledger or to update an existing budget and have General Ledger automatically increase or decrease the amounts copied by a percentage that you specify.

The Budget Copy process updates or inserts new rows of data into the selected target ledger. If data for the specified ChartField values in the pool (source) ledger already exists in the target ledger, the system updates (or overwrites) that data for the year and periods specified. If no data exists in the target ledger for the specified ChartFields, General Ledger adds those rows to the target ledger. Any rows that do not meet the pool ledger criteria remain unaffected.

Here is an example:

Suppose that the sales manager for corporate headquarters expects that the revenue for the eastern and central regions will increase by 128 percent in the year 2000. To create a sales projection for the year 2000, the manager copies the actuals amounts from 1999 to the budget ledger. From the actuals ledger, the manager selects a range of revenue accounts (400000–401000) and the appropriate sales departments (21200 and 21300). All products and services are included. The system copies only those account balances that match the ChartField values that the manager entered. Any other rows of data that already exist in the budgets ledgers are not affected. Next, the manager selects the appropriate value in the Factor % (factor percentage) field. In this case, it is 128 percent of the actuals balances.

To populate a year's worth of budgets with a one-to-one copy from the actuals ledger to the budgets ledger, you set up a period-to-period copy. Then you run it 12 times in the Budget Copy process request using a different as-of date for each request. You cannot use a multiperiod time span (such as All Year) in the pool definition because the Budget Copy process sums the entire year in one row rather than as period 1, period 2, and so on. You could spread that amount to one period at a time or over an entire year, but you would not perform a one-to-one copy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Allocation Process

Allocations processing in General Ledger enables you to spread either fixed amounts or a pool of complex pro rata amounts from multiple ChartFields. You can use statistical and monetary accounts from any ledger (or combination of ledgers) as the basis. Allocations provide complete flexibility in mapping ledger amounts across the chart of accounts. You can use allocations to generate large volumes of budget entries quickly and easily. Allocations processing supports top-down budgeting and the dynamic generation of budgets based on any segment of the organization at any given time.

Allocations enable you to spread amounts from any ledger to the budget ledger so that you can devise budgets and forecasts based on the strategic information already stored in your database. Here is an example:

Suppose that your sales manager is preparing next year's monthly sales targets for the eastern sales division, as well as a budget for travel expenses. The sales manager bases the forecast on a number of factors:

First, the sales manager uses the Budget Copy Definition pages to copy 2002 eastern sales region revenue figures from the actuals ledger into the budget ledger for 2004.

The manager uses the Factor (%) field to increase by 128 percent the 1998 actuals amounts. Then the sales manager does the same for the travel expense accounts, increasing them by 10 percent.

Next, the sales manager uses the Budget Allocation process to reallocate revenue amounts according to 2002 sales trends, using the 2002 amounts in the sales revenue account for all departments as the basis. In this way, sales figures for the eastern division are spread according to the general sales trends for 2002.

As the final step, the sales manager uses the new 2003 sales revenue forecast amounts as the basis for allocating the travel expenses.

See Also

Maintaining Detail Budgets

Copying Budgets

Processing Allocations

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Detail Budgets

You use the Detail Budget Maintenance page, the Data by Year page, and the Data by Period page to make adjustments and perform inquiries on budget ledgers. To access budget ledger data using these pages, the ledger definition must specify the ledger record as LEDGER_BUDG, and the ledger must be unbalanced.

To maintain detail budgets, use the Detail Budget Maintenance component (DEPT_ENTRY).

The Detail Budget Maintenance page is intended for use in making adjustments of existing data and performing inquiries on existing data. It is not intended for adding volumes of data, or, to provide the extensive validation functionality that the Journal Entry page provides. The Journal Entry page is the primary place to enter financial data with full validation functionality.

This section discusses how to:

Note. To maintain transactions in different currencies, use allocations or budget journals rather than the Budgets pages described here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Detail Budgets

Page Name

Definition Name



Detail Budget Maintenance


General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Detail Budget Maintenance, Detail Budget Maintenance

Identify the fiscal year and the ChartFields or specific ChartField values that appear on the Data by Year page and the Data by Period page for the selected business unit and budget ledger.

Data by Year


Click the Query link on the Detail Budget Maintenance page.

Delete rows for the selected budget data and entered fiscal year and drill down to the Data by Period page for this specific account.

Data by Period


Click the Account link on the Data by Year page.

Delete or add rows and maintain budget detail information by period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Budget ChartField Criteria

Access the Detail Budget Maintenance page (General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Detail Budget Maintenance, Detail Budget Maintenance).

To use the Detail Budget Maintenance page:

  1. Enter the fiscal year that you want to review or modify for the business unit and budget ledger.

  2. Enter or select ChartField values.

    You can use wildcard characters to narrow your search of ChartFields.

  3. Click the Query link at the bottom of the page.

    The Data by Year page displays the data for each selected ChartField for the specified year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Budget Data by Year

Access the Data by Year page (Click the Query link on the Detail Budget Maintenance page).

