Using Item Catalog Maintenance

This chapter provides an overview of item catalog maintenance, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Item Catalog Maintenance

The Catalog Maintenance Template (ITM_MASS_TMPLT), Catalog Maintenance Extract (PO_WXPORT_CRITERIA), and Catalog Maintenance Update (PO_MASS_UPDATE) components enable you to efficiently update item data in the Item Loader staging tables in a secure and controlled environment.

The PeopleSoft Item Catalog Maintenance feature enables you to update item data for multiple items at one time. The item information is extracted from the item master tables into the item staging tables, where you can alter the data in a secure and controlled environment. You then use the Item Loader process to reload the data into the item master tables.

The Item Catalog Maintenance feature enables you to quickly change the data for large groups of items. This feature is especially useful for adding changes that affect numerous items. Examples include:

These are the steps to update data for items in PeopleSoft item master tables:

  1. Create a template by using the Catalog Maintenance Template component:

    1. Use the Record (Table) Name field on the Catalog Maintenance Template page to enter the records from the item staging tables that correspond to the item master tables that you want to change.

    2. Select the Export Records check box to indicate that you want to use this template to export item data from the item master tables.

    3. Click the View Export Records link to view the name of the item master tables containing data that will be downloaded to the item staging tables.

    4. Click the Assign Roles link to access the Assign Roles page, where you select the roles with security rights to view and change item data by using this template.

    5. Click the linked record description on the Catalog Maintenance Template page to access the Select Fields page, where you can select the record fields that can be altered when using this template.

    6. Use the Catalog Maintenance Template - Secure Data page to restrict the rows of item data that are retrieved from the item master tables.

  2. Use the Catalog Maintenance Extract component to:

    1. (Optional) Further refine the item selection by using the Catalog Maintenance Extract - Global Criteria page.

    2. (Optional) View the data that will be downloaded.

      From the Catalog Maintenance Extract page, select the item master table to be viewed and then click the View Data button to access the Select Fields page. After you have selected the fields to view, the data in the fields appear. This is the data to be extracted from the item master tables.

    3. Run the process that extracts the item data.

      Click the Execute Request button to run the process.

  3. Use the Catalog Maintenance Update component to:

    1. (Optional) Narrow the selection of items to be updated by using the Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria page.

    2. Enter the changes to the item data by using the Catalog Maintenance Update page.

    3. Run the process that updates the item staging tables with the changes.

      Click the Execute Request button to run the process.

  4. Use the Item Loader page to reload the items into the PeopleSoft item master tables.

    Be sure to identify the template to be used and to select the value of Item Export in the Item Load Type field.

After you have placed an item in the item staging tables, any changes that you make to the item by using the standard pages may be overridden when the item is reloaded. A warning message appears when you access the downloaded items by using the following PeopleSoft pages and components:

Changing the Item's Standard Unit of Measure

The standard unit of measure (UOM) for an item can only be changed before transactions have been entered for the item ID. You can use the Define Item-General page to change the standard UOM for a few item IDs. However, to change a large number of items you will want to use the item catalog maintenance feature. Use the following steps to ensure that standard UOM updates are done correctly:

  1. Create a template to extract the MASTER_ITEM_TBL and the INV_ITEM_UOM tables.

    On the Catalog Maintenance Template component, enter the staging tables of MASTER_ITEM_EC and INV_ITEM_UOM_EC in the Record (Table) Name fields.

    Note. There is no need to extract the INV_ITEMS table. If the INV_ITEMS table is extracted, there is an additional step in the process, which is detailed below.

  2. Use the Catalog Maintenance Extract component to extract the item data based on the template previously created.

  3. Based on the same template and same selection criteria used in the previous step, use the Catalog Maintenance Update component to:

    1. Update the MASTER_ITEM_EC record with the new standard unit of measure (UNIT_MEASURE_STD).

    2. Update the action field (AUDIT_ACTN) on the MASTER_ITEM_EC record to the value of C (change).

      Note. If the INV_ITEMS record is extracted, use the Catalog Maintenance Update component to change the AUDIT_ACTN field on the INV_ITEM_EC record to the value of C. This step is not necessary if the INV_ITEMS record is not extracted.

    3. Click the Execute Request button to update the item staging tables with your changes.

  4. Use the Item Loader page to reload the items into the PeopleSoft item master tables and update MASTER_ITEM_TBL and INV_ITEM_UOM tables with the new standard unit of measure.

    Be sure to identify the template to be used and to select the value of Item Export in the Item Load Type field.

Note. Once the Item Loader process is complete, the conversion rate for the standard UOM is set to 1. The Unit of Measure page (INV_ITEM_UOM ) displays the conversion rate between the standard UOM and other UOMs used by the item. After you have run the Item Loader process, you need to validate or change the conversion rates for any existing UOMs.

