Preparing and Submitting a Proposal

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Proposals

This section provides overviews of the PeopleSoft Grants proposal preparation, proposal budgets, PeopleSoft Grants statuses, and components and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Grants Proposal Preparation

A proposal in PeopleSoft Grants consists of a statement of work, research plans, technical reports, and a proposal budget, as well as administrative, personnel, and submission information that is required by external funding agencies.

Note. The creation of the research plan is outside the scope of PeopleSoft Grants.

Each proposal requires at least one project. You can, however, have multiple projects within a single proposal.

After establishing basic setup information in PeopleSoft Grants, you can enter data concerning proposals and projects, structure proposal budgets, work with research plans of principle investigators (PIs), and submit proposals to sponsors.

The proposal pages help you:

Note. PeopleSoft Grants delivers proposal security by PI and department. You can control access to the proposal pages by configuring PeopleSoft Grants security options.

See Also

Setting Up and Maintaining PeopleSoft Grants Information

Establishing Proposal Budgets

Preparing a Proposal and Award for Cost Sharing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Proposal Budgets

The budget represents an integral part of a research proposal. It captures budget line details and provides access to data such as the names of participating personnel, annual salaries, fringe rates, and F&A (Facilities and Administration) rates. These data elements support both pre-award and post-award functions.

Here is some general information about establishing proposal budgets:

Note. PeopleSoft Grants supports organization, project and grant, and revenue estimate ledger types. PeopleSoft Grants does not support appropriation budgets.

Note. You cannot edit the following PeopleTool pages during the approval process: Maintain Proposal, Overall Budget, and Budget Detail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Grants Statuses

This diagram illustrates the flow of the PeopleSoft Grants status as the proposal moves through the complete cycle from Draft, to Pending Approval, to Denied or Approved by the institution, to submitted, to award.

Grants status process flow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Components

After you enter all of the required information on the proposal pages, you can produce and submit a finished application for sponsored amounts to support institutionally approved projects. You can submit only institution-approved proposals if Proposal Approval workflow is active.

This section provides an overview of the approval rules and processes and discusses how to:

  1. Access the Component page.

  2. Submit a proposal.

  3. Designate an official for a proposal submission.

  4. Approve a proposal.

The Proposal (Component) Approval process is triggered when the status of the proposal changes to a status that is listed in the Grant Award Setup Definition page. All people who are involved in the approval process receive workitem notification, email notification, or both, depending on the setup options.

The approval process is simultaneous or sequential, depending on your setup. If you set the approval process to sequential, the system generates the workitem for the next layer of approver after the workitem receives approval from all required approvers and reviewers at the current layer. Feedback from nonrequired approvers does not affect the approval process and status. For example, if all required approvers approve the component but not the nonrequired approver, the system still updates the component status to Approved or generates the workitem for the next layer of approver. All required approval roles must be defined within the current proposal and set to workflow eligible.

The approver or reviewer receives a workitem notification or workitem and email notifications during the approval process. The recipient can take the following actions depending on the workflow setup:

The component uses the following statuses:

When the component status changes to Send Back, the approver initiator receives a workitem and can edit the project and budget. If you set the component setup level at the all projects level, then the approver initiator can edit only the project that is associated with the Send Back component. If you set the component approval at primary project level, then the approver initiator can edit all projects. During this time the approver initiator can add a new proposal component or delete one in the project under certain circumstances. Other users cannot edit the proposal during the approval cycle.

The Grants super user can cancel the proposal during the approval process and the system removes all workitems from the approver worklist. When all components are approved, the proposal is considered institution-approved. Approved or canceled proposals cannot be edited, because the proposal has reached the end of the proposal process.

From draft status, you can manually change the status to Pending Approval, or click the Start Approval button, which triggers the workflow process. When the proposal is approved, you can start the submission process and the proposal status is updated to Submitted. Only submitted proposals can be generated, at which time the system changes the Proposal status to Awarded. All other statuses can be selected prior to submission. If workflow is disabled, you can select any status at any time prior to submission. Those with authorization to the Submit Proposal component (GM_PROP_SUBMN_CI) through the PeopleTools component security can change a submitted (but not generated) proposal back to Not Submitted. If workflow is enabled, the proposal status returns to Institution Approved. If workflow is disabled, the proposal status returns to Draft.

The following list describes proposal component approval activities:

  1. A workitem notification or email notification is generated for the approver or reviewer when the proposal component is submitted for approval.

  2. The workitem notification or email notification is generated for the approver initiator when the proposal component is sent back by the approver.

  3. The workitem/email is generated for a new approver reviewer when the proposal component is reassigned by the approver or reviewer

  4. Email notification is sent to all people who are involved with the approval process when the proposal component status is changed.

Note. In a multiple principal investigator scenario, workflow is sent to the contact PI as long as the PI is configured for workflow. For example, in a multiple principal investigator scenario, more than one could exist for a PI. In this case, only the contact PI receives the workflow notification.

This diagram shows the workflow process flow for the proposal component. When a draft proposal is submitted, the system sends a worklist item to the designated reviewers or approvers. The proposal is either approved or sent back for more information until the proposal is assigned a status of Approved:

Workflow process flow


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Proposals

Page Name

Definition Name





Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Proposal

Establish proposal-specific details.



Click the Description link on the Proposal page.

Enter a long description for the proposal.

SBIR&STTR (small business innovation research and small business technology transfer)


Click the More Info button on the Proposal page.

Select SBIR and STTR fast-track statuses. These are available if the proposal type is SBIRI, SBIRII, STTRI, or STTRII.

CFDA (catalog of federal domestic assistance number)


Click the CFDA link on the Proposal page.

Enter multiple CFDA numbers if you enabled this feature.

Due By


Click the Due By link on the Proposal page.

Enter the due date and time requirements for a proposal.

Budget Express


Click the Budget Express link on the Proposal page.

Enter budget express information for a proposal.

Note. The data that you enter on this page is for informational purposes only. It has no downstream processing implications.

Additional Information


Click the Additional Information link on the Proposal page.

Enter additional information about the proposal.

Additional Information


Click the Add Additional Information button on the Additional Information page.

Create user-defined Additional Info types.

Application Identifier


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Enter application identifier information.

Concurrent Submissions


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Select the business unit, proposal, and version for each proposal that you are submitting concurrently.

Conflict of Interest


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Select check boxes to indicate whether the conflict complies with the institution's policy and whether you completed the review.

Cost Sharing


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Select check boxes to indicate whether the sponsor requires cost sharing, who approved it, the date of approval, and the source.

Flow Through


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Select the primary sponsor that the proposal will flow through.

Institution Change


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Select the check box to indicate whether the institution changed and the name of the previous institution.

Intellectual Property


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Enter information about the use of intellectual property.

PI Change (principal investigators change)


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Indicate that the PI changed and select the ID of the previous PI.

Pre-Award Spending


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Indicate that pre-award spending is permitted, and enter the guaranteed source of funding.

Previous Award


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Enter information about the previous award, and indicate that a renewal is in progress if it is based on an accomplishment.

Related Proposals


Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Enter information about related proposals.



Click the Additional Details link on the Additional Information page.

Enter information about a solicitation.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Projects

Add or update projects that are associated with a proposal.



Click the Description link on the Projects page.

Add descriptions about the project.

Department Administrator


Click the Other Contacts link on the Projects page.

View the names of the department administrator, department head and institution officer. Information about this page is display-only. All data comes from the Department Contact and Institution Contact pages.

Department Credit Percentage


Click the Department Credit link on the Projects page.

Enter the credit percentage for a department for a particular project.



Click the Department Cost Share Comments button on the Projects page.

Enter comments about the department cost share.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Budgets

Enter budget header information.

F&A and Pricing Setup (facilities and administration and pricing setup)


Click the F&A and Pricing Setup link on the Budgets page.

Set up F&A rates for your institution, sponsor, and budget.

Program Income


Click the Program Income link on the Budgets page.

Enter program income details and comments for the period.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Resources

Maintain information about each resource for a proposal project. These resources are used by Research or Workflow.

