Managing Requisitions in PeopleSoft eProcurement

This chapter provides an overview of requisition management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Requisition Management

The Manage Requisition feature provides you with the ability to review, edit, approve, or cancel requisitions. You can view requisitions in any status. You can only edit active requisitions that have not been sourced and do not have a status of Complete, or Canceled.

After you dispatch a requisition on a purchase order, the goods are received and the vendor is paid. The Requisition Reconciliation process (PO_REQRCON) then identifies the requisition status as Complete. .

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Requisitions

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Requisitions

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Requisitions


eProcurement, Manage Requisitions

View and manage requisitions.

Requisition Details


Click the Req ID link on the Manage Requisitions page.

View requisition details.

Header Attachments


Click the Goto Attachments icon (paperclip) on the Requisition Details page.

Displays the attachments added to this requisition at the header level.

Item Description


Click the description of an item on the Requisition Details page.

View line item descriptions.

Edit Requisition


Select Edit in the Select Action field on the Manage Requisitions page. Click the Go button.

Edit requisition information. This page is accessible only for open requisitions.

Requisition Schedule and Distribution


Click the Requisition Schedule and Distribution link on the Requisition Details page.

Maintain requisition distribution and accounting details.

Req Schedule One Time Address


Click the One Time Address icon on the Requisition Schedule and Distribution page.

Displays the details for a one-time ship to address that was added during requisition creation or edit. This page can only be accessed if a one-time address has been entered for this line and the the user is not linked to the eProcurement role action of NO_ONETIME_SHIPTO.

ShipTo Attachments


Click the Goto Attachments icon (paperclip) on the Requisition Schedule and Distribution page.

Displays the attachments added to this requisition at the ship to level.

VAT Information for Schedule


Click the Schedule VAT icon on the Requisition Schedule and Distribution page.

Review value added tax (VAT) information for the schedule line. The page does not display when the Calculate VAT on Req check box at Purchasing business unit level is not selected, the purchasing business unit is not in a VAT environment, or the VAT_DETAILS eProcurement role action is not used. Using this page, you can override the recovery percentage and rebate percentage, and recalculate or reset VAT defaults changes that are made to VAT determinants.

See Working with VAT.

VAT Details for Distribution


Click the Distribution VAT icon on the Requisition Schedule and Distribution page.

Review value added tax (VAT) information for the distribution line. The page does not display when the Calculate VAT on Req check box at Purchasing business unit level is not selected, the purchasing business unit is not in a VAT environment, or the VAT_DETAILS eProcurement role action is not used. Using this page, you can override the recovery percentage and rebate percentage, and recalculate or reset VAT defaults changes that are made to VAT determinants.

See Working with VAT.

Requisition Details for <Requester>


On the Manage Requisitions page, select Cancel or Undo-Cancel in the Select Action field. Click the Go button.

Cancel or reopen a requisition.

Approval Status


For a requisition with the Approved status, select Approvals, and click the Go button on the Manage Requisitions page.

View summary information for the requisition including the number of items and the total price. This page is similar in appearance to the Requisition Approval page.

Requisition Cycle for: <requester>


On the Manage Requisitions page, select View Cycle in the Select Action field. Click the Go button

Displays the business process flow for a requisition with links to various documents. The business process flow, or lifecycle, includes icons for requisition creation, requisition approval, sourcing to inventory stock, sourcing to a purchase order, purchase order acknowledgments (POA), advanced shipping notices (ASN), change requests, receiving, returns, invoices, and payment. The icons are highlighted when the requisition has completed the step. Some of the icons link you to additional information on a separate page.

In order to access this page the user must be linked to the eProcurement role action of VIEW_REQ_CYCLE.

In order to view the POA and ASN icons you must select the Requisition Cycle Options on the eProcurement Business Unit Options page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Requisitions

Access the Manage Requisitions page (eProcurement, Manage Requisitions).

Use this page to review requisitions. From this page, you can access other pages to perform tasks, such as review requisition details, edit or cancel requisitions, create change requests, receive stock, copy requisition, view approvals, or return stock to the vendor.

