Closing and Withdrawing Commitment Control Budgets

This section provides an overview and describes how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Commitment Control Budget Closing and Withdrawal Without Closing

Budget closing in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control is independent of fiscal year closing. Just as you can create budgets that span less or more than a fiscal year, you can keep a budget open for more than a year and close a budget at any time.

When the Budget Close COBOL process (FSPYCLOS) closes the budget ledger, it reverses the remaining available budget and marks the budget with a status of closed so that no additional transactions can pass a check against the budget.

When you set up your budget closing, you have the option to close only or to close and roll the remaining available budget balance forward to the new budget period or new fiscal year. If you choose to roll forward balances, you can also specify which ledger amounts (pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, expense, recognized revenue, or collected revenue) reduce the budget amount in the roll forward calculation.

Budget close and automatic withdrawal, or reduction of uncommitted and unobligated budgets, are related functionality and share common pages. Without closing a budget you can withdraw or reduce all uncommitted and unobligated budget amounts by using PeopleSoft reduction or withdrawal functionality and leave a budget at its then existing status. Although the processes are similar, they are sufficiently distinct that reduction of budgets without closing, or withdrawing of uncommitted funds is presented in a separate topic at the end of this chapter with links and references to common pages and functionality.

Note. The Funding Source feature is not supported by budget closing functionality.

See Withdrawing or Reducing Commitment Control Budgets Without Closing.

Budget closing involves:

In this overview section, we discuss the overall budget closing procedure and elaborate on the following topics:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommitment Control Budget Closing Procedure

To close Commitment Control budgets, you perform the following tasks:

  1. Define ChartField value sets.

    ChartField value sets are groupings of ChartField combinations (budgets) to which you want to apply the same closing rules. For example, you could create a ChartField value set that captures the sales department budgets that are funded by fund ABC, specifying in your closing rule that the value set is to be closed and the remaining available budget amounts rolled forward to the same department and fund for the new budget period. You could create another ChartField value set for sales department budgets that are funded by fund DEF, specifying in the closing rule that the value set is to be closed and the remaining available budget amounts rolled forward to fund GHK.

    You define ChartField value sets on the ChartField Value Set page.

    See Defining ChartField Value Sets for Budget Closing.

  2. Define budget closing rules.

    Note. You define closing rules in the Define Closing Rule component.

    See Defining Budget Closing Rules.

    Budget closing rules define a group of budgets to close and the closing options for those budgets. A budget closing rule specifies:

  3. Define budget period sets.

    Budget period sets define which budget periods should be closed. They can also be used to map budget periods in the year being closed to budget periods in the coming year. They enable you to roll forward remaining budget balances from closing budget periods to corresponding budget periods in the new year.

    You define budget period sets on the Budget Period Set page.

    You attach budget period sets to budget closing rules when you define your budget closing sets.

    See Defining Budget Period Sets.

  4. Define budget closing sets.

    Budget closing sets combine budget period sets (or fiscal year for closing) and budget closing rules and apply them to the Commitment Control ledger groups (control budget definitions) that you want to close. This is also where you specify which ledger amount types (pre-encumbrances, encumbrances, expense, and so on) you want to apply toward calculating the remaining budget balance to roll forward.

    You select budget closing sets for closing when you run the Budget Close process. Together, all budget closing sets that you request for Budget Close should cover all of the budgets you want to close without including a budget more than once in a closing rule.

    You define budget closing sets on the Budget Closing Set page.

    See Defining and Validating Budget Closing Sets.

  5. (Optional) Run the Closing Set Validation report (GLS1210) for each budget closing set. This report displays error or warning messages (depending on your requirements) for the following conditions:

  6. (Optional) Cancel source documents for pre-encumbrances, encumbrances, and recognized revenue, if you intend to reestablish these in the roll forward budget.

    See Closing and Rolling Forward Pre-encumbrances, Encumbrances, and Recognized Revenue.

  7. If you require the budget entries to be balanced, the Budget Processor (FS_BP) creates the offset entries using the offset account that you specified in the budget definition.

    See in this same chapter the topic "Generating Offset for Balanced Budget" ) that has links to Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options and the topics Balancing Entries and Defining Offsets).

  8. Create a Budget Close run control that includes all closing sets for all budgets you want to close and save without requesting the Budget Close process (FSPYCLOS) .


  9. Run the Closing Run Control Validation process (GLS1211) to validate that the closing sets on a run control for the Budget Close process are complete and do not overlap.

    Specifically, this validation process creates a report that displays error or warning messages (depending on your requirements) for the following conditions:

  10. (Optional) Review the budget close status on the Closing Status inquiry page or the Budget Close Status Report (GLS1220) to confirm that the Closing Run Control Validation process marked all business unit, ledger group, and Ruleset combinations in the run control as Valid.

  11. Run the Budget Close process, using a run control that returns no errors for the Closing Run Control Validation process.

    Request a run of the Budget Close process from the Budget Close page.