Vendor Details


Click the Get Agreement Details button on the Resources page.

Enter subrecipient details.

Subrecipient Location


Click the Get Location Details button on the Resources page.

Enter subrecipient location and address information.

Subrecipient Contact


Click the Get Contact Details button on the Resources page.

Enter subrecipient contact information.

Subrecipient Budget


Click the Vendor Budget button on the Resources page.

Enter subrecipient budget information.

Professional Details


Click the Details button on the Resources page.

Enter professional details about the resource.

Proposal Professional Address


Click the Address link on the Professional Details page.

View address information.

Proposal Professional Education


Click the Education link on the Professional Details page.

View educational information.

Proposal Professional Job


Click the Job link on the Professional Details page.

View job information.

Professional Work Experience


Click the Experience link on the Professional Details page.

View work experience information.

Professional Advisor/Advisee


Click the Advisor/Advisee link on the Professional Details page.

View advisor and advisee relationships.

Professional Memberships


Click the Membership/Association link on the Professional Details page.

View memberships and associations.

Professional Honor/Awards


Click the Honor/Award link on the Professional Details page.

View honors and awards.

Professional Collaborations


Click the Collaboration link on the Professional Details page.

View persons who have collaborated with the professional.

Professional Publications


Click the Publication link on the Professional Details page.

View the professional's publications.

Professional Pending Support


Click the Pending Support link on the Professional Details page.

View pending support.

Professional Ongoing Support


Click the Ongoing Support link on the Professional Details page.

View ongoing support.

Professional Completed Support


Click the Completed Support link on the Professional Details page.

View completed support.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Certification

Maintain all relevant proposal-specific certifications, and enter multiple certifications for each proposal project.

Proposal Certification Comments


Click the Comment button on the Certification page.

Enter comments about the certification.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Reports

Set up PeopleSoft Grants report types for a proposal project.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Attachments

Create attachments for the proposal project.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal

Select the Attributes link

Enter proposal attributes.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal

Select the Location link.

Select a location for a subrecipient.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal

Select the Protocols link.

Select a protocol to associate with the project.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Component

Enter component information.

Component Stakeholder


Click the Stakeholders link on the Component page.

Enter the names and roles of stakeholders.

Component Approval Hierarchy/Option


Click the Approval Hierarchy link on the Component page, Approval Info tab.

View the approval hierarchy. All information that is displayed on the page comes from the BU Workflow Approval/Notification Setup page. It shows the approval rules that were set up for the current component.

Component Approval Status/History


Click the Approval Status/History link on the Component page, Approval Info tab.

View the component approval history.

Proposal Component Comments


Click the Comments button on the Component page.

Add comments about the proposal component.

Setup Level


Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Setup Level

Establish the setting levels as Primary Project or All Projects for certifications, department credits, professional credits, resources, subrecipients, and components.

All values are supplied by the Award setup and BU Definition pages. You can overwrite the value in the Proposal level.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, KeyWords

Link key words to a proposal and its projects.

Proposal Component Approval/Submit


Grants, Proposals, Proposal Component Approval

Submit and approve a proposal workitem. Grants super users can use this page to monitor, approve, review, and submit all workitems.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Proposal-Specific Details

Access the Proposal page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Proposal).

Version ID

Displays the proposal version, which enables you to track changes to a proposal. All pages in this component display the proposal version.

Add to My Proposals

Click to add to your My Proposal list.


Enter a brief version name. If you leave this field blank, the entry in the Title field appears by default. The system uses this title in the award generation process to name the award. The name of the generated post-award project comes from the proposal project short title.

Allow Multiple PI's (allow multiple principal investigators)

Select to allow multiple PIs for the proposal. This field is available only if the Allow Multiple PI's check box is selected on the Sponsor - Details page.

Start Approval Process

Click to start the approval process. This option is available only if the proposal status is draft, workflow is active, and the Workflow By Pass check box is deselected.


Enter a short title for the proposal. The project title appears by default as the proposal title for all projects that are created with no short titles. When you navigate to the Project page, the short Title field is already populated with data. Also use the title as an alternate search option on the Search page to access the Proposal page. If you created the proposal from the Get Opportunity page, the system populates this field with the first 52 characters of the opportunity title.


Click to access the Description page to enter a description of the proposal.

PI ID (principal investigator ID)

Select the principal investigator's ID. This label is available only if you did not select the Allow Multiple PI's check box.

Contact PI

Select the principal investigator who is the contact for the proposal. This field is available only if you selected the Allow Multiple PI's check box.

Sponsor ID

Select the ID of the organization that is sponsoring the research.

Pre-Award Administrator

Select the ID of the person who is responsible for overall proposal preparation. Only people who are set up as pre-award administrators on the Professional Data page are available.


Select a proposal purpose from a list of entries that are defined by the institution.

Proposal Type

Select a proposal type from available options.

The values are:

  • Amendment

  • Competing Continuation

  • Internal

  • Modification

  • NRSA

  • New

  • No-Cost Extension

  • Non-Competing Continuation

  • Pre-Proposal

  • Renewal

  • Research Career Award

  • Resubmission

  • Revision

  • SBIR I


  • STTR I


  • Supplemental

Click the SBIR/STTR Flag icon to access the SBIR&STTR page if the proposal type is SBIRI, SBIRII, STTRI, or STTRII.

Confidence % (confidence percentage)

Enter a number between 1 and 100 to reflect the level of confidence that the proposal will be approved. The system translates the number that you enter here to a color-coded icon that represents the confidence level as either high, medium, or low. These labels are predetermined on the Confidence Level Setup page. The colored icon next to this field indicates the confidence level of this proposal.

CFDA (catalog of federal domestic assistance)

Enter the CFDA number that is related to the proposal. A prompt table is delivered that can be populated with the values to be used. (Optional) If you enabled multiple CFDA numbers on the Award Setup Definition page, this field is a link to the CFDA page, where you can enter multiple CFDA numbers.

Due By

Click to access the Due By page. Enter due date and time information for the proposal.

Budget Express

Click to access the Budget Express page. Enter budget amounts for the proposal.

Additional Information

Click to access the Additional Information page. Enter additional information for the proposal.

Facilities & Admin Requested (facilities and administration requested)

Select to indicate that the institution is requesting indirect cost recovery. The system automatically selects the corresponding box on form PHS 398, page II, section 3.

Note. If you leave this option deselected, the associated check box is deselected on form PHS 398. The system resets the F&A amounts in the budget to zero and deletes the F&A rates. F&A rates are set up within the Budget component; they are key to computing F&A amounts.

Workflow By Pass

Select to bypass approval workflow. This check box appears only when the user is assigned the Workflow By Pass security role. You can edit this check box when at least one proposal version has been through workflow and is approved and the current version is not in Pending Approval or Institution Approved status. When you select Workflow By Pass, then Start Approval Process is unavailable.

Foreign Application/Component

Select to choose the corresponding check box on form PHS 398, page II.

NIH Modular Grant (National Institutes of Health modular grant)

Select to designate that the proposal as an NIH modular grant.

Template Proposal

Select to create a template proposal. This option is available only when you first create the proposal. You can use the template to create new proposals based on information in the template, which you can edit.

Note. Template proposals cannot be generated.

Start Date and End Date

Select the start and end dates for the proposal. The system automatically creates the overall budget with the same dates.

Note. To change the dates on the Proposal page after you quit the date fields, update the overall budget date range first so that the dates remain synchronized. If you make a mistake, continue entering information, and then change the overall budget before returning to the Proposal page to make the correction.

See Establishing Proposal Budgets.

No. Periods (number of periods)

Enter the number of periods for the budget.

Build Periods

Click to build the budget periods for the proposal.

Note. After you click the Build Periods button, the following fields become unavailable: Proposal Start and End Date, Number of Periods, and the Build Periods button. These fields are available only if no rows are in the Budget Period grid of a proposal. Also, the system computes the end date of the proposal when you enter a new row in the Budget Period grid. Proposal start date and end date always equal the minimum start date and maximum end date of the Proposal Budget Period grid.