Before using this page, determine your display options:

Search Requisitions

Enter search criteria in this group box and click the Search button to display requisitions below in the Requisitions group box. Search criteria include:


Select the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit.

Requisition Name

To find a specific requisition, enter the description of the request entered by the requester when the requisition was added.

Requisition ID

Enter a specific requisition ID to display.

Request Status

Select the status for the overall requisition (header-level) to limit the requisitions displayed to this status. Leave this field blank to display search results without using status as a search criteria. The following search criteria are included:

  • All but Complete: Displays all requisitions except those with the status Complete.

  • Approved

  • Cancelled

  • Complete

  • Denied

  • Open

  • PO Partially Canceled

  • PO Partially Created

  • PO(s) Created

  • PO(s) Dispatched

  • Partially Dispatched

  • Partially Received

  • Pending

  • Received

  • See Lines

  • Service Complete

  • Service Filled

  • Service Sourced

Note. Statuses are defined below for the Status field (at the requisition header level) in the Requisitions group box.

Budget Status

If you are using PeopleSoft Committement Control, select the budget status. The options are:

  • Open: The budget can accept transactions.

  • Closed: The budget is closed to transactions. You cannot enter budget journals, and the Budget Processor fails all transactions that might impact the budget.

  • Default: The budget status is set to default from the control budget definition level. Default is to the next higher level in the hierarchy of control.

  • Hold: Use to place the budget on hold. The Budget Processor fails transactions that would reduce the available balance, but you can enter and post budget journals.

Date From and Date To

Enter the creation date or range of dates for the requisitions.


Enter the requester of the requisition.

Entered By

Enter the user ID of the individual who entered in the requistion. This is usually the requester but can be another individual.


Enter the purchase order ID where the requisition was sourced.


This group box displays requisitions based on the search criteria in the Search Requisitions group box. Basic information about the entire requisition (requisition header-level) is displayed for each requisition. You can view additional information, including line details by using the Expand Section icon.

Req ID (requisition id)

Click a requisition ID to access the Requisition Details page where you can view additional details of the requisition.

Requisition Name

Displays the description of the request entered by the requester when the requisition was added. The requisition name helps to identify this requisition as it flows through the system. If no requisition name was entered, then the requisition ID is displayed.


Displays the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit for this requisition.


Displays the date the requisition was created.

Status(at the requisition header level)

This status field displays the status across the entire procurement cycle, not just the requisition header status. The following statuses are included:

  • Approved: The requisition have been approved and is ready for sourcing. For this status to display at the header level, all lines of this requisition must be in the Approved status.

  • Cancelled: The requisition was entered and saved but then the entire requisition or each requisition line was canceled. For this status to display at the header level, all lines of this requisition must be in the Canceled status. A canceled requisition can be reopened within a certain number of days as specified for the Purchasing business unit; otherwise, it is closed permanently.

  • Complete: The requisition is marked complete after the requisition is dispatched on a PO, the goods are received and the vendor is paid. A background process identifies the requisitions and moves them to the complete status. Canceled requisitions and those that are fulfilled by inventory stock are also identified as complete.

  • Denied: The entire requisition or each requisition line has been denied in the approval process. For this status to display at the header level, all lines of this requisition must be in the Denied status.

  • Open: The requisition has been entered and saved but not yet submitted. For this status to display at the header level, all lines of this requisition must be in the Open status.

  • PO Partially Canceled: The requisition contains some lines that have been placed on purchase orders and these purchase orders have been subsequently been canceled. For this status to display, the purchase orders must all have the same status, Canceled. This status indicates that some of the requisition lines have not been sourced to a purchase order and it also indicates that none of the lines have been received or returned to vendor.

  • PO Partially Completed: The purchase order has been closed for some of the requisition lines , however the requisitions are not yet closed.

  • PO Partially Created: The requisition contains some lines that have been sourced to an approved purchase order. For this status to display, the purchase orders must all have the same status, Approved. This status indicates that some of the requisition lines have not been sourced to a purchase order and it also indicates that none of the lines have been received or returned to vendor.

