Setting Up Ledgers

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise ledgers and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Ledgers

A ledger consists of posted balances that represents a set of books for a business unit. Ledgers store the posted net activity for a set of ChartField values by accounting period and by fiscal year. Because a ledger supports a single chart of accounts, separate ledgers are defined for business units having a unique chart of accounts. Ledgers are maintained primarily through journal entries, and can store actual, budget, forecast, statistical, or other types of data at many levels.

PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger supports detail, multiple, and summary ledgers. You can define as many ledgers as necessary to record financial, budget, and nonfinancial transactions to maintain historical data.

This section discusses:

Note. Clear all check boxes on the Installation Options - Products page for products that you have not licensed and are not using. As delivered, all check boxes for all products whether licensed or unlicensed are selected on the Products page and this can result in unnecessary setup for the unlicensed products. For example, if General Ledger is selected on the Products page and you have not licensed the product, there are fields that are only applicable to General Ledger that are then available for input of values on the ledgers for a unit and the ledger template page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you set up ledgers:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLedger Templates

PeopleSoft provides several ledger templates, each of which defines the physical attributes of a ledger. A ledger template is linked to multiple ledgers that you can then add to a ledger group. This template relationship ensures that all ledgers within a ledger group share the same physical layout. General Ledger uses these templates to identify all of the records and fields required to update and to report on their associated ledgers.

To store debit amounts separately from credit amounts in your ledgers, create the fields, modify the tables, and identify the fields in the ledger template according to the configuring instructions provided for the PeopleSoft Separate Debit/Credit feature.

Note. Clear all check boxes on the Installation Options - Products page for products that you have not licensed and are not using. As delivered, all check boxes for all products whether licensed or unlicensed are selected on the Products page and this can result in unnecessary setup for the unlicensed products. For example, if General Ledger is selected on the Products page and you have not licensed the product, there are fields that are only applicable to General Ledger that are then available for input of values on the ledger template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLedger Tables

Ledgers are stored in tables within a database. The key fields in a ledger table are Business Unit, Ledger, ChartFields, Fiscal Year, and Accounting Period; Net Period Activity is not a key field.

Before posting, General Ledger validates data posted to the ledger table against other tables in the system. You set up the tables used for validation to enable the system to post transactions to the ledger. Remember:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetail Ledgers

A detail ledger is used to store a journal's accounting transaction details. After setting up ledger templates, define detail ledgers and associate them with a ledger group. They are termed detail ledgers to distinguish them from summary ledgers, which are used to record summarized activity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLedger Groups

You combine ledger templates and detail ledgers in an appropriate ledger group. A ledger group can have one primary ledger and zero to nine secondary ledgers. Each ledger within the ledger group shares a common physical structure based on the ledger template, and also has unique characteristics, such as its own base currency. General Ledger posts to the ledgers within the group according to the rules that you establish. The application can also manage multibook transactions that post to all ledgers within a group simultaneously.

The ledger group name can be descriptive of the purpose or ledgers it contains (such as, ACTUALS or BUDGETS). The name is unique across all ledger groups defined for a business unit and forms a unique key on the ledger table. Typically, the names of the individual ledgers within the group describe the type of currency or use of the ledger within the group, such as local, functional, and reporting. The name of the ledger group can also be the name of the primary ledger. For example, if you are not using the multibook feature, you might name your ledger ACTUALS and also name the ledger group ACTUALS.

Non commitment control ledger group types include Average Daily Balance, Standard, Budget, and Translation. Commitment control only uses the ledger group types Commitment Control Expense and Commitment Control Revenue.

Average Daily Balance, Budget, and Translation ledger groups have only one primary ledger and no secondary ledgers, while Standard ledger groups have one primary ledger and from zero to nine secondary ledgers.

The Commitment Control Expense ledger group type typically contains a budget, pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and expense ledger. The Commitment Control Revenue ledger group type typically contains a budget, recognized revenue, and collected revenue ledger.

The Keep Ledgers in Sync check box in combination with the AutoGenerate Lines option determines how the system posts transactions. If you select the Keep Ledgers in Sync option or the Auto-Generate Lines option, the system posts transactions to every ledger in the group. When you select either option, the Journal Edit process generates additional journal lines for the other ledgers within the ledger group. For example, when you enter a two line journal entry for a ledger group that contains three ledgers, the system creates four additional lines, two lines for each additional ledger. If you do not select the Keep Ledgers in Sync or the Auto-Generate Lines options, the system posts transactions only to those ledgers with transaction entries, and does not generate secondary lines for other ledgers in the ledger group.

The Inherit Base Currency of Business Unit option determines if the ledgers in the group use the base currency of the business unit for conversions. This feature adds the flexibility for sharing ledger groups across business units with different base currencies. For example, a multinational organization based in Canada has five subsidiaries located in different countries around the world. If the subsidiaries select theInherit Base Currency of Business Unit, option, they can each have a ledger group with a secondary ledger that has a currency code of CAD (Canadian dollars) for the Reporting ledger. The primary ledger shares the base currency of the business unit and represents the functional currency of each country where the business unit is located. If the organization does not select the Inherit Base Currency of Business Unit option, it must define five different ledger groups, each with a primary ledger that has a base currency that matches the base currency of the business unit.

You can define a secondary ledger as a translation ledger by selecting the Translation check box for ledger groups. This option is applicable only when you select the Keep Ledgers in Sync option (KLS) for the ledger group. You cannot define a primary ledger as a Translation ledger. You often use Translation ledgers for multibook ledgers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLedgers for a Unit

After you define your ledgers and calendars, specify in the Ledgers For A Unit component which detail ledgers, ledger groups, and calendars each general ledger business unit uses.

For each detail ledger to which a business unit posts, specify:

Note. Clear all check boxes on the Installation Options - Products page for products that you have not licensed and are not using. As delivered, all check boxes for all products whether licensed or unlicensed are selected on the Products page and this can result in unnecessary setup for the unlicensed products. For example, if General Ledger is selected on the Products page and you have not licensed the product, there are fields that are only applicable to General Ledger that are then available for input of values on the ledgers for a unit page.

By associating calendars to ledgers, to business units, and by sharing calendars and ledgers across business units, you can efficiently and effectively capture accounting data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLedger Error Processing

When you define a ledger in the Ledgers For A Unit component, you determine how to process a journal entry entered with errors for that ledger. In General Ledger, you can specify these error processing options in the following locations:

Settings generally override, from the source to the ledger group and then to the business unit level. Conversely, the default is from the business unit to the ledger and then to the source level. For example, a ledger setting overrides a business unit setting, but a source setting overrides both a setting at the ledger level and at the business unit level for the same option.

When you enter and edit a journal entry, the system identifies any errors.

General Ledger cannot post a journal if one or more of the following error conditions exist:



Closed Accounting Period

The journal entry date does not fall within an open period.

Journal Balance Errors

There is an invalid ChartField value or ChartField combination.

Journal Amount Errors

The foreign amount has a different sign than the monetary amount (base amount).

Control Total Errors

The journal line totals do not match the control totals that you entered at the journal header level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultibook Ledgers

The PeopleSoft Multibook feature enables you to maintain multiple ledgers, sharing the same physical structure, in different base currencies, resulting in a real-time balance in multiple currencies. This functionality is also called dual-book due to the requirement for a company to carry one set of books in its local currency (functional currency) and another set of books in the currency of its parent company (reporting currency).

Multibook supports multiple base currencies, each in the form of a ledger, defined for a business unit. Optionally, you can post a single transaction to all base currencies (all ledgers) or to only one of those base currencies (an individual ledger). With multibook, the system automatically converts transactions to the applicable base currency and then posts to the corresponding ledger. This gives you full drill-down support and cross-currency comparisons at both the summary and the transaction levels.

You can use a secondary multibook ledger within a ledger group as a currency translation ledger. This ledger can function as your reporting ledger because it maintains real-time balances for all accounts in the specified currency during the accounting period. At the end of the accounting period, you can run the Translate Within Ledger process to generate a translation gain or loss adjustment within the multibook translation ledger for any selected account.

PeopleSoft maintains translation ledgers differently from other secondary ledgers within a multibook ledger group. Typically, when the system posts a transaction to a multibook ledger group, it uses the transaction currency amount of the primary ledger as the transaction amount of the secondary ledger. However, translation ledgers use the base currency amount of the primary ledger as the transaction amount. For multibook translation ledgers, the system generates lines with the transaction currency and foreign amount equal to that of the base currency and base amount of the primary ledger.

Within a ledger group, an in-sync accounting entry is a group of accounting entries for one transaction that the system distributes to different ledgers. These accounting entries have the same ChartFields, transaction currency, and foreign amounts. PeopleSoft applications support multibook and generate in-sync accounting entries to most ledgers within a ledger group. For the currency translation ledger, the Journal Edit process adds the in-sync entries before posting and creates completely in-sync journals. The Journal Generator recognizes these lines as in-sync accounting entries and generates the in-sync journal entries in General Ledger. You can specify the field order on the Journal Generator Accounting Entry Definition page. When generating the journal entry, the Journal Generator process uses these fields to determine how to group accounting entries for one transaction and generates an in-sync journal.

Note. Some PeopleSoft products may not include the currency translation ledger. Refer to the individual product documentation to see if this feature is available.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSummary Ledgers

Summary ledgers store combined account balances from detail ledgers. You use summary ledgers primarily in PS/nVision reporting. Summary ledgers increase reporting speed and efficiency by eliminating the need to summarize detail ledger balances each time that you request a report. Instead, General Ledger summarizes detail ledger balances in a background process according to the criteria that you select and stores them in summary ledgers.