Proposal Status

Select from these values:

  • Accepted Award

  • Awarded

  • Award Pending

  • Declined by Sponsor

  • Discontinued

  • Draft

  • Institution Approved

  • Not Funded

  • Pending Approval

  • Pending Funding

  • Refused by Institution

  • Submitted

  • Withdrawn

Submit Status

Select Submit or Unsubmit. If proposal approval workflow is active, you can submit the proposal only after the proposal status is institution-approved. If not, then you can submit the proposal at any status. You cannot change or modify the proposal after it is submitted. If the proposal is submitted, you can modify it only by using the Personalization option (GM_PR_UNLOCK).

See Unlocking Proposal Information.

Generate Status

Displays the status of the proposal in the generate process. Values include Created, Pre-spending, and Not Generated.

In Approval Process

Selected when the proposal status is Pending Approval and the proposal is in the approval process. This check box is deselected when the proposal completes the approval process.

Budget Periods - Details

When you first create a proposal as Draft, the Budget Period grid contains blank start and end dates. When you enter the proposal start and end dates, enter a value in No. Periods, and click the Build Periods button. The system automatically inserts a row into the grid for each period. The first period start date and the last period end date are supplied by default from the proposal start and end dates. After you enter and save the budget details on the Budget Detail page, the target sponsor budget reflects the budget for each period. The target sponsor budget amount that is displayed below the grid reflects the sum of all budget periods.

To reinitiate the build periods process, delete all rows in the grid to reactivate the Build Periods button.

Note. You can reinitiate the process only prior to saving the proposal. After you save the page, the numbers in the Period column of the grid become links to the Budgets page. If you copied a proposal, you can change the dates in this grid.

Target Sponsor Budget

Each line of the grid represents the sum of all budgets of all the projects under this proposal for a particular period.

Budget Periods - PHS Incomes

The sum of anticipated PHS income amounts from the budget program income appears. You can add the anticipated amount source.

Note. These figures are relevant for PHS agency proposals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering a Due Date and Time for a Proposal

Access the Due By page (click the Due By link on the Proposal page).

Budget Express

Due By

Select whether the proposal due date criteria is set by the postmark or by the receipt of the proposal.

Due Date

Enter the date on which the proposal is due.

Due Time

Enter the time when the proposal is due.

Due Time Zone

Select the time zone in which the due date and time are set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Budget Express Information for a Proposal

Access the Budget Express page (click the Budget Express link on the Proposal page).

Enter the budget numbers in the appropriate fields. The data that you enter on this page is for informational purposes only. It has no downstream processing implications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Information for a Proposal

Access the Additional Information page (click the Additional Information link on the Proposal page).

Type, and

Select the type of comment that you want to enter. Click the Additional Details button to access the system-delivered additional comments pages. Enter comments and other information that are specific to the type of comment that you selected. Click the Add Additional Info button to create user-defined additional information types.

System delivered values are:

  • AID - Application Identifier

    Enter application identifiers and state-received date.

  • APC - Allocation Percentage

    Enter minority-owned percentages.

  • CON - Concurrent Submissions

    Select the business unit, proposal, and version for each proposal that you are submitting concurrently. The system populates the Project PI and Sponsor fields automatically.

  • COI - Conflict of Interest

    Select the Compliance with Inst. Policy check box to indicate that the conflict complies with the institution's policy. Select the Review Completed check box and enter the approval date to indicate that you completed the review. You can select either or both check boxes.

  • CST - Cost Sharing

    Indicate whether cost sharing is required by sponsor, who approved it, the date of approval, and the source.

  • EXP - Express Proposal

    Enter comments.

  • FLO - Flow Through

    Select the primary sponsor that the proposal will flow through.

  • IC - Institution Change

    Select to indicate whether the institution changed and the name of the previous institution.

  • IP - Intellectual Property

    Select the Intellectual Property Reported check box to indicate that you are reporting the use of intellectual property, and then enter a description.

  • MJ - Major Goals

    Enter comments.

  • OTH - Other

    Enter comments.

  • PI - PI Change

    Select the PI Change check box to indicate that the PI has changed. Select the ID of the previous PI.

  • PRE - Pre-Award Spending

    Select the Pre-award Spending Allowed check box to indicate that pre-award spending is permitted, and then enter the guaranteed source of funding.

  • PRV - Previous Award

    Select the business unit and the ID of the previous award. Then select the Renewal in Progress check box, the Accomplishment Based Renewal check box, or both to indicate that a renewal is in progress and is based on an accomplishment.

  • REL - Related Proposals

    Enter the pre-proposal number, and then select the proposal business unit, related proposal, and version ID for all related proposals.

  • SOL - Solicitation

    Enter the solicitation and request for proposal number, as well as the solicitation title.

  • UOB - Unobligated Balance

    Describe unobligated balances for continuation form 2590.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Updating Projects That Are Associated with a Proposal

Access the Projects page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Projects).

You can associate multiple projects with each proposal. Because the system uses a one-to-many relationship for proposals and projects, you can establish a separate project profile even in cases in which only one project is in a proposal.

Proposal Projects

Project ID

Displays the project ID, which you can edit. When you first create a draft proposal, the system automatically creates the first project and budget header with ID of Next_1.


Select to indicate that this is the primary project in the proposal.


Displays the proposal title, which you can change.


Click to enter a long description for the project.


Displays the Department value that is derived from the PI on the Proposal page. From the Department value, all other values on the Project page can be supplied by default.

Dept. Contact (department contact)

Select the name of the individual who is the department contact. Only the people who were added as department contacts in the Department Contact setup page will be listed on the prompt table.


Select the department subdivision. This is supplied from the department setup. You should not change the value.

Dept Rep (department representative)

Select the name of the department representative.


Select the name of the institution that is associated with the project that is supplied from the department setup. You should not change the value.

Other Contacts

Click to view he name of the department administrator, department head, and institution officer who are associated with the project.

Department Credit

Click to enter the departmental credit percentages. The total credit percentage should not exceed 100 percent.

SPO (sponsored projects office)

Displays the sponsored projects office that is associated with the department. This value comes from the Department-General Information page (Grants, Departments, General Information).

SPO Contact (sponsored projects office contact)

Displays the name of the projects office contact of the sponsor. The SPO contact receives the Approval workitem or email notification during the approval process. This value comes from the SPO General Information page (Grants, Sponsored Projects Offices, General Information).

F&A Distribution


Select the department that is collaborating on the project. If more than one department exists for the project, add a row for each department participating in cost sharing.


Displays the location code that is associated with the department.


Click to add comments to explain departmental collaborations.

Percent Shared

Enter the respective percentage share for each department that is included in the project. The total percentage must equal 100 percent.

Percent share total all projects

Indicates the percentage of the total that is shared by all the projects.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Department Administrator Information

Access the Department Administrator page (click the Other Contacts link on the Projects page).

View the department administrator and head. The Department Contact page supplies this information. You can also view the institution contact. The Institution Page supplies this information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Departmental Credit Percentages

Access the Departmental Credit Percentage page (click the Department Credit link on the Projects page).

Enter each department's percentage of credit for the project. If you want to capture departmental credit at the award level, you do not need to create another project to store the departmental credit. The system creates an identical table, entered by the project ID and department ID, on the Post Award side. Enter the departmental credit percentages on this page.

Note. If you select Primary Project at the setup level, you can add, delete, and modify the department credit only at the Primary Project level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Budget Header Data

Access the Budgets page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Budgets).

Budget Header

Budget ID

Displays the default budget ID of each project, which comes from the Installation Options - Grants page. This default is not at the business unit level.


Displays the proposal title description, which you can change.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end dates that you entered on the Projects page.

Include in Proposal

Select to include the budget header data in the proposal.

F&A and Pricing Setup (facilities and administration and pricing setup)

Click to access the F&A and Pricing Setup page. Enter F&A setup for the institution, sponsor, and budget.