  • PO(s) Created: The requisition has been placed on a PO that has been approved. This header status indicates that all lines of this requisition have been sourced to approved purchase orders and the requisition line status is PO(s) Created. For this status to display, the purchase orders must all have the same status, Approved.

  • PO(s) Cancelled: The requisition has been placed on a PO that has been subsequently been canceled. This header status indicates that all lines of this requisition have been sourced to canceled purchase orders and the requisition line status is PO(s) Canceled. For this status to display, the purchase orders must all have the same status, Canceled.

  • PO(s) Completed: The purchase order has been closed for all of the requisition lines , however the requisitions are not yet closed.

  • PO(s) Dispatched: The requisition has been placed on a purchase order and the purchase order has been dispatched to the vendor. This header status indicates that all lines of this requisition have been sourced to dispatched purchase orders and the requisition line status is PO(s) Dispatched. For this status to display, the purchase orders must all have the same status, Dispatched.

  • Partially Dispatched: The requisition contains some lines that have been placed on purchase orders and these purchase orders have been dispatched to the vendor. For this status to display, the purchase orders must all have the same status, Dispatched. This status indicates that some of the requisition lines have not been sourced to a purchase order and it also indicates that none of the lines have been received or returned to vendor.

  • Partially Received: The requisition contains some lines that have been placed on a purchase order, the purchase order has been dispatched to the vendor, and the goods have been fully or partially received. This status indicates that some of the requisition lines have not been received.

  • Pending: The requisition has been submitted and is awaiting approval. This header status indicates that all lines of this requisition have the line status of Pending.

  • Received: The requisition has been placed on a purchase order, the purchase order has been dispatched to the vendor, and the goods have been fully received. For this status to display at the header level, all lines of this requisition must be in the Received status.

  • See Lines: The lines of this requisition are in various stages of the approval process and the lines have different statuses (i.e. pending, approved, denied, and so on); however, none of the lines have been sourced to a purchase order.


View the budget status for the requisition. This column appears when Commitment Control is enabled.

<Select Action>

Select an option and click the Go button to perform the action. The available actions vary depending on the status of the requisition. Actions include:

  • Approvals displays the Approval Status page.

  • Cancel displays the Requisition Details for: <name> page (PV_REQ_CANCEL), which has a Cancel Requisition button.

    When the Cancel Requisition button is clicked, a confirmation page is displayed, where the user can enter a reason code and a comment.

  • Check Budget launches the Budget Processor from PeopleSoft Commitment Control.

  • Copy displays the Create Requisition - Review and Submit page.

    All items are copied to the new requisition. However, if one item was created from a special request, a message appears.

  • Edit displays a warning message indicating that editing the requisition will restart the approval process.

    Click OK to continue or click Cancel to go back. If you click OK, the Edit Requisition - Review and Submit page appears for the requisition. Changing a requisition can create a change request.

  • Pre-Check Budget launches the Budget Processor from PeopleSoft Commitment Control and checks the budget without reserving funds for this requisition. This option enables you to check whether a budget exists for this requisition before committing amounts to a pre-encumbrance or encumbrance.

  • Process Return displays the Return to Vendor (PV_RTV) page.

  • Receive displays the Receive Items page.

  • Undo Cancel displays the Requisition Details for: <name> page.

    This option is only available when a requisition is in a Canceled status.

  • View Print displays the print version of the requisition.

  • View Cycle displays the Requisition Cycle page (PV_REQ_CYCLE_PAGE). The user must be linked to the eProcurement role action of VIEW_REQ_CYCLE to see this page. Without this eProcurement role action, a requester views this information by clicking the Expand Section icon next to a requisition in the Requisition group box of this page.

Note. The options that appear for a requisition differ depending on the status of the requisition. For example, you cannot cancel a requisition for which a PO is created.


Click to perform the selected action.

Create New Requisition

Click to access the Create Requisition page, where you can add another requisition.

Review Change Request

Click to access the Change Request List for page, where you can view and process change requests.

