Processing Billing Interface Activity

The Billing Interface is a staging area for all billing activity from external sources. Understanding the Billing Interface Structure provides detailed information on the components of the Billing Interface process and maintenance instructions. Setting Up the Billing Interface provides technical information that you need to set up the Billing Interface, including how to populate the staging area to successfully process interface activity.

This chapter provides an overview of the Billing Interface process (BIIF0001) and discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding the Billing Interface Structure

Setting Up the Billing Interface

Correcting Billing Interface Process Errors

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Billing Interface Process (BIIF0001)

PeopleSoft Billing enables you to enter bills online or to import billing activity through the Billing Interface from external billing sources such as order management or project costing. PeopleSoft uses online bill entry primarily for low-volume and miscellaneous billings. The majority of bills that PeopleSoft Billing creates come from the Billing Interface.

Billing activity from external sources populates the following tables: INTFC_BI, INTFC_BI_AEDS, INTFC_BI2, INTFC_BI_TAX, INTFC_BI_EXSD, INTFC_BI_NOTE, and INTFC_BI_HDR, which are referred to as the interface staging area. On the data in this staging area, the Billing Interface process:

Staging Area Data

Billing activity in the interface staging area is always in one of these states:


The staging area has been populated, but you did not run the Billing Interface process for the billing activity. A blank load status can also indicate that the system has not processed the activity.


The staging area has been populated and you ran the Billing Interface process; however, the Billing Interface process encountered validation errors (for example, an invalid or nonexistent customer number was recorded in the staging area).


The staging area has been populated and you ran the Billing Interface process successfully, loading the billing activity into a structured bill format. Activity in this state is automatically moved to the archive tables.


The Billing Interface process is actively processing this billing activity.

Billing Interface Transaction Components

PeopleSoft Billing provides four components, which give different views of billing activity in the staging area. Each component has six pages, and each page displays data (if present) from the corresponding interface staging table. If data is not present, the pages are hidden. The component you use depends on the activity status.

Access two of the components through the Billing, Interface Transactions menu:

Correct Interface Errors

Review interface activity with a status of ERR. Correct error fields here.

Update Pending Transactions

Review interface activity with statuses of NEW and ERR. Update error fields here.

Access the other two components through the Billing, Interface Transactions menu:

Review Pending Transactions

Review interface activity with statuses of NEW and ERR. This page is read-only.

Review Interface - Completions

Review interface activity with a status of DON. This page is read-only.

All four components display almost all the same fields. Small differences exist because of changes in the activity status. For example, an activity in error has an ERR status, while a completed activity has an invoice number and line sequence number.

Correcting Billing Interface Transaction Errors

When transactions fail during the load process into the PeopleSoft Billing system, the system marks them with a load status error and an error status number. The transactions remain in the staging area until you correct the errors.

To correct Billing Interface transaction errors:

See Correcting Billing Interface Process Errors.

See Also

Running the Process VAT Defaults Process (BIPVAT00)

Click to jump to parent topicModifying Billing Interface Transaction Data

This section discusses how to access Billing Interface components and how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Modify Billing Interface Transaction Data

Page Name

Definition Name





Billing, Interface Transactions, Correct Interface Errors

Billing, Interface Transactions, Update Pending Transactions

Display data for interface transactions in the INTFC_BI table.



Billing, Interface Transactions, Correct Interface Errors

Billing, Interface Transactions, Update Pending Transactions

Display data for interface transactions in the INTFC_BI2 table.



Billing, Interface Transactions, Correct Interface Errors

Billing, Interface Transactions, Update Pending Transactions

Display data for interface transactions in the INTFC_TAX table.



Billing, Interface Transactions, Correct Interface Errors

Billing, Interface Transactions, Update Pending Transactions

Display data for interface transactions in the INTFC_BI_NOTE table.



Billing, Interface Transactions, Correct Interface Errors

Billing, Interface Transactions, Update Pending Transactions

Display data for interface transactions in the INTFC_BI_HDR table.



Billing, Interface Transactions, Correct Interface Errors

Billing, Interface Transactions, Update Pending Transactions

Display data for interface transactions in the INTFC_BI_EXSD table.



Billing, Interface Transactions, Correct Interface Errors

Billing, Interface Transactions, Update Pending Transactions

Display data for interface transactions in the INTFC_BI_AEDS table

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Search Parameters

To access a Billing Interface component, select possible search parameters:

Primary Search Criteria

Interface ID.

Interface Line Number.

Transaction Type.

Transaction Type Sequence.

Alternate Search Criteria

Error Status.

Business Unit.

Bill To Customer ID.

Bill Type.

Bill Source.

You can search by any combination of this information. If you do not enter search parameters, the system displays every rejected line from that process instance.

When the search is complete, the page displays the following information:

Interface ID

A unique number for each batch of bill lines assigned by the process that populates the staging area.

Interface Line Number

A unique identifier that you use when you provide multiple charge lines.

Transaction Type

Indicates the type of information that the bill contains. Values are:

  • LINE: Charge line.