Displays the grand total for all budget periods within a project.

Budget Period


Displays the budget periods. Click a period number to access the Budget Detail page and see budget detail for the period. The periods are the same as on the Proposal page. The Budget Period, Start Date, End Date, and Amounts fields on this grid are display-only.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end dates that you selected for the budget periods on the Proposal page.


Displays the total amount from the Budget Detail page.

Program Income

Click to access the Program Income page, where you can enter details and comments about the program income.

Number of Participant/Trainees

Enter the number of participants, trainees, or both for the current budget period. The R&R budget form uses this number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up F&A and Pricing

Access the F&A and Pricing Setup page (click the F&A and Pricing Setup link on the Budgets page).

Institution Minus Funded

Select to use the institution's F&A rate for calculating the cost-sharing F&A.

Sponsor Minus Funded

Select to use the sponsor's F&A rate for calculating the cost-sharing F&A.

Contracts Related

Pricing Method

Select either As Incur or Fixed to indicate the type of contract. Because fixed-fee and rate-based are by activity, rate-based activities can be on separate contract lines because the Product value that you select is from a prompt table. Different product IDs force different contract lines.


Select the product for the contract line. You can identify a distinct product within each activity. A product is a contractual obligation for products and services that you provide to your customers. In PeopleSoft Contracts, you define a standard set of products; associate them with a set of attributes including pricing structure (as incurred or fixed fee), tax parameters, and accounting information; and then use the products in your contracts.

F&A Set Up

Select the F&A rate type that you want and the F&A base to which the rate is applied for the institution, sponsor, and budget. The system applies rates to the sum of the budget categories that belong to the selected F&A bases. You can insert multiple rate types for one budget ID. If the F&A base types have overlapping budget categories, the system displays a warning message.

Rate Type

Select a rate type. F&A rate types are associated with sponsors, institutions, proposals, or awards. Rate types include On Campus, Off Campus, or others as identified by the institution.

FA Base (facilities and administration base)

Select an FA base rate for the institution, the sponsor, and the funded amount.

FA Rate % (facilities and administration rate percentage)

Enter the F&A Rate percentages here that will be used to compute the sponsor F&A and institution F&A on the Budget Detail page (GM_BUD_LINE_SUM).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Information About Each Resource for a Proposal Project

Access the Resources page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Resources).

Note. This page uses NIH (National Institute of Health) resource types and draws from a control table in which you can add as many resource types as you need.

Note. If you select Primary Project at the setup level, you can add, delete, and modify the resource, subrecipient, or professional credit only at the Primary Project level.



Select a resource type. The system-delivered resource types include Laboratory, Clinical, Animal, Computer, Office, Other, Major Equipment, Other Resources (NSF Specific), and Other Resources.

Note. These resource types map directly to PHS 398, page HH. You cannot change the key values for these resource types without affecting the printing of the various proposal forms.

The following table lists and describes resource type codes:

Resource Type Code


Proposal Form






PHS 398






PHS 398






PHS 398






PHS 398






PHS 398






PHS 398





Other Resources (NSF Specific)







Describe the resource usage.



Select the subrecipient that you want to add to the proposal.



Select to map the professional to the appropriate form. Selecting this option also distinguishes the research team administratively from individuals who are related to the proposal creations. Select this option if you are listing a person whose name appears on the form and is part of the project team during the project generation process. Deselect this option if you are listing a person only for workflow approval process.

Employee ID

Select the ID of the professional whom you want to add to the proposal.


Displays the name of the professional who is associated with the ID that you selected in the ID field. If the professional is not entered into the system, enter the name in the field.

Note. The name of the PI immediately appears by default in existing projects when you enter the name of the PI on the Proposal page. This occurs only in projects that have a blank grid for professionals. PI row-level security is used for professionals with a role type of PI in the proposal professional resources.

Other Role

Select the professional's role in the project. The other role is used for security, travel and expense approval, and workflow.

Oracle delivers a list of roles as system data. However, you can add new roles. Values include:

  • Authorized Personnel

  • Secretarial/Clerical

  • Co-Mentor

  • Co-PI

    This option is available only if the Allow Co-PI's check box is selected for the sponsor.

  • Department Head

  • Graduate Students

  • Key Personnel

  • Mentor

  • Other

  • Pre-award Administrator

  • Principal Investigator

  • Post Doctoral Associates

  • Senior Staff

  • Undergraduate Students

Contact PI

This check box is automatically selected on multiple PI proposals for the resource listed as the contact PI on the Proposal page.

Primary PI

Select if this resource is the primary PI. This check box is available only for proposals that allow multiple PIs.

Credit % (credit percentage)

Enter the internal individual credit. The sum of the credit percentage on all the rows cannot exceed 100 percent.

Reporting Role

Select the professional's role in the project. The reporting role is used for reporting. This value is populated next to the Award PI field on the Award page .

Oracle delivers a list of roles as system data. However, you can add new roles. Values include:

  • Authorized Personnel

  • Secretarial/Clerical

  • Co-Mentor

  • Co-PI

    This option is available only if the Allow Co-PI's check box is selected for the sponsor.

  • Department Head

  • Graduate Students

  • Key Personnel

  • Mentor

  • Other

  • Pre-award Administrator

  • Principal Investigator

  • Post Doctoral Associates

  • Senior Staff

  • Undergraduate Students

Include in Award Header

Select to indicate whether the employee should be included in the award header.

Workflow Eligible

Select to indicate whether the professional is eligible to receive workflow. The selection is supplied by default from the professional's personal data.

Click to access the Professional Details page.

See Also

Maintaining Subrecipients

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Agreement Details for Subrecipients

Access the Vendor Details page (click the Get Agreement Details button on the Resources page).

Enter details regarding the agreement with the subrecipient.

Agreement Category

Select an agreement category. Values include:

  • Cost Reimb

  • FP Fee

  • Fixed Price

  • N/A

  • Other


Subrecipient Status

Select a status. Values include:

  • Full Exec

  • Holding

  • Not Accept

  • Not Award

  • Other

  • Pending

  • Terminated


Method Chosen

Enter information into this open text field. You can enter the method that is used to select the subrecipient or spell out payment procedures for the subrecipient. You can define this field any way that you want.



Select a type. Values include:

  • Justification

  • Other

  • Restrictions

  • Statement of Work

  • Terms & Conditions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Budget Information for Subrecipients

Access the Subrecipient Budget page (click the Vendor Budget button on the Resources page).

Third Party Amount

Enter the amount of a third-party contribution, if any.

Budget Item

Select the each subrecipient budget item.

Total Direct Budget

Enter the total direct budget amount for each subrecipient budget item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Proposal Professional Details

Access the Professional Details page (click the Details button on the Resources page).

This page contains links that provide access to the professional data maintenance pages. On most of these pages, you can click Load to insert all existing information for professionals from their profiles. You can then delete specific lines or reorder the list so that the most appropriate entries for this proposal or project are at the top. This enables you to adapt the professional's biosketch for a particular proposal. Click Reload All to insert the existing information on all the pages at once instead of individually.


Displays the organization name for professionals with ID numbers and professional profiles in the system. The organization information for the individual maps to the Key Personnel section on PHS 398, page BB for individuals marked as key personnel types (PI, Co-PI, and Key Personnel).

Project Role

Enter the professional's position title for the project.

Role Type

Select the role that the professional plays in the project. Values are Co-PI, Key Pers (key personnel), Other, Authorized Person, and PI.

Note. If you select Authorized Person, the employee can access the proposal, but the employee's name does not print on any proposal forms.


Enter credentials. This field is available only for PI, CoPI, and Key Personnel roles.

US Government Employee

Select if the professional is a US Government Employee. If you select this check box, Foreign Organization Employee is unavailable.

US Government Agency

Enter the name of the US Government Agency if you selected the US Government Employee check box.

Amount Requested

Enter the amount that was requested from the US Government.

Foreign Organization Employee

Select if the professional is a foreign organization employee. If you select this check box, the US Government Employee check box and related fields are unavailable.