  12. (Optional) Check the results of the Budget Close process on the Review Calculation Log page or the Budget Close Calculation Log report (GLS1222).

    See Inquiring and Reporting on Budget Closing Results.

  13. (Optional) Reestablish pre-encumbrances and encumbrances (for expense budget ledger groups) or recognized revenue (for revenue budget ledger groups) in the roll forward budget.

    See Closing and Rolling Forward Pre-encumbrances, Encumbrances, and Recognized Revenue.

Note. You can undo a budget close.

See Reopening Closed or Reinstating Reduced Commitment Control Budgets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiscal Year Close

If you want to perform a fiscal year-end close on a multiyear budget without closing the budget to future transactions, you can perform a fiscal year close by selecting Close Fiscal Year on the Budget Closing Set page. You perform this type of close to enable year-end reporting while keeping the multiyear budget open through to the end of its appropriation period. If you want to close budgets and perform a fiscal year close, select both options when you define the closing set.

Use the Balance Forward Option of Close Out and Balance Roll Forward for the budget closing rule. The Budget Close process zeroes out the budget balance for the closing fiscal year and rolls it forward to period 0 in the new fiscal year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Journal Entries from Closing and Roll Forward

Closing and roll forward entries are stored in the Budget Journal Header table (KK_BUDGET_HDR) and update the Commitment Control Ledger Data table (LEDGER_KK). Budget journal entries are identified by budget journal entry type, journal date (which determines fiscal year), and accounting period. These values depend on whether you are closing budgets, just closing the fiscal year for multiyear budgets, or closing both the budget and the fiscal year.

Closing Budget Periods

Closing entries are identified as follows:

Roll forward entries are identified as follows:

Closing Fiscal Year or Closing Budget and Fiscal Year

Closing entries are identified as follows:

Roll forward entries are identified as follows:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Close Status

To provide a clear indicator of whether a budget has been closed by the Budget Close process or closed manually by the user, the Budget Close process marks the budget close status for the budget as Closed, while leaving the budget status unchanged.

In contrast to the budget close status, you can set the budget status manually on the Budget Definitions - Control Options page, the Budget Definitions - Budget Period Status page, the Budget Definitions - Control ChartField page, or the Budget Attributes page. When you set the budget status manually to Closed, you freeze the budget, allowing no transactions to be processed against the budget unless you set the status of the budget back to unclosed.

The budget close status, on the other hand, is set to close only by the Budget Closing process and cannot be reset other than through an undo of the close. No transactions of any kind can be processed against a budget that has been closed by the Budget Close process.

You can view the budget close status on the Budget Attributes - Set Options page, the Closing Status inquiry page.

Do not confuse the budget close status on the Budget Attribute page with the closing status for the Budget Close process, which tracks the status of the budget closing process. The Validate Run Control process (GLS1211) and the Budget Closing process update this status. You can review the status with either the Review Closing Status inquiry page or the Closing Status Report (GLS1220).

Note. When you set the budget status to Hold you freeze the budget as of that time and allow no new transactions to be processed against the budget except for transactions with predecessor documents already in the control budget ledger, such as a new voucher for existing purchase orders.

See Also

Inquiring and Reporting on the Budget Close Status

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExamples of Budget Close Results

The way the Budget Close process calculates the budget balance forward amount depends on:

To illustrate how this works, take as an example an expense Commitment Control ledger group that contains these balances: budget, pre-encumbrances, encumbrances, and expenses. Before the closing, the ledgers contain the following values:





Budget Ledger

PreEnc Ledger

Encumb Ledger

Exp Ledger

Budget Close Status





































Note. This and the examples that follow illustrate how budget closing works from a functional perspective. They do not represent the way budget data is actually stored in the LEDGER_KK and KK_BUDGET_HDR tables.

Each of these examples assumes that you include the budget, expense, encumbrance, and pre-encumbrance amounts in the Remaining Balance Calculation for the budget closing set.

Close Out Only Option

When you select this option, the Budget Close process closes only the budget ledger and reduces the budget by the remaining budget balance, leaving a remaining balance of zero. It does not calculate a balance forward amount. If you want to close out the pre-encumbrance and encumbrance ledgers, you need to cancel the related documents in the source applications before running the Budget Close process.

After you run the Budget Close process without rolling forward the balance and without canceling related pre-encumbrance and encumbrance documents, the ledger rows look like this:





Budget Ledger

PreEnc Ledger

Encumb Ledger

Exp Ledger

Budget Close Status





































Close Out, Balance Roll Forward, Do Not Cancel and Reestablish Pre-encumbrances or Encumbrances

If the budget period set for this closing consolidates the four quarters of the closing year to the first quarter of the new budget year, after closing, the ledgers look like this:





Budget Ledger

PreEnc Ledger

Encumb Ledger

Exp Ledger

Budget Close Status














































The remaining budget balance of 3500 (500 from Q3 and 3000 from Q4) is rolled forward from 2002 to 2003Q1.