To use the Data by Year page:

  1. Select the Del/Cal (delete/calculate) check box next to the ChartField rows that you want to either recalculate (by clicking the Calculate link) or delete (by clicking the Delete Selected link).

  2. To view the Data by Period page and adjust information for an account on a period-by-period basis, click the account value link in the Account field for a specific row.

  3. To return to the Detail Budget Maintenance page, click the ChartFields link.

Note. You can enter data for ledgers only if the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page specifies direct budget ledger updates.

See Using the Budget Calculator Feature.

See Also

Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Budget Data by Period

Access the Data by Period page (Click the Account link on the Data by Year page).

To use the Data by Period page:

  1. Modify values, add or delete selected rows of data, or perform calculations on specified periods.

  2. Click the Calculator link to access the Budget Calculation page, where you can modify budget calculations for accounts by period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Budget Calculator Feature

Click the Calculator link on either the Data by Year page or the Data by Period page to access the Budget Calculation page.

Calculation Type

Select one of the following options to determine how the system spreads the amount across the specified periods:

  • Repeat Amount by Period: Select to replace the amount in each successive period with the change value.

  • Spread Evenly by Period: Select to divide the amount by the number of periods, distributing it evenly to each period.

  • Adjust by Percent: Select to designate a percentage by which the system increases the amount each period.

  • Add by Period: Select to designate a specific amount to add to each period.

Selected From Period and Selected to Period

Select the period range for which to apply the change.

Note. These fields appear only when you click the Calculate link on Data by Period page.

Change Value

Enter the change value amount based on the selected budget period (either a year or a period).

For example, suppose that you enter 12,000.00 USD to spread evenly over 12 periods, replacing the original budget of 60,000.00 USD, and you select OK on the Budget Calculation page. On the Date by Period page, no value appears in the Current field, and 12,000.00 USD appears in the Revised amount field. The Change field indicates the reduction in the period amounts from 5,000.00 USD to 1,000.00 USD, and the % Change field displays a negative 80.00 as the overall percentage reduction.

Note. If the percentage of change is more than 99999.99 percent, it appears as 99999.99%.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Project Budgets

This section discusses how to review and modify project budgets.

To maintain project budgets, use the Detail Project Maintenance component (PROJ_ENTRY).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Project Budgets

Page Name

Definition Name



Detail Project Maintenance


General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Detail Project Maintenance

Select the fiscal year and the ChartField values to appear on the Data by Year page.

Data by Year


Click the Query link on the Detail Project Maintenance page.

View the budget data for all projects that exist in the selected budget ledger for the selected fiscal year.

Data by Period


Click the account number link on the Data by Year page.

View the project budget data for selected projects for each period within the selected fiscal year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Modifying Project Budgets

You maintain project budgets in the same way that you maintain standard budgets. Project budgets normally include project detail information, which you can modify.

See Also

Budgeting Project Costs and Revenue

Maintaining Detail Budgets

Click to jump to parent topicCopying Budgets

To copy budgets, use the Budget Copy Definition component (ALLOC_COPY_LEDGER) and the Budget Copy Group component (ALLOC_GROUP_BD).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Copy Budgets

Page Name

Definition Name



Budget Copy Definition - Pool


General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Budget Copy Definition, Pool

Specify the pool records, the selection criteria, and the method for the copy. Copy or update an entire ledger or any combination of ChartField values from a source ledger to an unbalanced ledger within the same business unit. Once you set up the pages in the Budget Copy Definition component, you save and reuse them.

Budget Copy Definition - Target


General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Budget Copy Definition, Target

Specify the destination for the copy of the target records and field values.

Budget Copy Records


Click the Records link on the Budget Copy Definition - Target page.

View the names of the calculation log record and working record for the target ledger.

Amount Map


Click the Amount Map link on the Budget Copy Definition - Target page.

View the amount fields for the target budget.

Budget Copy Group


General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Budget Copy Group

Create a budget copy group. Each budget copy definition must belong to a budget copy group. A budget copy group can contain multiple budget copy definitions.

Request Copy Budget - Budget Copy Using Allocations


General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Request Budget Copy

Run the COPY_BUDG process and the allocation process.

Budget Copy Calculation Log


General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Budget Copy Calculation Log

View detailed information about the Budget Copy process calculations for a given process step.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Budget Copy Definition Pool

Access the Budget Copy Definition - Pool page (General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Budget Copy Definition, Pool).

Pool Record

Enter the source budget ledger to copy.


Specify the period (relative to the current fiscal year and accounting period) for which to retrieve the source records. Enter a single or multiperiod time span to determine the accounting periods used for the copy.

Pool factor

Enter the factor that the system uses to increase or decrease the amounts copied to the target ledger. You can enter positive or negative values. For example, to increase 1,000.00 USD to 1,100.00 USD (10 percent), enter 10, or you could decrease the amount by 10 percent by entering –10.

