Setting Up Configuration Model Elements

This chapter provides an overview of configuration model elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Click the Add/Update button to access the Search page associated with the adjacent field, where you can add or modify values using the field's source component. If the field is blank, the source component is accessed in add mode. If the field is populated, the source component is displayed in update mode.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Configuration Variables

To define internal variables, use the Internal component (INTRN_VAR_MAINT). To define option variables, use the Option component (CP_OPT_VAR_PNLG). To define global variables, use the Global component (CP_GBL_VAR_PNLG). To define secondary variables, use the Secondary component (CP_SEC_VAR_PNLG). To define multiple option variables use the Multiple Option component (MULTOP_MAINT). To define constant variables, use the Constant component (CP_CONSTANT). This section discusses how to:

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Definition Name



Review Variables - Search


Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Review Variables, Review Variables - Search

Search for the variable types that exist in the configuration models.

Review Variables - Results


Enter the search criteria on the Review Variables - Search page, and click the Search button.

View the location of, and detailed information about, the selected variable type.

Internal Variable


Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Internal, Internal Variable

Set up queries to retrieve existing data from PeopleSoft tables and views for use in an internal variable.

Internal Variable Tester


Click the Internal Variable Test link on the Internal Variable page.

Test the setup of internal variables within the product configuration.

Option Variable


Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Option, Option Variable

View or create an option variable.

Global Variable


Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Global, Global Variable

View or create a global variable.

Secondary Variable


Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Secondary, Secondary Variable

View or create a secondary variable.

Multiple Option


Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Multiple Option

View or create a multiple option variable.



Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Constant

View the name and description of a constant, a reserved system value within a configuration. For example, current date or order mode.

See Configuration Variable Types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching For Variable Types

Access the Review Variables - Search page (Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Review Variables, Review Variables - Search).

The variable type search function searches for the specified variable type in the following areas: templates, internal variables, expressions, constraints, multiple option variables, messages, matrices, rules, and value lists.

Important! Due to database limitations, you cannot search for messages, expressions, custom internal variables, or custom value lists if you are using an Oracle or Informix database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Variable Type Search Results

Access the Review Variables - Results page (click the Search button on the Review Variables - Search page).

The system displays detailed information about the selected variable type. In particular:


Identifies where in the configuration model the variable value is located.

Variable Value

Click the value to navigate to the corresponding component, where you can access details about this variable.


Displays the detail or syntax expression that contains the search variable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Internal Variables

Internal variables retrieve static or dynamically derived values from PeopleSoft application tables and views. This enables you to use existing business information, such as customer IDs, order numbers, business unit definitions, or pricing, without defining it within rules or in separate configurator tables.

Instead, there are two methods of performing Structured Query Language (SQL) queries in Product Configurator when defining internal variables and value lists:

To define or modify static internal variables:

  1. Access the Internal Variable page.

  2. Select Standard in the Type field.

    1. Select a table or view to query.

    2. Select a corresponding field.

    3. Enter the parameters of the where clause.

      The system initiates the query during configuration processing.

  3. Click the Internal Variable Test link to view and test how the internal variable is retrieved during the configuration process.

  4. Set up values for each field on the Internal Variable Tester page, and click the Execute Query button.

To define or modify dynamic internal variables:

  1. Access the Internal Variable page.

  2. Select Custom in the Type field.

    The SQL field appears, where you can write custom SQL statements to dynamically generate values from existing database records. In addition, configuration binds can be used within the custom SQL statement.

    For example, the configuration bind "O-COLOR" would resolve to the value of the option variable COLOR at run-time in the following SQL:

    Select FIELD_1, FIELD_2, FIELD_3, FIELD_4 From PS_TABLE Where FIELD_1 = %BIND(O-COLOR)

    If COLOR = RED, then during rule processing the SQL changes to:

    Select FIELD_1, FIELD_2, FIELD_3, FIELD_4 From PS_TABLE Where FIELD_1 = 'RED'

    If the result is a number, the system replaces the bind variable with the actual variable. If it is a string, it places single quotes around the actual variable.

    Note. Configuration binds are replaced differently for messages; they are simply replaced with the bind value (for example, %BIND(O-COLOR) = RED).

