Using Purchase Order Sourcing

This chapter provides an overview of purchase order sourcing and discusses how to:

Note. The preceding bullets provide the order in which you would normally perform these sourcing processes. You do not need to run all of the sourcing processes every time.

See Also

Managing Requests for Quotes

Replenishing Par Locations

Staging Purchase Order Contracts

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purchase Order Sourcing Business Process

The purchase order sourcing business process creates purchase orders from item requests loaded to the PeopleSoft Purchasing staging tables from various sources. The next diagram provides an overview of the sourcing business process flow and illustrates item requests origins such as external data and PeopleSoft Inventory and Order Management:

Overview of the sourcing process flow

These business processes also feed into the sourcing processes and are covered in other sections of this book:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrimary Sourcing Staging Tables

The primary PeopleSoft Purchasing sourcing staging tables are:


This core staging table provides line and schedule level information destined for the purchase order. The information in the table may be derived from the requisition, requests for quotes, supply planning, manufacturing, par replenishment, or contracts. Many fields on this table are work fields and should be ignored.

These fields in the PO_ITM_STG table are particularly important:

PO_STG_TYPE: R (requisition) is used for the AutoSelect Requisitions process (PO_REQSORC) or for online requisition selection when the Define purchase order option is not selected. O (other) is used for any other process.

PO_STG_ID: This is the same as the requisition ID when the PO stage type is R. This field is derived from INSTALLATION_PO.LAST_PO_STG_ID, when the purchase order stage type is O.

PO_PROCESS_ID: Indicates the process that placed the row into the staging table.

CONSOLIDATE_FLG: Indicates whether similar rows (same item and vendor) can be consolidated into a purchase order during the PO Calculations process (PO_POCALC).

OVERRIDE_SUGG_VNDR: Indicates whether or not the PO Calculations process can override the suggested vendor with the preferred vendor.

INVENTORY_SRC_FLG: Indicates whether a given row is destined for inventory demand or for a purchase order.


The PO Calculations process takes the information from PO_ITM_STG and copies it, along with each possible vendor from whom the item can be sourced, to PO_ITM_STG_UD. Due to the addition of vendors, PO_ITM_STG_UD may contain multiple rows for each row in PO_ITM_STG. As the PO Calculations process performs its calculations, it stores the updated information in PO_ITM_STG_UD, leaving the original request information in PO_ITM_STG untouched. Once the sourcing process is complete, the vendor and purchase order ID results update PO_ITM_STG.


This table provides distribution information. One row is placed here for each distribution destined for the purchase order. For requisitions, the information in this table comes directly from the requisition.

Note. RFQ, supply planning, manufacturing, par replenishment, and contract requests also populate this table. Information in this table is copied to the PO_LINE_DISTRIB table.


This is an optional table built by online requisition selection, RFQs, and contract releases. It is used for manually consolidated requisitions to specify information destined for the Purchase Order Header table (PO_HDR).

See Also

Automatically Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Running the PO Calculations Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStage Statuses

This table illustrates the possible stage statuses (STAGE_STATUS) in the PO_ITM_STG and PO_ITM_STG_UD tables:



Explanation of Status


Ready to create

Set by the sourcing workbench pages once the selected vendor is approved, or by the PO Calculations process if the auto approve option is selected. Can be changed to R (recycle) or, for some sources, to X (reset and purge).



Set by the Create Purchase Orders process once a purchase order has been created successfully and processing is complete. No changes are allowed.


Inv demand (inventory demand in process)

Indicates that the Build Inventory Demand process is running. Set by the Build Inventory Demand process once started and while processing. No changes allowed.



Set by the PO Calculations process if any errors are found. Can be changed to R, or for some sources, to X.


In Process

Set by the AutoSelect Requisitions process and other processes, such as the PO Stage Load process while building the rows in PO_ITM_STG. No changes are allowed.


Pending (needs approval)

Set by the PO Calculations process once there are no errors and the purchase order is ready for building but still needs the vendor to be approved in the sourcing workbench pages. Can be changed to B (build), R, or for some sources, to X.


POCREATE in process

Indicates that the Create Purchase Orders process is running. Set by the Create Purchase Orders process once started and while processing. No changes are allowed.


Recycle (error recycle)

Set in the Sourcing Workbench pages once an error is reviewed and the user indicates that it should be recycled by the PO Calculations process. Can be changed for some sources to X.



Set by the AutoSelect Requisitions process, online requisition selection, and processes such as the PO Stage Load process once the process completes and the staged row is ready to be sourced. Can be changed for some sources to X.


POCALC in process

Indicates that the PO Calculations process is running. Set by the PO Calculations process once started and while processing. Can be changed to R, or for some sources, to X.


Warning issued

Set by the Create Purchase Orders process once a purchase order has been created but contains a warning, and processing is complete. No changes are allowed.


Reset and purge

Entered on the Sourcing Workbench - Selected Items page. This action is possible for some sources when the stage status is S, V, N, E, R, or B. Once the status is X, no changes are allowed.

Note. Only transactions built by certain processes can be set to the X stage status. To set the stage status to X, the row must have one of these process codes: SRC (reqsorc), OLS (online source), PLL (planning load), SFL (shop floor load), CRT (cart (par) replenishment), CON (contract release) or WKM (work order management). If the row was built by the RFQ Load process, you cannot use the X stage status.

See Also

Loading RFQ EDX Responses

Understanding Par Location Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicQualifying Criteria for Requisition Selection

When selecting requisitions for sourcing either manually using the Requisition Selection - Sourcing pages or automatically using the AutoSelect Requisitions process, consider that a requisition must meet these conditions before it can be eligible for selection.






N (no)



N (no)



V (valid)



N (no)



A (approved)



A (approved)



N (no)



I (in balance)



> 0 (greater than 0)

Note. If the AMT_OPEN field value is > 0, QTY_OPEN can have a value other than > 0. If the QTY_OPEN field value is > 0, AMT_OPEN can have a value other than > 0. Only one of these two REQ_LINE_DISTRIB field values must be > 0.

If no requisitions appear on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page, consider reviewing the selection criteria that you entered on the Requisition Selection page. The requisition must meet these conditions before it can be selected:

If you have frequent problems with unselected requisitions, build a query that displays all fields used in the selection process to see why the requisition is not eligible for selection.

See Also

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Business Unit

Select rows to be processed or selected based on the business unit that staged them.


Specify the exact date that you want to use in the date selection criteria. This field is required if you use the date selection option S; otherwise, it is unavailable for entry.

Nbr Days (number of days)

Number of days for the before, equal to, or after selections in the Operand field. Applicable when you use Option field values P and M.


Use this field to indicate whether date selection range should include dates that are before, equal to, or after the selection date. For example, suppose that you want to include requisitions with source dates up to today and for the next three days, select date selection option P, date selection operand <=, and number of days 3.


For the AutoSelect Requisitions process, use to specify the source date selection criteria for the requisition lines that you want to process or select.

For the Purchase Order Stage Load process, use to specify release date selection criteria for planned purchase orders you want to process or select.

For the Purge Stage Tables process, use to specify the release date selection criteria for requests that you want to process or select.

Values are:

C: Use current date.

M: Current date minus number of days.

N: No date selection criteria.

P: Current date plus number of days.

S: Use a specified date. Enter a date in the Date field.

PO Process that built row

Select rows to be processed based on the process that staged them.

CON (contract purchase orders).

CRT (par location replenishment).

OLS (online source).

PLL (planning load).

RFQ (request for quotation).

SFL (manufacturing load).

SRC (autoselect)

Process Instance

Select rows to be processed and selected based on the process instance that staged them.

System Source

Select rows to be processed and selected based on their system source.

Click to jump to parent topicManually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

This section provides an overview of the manual requisition selection process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Manual Requisition Selection Process

Manually selecting requisitions for sourcing enables you to maintain a finer degree of control than available using batch requisition selection and purchase order creation. Manual selection provides you with these options:

See Also

Qualifying Criteria for Requisition Selection

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manually Select Requisitions for Sourcing

Page Name

Definition Name



Requisition Selection - Sourcing


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Requisition Selection, Requisition Selection - Sourcing

Enter search criteria and source requisitions to purchase orders or inventory demand.

Requisition Selection - Procurement Card Information


Click the Procurement Card link on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page.

Maintain procurement card information such as, selecting a procurement card as payment method if one is not already assigned, viewing the existing procurement card information, and overriding the existing procurement card.

Item Description


Click the item description link on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page.

The item description link includes the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

Enter and view descriptions for a specific item.

Requisition Details


Click the Req ID (requisition identification) link on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page.

View information about the requisition selected on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page.

The fields on this page appear on the Maintain Requisitions - Form page.

Header Comments


Click the Header Comments link on the Requisition Details page.

Enter header comments. You can enter a unique comment, or you can select from predefined standard comments.

Line Comments


Click the Comments button on the Requisition Details page.

Enter line comments. You can enter a unique comment, or you can select from predefined standard comments.

Override Selected Requisition Vendor


Click the Change Vendor link on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page.

Update the vendor ID for all selected requisition lines on the Requisition Selection page.

Requisition Selection - Staging Information


Click the Staging Information link on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page.

View or modify a requisition before sourcing.

Requisition Selection - Procurement Card Information


Click the Use Procurement Card link on the Requisition Selection - Staging Information page.

Maintain procurement card information for the sourcing process.

PO Item Staging


Click the Receiving/Inspection Information link on the Requisition Selection - Staging Information page.

View or change information about the receiving process for an item selected on the Requisition Selection - Staging page.

PO Header Staging


Click the Header Details link on the Requisition Selection - Staging page.

View or change information about the requisition header selected on the Requisition Selection - Staging Information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSourcing Requisitions to Purchase Orders Manually

Access the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Requisition Selection, Requisition Selection - Sourcing).

Search Criteria


Select a buyer on which to base the search. The buyer is the person responsible for the requisition.

Vendor ID

Select a vendor.


Select the origin for the requisition. Origin codes are established on the Origin Codes page and help identify the origins of transactions.


Select a category on which to base a requisition search. Requisitions that meet other search criteria and that are in the category you select appear in the search results.

Max Rows(maximum rows)

Enter the maximum number of rows that you want to display in the Select Requisition Lines grid box. These are the returned rows that match the criteria you enter.

Requisition ID

Select a requisition on which to base the search.

Include Reqs With No Vendor (include requisitions with no vendor)

Select to review requisitions with or without a suggested vendor.

Requisition Name

Select the name of the requisition. The name helps you identify the requisition as it flows through the system. If you are using PeopleSoft eProcurement, this value is carried from the eProcurement requisition to the Purchasing requisition when the requisition is created in eProcurement.

Include Inventory Items

Select to include requisition lines that would normally be sourced from PeopleSoft Inventory.

Contract ID

Select a contract ID. Only requisitions that specify the contract ID are returned.

Stockless Item

Select to retrieve requisition lines for stockless items.

Exclude Auto Source Item (exclude automatic source item)

Select to exclude items defined as automatic sourcing items. Items are flagged for AutoSourcing on the Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Controls page by selecting the Auto Select check box under the Misc. Controls and Options section of that page.


Click to search for the requisitions that match the criteria you entered. The system populates the Select Requisition Lines grid with requisitions that match the criteria you enter. To perform another search, change the criteria and click the Search button again.

Selection Options

Define PO

Select to define purchase orders using the structure of requisitions as they appear on this page, instead of letting the system create it using the predefined rules.

The PO Calculations process does not overwrite these purchase order configurations, even if the Consolidate with Other Reqs check box on the requisition is selected. In addition, you must specify the vendor for the purchase order, as the PO Calculations process does not select a vendor for you.

If selected, the information that you view on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page is exactly what will be on the purchase order and each requisition line that you source will be on its own purchase order line, even if others exist for the same item.

If you want to use the Define PO check box, you must select this check box before selecting requisitions for sourcing. Similarly, if you don't want to use the Define PO check box, you must clear the check box before selecting requisitions for sourcing.

If you are sourcing to PeopleSoft Inventory or do not select this check box, the information that you see on this page is either used for creating inventory demand in the Build Inventory Demand process (PO_REQINVS) or is updated in the PO Calculations process.

Note. If a line that you have selected for sourcing on this page has been sourced to a blanket purchase order contract, you will not be able to select the Define PO check box. Instead, you will receive a message that this option is not valid for the selected line. This check box only applies to lines that are selected by the Inc field after you select the Define PO check box.

The Define PO check box works in conjunction with the Override Preferred Vendor check box set on the User Preferences - Procurement: Requisition Authorizations page and the Override Suggested Vendor check box set on the Maintain Requisitions - Requisition page under the Sourcing Controls tab to determine when a purchase order is built using the priority (preferred) or suggested vendor.

Priority (preferred) vendors are defined on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor page.

Suggested vendors are those entered manually on the requisition line or selected by the PO Calculations process.

When you select the Define PO, you can create purchase orders in whatever form you choose. The Override Suggested Vendor and Consolidate with Other Reqs check boxes are clear when the requisition lines are staged.

This table illustrates the different scenarios available when the Define PO check box is clear:

Define PO

Override Preferred Vendor

Override Suggested Vendor

Vendor Used on PO




In this scenario, this value can never be set to No.











All Lines From Req (all lines from requisition)

Select to source all lines from the same requisition.

Check Item Available

Select this check box if you want to be informed that there is available stock for this item and that you have the option to source the selected requisition line from PeopleSoft Inventory.

If there is enough available inventory, the system asks you whether you want to source this request from inventory. If you select Yes, the system sets the inventory source option accordingly.


PO Item Vendor Option

Select a purchase order vendor option. This value appears by default from the PO Item Vendor Security Option defined on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page for the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit that you entered on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page. Values are:

No Edit Required: The system does not verify whether selected items are defined for the current vendor on the item-vendor table. You can select a more restrictive rule, if necessary.

Edit Required When Use Item ID: The system verifies the item-vendor combination only for items with item IDs and not for those ordered by description only. This value cannot be changed.

Edit Required Must Use Item ID: The system requires item IDs and verifies item-vendor combinations. This value cannot be changed.


Select the Sourcing tab.


Select to include the requisition line for sourcing. After you select a requisition line, it becomes unavailable for entry. To make any further changes to the requisition line, clear the check box, make the change, then select it again.

Vendor ID

Select the vendor that you want to use on the purchase order. The system stores the last vendor ID, whether entered or loaded from a requisition line. If you include a line without specifying a vendor ID, the system uses the last entered vendor ID as the default. If you include a line without specifying a vendor ID and the stored vendor ID is blank, the system issues an error message. You cannot change the vendor when a contract is specified.

Vendor Location

Select the vendor location used for ordering and determining the pricing location. The priority location appears by default from the item and shipto or from the item vendor.

See Defining Attributes and Priorities for Purchasing Item Vendor Relationships.

PO Qty (purchase order quantity)

Displays the purchase order quantity. The quantity appears as a default value from the requisition line.

You can enter a purchase order quantity that exceeds the original requisition open quantity (oversourcing). You can also enter a quantity that is below the original requisition open quantity (partial sourcing), but only when all the requisition schedules for the line are charged by quantity.

Partial sourcing and oversourcing is possible only when the Define PO check box is selected.

PO UOM (purchase order unit of measure)

Displays the UOM that you want to use on the purchase order. The UOM appears by default from the requisition line. If you are working with an ad hoc item, you can enter any UOM. If there is an item ID on the line, available UOMs are those in the INV_ITEM_UOM table.

Click the View Related Links button to view details about the item. You can then select to view the item's availability or substitute items for the item.


Click to view a description of the item.

Req ID(requisition ID)

Displays the requisition ID to which this requisition line belongs. Click the link to access additional requisition details.

Line # (line number)

Displays the originating requisition line number.

Procurement Card

Displays the actual value of the procurement card assigned to the requisition or if no procurement card was assigned to the requisition as of yet it will display Procurement Card.

Click the linked procurement card value to access the Requisition Selection - Procurement Card Information page. Use this page to override the current procurement card, view the current procurement card information or to assign a procurement card.