Close Out, Balance Roll Forward, Cancel and Reestablish Pre-encumbrances and Encumbrances

Before running the budget close process, you zero out the pre-encumbrance and encumbrance balances for 2002 in the source application. After running the Budget Close process, you reestablish the pre-encumbrance and encumbrance balances in 2003Q1. The resulting 2002Q4 and 2003Q1 look like this:





Budget Ledger

PreEnc Ledger

Encumb Ledger

Exp Ledger

Budget Close Status



















Click to jump to parent topicDefining ChartField Value Sets for Budget Closing

When you define ChartField value sets, use the COMMITMENT ledger template so that Commitment Control ChartFields prompt in the Field Name drop-down list.

See Defining and Using ChartField Value Sets.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Closing Rules

To define budget closing rules, use the Budget Closing Rules component (KK_CLOSE_DEFN).

Closing rules define a group of budgets to close and the closing options for those budgets. You can define any number of closing rules for different contingencies. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Closing Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Closing Rule Options


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Define Closing Rule, Closing Rule Options

Specify roll forward options for the closing rule.

Close From/To


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Define Closing Rule, Close From/To

Specify the ChartField values to be closed and the ChartFields and values to which the balances are rolled forward.

Budget Closing Rules Report


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Closing Rules Report, Budget Closing Rules Report

Request a run of the Closing Rules report (GLS1200) . This SQR report displays all details that define a closing rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Closing Rule Options

Access the Closing Rule Options page (Commitment Control, Close Budget, Define Closing Rule, Closing Rule Options).

Ledger Group for Prompting

Select the ledger group that determines which ChartField values you can select on the Close From/To page.

Note. Ledger group for prompting does not determine the budget type to be closed. Budget types to be processed are specified on the budget closing set page.

Balance Forward Option

Select the closing option for this rule:

  • Close Out and Bal Roll Forward (close out and balance roll forward): Select to close the Commitment Control budget and roll the remaining available budget balance forward to the new budget.

  • Close Out Only: Select to close the budget only; the remaining available budget amount is forfeited.

Don't Roll Forward if Expired or Closed

Select to prevent budgets from rolling forward to a budget period that exceeds their spending date range.

This check box is unavailable if you select Close Out Only from the Balance Forward Option drop-down list.

Roll Forward Negative Remaining Balances

If the available budget balance is negative due to overspending or negative budget entries, you can elect to roll the negative balance amount forward to the new budget period.

This check box is unavailable if you select Close Out Only from the Balance Forward Option drop-down list.

Journal ID Mask

Specify a prefix for naming closing journals. Journals are identified by a 10-character alphanumeric ID. The system automatically adds the prefix you specify to the journal IDs. For example, if you specify a journal ID mask of BC, your budget closing journal IDs might be BC00000001, BC00000002, and so on.

Without a journal ID mask, General Ledger assigns the next available journal ID number automatically. This might make it difficult to identify budget closing journals.

Note. Reserve a unique mask value for budget closing to ensure that no other process creates the same journal ID.

Entry Event

Enter the entry event code for the budget closing journals that is created using this closing rule.

This field appears only if you have enabled entry events. If entry events are required for the Commitment Control ledger group, you must enter them. You can disable or require entry events for the Commitment Control ledger group on the Ledgers for a Unit - Commitment Control Options page.

See Setting Up Commitment Control for a Business Unit and GL Ledger Group.

See Using Entry Events.

See Also

Budget Journal Entries from Closing and Roll Forward

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Closing From and To ChartFields

Access the Close From/To page (Commitment Control, Close Budget, Define Closing Rule, Close From/To).

Note. No budget should appear in more than one ChartField value set. To avoid overlapping budgets, the ChartField value sets that you enter in the Values to Close group box should share the same ChartFields. They may have ChartFields in addition to those they share; for example, if one ChartField value set in a closing rule includes Department and Project, then another can include Department, Project, and Product. But if instead one ChartField value set includes Product and Project but not Department, the sets could overlap each other. The same is true for the ChartField value sets that you enter for each group number in the FROM/TO Exceptions scroll area.

Values to Close

All Values

Select to close all ChartField (excluding Budget Period) values.

ChartField Value Set

Select ChartField value sets for closing.

Note. Do not include budget periods in your ChartField value sets for budget closing. The budget period to close selection criteria on the Budget Period Sets page determine budget periods to be closed.

See Defining ChartField Value Sets for Budget Closing.

See Defining Budget Period Sets.


Click this link to access the ChartField Value Set page, where you can view, define, or update a ChartField value set.

Note. To update a ChartField value set by clicking this link, you must be in correct history mode for the Define Closing Rule component.

Send Balances TO

If you set the Balance Forward Option on the Define Closing Rule - Closing Options page to roll forward balances, specify how you want the closing balances to roll forward: to budgets that share the same ChartField values as the budgets being closed or to budgets with one or more different ChartField values.

Note. Leave this and subsequent sections blank if you selected Close Out Only in the Balance Forward Option field on the Closing Rule Options page.