Review Change Tracking

Click to display the View Requisition Change Tracking History page where you can view changes to requisitions if you are using the change tracking feature. This page provides an audit trail of key transactional information including, changes to any fields marked for track changes on the change template, the user who modified the requisition, and the date and time of each requisition change request.

Manage Receipts

Click to access the Receipts For page, where you can view and maintain receipts.

Requisition Report

Click to access the Print Requisition process page, where you can define parameters for creating the printed requisition report (POY1100).

Requisition Cycle

Access the Requisition Cycle section of the Manage Requisitions page (Click the Expand Section icon next to a listed requisition).

The Requisition Cycle section displays the business process flow for a requisition with links to various documents. The business process flow or lifecycle, includes icons for requisition creation, requisition approval, sourcing to inventory stock, sourcing to a purchase order, purchase order acknowledgments (POA), advanced shipping notices (ASN), change requests, receiving, returns, invoices, and payment.

Stages in the requisition cycle that are complete or in progress are highlighted with active links.

This same information can be viewed on a separate page, the Requisition Cycle for: <requester> page (PV_REQ_CYCLE_PAGE), if the user is linked to the eProcurement role action of VIEW_REQ_CYCLE. To access this page select View Cycle in the Select Action field and click the Go button.


Click the Requisition icon to access the Requisition Details page where you can view detailed information about this requisition.


Click the Approvals icon to access the Approval Status page (PV_REQ_APPROVAL) where you can view the current approval status of the requisition and view line approval details.


Click the Inventory icon to access the Stock Requests page (ORDER_INQ_INV) where you can view the material stock request created from this requisition to fulfill the demand using inventory stock.

Purchase Orders

Click the Purchase Orders icon to access the Purchase Order Inquiry page (PV_PO_LINE_INQ_2) where you can view information about the purchase order that this requisition was sourced to; including, the purchase order number, buyer, and vendor.


Click the POA icon to access the POA Summary page (PO_SS_POA_SUMMARY) where you can view the purchase order acknowledgement tied to this requisition. You can review any comments or changes from the vendor.


Click the ASN icon to access the ASN History Summary page (PV_ASN_INQUIRY) where you can view the advanced shipping notice tied to this requisition. You can review the arrival date, bill of lading number, carrier, and other information about the incoming shipment.


Click the Receiving icon to access the Manage Receipts page (PV_RECV_UPDATE) where you can view the purchase order receipt linked to your requisition.


Click the Returns icon to access the Manage Return to Vendors page (PV_RTV_UPDATE) where you can view the RTV linked to your requisition.


Click the Invoice icon to access the Purchase Order Inquiry page (PV_PO_INQUIRY) where you can view the requisition, purchase order, receipts, and vouchers.

Line Information

Access the Line Information group box (On the Manage Requisitions page, click the Expand Section icon next to a listed requisition).

The Line Information group box displays information about each line within the requisition.


Click the link to access the Item Description page where you can view information about the item.

Status(at the requisition line level)

This status field displays the status of the requisition line. The statuses include:

  • Approved: The requisition line has completed workflow approval and is approved. The line is ready for sourcing.

  • Cancelled: The requisition line was entered and saved but then canceled. A canceled requisition line can be reopened within a certain number of days as specified for the Purchasing business unit; otherwise, it is closed permanently.

  • Complete: The requisition line is marked complete after the line is dispatched on a PO, the goods are received and the vendor is paid. A background process identifies the requisition lines and moves them to the complete status. Canceled requisition lines and those that are fulfilled by inventory stock are also identified as complete.

  • Denied: The requisition line has been denied in the approval process.

  • Open: The requisition line has been entered and saved but not yet submitted.

  • PO(s) Created: The requisition line has been placed on a PO that has been approved.

  • PO(s) Canceled: The requisition line has been placed on a PO that has been subsequently been canceled.

  • PO(s) Dispatched: The requisition line has been placed on a purchase order and the purchase order has been dispatched to the vendor.

  • Pending: The requisition line has been submitted and is awaiting approval.