Eligible PI, First Time PI, PI Eligibility Waiver, and New Personnel

Select all check boxes that apply to the professional's role in the project. If the role is PI or CO-PI, and the professional is not listed as an eligible PI in the database, select PI Eligibility Waiver.


Click to display the professional's address information from the professional profile. Only one address appears for each professional.


Click to associate multiple degrees with the professional. Select Include in proposal for degrees or educational accomplishments that you want included in PHS 398, page AA, section 3b. Only three degrees can be printed in section 3b.


Click to associate multiple jobs (appointments) with the professional. You can select the most relevant jobs to include in the proposal.


Click to associate multiple types of experience with the professional.


Click to associate multiple advisees and advisors with the professional.


Click to associate multiple memberships and associations with the professional.


Click to associate multiple honors and awards with the professional.


Click to associate multiple collaborators with the professional.


Click to associate multiple publications with the professional.

Pending Support

Click to link pending support information with the professional. The proposal status must be in one of the following statuses before you can load data onto the Pending Support page.

  • Institution Approved

  • Awarded; Pending

  • Draft

  • Pending Funding

  • Pending Approval

Note. The system loads only proposal information into the Professional Pending Support page from proposals that are in the Submitted status.

Ongoing Support and Completed Support

Click to link active and past support information for a professional. For you to add information regarding current support, the proposal status must be in the Awarded status.

Note. PeopleSoft Grants enables you to refer to other proposals that you have entered into the system that have a status of Pending. You cannot enter other support data if it is not already in the system.

When you load current support information for the PI from the Resource page (GM_PROPOSAL_RES), the award must have the PIs employee ID listed in its Project Workbench table (GM_PROJECT_TEAM_01). Otherwise, when the NIH MOD form asks for all current support, some awards may be missing.

Information appears only by default on the Project Workbench Personnel page if you have run the award generation process. If you create a blue bird award (an award without a proposal to initiate it), personnel information does not appear by default in the project workbench. You must then enter all personnel information manually.

See Also

Setting Up and Maintaining Professional Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Proposal-Specific Certifications

Access the Certifications page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Certifications).

This page provides a central data storage location for all relevant proposal-specific certifications. You can enter multiple certifications for each proposal project. Certification values that appear on this page are based on the PI and the institution that is associated with the PI that you select on the Proposal page. You can add comments in the explanation fields when you select Yes in response to a question.

Note. If you select Primary Project at the setup level, you can add, delete, and modify the certification only at the Primary Project level.

Certification Code

Select the certification codes that are associated with the proposal. We deliver these codes as system data:

  • Human Subjects

    Maps to form PHS 398, page AA.

  • Vertebrate Animals

    Maps to form PHS 398, page AA.

  • Smoke-Free Environment

    Maps to form PHS 398, page II.

  • Inventions and Patents

    Maps to form PHS 398, page II.

  • Beginning Investigator

  • Lobbying Activities

  • Proprietary/Privileged Info (proprietary/privileged information)

  • National Environmental Policy

  • Historical Places

  • Small Grant Exploratory Research

  • Group Proposal

  • International Cooperative Activity

  • Facilitate Scientists with Disabilities

  • Research Opportunity Award

  • Delinquent Federal Debt

  • Debarment and Suspension


Certification Date

Select the certification date for each code.


Select the certification indicator. Values are N/A, No, Pending, and Yes.

Certified By

Select the name of the person who authorized the certification.

Approval Date

Select the date on which the certification was approved.

Expiration Date

Select the date on which the certification expires. The generate process brings this date forward to the award.

Assurance Number

Enter the assurance number that is associated with the certification.

Exemption Number

Enter the exemption number that is associated with the certification.

Review and Status

Full Review and Expedited Review

Select one or both of these check boxes to indicate that the certification has been reviewed. These check boxes apply only to the values of Animal Care and Human Subjects. You can, however, select them for other types of certifications.

Changed Since Prev Submission (changed since previous submission)

Select to indicate whether any changes have been made since the previous submission. This field applies to inventions and patents (INVPT) only.

Previously Reported

Select to indicate that the certification has been previously reported. This field applies to INVPT (inventions and patents) certification code only.

Add Comments

Click to add comments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft Grants Report Types for a Proposal Project

Access the Reports page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Reports).

Type and Comments

Select a report type, and then add any comments about the report. You can add rows to enter additional report types. Values include Abstract, Major Goals, and Progress Report Summary.

Comments that are associated with the Abstract and Major Goals report types appear in the description box on the PHS 398 proposal form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Documents to a Proposal Project

Access the Attachments page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Attachments).

This page helps you keep track of documents that the researchers prepare, such as statements of objectives and methods, budgets, and personnel information. You can attach multiple documents to the proposal.

Click the Add Attachment button to attach a document to the proposal.

Note. The system does not track changes to external documents. Freezing a proposal does not freeze external documents that are associated with the proposal.


Click to search for the document that you want to attach to the proposal. This button appears after you click the Add Attachment button.


Click to attach the file to the proposal and return to the Documents page. This button appears after you click the Add Attachment button.

Click the Delete Attachment button to delete a document. This button appears only after you attach a document to the page.

Click the View Attachment button to view the attachment. This button appears only after you attach a document to the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Proposal Attributes

Access the Attributes page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal. Select the Attributes link).

Select an attribute type, and then enter a value (either numeric or character), as well as any comments.

Add Attribute

Click to access the Attribute Type page and enter additional attribute codes. The system stores attributes in the Attribute Type control page. Attributes can be anything that you want to track in a proposal.

See Creating the Institution Attribute Type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Address Information for Each Project Within a Research Proposal

Access the Location page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal. Select the Location link).

This page stores address information for each project within a research proposal as well as information concerning where the research for a project is conducted. This information maps to page BB on the PHS 398 form as performance sites.


Select a code to display the information from the location control table. When you select a site, the system populates the address information fields. You can also add new locations and enter information in the specific address and phone fields.


Select to indicate that this location is outside the country of the institution.



Select to indicate that this location is the primary location. Each proposal can have only one primary location. The primary location exists on the primary project. The system sets the first location on the primary project as the primary location.


Congressional District

Enter the congressional district for the primary project location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Protocols

Access the Protocols page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal. Select the Protocols link).

Select a protocol from the Protocol ID field to associate a protocol with a proposal. The protocol must have at least one protocol version approved for you to attach the protocol header to the proposal. Click the Go To Protocol link to view the Protocol header.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking the Status of Proposal Components

Access the Component page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Select the Component link).

Each proposal can have multiple components. The Workflow component approval setup determines the Component Detail rows. You can program the Proposal component to add to or delete from the proposal project automatically or manually, depending on the criteria that you set up in Proposal Component Approval rules. You establish these rules in the Common Workflow Approval/Notification Setup page. The component is added to the project if the criteria is entered or deleted, or if the proposal, project, or budget is updated, and criteria is no longer true. You cannot delete any Proposal component that was added programmatically. You can add or delete a Proposal component manually for an additional approval process.

Note. If you select Primary Project at the setup level, you can add, delete, and modify the component only at the Primary Project level.


Select the name of the component. This is a user-defined value.

See Defining Proposal Components.

Click the Add Component button to add new components.


Select a status for each proposal component. If Proposal workflow is active, this field is display-only. The workflow process drives the component status. Values are Approved, Assigned, Draft, Finished, In Progress, Not Approved, and Send Back.

Required Flag

Select to indicate whether the component is required. All components that are added by the program are set to Required. All required components must be approved before the proposal is approved.


Click to select a stakeholder who is an employee of the institution.

Approval Info

Approval Hierarchy

Click to view roles in the approval process. All information in this page is display-only. Values that are displayed on this page are from the Common Workflow Approval/Notification Setup page.

Approval Status/History

Click to view the current approval process and its history.


This button is active if the component status is Send back and the current user has the role of Approver Initiator or Grants Super User, or if the component is added after the approval workflow has started. You can click the Submit button to submit the current component, or click the Submit button on the project level, which will submit all the components within the project for approval.