Calc Price (calculate price)

Indicates whether the PO Calculations process should recalculate the price or use the price from the requisition. If set to Y (yes), the PO Calculations process recalculates the price. If set to N (no), the PO Calculations process uses the price from the requisition. This option is set to Y and cannot be changed when using an item ID and a contract is specified.

Note. If set to N, the PO Calculations process does not search for an available contract.

Schedule Split

Indicates that the quantity had been partially sourced.

Staging Information

Click to access the Staging Information page. The page displays staging information for the requisitions that you selected for staging.

Check for Contract

Click to have the system search for and use appropriate contracts on manually entered purchase orders. This enables you to receive contract prices for requisition items and to more accurately track budgets, pre-encumberance balances and control contract leakage.and can be established at the business unit level.

This button appears when you have selected to automatically default a contract onto a requisition. Select the Default Contract on Req check box on the Business Unit Options page.

When you click the Check for Contract button, the system searches for manually entered purchase orders and requisitions and ensures that the correct contract is selected for use with the requisition. After locating possible contracts, the system copies them to transaction lines. The contract check takes place when the Vendor, Quantity, UOM, ShipTo, Item, or Item Description fields are created or changed. You can override contracts that have been selected by the system using the requisition header.


Select the Requisitions tab.

Req ID (requisition ID)

Click to access the Requisition Details page.

Req Line (requisition line)

Click to view details about the requisition line.

Req Sched (requisition schedule)

Displays the schedule line number that includes this requisition line.

Requisition Name (requisition schedule)

Displays the name assigned to the requisition when it was created. If you are using PeopleSoft eProcurement this value is carried from the eProcurement requisition to the Purchasing requisition. Requisition names assist you in identifying purchase orders associated with eProcurement requisitions.

UOM (unit of measure)

Displays the unit of measure for this requisition line.

Due Date

Displays the shipment due date to populate the requisition schedule. You define the due date when you create requisition header defaults.

Req Qty (requisition quantity)

Displays the number of items for this requisition line.

Amount Only

Indicates that this requisition line is specified as amount only.

Qty Req St (quantity requested standard)

Quantity ordered expressed in the item standard unit of measure.

% Prc Tol Under (percent price tolerance under) and Price Tol Under (price tolerance under)

The under-percentage and under-amount price tolerance per unit. This indicates the acceptable range within which the price can fall below that on the created purchase order. The tolerance appears by default from the Maintain Requisitions - Requisitions page under the Sourcing Controls tab for the requisition.

Change Vendor

Select the Change Vendor tab.

Change Vendor

Select this check box to activate the Change Vendor link to access the Override Selected Requisition Vendor page, where you can change the vendor on all selected lines simultaneously.


Vendor location used for ordering.


Item ID from the requisition line.

When you order an item that has a valid outstanding contract and the contract vendor is not selected for the line, the system displays a warning. You can decide to continue the transaction using the non-contract vendor.


Select All

Click this link to select all lines on the page for sourcing.

Clear All

Click this link to clear the selection for all lines on the page.

Split Line

This button becomes available after you change the quantity on a line that you want partially sourced. Click to insert a new line with the unsourced requisition quantity. You can source the remaining requisition quantity to different vendors.

Contract Information

Use the Contract Information tab to select contracts to include in requisition sourcing.

Contract SetID

Displays the setID to which the contract belongs.

Contract Version

Displays the contract version number. Procurement contract versions refer to the revision of the procurement contract transaction. Contract versions enable contract administrators to create and maintain multiple versions of a contract in the procurement system. To use contract versions, you must select the Use Version Control check box on the Contract and Vendor Rebate Controls page.

Contract Line Nbr (contract line number)

Displays the contract line number to which this line item belongs. Contract line numbers represent each item that is on a contract.

Category Line Number

Displays the contract category line number. Categories enable you to specify groups of items on a contract, rather than having to enter the items one at a time.

Group ID

Displays the line group ID associated with the contract line number.

Use Contract if Available

Select to apply negotiated prices for purchases and transactions against the contract. The system searches for purchase order, general, and release-to-single-PO-only contracts. Batch processing uses a different set of rules and does not automatically apply contract prices to requisitions.

See Additional Business Unit Options.

See Also

Changing Requisition Vendors

Running the PO Calculations Process

Establishing PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units

Understanding the UOM Conversion Hierarchy

Purchase Order Consolidation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Procurement Card Information

Access the Requisition Selection - Procurement Card Information page (click the Procurement Card link on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page).

Procurement Card used for payment

Card Number, Card Type, and Expiration Date

Displays the procurement card information associated with the current procurement card on the requisition.

Note. If a procurement card has not been previously assigned to the requisition then no procurement card information displays.

Override Procurement Card

Card Number

Select the card number to override the current procurement card number on the requisition or select a procurement card that you want to assign to the requisition if a procurement card was not previously assigned.

Only the valid procurement cards for the user who is making the requisition selection appear as valid procurement cards in the drop down list. This user must also have the access rights to use a procurement card on a requisition.

Card Type and Expiration Date

After you select an override procurement card these fields display the information associated with that procurement card.

Don't use Procurement Card

Select this check box if you do not want to use a procurement card as a payment method for this requisition that is being sourced to a purchase order. If you select this check box no procurement card will be associated with the purchase order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Requisition Vendors

Access the Override Selected Requisition Vendor page (click the Change Vendor link on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page).

Select a vendor to use by selecting the Change Vendor check box for the selected requisition lines on the Change Vendor tab of the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page.

Vendor, Vendor ID, and Location

Select the vendor and location you want to override the current vendor with.


When you click this button, the system updates the selected requisition lines with the vendor ID and location entered here and validates the item-vendor relationship. Once saved, the selected vendor is then staged into the purchase order staging tables.

See Also

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Purchase Order Staging Details

Access the Requisition Selection - Staging Information page (click the Staging Information link on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page).


Header information is available for modification only if you selected Define PO on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page. This page is only accessible if Define PO was selected on the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page. You will not be able to access this page if the line has been sourced to a blanket purchase order.

PO Date

Identifies the date to be used on the purchase order. This value can be changed if the system is assigned the purchase order date. If you are adding to an existing purchase order, the purchase order date appears by default from that purchase order.

User Assign ID

Select to source the requisition lines to the purchase order ID that you enter in the PO ID field. The purchase order must be an existing or reserved purchase order for the same vendor. If selecting an existing purchase order, only those in Initial, Pending Approval, or Approved status that have never been dispatched are available for selection.

Use Procurement Card

Click this link to access the Requisition Selection - Procurement Card Information page. Use this page to maintain the procurement card information for the requisition being staged to become a purchase order.

The procurement cards that appear for selection on this page are related to the buyer who also has the rights to use a procurement card on a purchase order. Plus, any vendor cards appear as well for the buyer and vendor and location if the vendor accepts procurement cards as a payment method.

Procurement cards will be visible here if they came over from the requisition or set as a default from the vendor. The buyer has the ability to change this card information to a card that they are authorized to use.


The line and schedule information appears by default from the requisition. If you selected Define PO, this information appears on the purchase order. If you did not select Define PO, the information listed here is passed to the appropriate sourcing process: PO Calculations or Build Inventory Demand.

Line and Sched (schedule)

If you selected Define PO, this is the purchase order line and schedule number. If you did not select Define PO, this is the line and schedule number from the requisition.

Item ID

This field is available for entry when the requisition line contains an ad hoc item (description only). This enables the buyer to enter an item ID, when appropriate, based on the ad hoc item description entered by the requester.

When the requisition line contains an item ID, this field is unavailable for entry. The buyer may use the Substitute Items functionality to enter a substitute item.


The unit price for this requisition line appears by default from the requisition and is used on the purchase order if the Define PO check box is selected. If the Calculate Price? check box is selected on the requisition, the PO Calculations process recalculates the price.

Note. If you change the Price value for an ad hoc item and the new price exceeds tolerances defined for the requisition on the Maintain Requisitions - Requisition page under the Sourcing Controls tab, the ad hoc row is not rejected. Instead, the system recognizes that the price exceeds the defined tolerances, issues a warning, and gives you the option to accept the newly entered price or reset it to the price defined on the original requisition.


Freight Terms

This field identifies the freight terms code associated with the purchase order's schedules.


Total line amount in the displayed currency.

Distribute by

The distribution method by which you allocate the expense account distribution appears by default from the requisition. Values include Amount or Quantity.

If you select Quantity, the sum of all distribution quantities must equal the schedule quantity. Inventory items must be distributed using the quantity distribution method.

If you select Amount, the sum of all distribution amounts must equal the schedule amount (merchandise amount).

Both options enable you to distribute by percent.


The distribution information appears by default from the requisition. If you selectedDefine PO, this information appears on the purchase order. If you did not select Define PO, the system passes this information to the appropriate sourcing processes.

PO Qty (purchase order quantity)

Identifies the quantity on the distribution. You can change the default distribution quantity. If the distribution method is Amount, the purchase order quantity is not available for entry.


Identifies the distribution amount. You can change the default distribution amount here. If the distribution method is Quantity, the amount is not available for entry.


Identifies the distribution percent. You can enter the distribution percent if the distribution method was either Quantity or Amount. If you change the amount or quantity, the percent is adjusted. If you change the percent, the amount or quantity is adjusted. In either case, the total must equal 100 percent.


Represents the internal destination of the distribution, which can differ from the ship to location for the schedule. For example, the ship to location for the schedule might be corporate headquarters, and the distribution location might be a particular floor's supply room.

Click the Save button to copy this information into the PeopleSoft Purchasing stage tables, where it can be picked up by the PO Calculations process and then by the Create Purchase Orders process.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Using the Create Purchase Orders Process

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Running the PO Calculations Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Purchase Order Item Staging Information

Access the PO Item Staging page (click the Receiving/Inspection Information link on the Requisition Selection - Staging Information page).

Receiving Required

Select the receiving requirement for the item. Values are:

  • Do Not Receive: If selected, accounts payable matching and receipt accrual are not applicable.

  • Receiving is Optional: If selected, accounts payable will not match receipt lines and the system will not accrue the receipt.

  • Receiving is Required: If selected, accounts payable will match receipt lines and the system will accrue the receipt.


Select this check box if inspection is required, and specify any inspection instructions for this item using the inspection routing ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Purchase Order Header Staging Details

Access the PO Header Staging page (click the Header Details link on the Requisition Selection - Staging page).

Tax Exempt Flag

Select this check box if sales tax does not apply to this transaction.

Matching Options

Match Action

Indicate whether you want PeopleSoft Payables to perform matching before payment of the voucher.

Match Rule

Select a match rule from the available options. Match rules are defined on the Match Rules page and activated on the Match Rule Control page.

Payment Terms

Payment Terms Basis Date Type

Specify the date that should be used to calculate the voucher payment terms in PeopleSoft Payables.

Process Control Option


Select this check box to indicate that the purchase order should be dispatched upon creation.


Select a dispatch method. Values are Print, Fax, Email, EDX, or Phone.

See Also

Establishing Matching and Document Association Options

Click to jump to parent topicAutomatically Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

This section provides an overview of the AutoSelect Requisitions process and discusses how to run the AutoSelect Requisitions process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the AutoSelect Requisitions Process

The AutoSelect Requisitions Application Engine process (PO_REQSORC), also referred to as AutoSelect, loads eligible approved requisitions into the PeopleSoft Purchasing stage tables for purchase order creation and is an alternative to selecting requisitions online using the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page. The AutoSelect process does not select or stage requisitions that have distribution lines that do not have an account number entered for each distribution line.

AutoSelect loads the PO_ITM_STG and PO_DISTRIB_STG tables, creating one row on the PO_ITM_STG table for every line and schedule combination and one row on the PO_DISTRIB_STG table for every requisition distribution. When AutoSelect has completed, it locks the requisition lines so that no further activity can take place while the actual sourcing is in process.

In order for AutoSelect to select the requisitions, the requisition line must be in Approved status and items with item IDs must have the AutoSelect check box selected on the Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Controls page. Items ordered by description are also selected, as long as the Item ID Required check box on the AutoSelect Req page is clear.

After running the AutoSelect Requisition process, access the Sourcing Workbench page to verify that the intended requisition lines are in the staging tables by searching by the requisition ID or the process instance. If the requisition does not appear on the page, it was not selected.

Here are the results of the AutoSelect process:

Note. Other applications and business processes, such as online requisition selection, requests for quotes, subcontracts from PeopleSoft Manufacturing, PeopleSoft Supply Planning, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, and purchasing contracts populate the same staging tables used by the subsequent steps in the sourcing process.

Requisition Change Order Processing

You can use the AutoSelect Requisitions process to process a requisition change order for a requisition that was previously sourced to a purchase order. One additional process must be performed to ensure that the requisition does not exist on the autoselect staging tables. You must perform the Purge Stage Tables process (PO_POSTGPRG) using the Purge Stage Table page and then perform the AutoSelect process on the requisition change order. If you do not perform the Purge Stage Tables process the change order for the requisition may not be recognized by the AutoSelect Requisitions process.

See Also

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Running the PO Calculations Process

Purging Purchasing Staging Tables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Automatically Select Requisitions for Sourcing

Page Name

Definition Name



Auto Requisition Selection


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Auto Requisition Selection

Enter the selection criteria for the AutoSelect Requisitions process and run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the AutoSelect Requisitions Process

Access the Auto Requisition Selection page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Auto Requisition Selection).

Request Type

Select from these values:

Inventory: Only those requisition lines for which the Inventory Source check box is selected are selected.

Purch Ord (purchase order): Only those requisition lines for which the Inventory Source check box is clear are selected.

Both: Requisition lines are selected for sourcing whether or not the Inventory Source check box is selected.

Item ID Required

Select this check box to load only those requisitions containing a valid item ID identified for AutoSelect. If this check box is clear, requisitions with item IDs and ad hoc items are both eligible for selection.

System Source

Use to limit the selection of requisition lines to those with a specific system source. For example, select WM (maintenance management) to select requisitions for sourcing to PeopleSoft Purchasing that were created in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Business Unit

Select a purchasing business unit. Use to limit the selection of requisition lines to a single PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit.

Vendor SetID and Vendor

Select a vendor setID and vendor ID to limit the selection of requisition lines to those for a specific vendor.

Contract SetID and Contract

Select a contract setID and contract number to limit the selection of requisition lines to those for a specific contract.

SetID and Category

Select a setID and item category to limit the selection of requisition lines to those with items within a specific item category.

Requester and Buyer

Use to limit the selection of requisition lines to those associated with a specific requester or buyer.


Use to limit the selection of requisition lines to those with a specific origin.

Date Selection


Select how you want the system to process date information. Depending on the value that you select, the system provides other fields for you to further define date information. Value include:

C (current date).

M (current date minus days).

N ( no selection by date).

P (current date plus days).

S (specified date).

Nbr Days (number of days)

Enter the number of days to apply to the operand that you select.


Select a value that indicates how the system processes a date. For example, you can select to include requisitions for sourcing that are dated greater than or equal to the selected date.


Select a date. When the current date is used, it appears low-lighted in this field. You can select a date depending on the combined values that you select for the Option and Operand fields.

Click to jump to parent topicSourcing by Region

This section provides an overview of regional sourcing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Regional Sourcing

For large multinational organizations, purchases are often distributed across multiple purchasing locations. These purchasing locations are sometimes geographically dispersed, and may require that different vendors or vendor locations (such as distribution centers or manufacturing plants) ship goods to different parts of the world. With the Regional Sourcing functionality, you can now define specific sourcing regions, group multiple vendor ship to locations into that region, prioritize vendors and vendor locations, and source the requests to the preferred vendor within that region.

Understanding the Regional Sourcing Process Flow

To set up PeopleSoft Purchasing to leverage regional vendors during the sourcing process:

  1. Set up Region Codes (for example North-CAL).

    Use the Region Codes page to establish specific regions that are used to group vendors and vendor locations.

