Analyzing Bids and Awarding Events

This chapter provides overviews of bid analysis and event awards, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Bid Analysis

After you have received bids in response to sourcing events, you can begin the bid analysis process. This process may include:

PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing enables you to analyze responses from bidders.

You can analyze bids at any time during an event, or you can wait until it ends. In the case of a sealed RFx event, you must wait until the end of the event to analyze and award the event. If the event is an RFx event, you can change weightings to test what-if scenarios to determine how changing the weighting of bid factors affects the bidders' scores.

When analyzing events, you can sort the information using different criteria. For example, you can sort by highest score, lowest price, or lowest total cost to display the best bid.

You can filter out identical bid factor responses during bid analysis. This enables you to expedite the analysis and negotiation processes by viewing only those bid factor responses that differ across all the bidders.

When the event closes, evaluate the bid responses and award the event to the best bidder or bidders. PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing enables you to break down awards to the line level and award by quantity or by percentage to one or more bidders per line.

If you are using constraints, these constraints can automatically default onto events and are used during the optimization process to determine an ideal award allocation, while adhering to the constraints. Edits are also performed when awards are posted to check that mandatory constraints are adhered to. This ensures that sourcing business policies are followed. You can also calculate the cost of a constraint to determine the financial impact of business policies as well as see the progress to date for global and business unit constraints.

If you are using the optimization tool, you can also request that the system recommend an ideal award based on lowest price, lowest cost, or highest score. You can compare different recommended awards to see how the award allocation differed.

See Optimizing Strategic Sourcing Event Awards.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Event Awards

Once you have analyzed bids and selected the best bid, PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing enables you to award the winning bid. This diagram illustrates the process flow for a buy event from determining the winner to creating a purchase order or contract:

Awarding buy sourcing events process flow

To award buy events:

  1. The buyer determines the winner and finalizes the award.

  2. The buyer determines whether the award results in a contract or a purchase order if awarding a buy event.

  3. The system creates a purchase order or a contract.

  4. The system informs the winning and outbid bidders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAward Splitting

You can split awards among bidders in two ways:

Note. If any of the lines on the event are amount-only, then you cannot split the award between bidders.

Award Splitting Rules

There are several rules impacting award splitting:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiversion Events

As soon as you post a new version of an event, the old version is no longer available for bidding. Therefore, the current version is always the version analyzed. If bid factors were added to a version, the system shows all the bids, but only the bids received on the most recent version include responses to the new bid factor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiround Events

Multiround events are usually used for RFx events, when an event creator wants to start with a large pool of bidders and create another round with the most desirable bidders to continue negotiations. You counter entire bids or bid lines to create a new round. Optionally, you can reject bids that won't be carried forward to the next round and select a reason for the rejection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRFIs

When an RFI event ends, its status is Pending RFI Review. The event owner can then review the RFI responses. For RFI events, the system displays only the Analyze RFI page with header information because there is no line information. Once the event owner has reviewed all of the RFI responses, the event owner sets the status to RFI Reviewed. This is the equivalent of the Awarded event status for buy and sell events.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEvent Awards from Consolidated Requisitions

If the system consolidates an event from requisitions across multiple PeopleSoft Purchasing business units, upon award, the system creates one purchase order for each Purchasing business unit associated with the consolidated requisitions. You can view the entire history of this event, from requisition through event creation and purchase order creation, using the Auction Document Status page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAwards for Quantity Optional Events

If a line is marked as quantity optional, bidders are not required to enter the quantity for that bid. Quantity optional bids are awarded by percentage, and the system updates the purchase order or contract to indicate the item is amount-only. When you award a quantity optional line, the award quantity is automatically set to one.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalysis Collaboration

Collaborators can be invited to collaborate on the analysis of received bids once an event has ended. If collaborators participated in event creation collaboration, they are included on the collaborator list for bid analysis collaboration. Collaborators can enter scores to hidden bid factors, change bid factor weightings (if a non-auction event), manually score text based responses, and enter costs for text bid factors and bid factors that are marked as having user-defined costs. The system calculates an average score and cost based on the input of all the collaborators.

