A Mapping Fields for Batch Invoice Processing

This appendix contains the following topics:

A.1 Mapping Fields in the Batch Invoices Table (F03B11Z1)

This section contains a list of the fields in the F03B11Z1 table. Some of the fields are required to run the Batch Invoice Processor program (R03B11Z1A). For some fields, blank is a value. Not all fields are displayed on the Accounts Receivable forms or are used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system.

The field names in these tables correspond to the field names on interactive forms.

A.1.1 Required Fields

These fields in the F03B11Z1 table are required for processing batch invoices:

Field Name Alias Type Length Values to Enter/Definition
EDI - User ID VJEDUS Alpha 10 Enter the user ID of the person running the process or the person who receives messages in the Employee Work Center.

This field, and the EDI - Transaction Number (VJEDTN), the EDI - Batch Number (VJEDBT), and the EDI - Line Number (VJEDLN) fields, uniquely identifies an invoice.

EDI - Transaction Number VJEDTN Alpha 22 Enter the source system's document number so that the transaction can be cross-referenced.

This field, and the EDI - Line Number field (VJEDLN), uniquely identifies each transaction. Each new transaction number identifies a new invoice. You cannot have more than one transaction with the same number in a batch unless the line number is different.

EDI - Line Number VJEDLN Number 7 Enter the pay item number only if a transaction has multiple pay items. If a transaction has only one pay item, you can leave this field blank.

This field, and the EDI - Transaction Number field (VJEDTN), identifies each pay item of the invoice.

EDI - Successfully Processed VJEDSP Alpha 1 Leave this field blank.

The system populates this field to indicate whether the batch processor successfully processed the transaction. 0 (zero) indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. After the transaction is successfully processed, the system changes the value of the field to 1.

EDI - Transaction Action VJEDTC Alpha 1 Enter A in this field. No other values are valid.
EDI - Transaction Type VJEDTR Alpha 1 Enter I (for invoices) in this field.

A code that identifies a particular kind of transaction.

EDI - Batch Number VJEDBT Alpha 15 Enter a number to group transactions for processing.

This field, and the EDI - Transaction Number (VJEDTN), the EDI - User ID (VJEDUS), and the EDI - Line Number (VJEDLN) fields, uniquely identifies a transaction within a specific batch. This field also specifies a level break and causes the assignment of a new batch number each time the value changes. To increase performance, assign one batch number for each group of transactions processed at one time.

Address Number VJAN8 Number 8 Enter the address book number of the customer associated with the invoice transaction.

The number you enter must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101).

G/L Date VJDGJ Date 6 Enter the G/L date in the format that the database accepts. Some databases enable you to enter the date in a Gregorian date format (mmddyy), while others might require a Julian date format.

The Julian date format is cyyddd (where c = century). Enter 0 (zero) for transactions in the 20th century and enter 1 for transactions in the 21st century. For example, the date 6/1/99 corresponds to the Julian date 099152, and the date 6/01/00 corresponds to the Julian date 100153 (because the year 2000 has a leap day, 2/29/00).

Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and complete the fields VJDGM (mm), VJDGD (dd), VJDGY (yy), VJDG# (cc) in the month/day/year/century format. Enter the prefix of the year in the Century field (VJDG#). For example, enter 19 for 1999, or enter 20 for 2008.

Invoice Date VJDIVJ Date 6 Enter the invoice date in the format that the database accepts.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the G/L date. See the data item for G/L Date (VJDGJ) for examples.

Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and complete the fields VJDIVM (mm), VJDIVD (dd), VJDIVY (yy), and VJDIV# (cc) in the month/day/year/ century format. Enter the prefix of the year in the Century field (VJDIV#). For example, enter 19 for 1999 and 20 for 2008.

Company VJCO Number 5 A number that identifies the organization to which the invoice belongs. This number must exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet.
G/L Offset VJGLC Alpha 4 The value of this field, and the Company Number (VJCO) field, specifies the A/R trade (offset) account to which the transaction posts. The account established in the AAI item RCxxxx (where xxxx is the value in the G/L Offset field) is used in the post process. You can establish the AAI for each company or for company 00000 (as the default).

Do not complete this field unless you want to direct different transactions to different offset accounts.

Gross Amount VJAG Number 15 Enter the transaction amount in the format that the database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier while others do not.

If you enter the transaction in a foreign currency (Currency Mode F), leave this field blank and use the Currency Amount field (VJACR) instead.