  2. Access the Ship To Locations page (these are the ship to locations where the vendor is to ship the merchandise).

    Use this page to link the ship to location to the appropriate region.

  3. Access the Item Region Vendor page.

    Use the Item Region Vendor page to define vendor priority and vendor location by region. Select the item, and then assign a preferred vendor by region. Use this page to select preferred vendors that can supply particular items throughout that region.

  4. Access the Procurement Region Vendor Order Location page.

    Use the Procurement Region Vendor Order Location page to identify the location of the vendor. This page enables you to specify what vendor locations are relevant for the region.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Source by Region

Page Name

Definition Name



Region Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Location, Region Codes

Define the geographical sourcing region and establish vendor priority and vendor locations.

Region Codes Address


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Location, Region Codes, Region Codes Address

Define description and address information for the region code.

Ship To Locations


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Purchasing, Ship To Locations

Associate the sourcing region to the appropriate ship to location.

Item Vendor by Region


Items, Define Items and Attributes, Item Vendor by Region

Define vendor priority and vendor location by region.

Procurement Region Vendor Order Location


Click the Vendor Order Location link on the Region Codes page.

Select an appropriate vendor setID, vendor ID, and vendor location for a specific region.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Region Codes

Access the Region Codes page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Location, Region Codes).

Note. When you first navigate to the Region Codes page, the system prompts you for a region category ID. Use the procurement region category ID. If you want to set up alternative region types for the region codes, use the Region Types page to set up the new region type. You may consider this option when creating separate regions for multiple applications like PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Services Procurement.


Enter a unique description for the region code.

Vendor Order Location

Click this link to access the Procurement Region Vendor Order Location, where you can select an appropriate vendor SETID, vendor ID, and vendor location for a specific region.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Regions to Ship To Locations

Access the Ship To Locations page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Purchasing, Ship To Locations).

Region Code

Select a region code to associate to this ship to location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Vendor Priority and Vendor Location by Region

Access the Item Vendor by Region page (Items, Define Items and Attributes, Item Vendor by Region).

Region Code

Select a region code to associate with this regional vendor.

Item Vendor Priority

Enter the priority order for which a vendor will be selected for regional sourcing.

Vendor ID

Select the vendor that you want to associate with this vendor region.

Vendor Location

Select the location for the vendor.

Lead Time

Enter the lead time that you want purchase order sourcing to use in determining the purchase order lead time. Item region is level two in the defaulting hierarchy after the item ship to vendor level. If you don't use this value, purchase order sourcing checks at level three in the defaulting hierarchy (Item/Vendor attributes).

Lead Time Option

Select the option that you want to use along with the lead time value. Select Default to use the next level lead time. Select Use to use the lead time defined at this level.

Include in Planning

Select to enable purchase options to be created in PeopleSoft Supply Planning for the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit related to this item vendor. The purchase option then enables the creation of new purchase orders through PeopleSoft Supply Planning for this PeopleSoft Inventory business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Vendor Order Locations

Access the Procurement Region Vendor Order Location page (click the Vendor Order Location link on the Region Codes page).

Vendor Set ID

Select the vendor setID for the vendor that you want to associate with the sourcing region.

Vendor ID

Select the vendor you want to associate with the sourcing region.

Vendor Location

Select the location for the vendor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Regional Level Sourcing Methods

To use the regional hierarchy as part of the background sourcing process, you must select the Override Suggested Vendor check box on the Maintain Requisitions - Requisition page under the Sourcing Controls tab. If this check box is clear, the system uses the vendor provided on the transaction. The regional sourcing hierarchy is used only when you select the basic sourcing method.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading Staged Purchase Order Requests from PeopleSoft Supply Planning and Manufacturing

This section provides an overview of the PO Stage Load process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the PO Stage Load Process

The PO Stage Load process looks for purchase order requests in PeopleSoft Supply Planning and Manufacturing tables and loads them into the PeopleSoft Purchasing staging tables.

The PO Stage Load process accepts new requests from PeopleSoft Supply Planning and Manufacturing. The Change Purchase Order process (PO_POCHNG) handles change requests from PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Before running the PO Stage Load process, establish defaults and a relationship between the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit from which the purchase order requests are coming and the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit to which they are going. These defaults are set up on the PO Loader Defaults page.

See Also

Running the Change Purchase Order Process

Using Purchase Order Loader Defaults and Overrides

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Load Staged Purchase Order Requests from PeopleSoft Supply Planning and Manufacturing

Page Name

Definition Name



PO Stage Load


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Stage Load

Enter the selection criteria for the PO Stage Load process and to run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing, Approving, and Applying Planning Messages

PeopleSoft Supply Planning can generate purchasing messages containing recommendations for adding or rescheduling purchase orders. After a plan has been created and recommendations are made, the Approve Purchasing Updates (PL_POST) process creates the purchasing planning messages.

After you receive the messages, you can:

See Also

Running the Change Purchase Order Process

Running the PO Stage Load Application Engine Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the PO Stage Load Application Engine Process

Access the PO Stage Load page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Stage Load).

Inventory Unit

If you specify a PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, only items from PeopleSoft Supply Planning associated with that business unit are selected. If you leave this field blank, all PeopleSoft Inventory business units are considered.

PO Business Unit (purchase order business unit)

If you specify a PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit, only items destined for this business unit are selected. If you leave this field blank, all PeopleSoft Purchasing business units are considered.

Process Planning Requests

Select this check box to process purchase requests from PeopleSoft Supply Planning. If this check box is clear, any purchase requests from these sources are ignored.

Group POs by Item - Planning

Select this check box to break down the purchase orders into one purchase order per vendor, per item. This can be desirable if the purchase orders are very large. If this check box is clear, you can generate purchase orders with multiple lines for the same vendor. To use this check box, you must select the Process Planning Requests check box.

Purchase Order Type

Select to indicate the type of requests that you want to load. To use this option, you must select the Process Planning Requests check box. Values are:

Existing Orders: Change to an existing purchase order.

Planned Order: New planned order.

Planner Code

If you select a planner code, only items from PeopleSoft Supply Planning with this value are selected. If you do not specify a code, all values are considered. To use this option, select the Process Planning Requests check box.

Process Production Requests

Select this check box to process purchase requests from PeopleSoft Manufacturing. If this check box is clear, purchase requests from PeopleSoft Manufacturing are ignored.

Group POs by Item - Production

Select this check box to break down the purchase orders into one purchase order per vendor, per item. This can be desirable if the purchase orders are very large. If this check box is clear, you can generate purchase orders with multiple lines for the same vendor. To use this check box, you must select the Process Production Requests check box.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicBuilding Inventory Demand Transactions

This section provides an overview of the Build Inventory Demand process (PO_REQINVS) and discusses how to run the Build Inventory Demand process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Build Inventory Demand Process

This section discusses how to build inventory demand transactions from PeopleSoft Purchasing staging tables rows using the Build Inventory Demand process (PO_REQINVS).

At the start of processing, the Build Inventory Demand process reserves all rows in the staging tables that are identified for inventory demand (Inventory Source option set to Y (yes), have a stage status of S (staged), and meet the user-defined selection criteria.

The process then builds the demand table, IN_DEMAND, which is built at the distribution level; therefore, there is generally one row in the demand table for every selected, staged distribution. If partial quantities are allowed and the quantity on the distribution must be satisfied by more than one warehouse, there can be several rows on the demand table for one staged distribution.

Note. Partial sourcing is not allowed in the Build Inventory Demand process when the distribution is distributed by amount.

Because some distributions may be sourced entirely from inventory demand and others from a purchase order, distributions are renumbered by the Create Purchase Orders process, when necessary.

Most of the information for the demand table comes directly from the staging tables. All requisition keys are provided in the demand table to reference the requisition.

Reviewing How Inventory Demand is Sourced

The Build Inventory Demand process determines which warehouse (Inventory business unit) to use to fill demand by accessing the distribution network specified for the ship to location and evaluates the warehouses included in the network.

Note. The Build Inventory Demand process never sources demand from the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit that creates the request.

The Inventory Demand process also calculates available quantity.

To calculate available quantity, the Build Inventory Demand process takes the available quantity in BU_ITEMS_INV, then subtracts the sum of QTY_REQUESTED from all rows in IN_DEMAND with the same BUSINESS_UNIT and INV_ITEM_ID. If the demand is an interunit transfer, the interunit par quantity is also subtracted from the available quantity.

Transfer yield is calculated after the Inventory business unit is selected and the available quantity is checked. The requisition quantity is increased by the transfer yield percentage.

To see the requested quantity satisfied by inventory demand, check the Qty Demand field on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page. You can also view the inventory demand created by the Build Inventory Demand process using the Update Unreserved Orders page.

The Build Inventory Demand process uses this logic to determine the method by which inventory demand should be sourced, as well as which warehouses to utilize:

  1. The process first verifies that the requested item exists in the BU_ITEM_INV table for the inventory business units in the assigned distribution network.

    If the item does exist and the process finds at least one Inventory business unit eligible for inventory demand sourcing, the process moves on to step 3.

  2. If the item does not exist in the Inventory business units in the distribution network, the process continues with this logic using the settings of the When Item Not Stocked in INBU option on the Purchasing Options page.

  3. If the item does exist in the Inventory business units in the distribution network, the process continues with this logic using the settings of the Check Inv Available Qty and Partial Qtys Can Ship options on the Purchasing Options page.

    These settings work together to create any of these processing scenarios when you run the Build Inventory Demand process.

For example:

You have two requisitions, both with the Check Inv Available Qty and Partial Qtys Can Ship options selected:

Warehouse A and warehouse B are in the distribution network for the ship to location on the requisition and stock item 10000, as defined in BU_ITEMS_INV.

Warehouse A has 60 units and warehouse B has 40 units in inventory. The inventory quantity, unreserved demand, and available quantity before the Build Inventory Demand process runs are appear in this table:


Inventory Quantity

Unreserved Demand

Available Quantity

Warehouse A




Warehouse B




When the Build Inventory Demand process performs quantity checking for requisition 100 for 80 units, it sources 60 from warehouse A and 20 from warehouse B.

When the Build Inventory Demand process performs quantity checking for requisition 200 for 40 units, it calculates that there is unreserved demand in warehouse A from the first requisition and that there is no available quantity in warehouse A. It calculates that the available quantity in warehouse B is 20 units.

The quantities now look like this:


Inventory Quantity

Unreserved Demand

Available Quantity

Warehouse A




Warehouse B




There is not enough available quantity in the warehouses to fill the entire demand for requisition 200, so the Build Inventory Demand process sources 20 units from warehouse B and identifies the balance of 20 units to be sourced to a purchase order. The purchase order is created in the next run of the PO Calculations and Create Purchase Orders processes.

The end result is that requisition 100 for 80 units, gets 60 units from warehouse A and 20 units from warehouse B. Requisition 200 for 40 units, gets 20 units from warehouse B and 20 units from a purchase order.

Once the Build Inventory Demand process runs successfully, these updates are made for rows fully converted, partially converted, and not converted to inventory demand transactions:

IN Demand Created

PO_ITM_STG Stage Status

Req Line Source Status

IN Source Option

Req Line

In Process Status

PO_ITM_STG Demand Qty


C (completed)

C (completed)

Y (yes)

N (no)

Releases requisition line for updates by online and batch processes.

Quantity sourced to inventory demand, appears in requisition UOM.


S (staged)

PO_POCALC and PO_POCREATE source the balance to a purchase order.

No update to the requisition.

N (no)

No update to the requisition.

Quantity sourced to inventory demand, appears in requisition UOM.


S (staged)

PO_POCALC and PO_POCREATE source the balance to a purchase order.

No update to the requisition.

N (no)

No update to the requisition.


Backorders and the Build Inventory Demand Process

When the Check Inv Available Qty option is clear and the target Inventory business unit is set up for fulfillment, the Build Inventory Demand process sources unfulfilled quantities to a backorder, rather than to purchase orders.

For example, suppose that you have the previously described setup in place, and you have a requisition quantity of 10. The Distribution Network Inventory business unit has an available quantity of 6. When you run the AutoSelect Requisitions process and the Build Inventory Demand process, all 10 units are sourced from the Distribution Network Inventory business unit, where the 6 available units will be used to partially fulfill the resulting demand and the remaining 4 units are backordered until the Inventory Business Unit has a quantity available to fulfill the rest of the request.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Using the Create Purchase Orders Process

Creating Purchase Orders Using the Create Purchase Orders Process

Running the PO Calculations Process

Establishing PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units

Establishing Distribution Networks

Promising and Reserving Inventory

Defining Business Unit Fulfillment Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Build Inventory Demand Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Inventory Demand


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Build Inventory Demand, Inventory Demand

Enter the selection criteria for the Build Inventory Demand process and run the process.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the PO Calculations Process

This section provides overviews of the PO Calculations process, sourcing methods, procurement card assignment hierarchy, and discusses how to run the PO Calculations process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the PO Calculations Process

The PO Calculations Application Engine process (PO_POCALC) performs most of the processing necessary to create a purchase order. After running the PO Calculations process, you can review the results of the process and make changes using the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page before the purchase order is created. After you run the PO Calculations process, run the Create Purchase Orders process to create the purchase order.

If you select the Pre-Approve Vendor check box on the PO Calculations - Run Controls page, the system automatically approves the vendor recommended by the PO Calculations process, so that you can run the PO Calculations process and the Create Purchase Order process without interruption. If you do not select the Pre-Approve Vendor check box you must approve the vendor manually in the Sourcing Workbench.

You can review the results of the PO Calculations process on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page and change the recommended vendor. If you change a vendor through the Sourcing Workbench, run the PO Calculations process again to recalculate the staged row.

Twelve Functions of the PO Calculations Process

The PO Calculations process performs twelve functions:

  1. Selects a vendor using one of the four different sourcing methods.

    When you elect to override the suggested vendor, the PO Calculations process recommends and selects the vendor for purchase orders based on the sourcing method and the sourcing method settings for each item. There are four methods of vendor selection from which you can choose: basic, flexible, schedule split, or cumulative split sourcing. All of these sourcing methods are available at the category level, and basic, flexible, and schedule split sourcing can be overridden at the item level. When a new item is created, the sourcing option appears by default from the category, but a different value can be specified at the item level. There is also an option at the item level to indicate whether you should use the item or the category sourcing method. The sourcing method to be used for each requisition is set based on the information at the item or category level at the time that the requisition is sourced, either online through the Requisition Selection - Sourcing page or through the AutoSelect Requisitions process.

  2. Changes purchase order values using the business unit, vendor, item, or contract, based on the PeopleSoft Purchasing default hierarchy.

  3. Consolidates requisitions onto purchase orders when the Consolidate Flag is Y.

    Note. The PO Calculations process does not combine multiple requisition lines onto one purchase order line. All requisition lines are maintained as separate lines.

  4. Calculates a due date if one is not provided.

    The PO Calculations process calculates the due date based on the item vendor lead time, if it is indicated; otherwise, it calculates the due date based on the item lead time. The PO Calculations process also validates the due date against the closure calendar, and if necessary, adjusts the due date based on the closure calendar.

  5. Determines the purchase order currency.

    When you add to an existing purchase order, or when header level information is specified in the stage table, the PO Calculations process uses the currency from the headers. If no currency is specified, the PO Calculations process uses the currency from the vendor location that is specified during online requisition selection when using Define PO. All prices, amounts, and price tolerances are converted to the purchase order currency. The PO Calculations process does not convert to the contract currency if it is different; the process does, however, convert to the contract currency when it updates contract release amounts.

  6. Converts to the vendor unit of measure if necessary.

    The PO Calculations process uses the transaction unit of measure whenever possible, but if you have elected to consolidate purchase requests, the process converts to the vendor default unit of measure. The PO Calculations process also converts to the vendor default unit of measure if you have chosen not to consolidate, but the vendor location does not accept all units of measure and the transaction unit of measure is not a valid unit of measure for the vendor. If the PO Calculations process finds a contract that indicates that the contract base price should be used, and that price is in a different unit of measure, the PO Calculations process converts the contract price to the transaction unit of measure.