See Also

Collaborating on Event Analysis

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Sort Bids By

On both the Analyze Total page and the Analyze Line page, you can sort the bids to display responses by Bidder Name, Header Cost, Header Score, Total Bid Amount, Total Cost, or Total Event Score.

Display Options

Select a display value:

  • View Factor Costs: Select to view the bid factor costs when analyzing bids.

  • View Factor Responses: Select to view the bid factor responses when analyzing bids.

  • View Factor Scores: Select to view the bidder's scores for each bid factor when analyzing bids.

View Bid Actions

Select any of these sourcing event actions to view when analyzing bids:

  • All Bid Actions: To include all bids.

  • Award: To award the event to the selected bidder.

  • Counter: To invite the bidder to the next round of the event.

  • Disallow: To disallow the bid and remove it from the event.

    This is used in situations such as when a bidder has made an erroneous bid on an auction event and the bidder's bid needs to be canceled

  • Reject: To reject but not disallow the bid.

    The system notifies the bidder that the bid was not accepted. This is used in situations with multiround events when a bid is not being carried forward to the next round.

  • <No Action>

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Bids

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Creating and Using Bid Factors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Analyze Bids

Page Name

Definition Name



Analyze Total


  • Click an event link on the Manage Events page.

  • Sourcing, Maintain Events, Analyze Events

Review each bidder's overall bid and score. Also review RFI responses.

Note. PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing enforces rules for various types of events. If the event is a sealed event, you cannot access the Analyze pages before the event end date.

Event Bid Factors


Click the Add/Edit Bid Factors button on the Analyze Total page.

Add or modify header bid factors during analysis to see how various factors and weightings affect the final scoring.

Score Text Bid Factors


Click the Text Bid Factor Score button on the Analyze Line page.

Manually score text bid factor responses and incorporate this score into the total score. You can also optionally manually enter a cost associated with the text based response.

Pick List Bid Factor


Click the List Bid Factor button on the Analyze Line page.

Analyzers and collaborators respond to hidden list bid factors.

Response Factor Comments/Attachments


Click the Comments button associated with each bid factor.

View comments and attachments associated with the response factor.

Bidder's Unit of Measure


Click the Bid Unit of Measure button.

View the unit of measure conversion associated with the bidder.

Vendor Information


Click the linked bidder name on the Analyze Total page or the Analyze Line page.

View bidder details, such as contact and address information.

Edit Reason Code Details


Click the Reason Details button that appears after you have disallowed or rejected a bid or line.

Edit comments associated with a reason code. These comments are added to the rejection or disallow notifications sent to bidders if you selected the Email Comments check box.

Response Header Comments/Attachments


Click the Header Comments button on the Analyze Total page.

View header comments and attachments for each bidder.

Header Bid Factor List


Click the Bid Factor List Items button on the Analyze Total page.

View list bid factors and their weightings.

Bid Analysis Export


Click the Go To Analyze Export link.

Export and email bid data for offline analysis.

Associate Planning Task


Click the Go To Associate Planning Task link.

Associate sourcing project plan tasks to a sourcing event

Discussion Forums


Click the Go To Discuss Event in Forum link.

Discuss the event in a discussion forum.

Document Status Inquiry


Click the Go To Document Status Inquiry link.

View the history of an event, including the status of a document associated with an event, such as requisitions copied into an event and the purchase orders or contracts that were awarded from the event.

Header Comments and Attachments


Click the Go To Header Comments link on the Analyze Total page.

Enter award comments and attachments to include in the award.

Header Standard Comments


Click the Standard Comments link on the Header Comments and Attachments page.

Enter default standard comments to appear in the award header.

Event Collaboration Details


Click the Go To Invite Collaborators link on the Analyze Total page.

Invite collaborators to participate in analyzing bids.