Pool Fields

Select the field name that the system uses to select pool rows from the pool record for the copy. The pool record name is the same as the ledger record name that is defined in the ledger template. If the pool record uses a subrecord to define its ChartFields, the prompt table for the field name does not list these ChartFields. However, you can still enter the ChartFields. When you save the budget copy definition, the system checks the record to validate the field name that you enter.

How Specified

Specify individual pool field values, use trees to select ChartField values from specified levels and nodes, or specify a range of field values.

Note. Use trees whenever possible to reduce maintenance when ChartField values change.

Selected Detail Values

Select to use detail values. Use the Specify Value/Range of Values group box to list pool field values, such as specific department or account values.

Selected Tree Nodes

Select to activate the tree information fields. In the Tree Type field, select Detail to enter a range of detail values for a node. Select Dynamic to include the range of detail values defined by a table in the database. Enter each tree node. The tree level is optional. If the tree has levels, you can limit prompting in this field to selected levels.

Range of Values

Select to activate the From and To fields to enter the start and end pool field values. If you leave the From field blank, the system selects all pool field values that are less than or equal to the value in the To field. You cannot leave the To field blank. If the field is blank, the system uses the lowest possible value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Budget Copy Definition Target

Access the Budget Copy Definition - Target page (General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Budget Copy Definition, Target).

Note. Once the copy or update is complete, you can review the results on the ledger inquiry pages, or you can review and modify the new budget using the Detail Budget Maintenance component.


Specify the target ledger to update. The system populates the Specify Field Values scroll area with the target ledger ChartFields. Changing the value in the Ledger field causes the data in the target fields to be deleted as the new values are populated. To ensure a one-to-one copy, all ChartFields that are common to both the target ledger and the pool ledger must appear in the Specify Field Values scroll area, and the value in the Source field must be Pool.

Table Output Option

Select one of the following options:

Update Existing Amounts: If target rows already exist, update these rows with the pool amounts. For example, suppose that a target budget ledger row for account 400000 and department ID 12000 has an existing amount of 1,500.00 USD. The corresponding pool actuals ledger row contains 2,500.00 USD. If you select the update option, the system adds the amount in the pool ledger to the target ledger row, resulting in a target amount of 4,000.00 USD.

Replace Existing Amounts: Existing amounts are replaced. In the preceding example, the amount in the target row becomes 2,500.00 USD.

Both options apply only if target rows that meet the pool criteria already exist. If no target rows exist, the system inserts them regardless of the option that you selected.


Specify the output for accounting periods for the target.

Target TimeSpan Option

If you select multiple periods in the TimeSpan field for the target, you must specify one of the following options:

Repeat Target Each Period: Repeats the entire target amount for each period defined in the time span.

Divide Target Across Periods: Divides the target amount by the number of periods defined in the TimeSpan field and distributes it equally to each period.


Click to access the Budget Copy Records page, where you can view the names of the calculation log record and working record for the target ledger. Budgets has extra ChartFields, such as LEDGER_PROJ (for project budget) has BUSINESS_UNIT_PC, ACTIVITY_ID, RESOURCE_TYPE, ANALYSIS_TYPE, RESOURCE_CATEGORY, RESOURCE_SUB_CAT, and BUDGET_PERIOD, and SCENARIO LEDGER_BUDG (for standard budget) has BUDGET_PERIOD and SCENARIO. This means that it is important to specify the correct records.

Amount Map

Click to access the Amount Map page, which displays the amount fields for the target budget. In most cases, you can accept the default values.

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Budget Copy Group

Access the Budget Copy Group page (General Ledger, Maintain Standard Budgets, Budget Copy Group).

Effective Date

Enter an Effective Date for this allocation group.


Select Active or Inactive.


Enter the name of a process step to determine the processing order.


Select this check box for a particular step to have the system continue the copy even if the step fails.

Click the Copy Allocation Group button to make a copy of the group.

Click the Rename Allocation Group button to rename the copy group.

Click the Delete Allocation Group button to delete the copy group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInitiating Budget Copy Processing

Access Request Budget Copy - Allocation Request page to specify the request parameters and run the Allocation process (FS_ALLC) to copy the budget. If you select the Start Step option, the system starts processing from the last failed step. The Start Step option appears only if the prior step fails.

Click to jump to parent topicImporting Budgets from Flat Files

Budget data in General Ledger is stored in ledgers; therefore, you import budgets directly to the Detail Ledger table (PS_LEDGER_BUDG), which is delivered with General Ledger.

See Also

Importing and Exporting Ledgers

Click to jump to parent topicPosting Budget Journals

As with other journals, you can create and post budget journals to the ledger that is specified in the journal header. Unlike the other budgeting methods, however, you do not directly update the ledger balances table. Rather, the posting process updates the ledger table and retains the journal entry as an audit item. In this way, you generate an audit trail to record the original budget and subsequent changes.

See Also

Posting Journals