See Also

PeopleSoft Grants Reports and Forms

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Component Stakeholders

Access the Component Stakeholder page (click the Stakeholders link on the Component page).

Enter multiple stakeholders for each Proposal component. The stakeholder bears responsibility for reviewing each component.



Select the name of the stakeholder.

Workflow Eligible

Select this option if the stakeholder is eligible to receive workflow items.


Enter a role—such as PI, Co-PI, Department Chair, or Technician— for each stakeholder.

Department and Description

Information in these fields appears by default from the department contact table, which stores the relationship between professionals and their associated departments.

Note. Components are user-defined, so you can track items that have not been delivered as part of system data. The data that we provide in this documentation represents examples only. You can also use components to implement configured workflow processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Component Approval Hierarchy

Access the Component Approval Hierarchy/Option page (click the Approval Hierarchy link on the Component page, Approval Info tab).

View the roles that are related to the approval process. Information on this page is display-only and cannot be modified. Information on this page is viewed from the common workflow Approval/Notification Setup page.

See Setting Up the Approval and Notification Process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Approval Status and History

Access the Component Approval Status/History page (click the Approval Status/History link on the Component page, Approval Info tab).

View By

Select display options for the Component Approval History grid. Values include All, Notification Only, and Workitem only.

Component Approval History

Last Req ID (last requested identification)

Displays a system-generated value field. It shows the sequence in which the system generated the workitem or notification.


Displays the role of the approver or reviewer. Values may include Originator, Administrator, and Stakeholder.


Displays the name of the person who performs the action.


Selected if the person is a required approver or reviewer.

Pool List

Selected if you require only one person from this role to perform an action. The system drops the workitem from other persons in the role when one person performs an action.


Selected if the approver receives a worklist.


Selected if the approver receives an email notification.


Displays the user's action status. Values include Submitted, Notified, Approve, Reassigned, and Send Back. The column is empty if the user has not taken action.

Date/Time Stamp

Displays the time and date of the action.


Displays comments that were entered by the approver.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Setup Levels

Access the Setup Level page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal. Click the Setup Level link).

Use this page to set up the certification, resource, department credit, subrecipient, professional credit, and component levels. The business unit setup value is supplied by default. If you set the value at the All Projects level, then all components are submitted for approval. If you set the value at the Primary Project level, then only the components within the primary project are submitted for the approval process. When you generate the award, these values come forward based on the setup values of all projects or the primary project.

Note. If you select Primary Project, you can add, delete, and modify objects only at the Primary Project level. If you select All Projects, you can add, delete, and modify objects for all the projects with the proposal.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Key Words to a Proposal

Access the KeyWords page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal. Click the Key Words link).

You define key words in a control record that is populated during implementation. You can use these entries to track proposals by subject category (such as cell biology, electrical engineering, and cancer) and to link multiple science codes to a project (as required by Transaction Set 194).

Key Word

Click the Look up button to select a value from the list of available key words. The PI that you select on the Proposal page determines the values that are included on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving a Proposal

Access the Proposal Component Approval/Submit page (Grants, Proposals, Proposal Component Approval).

You can use the page to review, submit, and approve a proposal that is assigned to you. You access this page by clicking a worklist or by using the navigation. Grants Super-Users can use this page to review, submit, and approve all proposals.

The options that are available on this page are based on your authority or role. For example, if you are assigned to perform an approval action, you see the Approve and Send Back options as available. All other options are not available. You can also use this page to resubmit a component for approval. After you select an option, the system looks at the approval setup role and determines the next step. For example, if you are the last required approver within the current component, the component status is updated to Approve, and if all components are approved, the proposal is updated to Institution Approved.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Noncompeting Continuations

This section provides an overview of noncompeting continuations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Noncompeting Continuations

Continuations are miniproposals that you submit to a sponsor at the end of the first year of funding and are built the same way as proposals. They are based on awards rather than on previous proposals, so they draw information from records that already exist in PeopleSoft Grants. Continuations report information about the previous year's research and, if you request changes from the original proposal, forecast expectations for the upcoming year of funding.

You use the Gender and Minority Study and Trainee pages in the Proposal component only in continuation proposals that are associated with Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) grants.

Note. If the project is not a continuation, fields on the Gender and Minority Study and Trainee pages are display-only.

When you create a continuation, the system retrieves key information from the original award, such as PI, PI name, short title, sponsor, long description, certifications, and all project data.

The rest of the information remains in the award file to eliminate duplicate data in the award and proposal records. You must add continuation-specific information.

To create a continuation:

  1. Access the Create Continuations page by choosing the award ID that you want to continue.

  2. Complete a To Continuation Proposal ID field and a To Continuation Version ID field.

  3. Click Create.

    The system creates a new proposal ID with a proposal type of Non-Competing Continuation and accesses the Proposal page.

  4. Select Unobligated Balances as the comment type on the Additional Information page (GM_PROP_ADD_INFO) to describe unobligated balances for Continuation Form 2590.

  5. Navigate through the proposal pages to complete any additional proposal requirements (professionals, budgets, and subrecipients).

Note. When you create a continuation, the system copies the HUMAN (human subjects), INVPT (inventions and patents), and ANIMA (vertebrate animals) continuation codes from the award to the continuation proposal.

Also, the system enables the following fields on the Certification page: Changed Since Prev Submission and Previously Reported.

If the certification code is HUMAN or ANIM and the certification changed since the last submission, select the Changed Since Prev Submission check box. If the certification code is INVPT and the certification was previously reported, select the Previously Reported check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Noncompeting Continuations

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Continuation


Grants, Awards, Create Continuation

Create a continuation.

Gender and Minority Study


Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Gender and Minority Study

Document information regarding the gender and ethnic status of persons who are used in human research.



Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Trainee

Summarize information about student trainees who are participating in a continuation project.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Continuation

Access the Create Continuation page (Grants, Awards, Create Continuation).

Proposal ID

Displays the proposal ID that is associated with the selected award.


To Continuation Proposal ID

Enter the continuation proposal ID. Enter NEXT to have the system increment the proposal ID.


To Continuation Version ID

Enter the continuation proposal ID.


Budget Period

Displays the budget period.



Click Create to create the continuation proposal.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocumenting a Gender and Minority Study for a Continuation Project

Access the Gender and Minority Study page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Gender and Minority Study).

Ethnic Type and Gender

Select a value to represent the subject's ethnicity and gender. This data comes from a translate table and maps to continuation proposal forms.

No. Of Subjects (number of subjects)

Enter the number of people who are involved in the study who match the ethnic type and gender on the grid line. This information maps to continuation proposal forms.

New Data

Select if this is new data. All existing gender and minority information becomes old data when you create the Non-Competing Continuation proposal. If you modify this proposal and add a new gender, then that information becomes new data. The Forms Print process uses the presence of new data to determine whether to print this gender information on the Target/Planned Enrollment table or the Inclusion Enrollment report.


After you enter information regarding gender and ethnicity, the system enables this button. Click to display a page that lists totals by ethnic type, race, and gender.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSummarizing Information About Student Trainees Participating in a Continuation Project

Access the Trainee page (Grants, Proposals, Maintain Proposal, Trainee).

Enter the student name, degree earned, and current position for each trainee participating in the project. You can enter multiple lines for multiple trainees.

Distribution of Trainees

Click to access an inquiry page that lists totals by ethnic type, race, and gender.

Ethnic Type and Gender

Select a value to represent the student's ethnicity and gender. This data comes from a translate table and maps to the continuation proposal forms.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Proposal Budgets

This section provides an overview of proposal budgeting and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Proposal Budgeting

This section discusses:

F&A Cost Calculations

Here is some general information about F&A cost calculations:

Overall Cost Sharing

Here is some general information about overall cost sharing:

Summary Cost Sharing

Here is some general information about summary cost sharing:

Budget Line Details

Here is some general information about entering budget line details:

Note. Fringe, C/S, and F&A round to whole amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Proposal Budgets

Page Name

Definition Name



Enter Budget Detail


Grants, Proposals, Enter Budget Detail, Enter Budget Detail

Store detailed budget information by budget item. The page divides the total funding responsibilities of the sponsor and total cost sharing between the institution and any third parties. It also displays a breakdown of direct and F&A (indirect) budget amounts.