You can incrementally update summary ledgers with changes made since the summary ledgers were last created or updated in one of two ways:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTimeSpans

TimeSpans enable you to select and retrieve ledger balances for use in allocations, inquiries, and PS/nVision reporting. TimeSpans control the number of periods that you can extract and summarize data from the ledger table. Typical TimeSpans in General Ledger include activity for the current period, year-to-date amounts for the selected items, and balance forward amounts for balance sheet accounts.

You can express many TimeSpans relative to the current period, so that they automatically adapt the content of a report to the as of date that you specify when you execute the report. You can define other TimeSpans for specific periods.

General Ledger uses the calendar to validate absolute periods and years that you enter for a TimeSpan. These periods and years must exist on the calendar that you specify. Use TimeSpans to retrieve balance forward amounts and adjustments that the system stores in special calendar periods.

General Ledger includes many commonly used TimeSpans; however, you can define as many additional TimeSpans as necessary. Generate the FIN0003 report to list and display information about these TimeSpans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImport and Export Ledgers

You can import and export flat file ledgers to and from third-party reporting software. A process in General Ledger enables you to import a flat file from another product or external system that contains rows of ledger data. This functionality is often used to combine distributed ledger data from different General Ledger systems to perform consolidation, summarization and corporate reporting.

You can also select or add a flat file format and create flat file ledgers using a general ledger process that exports them to third-party reporting software systems. This functionality is often used in those countries requiring delivery of ledger data in a particular format for use in producing statutory reports in a required format.

You can also exchange ledger data between distributed General Ledger systems using the Ledger Publish Enterprise Integration Point (IP) and Ledger Load processing. This functionality is designed to work together with Consolidation.

See Also

Application Fundamentals Reports

Processing Multiple Currencies

Processing Multiple Currencies in General Ledger

Processing Allocations

Managing Interim and Year End Closing

Adjustments and Other Special Periods

Defining Journal Source

Defining General Ledger Business Units

Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Preparing for the Translate Within Ledger Process

Using TimeSpans

Using the Ledger Interface Utility

Click to jump to parent topicDefining a Ledger Template

PeopleSoft provides several ledger templates that include default records and fields that support the ChartFields and other field and record definitions delivered with the system. Do not change the system-generated set of default values unless you modify your system or if you have multiple sets of ChartFields.

To define ledger templates, use the Ledger Template component (LEDGER_TEMPLATE).

This section discusses how to:

Note. Clear all check boxes on the Installation Options - Products page for products that you have not licensed and are not using. As delivered, all check boxes for all products whether licensed or unlicensed are selected on the Products page and this can result in unnecessary setup for the unlicensed products. For example, if General Ledger is selected on the Products page and you have not licensed the product, there are fields that are only applicable to General Ledger that are then available for input of values on the ledger template.

See Also

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define a Ledger Template

Page Name

Definition Name



Templates - Record Definitions


General Ledger, Ledgers, Templates, Record Definitions

Specify the record names for a ledger template. Do this only if you are adding a new template or modifying the default records of the templates delivered with the system.

Templates - Field Definitions


General Ledger, Ledgers, Templates, Field Definitions.

Specify the field names for a ledger template. Do this only if you are modifying the default fields or if you are adding the fields to store debit amounts separate from credit amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating or Modifying Ledger Template Record Definitions

Access the Templates - Record Definitions page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Templates, Record Definitions).

Note. Create or modify ledger template record definitions only if you are adding a new template or modifying the default records of the templates delivered with the system.


Enter a description of this ledger template to appear on pages, inquiries, prompt lists, and reports.


Select if this ledger template represents a detail ledger.


Select if this ledger template represents a summary ledger.

Default Ledger Type

Select a default ledger type closest to the type of ledger template that you are creating. This selection determines the default record definitions that the system generates.


Click the Get Template Default button to apply a set of default records to every template in the system. You can modify these values.

If you select Commitment Control as the default ledger type, the system automatically populates the record and field names. These are required fields and cannot be modified.

Note. TheGet Template Default button is not available to a Commitment Control ledger type.

Record (Table) Name

Represents the ledger record that you use to store the balances for each ChartField combination that has posted activity.

Ledger Tmp (ledger temporary)

Indicates a worktable used in ledger processing. Detail and Summary templates both require this worktable.

Ledger Tmp2 (ledger temporary 2)

Indicates a worktable used in ledger processing.

Journal Line

Stores detail lines containing the monetary and statistical amounts for each journal entry.

Journal Line Tmp (journal line temporary)

Indicates a worktable used in journal processing.

Secured Rptg Vw (secured reporting view)

(Optional) Specifies a ledger reporting view (LED_RPTG_VW for General Ledger and LED_RPTG_KK_VW for Commitment Control) to secure access to the ledger by authorized user IDs during PS/nVision reporting. Because this is an optional security field, if you do not specify a ledger reporting view, PS/nVision provides reporting directly against the ledger.

Note. Use the Ledger Security page to specify which user IDs have access to this ledger data. If you specify a reporting view and an unauthorized user tries to access the ledger, PS/nVision displays all zeros for ledger amounts on the report.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PS/nVision, Setting Up PS/nVision Security, Implementing PS/nVision Ledger-Based Data security

Account ChartField

Identifies the record that stores the account ChartField values. In the standard PeopleSoft General Ledger system, this is the GL_ACCOUNT_TBL.

Combo Data (combination data)

Stores the data used for ChartField combination editing.

Jrnl Gen Tmp (journal generator temporary)

Indicates a worktable used by Journal Generator process.

Summary Ledger Stage Tbl (summary ledger staging table)

Acts as a holding table for ledger rows. After the system creates the summary ledger, the posting process stores additional rows here. When you run the Summary Ledger Incremental Posting process, the system incrementally updates the Summary Ledger Staging table with this stored data. This field is required only on Detail templates and not on Summary templates.

Consolidations Log

Identifies the record to update for the consolidations log during the consolidation process.

Consolidation Equity Temp (consolidation equity temporary)

Identifies the worktable used to calculate equity elimination in the consolidation process.

Closing Record Names

The following fields apply to the closing process.

Closing Log

Identifies the record to update for the close log during the closing process.

Closing Tmp (closing temporary)

Identifies a worktable that is used in the closing process. This table and the Closing RE Tmp table have the same structure, and both are required for the closing process.

Closing RE Tmp (closing retained earnings temporary)

Identifies a retained earnings worktable that is used in the closing process. This table and the Closing Tmp table have the same structure; both are required for the close process.

Closing ChartField Table

Identifies the table that stores the closing ChartFields values.

Closing Account Tmp (closing account temporary)

Identifies a worktable that stores account information for the business unit being closed.

Closing Journal Header Tmp (closing journal header temporary)

Identifies a worktable that stores the header of the source journal that results from the interim closing process or the yearn end closing process.

Closing Journal Line Tmp (closing journal line temporary) and Closing Journal Line Tmp2 (closing journal line temporary 2)

Identifies worktables that store the lines of the source journal that results from the interim closing process or the year end closing process.

Multicurrency Record Names

The following fields apply to multicurrency processing.

MultiCurrency Log

Identifies the record to update for the currency log during the multicurrency process.

MultiCurrency Tmp (multicurrency temporary) and MultiCurrency Tmp1 (multicurrency temporary 1)

Identifies worktables that are used in multicurrency processing.

ADB (Average Daily Balancing) Record Names

The following fields apply to ADB ledger processing.

ADB Ledger

Stores the balances in a daily ledger when ADB is activated.

Ledger ADB Tmp (ledger average daily balance temporary), Ledger ADB Tmp2 (ledger ADB temporary 2), and Ledger ADB Tmp3 (ledger ADB temporary 3)

Identifies a worktable that Ledger ADB Posting uses during ADB processing to post daily balances to the ADB Ledger Holding table.

ADB Ledger Holding Table

Stores daily balances from the Journal Post process. During ADB processing, the system posts the balances from this table to the ADB ledger table and deletes these balances from the holding table to prevent double posting.

ADB Ledger Adj. Holding Tbl (ADB ledger adjustments holding table) and ADB Ledger Adj. Holding Tbl 2 (ADB ledger adjustments holding table 2)

Stores adjustments to daily balances from the Journal Post process. During ADB processing, the system posts the balances from these tables to the ADB ledger table.

Ledger Loader Record Names

The following fields apply to ledgers loaded from another PeopleSoft or third-party system.

Ledger Load Staging Table

Stores values used in ledger load processing (ChartField value mapping) and Ledger Publish Enterprise Integration Point (IP), which Consolidations uses.

Led Load Temp Record (ledger load temporary record) and Led Load Temp Record 2 (ledger load temporary record 2)

Identifies work records used in ledger load processing

See Also

Performing Financial Consolidations

Adjustments in ADB

Understanding Average Balance Calculation

Archiving for Ledgers and Journals

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating or Modifying Ledger Template Field Definitions

Access the Templates - Field Definitions page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Templates, Field Definitions.)

The system populates fields on the Field Definitions page with default values based on the default ledger type that you select on the Templates - Record Definitions page. You can modify these values and add fields to store debit amounts separate from credit amounts.


Contains the field name of the account ChartField. The system uses this field name only for background processing. The online PeopleCode still refers to the Account field name.

Monetary Amount

A required field that contains the monetary (base currency) amount of the journal line.

Statistical Amount

(Optional) Contains the statistical amount of the journal line.

