Setting Up External, Internal, and Netting Accounts

This chapter provides an overview of external, internal, and netting accounts and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding External, Internal, and Netting Accounts

In PeopleSoft, you can create and maintain the following types of bank accounts, depending on your organizational needs:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Account # (account number)

Displays the account number of the bank, as defined by bank ID calculations on the Bank ID Qualifiers page. For banks in some countries with certain bank qualifier IDs, you must also enter a check digit.

Acct Type (account type) and Bank Account Type

Enter a value that identifies the type of account, such as Check Acct (checking account) or SB Acct (stocks and bonds account).

Company ID or Company Identification Number or Remitter ID

Enter a company ID, which is specified by certain European banks (for example, banks in France and Italy) to identify the issuer of an electronic file. Banks may issue one remitter ID per payment method for use with these four payment methods: Direct Debit (DD), Wire Transfer(WIR), Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), or Automated Clearing House (ACH). During Pay Cycle Manager processing, the system accesses this data (if available) from a table and submits it with the specified payment method information.

If you are specifying EFT options for a French bank account, you complete this field only if you are also using the ETEBAC EFT layout. Company ID is then used to populate Numero d'emetteur. If specifying options for an Italian bank account, complete this field only if you are using the ITAPYMT EFT layout.

Note. Numero d'Emetteurs (or remitter IDs) are different from the 'Numéro National d'émetteur' (NNE). Remitter IDs are issued by any central European bank. NNEs are issued only by the Banque de France and are mandatory information when processing direct debits using a ETBDD EFT layout. Numero d'emetteur is also optional information when processing drafts using ETBDR EFT layout.

See Defining Account Information.

See Defining Collection Methods.

DFI Qualifier and DFI ID (depository financial institution qualifier) and DFI ID (depository financial institution ID)

Select the DFI qualifier and enter the associated DFI ID to identify the bank using its DFI ID. If you use intermediary routings, this bank represents the final bank into which funds are transferred. The DFI qualifier indicates the format—the number of characters and numerics—that is used in the bank's DFI ID. Each type has a specific number of digits that you can enter:

Transit Number: Enter exactly nine numerics, plus check digit calculation.

Swift ID: Enter 8 or 11 characters; positions 5 and 6 must be a valid two-character country code.

CHIPS ID: Enter three or four numerics for a CHIPS ID (CHIPS Participant ID).

CHIPS UID (CHIPS universal identification number): Enter six numerics for a CHIPS UID.

Canadian Bank Branch/Institute: No validation.

Mutually Defined: No validation.

EFT Layout (electronic funds transfer layout)

Select one of the predefined EFT formats used in various countries and by many clearing institutions. We also provide you with the tools to create additional EFT layout formats when needed.

Last File Number

Displays the last EFT file number.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Settlement Instructions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Settlement Instructions

Page Name

Definition Name



Beneficiary Bank


Banking, Bank Accounts, Settlement Instructions

Create settlement instructions for use by Treasury Management. Associate the instructions with appropriate accounts or counterparties.

Beneficiary Address


Banking, Bank Accounts, Settlement Instructions

Select the Beneficiary Address tab.

Capture bank address information on your settlement instructions.

EFT Options


Click EFT Options on the Beneficiary Bank page.

Define specifics for EFT transmissions when using these settlement instructions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Settlement Instructions

Access the Beneficiary Bank page (Banking, Bank Accounts, Settlement Instructions, Beneficiary Bank).

Our Instructions/Receive Into

Select if these instructions dictate receipt of funds from a counterparty. Generally, information entered here matches external bank account information already defined in the PeopleSoft system (on the External Accounts page).

Partner Instructions/Pay Into

Select if these instructions dictate payment of funds to a counterparty. Generally, information entered here enables electronic payment to an account not defined in the PeopleSoft system.

Account Information

Complete the fields to identify the bank that receives funds when using these settlement instructions:


Select the currency. We recommend that you set up settlement instructions for each currency defined for the bank account.

Name 1 and Name 2

Enter the beneficiary names, if required.

Bank ID Qualifier

Select an ID to enable the bank information to be edited online. For certain bank ID qualifiers, you must specify a check digit.

IBAN Digit (international bank account number digit

This field and the View IBAN button appears only if the IBAN Enterable field is not selected on the IBAN Formats page. For the specified settlement instructions, define the account's IBAN for transmittal with other settlement information. Enter the check digit and click View IBAN. If the system validates the check digit, the IBAN for this account appears next to the View IBAN button, and the system stores it on a record.

IBAN (international bank account number)

Enter the IBAN. This field appears only if the IBAN Enterable field is selected on the IBAN Formats page.

DFI Qualifier and DFI ID (depository financial institution qualifier) and DFI ID (depository financial institution ID)

Select the DFI qualifier and enter the associated DFI ID to identify the bank using its DFI ID. If you use intermediary routings, this bank represents the final bank into which funds are transferred. The DFI qualifier indicates the format—the number of characters and numerics—that is used in the bank's DFI ID. Each type has a specific number of digits that you can enter:

Transit Number: Enter exactly nine numerics, plus check digit calculation.

Swift ID: Enter 8 or 11 characters; positions 5 and 6 must be a valid two-character country code.

CHIPS ID: Enter three or four numerics for a CHIPS ID (CHIPS Participant ID).

CHIPS UID (CHIPS universal identification number): Enter six numerics for a CHIPS UID.

Canadian Bank Branch/Institute: No validation.

Mutually Defined: No validation.

Mandate Details

The Mandate Details options only apply if a SEPA direct debit is being performed for the payment.

See Entering and Managing Direct Debit Mandates.


Access the Routings page (click Routings on the Beneficiary Bank page) to set up the payment routing information for this beneficiary bank.

See Defining Template Intermediary Bank Routings.

Remittance Advice Attributes

Access the Remittance Advice Attributes page (click Remittance Advice Attributes on the Beneficiary Bank page) to identify remittance advice information related to these settlement instructions.

See Using Remittance Advice in Financial Gateway.

See Also

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) Functionality

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Beneficiary Bank EFT Options

Access the EFT Options page (click EFT Options on the Beneficiary Bank page).