See Also

Configuration Binds

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Multiple Option Variables

Access the Multiple Option page (Configuration Modeler, Define Variables, Multiple Option).

Enter an option name in the Option Variable field in order to associate option variables with a multiple option variable.

Multiple Option Variables check for a value within a set of option variables. Multiple Option Variables group option variables together to examine them as a group, and determine whether a particular value exists in that group.

For example, a model might use two option variables within it for the coloring of a configured bike:

For component purposes, you might not care what color any particular part of the bike is, but you do want to know whether you need red paint. By using the multiple option variable that contains these two option variables, you can create a single rule (leveraging the Exists on Multiple Option operator) that verifies whether either of the option variables has a value of RED.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Value Lists and Constraints

To create value lists, use the Value List component (USERCD_MAINT_GBL). To set up constraints, use the Constraint component (CP_CONSTRT_GBL). This section provides an overview of values lists, an overview of constraints, and discusses how to:

  1. Create a value list.

  2. Set up constraints.

See Also

Configuration Variable Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Value Lists

You can define two kinds of value lists:

Note. The long description field is language sensitive and can use related language tables to display in a nonbase language.


When you define or modify a custom value list value, you must include the following fields in the select statement. They do not all need to return data, blanks are allowed, but they should be in the following order:

  1. Value list

  2. Description

  3. Image URL

  4. Link URL

For example:

Select Value_List, Description, Image_URL, Link_URL From PS_TABLE Where FIELD = %BIND(O-COLOR)


Select Value_List, Description, Image_URL, '' From PS_TABLE Where FIELD = %BIND(O-COLOR)


Select Value_List, Description, '', '' From PS_TABLE Where FIELD = %BIND(O-COLOR)

Note. Constraints, Matrix variables, and configuration templates can use only standard value list values.

See Also

Configuration Variable Types

Language Sensitivity in PeopleSoft Enterprise Product Configurator

Configuration Binds

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Constraints

Constraints enable dynamic value list prompting by creating a new value list that is a subset of the original master value list. Constraints evaluate a series of syntax expressions or conditions in order to determine the correct set of values to apply.

For example, you might have a value list, COLORS, that contains a list of all of the colors for the bikes that you sell (red, blue, black, silver, gray, and white). However, you have two sequential constraint conditions:

  1. You can paint titanium bikes using only silver, gray, and black paint.

  2. You can paint aluminum bikes using only red, blue, gray, white, and black paint.

You could set up a single constraint with two conditions to handle this configuration modeling situation:

  1. The first condition of the constraint checks to see if the bike is titanium. If yes, then the constraint would limit the values to only silver, gray, and white from the original COLORS master value list.

  2. The second condition of the constraint checks to see if the bike is aluminum. If yes, then the constraint would limit the values to only red, blue, gray, white, and black.

If the bike is neither titanium nor aluminum, then the entire master value list of COLORS is available, because there is no constraint in effect.

Constraint Levels

You can create and apply a value list constraint at two different levels:

See Defining Page Generation and Validation Rules.

See Defining Kit Generation Rules.

Constraint Types (Option-Level Constraints Only)

The system processes constraint conditions according to a constraint type:

In the following diagram, A, B, C, D, and E result from union constraints with true conditions, while E is also the result of an intersection constraint.

Constraint types; Union and Intersection

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Value List


Configuration Modeler, Value Lists and Constraints, Value List

View an existing value list or create a new one.

Value List - Preview Image/Link


Click the Preview Image/Link button on the Value List page, Links tab.

View the image that is associated with a value.



  • Configuration Modeler, Value Lists and Constraints, Constraint

  • Click the Page Constraint Add/Update button on the Page Generation rule page.

Validate option selections during option entry.

Select Value List Value(s)


Select a value list on the Constraint page, and click the Select Value List Value(s) link.

View or change the values that are associated with the constraint.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Value List

Access the Value List page (Configuration Modeler, Value Lists and Constraints, Value List).

Standard Value Lists

To define or modify standard value lists:

  1. Access the Value List page.

  2. Select Standard in the Type field.

    The Value List group box appears, where you can enter user-defined values and link to image files.

  3. On the Description tab, enter the values.

    The description of the value is generally informational, but you can use it instead of the actual value in configuration codes.