Posted Total Amount

Contains the net balance of the debit and credit amounts for each ChartField combination that has been posted to the ledger.

Posted Total Debits

If populated, and if you selected the Separate Debit/Credit option for the ledger on the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page, the system populates these fields and tracks separate debit and credit balances. To use this option, add this amount field to the record.

Posted Total Credits

If populated this means that you selected the Separate Debit/Credit option for the ledger on the Ledgers For A Unit page, resulting in the tracking of separate debits and credits. To use this option, add this amount field to the record.

Combination Edit Template

Required for journal edit processing. Select JOURNALS.

Warning! Even if you are not using ChartField combination editing, select the JOURNALS combination template. You must populate this field to run the journal edit process.

See Also

Editing ChartField Combinations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Tables to Store Separate Debit and Credit Balances

The general ledger stores net balances in its ledgers. However, you can configure the system to store debit balances separate from credit balances. To use the Separate Debit/Credit feature:

  1. Open PeopleSoft Application Designer for the database that you want to customize.

  2. Open the GLSEPDRCR project.

  3. Add the four additional fields to each of the records that are specified in the project GLSEPDRCR using the Bulk Operation Insert Function.

    You cannot use the drop down list, which is limited to character fields, to select the following fields.

    Manually enter the field names:





    Note. The Bulk Operation Insert function inserts the source field right after the model field.

    1. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, select Tools, Bulk Operations, Insert, Fields into Records.

    2. Enter POSTED_TOTAL_CR in the Field Name field.

    3. Enter POSTED_TOTAL_AMT in the Model Field field.

    4. Clear the Clone PeopleCode of Model Field check box.

    5. Populate Get Records from this project with the project name GLSEPDRCR.

      Note. The project name GLSEPDRCR contains all of the records that need to be customized.

    6. Click Okay to insert the source field under the model field.

  4. Repeat the process detailed in step 3 to add the following fields:

  5. After the Bulk Operation Insert function runs, open a record to confirm that the new field order is as follows:

  6. Modify the SQL definition of the following views:

  7. Add the following rows that are in bold font:

    SUM(posted_total_dr),SUM(posted_total_cr) after SUM(posted_total_amt) ​SUM(posted_tran_dr),SUM(posted_tran_cr) after SUM(posted_tran_amt)

    For example:

    SELECT business_unit ,ledger ,accounting_period ,account ,altacct ,' ' ,deptid ,' ' ,' ' ,' ' ,' ' ,' ' ,' ' ,' ' ,' ' ,currency_cd ,statistics_code ,fiscal_year ,base_currency ,SUM(posted_total_amt) ​,SUM(posted_total_dr) ,SUM(posted_total_cr) ,SUM(posted_base_amt) ,SUM(posted_tran_amt) ​,SUM(posted_tran_dr) ,SUM(posted_tran_cr) ,'' ,0 ,0 ,0 ,'' FROM ps_ledger

  8. To build a script to add the fields to the database, select Build, Project, Alter Tables, Build.

    This creates or overwrites a file in your C:\TEMP folder called PSBUILD.SQL.

  9. To open the Query panel for the current version of SQL, select File, Open, PSBUILD.SQL.

  10. Click Execute to run the query.

  11. When the query finishes, open a new query window and do a SELECT * FROM PS_LEDGER to ensure that the new fields appear.

  12. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, select Insert, Definitions into Project, Record to add the following views to your project:

  13. To build a script to recreate the views, select Build, Project, Create Views.

    This creates or overwrites a file in your C:\TEMP folder called PSBUILD.SQL.

    Note. The program picks up only the views. It does not affect the tables you entered previously.

  14. To open the Query panel for the current version of SQL, select File, Open, PSBUILD.SQL.

  15. Select Execute to run the query.

  16. Modify the file layouts LEDGER and LEDGER_ADB that are used in conjunction with the ledger records listed in the project (GLSEPDRCR) to display the new fields.

    To do so:

    1. Open PeopleSoft Application Designer.

    2. Select File, Open, File Layout.

    3. Select the file layout name, LEDGER or LEDGER_ADB.

    4. Delete the file record that is attached to the file layout.

    5. After deleting the file record, right-click the file layout and select Insert Record.

    6. Add the file record that you just deleted back to the file layout.

      You should see the new fields (POSTED_TOTAL_DR, POSTED_TOTAL_CR, POSTED_TRAN_DR, and POSTED_TRAN_CR) that you inserted into the file record.

    7. Save the File Layout.

  17. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, use the following instructions to display the message structures used with the records that you altered, confirm that the additional fields display, and that there is a check mark in the Include column.

    Note. The system automatically updates the message structure when you change a record. You are checking to make certain it works correctly.

    1. Select File, Open, Message, and then select LEDGER_LOAD.

    2. Highlight each record to display the list of fields on the right.

    3. Adjust the Field Name column to view the entire field name.

  18. Select General Ledger, Ledgers, Templates, Field Definition.

  19. For the Standard (STANDARD) and Summary Templates (S_ACCTS, S_ACTDEP, S_ACTDIV, S_ACTOPU, S_ACTPRJ, S_ALT, S_SUM), add the following field names:


    Object Name

    Posted Total Debits


    Posted Total Credits


  20. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Definition.

  21. Select Enable Separate Debit/Credit for each ledger that is based on the ledger templates that you just modified.

    For example, the LOCAL and CORPORATE ledgers are based on the Standard template.

  22. To view the debits and credits as separate amount fields on the Lines page for journal entries, also select the Separate DR/CR Amount Fields on the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Testing Utilities and Tools

Click to jump to parent topicDefining a Detail Ledger

General Ledger posts journal entries directly to detail ledgers (usually in a background process). There is no limit to the number or types of ledgers that you can define.

To define detail ledgers, use the Detail Ledger component (DETAIL_LEDGER).

This section discusses how to define a detail ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define a Detail Ledger

Page Name

Definition Name



Detail Ledger


General Ledger, Ledgers, Detail Ledgers, Detail Ledger

Define a detail ledger ID and name, and link the detail ledger to a ledger template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Detail Ledger

Access the Detail Ledger page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Detail Ledgers, Detail Ledger.)

Ledger Description

Enter a description of the selected detail ledger.

Ledger Template

Link the detailed ledger to an appropriate ledger template.

Click to jump to parent topicLinking Ledgers to a Ledger Group

To link ledgers to a ledger group, use the Detail Ledger Group component (DETAIL_LEDGER_GROU).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Ledger Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger Group - Definition


General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Definition

Define a ledger group, link it to a ledger template, assign ledger details to the group, and identify the unique attributes of each ledger within the group.

Ledger Group - Chartfield


General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Chartfield

Define ChartFields for this ledger group. The system generates a set of default edit tables, which you can modify.

Ledger Group - Balancing


General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Balancing

Specify the ChartField balancing options for the journals generated to the detail ledger.

See Also

Establishing Commitment Control Ledger Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Ledger Group

Access the Ledger Group - Definition page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Definition).


Enter a description for this detail ledger group to appear on pages, inquiries, prompt lists, and reports.

Ledger Template

Select a ledger template to link to this ledger group.

Ledger Group Type

The values are:

Average Daily Balance: Allows a primary ledger and no secondary ledgers.

Budget: Allows a primary ledger and no secondary ledgers.

Standard: Allows a primary ledger and up to nine secondary ledgers.

Translation: Allows a primary ledger and no secondary ledgers.

Commitment Control Expense: Used for Commitment Control budgets.

Commitment Control Revenue: Used for Commitment Control budgets.

The selection that you make here affects the choice of attributes in the Ledger Details grid. It also affects the set of ChartFields that appear on the Chartfield page.

Keep Ledgers in Sync

Select to have the system post journal entries to all ledgers in the ledger group. Select the Balance by all Currencies option on the General Ledger Business Unit Definition - Currency Options page and the Journal Source - Currency Options page.

Clear to have the system post journal entries to all ledgers in the ledger group or to a single ledger based on your choices on the journal entry's Header page and on the Journal Generator Template - Defaults page.

Do not select if you need to distinguish prior period adjustments. For example, suppose that you keep one ledger to store entries for local reporting and another ledger for corporate reporting. Local regulations require that you post adjusting entries dated through the 15th of the month to the prior period, and corporate books require that the period closes on the 5th. When you make an adjusting entry dated the 10th, post the adjustment to different periods in the two ledgers—prior period for the local ledger, current for the corporate—resulting in an out-of-sync scenario.


Select the ledgers that you want to link to this ledger group from the list of detail ledgers associated with the ledger template (as you identified on the Detail Ledger page). You can specify one primary ledger and up to nine secondary ledgers for ledger groups that have a group type of Standard.

Note. You can select only one ledger for Average Daily Balance, Translation, and static Budget ledger group types (this does not refer to commitment control ledgers.)


Select if the ledger is the primary ledger in a group or if it is the only ledger in the ledger group.


Select if this is a currency translation ledger. This option is available only when you select Keep Ledgers in Sync. You can define any non-primary ledger as a translation ledger.

Note. Journal processing and multicurrency processing handle currency translation ledgers differently from normal secondary ledgers.


Select to enable the OpenItem accounting feature and to track OpenItem transactions in the ledger.


Select to maintain VAT balances in the ledger.

Inherit Base Currency

You can define a base currency for the ledger, or you can select this option to inherit the base currency of the business unit to use in the ledger.

Base Currency

If you did not select Inherit Base Currency, specify the base currency to apply to this ledger.

Default Rate Type

When you select Keep Ledgers in Sync for a ledger group, and you enter a journal against the primary ledger, the system automatically generates the journal entry lines for the secondary ledgers. The Default Rate Type influences the rate type that is used for the secondary lines.

