11 Processing Outbound EDI Payments

This chapter contains the following topics:

11.1 Understanding the Outbound EDI Payments Process

You process Accounts Payable payment transactions and store them in the EDI interface tables to send outbound EDI 820 transmissions directly to your trading partner (bank). You create EDI payments by completing the same process that you use when you create automatic payments. Instead of printing physical checks that you mail to your supplier, you send payments electronically to your supplier's bank.

When you create EDI payments, you update the following accounts payable and EDI payment worktables:

  • F04571 - A/P Payment Processing - Header.

  • F04572 - A/P Payment Processing - Summary.

  • F04573 - A/P Payment Processing - Detail.

  • F47056W - EDI Payment Order Header - Work.

  • F470561W - EDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Work.

  • F470562W - EDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Work.

  • F470563W - EDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Work.

  • F47057W - EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Work.

After you create EDI payments, you must also:

  • Transfer outbound payment transactions.

  • Run the Update as Sent program (R47058).

  • Purge processed outbound EDI payments.

11.2 Transferring Outbound Payment Transactions

This section provides an overview of the Copy to Outbound EDI Files program (R47057) and discusses how to:

  • Run the report.

  • Set data selection.

11.2.1 Understanding the Copy to Outbound EDI Files Program

After you run the automatic payment process, you must copy the payment transactions from the EDI worktables to the EDI interface tables to make them available to the translator software.

The Copy to Outbound EDI Files program copies payment transactions to the following EDI payment interface tables:

  • F47056 - EDI Payment Order Header - Outbound.

  • F470561 - EDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Outbound.

  • F470562 - EDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Outbound.

  • F470563 - EDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Outbound.

  • F47057 - EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Outbound.


    The sections of the report use data from various files. When you run the Copy to Outbound EDI Files program, the data selection should include only those fields that are common to all of the tables listed specified. Otherwise, your report might print results that do not include all of the data that you selected.

As the system copies the payment transactions to the EDI payment interface tables, it marks the corresponding transaction in the EDI worktables as processed by updating the Processed (Y/N) field (EDSP) to Y. This prevents the system from copying previously processed records.

11.2.2 Running the Copy to Outbound EDI Files Report

Select Payment Order with Remittance (G47266), Copy to Outbound EDI Files.

11.2.3 Setting Data Selection for the Copy to Outbound EDI Files Report

Five worktables are used in the processing of Outbound EDI transactions:

  • F47056W - EDI Payment Order Header - Work.

  • F470561W - EDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Work.

  • F470562W - EDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Work.

  • F470563W - EDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Work.

  • F47057W - EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Work.

The following fields are common to the five tables used by the Copy to Outbound EDI Files program (R47057) and are the only fields you should use for data selection or data sequencing. If you use any other fields for data selection or data sequencing, the report will stop and you will receive an error message.

  • EDI Document Company

  • EDI Document Number

  • EDI Doc Ty

  • EDI Line Number

  • EDI Successfully Processed

  • EDI Batch Number

  • Batch Number

  • Batch Type

  • Document Company

  • Company

  • Business Unit

  • Payment/Item Number

  • Match Doc Type

  • Pmt/Itm Pay Itm

  • Address Number

  • Transaction Originator

  • User ID

  • Program ID

  • Work Stn ID

  • Date Updated

  • Time of Day

Other fields exist that are common to all five worktables, but contain different values depending on whether they are contained in a header worktable or a detail worktable. Those fields should not be used for data selection. Use only the common fields.

11.3 Updating Processed Transactions

This section provides an overview of the Update as Sent program (R47058) and discusses how to run the program.

11.3.1 Understanding the Update as Sent Program

You run the Update as Sent program when your trading partner notifies you that they received your EDI payment transmission.

When you run the Update as Sent program, the system updates the Processed (Y/N) field (EDPSP) to Y on the payment transactions in your EDI payment interface tables (F47056, F470561, F470562, F470563, and F47057). This prevents the translator software from reprocessing the same transactions.

11.3.2 Running the Update as Sent Program

Select Payment Order with Remittance (G47266), Update as Sent.

11.4 Purging Processed Outbound EDI Payments

This section provides an overview of the Purge EDI Files report (R47059) and discusses how to run the report.

11.4.1 Understanding the Purge EDI Files Report

After you successfully process EDI payment transactions, you can remove them from the outbound EDI tables by running the Purge EDI Files report (R47059). The system retains processed EDI payment transactions in the system 47 tables until you purge them.

When you purge outbound EDI payments, the system removes all processed records; records that have a Y in the Processed (Y/N) field (EDSP) from the following EDI payment interface tables:

  • EDI Payment Order Header - Outbound (F47056).

  • EDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Outbound (F470561).

  • EDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Outbound (F470562).

  • EDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Outbound (F470563).

  • EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Outbound (F47057).


    When you purge information, the system does not copy transactions to a purge table. Instead, the system deletes transactions from your system.

11.4.2 Running the Purge EDI Files Report

Select Payment Order with Remittance (G47266), Purge EDI Files.