Payment Format

Select a payment format for this settlement instruction's EFT option. You can create your own payment formats or modify the delivered formats, such as Check Std, Pay & Dep, and Wire.

Transaction Handling

Select an option that determines the parts of the payment that are included in the EFT file when you send it to the bank. Options are:

(Blank): No information is sent.

Pay+Advice: Both the actual payment and the advice are transmitted.

Prenote: Test run to verify that all EFT information is correct before sending out an actual payment and advice.

Pymnt Only: Only the payment is sent with the EFT file.

Domestic Costs and Correspondent's Costs

Depending on the country in which an EFT takes place, there may be costs involved in executing such transactions, especially if there is a transfer between two different countries. The Domestic Costs field designates who pays for the bank costs of the EFT.

If there are any other third parties to the transfer, correspondent's costs are also assessed.

When there are domestic costs or correspondent's costs tied to an EFT transaction, select the source from which these costs are paid. Options are:

  • (Blank): No costs are incurred.

  • Payee Acct: The payee's account is assessed for the charges.

  • Payr/Payee: The payee and the payer share costs equally. This option is available only for domestic costs.

  • Pyr D Acct: Costs are assessed to the payer's domestic account.

  • Pyr F Acct: Costs are assessed to the payer's foreign account.

Bank Check Drawn On

Select where a check comes from, if it is necessary to generate a check for this EFT transaction. Options are: (none), Payee Bank, or Payer Bank.

Check Forwarding

Select where the check should go. Options are: (none), Payee Bank, Payee, Payer, or Pyr Bank.

Crossed Check

Select if the EFT involves a check that cannot be signed over to a third party.

Payment Instruction 1, Payment Instruction 2, Payment Instruction 3, and Payment Instruction 4

Select additional payment instructions for the employee's EFTs. These fields contain standard EFT instruction codes that are delivered with your system.

Payment Instruction Ref 1 and Payment Instruction Ref 2

Enter any additional comments regarding EFT transactions.

See Also

Setting Up Files for Electronic Funds Transfers

Click to jump to parent topicDefining External Account Information

To define external accounts, use the External Bank Accounts component (BANK_EXTERNAL_GBL).

Use the TR_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNTS_CI component interface to load data into the External Bank Accounts tables.

To define bank cut-off times, use the Bank Cut-off Times component (CUTOFF_TIMES_GBL).

This section also describes how to:

Understanding Nuances of External Bank Accounts

This section provides overviews on:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBank Account ChartField Inheritance for Education and Government

In education and government organizations, you can associate bank accounts with a single fund (non-pooled) or group of funds (pooled). Pooled accounts may contain funding from many different grants or endowments, and this pooled fund is represented as a fully configurable ChartField:

To correctly process transactional ChartFields for pooled bank accounts, use the Bank Account ChartField Inheritance feature. This feature provides a balancing methodology at the ChartField level rather than at the business unit level, which in turn facilitates the interunit and intraunit accounting entry functionality. To enable ChartField inheritance, select one of four inheritance options for each fully configurable ChartField (plus Department and Project ChartFields) on the External Accounts - ChartField Options page. Automatic processes cross-validate whether the specific ChartField supports the inheritance option; the cross-validation is dependent on the PeopleSoft applications and options selected on the External Accounts page.

The following tables illustrate the valid inheritance option combinations:

Inheritance Option Code Key

This table displays the codes for inheritance options:

Inheritance Option


Always Inherit


Do Not Inherit


Inherit Within Unit


Use Unit Default


Option not applicable


Note. We define inheritance options in the Defining ChartField Inheritance Options section.

Receivables, Billing, and Cash

This table displays the inheritance options for Cash Management, Receivables, and Billing transactions:


Account Types

Processing Options


Accounts Receivables (AR) or Billing (BI)

Cash Clearing

AR Draft Cash Control

Dep in Transit

Account Types

Cash AR

Deposit AR

AR OffSetDr. *

AR OffsetCr. *

Cntrl - AR

Disc - AR

Draft - AR


Valid Inheritance Options

















































*If any Cash - AR ChartField inheritance option is set to either A or I, and you select the Cash Clearing check box, these ChartFields appear on the External Accounts - ChartFields tab when you save.


This table displays the inheritance options for payables (AP) transactions:


Account Types

Processing Options



Cash Clearing

TFR Charge by Vendor

Drafts Payable

Acct Type

Cash - AP

Cntrl - AP

Bnk Charge

Draft - AP

Valid Inheritance Options


















This table displays the inheritance options for treasury (TR) transactions:


Account Types

Processing Options



Cash Clearing

Stmt Accounting


Acct Type





Valid Inheritance Options


















This table displays the inheritance options for expense (EX) transactions:


Account Types

Processing Options



Cash Clearing*

TFR Charge by Vendor *

Drafts Payable *

Acct Type

Cash AP

Cntrl - AP

Bnk Charge

Draft AP

Valid Inheritance Options

















When you select the AP application check box on the External Accounts page, these ChartFields appear on the ChartFields tab. When you select only the EX application check box, no inheritance validation is enforced. However, when you select the EX and AP check boxes, the AP inheritance validation rules are enforced.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBank Account Payment Methods

If you use Cash Management and Payables in your organization's banking processes, you can configure banking accounts to automatically process certain Cash Management settlements through either the Cash Management Payment Dispatch or Payables Pay Cycle Manager (PCM) functionality.

To enable this settlement integration, there are now two payment sources predefined in PCM:

The following is a listing of supported and unsupported settlement options for Cash Management settlements:

Note. All Cash Management settlements processed through PCM must use the same default currency of the account. For example, if a bank account has a default currency of USD, and you create a settlement from this account with a currency of JPY, PCM cannot process the settlement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInternational Bank Account Number (IBAN) Functionality

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) provides an international standard account identifier in order to facilitate automated processing of cross border transactions. IBAN standards are established by the European Committee for Banking Standards (ECBS) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).