The following hierarchy applies:

  1. The system checks for a value in rate type for the ledger.

    If a value exists, the system populates the Default Rate Type with the Rate Type value and uses it for the secondary lines.

  2. The system checks for a rate type on the primary journal line.

    If one exists, it uses that type for the secondary line.

  3. If there is no value in Rate Type or on the primary journal line, the system uses the Default Rate Type value.

Rate Type

Identifies the currency exchange rate type that is always used in the auto-generated journal lines for the secondary ledgers. (See the explanation under Default Rate Type for more information.)

Note. The setup for commitment control detail ledger groups differs slightly from other ledger types. See the commitment control documentation for additional instructions.

See Also

Establishing Commitment Control Ledgers

Preparing to Translate Ledger Balances

Using Open Item Accounting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Ledger Group and Default Edit Tables

Access the Ledger Group - Chartfield page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Chartfield.)

The set of ChartFields is based on the ledger group type that you select on the Ledger Group - Definition page.

Click the Use the Default ChartFields button to generate a set of default edit-table names and reporting views for the ChartFields in the ledger. The Edit Table field value comes from the effective-dated edit table that you specify on the Design ChartFields - Dynamic Edit Tables page. Use the View – No Effective Date fields for reporting prompts when you do not want to limit the selection by effective date, because historical rows might contain ChartFields that are no longer active. To change these values, click the Lookup button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying ChartField Balancing Options

Access the Ledger Group - Balancing page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Balancing.)

Balancing fields control the totals on the Journal Entries - Total page. The Journal Edit process also requires that the amounts entered for these ChartFields be in balance.

When you select additional ChartFields for balancing, all unique occurrences of the combination of values must balance. If they do not, the Journal Edit process uses the rules set up for balancing journals (for example, suspend or recycle) on the Journal Edit Options page.


Click the Use Default ChartFields button to update and clear the current ChartFields group box information.

IntraUnit Balancing Entries

Select to indicate that the selected balancing ChartFields for the detail ledgers in this ledger group include intraunit entries.


Select to indicate that you want this ChartField to balance for the ledgers in this ledger group.

Use Affiliate

Select to indicate that you want to use an affiliate ChartField, which identifies intercompany activity by tracking the business unit associated with the transaction. This provides a method to map transactions between business units while using a single intercompany account.

Business Unit

Always selected to balance because General Ledger always balances detail ledgers by business unit.

Currency Code

Always selected because General Ledger always balances detail ledgers by currency code.


You cannot select this ChartField because PeopleSoft cannot balance a ledger by account.

Alternate Account

You cannot select this ChartField because cannot balance a ledger by alternate account.

Statistics Code

You cannot select this ChartField to balance a ledger by statistics code.

Book Code

This is a default ChartField for balancing because General Ledger always balances detail ledgers by book code, even if you do not enable the Book Code feature.

Adjustment Type

This is a default ChartField because General Ledger always balances detail ledgers by adjustment type, even if you do enable Book Code.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Because ledgers and calendars are stored in tables, you can share them with business units. This enables business units to share common ledger definitions while retaining their own unique calendars and closing schedules.

To define ledgers for a business unit, use the Ledgers For A Unit component (BUSINESS_UNIT_LED). Use the EM_BUS_UNIT_LED component interface to load data into the tables for this component.

This section discusses how to:

Note. Clear all check boxes on the Installation Options - Products page for products that you have not licensed and are not using. As delivered, all check boxes for all products whether licensed or unlicensed are selected on the Products page and this can result in unnecessary setup for the unlicensed products. For example, if General Ledger is selected on the Products page and you have not licensed the product, there are fields that are only applicable to General Ledger that are then available for input of values on the ledgers for a unit page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Ledgers for a Business Unit

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledgers For A Unit - Definition


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Definition

Identifies the detail ledgers, ledger groups, and calendars used by this business unit and identifies specific characteristics for each ledger.

Open Period


Select a detail ledger, and click the Update Open Periods link.

Identify open periods and adjustment periods based on the ledger group and transaction type.

 Include Account Types posted to ADB Ledger


Click the Filter link on the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page.

Select account types to post to the ADB ledger.

Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Edit Options


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Journal Edit Options

Define how the system processes journal error processing for the ledger.

Balance Suspense ChartFields


Click the Balance Suspense ChartFields link on the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Edit Options page.

If you select Suspend for journal balance error, specify the suspense account for journal balance errors here.

Edit Suspense ChartFields


Click the Edit Suspense ChartFields link on the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Edit Options page.

If you select Suspend for journal edit error, specify the suspense account for journal edit errors here.

Amount Suspense ChartFields


Click the Amount Suspense ChartFields link on the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Edit Options page.

If you select Suspend for journal edit error, specify the suspense account for journal amount errors.

Ledgers For A Unit - Currency Options


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Currency Options

Specifies the currency default options for the specified ledger for this business unit.

Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Post Options


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Journal Post Options

Specifies journal post options for posting and unposting the journals that apply to the specified ledger.

Ledgers For A Unit - Approval Options


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Approval Options

Specifies default journal approval options for the specified ledger.

Ledgers For A Unit - Commitment Control Options


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Commitment Control Options

Specifies the default ledger options for the specified Commitment Control ledger.

See Also

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Access the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Definition.)

Ledger Type

Select the ledger type for this business unit. Values are:

Detail Ledger: Select to associate detail ledgers to this business unit.

Summary Ledger: Attach to business units using the Ledger Set for Summary Ledgers - Ledger Set page.

Commitment Control Ledger: Select to set up Commitment Control ledgers.

Ledger Group

If you select Detail Ledger as the ledger type, select a ledger group from a list you defined in the Ledger Group component.


If you select Summary Ledger as the ledger type, this field becomes available. Although summary ledgers are listed in this field, you attach summary ledgers to business units using the Ledger Set for Summary Ledgers - Ledger Set page.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar for this ledger from a list of calendars on the Calendar Period page.

Update Open Periods

You can elect to Update Open Periods by selecting a ledger group or ledger code for detail ledgers. By Ledger Group is used to identify open periods and adjustment periods based on the ledger group and transaction type. By Ledger Code is used when working with multiple generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and prior-period adjustments. If you do not perform this activity, all periods in the ledger are closed and no journal posting is permitted.

If you specify an adjustment period, the Journal Entry page uses it as the default for adjusting journals. You can post year end adjustments to special adjustment periods separate from the last accounting period of the year. Typically, you want your adjustments year to match your fiscal year.

Balanced Ledger

Select to indicate that this ledger is balanced ledger (debits equal credits) and to make available the journal balance error processing options on the Journal Options page.

Allow Ledger Load Updates

Select to have the Flat File Ledger Import and Ledger Load (ChartField Value Mapping) processes to update detail ledgers, and Ledger Publish Enterprise Integration Point (IP) to subscribe and update summary ledgers.

Note. Ledger Publish processing always publishes ledger data into the IP regardless of this option. However, you must select this option for summary ledgers to enable the IP subscription process to update the target table. For detail ledgers, the IP subscription process always processes detail ledger data and stores it in a staging table. Afterward, the Ledger Load process selects the detail ledger data for ledgers that have this option selected.

Direct Budgets Ledger Updates

Select to update a standard budget ledger (not commitment control related) directly by using online pages and using the general ledger posting process. If cleared, the system will not perform online adjustments to standard budget ledgers.

Enable Separate Debit/Credit

Select to enable the storing of credit and debit balances separately on the ledger. Normally, General Ledger posts net balances for all posted ChartField combinations to the ledger. To use this feature, first you must complete the table modifications for Separate Debit/Credit, discussed previously.

Separate DR/CR Amount Fields (separate debit and credit amount fields)

Select to indicate upon journal entry whether a journal amount is a debit or credit. You must have previously selected the Enable Separate Debit/Credit option.

Normally, General Ledger determines whether a journal is a debit or a credit based on its sign. If the journal entry amount is positive, the system treats it as a debit; if negative, as a credit.

If you select this option , the system displays separate debit and credit entry fields on the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page. A negative entry in either of the amount fields is considered a reversal of that type of amount. For example, a negative 5.00 EUR in the debit amount field causes the ledger debit amount to be reduced by 5.00 EUR.

If you do not select Separate DR/CR Amount Fields but you select Enable Separate Debit/Credit, the Journal Entry - Lines page displays an N/R (normal/reversal) field, in which you indicate whether the amount entered is normal (positive is a debit, negative is a credit) or a reversal (positive is a credit reversal, negative is a debit reversal).

Note. The Separate DR/CR Amount Fields check box enables you to enter debits and credits only in their own fields on the journal entry pages. However, you cannot store these debits and credits and post them separately to the ledger. To store the fields separately in the ledger, select Enable Separate Debit/Credit.

Journal Generator Default (journal generator default ledger group)

Select to indicate that this is the default ledger group for this business unit. When the system generates journals from other PeopleSoft applications, it uses this ledger group when no ledger group is specified on an accounting entry line.

Enable Alternate Account

Select to enable the Acct -> Alt Suspense and Alt -> Acct Suspense fields.

Acct -> Alt Suspense (suspense alternate account for unmapped account)

Select to accommodate a transaction with an account that is not mapped to an alternate account.

Alt -> Acct Suspense (suspense account for unmapped alternate account)

Used if a transaction is entered with an alternate account that is not mapped to an account.

Report Average Balances

If selected, enables the Average Daily Balance (ADB) feature for this ledger.