  • Received: The requisition line has been placed on a purchase order, the purchase order has been dispatched to the vendor, and the goods have been fully received.

(Cancel Requisition icon)

Click this icon to cancel a line on the requisition. You can cancel a requisition that has been sourced to a purchase order. If the cancellation completes budget checking and workflow approval, then the system creates a change request for cancelling the corresponding purchase order lines. However, a requisition line cannot be cancelled if it is associated to the only active schedule line on a purchase order. In addition, a requisition line cannot be cancelled if you are using Commitment Control and the line has not yet pass budget checking.

If the approval process includes one or more stages that have only header level approval and a requisition line is cancelled, the entire requisition is resubmitted for approval for the entire approval process. For example, all stages are resubmitted.

If the approval process includes one or more stages that have only line-level approval and a requisition line is cancelled, the line approval thread is terminated.

If the approval process includes two or more stages that have a combination of line-level and header-level approval and a requisition line is cancelled, the line-level approval thread is terminated if the current stage that the approval is on is a line-level approval. If the current stage is a header-level , then the requisition is resubmitted for the entire process.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Approval Framework 9.1 PeopleBook

Creating Requisitions in PeopleSoft eProcurement

Canceling Requisitions and Requisition Lines

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Requisition Details

Access the Requisitions Details page (Click the Req ID link on the Manage Requisitions page).

Use this page to view details about individual requisitions. The PO Information header appears only if a PO was created for the requisition.

(Go To Attachments)

Select this icon to access the Header Attachments page where you can view the attachments to this requisition header.

Header Comments

Displays any comments added at the requisition header-level.

See Adding Comments at the Requisition Header Level or Ship To Level.

Item Description

Click to view an item's description. You can also access the item's detail document.

Source Status

View the stage of the requisition line in the sourcing process. Values include:

  • Not Sourced

  • Available: The requisition line has not yet been placed on a PO or inventory stock request.

  • In Process: A sourcing process is running on this requisition line or an error occurred in creating a PO.

  • Staged: The requisition has been staged to the sourcing tables. This status is a link to the Sourcing Workbench in PeopleSoft Purchasing where you can view the details of the sourcing status.

  • Complete: The requisition line has been sourced to an inventory stock request or a PO. This status is a link to the Sourcing Workbench in PeopleSoft Purchasing where you can view the details of the sourcing status.

  • Error: The requisition line is in error on the Sourcing Workbench. This status is a link to the Sourcing Workbench in PeopleSoft Purchasing where you can view the details of the sourcing status.

See Using the Sourcing Workbench.

Amount Only

A Y indicates that this line is for an amount value only. The quantity will be 1, and only one schedule line will be available.

Sourced from Inventory

Click the Sourced from Inventory button to access the Requisition to MSR List page, where you can view stock request information.

This button only appears if the requisition line item is defined as an inventory item in PeopleSoft Inventory on the Item Definition - General : Common page.

Line Comments

Displays any comments added at the requisition line-level.

See Adding Comments to the Requisition Lines.

Requisition Schedule and Distribution

Click this link to access the Requisition Detailed Summary page, where you can view line details, schedules, and distribution information.

Contract Information

This group box appears if a contract ID has been assigned to the requisition line. Expand this section to see contract details.

The PeopleSoft eProcurement, PeopleSoft Purchasing, and PeopleSoft Payables applications are integrated with the procurement contract functionality to streamline the use of contacts with requisitions, purchase orders, and vouchers. As part of the contract functionality, you can set up requisitions to automatically search for a contract to use for requisitions. Applying default contract prices to requisitions enables you to receive contract prices for requisition items and to more accurately track budgets and pre-encumberance balances.

See Applying Contracts to Requisitions.

Contract ID

Displays the purchasing contract used to price this requisition line. The contract ID can be entered manually on the Review and Submit-Line Details page when creating and editing a requisition. A contract ID can also be added automatically by the system when you have selected the Default Contract On Req check box on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page.


Displays the contract version applied to this requisition line. Multiple versions are available when you are using version control. Contract versions enable contract administrators to create and maintain multiple versions of a contract in the procurement system.