Find Collaborators


Click the Find Collaborators link on the Invite Collaborators page.

Search for collaborators and select those you want to collaborate on an event.

Recommend Award


Click the Go To Recommend Award link on the Analyze Line or Analyze Total page.

Use the optimization engine to recommend an award.

This option is available only if the Use Optimization Engine to Recommend Award option is selected on the Sourcing Installations page.

Analyze Line


Click the Analyze Line link in the Analyze Events component.

Review each bidder's bid for each line item in the event.

Price Component Detail


Click the Price Component Detail button on the Analyze Line page.

View price component detail entered by each collaborator.

Line Bid Factor Comments


Click the Line Bid Factor Comments button on the Analyze Line page.

View comments associated with bid factors.

Line Bid Factor List


Click the Bid Factor List Items button on the Analyze Line page.

View weightings for bid factor lists.

Item Description


Click the item description link on the Analyze Line page.

View a detailed description of the item associated with the selected line.

Line Comments and Attachments


Click the Line Comments button on the Analyze Line page.

Insert comments or attach files that relate to the line item. You can display the comments and attachments to the bidders.

Multi-Round Bid Factor History


Click the View Bid History button on the Analyze Total page. This button appears only if the event includes multiple rounds.

View bid factor history for multiround events.

Price Break Details


Click the View Price Breaks button on the Analyze Line page.

View the price break adjustments during bid analysis.

Price Component Detail


Click the View Price Component Detail button on the Analyze Line page.

For events requiring price component detail, view the bidder's price component entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Bids

Access the Analyze Total page (Sourcing, Maintain Events, Analyze Events).

Round to View

For multiround events, select the event round that you want to view.

Header Weighting

(Optional) Enter a default weighting for how the header score is weighted in relation to the total score.

Display Delta Responses

Select to filter out the bid factors that have identical responses from all of the bidders and highlight only those bid factors that have different responses.

Display Disqualified Bids

Click to include bids that you have marked as erroneous and canceled.

Display Withdrawn Bidders

Click to include bidders that have withdrawn from bidding.


Click to analyze bids and to view bid factor information based on sort and display options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Bid Factors

You can add bid factors during analysis for RFx and RFI events to see how various factors and weightings affect the final scoring. You can do this from the Analyze Total page or the Analyze Line page, depending on whether you are adding a header bid factor or a bid factor for a line item.

To add bid factors during analysis:

  1. Access the appropriate page, either the Analyze Total page or the Analyze Line page, depending on the bid factor that you are adding.

  2. Click Add/Edit Bid Factors to access the Event Bid Factors page.

  3. Add the bid factor or factors to consider, and set their weightings.

    For example, you might enter the bid factor Working Relationship with Bidder.

  4. Click the OK button to set the bid factor and return to the Analyze Total page or the Analyze Line page.

  5. Enter an answer for the bid factor.

    For example, for the bid factor Working Relationship with Bidder, you would enter an evaluation of each bidder; for instance, an 8 for one bidder and a 2 for another.

  6. Click the Recalculate button to score the event with the new bid factor in the equation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExporting Bid Analysis Data

Access the Bid Analysis Export page (Click the Go To Analyze Export link).

To create a bid analysis export:

  1. Enter the email addresses of those you want to receive the export.

  2. Click the Create Analysis Export button.

    At this point, the system saves the Analyze Events pages and initiates a process to create the Bid Analysis Export file and email the data to the designated recipients.

  3. Once you receive the email, open the XML attachment in Microsoft Excel.

    This report displays the total price, score, and cost information for each bidder. You can use Excel 2002 or Excel XP to view the information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Events Linked in Lots

Access the Analyze Total page.

Lots apply only to auction events.

Next Lot

Click to access the next event in the lot in a new window.

Previous Lot

Click to access the previous event in the lot in a new window.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Multiround Events

Access the Analyze Total page (Sourcing, Maintain Events, Analyze Events).