PeopleSoft provides a function that validates an IBAN for new account information and stores the IBAN and its check digit in a record. Clicking the View IBAN button on either the Beneficiary Bank page or External Accounts page, as well as various other PeopleSoft Financials application pages, starts a function that validates the IBAN check digit entry, using processes and functions that conform to ISO 13616, 3166, and 7064. If the check digit is successfully validated, the system concatenates the two-digit country code, IBAN check digit and the existing Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) to create the IBAN:

Calculation Page

Related Record

External Accounts


Settlement Instructions


EFT Request Entry


EFT Template


For electronic formats, the IBAN includes the two-letter country code, two-numeral check digit, and existing BBAN. For paper formats, the IBAN is the same as the electronic format, and also includes the tag IBAN followed by a space, with the number separated into groups of four characters. The last group may vary in length, up to four characters.

Note. Besides the IBAN check digit functionality, users have the option of entering the IBAN manually. Which method is used is determined on a country-by-country basis on the IBAN Formats page.

Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) Requires IBAN and Bank Identifier Code (BIC)

The European Commission (EC), and the European Central Bank (ECB) working with the Eurosystem, with the support of the European Payments Council (EPC), which brings together the European payments industry, created the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA). SEPA enables citizens, companies and other economic actors to make and receive payments in Euros between and within national boundaries in Europe with the same basic conditions, rights and obligations, regardless of their location.

SEPA requires the use of BIC and IBAN codes to uniquely identify the creditor's and debtor's banks and bank accounts in all Euro cross-border payments. It is imperative that the IBAN and BIC codes are correct to avoid repair fees that the bank charges due to processing errors. In addition, the validation of the IBAN and BIC codes avoids delays in processing payments and collections due to the time-consuming correction of these errors. The system only validates BIC codes when payments are being settled or settled and dispatched as long as the currency is EUR and the layout is SEPA_CT.

See Defining SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) Requirements and Transactions.

See Also

Understanding IBAN

Defining IBAN Formats

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicValue Date for Bank Accounts

Value dating transactions is a common practice in Western European countries, similar to the banking practice of float in the U.S. The value date of a transaction is the date on which funds are available (either as a deposit or a settlement). Banks negotiate this date to be a specified number of days before or after the business date of a transaction. For payments or settlements, the value date is calculated as a number of days before the business date, which means that the check must clear the bank prior to settling with the individual beneficiary. For deposits, the value date is calculated as a specified number of days beyond the business date.

You specify a value date (expressed as a positive or negative number) for a selected payment method. This functionality is available to you depending on how you configure Treasury Management. If you do not enable the value date functionality for a business unit, automatic processes enable the accounting date (or business date) to appear by default in the Value Date field. Using the Value Date option in PeopleSoft is mainly a setup step. After you specify value date parameters for a specific bank account on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page, automatic processes populate the calculated value date in the system and on applicable PeopleSoft reports.

See Also

Defining Account Information

Defining Collection Methods

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define External Account Information

Page Name

Definition Name



External Accounts


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts

Set up external accounts.

Bank Branch Information


Click Bank Branch Information on the External Accounts page.

Edit bank branch information associated with an external account.

Valid Currencies


Click the Currencies icon on the External Accounts page.

Enter valid default currencies for an external account.

ChartField Options


Click Edit Inheritance Options on the External Accounts page.

Specify inheritance rules for ChartFields for an account type.

External Accounts - Signatories


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Signatories

Define account signatories.

External Accounts - Contacts


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Contacts

View the names and phone numbers of bank contacts.

Bank Contact Notes


Click Bank Contacts Notes on the Contacts page.

Enter notes about the bank contact for an external account.

External Accounts - Reconciliation


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Reconciliation

This page is described in the Setting Up Reconciliation chapter of this PeopleBook.

See Selecting a Reconciliation Method.

External Accounts - Account Information


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Account Information

Specify additional information for each bank account.

External Accounts - Collection Methods


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Collection Methods

Associate different payment methods and collection options (for your receipts) with multiple bank accounts that you established with a particular bank.

Document Types


Click Document Type on the External Accounts - Collection Methods page.

Specify a document type for document sequencing for each draft event. The Receivable Update process (AR_UPDATE) uses this to create document sequence numbers.

Note. The Document Type link appears only if Draft is selected in the Payment Method field.

External Accounts - Payment Methods


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Payment Methods

Define the payment methods supported for an account, payment processing options, and EFT file attributes. For each account, you can enter multiple payment methods.

Document Sequence


Click Document Sequencing on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page.

Set up tracking of individual documents.

Note. To access this page, document sequencing must be enabled on the Treasury Options page at the business unit level.

Bank Account Draft ChartFields


Click Draft Status on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page.

Enter details about the draft account ChartFields.



Click Prenote on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page.

Indicate whether prenotification files (used in Federal Schedule Reconciliation) must be generated.

Define Layout Properties


Click the Define Layout Properties icon on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page.

Review and edit values defined for a specific electronic format.

External Accounts - Account Settlement


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Account Settlement

Associate settlement instructions with a bank account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining External Accounts Information

Access the External Accounts page (Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, External Accounts).

Bank Accounts


Select a branch. The branch determines the location of the account and the bank qualifier to use for bank account validation. Depending on the bank ID qualifier associated with the branch, you might need to specify a check digit for the account. Click the Bank Branch Information button to view and edit bank branch information.

GL Unit (general ledger unit)

Select the general-ledger business unit associated with this account.

RFC (regional finance center)

Enter the three-character value that identifies the RFC to be assigned to the summary payment file.

(USF) Sender DO (sender disbursing office)

Enter the U.S. federal government Intragovernmental Payment and Collection System (IPAC) Sender DO Symbol identifier for the agency that is sending the IPAC transaction. This five-character code is assigned by the U.S. Treasury to agencies enrolled in IPAC.

See (USF) Processing PeopleSoft Payables for U.S. Federal Agencies.

DFI Qualifier and DFI ID (depository financial institution qualifier) and DFI ID (depository financial institution ID)

Select the DFI qualifier and enter the associated DFI ID to identify the bank using its DFI ID. If you use intermediary routings, this bank represents the final bank into which funds are transferred. The DFI qualifier indicates the format—the number of characters and numerics—that is used in the bank's DFI ID. Each type has a specific number of digits that you can enter:

Transit Number: Enter exactly nine numerics, plus check digit calculation.

Swift ID: Enter 8 or 11 characters; positions 5 and 6 must be a valid two-character country code.