  • AE: Accounting entry.

  • NOTE: Note/comment.

  • DS: Discount/surcharge.

  • DDS: Deferred discount/surcharge.

  • AHDR: Adjustment header.

  • EXSD: Indian Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Detail

  • TAX: Sales and Use Tax Detail

Transaction Type Sequence

A unique identifier that you use when you provide multiple accounting entries, notes or comments, or discounts or surcharges for a specific charge line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Billing Interface Data

Access the Correct Interface Errors page (Billing, Interface Transactions, Correct Interface Errors).

Click the Delete button to delete the record and all of the associated records in the interface extension tables.


Represents the transaction load status, the ERR status (if applicable), and the error status description. If the interface has not processed the data or the data is not in error, the system does not populate error status or error status descriptions.

Invoice number

If the system has not successfully processed the interface activity, then the invoice number and sequence number are not populated.

Note. You can correct information on any of the six interface tables. For example, if the error message reads "Invalid Customer," assess the appropriate Billing Interface page and enter a valid customer ID in the Customer field.

See Also

Understanding the INTFC_BI Table

Configuring ChartFields

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Billing Interface Process (BIIF0001)

You must set certain parameters before running the Billing Interface.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Billing Interface Process (BIIF0001)

Page Name

Definition Name



Billing Interface


Billing, Interface Transactions, Process Billing Interface, Billing Interface

Set interface parameters before running the Billing Interface process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Billing Interface Parameters

Access the Billing Interface page (Billing, Interface Transactions, Process Billing Interface, Billing Interface) and add a run control ID.

The From Interface ID and To Interface ID fields represent a range of interface identifiers that you want to include in the interface process. If interface activity within the interface ID range has been previously processed successfully, it will not be available to be selected for processing again. If transactions that reference the same interface key field values exist in the completed tables, you will receive an error message indicating that you need to update the keys to your transaction in order to avoid a duplicate insert error on the step that moves the completed transactions into the completed tables.

On the Process Scheduler page, select the Interface & VAT Defaulting (interface and value-added tax defaulting) job if the transactions are liable for Value Added Tax (VAT), which contains both jobs in one. If you decide to run the processes individually, you must do so one at a time.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicRestarting the Billing Interface

If the Billing Interface process terminates abnormally, restart the process to continue from the last commit point. You can restart the Billing Interface on the Process Monitor - Process Detail page. Select Restart Request and click OK. You can also restart the Billing Interface from a command line.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Engine

Click to jump to parent topicEnsuring That the System Processes Data in the Billing Interface Staging Area

PeopleSoft Billing provides two methods for ensuring that all of the data that is sent to the Billing Interface gets processed and moved into the appropriate PeopleSoft Billing tables. You can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Ensure That the System Processes Data in the Billing Interface Staging Area

Page Name

Definition Name



Billing Workflow


Billing, Generate Invoices, Utilities, Billing Workflow

Specify when to initiate a workflow action on unprocessed transactions.

Workflow/Batch Parameters


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Define Workflow, WorkFlow/Batch Parameters

Run the workflow processes in PeopleSoft Billing, or set up schedules to have Process Scheduler run them automatically.

Route Control Profile


PeopleTools, Workflow, Routings & Roles, Route Control Profiles

Define the business units about which you want to be notified.

Roles - General


PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Roles

Define which users will receive notification.

Billing Interface


Billing, Interface Transactions, Create Billing Intrfc Report

Generate a summary report of interface lines within a certain interface ID range, within a certain date range, or on lines within a certain business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Workflow Solutions

The workflow solution process identifies interface lines that have not been processed over a specified period of time and notifies you of these lingering lines. You determine how long to let transactions remain unprocessed in the staging area before the system notifies you.

To set up a workflow solution:

  1. Specify how long (in days) the system allows pending interface lines to sit unprocessed in the staging area before issuing a worklist notification.

    Access the Workflow/Batch Parameters page. In Pending Interface Notification, Number of Days Pending, define the number of days.

  2. Define a schedule for the workflow process.

    You can schedule the process to run regularly (weekly, monthly, and so on) using the Process Scheduler. The ADD_DTTM field on the interface table must be populated for the process to find any pending interface items. The process uses this field to determine the age of the interface transactions.

  3. Define yourself as a Billing Interface Reviewer on the Roles page to receive the notification.

    To define the business units about which you want to be notified, access the Route Control Profile page.

See Also

Using Workflow Processes in PeopleSoft Billing

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Summary Reports of Interface Activity

The summary report solution provides statistics about interface transactions, both processed and unprocessed. You can sort each report by business unit or interface ID. You can generate an:

You can run a summary report of interface lines within a certain interface ID range or within a certain date range. Optionally, you can run the report on lines within a certain business unit.

Note. To get accurate reporting when using the date range selection, you should populate the ADD_DTTM field of the INTFC_BI table.

To generate a summary report, access the Billing Interface Report page.

See Also

PeopleSoft Billing Reports