For a multiround event, the system automatically displays the current round and version, and you can move between rounds by clicking the Round to View button on the Analyze Total, Analyze Line, Analyze Summary, or Award Details page. If the business unit is set to award previous rounds, you can select a previous round for award. You can also view the bid history for all rounds on the Multi-Round Bid History page.

See Also

Defining Strategic Sourcing Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCountering Bids

Access the Analyze Total page (Sourcing, Maintain Events, Analyze Events).

To counter bids and create a new round:

  1. For each bidder that you want to counter, change the value in the Bid Action field to Counter.

  2. Change the value in the Bid Action field to Reject for any bidders that you don't want to include in the next round.

    You can select a reject reason code for why the bid is not being carried forward to the next round, and you can enter comments and email the comments to the rejected bidders so that they know why their bids were rejected.

  3. Select Create New Round in the Go To menu.

The system opens the Event Details page in a new window, provides the existing event ID including the event data, and increments the round number by 1. The bidders that you countered are listed on the Invite Bidders page. The system also takes the best bid factor values of the countered bidders and that becomes the worst bid factor value for the next round.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisallowing Bids

In general, you disallow a bid during auction events to correct a bid that was erroneously entered. For example, the bidder could have made a typo in the bid price. Rejecting is typically used for RFx events to indicate that the rejected bid is not being carried forward to the next round.

To disallow a bid from the Analyze Total page:

  1. Navigate to the Analyze Total page, and select Disallow from the Award Event options.

  2. Select a reject reason code that indicates why the bid is being disallowed.

  3. View and update the comments related to the selected reason code and indicate whether the comments should be included in the email notification to the bidder.

The system sets the bid status to Disallowed, recalculates scores to exclude the disallowed bid, and sends the bidder an email notification indicating that the bid was disallowed. Also, the disallowed bid no longer appears on the Event Bid History page.

Click to jump to parent topicAwarding Events

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Award Events

Page Name

Definition Name



Analyze Total


Sourcing, Maintain Events, Analyze Events

Award the bid as a total event or a percentage of the event.

Review Constraints


Click the Review Constraints link from the Review Award Recommendation page.

Review event level constraints.

Review Line Constraints


Click the Yes or No link for a selected line from the Review Constraints page.

Review line level constraints.

Review Award Recommendations


Click the Review Award Recommendation link from the Analyze Events page.

Note. This link is available only if you are using the optimization tool and have run the optimization process.

Review recommendations for awarding the event.

See Optimizing Strategic Sourcing Event Awards.

See Reviewing a Summary of the Award.

Header Comments


Click the Header Comments link on the Analyze Total page.

Enter comments to send to the bidder or to include in the award. You can also view attachments and include them in the award.

Header Bid Factor List


Click the Bid Factor List Items button on the Analyze Total page.

View header bid factor lists.

Analyze Line (summary)


Click the Analyze Line link on the Analyze Total page.

Award the bid according to line items.

Analyze Line (bids by line item)


Click the Analyze link for a line item on the Analyze Line (line summary) page.

View bid detail for multiple bidders by line item.

Award Summary


Click the Award Summary link on the Analyze Total page.

Review the award summary by line item.

Event Line Defaults


Click the Schedule Defaults link on the Award Summary page.

Review or change default shipping information.

Award Schedules


Click the Shipping button for the relevant line item on the Award Summary page.

Schedule shipping information.

Ship to Detail


Click the Select link on the Award Schedules page.

Look up ship to location information, and apply it to the award schedule.

Award Details


Select the Award Details tab on the Analyze Total page.

Review the award details and post the award.

Bidder Information


Click the link for the bidder on the Analyze Total page or the Analyze Line page.

Review the bidder details, such as contact and address. For vendors and customers, you can select a different contact or address for the award.

Auction Document Status


Click the Document Status Inquiry link on the Award Details page.

View procurement documents associated with this award.



Click the linked awarded contract ID on the Award Details page.