ADB Calendar

If you selected Report Average Balances, select a detail calendar (typically the daily calendar) to use for calculating your average balance.

Maintain Regulatory Balances

Select to maintain separate daily balances for a period where one reflects the journal date and one reflects the ADB date.

Warning! Selecting this option increases processing demand on the system.

Filter Posted Activity

Select to enable specifying of account types (such as asset, liability, expense, and so on) that you want to post to the ADB ledger.


After you select Filter Posted Activity, click this link to access the Include Account Types Posted to ADB Ledger page, where you select the account types that you want to post to the ADB ledger.

Warning! While you can also use the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page to remove ledgers for a given business unit, you cannot remove a ledger if journal entries have already been posted for that business unit.

See Also

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Adjustments and Other Special Periods

Modifying Tables to Store Separate Debit and Credit Balances

Using Alternate Account

Calculating Average Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Journal Edit Error Options for a Ledger Group

Access the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Edit Options page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Journal Edit Options.)

Note. If you define error processing at the ledger level, it overrides all error handling that you specify at the business unit level for journals using only the selected ledger.

Document Type

If you use PeopleSoft Document Sequencing, specify a document type for every journal that you enter. If you specify a document type in this field, the system sets to this document type all journals for this ledger group entered through a journal entry.

Journal Balance Option

Available only if you selected the Balanced Ledger option on the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page.

When you define ledgers, specify them as balanced or unbalanced. Journal entries for balanced ledgers (such as an actuals ledger) must be in balance before you can post them. A journal balance error occurs when an unbalanced journal is targeted to a balanced ledger. You can post unbalanced journals only to ledgers that have been set up as unbalanced ledgers (such as a standard budget ledger).

Select from the following values to correct the balance error:

Default to Higher Level Value: Uses the error-processing options that you defined on the General Ledger Business Unit - Definition page.

Recycle: Marks journal entries containing errors as invalid and does not allow them to be posted. After you make the corrections and re-edit the journal, you can post the journal successfully.

Suspend: For journal balance and journal amount errors, posts the amount required to bring each journal into balance (if it is out of balance) to a suspense account. For journal edit errors, it posts the amounts from those lines that reference invalid ChartFields. This value is not available for control total errors.

Journal Edit Errors Option

As you enter journal lines, General Ledger verifies that all ChartField values are valid as of the journal entry date.

Select from the following values to correct the edit error:

  • Default to Higher Level Value

  • Recycle

  • Suspend

Journal Amount Errors Option

As you enter journal lines, General Ledger verifies that the foreign amounts and the monetary amounts are the same sign. A journal amount error occurs if the foreign amount has a different sign than the monetary amount (for example, if the journal has a foreign amount that is 10 and a monetary amount that is –200).

Select from the following values to correct the amount error:

  • Accept: Indicates that you want the Journal Edit process to accept the monetary and foreign amounts as correct and continue processing, even though the amounts have different signs.

  • Default to Higher Level Value

  • Recycle

  • Suspend

Control Total Errors

(Optional) As you enter journal lines, General Ledger displays a running total of the number of lines, debits, credits, and units that you entered in the journal. A control total error occurs if the journal line totals do not match the control totals that you entered at the journal header level.

Select from the following values to correct the control total error:

  • Default to Higher Level Value

  • N/A: Ignores any previously set control totals.

  • Recycle

Position Accounting

Select to enable Position Accounting, which uses the options that you created on the Position Accounting - Position Account page. The Position Accounting feature enables the Journal Edit process to generate position accounting entries, which track profits and losses due to holding assets in multiple currencies.

Journal Date < Open From Date

The Accounting Period Closed error message appears if the journal date is outside of the date range that you set up. The journal date determines the period to which a journal is posted and must be within the range of the current open periods before it can be posted. You can define the beginning and ending dates for each period in the Detail Calendar - Calendar Periods page. Use the Open Period Updates page to define the range of periods that are currently open for each ledger group. The only exception to using the journal date to determine the period to which the journal should be posted is adjusting entries, which fall into special adjustment periods as defined on the detail calendar.

If the journal date is less than the open-from date, select from the following values to correct the error:

  • Change to Open From Date

  • Default to Higher Level Value

  • Recycle

Journal Date > Open To Date

The Accounting Period Closed error message also appears if the journal date is greater than the open to date.

Select from the following values to correct the error:

  • Change to Open To Date

  • Default to Higher Level Value

  • Recycle

Balance Suspense ChartFields

If you select Suspend for Journal Balance Option, click this link to access the Balance Suspense ChartFields page, where you specify the suspense account for journal balance errors for the ledger group. Define the entire ChartField combination.

Edit Suspense ChartFields

If you select Suspend for Journal Edit Errors Option, click this link to access the Edit Suspense ChartFields page, where you specify the suspense account for ChartField journal edit errors for the ledger group. Define the entire ChartField combination.

Amount Suspense ChartFields

If you select Suspend for Journal Amount Errors, click this link to access the Amount Suspense ChartFields page, where you specify the suspense account for journal amount errors for the ledger group. Define the entire ChartField combination.

Process Group

Select the process group that contains the multiple combination edit rules for this ledger group. Define process groups on the Combination Group page. During combination editing, the system references the ledger group indicated on a transaction to see which rules apply. It then applies these rules during the Journal Edit process. Journal lines that fail validation using one of the rules in the group are marked in error.

See Also

Setting Up Position Accounting

Correcting Journal Errors

Editing ChartField Combinations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Options for a Ledger

Access the Ledgers For A Unit - Currency Options page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Currency Options.)

Rounding Adjustment Option

This option is only available on this page.

Because the amount on each line is individually converted, base currency totals are potentially out of balance due to rounding. Depending on the option you select the difference for each foreign currency is:

  • Applied to the last line for the currency if you selected the Adjust Last Journal Line option.

  • Entered on a new base currency adjustment line if you selected the Add Adjusting Journal Line option.

Note. When a ledger group contains multiple ledgers with a secondary ledger or ledgers that have the same base currency as the primary ledger and if journals contain multiple foreign currency transactions, the following applies.

If you choose to use different rate types for currency conversion in primary and secondary ledgers having the same base currency and in a single ledger group or if imbalances occur because of rounding and truncation of foreign currency conversions, when you have journals with multiple currencies posting to the ledger group, you cannot use Add Adjusting Journal Line to handle the balancing of journals. If you attempt to do so, the journal edit process errors out the journal and issues an error message.

For example, assume you have a primary ledger and a secondary ledger in the same ledger group that use GBP as the base currency, you have KLS selected and require that journal entries balance by base currency. If you then generate a journal in various currencies and a journal edit returns the result that the base amount of the secondary ledger in GBP is out of balance, you must select Adjust Last Journal Line for that journal to be balanced by the system.

The system cannot use Add Adjusting Journal Line under the circumstances described in the example. Under these conditions, when you must use Adjust Last Journal Line, the system selects the last line in a balancing set for balance by base currency where the transaction currency is not equal to the base currency to add or subtract the amount necessary to balance the base currency of the secondary ledger.

The last line is not necessarily the last line of the journal. The system groups all lines in balancing sets when balancing the journal. The journal edit selects the last line for a balancing set where the transaction currency does not equal the base currency and calculates the amount necessary to balance the set. Each set must balance for the total journal to be in balance.

Rounding Adjust ChartFields

Select this link to access the Rounding Adjustment ChartFields page. When there is an unbalanced condition between the debit and credit rows due solely to rounding on conversion form foreign Amount to Base Amount, select a default balancing group, ChartField, and ChartField Value to be used during the editing process.

Translate Ledger Exchange Rate

Select to control the exchange rate default of the translate ledger consistently for all processing. Select Default to a Higher Level Value, Inherit from Primary Ledger, or Retain Exchange rate.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, Defining Your Operational Structure, Defining Currency Options for a Business Unit.

See Also

Establishing Rounding Adjustment Controls

Defining Currency Options for a Business Unit

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Default Journal Post Options for a Ledger

Access the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Post Options page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Journal Post Options.)

Do Not Post Future-Dated Jrnls (do not post future dated journals)

Select to not post journals with a journal date past the journal process date. Define the journal process date on the General Ledger Business Unit Definition - Journal Options page.

Automatic Post Reversals

Select to post accrued reversals automatically when you post the original journal entry. If you select Do Not Post Future-Dated Jrnls and the accrued reversals are for a future date, the system does not post them. If you do not select this check box, mark the reversals for posting separately from the original journals.

Enable Incremental Sum Ledgers (enable incremental summary ledgers)

Select to enable summary ledgers that you defined on this detail ledger to be updated with incremental changes. The Journal Post process stores new rows for the summary ledger's use.

Note. Incremental ledger load is not supported for standard detail ledgers.

Unpost Journals' Document Type

Select Same as the Original Journal to keep the same document type. (Select a manual document type from the For Manual Doc Type Journals field.)

Select Specify a New Document Type to assign a new document sequencing number. (Select a new document type from the Unpost Journals' Document Type field.)

For Manual Doc Type Journals (for manual document type journals)

If you selected Same as the Original in the Unpost Journals' Document Type field, this field appears. Select a document type to use if you manually assigned the original journal's document type. This new document type must be set up for automatic numbering. If the system automatically assigned the original document type, the same document type that was in your original journal is used here.

Unpost Document Type

If you selected Specify a New Document Type in the Unpost Journals' Document Type field, this field appears. Select a new document type that is set up for automatic numbering.

When Anchor Journals Is Unposted

InterUnit Journals

System selected to automatically unpost related InterUnit journals when you unpost the anchor journals.