    Note. No unit of measure conversion takes place for amount only lines. If a unit of measure (UOM) conversion is necessary (conversion rate changed or requisition UOM is not valid for the vendor) then an error will be issued.

  7. Rounds to whole numbers, if indicated, on the item or item vendor.

    If you specify whole number rounding at the item or item vendor level for the transaction or standard unit of measure, the PO Calculations process rounds the quantity to whole numbers. If both units of measure require whole numbers, and the transaction quantity has decimals after the PO Calculations process has rounded the standard quantity, then the transaction is rejected. If the rounded transactions have been split sourced, the PO Calculations process ensures that the sum of the split-sourced quantities still adds up to the schedule quantity. If the sum of the split-sourced quantities does not add up to the schedule quantity, the transaction is rejected. The PO Calculations process does not adjust source documents (such as requisitions) for changes in quantity due to rounding.

  8. Finds a contract.

    If a contract is not specified on the transaction and the transaction source is a requisition or Par Location Replenishment, the PO Calculations process attempts to find the most recent effective contract for which the transaction item matches on item, category, or open item reference for the already determined vendor. If the contract does not meet minimum or maximum requirements, the PO Calculations process goes to the next most recent effective contract.

    The system looks for a contract that is assigned to a specific purchase order if:

    1. The transaction does not contain a PO_HDR_STG row.

      This ensures that the system does not override the selection of a purchase order header.

    2. The purchase order uses a contract with items associated to a line group.

      A line group is a bundle of items that buyers use in PeopleSoft Sourcing to obtain better pricing for items. When a sourcing event is awarded to a purchase order, and the items awarded are part of a line group, the system applies contract pricing from that line group to the specified vendor.

    3. The contract price and UOM match the transaction price and UOM.

      If the transaction does not meet these requirements, the PO Calculations process goes to the next most recent effective contract.

      Because the PO Calculations process has not calculated the price at this point, it uses the item or vendor base price when editing against minimum or maximum requirements. The contract maximums are verified at the line level. If you have multiple lines on a purchase order with the same item ID, the sum of those line quantities and amounts is verified against the contract line maximums.

      The contracts that the PO Calculations process reviews are restricted to the specified business unit when the contracts are set up in the system by business unit.

      If a contract is specified on the stage table row (through online requisition or a contract release), the PO Calculations process ensures that the contract is still effective, and that the maximum amounts and quantities have not been exceeded. If the contract is not still effective or the maximum amount or quantity is exceeded, the PO Calculations process rejects the transaction. If a contract ID is specified, the PO Calculations process does not search for a different contract.

      The PO Calculations process updates the contract release amounts. If you make a change in the Sourcing Workbench, run the PO Calculations process again before you run the Create Purchase Orders process. When you run the PO Calculations process again, the related contract updates are reversed.

      Note. The PO Calculations process does not search for contract lines for items ordered by description. However, the PO Calculations process uses a contract that allows open items for both description-only and item ID lines.

      When the PO Calculations process runs for a requisition and the process finds a blanket purchase order to use to fulfill the request, the PO Calculations process reserves the blanket purchase order. If you run the PO Calculations process again before running the Create Purchase Orders process, and the process finds a request for which the same blanket purchase order applies, the request line is assigned an error status. This is because the blanket purchase order is reserved by the previous run of PO Calculations process and cannot be accessed for sourcing the current request. To resolve the error, run the Create Purchase Order process to release the reserved blanket purchase order and recycle the row in Error status through the PO Calculations process.

  9. Finds a vendor rebate agreement.

    If you are using the vendor rebate functionality, this process will determine and assign the appropriate vendor rebate agreement to the purchase order line. The PO Calculations process uses the same default hierarchy strategy when assigning a vendor rebate agreement as when creating a purchase order online.

    See Vendor Rebate Processing on the Purchase Order.

  10. Finds a procurement card or vendor card to use as the payment method.

    If you are using the procurement card functionality, this process will determine and assign the appropriate procurement card or vendor card to the purchase order line. The PO Calculations process uses a hierarchy strategy when assigning the correct card number to a purchase order line.

    See Understanding the PO Calculations Process.

  11. Calculates the price.

    If you select the calculate price option, the PO Calculations process recalculates the price. The process begins with the price from the item. If it finds a contract or if a contract is specified, and the contract indicates to use the contract base price, the PO Calculations process uses the contract base price as the starting price instead of the item price. If there is no contract, or if the contract does not indicate to use the contract base price, and PO Calculations process finds an item vendor price, it uses the item vendor price as the starting price instead of the item price.

    When finding an item vendor price, the PO Calculations process searches the item vendor prices in this order, and stops at the first place that it finds a price:

  12. Calculates miscellaneous charges, freight, sales and use tax, and value-added tax (VAT).

Technical Details of the PO Calculations Process

The PO Calculations process acts on the PO_ITM_STG table and creates PO_ITM_STG_UD and PO_ITM_STG_VND.

The PO_ITM_STG_UD table contains the recommended vendor, any other eligible vendors (for flexible sourcing), and the results of all the calculations (due date, price, UOM conversion, currency conversion, and so on). You can view the PO_ITM_STG_UD table data on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page and change the recommended vendor. If you use the Sourcing Workbench to change a vendor, you must run the PO Calculations process on the staged row to recalculate values.

The PO_ITM_STG_VND table contains the details for the flexible sourcing method and can be viewed using the Flexible Sourcing page.

If the PO Calculations process has not run, PO_ITM_STG_UD and PO_ITM_STG_VNDR do not exist. If the PO Calculations process has run, but an error was encountered for a staged row, there may or may not be a row in PO_ITM_STG_UD and PO_ITM_STG_VND.

If the PO Calculations process does not return the expected results, confirm that you have set the Define PO option, Inventory Source option, and the price tolerances appropriately.

You can review requested prices and tolerances on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page. Sourcing price tolerances are set at the business unit level on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page and can be overridden on the requisition.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Using the Create Purchase Orders Process

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Running the AutoSelect Requisitions Process

Establishing PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units

Purchase Order Consolidation

VAT Processing on the Purchase Order

SUT Processing on the Purchase Order

Specifying Business Unit Closure Dates

Sourcing Error Messages

Establishing PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units

Understanding the UOM Conversion Hierarchy

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Sourcing Methods

To use these sourcing methods, select the Override Suggested Vendor option on the Sourcing Controls page. If this option is clear, the system uses the vendor provided on the transaction.

Basic Sourcing

Basic sourcing, also referred to as sourcing method basic, can be set at the category level and overridden at the item level.

Here is how the vendor order location is determined:

In basic sourcing, the pricing location comes from the vendor pricing location indicated by the order location.

Flexible Sourcing

Flexible vendor sourcing, also referred to as sourcing method Flexible, can be set at the category level, and overridden at the item level. With flexible sourcing, the PO Calculations process selects a vendor based on best price, lead time, item vendor, and ship to priority vendor.

With flexible sourcing, the PO Calculations process calculates due dates, prices, item ship to, and item vendor priority, and then determines the best vendor for the item based on the weight that you give each criteria. The eligible vendors come from the item vendor.

The PO Calculations process bases the vendor selection on these available criteria:

Lead Time

The PO Calculations process assigns a percentage rank value to each vendor based on the number of lead days. The percentage rank is calculated as this vendor lead days divided by the total lead days for all eligible vendors.


The PO Calculations process assigns a percentage rank value to each vendor in the order of price. The percentage rank is calculated as this vendor price divided by the total price for all eligible vendors.

Item Ship To Vendor Priority

The PO Calculations process assigns a percentage rank value to each vendor in the order of item ship to vendor priority. The percentage rank is calculated as this vendor item ship to priority divided by the total item ship to priority for all eligible vendors.

Item Vendor Priority

The PO Calculations process assigns a percentage rank value to each vendor in the order of item vendor priority. The percentage rank is calculated as the vendor item vendor priority divided by the total item vendor priority for all eligible vendors.

The weight of the criteria is set by percentage. You can select how much weight to give to lead time, price, ship to, and vendor at the category level, at the item level, and on the PO Calculations page. The higher the percentage that you give to one of the criterion, the more weight that criterion has. For example, suppose that you want to select the vendor based only on lead time, you can give lead time a percentage weight of 100 percent and the vendor with the best lead time, regardless of price, ship to, or vendor priority, is selected.

Once the PO Calculations process ranks the vendors on each of the four criteria, it applies the ranking of each of these criteria to determine the best vendor. In the case of a tie between vendors, the process uses the item vendor priority ranking as a tiebreaker.

The mathematical formula that the process uses is:

((Lead Time / Sum of lead times) * Lead time User rank) + ((Price / Sum of prices) * Price User Rank) + ((Shipto Priority / Sum of Shipto Priorities) * User rank) + ((Vendor Priority / Sum of Vendor Priorities) * User rank)

Note. When you use flexible sourcing, method Flexible, pricing is always done at the schedule level, never at the line level.

Schedule Split Sourcing

Schedule split sourcing, also known as sourcing method Split, can be set at the category level and overridden at the item level. With schedule split sourcing, you can split orders to multiple vendors at the schedule level, based on predefined percentages. For example, suppose that you want to source 60 percent of all orders for an item or category to Vendor A and 40 percent to Vendor B. Set the sourcing rules to define which vendors supply this item or category and the percentage that goes to each vendor.

The PO Calculations process selects vendors for schedule split sourcing based on where the source method is set.

The other sourcing methods source 100 percent of the quantity to the selected vendor. With schedule split sourcing, each schedule is split so that a portion of the quantity is sourced to each item vendor.

If the vendor minimum order quantity is not met, the transaction is rejected.

Note. If you are using the schedule split sourcing method, all established item vendor relationships must be defined with an allocation value greater than zero and a cumulative total of 100. Schedule split sourcing splits orders among multiple vendors, not among multiple vendor locations. Schedule split sourcing cannot split orders among multiple locations for the same vendor.

Cumulative Split Sourcing

Cumulative split sourcing, also referred to as historic split sourcing and sourcing method Cumulative, like schedule split sourcing, enables you to split orders to multiple vendors based on predefined percentages. Unlike schedule split sourcing, this method sources the purchase order line to the first vendor in the priority list until the vendor's order percentage for the item category is met. Over time, the percentage sourced to each vendor should be close to the percentage that you define on the Item Vendor Priority page.

Based on the setting in the Accumulate Level field on the Item Categories - Category Definition 3 page, the percentage that you define on the Item Vendor Priority page is accumulated based on each run of the PO Calculations process or based on each schedule. You can override this setting using the Accumulate Level field on the PO Calculations - Run Controls page.

If you select Run, all schedules for the item category being processed in the process run are grouped together when finding a vendor. All schedules for the category are sourced from the same vendor.

If you select Schedule, the process examines each schedule individually when finding a vendor and accumulates the percentage for each vendor based on each schedule. The schedules are assigned to the same vendor until that vendor's predefined percentage is met, then they are assigned to the next vendor until the second vendor's predefined percentage is met and so forth through all the available vendors. It then cycles back to the first vendor. Each schedule could have a different vendor.

The schedule accumulate level offers greater and more accurate control, while the run accumulate level offers better performance.

PeopleSoft Purchasing maintains records on historical order amounts to determine to which vendor the purchase order line should be sourced. This is the only source method that is available only at the category level. The vendors are selected from the category vendors.

When you dispatch the purchase order, the total order amount is updated on the category vendor and on the category to maintain the historical information. The Cumulative Sourcing Update process (PO_POHISTUD) maintains the historical information when you modify category or category-vendor-level information.

Understanding the Procurement Card Assignment Hierarchy

The PO Calculations process determines the correct procurement card or vendor card to use on the purchase order as a payment method if you are using the procurement card functionality. This table illustrates how the procurement card or vendor card is assigned to a purchase order:

If Consolidate Req Lines

If Suggested Vendor Can Be Overridden

If Chosen (or final) Vendor Accepts Cards

If Vendor Card is Available

If Use Procurement Card Specified on Req

Procurement Card That Will Appear on PO



Vendor must be entered on requisition.


Chosen vendor does not accept any cards.


Vendor cannot accept vendor card if they don't accept any cards.

Not applicable

Vendor does not accept any cards.






Not applicable

Vendor does not accept any cards.





Chosen vendor accepts cards.


Not applicable

Vendor card is always used.

Vendor card







Use buyer default procurement card if it is valid.






Use the specified procurement card if it is valid. If none used, use the buyer default procurement card if it is valid.





Not applicable

Vendor does not accept any cards.






Not applicable

Vendor card is always used.

Vendor Card







Use buyer default procurement card if it is valid.






Use the specified procurement card if it is valid. If none used, use the buyer default procurement card if it is valid.

See Also

Running the PO Calculations Process

Defining Purchasing Item Categories

Defining Purchasing Item Attributes

Capturing Item Miscellaneous Charges

Managing Procurement Cards

Maintaining Vendor Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How Contracts are Assigned on Purchase Orders

You can use pricing from contracts for requisitions and purchase orders. Using the Default Contract on Req and Default Contract on PO check boxes on the Business Unit Options page, you can make contracts available for use with requisitions and purchase orders.

For more information about how contracts are assigned pricing, see the Creating Requisitions Online chapter.

See Contract Pricing for Requisitions and Purchase Orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the PO Calculations Process

Page Name

Definition Name



PO Calculations


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Calculations

Enter the selection criteria for the PO Calculations process.

Enter the run control criteria for the PO Calculations process and to run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the PO Calculations Process

Access the PO Calculations page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Calculations).

POCalculate Selection Criteria

Selecting field values in this group box limits the selection of staged rows to those that meet the criteria selected. These fields are optional.

Sourcing Method

All sourcing methods are selected by default. The selected methods are included when you run the PO Calculations process. If you do not want to include a particular sourcing method, clear the check box.

If you do not select any of the sourcing methods, only staged rows with a vendor provided and the Override Suggested Vendor check box cleared are included when you run the PO Calculations process.

Accumulate Level

This is not a selection criteria for the process, but rather is used in conjunction with the cumulative sourcing method. Select a value to determine how to accumulate the percentages for cumulative split sourcing.

Select Schedule level if you want each schedule to be examined individually when finding a vendor. With this accumulate level the schedules are assigned to the same vendor until that vendor's predefined percentage is met, then they are assigned to the next vendor until the second vendor's predefined percentage is met and so forth through all the available vendors. Then it cycles back to the first vendor. Each schedule could have a different vendor.

Select Run if you want all schedules for that category being processed during the run to be grouped together when finding a vendor. With the run accumulate level all schedules for the category will be sourced from the same vendor.

Note. The schedule accumulate level offers greater and more accurate control, but the run accumulate level offers better performance.

PO Calculate Process Options


(Required) Select the buyer to be used on the purchase order header in the event that the PO Calculations process cannot determine the buyer.

The buyer name is carried at the line level on the requisition, so a requisition can have multiple buyers. When the PO Calculations process creates the purchase order header, it must assign a buyer name.

  • If all the staged lines that belong on one purchase order have the same buyer name, the PO Calculations process uses that name on the header.

  • If the staged lines that belong on the purchase order have different buyer names, or the process that created the staged entry did not specify a buyer name (you can force a buyer name in online requisition selection), the system uses the vendor buyer name.

  • If the vendor buyer name is blank, the system enters the buyer name on the purchase order header.

Consolidation Method

Determines whether purchase orders are consolidated by business unit, vendor, and buyer or by business unit and vendor only. The consolidation method applies only to staged rows identified for consolidation.

For example, suppose that you choose to consolidate by business unit and vendor, then all rows with the same vendor and business unit are grouped onto one purchase order.

Alternately, if you add buyer to the consolidation criteria, all rows that have the same buyer, vendor, and business unit are grouped on a purchase order.


(Optional) Select an origin to be used on the purchase orders.

Purchase Order Date

Enter a date to be used on the purchase orders, for purchase orders that do not already have a date assigned. If you leave this field blank, the PO Calculations process uses the current system date.