Create and maintain contracts.

Purchase Order


Click the linked awarded purchase order ID on the Award Details page.

Create and maintain purchase orders.

Award PO List (award purchase order list)


Click the Award PO List link on the Award Details page.

View all the purchase orders associated with an award.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAwarding the Bid as a Total Event or Percentage of the Event

Access the Analyze Total page (Sourcing, Maintain Events, Analyze Events).

Note. Entries that you make on the Analyze Total page override entries that you made on the Analyze Line pages. Similarly, entries on the Analyze Line pages override entries on the Analyze Total page.

Click to add an award for an event. The system takes you to the Award Summary page and displays the quantity remaining to be awarded for a line.

This button is available only if you have partially awarded an event or line and have remaining quantities to be awarded.

Award by Percent

Enter amounts under the bidders' names to split the event among bidders. The percentage amounts must total no more than 100 (but they can be less than 100 if you do not sell or buy the entire quantity proposed in the event).

The Analyze Total page and the Analyze Line page update each other. That is, if you select the Award option for a particular bidder on one page, the check boxes on the other page are also selected for those items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAwarding the Bid According to Line Items

Access the Analyze Line (summary) page (Click the Analyze Line link on the Analyze Total page).

Access the Analyze Line (bids by line item) page (Click the Analyze link for a line item on the Analyze Line summary page).

Note. Entries that you make on the Analyze Line pages override entries that you made on the Analyze Total page. Likewise, entries on the Analyze Total page override entries on the Analyze Line pages.

Line Information

Display Disqualified Bids

Select to display bids that have been disqualified. If the bid has been disqualified, the user isn't able to award to the bidder; therefore, the system changes the award quantities and percentages to read-only.


Bid Quantity and Minimum Bid Quantity

System displays values entered by the bidder. This assists the event creators if they are making awards manually.

If the bidder does not enter a minimum bid quantity, the system applies a value of 0 that indicates that the bidder will accept any award quantity.

Award by Percent

Enter amounts below the bidders' names to split the event among bidders. The percentage amounts must total no more than 100 percent, but the amounts can be less than that if you do not sell or buy the entire quantity proposed in the event. Note that the percent awarded cannot exceed the quantity bid for a selected bidder.

Award Quantity

Enter a quantity below the bidders' names to split the event among bidders. The amounts must total no more than the event's stated amount, but the amounts can be less than the stated amount if you do not sell or buy the entire quantity proposed in the event. Note that the quantity awarded cannot exceed the quantity bid for a selected bidder.

Note. You must enter either the award percent or the award quantity, but not both.

If any lines are associated with amount-only requisitions, then you cannot split them among bidders. You must award the entire line (100 percent) to one bidder.


Bid Unit of Measure

If the bidder can submit a bit using an alternate unit of measure, the page displays the (original) line unit of measure and the bidder's alternate unit of measure.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Constraints

Access the Review Constraints page (Click the Review Constraints link on the Review Award Recommendation page).


If there are any event constraints, you can view them here. If you want to add constraints to the event, use this group box.

Note. You can add event constraints if the event has been posted but not yet awarded.

Constraint Code

Select the constraint that you want to add to the sourcing event. If constraints were added during event creation, those constraints appear.

You can add additional constraints by selecting from predefined constraints or creating an ad hoc constraint that is event specific by entering a unique constraint code.


Select a value to indicate if you want the constraint to be considered when awarding. Values are:

  • Apply: If you select this value, an award is recommended by the optimization engine or manually posted, and the constraint is validated against the award to ensure that it is adhered to.

  • Ignore: If you select this value, this constraint is not considered by the optimization engine nor is it validated against when posting an award.

Sourcing Objective

Select a value:

  • Target Goal: If you are not using the optimization engine, the system checks to ensure that the awarded quantities do not violate any of the award constraints.

    If the constraint is violated, the user receives a warning message during award posting. The user may elect to continue with the award or cancel the award posting.