See Also

Understanding Item Loader Data Flow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


This field is available for entry if you have two or more rows of criteria. Values are:

AND: Select if you want the system to consider each of the selected criteria when narrowing the scope of the item data update. For example, suppose that you select account 212020 and alternate account 111000. The system updates only item data that has been assigned to account 212020 and alternate account 111000.

OR: Select if you want the system to narrow the scope of the item data update by using any one of the selection criteria that you have selected. For example, suppose that you select account 212020 or alternate account 111000. The system updates item data that has been assigned to either account 212020 or alternate account 111000.

Use a combination of AND and OR conditions to specify more complex selection criteria. For example, suppose that you select account 212020 or alternate account 111000 and primary buyer Atamian, Wes. The system updates item data that has been assigned to either account 212020 or alternate account 111000 and that has also been assigned to the primary buyer Atamian, Wes.

Field Name

The technical name of the field that is used as criteria. The fields that are available for selection depend on the record that is selected. The system provides any prompts that are associated with the field that you select.


Select to define the quantifier for the value that you enter in the Value field. Values are:

<=: Less than or equal to the criteria.

>=: Greater than or equal to the criteria.

Equal: Equal to the criteria.

Greater: Greater than the criteria.

Less: Less than the criteria.

Not Equal: Does not match the criteria.

Like: Enables the use of wild cards in the Value field. The target item data must contain the criteria that are defined here. Valid wild cards depend on the database system.

Not Like: Enables the use of wild cards in the Value field. The target item data must not contain the criteria that are defined here. Valid wild cards depend on the database system.


The system narrows the update to item data based on this value, combined with the operator value and the field that is selected.

<View Values>

Click to access the Select Valid Value page, where you can view and select values for the selected field.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Using Catalog Maintenance Templates

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Use Catalog Maintenance Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Catalog Maintenance Template


SCM Integrations, Setup, Catalog Maintenance Template

Create catalog maintenance templates that serve as guides to the fields and records that can be updated by the assigned role users.

Select Fields


Click the linked record description on the Catalog Maintenance Template page.

Click the linked record description on the Secure Data page.

The link text depends on the value in the Record (Table) Name field. If you are in Add mode, the link text is Select Fields.

This page cannot be accessed unless a value is selected in the Record (Table) Name field.

Select and view catalog maintenance update fields.

  • When you access this page from the Catalog Maintenance Template page, you can use the Select Fields page to specify the fields that a role that is assigned to the template can update.

  • When you access this page from the Catalog Maintenance Update page, you can use the Select Fields page to view the fields that you have chosen to update.

  • When you access this page from the Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria page, you can use the Select Fields page to select the fields to include in the global criteria.

Catalog Maintenance Template - Secure Data


SCM Integrations, Setup, Catalog Maintenance Template, Secure Data

Enter criteria to restrict the item data that is available to be altered.

Item Ctlg Maint Role Assign (item catalog maintenance role assign)


Click the Assign Roles link on the Catalog Maintenance Template page.

Assign role users to the selected template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Catalog Maintenance Templates

Access the Catalog Maintenance Template page (SCM Integrations, Setup, Catalog Maintenance Template).

Use the Catalog Maintenance Template component to create templates that define which records and fields can be extracted from the item master tables and updated. You assign role users to the templates to determine which users have authority to update the item data in the template. These templates serve as guides to which items can be updated and as security features.

Select Record

Record (Table) Name

Enter the record that is accessible to the roles that are assigned to the selected template. This record determines which fields are available for selection in the Select Fields scroll area. The records that are available for selection are limited to those that are currently in the staging tables for the Item Loader process.

<Record Description>

Click the linked record description of the selected record (table) name to access the Select Fields page, where you can specify the fields that a role that is assigned to the template can update.

Select Fields

Use the Select Fields scroll area to select the fields that you want to include in the template.

Export Records

Select to enable users of this template to extract item data from the item master tables into the item staging tables, where the items can be changed.

Update All Staged Data

Select to enable users of this template to update any data in the item staging tables without the template restrictions. Only power users should use this feature.

Assign Roles

Click to access the Assign Roles page, where you can assign role users to the selected template.

View Export Records

Click to view the item master tables that contain item data that will be extracted to the item staging tables. The tables that are displayed are based on the entries in the Record (Table) Name field.

Warning! Only power users should select the Update All Staged Data check box. This option enables you to update data that is not related to the template.

See Also

Loading Items and Prices Using the Item Price List EIP

Understanding Item Catalog Maintenance

Updating Staged Item Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting and Viewing Catalog Maintenance Update Fields

Access the Select Fields page (Click the linked record description on the Catalog Maintenance Template page).


When you access this page from the Catalog Maintenance Template page, select to add the associated field to the item template. The fields that are available for selection are all of those that are not already assigned to the template. Select as many fields as necessary.