Field Name

Enter the ChartFields for which you want to specify roll forward options.

Note. Include all key ChartFields for the budgets you are rolling forward to, or the missing ChartFields cause the budget journal posting to fail.


Indicate whether to retain the ChartField values of budgets being closed in the target budget period or to roll the budget balances forward to a target budget with a constant ChartField value.

If you select Constant, you must enter a value in the Field Name field.

For example, if you are closing budget year 2001 and want all balances to roll forward to 2002 budgets with accounts, departments, and funds that are identical to those being closed, select Retain for those ChartFields in the ChartField value set.

If, on the other hand, you want all balances rolled forward to budgets for, let's say, a general fund, you would retain the account and department ChartField values, select a roll forward option of Constant for fund code, and enter the fund code for the general fund.

Note. Do not specify the target, or roll forward, budget periods here. Specify the target budget periods in the budget period set.

FROM/TO Exceptions

Enter ChartField value sets for budgets whose roll forward options (as entered in Send Balances TO) are different from those of the ChartField value sets in the Values to Close From group box.

For example, on the sample Close From/To page, all ChartField values and therefore all budgets using this closing rule have their balances rolled forward to budgets with the same Account, Department, and Fund Code values, except those budgets covered in ChartField value sets DEPT_MANU_DIV, whose balances roll forward to budgets with Fund Code F100, and DEPT_ADMIN_DIV, whose balances roll forward to Department 14000.


Each FROM and TO combination comprises a group of ChartField value sets to be closed (in the Values to Close FROM scroll area) and the specific set of ChartFields and values to which the balance are rolled forward (in the Send Balances TO scroll area).

These scroll areas contain the same fields as the scroll area in the Values to Close group box and the Send Balances TO scroll area, and they function in the same way.

Note. Ensure that your budget closing rules meet your parent-child requirements. Usually, if you close a parent budget, you must close its children. And usually you want the same budget closing rules to cover parents and children. If, however, you want parents to close and roll forward and children to close only, you can set up separate closing rules for parents and children. In that case, you usually want all of your closing rules to cover all children of all parents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Offsets for Balanced Budgets

If you require the budget entries to be balanced, the Budget Processor (FS_BP) creates the offset entries using the offset account that you specified in the budget definition.

You must choose the Entries Must Balance option on the Control Budget Options page, and enter a default account value for at least one setID in the Budget Entry Offsets grid. Also enter a budget transaction type offset account for each budget transaction type that affects this budget definition.

Offset entries can be identified in the budget ledger table by the offset account value that you specified and the KK_BUDG_TRANS_TYPE value. A budget transaction type value of 4 indicates offsets for closing entries and a value of 5 indicates offsets for roll forward entries.

See Defining Offsets.

See Balancing Entries.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Period Sets

To define budget period sets, use the Budget Period Transfer Set component (KK_BD_PERIOD_XFER).

This section discusses how to set up budget period sets. Budget period sets define which budget periods are to be processed. They also enable you to map budget periods in the year being closed to budget periods in the coming year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Budget Period Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



Budget Period Set


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Define Budget Period Set, Budget Period Set

Select budget periods to be closed and map budget periods being closed to new budget periods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Period Set Options

Access the Budget Period Set page (Commitment Control, Close Budget, Define Budget Period Set, Budget Period Set).

Specify Target Budget Periods

Check if the remaining budgets are to be rolled forward to new budget periods.

Budget Periods to Close and Target Budget Period

Enter a unique row for each budget period to close for which you have budget amounts to be closed, and if roll forward is to occur, map each period to a target budget period. A from budget period can map to one target budget period, but a target budget period can map to any number of from budget periods. The budget period calendars must be the calendars used for the budget types to be closed.

See Also

Budget Period Calendars and Cumulative Budgeting

Click to jump to parent topicDefining and Validating Budget Closing Sets

Budget closing sets tie budget closing rules to Commitment Control ledger groups. They also enable you to:

To define and validate budget closing sets, use the Budget Closing Set component (KK_CLOSING_SET).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define and Validate Budget Closing Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



Budget Closing Set


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Define Closing Set, Budget Closing Set

Tie budget period sets to budget closing rules and Commitment Control ledger groups. Specify which ledger amounts apply toward calculating the remaining budget balance. Also used to reduce budgets without closing for unobligated balances.

Validate Budget Closing Set


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Validate Closing Set, Validate Budget Closing Set

Request the Validate Budget Closing Set SQR report (GLS1210) , which validates the closing set, displaying error or warning messages for conditions that could cause errors in the Budget Close or reduction process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Closing Sets

Access the Budget Closing Set page (Commitment Control, Close Budget, Define Closing Set, Budget Closing Set).

Closing or Reducing Budgets


Process Budget Close: Select this value if you are closing a budget.

Reduce Budget Without Closing: Select if you are reducing or withdrawing unobligated funding for a budget.

See Withdrawing or Reducing Commitment Control Budgets Without Closing.

Period(s) to be Processed

You can select Close Budget or Close Fiscal Year without closing budgets, or both:

Close Budget

Select to close budgets.