Overall Cost Sharing


Click the Overall Cost Share link on the Enter Budget Detail page.

Distribute cost sharing commitments by institutional third parties.

F&A Calculation (facilities and administration calculation)


Click the View FA Rate link on the Enter Budget Detail page.

View the calculated budgeted and waived and cost shared amounts for the entire budget period.

Cost Share


Click the Cost Share link on the Line Data tab on the Enter Budget Detail page.

Distribute cost sharing commitments by budget summary line.

Personnel Detail


Click the Details button on the Line Data tab on the Enter Budget Detail page for the Personnel category.

Enter additional budget information concerning personnel (salary and fringe calculations).

Animal Care


Click the Details button on the Line Data tab on the Enter Budget Detail page for the Animal category.

Enter additional budget information concerning animal care (cages and daily rates).

Budget Detail


Click the Details button on the Line Data tab on the Enter Budget Detail page for a category other than Personnel or Animal.

Enter additional budget information concerning other information (equipment, travel, and so on).

Budget Line Justification


Click the Justification link on the Enter Budget Detail page.

Enter justification details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Detailed Budget Information

Access the Enter Budget Detail page (Grants, Proposals, Enter Budget Detail, Enter Budget Detail).

Note. If you create a proposal that lists specifically funded amounts for the overall budget and do not enter budget details for each period, the system sets the contract totals and award funding totals to zero when you run the award generation process. The system uses the budget detail amounts that you enter to create the resulting contract and funding amounts on the award pages. Therefore, if you do not enter budget details before you run the award generation process, you will have to enter the information manually in both PeopleSoft Grants and PeopleSoft Contracts.

Note. The system-calculated total amounts round to the nearest whole dollar.

To enter proposal budget line details:

  1. Enter detail lines by budget period.

    Multiple lines can exist for a single budget category. During line entry, the system displays totals, including the target budget amount and a breakdown of the current budget amount.

  2. For each line, enter a description.

  3. In the budget items for nonpersonnel budget lines, enter the amounts to calculate total direct costs and sponsor direct costs.

    The system automatically calculates institution cost share and third-party cost share amounts.

  4. Select the More Line Data tab.

  5. Select the Map Detail check box to pass the supporting detail lines to the award budget.

    If you do not select the Map Detail check box, budget data is mapped directly from the summary line level, not the detail line level.

Creating an NIH Modular Grant Budget

If you selected the NIH Modular Grant check box on the Proposal - General Info page, you must create a budget that is specific to an NIH modular grant. This process is the same as the process for establishing a regular proposal budget, except for a few variations:

See Also

Establishing Institution Controls

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDistributing Overall Cost-Sharing Commitments Within the Institution

Access the Overall Cost Sharing page (click the Overall Cost Share link on the Enter Budget Detail page).

Enter overall cost sharing information for the sponsor, as well as cost sharing information for departments and third parties. You can do cost sharing at the period level or the line level. The system restricts you from entering cost sharing at the line level if you entered cost sharing at the period level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing F&A Cost Calculations

Access the F&A Calculation page (click the View FA Rate link on the Enter Budget Detail page).

This page displays the calculated budget, as well as waived and cost-shared amounts for the entire budget period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDistributing Cost Sharing Commitments by Budget Line Detail

Access the Cost Share page (click the Cost Share link on the Line Data tab on the Enter Budget Detail page).

Enter cost sharing information for the sponsor, as well as cost sharing information for departments and third parties for the particular budget line that is associated with the overall budget. The system restricts you from entering cost sharing at the period level if you entered cost sharing at the line level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Budget Details for Personnel

Access the Personnel Detail page (click the Details button on the Line Data tab on the Enter Budget Detail page for the Personnel category).

To enter personnel budget details, enter or select information concerning appointment type, start and end dates, cost of living and merit increase percentages, salary, and fringe rates. Then click OK.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Budget Details for Animal Care

Access the Animal Care page (click the Details button on the Line Data tab on the Enter Budget Detail page for the Animal category).

To enter budget details for animal care:

  1. Enter a description, the number of animals, and the number of animals per cage.

  2. Enter the days elapsed, the amount charged for the first day of care or boarding, and the amount charged for subsequent days of care or boarding.

    When you move the cursor to a new field, the system calculates total animal care costs based on the information that you entered.

  3. Click OK.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Budget Details for Other Budget Items

Access the Budget Detail page (click the Details button on the Line Data tab on the Enter Budget Detail page for a category other than Personnel or Animal).

To enter details for budget items other than Animal or Personnel:

  1. For each detail line, enter a total direct amount or a quantity and a unit cost.

    If you enter a quantity and unit cost, the system multiplies the two amounts to determine the total direct amount.

  2. You can also enter a start date and end date for each budgeted amount if the sponsor or the institution requires this information.

  3. Click OK.

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting Proposals

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit Proposals

Page Name

Definition Name



Proposal - Submission


Grants, Proposals, Submit Proposal, Submission

Set up the proper parameters for submitting a proposal. This is separate from the proposal pages to enable the institution to configure its security options for approving and submitting proposals.

Proposal - Official


Grants, Proposals, Submit Proposal, Official

Store information regarding officials for a proposal submission. This is separate from the proposal pages to enable different security to operate for institution officials.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting a Proposal

Access the Proposal - Submission page (Grants, Proposals, Submit Proposal, Submission).

Proposal Status

Displays the proposal status.

Submit Status

If you submitted the proposal manually, you can select the proposal's status.

Note. After you mark a proposal version as Submitted, you can no longer modify any of the proposal information for that version. To make any modifications to a proposal after it has been submitted, you must create a new version of the proposal.

Proposal Valid From and Proposal Valid To

Displays the dates for which a proposal version is valid.

Transmission By

Select how you will submit the proposal. Values are:

  • By Fax

  • By Mail

  • By Mail and Electronically

  • Courier

  • Data

  • Electronic Image

  • Electronically Only

  • International Telephone

  • Telephone

Submitted On

Displays the current server date and time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating an Official for a Proposal Submission

Access the Proposal - Official page (Grants, Proposals, Submit Proposal, Official).

Submit for Approval

Select to indicate that you have submitted the proposal for external approval.

Note. The system does not enforce this check.

Administrative, Financial, and Signing Official

Select the officials who should approve the submission of the proposal. Officials are mapped to the proposal forms based on their official type. These officials come from the Institution Contacts page. Authorized officials can approve and sign the proposal. Their IDs are prompted from a control table that contains authorized officials within your institution. The operator ID must match that of the signing official to activate the submission button.


Displays a check box for each official. For you to use this feature, the user IDs of the officials must be part of your PeopleSoft security system.

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Proposals

This section provides on overview of the forms printing process and discusses how to print a proposal.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Forms Printing Process

PeopleSoft Grants delivers standard forms that are used for proposals by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health along with electronic data interchange (EDI) files of the required data elements.

Here is some general information about printing proposals:

See Also

Setting Up the PeopleSoft Grants Forms Printing Solution

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Print Proposals

Page Name

Definition Name



Print Proposal


Grants, Proposals, Print Proposal, Print Proposal

Launches the print proposal process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting a Proposal

Access the Print Proposal page (Grants, Proposals, Print Proposal, Print Proposal).

To print a proposal:

  1. Enter the business unit, proposal ID, version ID, and form ID for the proposal that you want to print.

  2. Enter or select the as of date for the proposal.

  3. Click Run to initiate the GMPROP process.

  4. Select the server on which you want the job to run.

  5. Click OK to start the job on the server.

Note. If the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler is not active on the server, and the appropriate software is installed on the client, then select the Client run location. In this case, you must run the GM_EDI Application Engine first, followed immediately by the ECOUT001 SQR report. In either case, the system generates the required data file, which the system converts into a PDF format that you can view or print using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Click to jump to parent topicFreezing Submitted Proposals by Using Version IDs

You can use PeopleSoft Grants to capture a snapshot of proposals as of their submission. This snapshot is important if a sponsor asks you to make changes and then resubmit the proposal, or if, for any other reason, you must make changes to a proposal after it has been submitted.