When you access this page from the Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria page, select to add the associated field to the global criteria.

When accessed from the Secure Data page, select to add the associated field to the data extraction criteria.

When you click OK, the values that you selected appear on the primary page from which you accessed this page.

When accessed from the Catalog Maintenance Update page, any fields that you have selected to update on the Catalog Maintenance Update page appear with their associated check boxes selected.

See Also

Updating Staged Item Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Role Users to Templates

Access the Item Ctlg Maint Role Assign (item catalog maintenance role assign) page (Click the Assign Roles link on the Catalog Maintenance Template page).

Assign Roles

Role Name

The role that is assigned to the template. When using the Catalog Maintenance Update component, users are able to access only the templates to which their own roles have been assigned.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration

Creating and Using Catalog Maintenance Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSecuring Item Data

Access the Catalog Maintenance Template - Secure Data page (SCM Integrations, Setup, Catalog Maintenance Template, Secure Data).

Use this page to restrict the data that is extracted from the item master tables that are listed on the Catalog Maintenance Template page. Specify the criteria that must be met before a row of data can be extracted from the item master tables to the item staging tables. Be sure to specify criteria to restrict the download to the current, active row of data.

Click to jump to parent topicExtracting Item Data

This section discusses how to:

After a template is defined, you can extract the data from the item master tables and store it in the item staging tables. Use the Catalog Maintenance Extract component to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Catalog Maintenance Extract


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Items, Catalog Maintenance Extract

Select the item record to download and run the extract process to move data from the item master tables to the item staging tables.

Select Fields


Click the View Operating Inventory Record Data link on the Catalog Maintenance Extract page.

Select the fields for which you want to view data.

Item Ctlg Maint Export View Log (item catalog maintenance export view log)


Click the View Operating Inventory Record Log link on the Catalog Maintenance Extract page.

View the meta SQL that is used to extract the data.

Catalog Maintenance Extract - Global Criteria


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Items, Catalog Maintenance Extract, Global Criteria

Enter criteria to further restrict the item data that is available to be changed.

Select valid value


Click the View Values button on the Catalog Maintenance Extract - Global Criteria page.

Select values for the associated field. This page is accessible only when the selected field name has associated value prompts. Select the value that you want to use as a filter in combination with the value in the Operator field on the Catalog Maintenance Extract - Global Criteria page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExtracting the Selected Data

Access the Catalog Maintenance Extract page (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Items, Catalog Maintenance Extract).

Delete Pending Stage Records

Select to delete rows in the item staging table from a previous extraction process. This option enables you to purge existing data for this template in the item staging tables.

Execute Request

Click the Execute Request button to run the PeopleCode that extracts the data. The records that you select on this page are retrieved from the item master tables and placed in the item staging tables.

View Data

Click to access the Select Fields page, where you can select the fields to view. Then click OK on the Select Fields page to access the View Data page, where you can review data. The text of this link changes depending on the record that is selected in the Record (Table) Name field.

View Log

Select to access the Item Ctlg Maint Export ViewLog (item catalog maintenance export view log) page, where you can view information about updates that are made by using this selection criteria ID. The information on this page can be useful for backtracking purposes. The text of this link changes depending on the name of the record that is selected in the Record (Table) Name field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Data Before Extraction

To view the data that will be extracted:

  1. Access the Catalog Maintenance Extract page.

  2. Select the check box next to the item master table to be viewed.

  3. Click the View Data link on the to access the Select Fields page.

  4. Select the fields that you want to view, and then click OK.

    The View Data page appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiltering Items Before Extraction

Access the Catalog Maintenance Extract - Global Criteria page (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Items, Catalog Maintenance Extract, Global Criteria).

To filter items before extracting them, use the fields on this page to filter items that you do not want to extract.

Select Record

Select the records that you want to include in the global criteria. This narrows the scope of fields that you want to update.

Record (Table) Name

Enter the record that you want to include in the global criteria. This record determines which fields are available for selection in the Enter Criteria scroll area.

Enter Criteria

Define field criteria to use to narrow the scope of the item data update. For example, select Field Name ACCOUNT, Operator Equal, and Value 212020 to isolate the item data updates to items that are associated with account 212020.

<View Values>

Click to access the Select valid value page, where you can select values to use as filters in the Value field.

<Choose a date>

Click to access a calendar, where you can select a date to be placed in the Value field.

Note. When you are entering criteria for an effective-dated record, the system assumes these two criteria when extracting the data if no criteria was entered for the fields:

Effective Date (EFFDT) equals the maximum date prior or equal to the current date.

Status of Effective Date (EFF_STATUS) equals A (Active).