System selected to automatically unpost related accrued reversal journals when you unpost the anchor journals.

See Also

Generating or Updating a Summary Ledger

Updating Summary Ledgers Incrementally Through Posting

Performing Financial Consolidations

Unposting Journals

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Journal Approval Options for a Ledger

Access the Ledgers For A Unit - Approval Options page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Approval Options.)

You have the option to use either the Virtual Approver method or Approval Framework method for the journal approval process. You select the approval methodology for journal approval on the Installation Options - General Ledger page.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, Setting Installation Options for PeopleSoft Applications, Setting Up Application-Specific Installation Options, Defining General Ledger Installation Options.

The selection choices on the Approval Options page depend upon which methodology that you select to use on the Installation Options - General Ledger page. When using the Virtual Approver method, the Business Process Name and Approval Rule Set fields appear on the page. When using the Approval Framework method, these fields are not visible, since the Approval Framework provides its own Business Process and Approval Rule Set to communicate with PeopleTools.

Note. You can define approval options at the business unit, ledger group or source level. When you define approval options at the source level, they override any approval handling that you specified at the business unit or ledger group levels for journals using that source only.

Journal Approval Option and Budget Journal Approval Optn (budget journal approval option)

Select one of the following values:

  • Default to Higher Level: Uses the approval options that you define on the business unit General Ledger Definition - Approval Options page.

  • Pre-Approved: Allows journal entry without approval through PeopleSoft Workflow. This allows you to select Post in the Process field on the Journal Entry - Lines page.

  • Require Approval: Requires approval through PeopleSoft Workflow. If you select this option and the approval methodology on the Installation Options - General Ledger page is Virtual Approver, you must select a Business Process Name and associated Approval Rule Set. The Business Process Name and Approval Rule Set fields are not visible when the approval methodology is Approval Framework in Installation Options. Select Submiton the Journal Entry page to process for approval.

Business Process Name

Select a workflow business process with which you approve journal entries.

Approval Rule Set

Select a workflow approval rule set of the previously specified business process with which you approve journal entries.

See Also

Defining General Ledger Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Commitment Control Ledger Options

Access the Ledgers For A Unit - Commitment Control Options page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Ledgers For A Unit, Commitment Control Options.)

Use this page to enable Commitment Control for the ledger group and associate commitment control ledger groups with the ledger group. This page is described in the PeopleSoft Commitment Control documentation.

See Also

Setting Up Commitment Control for a Business Unit and GL Ledger Group

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Using Multibook Ledgers

To set up multibook ledgers, use the following components:

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you set up and process multibook ledgers, set up base currencies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Use Multibook Ledgers

Page Name

Definition Name





Setting Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options

Click the Overall link

Select the Create Multibook Accounting Entries in Subsystems option.

Templates - Record Definitions


General Ledger, Ledgers, Templates, Record Definitions

You can create or modify the record names for a ledger template; however, do this only if you are adding a new template or modifying the default records of the templates delivered with the system.

Templates - Field Definitions


General Ledger, Ledgers, Templates, Field Definitions

You can create or modify the field names for a ledger template; however, do this only if you are modifying the default fields or if you are adding the fields to store debit amounts separate from credit amounts (separate debit and credit configuration.)

Detail Ledger - Definition


General Ledger, Ledgers, Detail Ledgers, Definition

Define a detail ledger ID and name, and link the detail ledger to a ledger template.

Ledger Group - Definition


General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Definition

Define a ledger group, link it to a ledger template, assign ledger details to the group, and identify the unique attributes of each ledger within the group.

Ledger Group - Chartfield


General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Group, Chartfield

Define default ChartFields for this ledger group. The system generates a set of default values, which you can modify.

Ledger Group - Balancing


General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Group, Balancing

Specify the ChartField balancing options for the journals generated to the detail ledger.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Header


General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create/Update Journal Entries, Header

Select the multibook transaction ledger group.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines


General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create/Update Journal Entries, Lines

Enter transaction amounts and currency codes for one or more ledgers included in the multibook ledger group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up for Multibook Processing

Access the Overall page (Setting Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options.)

To set up your system for multibook processing:

  1. Select the Multibook Accounting Entries in Subsystems check box only if you want other PeopleSoft applications to create in-sync accounting entries.

  2. Review ledger templates and define detail ledgers.

  3. Link multiple detail ledgers to a ledger group using the Ledger Group - Definition page.

See Also

Defining a Ledger Template

Defining a Detail Ledger

Linking Ledgers to a Ledger Group

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Multibook Transactions - Header Page

Access the Create/Update Journal Entries - Header page (General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create/Update Journal Entries, Header.)

Select the ledger group that you set up for multibook transactions, or select the ledger group and a specific ledger within that group.

When you select Keep Ledgers in Sync on the Ledger Group - Definition page, the system automatically selects the AutoGenerate Lines option.

When you enter a transaction for the entire group, the system converts the transaction amount to the base currency of each ledger in the group and posts it to each ledger within the group. The conversion rate is determined at the transaction level. If the transaction is for one specific ledger in the group, the system posts the transaction only to that ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Multibook Transactions - Lines Page

Access the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page (General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create/Update Journal Entries, Lines.)

Enter the transaction amount and the transaction currency code as well as any other data relevant to the multibook transaction.

The Ledger field in the journal line record is an addition to the existing key fields: Business Unit, Journal ID, Journal Date, and Unpost Sequence. Based on the ledger group that you enter, the system determines how many secondary ledgers are in the ledger group; it creates one journal line for each ledger. The ChartField values and transaction amounts are the same on each of these lines, with the exception of the translation ledger. The translation ledger has different amounts that populate the Monetary (Base Currency) Amount, Currency Code, Exchange Rate Type, and Exchange Rate fields; the base currency in the ledger determines these values.

After you enter all of the transaction lines, select the Journal Edit process, which automatically generates journal lines as supporting transaction details for each ledger.

Example 1: Multibook Transaction

Assume that you have a Local ledger with NOK as the base currency and a Reports ledger with EUR as the base currency. Both are part of the ledger group Actuals. You enter the transaction in CHF with a CHF 100 debit to rent expense (account 1000) and a CHF 100 credit to accounts payable (account 2000). You enter the local lines, and the system automatically generates the reports lines. The four journal lines appear as follows:

Jrnl Ln

Ledger Group



Frgn Amt

Frgn CC

Mntry Amt


Rate Type

Excg Rate









































Example 2: Translation Ledger

In this example, Reports is defined as a translation ledger. Both Local and Reports are part of the ledger group Actuals. The transaction was entered in CHF with the same amount as above. The four journal lines appear as follows:

Jrnl Ln

Ledger Group



Frgn Amt

Frgn CC

Mntry Amt


Rate Type

Exchg Rate









































When you enter the Local lines, the system automatically generates the Report lines. For a translation ledger, the foreign amount and transaction currency of Reports are the monetary (base currency) amount and currency code of the primary ledger, Local.

The header record for the journal lines contains summary information including ledger, total debits, total credits, edit status, and posted status. The amounts carried on the header are in the denomination of the base currency for the business unit.

See Also

Creating Journal Entries

Linking Ledgers to a Ledger Group

Processing Journals


Click to jump to parent topicCombining Accounts Using Summary Ledgers

General Ledger has default summary ledgers in which you can store balances without additional modification. However, you can create additional summary ledgers and modify existing ledgers.

To combine accounts using summary ledgers, use the Summary Ledger component (SUMMARY_LEDGER) and the Ledger Set for Summary Ledgers component (LEDGER_SET_SLED).

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you set up a summary ledger record and create a summary ledger table:

  1. Decide how to summarize your data either directly from the detail ledger or from data that is rolled up in trees.

    Note. When you summarize data directly from the detail ledger, the field lengths for the summary ledger ChartFields must be the same as the detail ledger ChartFields that you summarize.

  2. If you obtain summary ledger data from roll up trees, set up a tree for each ChartField that you want to summarize.

    For example, to create a table for a summary ledger that summarizes accounts by departments, set up one tree that rolls up the departments that you want to summarize and one tree that rolls up accounts. Also, when you summarize data using trees, the field lengths for summary ledger ChartFields must be exactly 20 characters long to accommodate the maximum length of a tree node name.

  3. Determine which summary ledger record definitions are required fields.

    Required Fields

    Possible ChartFields to Summarize

    Field Type







    At least one ChartField to summarize. See next column.

































    Note. When you set up your summary ledger record definition, position all ChartFields to be summarized between the LEDGER and FISCAL_YEAR fields to ensure that the system populates the summary ledger table correctly. This order is applicable only to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, not the physical storage of the table.

  4. Define all of the ChartFields to summarize.

    Use unique naming conventions that differentiate them from detail ledger ChartFields, so that you can modify field specifications (such as field length) to accommodate the summary ledger without affecting tables that already use the detail ledger ChartField. This also creates a unique set of summary ledger fields that you can reuse in other summary ledger record definitions.

    For example, ACCOUNT might be ACCOUNT_SUM.

    Note. Any modifications that you make to a detail ledger field's type, length, format, and description affects every table that uses the field.

  5. Define all of the required fields, including new ones that you want to add to the table.

  6. Determine whether you want to summarize balances in currencies other than the base currency.

    To summarize, include the CURRENCY_CD field in your summary ledger record definition.

  7. Determine whether you want to summarize data based on the statistics code ChartField.

    To summarize, include the STATISTICS_CD field in your summary ledger record definition.