  4. On the Links tab, associate image files and links with values.

    The images and external links [uniform resource locators (URLs)] appear on configured pages for options with a Page Generation rule control type of radio button and the available options list boxes only. An image file can be any browser-supported image.

    1. Enter the image URL to display an image that is associated with the value list value.

      Note. You can set the image URL for images from the database with the following syntax: %IMAGE(<database image name>). See the sample data value list BCOLORS (setID SHARE) for an example.

    2. Enter a link URL to display a URL to an external site that is associated with the value list value.

    3. (Optional) Click the Preview Image/Link button to display the Value List - Preview Image/Link page.

Custom Value Lists

To define or modify custom value lists:

  1. Select Custom in the Type field.

    The SQL field appears, where you can write custom SQL statements to dynamically generate values from existing database records.

  2. Enter or modify the SQL statement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Constraints

Access the Constraint page (Configuration Modeler, Value Lists and Constraints, Constraint).

Option-level Constraints

Access the Constraint page.

To establish option-level constraints:

  1. Select Option in the constraint Level field.

  2. Select, modify, or add a value list with which to associate this constraint.

  3. Select the constraint type

  4. Select, modify, or add an expression ID in the Condition (Syntax) field to be evaluated to determine which value list subset to use.

    The sequence determines the order in which the system evaluates the condition.

  5. Select, modify, or add an error message that is to appear when page validation fails for this constraint.

    See Maintaining Configuration Messages.

  6. Click the Select Value List Value(s) link to associate some or all of the values that are contained in the value list with the constraint.

Page-level Constraints

To establish page-level constraints:

  1. Select Page in the constraint Level field.

  2. Follow steps four through six in the previous procedure.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Matrices

To create a matrix header, use the Matrix Header component (CP_MATRIX_MAINT_GBL). To create matrix details, use the Matrix Detail component (CP_MATRIX_DETL_GBL). This section provides an overview of matrices, lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Matrices

A Product Configurator matrix is a table that associates a combination of key fields with a unique result value. In effect, the matrix takes the place of a series of rules for different combinations of variable values. Matrix variables enable you to invoke result values from a predefined matrix of up to five variable values. You can, for example, define the value of combinations of prices, quantities, or options, and then call that value in syntax, without listing every possible combination in the configuration rules.

You can define an unlimited number of matrices to configure products in either the distribution or production processes. Within a matrix, you can define unlimited numbers of values for specific options, variations, or variables.

Matrix detail records are uniquely identified by an effective date, and you can access or test the matrix detail information based on this effective date. You can preset multiple detail sets that are activated automatically, based on an effective date.

Matrix Wildcards

In establishing the matrix variable details, you can specify wildcards (*) to aid in the maintenance when the system fails to find specific valid key field value combinations. The order of the key fields that are on the matrix controls the way that the system searches for a return value.

Note. You can use wildcards (*) anywhere in the matrix detail definition.

The system processes matrix details in the following order:

  1. First, it looks for a matrix detail result that matches the values for all of the key fields.

  2. If that fails, it tries again, but starts replacing values with a wildcard value (*) for the last key field on the matrix and moves forward.

    This search is based on a boolean algorithm where 00000 represents all key fields matched and 11111 represents all wildcard values matched. The first search uses 00000 (no wildcards), then 00001 (1 wildcard in the last key), then 00010 (1 wildcard in the second to last key), then 00011 (2 wildcards—1 in the last key and in the second to last key), and so on.

  3. If a result value is not defined for all wildcard key fields, and a result value is not found, the configuration engine generates a runtime error.

    The following figure shows a sample matrix page with the key fields entered.

Example of Matrix Detail page

Here's how the return values appear for some key field values:

Frame Color

Frame Material

Frame Size


















Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Specifies whether the matrix result field type is Character or Numeric.


Defines the number of characters that are allowed for each variable that is associated with the key field. The maximum length of a character type is 15 characters.


Specifies the decimal precision for numeric types. The range of decimal precision values is 11,4 through 8,7.

Key Detail button.

Add/Update button.

See Also

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

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Matrix Header


  • Configuration Modeler, Define Matrices, Matrix Header

  • Click the Go to Matrix Header link on the Matrix Detail page.

Create a matrix and control the way that the system applies it.