Contract Line

Displays the contract line applied to this requisition line.

Category Line

Displays the contract category line number. Categories enable you to specify groups of items on a contract, rather than having to enter the items one at a time.

See Using Voucher and Order Contracts.

PO Information

This group box appears if the requisition line.Expand this section to view the PO line that was created for the requisition line.

Receipt Status

Displays the receipt status for this PO. Values include:

PO Not Received: No quantities for this PO line have been received.

PO Partially Received: Part or all quantities for this PO line have been received. Even if the quantity is fully received, the status does not change until you run the Match Request process in PeopleSoft Payables.

PO Received: All quantities for this PO line have been received. Run the Matching process (AP MATCHING) in PeopleSoft Payables.

View Receipt

Click the View Receipt button to access the Receipt For a Casual User page. This button appears if a receipt was recorded for this line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing Requisitions

Access the Edit Requisitions page (Select Edit in the Select Action field on the Manage Requisitions page. Click the Go button).

This page is similar in appearance and usage to the Create Requisitions page. Most field descriptions are located on the Create Requisition page, the remaining fields are discussed below.

See Defining Requisitions.

Track Batch

Displays the track batch (change batch) sequence number. This field only displays if you have changed a field marked for track change on the requisition change template. The first time that you save a changed requisition, the system displays Track Batch 1 in the requisition header. Each time that you make a change to the requisition, the system increases the track batch number by one. The track batch sequence number is displayed on the View Requisition Change Tracking History page to distinguish one change from another change and from the original field value.

If your user ID is linked to the eProcurement role action of NOVICEREQSTR, then the track batch sequence number does not display.

See Changing Requisitions and Using Change Requests.

The Sourced to Purchase Order icon displays to the right of the Line number and indicates that the requisition line has been sourced to a purchase order line. If the line has not yet been sourced to a purchase order, no icon is displayed.

The Unavailable for Edit icon displays to the right of the Line number and indicates that the requisition line cannot be changed. Users cannot edit requisition lines when:

  • The line have been submitted for an RFQ (request for quote).

  • Sourcing is in process for the requisition line.

  • A sourcing event is in process for the line item.

  • The line is sourced to PeopleSoft Inventory

  • The line is a Services Procurement requisition line that has been sourced.

Current Change Reason

Click this link to access the Change Reason page where you can view the reason code and comments attached to a change request.

See Entering Reason Codes and Comments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Requisition Distribution and Accounting Details

Access the Requisition Schedule and Distribution page (Click the Requisition Schedule and Distribution link on the Requisition Details page).

This page has three sections: Line, Schedule, and Distribution.


The Line section contains all of the line items on a requisition. To view the item's description, click the item name.


The Schedule section displays shipping information for the item, such as where the item is being shipped, when it's due, the amount, and cost of the item.

Ship To

The location code that indicates the location where the vendor should deliver the items.

(One Time Address)

Select this icon to view the Req Schedule One Time Address page (PV_REQ_INQ_ADDR) where you can view a one-time ship to address added to this requisition line when it was added or edited. The One Time Address icon is not visible if the user is linked to the eProcurement role action of NO_ONETIME_SHIPTO.


The date the items are scheduled to arrive at the Ship To location.

(Go To Attachments)

Select this icon to access the ShipTo Attachments page where you can view the attachments to this requisition at the Ship To level.

See Adding Comments at the Requisition Header Level or Ship To Level.

(Schedule VAT icon)

Click the Schedule VAT icon to access the VAT Information for Schedule page, where you can review value added tax (VAT) information for the schedule line. The icon does not appear when the Calculate VAT on Req check box at Purchasing business unit level is not selected, the purchasing business unit is not in a VAT environment, or the VAT_DETAILS eProcurement role action is not used. Using this page, you can override the recovery percentage and rebate percentage, and recalculate or reset VAT defaults changes that are made to VAT determinants.

See Working with VAT.

Ship To Comments

Displays comments added to this requisition at the ship to level.

See Adding Comments at the Requisition Header Level or Ship To Level.