Purchase Order Reference

(Optional) Enter a purchase order reference to be used on the purchase orders. This is a free-form field.

Pre-Approve Vendor

Select this check box to approve the vendor that the PO Calculations process selects.

If selected, the system automatically approves the vendor recommended by the PO Calculations process, so that you can run the PO Calculations process and the Create Purchase Order process without interruption. If you do not select the Pre-Approve Vendor check box, you must approve the vendor manually using the Sourcing Workbench.

If you change a vendor using the Sourcing Workbench, you must run the PO Calculations process again for the staged row to be recalculated.

Build POs as Approved (build purchase orders as approved)

Select this check box to have purchase orders created with an Approved status when you run the Create Purchase Orders process. If selected, the process examines auto approval criteria set at the business unit level. If the auto approval criteria are met, the status is set to Approved. If the auto approval criteria are not met, the status is set to Pending Approval, and the purchase order enters the workflow approval business process. If you do not select this check box, the purchase order is created with a status of Open.

Flexible Sourcing Controls

Lead Time Factor %, Ship to Priority Factor %, Price Factor %, and Vendor Priority Factor %

Used for flexible sourcing. To override the category and item settings, enter the percentage weight that you want the PO Calculations process to give the lead time, ship to, price, and vendor factors when the application process is evaluating vendors for flexible sourcing. The sum of all four factor fields must add up to 100 percent.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Using the Create Purchase Orders Process

Using the Sourcing Workbench

Purchase Order Consolidation

Using Workflow

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Sourcing Workbench

This section provides an overview of the sourcing workbench and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Sourcing Workbench

The Sourcing Workbench component provides you with a view of the results of each of the sourcing steps. The Sourcing Workbench enables you to view staged rows, along with any errors accompanying them. You can use the component to transfer from the staged row to the source transaction data, change the status of the source record, correct the source, and recycle the staged row for reprocessing. In addition to working with individual rows, you can recycle and purge multiple rows at once.

In addition to working with individual rows, you can recycle and purge multiple rows at once. You cannot purge completed staged rows from the Sourcing Workbench.

You might want to review the contents of the staging tables before and after each step in the sourcing process. For example, you can use the Sourcing Workbench as described:

  1. Run the AutoSelect Requisitions process (PO_REQSORC) and access the Sourcing Workbench to verify that the requisitions have been selected for sourcing.

    You can determine whether the result of the requisition is an inventory demand transaction or a purchase order.

    If the system creates a purchase order, you can define whether you want the PO Calculations process (PO_POCALC) to calculate a new price or select a vendor for you.

  2. Run the PO Stage Load process (PO_POSTAGE) and access the Sourcing Workbench to review the staging tables again to determine whether rows were added.

  3. Run the Build Inventory Demand process (PO_REQINVS) and access the Sourcing Workbench to review the staging tables to determine whether the requisition was fully or partially sourced using inventory demand.

  4. Run the PO Calculations process and access the Sourcing Workbench to review the staging tables to determine which rows are ready for purchase order creation, which require vendor approval, and which have errors.

    You can also review the vendor, price, value adjustments, currency, unit of measure, and other information destined for the purchase order.

  5. Run the Create Purchase Orders process (PO_POCREATE) and access the Sourcing Workbench to review the staging tables to determine which rows were sourced to purchase orders and to determine the purchase order IDs for those rows.

Correcting Errors

Select rows that are in error from previous process runs by selecting the Stage Status field in the search criteria to Error. The error code and a plain text error message appear on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page and the Eligible Vendors page.

In many cases, the error is a result of the vendor defaults. For example, suppose that the vendor does not ship to the requested ship to location. If the error is vendor-related, change the vendor or location on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page and update the stage status to Recycle, so that the PO Calculations process can reprocess the row.

Another common error is due to exceeded price tolerances. Use the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page to view the requested price, calculated price, value adjustments, and the tolerances that were used. Based on this information, you can take the appropriate actions to bring the transaction within tolerances.

You can also fix errors that are not a result of the choice of vendor and reset the rows for restaging. On the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page, update the stage status to Reset/Purg (reset/purge) to release the original requisition or contract release so that you can make changes to it. After you change the status to Reset/Purg and purge the staged transaction, you can click the Source Document link in the Source Transaction Information section of the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page to access the source requisition or contract so you can make changes. You must restage the source document through its normal staging process.

See Also

Running the PO Calculations Process

Viewing Eligible Vendors for Staged Rows

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

% Price Tol Over and %Under

Displays the tolerance percent price over and under. This tolerance percent is applied to the suggested price on the requisition and used in the PO Calculations process. If the purchase order price is outside of the tolerance, the PO Calculations process rejects the staged row.

Amount Only

If this check box is selected, the receipt is based on an amount, not a quantity. In an amount-only transaction, the price is set to 0 and the quantity is 1.

Base Price

Displays the price expressed in the base currency.

Calculate Price?

If this check box is selected, the PO Calculations process calculates a price. If this check box is clear, the staged row price is used on the purchase order.

Due Date

Displays the due date for the purchase order. This is the date the items are due at the ship to location.


Displays the process instance of the PO Calculations process that last updated this row.


Displays the vendor location.

LT Days (lead time days)

Displays the lead time period between submitting the purchase order to the receipt of goods.

PO Stg ID/PO Stage ID

Displays the PO Stage ID. This is the same as the requisition ID when the PO stage type is R. It is taken from INSTALLATION_PO.LAST_PO_STG_ID when the PO stage type is O.

PO Stg Type/PO Stage Type

Requisition for the AutoSelect Requisitions process or online requisition selection when the Define PO check box is not selected. The system uses Other for any other process.


Displays the requisition price for the item.

Price Tol (price tolerance), Over, and Under

Displays the tolerance amount applied to the suggested price on the requisition and used in the PO Calculations process. The PO Calculations process calculates the correct price for a purchase order based on the item prices plus or minus any price adjustments. The sourcing unit price tolerance is applied to the suggested price on the staged row and is compared with the calculated purchase order price. If the purchase order price is outside of the tolerance, the PO Calculations process rejects the staged row.

Std Quantity (standard quantity )

Displays the requisition quantity expressed in the standard unit of measure for this item.


Displays the requisition quantity being sourced to the selected vendor.

Requisition ID

If this row came from a requisition, the ID of the requisition appears.

Sched Num (schedule number)

Displays the schedule number on the original request.

Ship To

Displays the location where the items are being shipped.

Src Method (sourcing method)

Displays the sourcing method for this row. It determines how the vendor is selected for this line. Sourcing method appears by default from the item category or item ID. Values are Basic, Flexible, Sched Split (schedule split), and Cumulative Split.

Stg Status (stage status)

Displays the status of the staged row.

Sys Source (system source)

Displays the source of the purchase request. Values include Planning, Production, or PO Online (purchase order online).


Displays the business unit of the purchase request.

Use This Vendor

Select the vendor to use for this order. When there are multiple eligible vendors, select the corresponding check box for the vendor of your choice. When you change the vendor, the Let POCalc Override Vendor? check box on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page is cleared to ensure that the PO Calculations process does not choose a different vendor. If you change the vendor on the Eligible Vendors page or Flexible Sourcing page, you must rerun the PO Calculations process.


Displays the vendor to whom the row has been sourced.

Zero Price Ind (zero price indicator)

If this check box is selected, indicates that the price for this item is zero.

See Also

Automatically Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Running the PO Calculations Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the Sourcing Workbench

Page Name

Definition Name



Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Sourcing Workbench, Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing

Select sourcing criteria and view the rows of data on the PO_ITM_STG table. Access pages to change the recommended vendor, quantities sourced to each vendor, or correct errors. Along with narrowing the search to specific criteria such as process instances, requisition IDs, purchase order ID, stages, and statuses, you can also search for specific contract setIDs and contract IDs.

Vendor Information - Summary


Click the Vendor ID link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page.

Access vendor information for the staged row.

Item Definition - General: Common


Click the Item ID link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page.

Access inventory item information at the setID level for the staged row.

Item Description


Click the Description link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page.

The description link includes the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

View descriptions for a specific item.

Maintain Requisitions - Requisition


Click the Requisition ID link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page.

Review requisition information for the staged row.

Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order


Click the Purchase Order link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page.

Access a purchase order created for the staged row.

Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details


Click the Sourcing Details button on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page.

View further details about a staged row and how to change the vendor and stage status.

Sourcing Workbench (contracts)


Click the Contract link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page.

View details about the contract for an item.

Eligible Vendors


Click the Eligible Vendors link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page.

Select the vendor to use for the order. View details about each of the vendors for this item.

Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information


Click the Pricing Information link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page.

View details about the pricing of the item from the requisition.

Sales/Use Tax


Click the Tax Amount button on the Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information page.

View the sales and use tax information from the purchase order.

Sourcing Workbench - Value Adjustments


Click the Value Adjustment link on the Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information page.

View the value adjustments (discounts and surcharges) added to the base price of the item on the purchase order.

VAT (value added tax)


Click the VAT link on the Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information page.

View the VAT information for the purchase order schedules.

Flexible Sourcing


Click the Flex Sourcing link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page.

View how a vendor was chosen using the flexible sourcing method during the PO Calculations process. The vendor score section shows how the system rated each criteria.

Sourcing Workbench - PO Information (purchase order information)


Click the PO Schedule Information link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page.

View details about the purchase order that is going to be created.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Sourcing Workbench Search Criteria

Access the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Sourcing Workbench, Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing).

Use this page to define the criteria that you want to use to view or update a purchase order line and its sourcing details. After defining search criteria, click the Search button to view the search results based on the criteria. The system provides the search results in the lower porting of the page and you can click on links to view vendors, items, requisition, and purchase order details. You can also select the Stage Info tab to view additional details about the staged line, including for example, the contract setID, contract ID, and contract line if the row is associated with a contract. Finally, you select the Message tab to view messages for a row of data when its stage status is Error.

Process Instance

Select the process instance related to the PO Calculations process.

System Source

Select a Purchasing Requisition Loader process system source. The process checks a source to determine if any transactions are available for requisition creation. Field values include:

IN Batch (PeopleSoft Inventory batch)

PO Online (purchase order online)



sProcure (PeopleSoft Services Procurement)

Business Unit

Select a business unit on which to base a search. If you do not make a selection, the system returns search results for all business units.

PO Stage Type (purchase order stage type)

Select to limit the search to a stage type. Values are Requisition for the AutoSelect Requisitions process or online requisition selection when the Define PO check box is not selected. The system uses Other for any other process.

Requisition ID

Select the requisition ID to which this requisition line belongs.

PO Stage ID

Displays the purchase order stage ID. This is the same as the requisition ID when the purchase order stage type is R.

Requisition Name

Select a name that is used to describe a requisition. If the requisition was created in eProcurement, the system uses that name with the core requisition.

Stage Status

Select the staged row status that you want to include in the sourcing search. If you do not enter a status, the system retrieves lines in all statuses that meet other search criteria. These statuses include for example: Completed, Create PO, and Pending.


Select a buyer on whom you want to base the requisition search.

Item ID

Select an item ID to retrieve only staged rows for the item.

Contract SetID

Select a setID in which the contract that you want to retrieve is located. The value you select determines the contracts that are available for use in the Contract ID field.

Line Number

Enter a purchase order line number for which to retrieve staged rows.

Contract ID

Select the contract for which you want to retrieve staged rows.

Schedule Number

Enter a purchase order schedule number for which to retrieve staged rows.

After defining selection criteria, click the Search button and the system returns the item data rows that match the criteria.

Sourcing Workbench Search Results

The system displays the search results on the Selected Item, Staged Rows, and Message tabs. Using the tabs you can link to a variety of information about the staged item. Select the Sel (select) check box to mark a specific row of data for processing. You can only select the field if the row of data is available for updating.

Along with linking to staged row details, you can use this page to purge and recycle multiple rows in a staged status. You can only perform the recycle and purge actions against those rows of data that have not been greyed out. When the staged status for a row is in a status that cannot be recycled or purged, the system provides error messages when you attempt to set the row for purging or recycling.

After making your selections and clicking the Purge or Recycle button, click Save. The system applies the changes. When you select rows, but the system does not apply an action to the rows, the system deselects the rows after you perform the action.

Note. The system does not issue error messages for actions taken on multiple rows. Messages are only issued for single row changes.

Select All

Select this check box to mark all eligible rows of data for processing. An eligible row is one with a Stg Status field that is not greyed out.

Unselect All

Click this link to clear selected rows of data.


Click this link to remove selected transactions from the staging tables so that the transaction can be sourced again. When you click the Purge link, the system sets the status to Reset/Purg for the selected rows of data. You can purge data rows with a status of Staged.


Select this check box to recycle the selected transactions through the sourcing process. When you click the Recycle link, the system updates the selected transactions that have a stage status of Error to as status of Recycle. The system does not update data rows with the status of Stage and leaves the status unchanged because staged rows cannot be recycled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Modifying Staged Row Details

Access the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Sourcing Workbench, select the Stage Info tab on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing page and click the Details button).

Staging Information

Stage Status

Select a stage status. You can change the stage status from Error to Recycle or to Reset/Purge after you have corrected the error on this row, so that the PO Calculations process can reprocess the staged row.

To recycle and purge multiple staged rows of a purchase order, click the Return to Sourcing Page link.

If the PO Calculations process fails, change the status from POCALC to Recycle as long as the process is no longer running.

PO Process (purchase order process)

Displays the sourcing process used to place the row of data into the staged table. Examples of the processes include contract purchase order, manufacturing load, and autoselected by the system.

Staged Vendor

Select a different vendor. This field is available for entry when the stage status is Staged, Pending (pending approval), Error, or Recycle. An item vendor relationship must exist if the Accept Any Vendor option is N (no) at the business unit or item level.

If you are using the Flexible sourcing method and have run the PO Calculations process, all eligible vendors appear on the Eligible Vendors page. Choose a vendor on the Eligible Vendors page by selecting the Use This Vendor option.

To make an informed decision about the vendor selection, use the Flexible Sourcing page to view all factors involved in the selection of the recommended vendor by the PO Calculations process.

If you change the vendor for a schedule, there are other schedules on the same purchase order line, and the line is priced at the line quantity, the system issues a warning that all schedules must be priced again. If you choose to reprice the schedules, the stage status on each one changes to Recycle.

When you change the vendor, the Let POCalc Override Vendor? check box is clear, to ensure that the PO Calculations process does not choose a different vendor.

Vendor Loc (vendor location)

You can enter a different vendor location under the same circumstances that you can change the vendor for this staged row.

Let POCalc Override Vendor?

Select to allow the PO Calculations process to override the vendor for this line. To use the vendor that you select for this line, ensure that this check box is clear.

Contract ID

Displays the contract number associated with this process instance. Click the link to view details about the contract, including its setID, contract ID, and contract line.

Pricing Information

Click this link to access the Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information page. The page provides details about the pricing of the item from the requisition.

See Viewing Item Requisition Pricing Details.

PO ID (purchase order ID)

Displays the purchase order to which this line was sourced. If the line is split sourced and multiple purchase orders are created, the Multiple link appears.


Displays the system message when there is an error for a staged row.

Vendor Details

Click to access the Vendor Information page where you can search for and maintain vendor details.

Eligible Vendors

Click this link to access a secondary page with details about the vendor for this item. Included in the details are the vendor ID, whether or not its a recommended vendor, the requisition quantity and the sourcing method.

See Viewing Eligible Vendors for Staged Rows.

Schedule Details

Click this link to access the Sourcing Workbench - PO Information page where you can view details about the purchase order that is going to be created.

See Viewing Planned Purchase Order Information.

Source Transaction Information

IN Unit (inventory unit)

Appears if this transaction is created through the PO Stage Load process. This is the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit from planning or manufacturing.

Source Document

Click this link to access the transaction from which this line originated. If this line is sourced from a requisition, selecting the link accesses the requisition.

Inventory Source Flag

If this row is to be sourced from PeopleSoft Inventory rather than onto a purchase order, this check box is selected.