Account Mode - G/L VJAM Alpha 1 For all records, enter 2 in this field.
Business Unit VJMCU Alpha 12 The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Business Unit Master table (F0006). If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value of the Security Business Unit field (MCU) in the customer's address book record.

A.1.2 Required Fields for Processing Batch Invoices with Discounts

To process batch invoices with discounts, you must complete these fields in the F03B11Z1 table in addition to those listed in the previous table:

Field Name Alias Type Length Values to Enter/Definition
Payment Terms Code VJPTC Alpha 3 Enter a payment terms code or leave this field blank.

The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Payment Terms table (F0014). If the payment term is defined to calculate a discount, the Discount Available (VJADSC), Discount Due Date (VJDDNJ), and Net Due Date (VJDDJ) fields in the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) are updated accordingly.

If you leave this field and the Discount Available field (VJADSC) blank, and the customer has a payment term in the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012), the system uses the payment term from the Customer Master table to determine the discount and the discount due date.

Discount Available VJADSC Number 15 If you entered a payment terms code, leave this field blank.

If you did not enter a payment term code, enter the amount of the discount in a format that the database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier, while others do not. If you enter a discount amount, you must also enter a value in the Discount Due Date field (VJDDNJ).

If you leave this field blank, the system calculates the discount amount and discount due date based on the value in the Payment Terms Code field (VJPTC). If the Payment Terms Code field is blank and the customer has a payment term in the F03012 table, the system uses the payment term from the F03012 table to calculate the discount amount and the discount due date.

You cannot specify the value in this field as a percent. For example, if you use USD currency, and you enter a value of .05, the system reads this as a 5 cent discount.

Net Due Date VJDDJ Date 6 Leave this field blank, if you complete the Payment Terms Code field (VJPTC). The system automatically calculates the net due date when the invoice is processed.

If you do not use a payment term, enter the net due date in a format that the database accepts. See the data item for G/L Date (VJDGJ) for more information.

Alternatively, leave this field blank and complete the VJDDM (mm), VJDDD (dd), VJDDY (yy), and VJDD# (cc) fields in the month/day/year/century format. Enter the prefix of the year in the Century field (VJDD#). For example, enter 19 for 1999 and 20 or 2008.

This field identifies the due date of the invoice regardless of whether a discount is available. If you leave the Payment Terms Code field blank, and the customer has a payment term in the F03012 table, the system uses the payment term from the F03012 table to determine the net due date.

Discount Due Date VJDDNJ Date 6 Leave this field blank, if you complete the Payment Terms Code field (VJPTC). The system automatically calculates the discount due date when the invoice is processed.

If you do not use a payment term, but you do use the discount available, enter a date in the format that the database accepts. See the data item for G/L Date (VJDGJ) for more information.

Alternatively, leave this field blank and complete the VJDDNM (mm), VJDDND (dd), VJDDNY (yy), and VJDDN# (cc) fields in the month/day/year/century format. Enter the prefix of the year in the Century field (VJDDN#). For example, enter 19 for 1999 and 20 for 2008.

This field identifies the date through which a discount can be taken after the receipt is received. When invoices are processed, this field is automatically updated based on the definition of the payment term.

If you leave the Payment Terms Code (VJPTC) and Discount Available (VJADSC) fields blank, and the customer has a payment term in the F03012 table, the system uses the payment term from the F03012 table to determine the values for the Discount Available (VJADSC) and Discount Due Date (VJDDNJ) fields.

Batch File Discount Handling Flag VJEDDH Alpha 1 Leave this field blank. When the invoice is processed, this field is automatically updated based on the value of the Payment Terms (VJPTC) and the Discount Available (VJADSC) fields.
Discount Taken VJADSA Number 15 Leave this field blank. When the receipt is applied and the discount is taken, this field is updated in the F03B11 table.

A.1.3 Optional Fields

These fields in the F03B11Z1 table are optional for batch invoice processing. You can use the fields to provide additional information about invoices.

We recommend that you leave specific fields blank so that the system updates them.

Field Name Alias Type Length Values to Enter/Definition
EDI - Detail Lines Processed VJEDDL Number 5 The number of detail lines included in a specific transaction. For user verification only.
Document Number VJDOC Number 8 The number that identifies the transaction in the F03B11 table. If you leave this field blank, the system uses next numbers for system 03B to generate a document number.