Distribution - Details

Access the Requisition Schedule and Distribution: Details tab.

Dist # (distribution number)

Displays the number the system assigns to this distribution. The system uses this numbering to distinguish between multiple distributions for a single requisition line.


Distribution statuses include:

Open: The distribution line is open.

Complete: The distribution line is closed.

Processed: The distribution line has been processed and is unavailable for sourcing.

Canceled: The distribution has been canceled.

Dist Type (distribution type)

Displays the method by which the system allocates or charges an expense account distribution. Values include:

Amt (amount): The sum of all distribution amounts must equal the schedule amount (merchandise amount). Inventory items cannot be distributed by amount.

Qty (quantity): The sum of all distribution quantities must equal the schedule quantity.

(Distribution VAT icon)

Click the Distribution VAT icon to access the VAT Information for Distribution page, where you can review value added tax (VAT) information for the distribution line. The icon does not appear when the Calculate VAT on Req check box at Purchasing business unit level is not selected, the purchasing business unit is not in a VAT environment, or the VAT_DETAILS eProcurement role action is not used. Using this page, you can override the recovery percentage and rebate percentage, and recalculate or reset VAT defaults changes that are made to VAT determinants.

See Working with VAT.

Distribution: More Details

Access the Requisition Schedule and Distribution: More Details tab.

Select the More Details tab.

Along with viewing accounting information, you can access projects. Click the Projects link to view and update projects and activities.

Distribution: More Details 2

Access the Requisition Schedule and Distribution: More Details 2 tab.

Stat Code (statistics code)

Displays the code used to maintain statistical amounts to facilitate financial analysis and reporting. You can track a variety of nonmonetary amounts with statistics.

Open Amt (open amount)

Displays the amount that is still open on the PO. Values appear in this field when the distribution type is Amt.

Open Quantity

Displays the quantity that has not been received and is still open on the PO. Values appear in this field when the distribution type is Qty.

Base Amt (base amount)

Displays the monetary value for this distribution line. The value appears in the base currency for the business unit. The currency type also appears with the value.

If the currency is different than the base currency, an exchange rate also appears.

Exch Rt (exchange rate)

Displays the ratio between the base currency and the alternate currency.

Distribution: Asset Information

Access the Requisition Schedule and Distribution: Asset Information tab.

Profile ID

Displays the default asset profile ID associated with distribution items.

CAP ID (capital acquisition plan ID)

The CAP identification ties the asset to a capital acquisition plan.


Displays the sequence number for the capital acquisition plan.

Tag Number

If you use tags to track assets, enter the tag number assigned to the asset.

EmplID (employee ID)

Employee ID of the custodian for this distribution item.


Select to designate this item as a capitalized item. If the item is capitalized, it can be depreciated before the order is paid.

Cost Type

Displays the default cost type associated with the item purchase, if applicable. Cost types represent components of the cost of an asset, such as materials, labor, and overhead.


Displays the activity associated with this distribution item.

See Also

Defining Purchasing Item Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging VAT Details for Distributions

Access the VAT Details for Distribution page (Click the Distribution VAT icon on the Requisition Schedule and Distribution page).

Use this page to view VAT details at the distribution line level. Information that appears on the page relates to the requisition line number item and the schedule that you selected on the Manage Requisitions page. The page does not display when the Calculate VAT on Req check box at Purchasing business unit level is not selected, the purchasing business unit is not in a VAT environment, or the VAT_DETAILS eProcurement role action is not used. Using this page, you can override the recovery percentage and rebate percentage, and recalculate or reset VAT defaults changes that are made to VAT determinants.

VAT Defaults

Use Type

Determines VAT recoverability. The field value is retrieved from the VAT default hierarchy, but you can override this value.

Use type is a type of activity in which a purchased good or service will be used and, therefore, to determine a recoverability percent and a rebate percent (when applicable) that is applied to a transaction line. Activities are categorized as taxable, exempt, or mixed. Where activity is mixed, you can associate either the ratio of taxable activity to exempt activity directly with the use type, or you can indicate that this ratio is determined at the ChartField level.