Budget Periods to Process

If one or more of the budget ledgers to be closed contain a budget period, you must specify a budget period set.

The description of this budget displays and functions as a link to the Budget Period Transfer Set page, where you can view and update the budget period transfer set.

See Defining Budget Closing Rules.

See Defining Budget Period Sets.

Close Fiscal Year

Select to perform a fiscal year-end close on a multiyear budget without closing the budget to future transactions.

Fiscal Year to Close

Enter a fiscal year. You perform this type of close to enable year-end reporting while keeping a multiyear budget open through to the end of its appropriation period.

The Budget Close process zeroes out the budget balance for the closing fiscal year and rolls it forward to period 0 in the new fiscal year.

See Fiscal Year Close.

See Budget Journal Entries from Closing and Roll Forward.

Closing Rules to Process

Closing Rule

Enter the closing rules that apply to this closing set.

The description of the closing rule functions as a link to the Closing Rules component, where you can view the rule definition.

See Defining Budget Closing Rules.

Note. Do not enter closing rules with overlapping ChartField value sets. A budget must not be covered by more than one closing rule.

Budgets to Process

Ledger Group

Enter the Commitment Control ledger groups containing the budgets that you want to close.

The description of the Commitment Control ledger group functions as a link to the Budget Definitions component for the ledger group.

Remaining Balance Calculation Includes

Specify the Ledger Type that applies toward calculating the remaining budget balance for the budget closing adjustment entry and the roll forward entry.

The ledger types available for selection are those associated with the ledger group you entered. Only the ledger types that you defined as affecting the available budget amount when you established the ledger group are available.

For example, if you select Budget, Expense,and Encumbrance, then the budget closing adjustment amount and roll forward amount is the budget amount reduced by the expense and encumbrance amounts.

Note. We recommend that you include all of the ledger types in the ledger group in your remaining budget balance. If, however, you elected to exclude pre-encumbrance amounts in the remaining available budget balance on the Ledgers for a Unit - Commitment Control Options page, you should also exclude the pre-encumbrance ledger here.

Note. Take care that your budget closing sets meet your parent to child requirements. Usually, if you close a parent budget, you must close its children. Therefore you must ensure that the closing sets you create cover all parents and children. Although you can close and roll forward a parent while only closing its children, you must roll forward a parent if its children are set to roll forward. Some parents include children from more than one Commitment Control ledger group (control budget definition). If you want all parents and children to be closed together, be sure that your closing sets either singly or together cover all child Commitment Control ledger groups for all parents. The Run Control Validation report (GLS1211) validates that no parents or children are missing from a closing process, that parents roll forward if children do, and that children roll forward if parents do. You can select whether or not to require that these conditions be met.

See Also

Validating the Budget Close Run Control

Parent and Child Budgets

Establishing Commitment Control Ledger Groups

Setting Up Commitment Control for a Business Unit and GL Ledger Group

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Closing Set Validation Report (GLS1210)

Access the Validate Budget Closing Set report page (Commitment Control, Close Budget, Validate Closing Set, Validate Budget Closing Set).

For most of the conditions that the process validates, you can select the following validation options:

Fail the Validation

The condition causes the closing set to fail the validation.


The condition is ignored. When you select this, the condition does not appear on the report.

Report as a Warning

The condition is reported as a warning.

The following conditions are checked against the closing set:

'Remaining Balance Calculation' ledgers do not match the 'Affect Spending Authority' ledgers

The ledgers included in the remaining balance calculation do not match those set up for calculating available balance for the Commitment Control ledger definition. You select Affect Spending Authority on the Ledger Group - Definition page.

See Establishing Commitment Control Ledger Groups.

Child Budgets are not in the Closing Set

Closing set does not include all children of parent budgets being closed.

Parent Budgets are not in the Closing Set

Closing set does not include all parents of child budgets being closed.


Budgets covered by multiple Closing Rules

There are budgets that appear in more than one closing rule in the closing set.

Entry Event is required for the budget ledger, but is not specified in the rule

Entry events are required for the Commitment Control ledger group, but you did not enter them in a budget closing rule.

You can disable or require entry events for the Commitment Control ledger group on the Ledgers for a Unit - Commitment Control Options page.

See Also

Setting Up Commitment Control for a Business Unit and GL Ledger Group

Using Entry Events

Click to jump to parent topicRunning and Validating the Budget Close Process to Close and Reopen Budgets

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run and Validate the Budget Close Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Budget Close Request


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Process Budget Close, Budget Close Request

Request the Budget Close COBOL process (FSPYCLOS) to close or unclose budgets.

Mark for Undo


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Mark to Undo, Mark for Undo

Select the process instances of the Budget Close (FSPYCLOS) process that you want to undo.

Validate Budget Close Run Control


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Validate Run Control, Validate Budget Close Run Control

Request the closing run control validation process (GLS1211). This SQR process validates the Budget Close or reduction run control, updating the budget close status and producing a report that displays error or warning messages for conditions that could cause errors in the Budget Close or reduction process.