If you enter a value in this field, the value cannot exist in the F03B11 table or the transaction is considered a duplicate and is not processed. If you enter a value in this field, you must enter the same value in the corresponding field in the Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File table (F0911Z1).

It is recommended that you leave this field blank.

Document Type VJDCT Alpha 2 A code that specifies the type of transaction. If you leave this field blank, the value is specified by a processing option in the Invoice Entry MBF Processing Options program (P03B0011).

If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in both UDC tables 00/DT (Document Type - All Documents) and 00/DI (Document Type - Invoices Only). If you enter a value in this field, you must enter the same value in the corresponding field in the F0911Z1 table.

It is recommended that you leave this field blank.

Document Company VJKCO Alpha 5 A code that specifies the company of the transaction. This field is used only to differentiate transaction numbers by company. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value that you entered in the Company field (VJCO).

If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in the F0010 table.

If you enter a value in this field, but do not enter a value in the corresponding field (VNKCO) in the F0911Z1 table, the value entered here is passed to that field.

It is recommended that you leave this field blank.

Document Pay Item VJSFX Alpha 3 A code that specifies the pay item number of the invoice. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the pay item beginning with 001. Use the Line Number field (VJEDLN) to specify transactions that have multiple pay items.

If the transaction number (VJEDTN) and the line number (VJEDLN) combination are duplicated, the next and all subsequent transactions is ignored regardless of whether the Pay Item field (VJSFX) is used.

If the tax constant Balance GL Distribution by Pay Item and Taxis enabled for the invoice company, this field is required.

Batch Type VJICUT Alpha 2 A code that specifies the type of transaction being processed, such as invoice, voucher, and so on. If you complete this field, you must enter IB (Invoice Batch). If you leave this field blank, the system updates the field with IB when processing the invoices.
Batch Number VJICU Number 8 A number used to group invoices that are processed simultaneously. If you leave this field blank, the system uses next numbers for system 00 to generate a batch number.

It is recommended that you leave this field blank.

Batch Date VJDICJ Date 6 The date the batch was entered.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the date that the batch process program is run. If you complete this field, enter the date in a format that the database accepts. See the field definition for G/L Date (VJDGJ) for more information.

Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and complete the fields VJDICM (mm), VJDICD (dd), VJDICY (yy), and VJDIC# (cc) in the month/day/year/ century format. Enter the prefix of the year in the Century field (VJDIC#). For example, enter 19 for 1999, or enter 20 for 2008.

Fiscal Year VJFY Number 2 We recommend that you leave this field blank. The system updates this field based on the G/L date and company.
Century VJCTRY Number 2 We recommend that you leave this field blank. The system updates this field based on the G/L date and company.
Period Number VJPN Number 2 We recommend that you leave this field blank. The system updates this field based on the G/L date and company.
Account ID VJAID Number 8 The short account ID that corresponds to the A/R trade account.

When the invoice is processed, the system updates this field with the account ID associated with the account number retrieved for the AAI item RCxxxx (where xxxx is the value of the G/L Offset field). The account ID is stored in the Account Master table (F0901).

It is recommended that you leave this field blank.

Address Number - Parent VJPA8 Number 8 The parent number of the customer.

The value that you enter must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101).

If you leave this field blank, the parent number assigned to the customer in the F03012 table is used. If a parent number does not exist in the F03012 table, the system uses the customer address book number.

Address Number - Alternate Payee VJAN8J Number 8 The alternate payor for the customer.

If the invoice is to be paid by another party, complete this field with the address book number of the payor.

If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the value in the Send Statement To field for the customer in the F03012 table.

If you enter a value in this field, the value that you enter must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101).

Payor Address Number VJPYR Number 8 The alternate payor for the customer.

If the invoice is to be paid by another party, complete this field with the address book number of the payor.

The system validates this field against the Address Book Master table (F0101). Any value that you enter must exist as an address book record in the system.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value from the Alternate Payee field (VJAN8J).

G/L Posted Code VJPOST Alpha 1 A code to specify the posting status of the transaction.

Leave this field blank. Run the General Ledger Post Report program (R09801) to update this field.

If you previously processed historical data as a journal entry, it is recommended that you create an associated Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File (F0911Z1) transaction and use the A/R trade account as the G/L distribution account. Then, when the transaction is posted, it does not affect accounting.

If you process posted invoice transactions out of balance (that is, without corresponding entries in the Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File table), enter D in this field. However, by doing this, you compromise the ability to void these transactions in the future, and you create discrepancies in the A/R Batch Integrity reports.

