Managing Facilities

This chapter provides an overview of facilities and discusses how to:

Note. Line of Credit and Commercial Paper facilities are covered in the Deal Management PeopleBook.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Facilities

A facility is a financial arrangement with a counterparty under which an established monetary amount is available for transacting deals. Similar to a contract, a facility contains pertinent information about the arrangement, such as default settlement instructions, term, review dates, and an expiration date.

With PeopleSoft banking functionality you can define facilities, associate fees to a facility, and periodically run the Monitor Expiring Facilities process (TR_FCLTY_RVW) to evaluate which of your organization's facilities are close to expiring.

Click to jump to parent topicFacility Review Workflow

If you have implemented the Facility Review workflow, when you run the Monitor Expiring Facilities process (TR_FCLTY_RVW), the system automatically routes expiring facilities to a defined user's worklist.

See Also

Monitoring Facilities

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before defining facilities you must define:

See Also

Setting Up Counterparties

Defining Beneficiary Bank EFT Options

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Facilities

To define facilities information, use the following components:

Use the TR_FCLTY_BCI component interface to load data into the facilities tables.

To set up a facility, you define the types of attributes tracked and then establish the facility itself. You record fees that are associated with the facility by entering them online.

Note. You must define fee codes on the Fee Code Definition page prior to entering fees online.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Fee Codes

Creating Fee Entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Facilities

Page Name

Definition Name



Facility Definition


Cash Management, Facilities, Facility Definition

Define a facility.

Memo Attributes


Cash Management, Facilities, Facility Memo Attributes

Define the attributes to track with a facility and define the type of data that the attributes contain.

Fee Entry


Click Fees on the Facility Definition page.

Create fees for a facility.

Financial Contacts


Click the Contact Information link on the Facility Definition page.

Edit information for a financial institution contact assigned to a facility.



Click the Expand Long button on the Facilities page.

Edit memorandum information for a facility attribute.

Settlement Instructions


Click the View Settlement Instruction button on the Facility Definition page.

View details of a specified settlement instruction for a facility.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Facility Memo Types

Access the Memo Attributes page (Cash Management, Facilities, Facility Memo Attributes).

Data Type

Provide an attribute description and indicate its data type. Online edits validate the data type when you associate the attributes with a facility. Select from:

Date: Use for dates.

Long: Use for storing an unlimited number of characters.

Number: Use for positive numeric data.

Signed Num (signed number): Use for storing positive and negative numbers.

Text: Use for storing text attributes based on a database field. When you select this option, you can optionally specify a prompt table. This limits text entries to a list of values that are generated from the specified table. For example, using the prompt table INSTR_HEADER_TR limits entries to defined instruments.

Note. You must include Comments (CMTS) as a defined attribute for the Memo Attributes page to function correctly. CMTS is included in the system database; do not delete it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Facilities

Access the Facility Definition page (Cash Management, Facilities, Facility Definition).

Note. Since facilities are generally associated with a particular counterparty, you may want to incorporate the counterparty code in the Facility ID field so that it's easy to distinguish between facilities.

Facility Definition


Select the associated counterparty. For facilities that do not have specific counterparties, such as commercial paper, select the Facility has no Counterparty check box, which disables the Counterparty field.

Review Date

Enter the date the facility will be up for review. This is the date that the role names specified in the Facility Review grid receive PeopleSoft Workflow notification.

Expiration Date

Enter the date the facility is scheduled to expire.


Click to record fees associated with the facility.

Facilities Contacts


Enter the ID number. The name, contact title, and phone number are automatically populated from the Financial Contacts page.

Contact Information

Click the to view and edit the Financial Contacts page.

Facilities Memos

Facility Attributes

The COMMENTS attribute automatically appears; enter information about the facility in the Value field.

Click the Expand Long button to view the entire Value description.

Override Settlement Instructions

Indicate how funds should be settled for transactions using this facility.

Deal Override

Select to permit these instructions to be overridden at deal entry.


Specify settlement instructions, which are defined on the External Accounts - Settlements Instructions page.

Click the View Settlement Instruction button to view settlement instruction details.

Facility Review

Role Name

Select the role name that receives PeopleSoft Workflow notification when the facility is up for review.

See Also

Defining Settlement Instructions for Counterparty Deals

Creating Fee Entries

Click to jump to parent topicMonitoring Facilities

Run the Monitor Expiring Facilities Application Engine process (TR_FCLTY_RVW) to determine if your facilities are close to expiring.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Monitor Facilities

Page Name

Definition Name



Schedule Facility Review


Cash Management, Facilities, Schedule Facility Review

Define run parameters for the Monitor Expiring Facilities process.

Facilities by Counterparty


Cash Management, Facilities, Facilities by Counterparty

Review facilities summary information by counterparty.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMonitoring Facilities

Access the Schedule Facility Review page (Cash Management, Facilities, Schedule Facility Review).

Bind Variable Name

In the Parameters grid is an Application Engine run control function that enables you to specify the variable for which you are setting the value. Select the Bind Variable Name of FCLTY ID, and enter the specific facility name to be calculated in Value. You can add records and specify as many bind variable names as are pertinent to the job.