The report displays information similar to that which is displayed by the Closing Set Validation report (GLS1210); however by validating a Budget Closing run control, the Closing Run Control Validation process captures errors across closing sets.

Important! You cannot run a Budget Close or reduction (withdrawal) without first running this process free of errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRequesting the Budget Close Process

Access the Budget Close Request page (Commitment Control, Close Budget, Process Budget Close, Budget Close Request).

Note. You cannot run the Budget Close or reduction process until you have run an error-free Closing Run Control Validation process (GLS1211) for the run control ID. The report (GLS1211) validates that no parents or children are missing from a run control, that parents roll forward if children do, and that children roll forward if parents do. You can select whether or not to require that these conditions be met.

Go to Budget Close Validation

Click this link to open the Validate Budget Close Run Control page, where you can request a run of the Closing Run Control Validation process for the run control ID.

Business Unit for Prompting

Select a business unit that determines which closing set you can select based on your TableSet control setup.

Closing Set

Select the budget closing set that you want to process.

The description of the closing set functions as a link to the Budget Closing Set page, where you can view the closing set definition.

Note. Take care that your budget closing sets meet your parent-child requirements. Usually, if you close a parent budget, you must close its children. Therefore you must ensure that the closing sets that you create cover all parents and children. Although you can close and roll forward a parent while only closing its children, you must roll forward a parent if its children are set to roll forward. Some parents include children from more than one Commitment Control ledger group (control budget definition). If you require that all parents and children be closed together, be sure that your closing sets either singly or together cover all child Commitment Control ledger groups for all parents. Be sure also that, if children are set to roll forward, parents are as well.

See Validating the Budget Close Run Control.

See Parent and Child Budgets.

Request Type

Specify whether you are running a close or an undo close. An undo close reopens closed budgets or it can also reinstates reduced budgets.

See Reopening Closed or Reinstating Reduced Commitment Control Budgets.

Undo List

Click to access the Mark for Undo page where you can select the process instance to undo, either a close or reduction.

Output Options

Select one of these options:

  • Create Calc Log − No Output (create calculation log − no output): This option creates the calculation log but does not actually close the budget ledger or create closing journals. Use this option to perform a provisional close, enabling you to see what the closing results would be without actually producing those results.

  • Create Calc Log and Output (create calculation log and output): This option creates the calculation log, closes the budget ledger, and creates the closing journals.

The journals created also depend on whether you chose to roll forward remaining available budget amounts.

Note. Access the calculation log on the Review Calculation Log page.

See Inquiring and Reporting on Budget Closing Results.

Selected Detail Values

Select this option to enter specific business units for closing in the Values/Nodes field.

Detail - Selected Parents

Select this option to specify a business unit tree from which to select the business units. The closing includes all business units for the tree setID, tree, and level that you specify. Select specific tree nodes in the Values/Nodes field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReopening Closed or Reinstating Reduced Commitment Control Budgets

To reopen closed budgets or reinstate reduced budgets:

  1. Access the Budget Close request page, select Undo in the Request Type field, and click Undo List.

    The Mark for Undo page appears. This page displays a list of process instances for budget closing or reduction.

    You can also access the Mark for Undo page directly from the Commitment Control menu.

  2. On the Mark for Undo page, select the process instances of the budget close or reduction process that you want to undo and save the page.

  3. On the Budget Close request page, complete the run request.

    The system reopens budget rows that were closed, returns budget closing and roll forward amounts into the budget rows, removes any amounts that were rolled over to the next budget year, deletes budget closing journals, and removes the calculation logs that were created during the close process. The budget close status is set back to N.

    If you are reinstating reduced budgets, the system reverses the adjustments created and returns the balances to their original amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicValidating the Budget Close Run Control

Access the Validate Budget Close Run Control page (Commitment Control, Close Budget, Validate Run Control, Validate Budget Close Run Control).

The Close Run Control Validation process performs validation checks across all closing sets in the run control. Because more than one closing set can apply to a ledger group, there is potential for such errors as overlapping closing rules across closing sets, which would not be identified by the Closing Set Validation report (GLS1210).

For most of the conditions that the process validates, you can select the following validation options.

Fail the Validation

The condition causes the run control to fail the validation. The Budget Close process does not run until the condition is fixed.


The condition is ignored. When you select this, the condition does not appear on the report.

Report as a Warning

The condition is reported as a warning. The condition is reported but does not prevent the Budget Close process from running.

The following conditions are checked against the run control.

'Remaining Balance Calculation' ledgers do not match the 'Affect Spending Authority' ledgers

The ledgers included in the remaining balance calculation for a closing set do not match those set up for calculating available balance for the Commitment Control ledger group. You select Affect Spending Authority on the Ledger Group - Definition page.

See Establishing Commitment Control Ledger Groups.

Child Budgets are not in the closing set

Closing sets do not include all children of parent budgets being closed. Checks across all closing sets in the run control.