CHIPS ID: Enter three or four numerics for a CHIPS ID (CHIPS Participant ID).

CHIPS UID (CHIPS universal identification number): Enter six numerics for a CHIPS UID.

Canadian Bank Branch/Institute: No validation.

Mutually Defined: No validation.

IBAN Digit (International Bank Account Number digit)

This field and the View IBAN button appears only if the IBAN Enterable field is not selected on the IBAN Formats page. Define the account's IBAN for transmittal with other account information for the bank account. Enter the two-numeral check digit code for the country and click View IBAN. If the system successfully validates the check digit, the IBAN for this account appears, and the system stores the IBAN check digit on the BANK_ACCT_DEFN table.


Enter the IBAN. This field appears only if the IBAN Enterable field is selected on the IBAN Formats page.

Important! For a specified setID and bank ID, no two accounts should have the same bank account number.

See Understanding IBAN.

See Defining IBAN Formats.

Valid Account Currencies

Rate Type

Select the exchange rate type that expresses the value of one currency in terms of another.


Select the market rate index.

Currency Code

Click the Currencies button to access the Valid Currencies page, and designate multiple valid currencies and a single default currency for this external account.

Account Use

Select the appropriate check boxes to indicate which PeopleSoft applications use this account. This determines which Ledger Account ChartFields that you must establish.

Select the appropriate check box for the type of bank balance accounting used by this account.

Important! If you are setting up bank accounts for bank account transfer functionality, you must select the TR check box. Doing this creates a Cash ChartField for the bank account. The system requires a cash account ChartField active at the bank account level to display the account in the bank account transfer feature.

DD/AR Draft Cash Ctrl (direct debit/accounts receivable draft cash control)

Select to record cash prior to actually receiving the funds in a draft. Available for entry only when you've selected the AR or BI bank check box.

Selecting DD/AR Draft Cash Ctrl also generates the SQL object used to control ChartField inheritance for direct debits.

Drafts Payable

Available for entry only when you've selected the AP bank check box.

Cash Clearing

Available for entry only when you've selected the AR, AP,or TR bank check box. You must select this check box before you can select the Dep in Transit check box.

Stmt Accounting (statement accounting)

Available for entry only when you've selected the TR bank check box. Statement accounting makes particular ChartFields available so that you can map where fees and interest will go. This is important when you are installing Treasury to support bank reconciliation and Cash Management Bank Statement Accounting functionality, which supports generating accounting lines for fees and interest.

TRF Charge

Available for entry only when you've selected the AP bank check box.

Dep in Transit (deposits in transit)

Select to associate a Deposit in Transit account with this external bank account; the system adds the DIT-AR row to the Bank Account Types grid. You must first select the Cash Clearing check box to enable this check box.

Bank Account Ledger Types

This table displays the Bank Account Ledger Types that you must establish, depending on your selections in the Account Use group box. Enter the ChartField values to use for each account type.

Account Use

Required ChartFields

Drafts Payable ChartFields

Cash Clearing ChartFields

AR Draft Cash Control

Stmt Accounting ChartFields

TRF Charge by Vendor

Dep in Transit


Cash − AR










Cash − AP


Draft − AP

Control- AP



Bnk − Charge



Cash − AR




Draft − AR

Control − AR

Discount - AR



if selected











Cash − AP







Click to select ChartField inheritance options for a specified account type.

Previous in List and Next in List

Select to access the previous or next external account listed on the External Accounts search page.

Click to add a new external account to the system.

Note. You must specify the correct ChartField inheritance option combination to save the account information, depending on the Account Type options selected. Refer to the tables of valid inheritance option combinations listed in the Bank Account ChartField Inheritance section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Valid Currencies

Access the Valid Currencies page (click the Currencies icon on the External Accounts page).


Enter all valid currencies for the external account. Select the Default check box to indicate the default currency of the bank account.

The default currency drives certain PeopleSoft financial processes, such as reconciliation and transaction revaluation.

Generally, the default currency is the same as the associated General Ledger business unit currency. However, there can be situations where a bank account's specified default currency is different than that of the associated General Ledger Unit currency, depending on the system processing requirements.


Select a currency conversion rate type code.


Enter a market index rate from which to derive the defined currency conversion rate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining ChartField Inheritance Options

Access the ChartField Options page (click Edit Inheritance Options on the External Accounts page).

Select an inheritance option for each ChartField.

Always Inherit

The system uses ChartFields from the offsetting entry. Entries are either explicitly derived (entered by user) or derived by way of substitution (entered by the system at run time).

Do Not Inherit

Appears by default. You specify ChartField values on the External Accounts page.

Inherit Within Unit

The system uses ChartFields from the offsetting entry within the same business unit or the system uses the ChartField value specified on the External Accounts page for interunit transactions.

Use Unit Default

The business unit value appears by default from values specified on the Business Unit Option page, regardless of the offsetting transaction.

When you change inheritance from Do Not Inherit to another value, the specified ChartField appears as a read-only field on the External Accounts page. In the previous example, if you set the Department inheritance option to Always Inherit, the field is unavailable for entry on the External Accounts page.

See Also

Bank Account ChartField Inheritance for Education and Government

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Signatories

Access the Signatories page (Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Signatories).

Enter the name of the signatory and the monetary ceiling (the signatory limit) that the signatory can approve.

This page is for informational purposes only. The system does not generate a required activity for the signatory (for example, the signatory's electronic signature on a system-generated check). You can use this for reports or configurations that you want to add.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Account Contacts

Access the Contacts page (Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Contacts).

Contact ID

Click a contact link to access that person's financial contacts page.

Click the Bank Contact Notes button to enter notes for the contact on the Bank Contacts Notes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Information

Access the External Accounts - Account Information page (Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Account Information).

Holiday List ID

Displays the EFT calendar associated with this bank. This field is used by EFT payments for Treasury, Expenses, and Payables. Enter a value only if you intend to use EFT as a payment method. Because this field is at the bank level, you cannot have two accounts for the same bank with different holiday lists.

Account Information

Preferred Language

Select the preferred default language for the account.

Charge Bank and Charge Acct (charge account)

Select the bank and account that charges bank processing fees to this account, if applicable.