    Note. If you do not include the STATISTICS_CD field in your summary ledger record definition, by default the system summarizes only detail ledger rows where the STATISTICS_CD field contains blank values and does not generate summarized balances for the ChartField.

  8. Determine whether you want to use drill-down during PS/nVision reporting.

    To use drill-down, include the account ChartField in your summary ledger record definition. Although this ChartField is not required, summarize this ChartField to enable drill-down during PS/nVision reporting.

  9. Determine whether you want to track the date and time of each summary ledger update.

    To track, include the DTTM_STAMP_SEC field.

See Also

Using Trees to Summarize ChartFields

Understanding General Ledger Background Processes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Combine Accounts Using Summary Ledgers

Page Name

Definition Name



Summary Ledger


General Ledger, Summary Ledgers, Define Summary Ledger, Summary Ledger

After you define a summary ledger table that stores the summary balances, use this page to specify the ledger template that defines the records and fields for the summary ledger and specify the ChartFields to summarize.

Ledger Set


General Ledger, Summary Ledgers, Ledger Set for Summary Ledger, Ledger Set

Sets up the business unit and ledgers to use to build the summary ledger.

Build Summary Ledger Request


General Ledger, Summary Ledgers, Build Summary Ledger, Build Summary Ledger Request

Either creates a new summary ledger or performs the incremental update process.

Review Summary Ledger Status


General Ledger, Summary Ledgers, Review Summary Ledger Status, Review Summary Ledger Status

View the status of a summary ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Summary Ledger Table

To create or modify summary ledgers, create a summary ledger table in which to store summary ledger data.

To create a summary ledger table:

  1. Create a new record for the summary ledger record definition.

  2. Add summary ledger fields to the record.

    In the new record, add the required ChartFields and amount fields to the record definition, and to the ChartFields that you want to summarize. Ensure that you add the fields in the correct order.

  3. Position the ChartFields that you want to summarize between the LEDGER and FISCAL_YEAR fields, and rename them.

    For example, if you are creating a summary ledger table that summarizes accounts by operating unit and department, add these fields:

  4. Insert existing fields (such as BUSINESS_UNIT and LEDGER) into the record definition.

    In the new file, select each field required for your summary ledger. PeopleSoft Application Designer adds the field with the correct parameters to your record definition.

  5. Add the required fields exactly as they appear in the detail ledger.

    Do not rename or change the required field parameters.

  6. Define new fields, and add them to the record definition.

  7. Define the field in PeopleSoft Application Designer, add the new field to the record definition for the ChartFields that you want to summarize, and enter properties for the field.

  8. Save the record definition frequently.

  9. Specify which fields in your summary ledger record definition are key fields that uniquely identify rows of data.

    Designate BUSINESS_UNIT, LEDGER, FISCAL_YEAR, ACCOUNTING_PERIOD, CURRENCY_CD, and all of the ChartFields as key fields by selecting the Key check box. All key fields should be at the top of the record as defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Designate all ChartFields as Summarized.

  10. Save the summary ledger record definition.

  11. Create the table using PeopleSoft Application Designer's Build feature.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Summary Ledger

Access the Summary Ledger page (General Ledger, Summary Ledgers, Define Summary Ledger, Summary Ledger.)

Note. Summary ledgers support summarization of ADB (average daily balance) target ledgers. However, summarizing daily ledgers is not supported.

Ledger Template

Select the summary ledger template.

Detail Template

Select the template that contains the detail ledgers that you are summarizing.

Refresh CF

Click this button to reset the summary ledger ChartFields.

Detail Ledger ChartField

Identify the detail ledger ChartField that you want to summarize.

Note. Be sure to define Currency Code as one of the fields to summarize as well as Statistics Code if you want to summarize statistics.

How Specified

Select from the following values:

All Detail Values: Retain detail ChartField values in that ChartField.

All Nodes at a Level: Summarizes every node at a selected tree level.

Children at a Level: Includes all tree nodes at a given tree level that are children of the specified tree nodes. In this case, you select the parent node names in the Values scroll area.

Detail - Selected Parents: and Selected Tree Nodes: Enter the tree to use (in Tree Name.) You can then select tree nodes (in Values/Nodes) that contain the detail values that you want to include in the summary ledger on the tree. The ledger includes all detail values summarized by that node. If you select a tree that uses levels, the system displays an optional Level edit box, enabling you to limit prompting in this field to selected levels.

Selected Detail Values: Select certain detail values (such as USA and Canada Sales departments, or all P&L accounts) in the Values/Nodes field.

Note. The field length for the summary ledger ChartFields is a critical factor in defining a summary ledger. It is dependent on whether you specify the summary ledger ChartFields by using detail values or tree nodes.

See Also

Using the Journal Entry Template to Display Journal Line Columns and Define Copy Down Options

Using Trees to Summarize ChartFields

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Ledger Sets

Access the Ledger Set for Summary Ledgers - Ledger Set page (General Ledger, Summary Ledgers, Ledger Set for Summary Ledger, Ledger Set.)

Ledger Template

Select the Detail Ledger template that you identified on the Define Summary Ledger - Definition page with the summary ledger entered in Summary Ledger Parameters. You need only one ledger set for each defined summary ledger.

Summary Ledger Parameters

Select a summary ledger for this ledger set, and select the calendar to associate with this summary ledger. The selected calendar applies to all business units that share this summary ledger definition.

Automatic Populate Scroll

Select a tree value, enter an as-of (effective) date, and click Refresh. The system populates the Specify Ledgers to Use scroll area with the selected tree's business units that are valid as of the effective date and with their associated detail ledgers. You can modify the business unit or detail ledger on each row, and you can delete or add a row.

Select the Post to Summary Ledger check box to update the incremental summary ledger update during the Journal Post process. If you do not select this check box, run the summary ledger incremental process only from the Build Summary Ledger - Request page.

Note. Make sure that you select Enable Incremental Sum Ledgers on the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Post Options page for the specific business unit and detail ledger.

If you enter an as-of date and click Refresh but do not select a tree value, the Specify Ledgers to Use scroll area displays only one row with one business unit; no detail ledger is selected.

In this case, you can:

  • Select a detail ledger to associate with the business unit.

  • Select a different business unit and ledger.

  • Add or delete data rows.

  • Select or leave blank the Post to Summary Ledgers check box.

The same rules apply as stated for the summary ledger set.

Click Save to associate the selected business units and detail ledgers with this summary ledger set.

See Also

Summarizing ChartFields Using Trees

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating or Updating a Summary Ledger

Access the Build Summary Ledger Request page (General Ledger, Summary Ledgers, Build Summary Ledger, Build Summary Ledger Request.)

General Ledger uses the information that you entered on the Define Summary Ledger - Definition page and on the Ledger Set for Summary Ledgers - Ledger Set page to update summary ledger balances. After you define all of your requests, run the background process each time that you want to generate or update a summary ledger. Each time the system processes a summary request, it erases the results of any earlier summary request of the same period.

The Build Summary Ledger Request page enables you to specify one or more business units for summary ledger processing. This facilitates processing and improves performance, whether you process your business units by group or by individual business unit.

Fiscal Year

The year that the detail calendar uses to determine the summarized accounting periods.

Request Type

These options determine what you want the background process to do with the summary ledger.


Select to first delete any existing summary ledger and then create a new summary ledger.


Select to delete an existing summary ledger.


Select to update the summary ledgers incrementally with changes made since the summary ledger was last created or updated. The process checks the status table for an appropriate entry in which to apply the increment. If an entry is found, the process performs the increment action and updates the status row. If no row is found, the Create process runs and inserts a status row.

Note. To use the Increment option, select Enable Incremental Sum Ledgers option on the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Post Options page for the detail ledger group.

Tree Effective Date

These fields determine the use of the effective date.

Use Period End Date

Select to have the system use the version of the tree that is effective as of the end date of each period summarized.

Use Date override

Select any past or future date.

You typically run summary ledgers for a single period as part of your monthly closing, but you can also use this field to select a range of periods. The periods are determined by the summary or detail calendar associated with this ledger. If you select a range of ledgers and not all of the ledgers contain the requested periods, only the valid combinations run. On the message log, the system identifies the successful completion or an error for each combination that you select. For example, suppose that you select a range of ledgers where the first two use a monthly calendar and the third is based on a quarterly calendar. If you select period 6, the first two summary ledgers run successfully, and the system indicates that an error occurred while processing the third ledger because there is no period 6 in a quarterly calendar. Refer to the Ledgers For A Unit page or to the summary ledger set to verify which calendar the system uses for each summary ledger.

Business Unit

Identify the business units or range of business units for which to process the summary ledger.

Business Unit From and Business Unit To

Select a business unit or range of business units for summary ledger processing for a given request.


Select the business units or groups of business units for summary ledger processing. Those business units or range of business units that are not selected will not be processed.

Period Type

You identify the period and whether its period is a balance forward period or a year end adjustment period.

Balance Forward

Select after each annual close to prepare for the new year's processing. General Ledger uses period 0 to store balance-forward amounts. Summarize the beginning balances loaded during the implementation process so that they are available for summary reporting.

Year-End Adjustment

Select to summarize any adjustments that you entered. You typically summarize the year end adjustments before you run an annual close. If you select this option, you can specify the adjustment periods to include. Adjustment periods are not combined.

See Also

Adjustments and Other Special Periods

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Summary Ledgers Incrementally Through Posting

General Ledger provides the option to update summary ledgers incrementally. This reduces system processing time.

To update summary ledgers incrementally through posting:

  1. On the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Post Options page, select Enable Incremental Sum Ledgers for each business unit and detail ledger combination for which you want defined summary ledgers to be updated incrementally.