    If you are using the optimization engine, it recommends an award based on the target goal for the event.

  • Mandatory Goal: If you are not using the optimization engine, the system checks to ensure that the awarded quantities do not violate any of the mandatory constraints.

    If the constraint is violated and the user does not have authority to override mandatory constraints, the user isn't allowed to post the award. If the user has authority to override mandatory constraints, the user receives a warning message during award posting. The user may elect to continue with the award or cancel the award posting.

    If you are using the optimization engine, it recommends an award based on the mandatory goal for the event.

See Optimizing Strategic Sourcing Event Awards.


Select a value to prioritize the importance of a constraint:

  • 1 - Not Important

  • 2 - Less Important

  • 3 - Important (default value)

  • 4 - Very Important

  • 5 - Critical: The default value for all mandatory constraints.

Note. This field is used with the Sourcing Objective field. Constraints with a high priority are factored first by the optimization engine when determining an award.

Line Constraints

Click Yes in the Constraints column to view line-level constraints. You can also add additional constraints. If No appears in the column, then there are currently no constraints for the line.

Note. You can only add constraints if the event is not yet awarded.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing a Summary of the Award

Access the Award Summary page (Click the Award Summary link on the Award Details page).

Note. Some fields on this page do not appear until you have entered award data on either the Analyze Total page or the Analyze Line pages.

Awarded Quantity

Displays the award quantity that you specified on the Analyze Line page.

Add Award for Selected Bidder

Select a bidder and click to add a new row and enter an award quantity for that bidder. Once an award has been posted for a bidder, you must make any subsequent awards for the round to the same bidder through this process.

Line Status

Displays whether the line is available for additional award if there is a remaining quantity. Values are:

  • O (Open): The line is still available for award. If any lines are open, the overall event status cannot be Awarded.

  • C (Closed): The line is no longer available for award. If the awarded line quantity equals the event line quantity, the line status is Closed.

    If the awarded line quantity is less than the event line quantity and the line status is set to Closed, the remaining quantity is not available for award.

    Lines that have been closed with a remaining quantity can be reopened by setting the line to Open. The event status is updated to Pending Award.

    If all lines have a status of Closed, and at least a portion of the event has been awarded, the overall event status is Awarded.

    If all lines have a status of Closed, and none of the lines have been awarded, the overall event status is Not Awarded.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Shipment Schedules

Access the Award Schedules page (Click the Shipping button for the relevant line item on the Award Summary page).

Enter the following required values:

Physical Nature

Select to specify the nature of the event. Options are Good and Service. The system uses the value to calculate value-added tax (VAT) by differentiating between goods and services. This is required only for buy events. This value is based on the item or item category, but you can override it.

Where Performed

Select to indicate where a service is most often performed. This field becomes available when you select Service as the physical nature. Options are Buyer's, Ship From, Ship To, or Supplier's. This is required only for buy events. This value is based on the item or item category, but you can override it.

Award Quantity

Displays the same distribution ratio as the awarded quantity. For example, suppose that the original line item has a quantity of 100, Schedule 1 is awarded a quantity of 75 (or 75 percent), and Schedule 2 is awarded a quantity of 25 (or 25 percent). The awarded quantity is 75. Consequently, the Schedule 1 award quantity is 56 (75 percent of 75), and the Schedule 2 award quantity is 19 (25 percent of 75).

Note. If the line was awarded with a decimal quantity, the award quantity displays the decimal.

If requisitions are associated with an event and you are partially awarding the event, the requisitions are filled based on the requisition schedule due dates. The schedules with the earliest due dates are filled first.

Click to jump to parent topicPosting Awards

There are two types of events:

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Post Awards

Page Name

Definition Name



Award Details


Click the Award Details link on the Analyze Total page.

Review the award details, select whether award is a purchase order or a contract, and post the award.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Award Details

Access the Award Details page (Select Award Event in the Go To drop down list box on the Analyze Total page).