Remitter ID

Displays the remitter ID that the bank assigned to your account. This information is used by the receiving bank when you submit files by EFT.

Depending on your country and bank, you could also define a remitter ID in the Company Identification Number field of the EFT Options page for Payment Methods.

For French bank accounts, the Remitter ID field is used to store the French Numéro National d'émetteur (NNE) issued by the Banque de France. This information is required to issue direct debits in France and is used in processing the direct debits EFT layout, ETBDD.

Pool ID

If this account is pooled with other bank accounts, select a pool ID (defined on the Pool ID page).

See Defining Account Pooling.

Payment Information

Only Payables uses the information in the Payment Information group box.

Check# Len (check number length)

Enter the number of digits in your check number during check printing, to a maximum of 10 digits. For example, if a check number has four digits, the system prints only those four digits, justified to the left, padded with leading zeros. For example, if the check number length is 4, then check #27 is 0027.

Fract Rtg# (fractional routing number)

Displays the number that the system uses to route checks to the drawee institution if the MICR line is illegible. The bank's routing number is usually printed twice on a check: on the MICR line and in the upper right corner as a fraction, such as 11-35/1210.

Note. Both the routing number and the fractional routing number are assigned to the bank. In the U.S., the Rand McNally Corporation publishes these numbers, although they are actually assigned by the Routing Numbers Administrative Board of the American Bankers Association.

Payment Handling

Only Payables uses the information in the Payment Handling group box.


Select this check box to sort checks with large amounts during payment creation. Enter an amount in the Amount field to define the check amount that triggers an override. The payment handling code dictates the print order for these special checks. For example, if you specify an override limit of 50,000 USD with a handling code of HD, the system prints checks equal to or more than 50,000 USD in the sort sequence specified by the payment handling code.

You define handling codes on the Payment Handling Codes page. When adding new codes, leave gaps between numbers in the sort sequence so that you can easily add more codes as necessary. This table lists some handling codes that you may want to implement:

Handling Code


Sort Sequence


High Dollar Payment



Internal Distribution



Route to Purchasing



Regular Payments


PayCycle Amount Limits

This functionality is integrated with the Payables bank replacement functionality.

The system is not enabled for amount splitting. If a voucher amount exceeds the maximum amount per pay cycle or the maximum amount per payment, the entire voucher amount is derived from another account. For example, you establish that Bank Account 001 has a 50,000 USD maximum and Bank Account 002 has a 25,000 USD maximum. A 10-voucher group to be paid totals 51,000 USD. The first nine vouchers total 47,000 USD and are paid from Bank Account 001. The number 10 voucher totaling 4,000 USD is paid from Bank Account 002.

Note. You must first define valid currency codes for the account before you can define Paycycle Currency Code and Payment Currency Code values.

Maximum Amount Per Paycycle

Enter the maximum amount that may be paid from a bank account per pay cycle run, and specify a pay cycle currency code. If the pay cycle amount exceeds the maximum limit set here, the system switches to the specified replacement bank accounts to pay the remainder.

For example, the total pay cycle is 2,000,000 USD. You specify that:

  1. The system derives funds from Bank Account 01, to a maximum of 1,250,000 USD.

  2. The system then derives funds up to a maximum of 500,000 USD from Bank Account 02.

  3. The system then derives funds up to a maximum of 300,000 USD from Bank Account 03.

Maximum Amount Per Payment

Enter the maximum amount that may be paid for an individual amount out of a bank account. If the limit is exceeded, the payment program selects another bank.

Receipt Information

Only Receivables uses the information in the Receipt Information group box.

Deposit Type

Select the type of deposits that this account receives, and also indicate the associated Deposit Unit. This information tells you the nature of the deposit and varies according to record keeping practices. Deposit types might categorize regions in which you do business or might separate deposits by source of income. You must establish deposit types on the Deposit Type page before you can select one in this field.

Payment Predictor

Select to enable the Payment Predictor process (AR_PREDICT) to process the deposits and payments that this account receives. If you select Payment Predictor for a bank account, the system sets the Payment Predictor process as the default method to apply all payments received from that bank account. You can disable the Payment Predictor process for individual payments during deposit and payment entry.

Discount Evaluation Options

Payables uses the Discount Evaluation Rate feature. Processes (during pay cycle selection) on a federal invoice amount calculate money saved by taking an "early pay" vendor discount, versus money earned by interest accrued on the invoice amount to the full due date. You can specify the interest rate per account of a single bank. To enable interest accrual calculation, specify the interest rate and related information.

Interest Rate

Enter a percentage as a decimal.

Days in Year

Displays the number of days that the system uses to compute the annual effective discount rate specified by the vendor. The default value is 360.

See Also

Defining Account Pool Information

Processing Pay Cycles

Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Collection Methods

Access the External Accounts - Collection Methods page (Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Collection Methods).

External Accounts - Collection Methods page

Payment Information

Payment Method

Select the form of receipts reserved for a particular account. Options are:

  • Cash

  • Check

  • Credit Card

  • Direct Debit

  • Draft

  • Electronic Fund Transfer

  • Giro - EFT

  • Giro - Manual

If you select Direct Debit as the payment method, a Prenote Required check box appears. If you select this check box , the Create Direct Debit process in PeopleSoft Receivables creates a prenote that is sent to a customer's bank to confirm that the customer's account information is correct. The bank either confirms that the information is correct, or the prenote is automatically confirmed by the system after a specified number of days has elapsed.

If you select the Direct Debit payment method, the Electronic Layouts grid appears, where you can select an EFT (electronic file transmission) Layout to use for the direct debit transactions. If you select the Prenote Required check box and select an EFT Layout code, the system verifies that the EFT Layout is valid for use with direct debits with prenotes.

If you select the Draft payment method, and the bank account is assigned to a business unit that uses the document sequencing feature, you must set up document sequencing for draft processing. Click Document Type to specify the document types for each draft event.

Direct Debit Lead Time Days

Enter the days needed to process a direct debit payment. This field is used by PeopleSoft eBill Payments and PeopleSoft Receivables to determine the payment date. Payment Date is the day of the funds transfer. Payment Date will be usually defaulted to item due date, however, if the due date subtracted from the direct debit lead time days is less than the current date, then the item should have already been selected for processing. In this case, the payment date will be the current date plus the direct debit lead time days.