PeopleSoft Grants uses version IDs to meet this need. Here is some general information about how version IDs are used for proposal submissions:

See Also

Copying Proposal Information

Click to jump to parent topicUnlocking Proposal Information

After you submit a proposal, the system locks the proposal so that users cannot make any further changes. This safeguard helps keep information on the pre-award side in sync with information on the post-award side.

PeopleSoft Grants delivers a user option called Unlock Proposal (GM_PR_UNLOCK), which enables you to provide selected users with the capability to change proposal information after the proposal is submitted. You should use this option with caution and for a limited number of select users to make minor changes to submitted proposals.

Note. You do not need to make any changes to the system if you do not want to enable users to change proposal information after the proposal is submitted. PeopleSoft Grants delivers the Unlock Proposal option set to N (no).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnlocking Proposals by Using the User Personalization Option and Permission Lists

To enable users to change proposal information after the proposal is submitted, you must first enable the Unlock Proposal user option.

  1. Select PeopleTools, Personalization, Personalization Option, Define Personalizations.

  2. Select the Format tab.

  3. Click Set Option Default Value for the GM_PR_UNLOCK user option.

    The system accesses the Set Option Default Value page.

  4. Enter Y in the Option Default Value field.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save.

To change the personalization options for a permission list:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Security, Permission & Roles, Permission Lists.

  2. Select the permission list.

  3. Select the Personalizations tab.

  4. Select Option Category Level FIN and Option Category Group Portal Personalization.

  5. Click Edit Options.

    The system displays the Personalization Permissions page.

  6. Select the Allow User Option check box for the GM_PR_UNLOCK user option.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click Save.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Proposal Audit Logs

This section provides an overview of audit logs and lists the pages that are used to view proposal audit logs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Audit Logs

Proposal audit logs provide an audit trail of changes to important data elements in the proposal. Here is some general information about audit logs:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Proposal Audit Logs

Page Name

Definition Name



Proposal Audit Log - Header


Grants, Proposals, Review Proposal Audit Logs, Header

View changes to proposal header information.

Proposal Audit Log - Projects


Grants, Proposals, Review Proposal Audit Logs, Projects

View changes to proposal project information.

Proposal Audit Log - Resources


Grants, Proposals, Review Proposal Audit Log, Resources

View changes to proposal resource information.

Click to jump to parent topicCopying Proposal Information

You can copy a proposal ID, a version ID, any number of its child projects, and selected proposal budgets and periods from one proposal to another without reentering data.

Note. Because you cannot add or update information in these pages, enter information in correction mode.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Copy Proposal Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Copy Proposal


Grants, Proposals, Copy Proposal

Copy proposal information.

Copy Proposal Version


Grants, Proposals, Copy Proposal Version

Copy a proposal version.

Copy Budget Period


Grants, Proposals, Copy Budget Period

Copy information concerning budget periods from existing proposal budgets. This is useful when you want to freeze a budget before making additional changes to it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Proposal Information

Access the Copy Proposal page (Grants, Proposals, Copy Proposal).

To copy proposals:

  1. In the search dialog box, select the business unit and the proposal ID from which you want to copy information. If you copy a template proposal, the resulting proposal is not a template.

  2. Enter NEXT in the To Proposal field to create a new proposal.

  3. In the To Version field, enter or select the version ID to which you want to copy proposal data.

  4. Use the From Project ID and From Budget check boxes to select the projects and budget IDs that you want to copy to the new proposal. Note that the default setting is for all the projects and activities to be copied.

    You can have as many rows for projects and budget IDs as you require for the proposal.

  5. Use the To Project ID and To Budget fields to select the projects and budget IDs that you want to copy to the new proposal, or accept the system defaults.

  6. Select the Primary Project check box to indicate which project should be the primary project in the copied proposal.

  7. Click Copy.

    All fields in the Proposal - General Info page appear by default from the proposal that you are copying.

By default, the target proposal has the same dates as the source proposal from which it is copied, but you can change the start and end dates on the target proposal.

Note. If you don't change the dates, you will get a mirror copy of the source proposal. If you change the dates during the copy process, all of the detail rows under each period will be assigned the dates that were entered for the period on the copy page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Proposal Version Information

Access the Copy Proposal Version page (Grants, Proposals, Copy Proposal Version).

To copy proposal versions:

  1. In the search dialog box, select the business unit, proposal ID, and version ID from which you want to copy information.

  2. In the To Version field, enter the version ID to which you want to copy proposal data. The system supplies NEXT by default, which you can change if you did not select Strictly enforce Proposal Versioning at the Award Setup Definition level.

  3. Use the From Project ID check box to select the projects that you want to copy to the new proposal.

  4. Use the To Budget ID check box to select the budget IDs that you want to copy to the new proposal, or accept the system defaults.

  5. Select the Primary Project check box to indicate which project should be the primary project in the copied proposal.

  6. Click Copy.

    All fields in the Proposal - General Info page appear by default from the proposal that you are copying.

By default, the target proposal has the same dates as the source proposal from which it is copied, but you can change the start and end dates on the target proposal.

If the user is assigned the Workflow By Pass security role, the Workflow By Passcheck box appears. You can edit this check box when at least one proposal version has been through workflow and is approved. Workflow must be enabled for this to happen.

Note. The projects that are attached to the source proposal copy to the new proposal version.

Note. If you don't change the dates, you will get a mirror copy of the source proposal. If you change the dates during the copy process, all of the detail rows under each period will be assigned the dates that were entered for the period on the copy page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Budget Period Information

Access the Copy Budget Period page (Grants, Proposals, Copy Budget Period).

To copy a proposal budget period:

  1. In the search dialog box, enter the business unit, proposal ID, version ID, proposal project, and budget ID from which you want to copy proposal budget periods.

    All target keys (or To fields) appear by default from the budget period that you are copying, including the To Budget ID field. The budget period should be one number greater than the number in the From Budget Period field (this restriction is due to the application of cost of living). However, you can change all the To fields except the To Budget Period field.

  2. (Optional) Specify an escalation percentage.

    The system inflates all budget amounts by the specified percent when they are copied to the new budget period.

  3. Click Copy.

    When you set up the budget period, the Copy Budget Period function copies all of the tables that are under the Budget Period key structure, such as budget summary, budget line detail, and cost sharing.

Note. The copy process automatically adjusts the start and end dates in the underlying budget detail in accordance with the from and to budget period dates. Make sure that no information is in the child records of the target budget period, or you will receive a data conflict error message.

See Also

Establishing Proposal Budgets

Click to jump to parent topicInquiring About Proposal Budgets

This section provides an overview of budget inquiry and lists the pages used to inquire about proposal budgets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Budget Inquiry

You can view information concerning pre-award proposal budgets by using the inquiry pages that PeopleSoft Grants delivers with the system. The pre-award budget inquiry pages store information about the pre-award proposal budget. The inquiry function within the proposal budget pages enables you to view budgets in three ways:

Inquiry pages are for viewing purposes only. You must make modifications to budgets from the Budget - General Info page or the Enter Budget Detail page. The budget and cost calculations for sponsor, F&A, institution, and third party appear at the bottom of each page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Inquire About Proposal Budgets

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Pre-Award Budget - Proposal


Grants, Proposals, Review Pre-Award Budget, Proposal

View comprehensive data about a pre-award budget based on the version ID.

Review Pre-Award Budget - Projects


Grants, Proposals, Review Pre-Award Budget, Projects

View a breakdown of the overall proposal by project.

Review Pre-Award Budget - Cost Sharing


Grants, Proposals, Review Pre-Award Budget, Cost Sharing

View sponsor direct costs.