Bidders can view award details when the event status is awarded and you deselect the Display Bids check box on the Award Details page.

The system provides these settings as a default based on selections on the Strategic Sourcing Installation Options page.

Award Details

Award Type

Select the type of award to be used: Purchase Order, Single Release PO Contract, PO Contract, and General Contract.

Note. The types of award available are determined by selections on the User Preferences - Sourcing page.

If any event lines are associated with amount-only requisitions, then you must select Purchase Order or General Contract.

If you selected the Include on Contract option for the bid factors, then the system includes those clauses and agreements on the awarded contract.

If there are no agreements associated with the bid factors, then you can create an ad hoc agreement on the contract for each bid factor marked Include on Contract. An ad hoc agreement is valid only for the awarded contract and is not available for any other contracts.

See Specifying Bid Factor Attributes.

Show Award Details to Bidders

Display bids

Select to display the award details to bidders.

Display all bids

Select to display all bids to bidders. If not selected, only the awarded bids appear.

Display bid scores

Select to display the bid scores to bidders.

Display bids total bid price

Select to display the total bid price for each bid.

Display factors

Select to display bid factor responses to bidders.

Award Lines

This section displays the award information based on the bidder's unit of measure. If the bidder submitted a bid using an alternate unit of measure, the award information reflects the alternate unit of measure information, such as unit of measure, award quantity, amount, and extended price based on the bidder's unit of measure.

See Also

Defining Strategic Sourcing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Awards

Access the Award Details page (Select Award Event in the Go To drop down list box on the Analyze Total page).

To create a purchase order or contract:

  1. Select the type of award to be used: Purchase Order, Single Release PO Contract, PO Contract, and General Contract.

    Note. The types of award available are determined by selections on the User Preferences - Sourcing page.

    The system provides the Buyer and Terms as a default from the Header Details page. If no buyer is set on the Header Details page, the system checks to see if the user posting the award is a buyer and provides that value as a default. If the user is not a buyer, then the user must select a buyer before posting the award.

    See Defining Header Details.

  2. Select a Purchasing business unit to post the award.

    However, if requisitions are associated with the event and the requisitions are across multiple Purchasing business units, the system uses those Purchasing business units to create the related purchase order awards.

  3. Click the Post Award button.

    The system enables the Post Award button only if you granted the user such authority on the User Preferences page.

    See Defining Strategic Sourcing User Preferences.

  4. Complete the appropriate transaction:

Unit of Measure Considerations

Event creators can select any unit of measure for the line items included in events. An item/unit of measure relationship does not have to be defined at that point. However, when the event creator awards the event, an item/unit of measure order relationship has to exist for the awarded item/unit of measure. If it does not exist, the system issues an error explaining that you must create the relationship before posting the award. You create this relationship on the Units of Measure page.

Canceling a Purchase Order or Contract for an Awarded Event

If the event is partially awarded, the system updates the remaining quantity open to indicate that the remaining quantity is available to be sourced. If you manually close the line on Award Summary, the event status changes to Awarded.

After you have awarded an event to a purchase order or a contract, the system retains links to the purchase order and contract as a former sourcing event. In the event that any of the following happens to a sourcing event awarded to a purchase order or contract:

The system prompts you to see if you'd like move that quantity back into the PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing award. If yes, the quantity is put back to the award and then you can either re-award the quantity to another bidder or manually close it on the Award Summary page by setting the Line Status field to Closed.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Online

Creating Purchase Orders or Contracts from RFQs

Retiring Assets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAwarding Sale Events When Using PeopleSoft Asset Management

If the event involves the sale of an asset managed through PeopleSoft Asset Management, PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing automatically populates the Asset Management interface table (INTFC_FIN) to show the proceeds amount as equal to the award amount.

You then must run the Transaction Loader process (AMIF10000) in PeopleSoft Asset Management to create the retirement transaction for the asset. PeopleSoft Asset Management then sends this information to PeopleSoft Billing to create an invoice for the asset sale.