Parent Budgets are not in the closing set

Closing sets do not include all parents of child budgets being closed. Checks across all closing sets in the run control.

Child Budget balances are to be rolled forward, but not the Parent Budget

You are rolling forward child budget balances without rolling forward their parent budget balances. This validation is not performed if the purpose of the closing set is to Reduce Budget Without Closing.

Parent Budget balances are to be rolled forward, but not the Child Budget

You are rolling forward parent budget balances without rolling forward all of the child budget balances. This validation is not performed if the purpose of the closing set is to Reduce Budget Without Closing.

Not all Associated Budgets are included in the Run Control

Either the revenue budgets or their associated expenditure budgets are not included in the closing process.

Some Associated Budgets are set to Roll Forward but some are not

The roll forward option is inconsistent among the revenue budgets and their associated expenditure budgets.

Some budget balances are not covered by any of the Closing Rules

There are budgets in the Commitment Control ledger group that are not closed. The budget closing rules in the run control do not include all of the budgets in the ledger group.

Budget Balances for some earlier Budget Periods are not closed yet

Budget periods prior to the ones you are requesting for closing are not closed yet. This validation is not performed if the purpose of the closing set is to Reduce Budget Without Closing.

Budget balances for earlier fiscal year(s) are not closed yet

There is an open fiscal year prior to the one being requested for close. This validation is not performed if the purpose of the closing set is to Reduce Budget Without Closing.


Closing Rules overlapped on Budget row coverage

There are budgets that appear in more than one closing rule included in the run control.

Entry Event is required for the budget ledger, but is not specified in the rule

Entry events are required for the Commitment Control ledger group, but you did not enter them in a budget closing rule.

You can disable or require entry events for the Commitment Control ledger group on the Ledgers for a Unit - Commitment Control Options page.

See Also

Setting Up Commitment Control for a Business Unit and GL Ledger Group

Using Entry Events

Click to jump to parent topicClosing and Rolling Forward Pre-encumbrances, Encumbrances, and Recognized Revenue

The Budget Close process (FSPYCLOS) closes only the budget ledger, not the other ledgers in the Commitment Control ledger group. And it carries forward only the remaining available budget amount, if you choose to have it carried forward, to the new budget period. It does not carry forward amounts from the other ledgers, such as encumbrances, pre-encumbrances, or recognized revenue. To close out and roll forward amounts from these ledgers, you must cancel and reestablish their source documents in the source applications.

Closing Out Pre-encumbrances and Encumbrances

To close out pre-encumbrances and encumbrances, you must liquidate the outstanding documents (such as requisitions and purchase orders) in the source application (such as Purchasing) before you run the Budget Close process. Purchasing provides the Requisition Reconciliation and Purchase Order Reconciliation processes to expedite this liquidation.

Reestablishing Pre-encumbrances and Encumbrances

Use the source application to reestablish closed pre-encumbrances and encumbrances in the new budget after you run the Budget Close process. Purchasing provides a PO Rollover process to assist you in reestablishing purchase orders. You must reestablish pre-encumbrance documents manually.

Closing Out and Reestablishing Recognized Revenue

To close out and reestablish recognized revenue in the new budget year, you must reverse the open receivables in the source application (such as Receivables or Billing) and post a new open receivable for the new budget.

See Also

Rolling Over Purchase Orders at Budget Period-End

Posting and Unposting Groups

Examples of Budget Close Results

Click to jump to parent topicInquiring and Reporting on Budget Closing Results

After running the Budget Close process, you can view the process results by performing either of these tasks:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Inquire and Report on Budget Closing Results

Page Name

Definition Name



Budget Close Calculation Log


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Review Calculation Log, Budget Close Calculation Log

View the Calculation Log, which records the results of the Budget Close process.



Click the Target button or the Source button on the Budget Close Calculation Log page.

The Target page and the Source page are identical in all but their page name and content.

Use the Target page to view the balance forward entry that is directly related to the source entry selected on the Review Calculation Log page.

Use the Source page to view the source transaction associated with the target entry selected on the Review Calculation Log page.

Budget Close Calculation Log Report


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Closing Calculation Log Report, Budget Close Calculation Log Report

Request a run of the Budget Close Calculation Log report (GLS1222) . This SQR report displays the results of the Budget Close process.

Budget Close Status


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Review Closing Status, Budget Close Status

View the budget close status of the budgets you select. Search by business unit, Commitment Control ledger group, budget period, fiscal year, and budget close status.

The budget close status is updated by both the Closing Run Control Validation process (GLS1211) and the Budget Close process (FSPYCLOS).

Budget Close Status Report


Commitment Control, Close Budget, Closing Status Report, Budget Close Status Report

Request a run of the Budget Close Status report (GLS1220). This SQR report displays the budget close status of the budgets you request.

The budget close status is updated by both the Closing Run Control Validation process (GLS1211) and the Budget Close process (FSPYCLOS).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Budget Close Calculation Log

Access the Budget Close Calculation Log page (Commitment Control, Close Budget, Review Calculation Log, Budget Close Calculation Log).