  2. On the Ledger Set for Summary Ledgers - Ledger Set page for the appropriate ledger set, select Post to Summary Ledger for any combinations that you want to run through the posting process.

    Note. This option only allows summary ledger incremental updates. Whether the incremental updates actually occur depends on what you select for the Skip Summary Ledger Update option (see step 3).

  3. Verify that the Skip Summary Ledger Update option on the User Preferences - General Ledger page is not selected.

    If you run posting through the Journal Post Request page, be sure that this option on that page is not selected.

    Note. Select the Skip Summary Ledger Update option on the User Preferences - General Ledger page when you run the Journal Post process and you do not want to incrementally update summary ledgers at the same time. You can always update the summary ledger incrementally later through posting or from the Build Summary Ledger - Request page.

    You can run posting through a remote call (clicking the Go button on the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page), as part of the Journal Edit process, or directly from other background processes that create and post journals (such as the Journal Generator process or the Currency Translation process). Do not select the Skip Summary Ledger Update option on the User Preferences - General Ledger page.

  4. Run the posting process.

    Posting calls the summary ledger process for each business unit and ledger group requested. This process adds all defined summary ledgers that meet the following criteria:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Summary Ledger Status Table

Access the Review Summary Ledger Status page (General Ledger, Summary Ledgers, Review Summary Ledger Status, Review Summary Ledger Status.)

Use this page to view summary ledger status and search results for the criteria you select.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing TimeSpans

When you select and retrieve ledger balances for use in allocations, inquiries, and PS/nVision reporting, TimeSpans control the number of periods for which data is extracted and summarized from the ledger table.

To define TimeSpans, use the TimeSpans component (TIME_SPAN).

This section discusses how to set up TimeSpans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up TimeSpans

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Calendars/Schedules, TimeSpans, TimeSpans

Define TimeSpans for ledger reports or inquiries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up TimeSpans

Access the TimeSpans page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Calendars/Schedules, TimeSpans, TimeSpans.)

Start Year and End Year

Specify years based on the value that you select in the adjacent Type field.


Select from the following values:

Absolute Year: Enter any year defined in the calendar that you select for Calendar ID.

Relative to Current Year: Enter 0 to select the current year, –1 to indicate the previous year, 1 to indicate the next year, and so forth.


Start Period and End Period

Specify the period based on the value that you select in the adjacent Type field.


Select from the following values:

Absolute Period: Enter any period defined in the calendar that you select for Calendar ID.

Relative to Current Period: Enter 0 to select the current period, −1 to indicate the previous period, 1 to indicate the next period, and so forth.


Include Balance Forward

Select to include beginning balance amounts when using this TimeSpan. Because TimeSpans represent contiguous periods, if you include balance-forward amounts, you must also select period 1 and Absolute Year (the first period of the year) as the start period.

No Adjustment Period

Select to exclude adjustment amounts from this TimeSpan.

Adjustment Period 998

Select to include adjustment amounts if you have only one adjustment period, the default period 998, defined for the selected calendar.

Specify Adjustment Period

Select to include adjustment amounts if you have created multiple adjustment periods for the calendar selected in Calendar ID.


Start Adjustment Period and End Adjustment Period

Specify the start and end adjustment periods for the TimeSpan. The values that you enter here depend on which values that you select in the adjacent Type fields: Relative to Current Period or Absolute Period.

To include specific adjustment periods such as the first quarter, enter 901 and 903 in these fields, and Absolute in the Type fields.

See Also

Defining Accounting Calendars

Click to jump to parent topicImporting and Exporting Ledgers

You can import a flat file from another product or external system that contains rows of ledger data using the Flat File Ledger Import component (LOAD_LED_PNL). This functionality is often used to combine distributed ledger data from different General Ledger systems to perform consolidation, summarization and corporate reporting.

You can also select or add a flat file format and export flat file ledgers to third-party reporting software systems. To export flat file ledgers, use the Export Ledger Data component (RUN_GLS7500) and Ledger File Formats component (LED_FILE_FORMATS). This functionality is often used in those countries requiring delivery of ledger data in a particular format for use in producing statutory reports in a required format.

This section discusses how to:

In addition to flat file import and export, you can also exchange ledger data between distributed General Ledger systems using the Ledger Publish Enterprise Integration Point (IP) and Ledger Load processing. This functionality is designed to work together with Consolidation. Please see Consolidation documentation for details of this process, and "Integrating and Transferring among Applications" documentation for integration details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Import and Export Flat File Ledgers

Page Name

Definition Name



Flat File Ledger Import Request


General Ledger, Ledgers, Import Ledger from Flat File, Flat File Ledger Import Request

Import a flat file ledger.

Ledger File Formats


General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger File Formats, Ledger File Formats

Add flat file export formats to be used by the Ledger File Creation process (GLS7500).

Export Ledger Data Request


General Ledger, Ledgers, Export Ledger Data, Export Ledger Data Request

Export a ledger file to another system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting a Flat File Ledger

Access the Flat File Ledger Import Request page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Import Ledger from Flat File, Flat File Ledger Import Request.)

The PeopleSoft Application Engine process (GL_LED_IMP) imports detail ledger data from a flat file directly into a standard detail ledger or a standard budget ledger. This process imports data only into ledgers with Allow Ledger Load Updates option selected on the Ledgers for a Unit - Definition page.

Warning! The PeopleSoft Application Engine Flat File Ledger Import process performs minimal validation on the imported data. It does not check against combination editing or Commitment Control budgets during import.

To import data from a flat file ledger:

  1. Click Add to upload and attach the ledger file.

  2. Click View to review the file's contents online (or you can download the file to your computer).

  3. Click Delete to remove the ledger file attached to this run control.

  4. Select a Character Set for the flat file being imported. For example, you might specify ISO_8859-6 for Arabic or JIS_X_0208 for Japanese Kanji if the file was prepared in that character set.

  5. Select the desired Validate ChartFields option for your import processing.

    You can choose to validate none of the ChartFields or you can choose to validate All Common ChartFields.

  6. Click Run to import the flat file using the PeopleSoft Application Engine process.

  7. Click Process Monitor to access the Process List page, where you can view the status and progress of the PeopleSoft Application Engine process.

  8. Click Report Manager to access the Administration page, where you can view the process report online, check the status of the process, and see content details of the report and the distribution list.

File Format for the Flat File Ledger Import Process

The File Layout object (GL_LED_IMPORT) determines the file format.

The following table shows the file format for the Flat File Ledger Import process. The layout varies depending on the first column with the following meaning:




Standard detail ledger. Data is imported into PS_LEDGER.


Standard budget ledger. Data is imported into PS_LEDGER_BUDG.

Note. The File Layout GL_LED_IMPORT is predefined as fixed column format as shown below. If you prefer the CSV format, you may customize it by changing the file format from FIXED to CSV using Application Designer. This change of format without modifying the fields will not affect the ledger import process.













Standard Detail Ledger











Business Unit









Alternate Account






Operating Unit






Fund Code



Class Field



Program Code



Budget Reference






Fund Affiliate



Operating Unit Affiliate



ChartField 1



ChartField 2



ChartField 3



Project ID



Book Code



Adjustment Type



Transaction Currency Code



Statistics Code



Fiscal Year



Accounting Period



Posted Total Amount



Posted Base Currency Amount



Posted Transaction Amount



Posted Total Debit Amount

This field is only used in a separate Debit/Credit ledger



Posted Total Credit Amount

This field is only used in a separate Debit/Credit ledger



Posted Transaction Debit Amount

This field is only used in a separate Debit/Credit ledger



Posted Transaction Credit Amount

This field is only used in a separate Debit/Credit ledger

Standard Budget Ledger











Business Unit









Alternate Account






Operating Unit






Fund Code



Class Field



Program Code



Budget Reference






Fund Affiliate



Operating Unit Affiliate



ChartField 1



ChartField 2



ChartField 3



Project ID



Budget Period






Book Code



Adjustment Type



Transaction Currency Code



Statistics Code



Fiscal Year



Accounting Period



Posted Total Amount



Posted Base Currency Amount



Posted Transaction Amount

See Also

Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Flat File Ledger Export Formats

Access the Ledger File Formats page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger File Formats, Ledger File Formats.)

PeopleSoft delivers ledger file formats for a group of financial regulatory reports that are required by organizations in France and Belgium. However, you can add new formats.

To add new formats:

  1. Modify the Map-Output-File procedure of GLS7500.SQR.

    Typically you clone the code of the three other delivered formats in the Map-Output-File procedure and use a new layout of your own. This requires some SQR programming knowledge to write a few lines of code.

  2. Add a ledger file format for the correct setID on the Ledger File Formats page.

    Ensure that the layout matches the one that you added to the SQR code in Step 2. Enter a description of the file, enter the name of the ledger export output file, and enter or select the file extension.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExporting a Ledger File

Access the Export Ledger Data Request page (General Ledger, Ledgers, Export Ledger Data, Export Ledger Data Request.)

To create a ledger file for export:

  1. Enter the business unit, ledger, fiscal year, and period.

    Select the appropriate flat file in the Layout field to create the flat file.

  2. Click Run to initiate the Ledger File Creation process.

  3. Click Report Manager to view the report; click Process Monitor to monitor the status of the Ledger File Creation GLS7500 process.

Note. The Ledger File Creation process works only for ledgers on whose Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page you selected Enable Separate Debit/Credit.

See Also

Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Using the Ledger Interface Utility

Transferring Ledgers for Consolidation