See Understanding the Set Up and Processing of Direct Debits with Prenotes.

Collection Options

The fields that are available vary based on the payment method that you select on this page.

Currency, Min Remit Amt (minimum remittance amount), and Draft Risk Days

If you select Draft as the payment method, complete these fields. The system populates the Currency field with the default currency for the bank account. The system uses this currency for the credit limit amount for discounted drafts and for the minimum remittance amount. You can change the currency, if necessary.

The Min Remit Amt field displays the minimum that the bank permits you to remit for discounted drafts. This value appears on the Draft Remittance worksheet.

The Draft Risk Days field displays the number of days after the draft due date that the bank waits to notify you that a customer failed to pay for a draft. The system uses this information to trigger due-date processing for a discounted draft. For example, if a draft is due on January 6, and the number of risk days is 3, the Receivable Update process generates the accounting entries for due-date processing on January 9.


Enter a notice period for direct debits. In various countries, the notice period is sometimes mandated by law. It may be contractually established by you with your customer, or it may be a courtesy that you extend as a reminder that you will be transferring funds from your customer's bank account in a specified number of days.

Clearing Method

Select a clearing method for this particular account, if you are using cash-control accounting. The timing of the cash-control entry (debiting cash and crediting the cash clearing or control account) depends on your selection. Options are:

Bank Recon (Reconciliation):You recognize the cash as received (that is, cash is debited) when the payment is reconciled on the bank statement. European countries frequently use this method.

Due Date: You recognize (debit) cash as received when payment is made. Most companies in the U.S. use the cash-control method.

None: You have not implemented cash-control accounting or you want cash to update when you remit the direct debit to the bank.

Discounted Draft Credit Limit

These fields are available only if you selected the Draft payment method.

Credit Limit

Enter the maximum amount that you have available with the bank account for discounted drafts. When you remit a draft, you see whether the customer has exceeded the credit limit on the Available Credit page.


Displays the date on which the bank account agreed to the credit limit.


Displays the date on which the bank plans to review the credit limit.

Value Date

A value date is a virtual date for a banking operation, generally not the real date for the operation. The practice of value date consists of recording a banking operation:

Value Date

Select to enable value dating for the bank account.

Value Date Days

Enter a value date (expressed as a positive or negative number) for the selected payment method.

Payment Cutoff Time

Enter the cutoff time, using AM or PM, or use the timestamp button to enter the current system time. Payments arriving by this time are processed by the bank that day. Payments arriving afterwards are processed on the next business day.

Holiday Processing Options

Holiday Options

Select the rules for the bank that the system uses to calculate the estimated settlement date for drafts and direct debits. Treasury Management uses this date for cash forecasting. It defines how to change the date when it falls on a bank holiday. You define holidays on the Business Calendar page, and then you assign a calendar to a bank account on the External Accounts - Account Information page. Options are:

Not Applicable: Does not change the estimated settlement date.

Pay After Holiday: Changes the estimated settlement date to a day after the holiday.

Pay Before Holiday: Changes the estimated settlement date to a day before the holiday.


Enter the number of days that you want to move the date to accommodate the holiday.

Allow due date in next month

If you select the Pay After Holiday option, select Allow due date in next month to allow the new estimated settlement date to be in the next month. If you do not select this option, the system adjusts the date to the last business day prior to the original date.

Electronic Layouts

This grid is available only if the payment method is Direct Debit or Draft. If draft is the specified payment method, then you can specify only one layout.

Default Flag

Select to make this layout the default layout for the specified payment method.

Send to Financial Gateway

Select to send the settlement through Cash Management's Financial Gateway. Only direct debits can be settled through Financial Gateway. If left unchecked, Pay Cycle Manager is used as the settlement method.

Note. Financial Gateway is a component of Cash Management. Therefore, you must have Cash Management installed on your system to make settlements using Financial Gateway.

EFT Layout Code (electronic file transfer layout)

Select an EFT file format.

Note. If you selected Direct Debit and the Required Prenote check box as the payment method, the system verifies that the EFT file format that you select here is valid for direct debit transactions with prenotes.

See Understanding the Set Up and Processing of Direct Debits with Prenotes.

Last File Number

Displays a sequence number used to uniquely identify payment files generated by the Receivables Collection Methods process. The system uses the last file number as part of the file name of the newly created payment file. It also automatically increases the last number by one to create the next file with a different file name. This prevents overwriting any other files.

Layout Options

Click to access the EFT Layout Codes and Details page. This icon is enabled only for layouts being settled through Pay Cycle Manager.

Define Layout Properties

Accesses a secondary page used for entering layout properties that are required by a particular bank. This field is available only if the settlement is processed through Cash Management's Financial Gateway.

Bank Integration Layouts

Accesses the Bank Integration Layouts page if the settlement is processed through Financial Gateway.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Draft Document Types

Access the Draft Document Types page (click Document Type on the External Accounts - Collection Methods page).


Displays the type of draft activity in the draft life cycle, such as draft remitted or draft created.


Select the posting action for the draft. Options are:

A (actual): Specify the document type for the actual draft business event.

D (dishonor): Specify the document type to use when you dishonor the draft after the business event.

Document Type

Displays the document type that the Receivables Update process uses to create the document sequence numbers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payment Methods

Access the External Accounts - Payment Methods page (Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Payment Methods tab).

Payment Information

Payment Method

Select a payment method, which determines the additional attributes that you specify on the page. Also, the links available on this page change depending on the selection.

For most of the payment methods, you must specify a form ID and last reference number in the Payment Form group box. Values are:

Automated Clearing House

Direct Debit

Draft-Customer EFT

Draft-Customer Initiated: (Bill of Order) You must also specify a form ID and last reference number.

Draft-Vendor Initiated: (Bill of Exchange)

Electronic Funds Transfer



Letter of Credit

Manual Check

System Check

Wire Transfer

Important! If you are establishing a payment method of ACH or EFT for U.S. federal payment formats for an employee, or a vendor , or both an employee and vendor, you must select specific ACH or EFT layouts, depending on the specified payment method.