The Source option and the Target option are used to access the associated source or target rows in the calculation log. For example, when you click the Fetch button and you have selected the Target, the scroll is populated with the roll forward (target) amounts in the calculation log. You can then click one of the Source buttons that appears to access a secondary page to see the associated source budget rows stored in the calculation log and determine from where the target amount is coming. The same applies if you elect to display the source amounts first.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInquiring and Reporting on the Budget Close Status

Access the Budget Close Status page for online inquiry.

Access the Budget Close Status Report page to request a report.

The closing process status can be one of these values:


Returns all statuses.


Budget is validated for the run control, and all budgets in the business unit, Commitment Control ledger group, Ruleset, budget period, and fiscal year are successfully closed.

Note. This status is different from the budget close status on the Budget Attribute page.


Closing Run Control Validation process has been run with errors.

No Status

Budget Close process has not been run on this budget.


Commitment Control ledger group is partially closed; that is, not all budgets in the budget ledger were covered by the Budget Close process.


Budget has been closed and reopened.


Closing Run Control Validation process has been run with no errors but Budget Close process has not been run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWithdrawing or Reducing Commitment Control Budgets Without Closing

The functionality, which can also be termed Reduce Budget Without Closing, supports the reduction or withdrawing of uncommitted and unobligated budgets and is particularly applicable to United States Government accounting requirements to automatically withdraw all uncommitted and unobligated allotments and suballotments. This functionality can be used to reduce the budgetary amount equal to gross obligations so that the remaining balance is zero. The amounts that are automatically withdrawn can then be reallocated as necessary.

In PeopleSoft, appropriation, apportionment, allotment, and suballotment may be defined as distinct Commitment Control budget ledger groups that are related in a parent-and-child hierarchical structure. The following example illustrates a possible ledger group hierarchy and the associated key ChartFields:

Without closing any of these budgets you can automatically withdraw or reduce all uncommitted and unobligated budget amounts, leaving the budget at its then existing status. By selecting the appropriate budget key values based on your established budget criteria, the system calculates the remaining budget balances. The system then generates Commitment Control budget adjustment journals by using Entry Event functionality to reduce any available budget to zero. The functionality is predicated on the following assumptions:

Setting Up for Budget Withdrawal or Reduction Without Closing

The Budget Close COBOL process (FSPYCLOS) also supports the Reduce Budget Without Closing functionality. The pages used, the required setup, and the reports produced are shared.

See Understanding Commitment Control Budget Closing and Withdrawal Without Closing.

To reduce or to withdraw uncommitted Commitment Control budgets do the following:

  1. Define ChartField value sets.

    If you previously defined ChartField values sets for closing, you can use these, and the reduction process ignores roll forward related setup.

    You define ChartField value sets on the ChartField Value Set page.

    See Defining ChartField Value Sets for Budget Closing.

  2. Define budget closing rules.

    Here you specify budget journal ID mask and entry event codes for budget reduction adjustment journals (if you have Entry Events enabled).

    You define closing rules on the Define Closing Rule component.

    See Defining Budget Closing Rules.

  3. Define budget closing sets.

    Set the Purpose to Reduce Budget Without Closing and specify which ledger amount types (pre-encumbrances, encumbrances, expenses, and so on) are to be applied toward calculating the remaining budget balances to be reduced. You select budget closing sets when you run budget reduction. Specify all budgets that you want to close without including a budget more than once in a closing rule.

    You define budget closing sets on the Budget Closing Set page.

    See Defining Budget Closing Sets.

  4. Run the Closing Set Validation report (GLS1210.)

    Run the report for each budget closing set to display (depending on your requirements) any error or warning messages for the following conditions:

  5. Create and save a Budget Close run control to be validated before running.

    Include all closing sets for all budgets that you want to reduce. You specify the following:

  6. Run the Closing Run Control Validation process (GLS1211).

    Use the report to validate that the closing sets on the run control for the Budget Close process that you created are complete and do not overlap. Specifically, this validation process creates a report that displays error or warning messages (depending on your requirements) for the following conditions:

  7. Review the budget close status on the Closing Status inquiry page or the Budget Close Status Report (GLS1220) to confirm that the Closing Run Control Validation process marked all business unit, ledger group, and Ruleset combinations in the run control as Valid.

  8. Run the Budget Close process using a run control that returns no errors for the Closing Run Control Validation process.

    Run the Budget Close process from the Budget Close page.

  9. Check the results of the Budget Close process on the Review Calculation Log page or the Budget Close Calculation Log report (GLS1222); check to see that the balance of selected budgets is zero.

    See Inquiring and Reporting on Budget Closing Results.

  10. You can undo a budget reduction or withdrawal just as you can a budget close.

    See Reopening Closed or Reinstating Reduced Commitment Control Budgets.

  11. If you undo the reduction process, validate the results by using the calculation log report and the budget status report to see that the balances are reinstated.