Apportionment Control

Displays the business unit that you want to control the VAT apportionment. This value appears by default from the Purchasing business unit. VAT apportionment is the mechanism that enables you to specify the ratio of taxable activity to exempt activity for individual ChartFields.

Recovery Source

Select whether the VAT recovery is Automatic or Manual. This value appears by default from the Purchasing business unit. If you select Manual, enter a value in the Recovery Percent field.

Rebate Source

Select whether the VAT rebate is Automatic or Manual. This value appears by default from the Purchasing business unit. If you select Manual, enter a value in the Rebate Percent field.


Controls default and transaction behavior. A description of how the transaction must be treated for VAT purposes. This value is used to determine how VAT defaults are applied, what accounting entries are required, and how and if the transaction is reported on the VAT return. You can override the values in this field.

The VAT defaulting hierarchy determines the value of this field based on the country in which the service is deemed to have been performed, and the countries in which the bank and beneficiary are located and registered.

VAT Code

Select a value to specify the rate at which VAT is calculated. The VAT code used to define a percentage the system uses to determine the VAT amount. The VAT code is similar to the sales and use tax code, with a few exceptions.

The tax authority tied to the VAT code generally consists of a single authority, and the ChartFields for a VAT code don't reside with the tax authority but are determined by the combination of the VAT code, VAT account type, and VAT transaction type.

Transaction Type

Select a value to categorize VAT transactions according to particular VAT accounting and reporting requirements. The VAT code and the VAT transaction type are used in conjunction with the VAT account type to obtain the ChartFields for accounting entries.

VAT Calculations

Transaction Amount

VAT amount in the transaction currency.

Transaction Amount Base

VAT amount in the base currency.

Basis Amount

VAT basis amount in transaction currency.

Basis Amount Base

VAT basis amount in the base currency.

Tax Rate

Displays the rate at which this item is taxed.

Recorded Amount

Displays the amount of VAT calculated for the schedule in the transaction currency.

Recorded Amount Base

Displays the amount of VAT calculated for the schedule in the base currency.

Recovery Percent

Displays a system-calculated value based on the selected VAT use type. You can override the automatic value if the VAT Allow Override Recovery/Rebate field on the business unit indicates that manual override is allowed. This value must be smaller than or equal to 100 and a positive number.

To access the field, select eProcurement, Procurement Application Admin, Maintain Business Units, Processing Options, and click the Set VAT Default link.

Rebate Percent

Displays a system-calculated value based on the selected VAT use type. You can override the automatic value if the VAT Allow Override Recovery/Rebate field on the business unit indicates that manual override is allowed. This value must be smaller than or equal to 100 and a positive number.

To access the field, select eProcurement, Procurement Application Admin, Maintain Business Units, Processing Options, and click the Set VAT Default link.

Recovery Amount

VAT recovery amount in the transaction currency.

Recovery Amount Base

VAT recovery amount in the base currency.

Rebate Amount

Calculated VAT rebate amount in the transaction currency.

Rebate Amount Base

Calculated VAT rebate amount in the base currency.

See Also

Working with VAT

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling or Reopening Requisitions

Access the Requisition Details for: <name> page (On the Manage Requisitions page, select Cancel or Undo-Cancel in the Select Action field. Click the Go button).

Click a line item link to review the details of that line item.

Cancel Requisition

Click to cancel a requisition. You can cancel any requisition for which a purchase order is not already submitted.

Reopen Requisition

Click to reopen a canceled requisition.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Requisitions

Within PeopleSoft eProcurement, the approval of a requisition is handled by the approval workflow framework. After a requisition is created, the system routes the transaction to an approver. The approver can view and take action in two ways: using their worklist or navigating directly to the Manage Requisition Approvals page. The approver can preview, in a graphical format, the path that the requisition approval will take, view who has already approved the requisition, and see any comments that previous approvers have entered. Once a requisition has completed the approval process, the requisition can be sourced to a material stock request or purchase order.

See Performing Approval Tasks for Requisitions.