See Also

Creating and Using Catalog Maintenance Templates

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Staged Item Data

This section discusses how to:

The PeopleSoft application staged item update functionality enables you to efficiently update item data in the Item Loader staging tables in a secure and controlled environment. Using catalog maintenance templates and the pages in the Catalog Maintenance Update component, you can specify the values with which to update existing records and fields and narrow the scope of the fields to update.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update Staged Item Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Catalog Maintenance Update


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Items, Catalog Maintenance Update

Select item data records and fields that you want to update. Specify the values with which you want to update the item data. After you save the information that you enter in this component, you can return and carry out the same item data changes by selecting the same control ID.

Select valid value


Click the View Values button on the Catalog Maintenance Update page or the Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria page.

View and select values for the associated field. This page is accessible only when the selected field name has associated value prompts.

View Data


Click the View Data link on the Catalog Maintenance Update page. Or click OK on the Select Fields page.

Preview the item data changes that you specified on the Catalog Maintenance Update pages.

Select Fields


  • Click the View Data link on the Catalog Maintenance Update page.

  • Click the Select Fields link on the Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria page. The link text changes depending on the value that was selected in the Record (Table) Name field.

  • When you access this page from the Catalog Maintenance Update page, view the fields that you have chosen to update.

  • When you access this page from the Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria page, select the fields to include in the global criteria.

See Selecting and Viewing Catalog Maintenance Update Fields.

Item Ctlg Maint Update ViewLog (item catalog maintenance update view log)


Click the View Log link on the Catalog Maintenance Update page.

View information about updates to item data that are made by using the selected control ID. The information on this page can be useful for backtracking purposes. Each time you click the Execute button on the Catalog Maintenance Update page for a control ID, a new log record is created.

Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Items, Catalog Maintenance Update, Global Criteria

Specify any criteria that you want to use to narrow the scope of records to be updated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Item Records and Fields

Access the Catalog Maintenance Update page (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Items, Catalog Maintenance Update).

Entered On

Displays the date that the selection criteria ID was created.

Select Record

Record (Table) Name

Select the record that you want to update. Only records that are defined in the selected template ID are available for selection. Select the check box next to this field to activate the links at the bottom of the Catalog Maintenance Update page.

Update Fields

Select the fields that you want to update, and define the values with which you want to update the fields.

Field Name

Enter the object name of the field to be updated. Fields that are available for selection are based on the table that is selected in the Record (Table) Name field. The system provides any prompts that are associated with the field that you select. If prompts are applicable, the View Values button becomes available for use with the Value field. If the selected field is numeric, the % field becomes available for entry. The fields that are available for selection depend on the selected template ID.


The value with which the selected field will be updated. If the % field is also available for entry, enter a value in only one of these fields.

% (percentage)

If the selected field name is numeric, this field is available for entry, in addition to the Value field. Enter a value in only one of these fields. For example, if you want to update item pricing by a specific percentage increase or decrease, enter a value in the % field.

Execute Request

Click to perform the item data updates that you have defined.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Values for Associated Fields

Access the Select valid value page (Click the View Values button on the Catalog Maintenance Update page or the Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria page).


Select the appropriate field value and click OK. The value that you selected appears on the page that you used to access the Select valid value page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing Item Data Changes

Access the View Data page (Click the View Data link on the Catalog Maintenance Update page or click OK on the Select Fields page).

The column headings that appear on this page depend on the item data updates that you defined on the Catalog Maintenance Update pages.

The information that appears in the columns provides a preview of the changes that will be made to the item data.


The number of rows that will be altered by updates that are defined on the Catalog Maintenance Update pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Logs for Previous Catalog Maintenance Updates

Access the Item Ctlg Maint Update ViewLog (item catalog maintenance update view log) page (Click the View Log link on the Catalog Maintenance Update page).

Update Log

Record (Table) Name

Displays the name of the record that was updated.

User ID

Displays the user ID of the person who performed the item update process.

Datetime Modified

Displays the date and time when the update was performed.


Displays the number of records that were updated.

Scope of Work

Displays the information about the changes that were made by the selected update.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Subquery Criteria

Access the Catalog Maintenance Update - Global Criteria page (SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Items, Catalog Maintenance Update, Global Criteria).

Select Record

Select the records that you want to include in the global criteria. This narrows the scope of fields that you want to update.

Record (Table) Name

Enter the record that you want to include in the global criteria. This record determines which fields are available for selection in the Enter Criteria scroll area.

Enter Criteria

Use the Enter Criteria scroll area to define field criteria to narrow the scope of the item data update. For example, select Field Name ACCOUNT, Operator Equal, and Value 212020 to isolate the item data updates to items that are associated with account 212020.

<View Values>

Click the View Values button to access the Select valid value page, where you can select values to use as filters in the Value field.

<Choose a date>

Select to access a calendar, where you can select a date to be placed in the Value field.

See Also

Creating and Using Catalog Maintenance Templates