Qty Demand (quantity demand)

Quantity sourced from inventory demand through the Build Inventory Demand process. This quantity is always in the item's standard unit of measure.

Physical Nature

Displays whether the type of item is a goods or service item.

Consolidate with other Reqs (consolidate with other requisitions)

Appears selected if the row originated from a requisition configured to allow the row to be consolidated onto the same purchase order with other rows meeting select criteria, such as having the same item or vendor. The consolidation takes place during the PO Calculations process.

Note. Source information does not appear if the system source is Maintenance Management (WM).

Procurement Card For Payment

This group box will only appear if you are using a procurement card as a payment method for the purchase order.

Card Number, Card Type, and Expiration Date

Displays the procurement card information that will be used for payment on the purchase order.

Requested Price

Amount Only

Indicates that the source requisition has a requisition line specified as amount only. If this check box is selected, the Consolidate with other Reqs and the Inventory Source Flag check boxes are not available for entry.

Zero Price Ind (zero price indicator)

Indicates that the line item is zero-priced.

Calculate Price

Indicates that the PO Calculations process recalculates the sourced purchase order price based on the vendor selected. If this check box is deselected, the requisition price is the purchase order price.


A plain text warning or error message appears if the stage status is either Error or Warning.

See Also

Building Inventory Demand Transactions

Running the PO Calculations Process

Viewing Eligible Vendors for Staged Rows

Viewing Flexible Sourcing Vendor Selection Results

Purchase Order Consolidation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Eligible Vendors for Staged Rows

Access the Eligible Vendors page (click the Eligible Vendors link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page).



Displays all vendors that are eligible for this transaction.

Recommended Vendor

This check box is selected for the preferred vendor for this item based on the vendor selection method in use.

Use This Vendor

Enables you to select the vendor to use for this order. When there are multiple eligible vendors, you can select a vendor by selecting this check box for that vendor. When you change the vendor, the Let POCalc Override Vendor? check boxon the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page is cleared to ensure that the PO Calculations process does not choose a different vendor.

Note. If you change the setting of the Use This Vendor check box, you must rerun the PO Calculations process.


Src Method (sourcing method)

Displays the method used to source to a vendor. To use sourcing methods, select the Override Suggested Vendor check box on the Sourcing Controls page. If the check box is deselected, the system uses the vendor provided on the transaction. Sourcing methods include basic, flexible, schedule split, and cumulative split sourcing.

Req Qty (requisition quantity)

Displays the quantity defined on the requisition.

PO No (purchase order number) PO Line (purchase order line)

Displays the purchase order number and line for the request , if the purchase order has already been created.

Contract ID and Version

Displays the contract ID and version number. If this is left blank, the contract ID and version will be uses as the default value from the sourcing process.

See Also

Viewing and Modifying Staged Row Details

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Item Requisition Pricing Details

Access the Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information page (click the Pricing Information link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page).


The Price tab displays one row for each eligible vendor.


The calculated unit price, plus any price adjustments appears.


The extended price for the item being purchased (unit price times the quantity) appears.

The currency in which the price is expressed also appears. The currency code is from the item Vendor's UOM & Pricing Info page. This currency is based on the combination of item ID, vendor ID, vendor location, and unit of measure.

Base/Std Info

Select the Base/Std Info tab.

Qty Std UOM (quantity standard unit of measure)

Quantity ordered expressed in the standard UOM for this item appears.

Price Base

Unit price expressed in the currency of the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit (base currency) appears.

Base Amt (base amount)

Monetary value of the line appears. This is the quantity multiplied by the unit price, expressed in the base currency for the business unit.


Select the Contract tab.

Contract ID

Displays the contract ID from where the item price was obtained.


Displays the version of the contract that determined the item price. Versions are available when the business unit is set up to use contract versions.


Displays the contract line that was used to determine the item price.


Displays the release number for the contract.

Milestone Line

Milestone number associated with the selected contract line and release appears.

See Also

Viewing Item Requisition Pricing Details

Understanding Multicurrency Conversions

Understanding the Vendor Location Hierarchy and Multicurrency Pricing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Purchase Order Sales and Use Tax Information

Access the Sales/Use Tax page (click the Tax Amount button on the Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information page).

Sales/Use Tax Info

Sale/Use Tax Applicability

Displays the sales and use tax applicability rule. This indicates whether sales and use tax is applicable for the specific vendor location and how sales tax is applied. Values are:

Item is Exempt.

Purchaser is Exonerated.

Sales Tax Appl (sales tax applicable).

Direct Pay.

Use Tax Appl (use tax applicable).

Sales/Use Tax Exception Type

The SUT exception type appears by default from the ship to location for the SUT destination code. Values are Direct Pay, Exempt, or None.

Sales/Use Tax Exception Certif (sales/use tax exception certificate)

The SUT exception certificate ID appears by default from the ship to location for this SUT destination code.

Tax Code

Sales and use tax code that contains the various taxing authority information for this ship to location.

Include VAT

If this check box is selected, indicates that VAT should be included in the amount total before the SUT amount is calculated.

Include Freight

If this check box is selected, indicates that freight costs should be included in the amount total before the tax is calculated.

Include Misc Charges (include miscellaneous charges)

If this check box is selected, indicates that miscellaneous charges should be included in the amount total before the tax is calculated.

See Also

Entering Schedule SUT Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Purchase Order Value Adjustments

Access the Value Adjustments page (click the Value Adjustment link on the Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information page).

Value Adjustments


Displays the type of adjustment. Values are:

Base: The base price from the item's Purchasing Attributes page. This is either the item or vendor price or the standard item price.

CNT: The price is from a contract.

TBL: A price adjustment (discount or surcharge) from the item's Price Adjustments page.

FRT: Freight costs.

TAX: Sales or use tax.

OTH: Other miscellaneous adjustments.

Base Price Type

Displays the origin of the starting price when the value in the Type field is Base. Values are:

Contract: Originated from the contract for the item.

Item Standard: Originated from the standard item price on the item's Purchasing Attributes.

RFQ: Originated from the request for quote price.

Vendor Std: Originated from the standard item and vendor pricing structure on the item's Purchasing Attributes-Item/Vendor page or Price Adjustments page.

User: Originated when the user-defined price was used, because the staged row was created with the Calculate Price? check box not selected.

Adj Meth (adjustment method)

Displays whether the price adjustment is expressed in amount or percentage.

Pct (percentage)

If the adjustment is by percentage, the percentage of the adjustment displays.

Amt (amount)

If the price adjustment is by amount, the amount of the adjustment displays.

Ship To

If this discount or surcharge is from the item's Price Adjustment page, this check box indicates whether the adjustment is based on the ship to used.

UOM (unit of measure)

If this discount or surcharge is from the item Price Adjustment page, this check box indicates whether the adjustment is based on the UOM used.

Min Qty (minimum quantity)

The minimum quantity needed for this adjustment to be applied to this line. This value appears by default from the Item Price Adjustment page. If there is a contract associated with the purchase order, this value could appear by default from the PO Line Price Adjustments page.

See Also

Entering Schedule Price Adjustments

Entering Contract Purchase-Order Line Price Adjustments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Purchase Order VAT Information

Access the VAT page (click the VAT link on the Sourcing Workbench - Pricing Information page).

Value-Added Tax Info


Indicates whether VAT should be calculated for this schedule. This appears by default from the Procurement VAT Defaults. While most purchases may be subject to VAT for any of the VAT countries, there may be some items or item categories that are VAT exempt or out of the scope for VAT. You can override the value on the requisition or purchase order. Values are:

  • Exempt.

  • Exonerated.

  • N/A: (not applicable).

  • Outside: (outside scope of VAT).

  • Suspend: (suspended).

  • Taxable.

  • VAT Only.

Code (VAT code)

Defines the VAT percentage and is used to retrieve VAT accounting ChartFields. This code determines how the VAT amount is calculated on a transaction and how that amount is accounted and reported.

Use Type

Indicates which VAT use type is to be used for this purchase order schedule. This code indicates which portion in terms of percent is taxable and which portion may be exempt. It appears by default from the purchasing attributes for the item or from the Purchasing options.

VAT Tran Type (value-added tax transaction type)

Provides a way of categorizing the VAT transactions for reporting purposes.


Displays a description of the VAT transaction type.


The amount of VAT calculated for the schedule in the transaction currency.

VAT Basis

Indicates the amount on which the VAT was calculated, expressed in the transaction currency.

VAT Recvry (value-added tax recovery)

Indicates how much VAT you expect to recover.

VAT Rebate

Indicates the percentage of VAT that is not normally recoverable but which may be refunded in the form of a tax rebate.

See Also

Updating Schedule VAT Details

Defining Purchasing Item Attributes

Working with VAT

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Flexible Sourcing Vendor Selection Results

Access the Flexible Sourcing page (click the Flex Sourcing link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page).

If you change the vendor on the Flexible Sourcing page, you must rerun the PO Calculations process.

Lead Time/Price Tab

Select the Lead Time/Price tab.

Vendor Score

Ranking given to this vendor by the PO Calculations process using flexible sourcing.

Recommended Vndr (recommended vendor)

The vendor chosen by the PO Calculations process.

Ratings for four criteria (lead time, price, ship to, and vendor priority) are added and the lowest scoring vendor is chosen as the recommended vendor.

Use This Vendor

Enables you to override manually and choose the vendor that you will use.

LT Days (lead time days)

The lead time days value is the time period from submitting the purchase order to receipt of the goods. This appears by default from the item or item category and can be overridden on the requisition. This is one of the four criteria that can be used in flexible sourcing.

LT Factor % (lead time factor percent)

Entered on the item or item category and reflects the value that you have given the lead time days criteria in relation to the other three criteria (price, ship to, and vendor priority) for this item.

Lead Time Rank

Calculated (by item) using the vendor's lead time days divided by the lead time days for all eligible vendors. This ranks the eligible vendors based on lead time.

Lead Time Rating

Calculated using the LT Factor % value multiplied by the Lead Time Rank value.

Base Price in Std UOM (base price in standard unit of measure)

The vendor price (before any price adjustments) appears in the vendor standard UOM, along with the base currency code.

Pr Factor % (price factor percentage)

Entered on the item or item category and reflects the value that you have given the best price criteria in relation to the other three criteria (lead time days, ship to, and vendor priority) for this item.

Price Rank

Calculated (by item) using the vendor's base price divided by the base price for all eligible vendors. This ranks the vendors for this item based on price.

Price Rating

Calculated using the Price Factor % value multiplied by the Price Rank value.

Shipto/Vendor Priority Tab

Select the Shipto/Vendor Priority tab.

Shipto Vendor Priority

Priority given to a vendor for an item for a ship to location. This is assigned by item on the Ship To Locations page.

Shipto Factor %

Percentage that you entered on the item or item category and reflects the value that you have given the ship to vendor priority criteria in relation to the other three criteria (lead time days, price, and vendor priority) for this item.

Shipto Priority Rank

Calculated (by item) using the ship to vendor priority divided by the ship to vendor priorities for all eligible vendors. This ranks the vendors for this item based on ship to vendor priority.

Shipto Priority Rating

Calculated using the Ship To Factor % values multiplied by the Ship To Priority Rank value.

Item Vendor Priority

Number ranking of each vendor who supplies this item. This appears by default from the item or item category and can be overridden on the requisition. This is one of the four criteria that can be used in flexible sourcing.

Vndr Factor % (vendor factor percent)

Reflects the value that you have given to the item vendor priority in relation to the other three criteria (lead time, price, and ship to vendor priority) for this item.

Vendor Priority Rank

Calculated (by item) using the vendor's priority divided by the vendor priorities for all eligible vendors. This ranks the vendors for this item based on price based on vendor priority.

Vendor Priority Rating

Calculated using the Vndr Factor % value multiplied by the Vendor Priority Rank value.

See Also

Defining Ship To Locations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Planned Purchase Order Information

Access the Sourcing Workbench - PO Information page (click the Schedule Information link on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page).

Payment Terms ID

Identifies the payment terms that appear on the purchase order header.

GPO Info

Select the GPO Info tab.


Displays the group purchasing organization ID.

GPO Contract Number

Displays the group purchasing organization contract number.

Schedule Details

Select the Schedule Details tab.

Freight Terms

Identifies the freight terms code that applies to the schedules for the purchase order.

Replenish Code

Displays the PeopleSoft Inventory replenishment code for this distribution.


If this check box is selected, indicates that inspection is required for the line.

Matching/Receiving Info

Select the Matching/Receiving Info tab.

Unit Price Tolerance and % Unit Price Tolerance

Indicates the amount and percentage variation allowed in the unit price of this item when matching the purchase order, voucher, and receipt.

Ext Price Tolerance (extended price tolerance) and % Ext Price Tolerance

Indicates the amount and percentage variation allowed in the extended price of this line when matching the purchase order, voucher and receipt. Extended price is the quantity ordered multiplied by the item unit price or the item vendor UOM price.

Rjct Ovr % (reject over percent)

Receiving cannot accept a shipment from the vendor that exceeds this percentage of quantity over shipped.

Receiving Required

Displays the receiving requirement for the item. Values are:

  • Do Not: If displayed, accounts payable matching and receipt accrual are not applicable.

  • Optional: If displayed, accounts payable will not match receipt lines and the system will not accrue the receipt.

  • Required: If displayed, accounts payable will match receipt lines and the system will accrue the receipt.

Early Ship Rjct Days (early ship reject days)

Receiving cannot accept a shipment that is received early by the number of days indicated by this value.

Config Info (configuration information)

Select the Config Info tab.


The configuration code template ID appears if the item is a configured item.

Config Code (configuration code)

If this is a configured item, the configuration code appears.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Purchase Orders Using the Create Purchase Orders Process

This section provides an overview of the Create Purchase Orders process and discusses how to run the Create Purchase Orders process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Create Purchase Orders Process

The Create Purchase Orders Application Engine process (PO_POCREATE) uses rows in the staging tables that have been processed by the PO Calculations process to create purchase orders. The Create Purchase Orders process maintains the purchase order groupings created by the PO Calculations process to create purchase orders.

The Create Purchase Orders process determines the purchase order ID, assigns line, schedule, and distribution numbers, and creates contract release information for staged rows in the PO_ITM_STG_UD table that meet the selection criteria and are in a B (Ready) status. When the Create Purchase Orders process is complete, PO_ITM_STG and PO_ITM_STG_UD are updated with a stage status of C and also reflect the assigned purchase order keys and vendor.

If you run the PO Dispatch/Print SQR Report process (POPO005) after this process, the system dispatches purchase orders that were configured on the run control page to be created in Approved status.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Using the Create Purchase Orders Process

Running the PO Calculations Process

Running the PO Dispatch/Print Process

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Create Purchase Orders


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Creation

Enter the selection criteria for the Create Purchase Orders process and run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Create Purchase Orders Process

Access the Create Purchase Orders page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Creation).

PO Creation Selection Criteria

Process Instance

Enter the process instance related to the PO Calculations process. This process instance limits the selection of staged requisitions to those that were put into the PeopleSoft Purchasing stage table.

PO Creation Options

Calculate PO Line Numbers

Select this check box to ignore staged entry line numbers when the Create Purchase Orders process creates new purchase orders and assigns sequential line numbers, beginning with one. If you do not select this check box, system performance may be better, but you may have purchase orders with nonsequential line numbers that do not begin with one.

Hold from Further Processing

Select to place the resulting purchase orders on hold and prevent further processing of the purchase orders.

Allow Dispatch When Appr (allow dispatch when approved)

Select to make the resulting purchase orders eligible for dispatch when you run the PO Dispatch/Print process.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing Process

This section provides an overview of the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing Process

The Automatic Purchasing Sourcing Application Engine process (PO_AUTO_SRC) enables you to select multiple sourcing processes that you want to run and runs the selected processes in the correct sequence on the same set of records. Use the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process to run these processes:

You have two options for configuring the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process: you can select the sourcing processes to run and allow the system to identify the parameters that must be defined or you can choose to select the individual processes and enter the criteria manually. Either method results in the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process, performing all of the individual sourcing processes that you configure.