  • With a Automated Clearing House Payment Method, you specify one of the following ACH layouts: CTX and CTX820FED.

  • With a Electronic Funds Transfer Payment Method, you specify either the ECSCHK (ECS Check), ECSVNDR (ECS Vendor), ECSTRVL (ECS Travel), SPDR (ECS Same day Payment Request), SF1166SCHCK (Bulk Check), SF1166VNDR (Bulk Vendor), or SF1166TRVL(Bulk Travel) layout.

Refer to the following section for a discussion of delivered federal ACH and EFT layouts and their use.

Note. When defining multiple payment methods for one bank account, you cannot define multiple Electronic Funds Transfer payment methods with different EFT layouts.

Note. The ETEBAC and ITAPYMT EFT layouts must be associated with the Electronic Funds Transfer payment method, not the Giro - EFT method.

Value Date

A value date is a virtual date for a banking operation, generally not the real date for the operation. The practice of value date consists of recording a banking operation:

Value Date

Select to enable value dating for the bank account.

Value Date Days

Enter a value date (expressed as a positive or negative number) for the selected payment method.

Payment Cutoff Time

Enter the cutoff time, using AM or PM, or use the timestamp button to enter the current system time.

Holiday Processing Options

Holiday Options

Select the rules for the bank that the system uses to calculate the estimated settlement date for drafts and direct debits. Treasury uses this date for cash forecasting. It defines how to change the date when it falls on a bank holiday. You define holidays on the Business Calendar page, and then you assign a calendar to a bank account on the External Accounts - Account Information page. Options are:

Not Applicable: Does not change the estimated settlement date.

Pay After Holiday: Changes the estimated settlement date to a day after the holiday. If you select this option, select Allow due date in next month to allow the new estimated settlement date to be in the next month. If you do not select this option, the system adjusts the date to the last business day prior to the original date.

Pay Before Holiday: Changes the estimated settlement date to a day before the holiday.


Enter the number of days that you want the date moved to accommodate the holiday.

Payment Options

Select check boxes in the Payment Options group box, if you selected Manual Check or System Check as the payment method.

Confirm Numbers

Select to activate the Confirm Payment Reference capability in the Pay Cycle Manager. This feature enables you to use prenumbered payment forms and to ensure that the check numbers and the system payment reference numbers agree. If they do not agree, you can renumber the system references to accurately mirror the printed forms.

Payment Schedule

For reconciliation of Federal Schedule ID payments, select this check box to generate the correct federal payment schedules for submission to the U.S. Treasury for payment.

Positive Payment

Select to enable the system to create a payment file for every pay cycle using this bank account. The system formats the file to the specifications of the positive payment form that you select. This file format is defined in the APY2055 Application Engine. We provide a default positive pay report called POS1. The Application Engine generates a positive payment form depending on whether a form is associated with the bank. Modifications to the form can be introduced to modifications of the Application Engine. The positive payment file provided is a text (.txt) document with no spacing between lines.

If you select this check box, you also must specify a value in the Positive Payment Form field in the Payment Form group box.

File Copy

Select to enable the Pay Cycle Manager to generate a duplicate set of checks for your files. Like Checks, this method uses a Crystal report form that must match the form ID. For instance, you can specify Crystal report Copy 1 as a file copy form.

If you select this check box, you also must specify a value in the File Copy Form field in the Payment Form group box.

Document Sequencing

This link is available if this bank belongs to a GL business unit that is set up for document sequencing. Click to access the Document Sequencing page to assign the default document types for each payment method.


Click to access the Prenotification page, and indicate that the system must generate Federal Schedule ID prenotification files.

Draft Status

Click to access the Bank Account Draft ChartFields page and define Draft ChartFields.

Payment Form

Last Ref Number (last reference number)

Select the check reference that Payables uses when printing payments. The system increments this number for each payment that it makes on the specified bank account. The system also increments this number when you record a manual payment for this account.

Form ID

Enter a form ID, which defines the payment layouts for your ACH, system check, wire transfer, customer draft, and EFT files. Payables has predefined forms: CHECK1 - 3, EFT1 and EFT2, and WIRE1. You specify which payment forms to use for a bank account. If you do not set up a specific form before you define your banks, you can use one of the defaults and adapt it later.

Note. Do not enter a form ID for manual checks or vendor drafts.

Positive Payment Form

Enter a pay form if the Positive Payment check box is selected.

File Copy Form

Enter a form is the File Copy check box is selected.

Electronic Layouts

This table lists the payment methods that can be used for making settlements using Pay Cycle Manager or Financial Gateway. The Electronic Layouts grid appears only for the payment methods listed in the table:

Payment Method

Settle Through Method

Automated Clearing House


Direct Debit

Financial Gateway only

Electronic Funds Transfer


Giro - EFT

Pay Cycle Manager only

Wire Transfer


Note. Financial Gateway is a component of Cash Management. Therefore, you must have Cash Management installed on your system to make settlements using Financial Gateway.

Default Flag

Select to make this layout the default layout for the specified payment method.


Select an EFT file layout. This field is uneditable if Wire Transfer is the selected payment method.

Layout Options

Click to access the EFT Layout Codes and Details page. This icon is enabled only for layouts settled through Pay Cycle Manager.

Define Layout Properties

Accesses a secondary page used for entering layout properties that are required by a particular bank. Only available if the settlement is processed through Financial Gateway.

Bank Integration Formats

Accesses the Bank Integration Formats page if the settlement is processed through Financial Gateway.

See Also

Managing EFT File Layouts

Defining ACH Layouts

Reconciling Federal Schedule ID Payments

Specifying Payment Form Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Document Sequence Types

Access the Document Sequence page (click Document Sequencing on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page).

Document Type

Displays the document type that the system uses to assign document sequence numbers.

Manual Document Type

Displays the default document type on pages where you specify the document sequence number manually.

See Understanding Document Sequencing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Bank Account Draft ChartFields

Access the Bank Account Draft ChartFields page (click Draft Status on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page).

Accounting Template

To create balanced accounting entries, select one of the templates that you defined on the Accounting Entry Template page.

Enter the appropriate ChartField values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining EFT Options for Payment Methods

Access the EFT Options page (click the Layout Options icon on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page).