Matrix Header - Key Detail


Click the Key Detail button on the Matrix Header page.

View the details for the specific matrix key field.

Matrix Detail


  • Configuration Modeler, Define Matrices, Matrix Detail

  • Click the Go to Matrix Detail link on the Matrix Header page.

Identify valid key combinations and their associated result field values.

Matrix Tester


Click the Test Matrix link on the Matrix Header page.

Test a matrix definition.

Upload Download Matrix


Configuration Modeler, Define Matrices, Upload/Download Matrix, Upload Download Matrix

Use this page to initiate the Upload/Download Matrix SQR process (CPS4000.SQR). This process will import a matrix from a spreadsheet or flat file or export a matrix to a flat file using the information that you enter on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Matrix

To create a matrix:

  1. Access the Matrix Header page and enter the information for identifying a matrix and controlling how the system applies it.

    The header fields on this page determine the matrix result format.

  2. Specify up to five matrix key fields and their characteristics, ordering the keys from the most important (in determining the result) to the least important to correctly prioritize the return values when the variable values do not match matrix combinations exactly.

    1. Select a variable type: Global, Option, Internal, or Secondary.

    2. Select, add, or modify a matrix key variable by using the Look up Variable or Add/Update buttons.

      The Add/Update button is only present when no matrix detail exists for the matrix key field variable (for example, when you are creating a new header).

    3. Enter a matrix key description.

      This description is displayed as the column heading on the Matrix Detail page once you click the Go to Matrix Detail link.

    4. Enter the operator: = (equal to), <= (less than or equal to), or >= (greater than or equal to).

      The operator eliminates the need to enter every possible combination of values in the matrix detail. Instead, you can create levels of data within which the individual key field combinations might fall. The operator functions as follows:

      [Matrix Detail Value] {Operator} [Key Variable Value]

    5. Click the Add Key button to add another key to the matrix.

      You cannot delete the first key information line; only those that are subsequent to the first (required) line.

  3. After you create the key fields, click the Key Detail button to access the Matrix Header - Key Detail page to view or update the variable attributes for each key field.

    Attributes appear by default based on the variable definition, but you may override them for increased or decreased decimal precision or accuracy.

  4. When you are satisfied with the matrix key header definition, click the Go to Matrix Detail link to access the Matrix Detail page, where you define the matrix detail key values and result parameters.

    Note. Once you click the Go to Matrix Detail link and save the matrix header information that you define, the resulting matrix details are tied to the matrix header key fields, which are then frozen; only the operator can be edited. To change a matrix header key at this point, you must create a new matrix variable.

    The page is populated with editable variable fields for the matrix variable key fields.

    1. Enter data in the key fields and define a matrix return value for each detail row.

    2. To copy an entire matrix detail that is set to a new effective date, click the Add button.

      The system copies the previous set of effective-dated data.

      Note. You can use blank values within the matrix detail keys and return values.

    3. Save the page and return to the Matrix Header page.

  5. The Test Matrix link is now visible; click to access the Matrix Test page.

    Enter test values for up to five matrix key fields, and click the Calculate Result button to get a return value or an error message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting or Exporting a Matrix

Access the Upload Download Matrix page (Configuration Modeler, Define Matrices, Upload/Download Matrix).


Select the type of action you want to perform. Values are:

  • Download to file

  • Upload from file


Select the matrix. When uploading from a file, select the existing matrix that the data on the file to be uploaded applies to. When downloading to a file, select the matrix you want to download.

Effective Date

Select the effective date for the matrix. When uploading data from a file specify the effective date for the matrix detail that you desire. When downloading data to a file specify the effective date for the matrix detail you want to download from the existing set of matrix details.

Note. When uploading data, if you select an effective date for a matrix detail that already exists the existing matrix detail data will be replaced if the upload is successful.


Select the delimiter that is associated with the import file or select the delimiter you want to use for the export file. Valid delimiters are: comma, slash, colon, semicolon, backslash, and bar.