Use the PO Auto Sourcing - Objectives page to select the sources from which you want to build purchase orders. This option reduces the need to understand each of the technical processes involved in the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process and automatically displays the additional criteria and options necessary to generate purchase orders or change orders for the selected sources.

To select each job by process name, click the Select Individual Processes link to access the Processes page. This page enables you to select specific processes and then access the criteria or options tab for each process selected. This option is available for users who are more familiar with the technical aspects of the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing processes. As an example, suppose that you select to run the AutoSelect Requisition, Build Inventory Demand, PO Calculations, and the Create Purchase Order processes. The selection criteria for the last three processes becomes unavailable for entry on the pages and the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process uses the process instance from the AutoSelect Requisition process as the selection criteria.

Once you select the processes to run, enter available selection criteria and processing options for the processes on the appropriate tab from the Processes page. Click the Run button on any tab to run the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process.

See Also

Automatically Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Building Inventory Demand Transactions

Loading Staged Purchase Order Requests from PeopleSoft Supply Planning and Manufacturing

Running the PO Calculations Process

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PO Auto Sourcing - Objectives


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Auto Sourcing

Select the sources for generating purchase orders in order to configure the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process to run multiple jobs in sequence for the same set of staging records.

PO Auto Sourcing - Options


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Auto Sourcing, Options

Specify selection criteria and purchase order creation options that correspond with the selected sources.

PO Auto Sourcing - Results


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Auto Sourcing, Results

View the results of the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process.



Click the Select Individual Processes link on the PO Auto Sourcing - Objectives page.

(Optional) Select individual purchasing processes to run in sequence for the same set of staging records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Sourcing Process Objectives

Access the PO Auto Sourcing - Objectives page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, PO Auto Sourcing).

You use the Objectives page to define the sources for generating purchase orders to configure the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing process to run multiple processes in sequence for the same set of staging records. Use the Create Purchase Orders From section to identify the sources from which you want to create purchase orders automatically.

Click the Select Processes to Run to access the Processes page where you can determine which process will be included in automatic sourcing.

See Select Processes to Run.


Select a buyer to be defined on the purchase order. The system uses this buyer when one is not found through staging tables.

Check Inventory First

Select this check box to have the system run the Build Inventory Demand process first and then run the PO Calculations and Create PO processes. In this case, items with or without sufficient on-hand quantity will all be processed through different channels.

Source From Inventory

Select this check box to have the system run only the Build Inventory Demand process. The system will not run the PO Calculations and Create PO processes afterwards.


Select to indicate that you want to use PeopleSoft Supply Planning changes.

All Other Sources

Select to indicate that you want to use change requests from all other sources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Automatic Purchasing Sourcing Process

Access the Processes page (click the Select Individual Processes link on the PO Auto Sourcing - Objectives page).

Select Processes to Run

Based on the processes that you select, fields on each of the available process tabs become available and unavailable for entry.

AutoSelect Reqs (ReqSorc) (autoselect requisitions)

Select to run the AutoSelect Requisitions process.

PO Stage Load (POStage)

Select to run the PO Stage Load process.

PO Contracts (POCntrct)

Select to run the Purchase Order Contracts process.

Build Inv Demand (ReqInvs) (build inventory demand)

Select to run the Build Inventory Demand process.

PO Change (POChange)

Select to run the PO Change process.

PO Calculations (POCalc)

Select to run the PO Calculations process.

Create PO (POCreate)

Select to run the Create Purchase Order process.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Vendor History Dates and Amounts for Cumulative Sourcing

This section provides an overview of the Cumulative Sourcing Update Application Engine process and discusses how to run the Cumulative Sourcing Update process.

See Also

Defining Item Category Control Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Cumulative Sourcing Update Application Engine Process

The Cumulative Sourcing Update process (PO_POHISTUD) has two functions: it updates vendor history dates and recalculates amounts for cumulative split sourcing.

When you run the Cumulative Sourcing Update process (PO_POHISTUD), the process verifies whether the current date is equal to or greater than the vendor history end date for the Item Categories - Category Definition 3 page. If the current date is greater than the vendor history end date then the vendor history start and end dates are recalculated for the new period. The history end date becomes the history start date, and the new history end date is calculated by adding the number of history months to the new history start date. The month to start field is also updated to the history start date month.

The second function of the Cumulative Sourcing Update process (PO_POHISTUD) is to recalculate amounts. This function is useful if you feel the amounts are not reliable and want to recalculate them. The Cumulative Sourcing Update process can be run for one or all vendors, and one or all categories. You can choose to force a recalculation of amounts, however, amounts are recalculated when you or the Cumulative Sourcing Update process change vendor history start and end dates.

The process calculates the total dispatched order amount for orders dated after the history start date (HIST_START_DT) for the selected vendors and categories and stores the result on ITM_CAT_TBL.MERCH_AMT_CAT_TOT. All items within the category are included in the calculation, even if they have a different sourcing method. Only category vendors are included in the calculation total.

This process should be scheduled at the start of the month to look for expired history periods; however, it is automatically triggered by these events:

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Cumulative Sourcing


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Cumulative Sourcing

Enter the selection criteria for the Cumulative Sourcing Update process and to run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Cumulative Sourcing Update Process

Access the Cumulative Sourcing page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Cumulative Sourcing, Cumulative Source).

Process Request Parameters

All Categories

Select to run the Cumulative Sourcing Update process for all categories that are set to use the cumulative split sourcing method. When selected, the SetID and Category fields are unavailable for entry.


Select the setID of the category on which you want to run the Cumulative Sourcing Update process.


Select the category on which you want to run the Cumulative Sourcing Update process.

All Vendors

Select to run the Cumulative Sourcing Update process for all the vendors that are set to use the cumulative split sourcing method. When selected, the Vendor SetID and Vendor ID fields are unavailable for entry.

Vendor Set ID

Select the setID of the vendor for which you want to run the Cumulative Sourcing Update process.

Vendor ID

Select the vendor for which you want to run the Cumulative Sourcing Update process.

Run Controls

Check Cumulative Period

Select this check box to look for categories that have entered a new period, update history dates, and recalculate amounts for those categories. The Process Request Parameters fields do not apply to this check box.

Force Amount Recalculation

Select this check box to force amount recalculation for the categories and vendors that meet the process request parameters.

Click to jump to parent topicPurging Purchasing Staging Tables

This section provides an overview of the Purge Stage Tables process and discusses how to run the Purge Stage Table Application Engine process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purge Stage Tables Process

The Purge Stage Tables process (PO_POSTGPRG) purges entries on the PeopleSoft Purchasing staging tables. Only rows in C (completed), E (error), or X (ready to purge) status are eligible for purging.

For rows in an E (error) status, the Purge Stage Tables process only purges those that it can reset. This includes staged rows from requisitions or cart (par) replenishment, PeopleSoft Purchasing contract releases, PeopleSoft Supply Planning, and PeopleSoft Production Management. It cannot purge staged rows in error from RFQs.

The tables purged by the Purge Stage Tables process are:

PeopleSoft recommends that you run this process at least weekly. In very busy installations, you should consider running the Purge Stage Tables process daily. If you do not run the Purge Stage Tables process regularly, the staging tables retain old data, which negatively affects performance of processes that act on the tables.

Before purging error rows, the Purge Stage Tables process removes the in process status on the requisition line, and sets the source status on the requisition line to A (available).

Requisitions in error status are identifies as in process, while they are in the staging tables. In process requisitions cannot be updated. Running the Purge Stage Tables process on error rows frees up requisitions for error correction.

If you run purge on a requisition in Error status on the Sourcing Workbench - Sourcing Details page, it frees the requisition, and sets the stage status on the stage tables to X, so it can be purged in this process. If you recycle an error, it has no effect on the requisition, but it sets the stage status on the stage tables to R, so the row can be picked up and processed again.

After you run the Purge Stage Tables process, rows in error status that have requisitions associated with them have these results:

See Also

Automatically Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Building Inventory Demand Transactions

Loading Staged Purchase Order Requests from PeopleSoft Supply Planning and Manufacturing

Running the PO Calculations Process

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Purge Stage Tables


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Purge Stage Tables

Enter the selection criteria for the Purge Stage Tables process and run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Purge Stage Tables Application Engine Process

Access the Purge Stage Tables page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Stage/Source Requests, Purge Stage Tables).

Purge Staged Rows in Error

Select to purge rows in error whose stage status is E (error). This also releases associated requisitions.

Purge Completed Stage Rows

Select to purge completed stage rows and rows ready for purge whose stage status is C (completed), W (warning), or X (ready to purge).

PO Stage Record Type (purchase order stage record type)

Used in combination with purchase order build stage ID to limit the purging of the stage tables to rows originating from a particular staged entry.

PO Stage ID (purchase order stage ID)

Used in combination with the PO Stage Record Type field to limit the purging of the stage tables to rows originating from a particular staged entry.

Click to jump to parent topicManually Constructing the Purchasing Staging Tables

This section discusses how to load the PeopleSoft Purchasing staging tables manually. However, PeopleSoft does not support this approach and is not able to offer further assistance beyond the information that is contained in this section. PeopleSoft Application Designer can provide more information about which fields are required.

These processes populate the PeopleSoft Purchasing stage tables:

Insert a row into PO_ITM_STG for each item and ship to combination:

Field Name

Field Value or Description




Purchase order business unit.






Incoming line.




Y if no quantity is provided. The default is N.




Back order original schedule.


(Optional) Normally only used by shop floor subcontracts in PeopleSoft Supply Planning.


Desired buyer ID. Can be blank but must be a valid buyer ID if entered.


Y : If price calculation is requested. Must be Y if CONSOLIDATE_FLG is Y. The PO Calculations process expects all staged rows to be in the base currency whenever the CALC_PRICE_FLG or the CONSOLIDATE_FLG are set to Y. When CALC_PRICE_FLG is set to Y, base currency, base price, and base merchandise amount are required fields; and transaction currency, price, and merchandise amount fields are ignored.

N: If no price calculation is requested. No tolerance checking is performed, because the requisition and purchase order prices will be identical.




(Required) Incoming category ID.


See translate values.

  • BPA - Single PO

  • CRT - Cart Repln

  • DRP - Direct Ships

  • EDX - EDX

  • EPR - User

  • ONL - On-line PO

  • PLN - Planning

  • POC - PO Change

  • PRD - Production

  • Req - Req


Incoming contract ID if specified; otherwise, it's blank. Must be blank if CONSOLIDATE_FLG is Y.


Incoming contract line number if specified; otherwise, it's blank. Must be zero if CONSOLIDATE_FLG is Y.


Incoming contract rate divisor. Normally, used only by contract release process. The default is 1, never 0.


Incoming contract rate multiplier. Normally, used only by Contract Release process. The default is 1, never 0.


Incoming contract setID if a contract is specified; otherwise, leave blank.


Y: If a contract is specified.


(Optional) Configuration Code. Normally, it is used only by PeopleSoft Product Configurator.


Y: If this PO_ITM_STG line can be merged with similar items on a purchase order.

N: If this PO_ITM_STG line must be on its own purchase order.


1: Used in the PO Calculations process for unit of measure conversion.


Y: If you want the system to convert to the vendor UOM. Must be Y if the CONSOLIDATE_FLG is Y.


(Optional) Configurator Product Template ID. Normally used only by PeopleSoft Product Configurator.


Transaction currency code.


(Required) Purchasing business unit base currency.




(Required) Incoming item description.


A or Q from requisition lines, indicating whether distributions are by amount or quantity.




Incoming due date if provided or null.


Incoming due time if provided or null.


(Optional) Appears by default if not specified.


Appears by default as N.


(Optional) Incoming inspection code.


Incoming inventory item ID. Blank if ordered by description; otherwise, it is required.


Directly from REQ_LINE. Y if an inventory item, otherwise, N.


(Optional) Incoming item ID vendor.


(Required) Incoming item setID.




A (amount)

Q (quantity)


Schedule merchandise amount (PRICE_PO * QTY_REQ) in transaction currency.






(Optional) Incoming manufacturer ID.


(Optional) Incoming manufacturer item ID.


Incoming milestone number. The default is 0.


(Optional) Normally, used only by shop floor subcontracts in PeopleSoft Supply Planning.




This is required.

Y: If VENDOR_ID can be overridden by AutoSourcing. Must be Y if CONSOLIDATE_FLG is Y.

N: If the specified vendor must be used.


Incoming tolerance. Ceiling for the unit price tolerance. 0 means no variance is allowed.


Incoming tolerance. Floor for the unit price tolerance. 0 means no variance is allowed.


G (goods)

S (services)


Y: If purchase order is specified.

N: If purchase order is unassigned or blank.


Normally, UNASSIGNED appears by default. It can use an existing PO_ID, if PO_HDR_STG is also provided.


Work field. Leave zero.


See translate values. If you add a value, look for places in the application engine code where processing is governed by this value.


Specified price is required. PRICE_REQ appears by default. This is stated in transaction currency.


Requested price. Required when ZERO_PRICE_FLG is N. This is stated in transaction currency.


Specified price in base currency is required. This field is also used for tolerance checking.


(Optional) Normally, used only by shop floor subcontracts in PeopleSoft Supply Planning.


User-definable field.


User-definable field.


Quantity sourced from demand. This should always be 0.


Incoming quantity requested.


(Required) Same as QTY_REQ, but in standard unit of measure.


Receiving required. Values are:

  • Y: Receiving is Required

  • N: Receiving is Optional

  • X: Do Not Receive


Incoming contract release number. The default is 0.


(Optional) Incoming replenishment code.


Incoming requisition ID if sourced directly from a requisition (not through an RFQ).


Incoming requisition ID if sourced directly from a requisition (not through an RFQ).


Incoming requisition ID if sourced directly from a requisition (not through an RFQ).




Incoming RFQ ID.


Incoming RFQ line number.


(Optional) Appears by default if not specified.


Incoming schedule sequence.


Used for contracts. The default is 0.


(Optional) Appears by default if not specified.


Incoming ship to ID.


Incoming ship to setID.


Date to be used for sourcing selection. The current date appears by default.


Method to use to find vendor. Default is B for basic.


S (staged)


(Required) Incoming sales and use tax base ID. It is usually the same as the ship to ID.


See translate values.


(Optional) Incoming ultimate use code.


Standard unit of measure for item. UNIT_OF_MEASURE appears by default.


If non-standard, conversion rate must exist for the preferred vendor or the inventory item.


Incoming tolerance. Ceiling for the unit price percent tolerance. 0 means no variance allowed. Must be expressed in base currency. Tolerance checking takes place after transaction price and base price have been calculated, and then the converted base price is compared against the original requisition price.


Incoming tolerance. Floor for the unit price percent tolerance. 0 means no variance allowed. Must be expressed in base currency.


Incoming vendor ID required if OVERRIDE_SUGG_VNDR is N; otherwise, it can be blank.


(Required) Incoming vendor setID.


(Optional) Incoming vendor catalog ID.


Vendor order location. Required if VENDOR_ID is specified.



This subrecord contains PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work order business unit, work order ID, task number, resource type, and resource line number.


PeopleSoft Services Procurement work order ID.


Must be Y if PRICE_PO on created purchase order must be 0. If this is Y, set CALC_PRICE_FLG to N.

Optionally, insert a row into PO_HDR_STG for rows on PO_ITM_STG with the same PO_STG_TYPE and PO_STG_ID, and where CONSOLIDATE_FLG is equal to N. If PO_HDR_STG exists, all header information comes from this table; otherwise, it comes from the defaults or the purchase order assigned to the transaction during the PO Calculations process (for blanket purchase orders), if applicable. This table is optional, because it is only used to force information into the purchase order header.

Field Name

Field Value or Description


Can be 0 or actual value.


(Required) Purchasing business unit.


(Required) Same as PO_ITM_STG.


(Required) Same as PO_ITM_STG.