Originating DFI ID (originating depository financial institution ID)

(Optional) Displays the DFI ID of the bank issuing the specified payment method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Defining Prenotification

Access the Prenotification page (click Prenote on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page).

Select Prenotification Required. This generates the correct prenotification files used in Federal Schedule ID reconciliation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Layout Properties

Access the Define Layout Properties page (click the Define Layout Properties icon on the External Accounts - Payment Methods page).

Note. Contact your system administrator before editing any fields on this page. The system displays layout values defined on the Layout Catalog and Layouts pages that normally do not need to be changed.

See Also

Configuring Bank Statement, Payment, and Payment Acknowledgment Layouts

Defining Bank Integration Layouts for Payments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Settlement Information

Access the Account Settlement page (Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Account Settlement tab).


Select the settlement instructions to use for this account, if you selected the TR check box in the Account Use group box on the External Accounts page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Internal Account Information

To define internal accounts, use the Internal Accounts component (BANK_INTERNAL_GBL).

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Internal Accounts in PeopleSoft

Internal accounts are specific to PeopleSoft treasury management functionality. In Cash Management, they are used for internal funds transfers (transfers between internal bank accounts). In Deal Management, you use internal accounts with the On Behalf of Deals functionality.

When processing external bank transfers, the system also automatically generates internal account accounting entries for external business units indirectly related through internal business units. For a detailed explanation of this functionality, see the Processing Bank Account Transfers section in the PeopleSoft Cash Management 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Processing Bank Account Transfers

Performing In-House Banking Activities

Understanding On-Behalf-Of Deals

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

For internal accounts, you must:

  1. Define internal banks using the Bank Information page.

  2. Designate one internal bank as the corporate treasury bank.

    Select the Corporate Treasury check box (on the Bank Information page) for one of the counterparties as the account servicer. You must create a corporate treasury bank to set up internal accounts.

  3. Define internal account information using the Internal Account pages.

    You can establish internal accounts between two internal banks as long as one of the internal banks is specified as a Corporate Treasury.

See Defining Bank Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Internal Account Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Internal Accounts - Account Information


Banking, Bank Accounts, Internal Accounts, Account Information

Maintain balances and transfer amounts among the business units within your enterprise, with one or more treasury units serving as an in-house bank.

Generate Schedules


  • Click Generate Schedule on the Internal Accounts - Account Information page.

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Treasury, Generate Schedules

Generate interest accrual schedules.

Internal Accounts - Chartfields


Banking, Bank Accounts, Internal Accounts, ChartFields

Enter both the account servicer's (treasury's) and the account owner's (business unit's) ChartField and account number information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Internal Accounts

Access the Internal Accounts - Account Information page (Banking, Bank Accounts, Internal Accounts, Account Information).

There are two perspectives for each internal account: the view from the account owner's side (the business unit's perspective) and the view from the account servicer's side (the treasury's perspective). You must define both banks as internal banks, and define at least one bank as a corporate treasury.

Account Information

Account # (account number)

Displays the bank account number assigned by the system.

Default Account

Select to set this account as your default internal account.

Accrue Interest

Select to accrue interest on this account. You can run interest accruals on the Interest Accruals page. You can view your interest accruals on the Internal Account Activity page.

Interest Accrual Information

Schedule ID

If you specified that this account accrues interest, select a schedule ID to indicate how often interest accrues.

Credit Rate Index and Debit Rate Index

Enter both debit and credit rate index information, which is required to run interest accrual calculation and interest schedule generation processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Interest Accrual Schedules

Access the Generate Schedule page (click Generate Schedule on the Internal Accounts - Account Information page, or, select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Treasury, Generate Schedules).

Create Schedule

Click to create the interest accrual schedule for the internal account, using the start date and end date that you enter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining ChartFields for Internal Accounts

Access the Internal Accounts - Chartfields page (Banking, Bank Accounts, Internal Accounts, ChartFields).

Account Display Options

Display Servicer's Version

Select to view or modify ChartFields for the servicer.

Display Owner's Version

Select to view or modify ChartFields for the owner.

Cash Account ChartFields

Select a cash account ChartField for both the servicer's version and the owner's version.

Important! To properly book internal account transfer activity between the servicer and owner, you must specify General Ledger cash account ChartFields for all internal accounts. Doing this ensures that the system creates the necessary accounting entries and events, and updates the appropriate system tables and internal ledger accounts. In addition, if you selected the Accrue Interest check box on the Internal Accounts - Account Information page, you must enter ChartFields to create transactional accounting entries for the servicer and owner.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Netting Accounts

To define netting bank accounts, use the Netting Accounts component (BANK_PNLNET_GBL).

Use the TR_NETTING_ACCOUNTS_CI component interface to load data into the Netting Accounts tables.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Netting Accounts

Page Name

Definition Name



Netting Accounts


Banking, Bank Accounts, Netting Accounts

Set up netting accounts for a bank.

Netting Accounts - Valid Currencies


Click the Currencies icon on the Netting Accounts page.

Define all the valid currencies for a netting bank account, both default currency and secondary currencies. For nets involving multicurrency processing, you must define these values for the automatic multicurrency netting adjustment process.

Netting Accounts - Payment Methods


Banking, Bank Accounts, Netting Accounts, Payment Methods

Set up payment methods for a netting account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Netting Accounts

Access the Netting Accounts page (Banking, Bank Accounts, Netting Accounts).

If you selected Netting as the bank type, you use the Netting Accounts component to set up the bank account. This component is similar to the External Accounts component, except that it includes only three pages: Netting Accounts, Valid Currencies, and Payment Methods.

See Also

Defining External Accounts Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Valid Currencies for Netting Accounts

Access the Netting Accounts - Valid Currencies page (click the Currencies icon on the Netting Accounts page).

Define the default currency for the netting bank account.

If you use this netting bank account in multicurrency nets, also define all necessary "convert into" currencies. This ensures that the automatic multicurrency netting adjustment process correctly calculates the associated accounting entries. In the example, note the bank account is a Japanese bank defined with Japanese yen (JPY) as the default valid currency and U.S. dollars (USD) as a second valid currency.

See Also

Defining Valid Currencies

Processing Multicurrency Nets