File Name

Enter the file name in one of the formats shown on the page. File path standards are based on the Process Scheduler Server:

  • For NT: \\[servername]\[sharename]\[filename]

  • For UNIX: //[servername]/[sharename]/[filename]

Note. It is recommended that you first perform a download of a matrix so that you can review the flat file format that is required. Then you can reference this downloaded flat file when creating a upload flat file because you will then know the correct data format that is required by the system.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Syntax Expressions

To create syntax expressions, use the Expression component (CP_EXPR_PNLG_GBL). This section describes how to create syntax expressions.

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Configuration Modeler, Expressions and Messages, Expression

Create and maintain the syntax expressions for use in Product Configurator rules.

Syntax Builder


Click the Syntax Builder link on the Expression page.

Use the syntax builder feature to create simple or complex syntax expressions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Syntax Expressions

To create syntax expressions:

  1. Access the Expression page and enter a description for the expression ID.

  2. If you know the entire expression that you want to create, enter it in the Syntax field.

  3. (Optional) To select established variables and operators with which to build the statement, click the Syntax Builder link to access the Syntax Builder page.

  4. (Optional) Build the syntax expression in the Syntax Builder group box on the Syntax Builder page.

    1. To negate the operator, add not to the syntax statement by selecting the Not check box.

    2. A simple expression contains a variable, Variable 1, an operand, and a second variable, Variable 2 and is entered in the form: (Variable 1, operand, Variable 2).

      Click the Build Variable 1 or 2 button. When you click this button the Variable Builder group box in the lower portion of the page expands. Using the fields in the Variable Builder group box, select a variable type and an associated variable, and click the Add to Variable 1 or 2 button.

    3. You can create nested expressions, as well.

      A simple nested expression: [(Variable 1,operand,Variable 2),operand,(Variable 1,operand,Variable 2)]. To create a nested expression, add another operand after the second variable, and click the Add a New Row button to create a new row and continue the statement.

      Note. The next time that you access the Syntax Builder page for this expression, the entire nested expression is contained in a single row.

  5. Click the Build Syntax Expression button to assemble the variables and operands into an expression.

    The system populates the Syntax Expression long character field on this page.

  6. Click the OK button to return to the Expression page, which displays the syntax statement in the Syntax field.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Configuration Messages

To define messages, use the Message component (CP_MESSAGE_GBL). This section provides an overview of configuration messages and discusses how to maintain configuration messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Configuration Messages

Two levels of messages are used in Product Configurator:

See Also

Language Sensitivity in PeopleSoft Enterprise Product Configurator

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide

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Definition Name





Configuration Modeler, Expressions and Messages, Message

Create and maintain custom error messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Configuration Messages

Access the Message page (Configuration Modeler, Expressions and Messages, Message).

Enter the following:

Message ID

Enter up to 18 characters.


Enter up to 30 characters.


Enter the message. This long character field uses database default length.

Note. You can use configuration binds to avoid hardcoding values in configuration messages. Configuration binds are replaced differently for messages; they are simply replaced with the bind value (for example, %BIND(O-COLOR) = RED).

See Configuration Binds.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Print Codes

To set up print codes, use the Print Code component (CP_PRINTCD_PNL_GBL). This section provides an overview of print codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Print Codes

This section provides an overview of print codes.

Print codes enable you to print user-defined configuration information on various PeopleSoft reports and view this information online.

  1. When you add a new print code, associate it with the appropriate reports.

  2. Then you can use it in the following configuration rules:

(The option Variable rule is not provided with a print code; it acts like a Page Generation rule with a blank print code).


The Configuration Detail table stores the output from Page Generation and Configuration Detail rules that are associated with a print code.

An option can be printed more than once on a report:

The following reports use print codes:



Sales Order report

Order Management

Invoice report.


Pick Plan report


Packing Slip report


Production Documents report


Purchase Order report


See Also

Appendix A: PeopleSoft Order Management Reports

PeopleSoft Billing Reports

PeopleSoft Inventory Reports

PeopleSoft Purchasing Reports

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Print Code


  • Configuration Modeler, Print Codes and Templates, Print Code

  • Click the linked print code value on the All Print Codes page.

Create and maintain print codes to control what configuration information is included on reports.

All Print Codes


  • Configuration Modeler, Print Codes and Templates, Review Print Codes, All Print Codes

  • Click the View All Print Codes link on the Print Code page, and select a setID.

View all print codes for the setID, and the reports with which they are associated.