(Required) Desired purchase order date.


Desired purchase order reference.


(Required) Desired payment terms code.


Desired buyer ID.


Desired origin.


(Required) Desired vendor order address sequence.


(Optional) Desired contact sequence.


(Optional) Desired sales contact sequence.


(Required) Desired bill to location.


(Required) Desired tax status is Y or N.


Desired tax exempt ID, if applicable.


Desired currency code. Must be same as on PO_ITM_STG.


Desired currency rate type.


Used by the Contract Release process. All other processes should set it to purchase order date.


Specified vendor setID (must match vendor setID on PO_ITM_STG).


Specified vendor setID (must match vendor setID on PO_ITM_STG).


Specified vendor location (must match vendor location on PO_ITM_STG).


UNASSIGNED, blank, or actual purchase order ID.


Y if the purchase order is specified.

N if the purchase order is unassigned or blank.


See translate values. If you add a value, be sure to look for places in the application engine code where processing is governed by this value. Must match PO_PROCESS_ID on PO_ITM_STG.


Desired dispatch action.


Desired dispatch method.


Incoming purchase order type.


(Optional) Controls what type of match rules you can add to this match rule control.


(Optional) Controls the way matching operates for voucher, purchase order, receipt, and inspection information.


(Optional) Defines which date the system uses as the terms basis date for scheduling payment and determining early payment discounts.


User-definable field.


(Optional) Defines the basis date for scheduling payment and determining early payment discounts.

Insert a row into PO_DISTRIB_STG for each distribution for items on PO_ITM_STG. At least one row on PO_DISTRIB_STG must exist for each row on PO_ITM_STG.

Field Name

Field Value or Description


Can be 0 or actual value.


Purchasing business unit.


Same as on PO_ITM_STG.


Same as on PO_ITM_STG.


Incoming line.


Incoming schedule sequence.


Incoming distribution line number.


S (staged)


Percent of schedule quantity.


Incoming distribution quantity.


Incoming requisition quantity.


Transaction currency. Must be the same as on PO_ITM_STG.


Incoming currency code for the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit on this distribution. This can be different from the purchase order base currency.


Desired currency rate type.


Incoming rate multiplier for conversion to PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit base currency for this distribution. Default is 1, never 0.


Incoming rate divisor for conversion to PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit base currency for this distribution. The default is 1, never 0.


Incoming merchandise amount.


Incoming location.


Incoming account.


Incoming alternate account.


Should already be configured to the ChartFields.


Incoming ChartField status.


PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.


Requisition business unit (if applicable).


PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit (if applicable).


PeopleSoft Inventory business unit (if applicable).


Incoming activity ID.


Incoming analysis type.


Incoming resource type.


Incoming resource category.


Incoming resource subcategory.


Requisition ID for cross-reference if cross-referencing from the purchase order is required.


Requisition line for cross-reference if cross-referencing from the purchase order is required.


Requisition schedule number for cross-reference if cross-referencing from the purchase order is required.


Requisition distribution number for cross-reference if cross-referencing from the purchase order is required.


Incoming asset profile ID.


Incoming tag number.


Incoming PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit.


Incoming statistics code.


From requisition line.










Incoming cost type.


Purchase order quantity in standard unit of measure.


Quantity sourced from demand. This should be set to 0.


Incoming budget date.


Department code.


Entry event code.


Project ID code.


User-definable field.

See Also

Replenishing Par Locations

Using User-Definable Fields

Manually Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Automatically Selecting Requisitions for Sourcing

Loading Staged Purchase Order Requests from PeopleSoft Supply Planning and Manufacturing

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide

Click to jump to parent topicSourcing Error Messages

This table lists the error messages that you receive from the processes included in sourcing, the causes of the error messages, and their most common resolutions.





You must enter Run Control parameters before running this process.

The Application Engine can't find the run control data for this process.

Enter the run control data on the page that corresponds to the process that you are trying to run, save the page, and click the Run button.


Selection days are required when the Date Selection Option is Plus or Minus.

You have chosen the date selection option, indicating that you want to add or subtract days from the current date.

Specify the number of days in the Nbr Days field (number days field).


Date Selection operand is required when a Date Selection Option is selected.

You have not indicated whether the number of days in the range is plus or minus the purchase order source date, although you have requested the source date option.

The date selection option indicates that you want to select based on some version of current date. Specify whether the source document date should be equal to, greater than, or less than the selection date on the run control.


Vendor not found or specified vendor is inactive.

Either no vendor was found for this item, or the given or found vendor is inactive.

Change the vendor on the Sourcing Analysis page.


Unit of Measure not accepted by vendor.

Vendor does not accept all units of measure, and this UOM (unit of measure) has not been identified as the vendor's default UOM, or it is not defined as an acceptable vendor UOM.

Select the Accept any UOM flag on the Item Vendor page or change the UOM on the input record to match the UOM specified on the Item Vendor table. You could also change the vendor on the Sourcing Analysis page.


Ship To ID not accepted by Vendor.

The vendor does not ship to all ship to IDs, and the vendor does not allow this ship to ID.

Select the Accept any Ship To ID option on the Item Vendor page or change the ship to ID on the input record to match the ship to ID specified on the Item Vendor table. You could also change the vendor on this table.


Consolidation specified, yet the option prohibiting consolidation is also specified.

Row indicates that it is to be consolidated, yet one of the conditions exists, prohibiting consolidation: price-specified, UOM-specified, contract-specified, item is order by description, or header level information is provided.

Correct the setting of the appropriate options on the staging table.


Item is order by description, yet a price calculation is requested.

Pricing calculations cannot be requested for order by description items, because there is no pricing information recorded for these items.

Set the Calculate Price flag to N on the staging table.


PO ID calculation option is selected, yet PO ID is specified, and so forth.

The PO Built flag indicates that no purchase order exists, yet a purchase order ID is specified, or the PO Built flag indicates that a purchase order does exist, and either the specified purchase order does not exist, or there is no PO_HDR_STG table for it.

Remove the purchase order ID or the PO Built flag on the staging table.


No PO ID could be calculated.

This error is usually caused by a missing Business Unit Options table.

When setting up the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit, you must specify an option ID. Business unit options must exist for this option ID.

See Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options.


Unit Price Tolerance exceeded.

The calculated purchase order price is outside the tolerance allowed for the requested price, plus or minus the unit price tolerance. Tolerance checking is done using base prices.

Either change the tolerances, requested price, or item price.


Percent unit price tolerance exceeded.

The calculated purchase order price is outside the tolerance allowed for the requested price, plus or minus the percentage unit price tolerance. Tolerance checking is done using base prices.

Change the unit price on the staged row, the tolerance, or the item price.


Price calculation requested, yet no price found.

Price calculation was requested, but no price was found, or the minimum quantity was not met. After searching the vendor item tables and item tables, the price was still zero.

Specify a standard price for the item on the Purchasing Attributes page.


Selection date is required when the Date Selection Option is Specify.

You have specified that you want to select input with a certain source date, yet you have not specified which source date to use.

Enter a source date on the selection criteria page.


Vendor Item relationship missing.

The Business Unit table indicates that a vendor item relationship must exist for the vendor and item ID.

You can establish the relationship using the Item Vendor page.


PO_HDR_STG_WRK table is missing.

The Create Purchase Order process could not build the PO_HDR_STG_WRK table. Typically, this is due to a missing Vendor Invoice table.

Normally the Vendor Invoice table is automatically built when you add a vendor, so the probable cause is an incorrectly converted vendor.


CART Replenishment and RFQ sourced items cannot be reset.

You have requested that input transactions be reset for processing, but open quantities and amounts can only be backed out for requisition-related stage rows.

Do not attempt this option.


PO Price is zero.

No price calculation was requested, and the purchase order price is zero.

Enter a price on the staged row or the item price.


PO schedules are out of balance.

Purchase order schedule quantity or amount does not equal the sum of the distribution quantities or amounts.

You can change this imbalance in the purchase order page of your choice.


Contract Maximum Exceeded.

Contract pricing was not used, because contract maximums would be exceeded.

This is an information-only message. No action is required.


Item indicates that a contract is required.

Item attributes indicate that a contract is required for this item, yet no contract could be found.

Either remove that requirement from the item, or establish an effective contract.


PO Calculations calculated different price than Contract Release. Contract Release price used.

The PO Calculations process calculated a different price than the one used to update the contract amounts during the contract release process.

The vendor pricing was probably adjusted after the contract was released, but before the PO Calculations process completed. The contract price was used on the purchase order, but purchase order value adjustments show the purchase order calculated price. This is an information-only message. No action is required.


RFQ is Required.

This cannot be sourced to a purchase order, because the item indicates that an RFQ is required, and no RFQ is specified.

Perform the RFQ first.


Vendor Invoice Table is Missing.

Vendor Invoice table does not exist for the vendor specified on the staged row.

This could only happen for vendors converted from another system. Be sure the conversion process creates this table.


Inventory Demand not created due to insufficient quantity. A purchase order will be created instead.

No IBU existed within the distribution network (other than the originating IBU) with sufficient available quantity to satisfy the requested quantity.

A purchase order will be created instead.


Item does not exist on Purchasing System.

The item ID isn't in the item tables.

Add the item into the item tables.


Vendor Minimum OR Maximum Quantity not met.

An item vendor option indicates whether quantity checking should be done at the line or schedule level. Based on this option, either the purchase order line or the purchase order schedule quantity is below the vendor minimum quantity or above the vendor maximum quantity. The vendor minimum and maximum quantities are specified at the item vendor unit of measure level.

Reset the requisition and increase the quantity to the vendor minimum, or lower the vendor minimum quantity.


Cannot convert currency from Item to Vendor.

Item price is being used, but a conversion rate does not exist from the item currency to the vendor currency.

Add a conversion rate.


Cannot convert currency from Vendor to Base.

A conversion rate does not exist from the vendor currency to the purchase order base currency.

Add a conversion rate.


GL Base Currency info not set up correctly.

Currency information is not set up for the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit and default ledger group.

Set up currency information for the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit and default ledger group.


Vendor does not support Stockless Inventory.

The purchase order indicates cart replenishment, but the vendor does not support stockless inventory.

Remove the cart replenishment option from the purchase order.


Sales/Use Tax Default Information is Missing.

There should be an entry in the Sales/Use Tax Defaults table for each ship to ID that does not exist. This information is required in order to proceed with building this purchase order item. This error also appears if there was a serious error in trying to obtain VAT information.

Add sales and use tax defaults for the ship to ID that you are using. Add these defaults to the Ship To Locations - Sales/Use Tax Defaults page.

See Defining Ship To Locations.


Error in setting up for VAT processing.

An error was found in trying to determine VAT entity information, bill to VAT country, or bill from VAT country.

Check the VAT setup information on the VAT Entity page.


Error in VAT Calculation Module.

VAT calculation module (FSPVCRAE) was unable to calculate taxes for this item.

Review the VAT setup, and if no problems are found, contact the account representative.


Error in VAT Bill to defaulting.

Error in VAT module FSPBFPVT, which provides the default value for the bill to country.

Review the VAT setup, and if no problems are found, contact the account representative.


Error in VAT exception, treatment, and transaction defaults.

Error in VAT exception, treatment, and transaction defaults. An error was returned from one of the VAT programs: FSPVEPVT, FSPVTPVT, or FSPTXVVT.

Review the VAT setup, and if no problems are found, contact the account representative.


Error in VAT suspension or applicability defaults.

Error in VAT suspension or applicability defaults. An error was returned from one of the VAT programs: FSPNSPVT or FSPVCPVT.

Review the VAT setup, and if no problems are found, contact the account representative.


Error in Business Unit Setup.

There is an error in the business unit setup. The most common problem is that the process options do not exist for the process option ID specified on the Business Unit page, and for the appropriate setID. Another possible problem is that the business unit specifies a currency that does not exist.

Correct the business unit setup.


No data selected for processing.

Nothing met the selection criteria; therefore, no data was found for processing.

Please review the selection criteria, and try again.


Category or Item specified but no SetID provided.

Category or item ID was specified as a selection criterion. When either of these fields are specified, the setID must also be specified.

Specify the setID.


Unit of Measure requires whole numbers yet transaction quantity has decimals.

The unit of measure for this transaction requires whole numbers. The transaction quantity has decimals and cannot be rounded to a whole number, because the difference exceeds the rounding tolerance.

Either adjust the quantity or the tolerance.


Error found in Schedule Split Sourced Vendor.

When split sourcing a schedule, if one of the split sourced transactions is rejected, they all must be rejected. This transaction has been rejected, because an error was found in another schedule split sourced transaction for the same schedule.

Correct the error on the other transaction that was split sourced.


Due to UOM Rounding, split sourced quantities do not add up to schedule quantity.

Split sourced transaction quantities must add up to the schedule quantity. This is a split-sourced transaction that has been UOM rounded. When you add up the UOM-rounded quantities for all transactions for this schedule, they do not add up to the schedule quantity.

Adjust at least one of the split-sourced quantities, so the summed quantities match the schedule quantity.


Contract SetID specified but contract was not entered.

The contract setID was specified, but the contract was not entered. This may cause a problem when processing continues.

Enter the contract ID.


Invalid VAT Registration ID.

VAT registration ID is blank.

Correct the VAT registration ID for this country and VAT entity.


Cannot round transaction and standard quantities.

Both the transaction and standard quantities require whole numbers. When the standard quantity is rounded to a whole number, then reconverted back to the transaction quantity, the transaction quantity has decimals. Yet the transaction quantity also requires whole numbers.

Adjust the unit of measure rounding rules; reset this requisition and change the quantities so they can be rounded to whole numbers; or change the unit of measure so unit of measure conversion is not required.


Category setID specified, but the category was not entered, and so forth.

If category is entered, category setID must also be entered. If category is blank, category setID must also be blank.

Enter both category setID and category ID, or neither.


Error in VAT Bill from defaulting.

Error in VAT module FSPVFPVT, which provides the default value for the bill from country.

Review the VAT setup, and if no problems are found, contact the account representative.


Error in VAT treatment defaulting.

VAT defaulting routine returned an error value when trying to get VAT treatment.

Review the VAT setup, and if no problems are found, contact the account representative.


Error in VAT defaulting routine for recovery/rebate.

VAT defaulting routine returned an error value when trying to get VAT recovery and rebate defaults.

Review the VAT setup, and if no problems are found, contact the account representative.


Error in obtaining VAT bill to or bill from information.

There is a problem in the VAT setup as VAT bill to or bill from information could not be obtained.

Review the VAT setup, and if no problems are found, contact the account representative.


Revision is invalid.

Item revision does not exist.

Cancel the transaction and correct the revision code on the source document.

57 (Warning)

Ship to country does not have VAT.

Ship to country does not have VAT; therefore, no registration entry was found for the VAT entity.

This message is only a warning. No action is required.


Only a process that isn't running can be Recycled.

You are trying to recycle a row on the stage table that is in process.

Wait until the process completes before trying to make this change.


Lower Unit Price Tolerance exceeded.

Calculated PO price is less than the requested price, minus the lower unit price tolerance.

Either change the tolerances, requested price, or item price.


Lower Percent Unit Price Tolerance exceeded.

Calculated PO price is less than the requested price, minus the lower percentage of unit price tolerance.

Either change the tolerances, requested price, or item price.


Enter a conversion rate for this item and unit of measure to the standard unit of measure.

Unit of measure conversion indicated, yet no conversion rate exists.

Enter a conversion rate for this item and unit of measure to the standard unit of measure.


Multiple vendors were considered for this transaction and more than 1 had an error. Please see Eligible Vendors page for each error message.

Errors were found for multiple vendors.

Please see Eligible Vendors page for each error message.


Buyer ID is a required field. This value is used as a default when creating the purchase order header.

Buyer ID is required.

Enter a buyer ID.


Contract is specified but is not effective during transaction due date. Modify due date, or modify contract effective dates.

Contract not effective.

Modify due date or modify contract effective dates.

See Also

Defining Purchasing Item Attributes