A/R Post Status VJISTR Alpha 1 You must leave this field blank. This field indicates that a change record for the invoice exists in the Invoice Revisions table (F03B112). Changes to invoices cannot be processed using the Batch Invoice Processor (R03B11Z1A). You must use Standard Invoice Entry (P03B2002) to make changes to posted invoices.
Balanced - Journal Entries VJBALJ Alpha 1 This field indicates whether the amounts of the journal entries associated with the transaction are in balance with the gross amount of the invoice.

It is recommended that you leave this field blank.

Pay Status Code VJPST Alpha 1 This field indicates whether the invoice is open, paid, or on hold. The value of this field must exist in UDC 00/PS (Payment Status Codes).

If you leave this field blank, the system updates it according to the value in the processing option of the Invoice Entry MBF Processing Options program (P03B0011). If you did not assign a value in the processing option, the default value of the data dictionary item PST is used.

Amount Open VJAAP Number 15 The system updates the Amount Open field (VJAAP) with the value in the Gross Amount field (VJAG), regardless of whether a value exists. Processing partially paid invoices is not supported by this application.

It is recommended that you leave this field blank.

Object Account VJOBJ Alpha 6 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Subsidiary VJSUB Alpha 8 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Subledger Type VJSBLT Alpha 1 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Subledger - G/L VJSBL Alpha 8 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Number of Sent Reminders - Total VJRMDS Number 3 Enter the total number of notices that were sent to a customer. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it each time a delinquency notice is generated for an invoice.
Collection Report (Y/N) VJCOLL Alpha 1 This field specifies whether a customer is eligible to be placed on the Collection report.

If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the value from the policy assigned to the customer in the F03012 table.

Collection Reason Code VJCORC Alpha 2 The system updates this field when the Collection Report (R03B461) is run.

It is recommended that you leave this field blank.

Apply Finance Charges - Y/N VJAFC Alpha 1 If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value that is assigned to the customer in the F03012 table.
Document - Original VJODOC Alpha 8 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this fields

If you leave this fields blank, the system updates it with the value assigned to the Document Number field from the F03B11 table.

Document Type - Original VJODCT Alpha 2 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this fields

If you leave this fields blank, the system updates it with the value assigned to the Document Type field from the F03B11 table.

Document Company (Original Order) VJOKCO Alpha 5 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this fields

If you leave this fields blank, the system updates it with the value assigned to the Document Company field from the F03B11 table.

Document Pay Item - Original VJOSFX Alpha 3 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.

If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the value assigned to the Pay Item field from the F03B11 table.

Supplier Invoice Number VJVINV Alpha 25 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Purchase Order VJPO Alpha 8 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Document Type - Purchase Order VJPDCT Alpha 2 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Document Company (Purchase Order) VJPKCO Alpha 5 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Order Type VJDCTO Alpha 2 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Line Number VJLNID Number 6 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Sales Document Number VJSDOC Number 8 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Sales Document Type VJSDCT Alpha 2 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Document Company (Sales Order) VJSKCO Alpha 5 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Order Suffix VJSFXO Alpha 3 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Commission Code 1 VJCMC1 Number 8 You can enter the address book number of the sales person who should receive a commission. Typically, this is tracked in the Sales Order system. The value that you enter is passed and no validation is performed.
Reference VJVR01 Alpha 25 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Unit VJUNIT Alpha 8 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Business Unit 2 VJMCU2 Alpha 12 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Remark VJRMK Alpha 30 This field describes the invoice pay item. This field is user defined and appears on the Standard Invoice Entry form.
Alpha Name VJALPH Alpha 40 If you leave this field blank, the system uses the alpha name that is associated with the address book number in the Address Book Master table (F0101).

If you enter a value in this field and it differs from the value in the Address Book Master, undesirable results might occur.

Alpha Name VJALPH Alpha 40 If you leave this field blank, the system uses the alpha name that is associated with the address book number in the Address Book Master table (F0101).

If you enter a value in this field and it differs from the value in the Address Book Master, undesirable results might occur.

Frequency - Recurring VJRF Alpha 2 See the Note after the table.
Recurring Frequency # of Payments VJDRF Number 3 See the Note after the table.
Control/ Statement Field VJCTL Alpha 13 Enter the statement number of the last statement generated for this invoice.

Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.

Item Number - Short VJITM Number 8 Enter the inventory item number.

Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.

Units VJU Number 15 Any value that you enter in this field is passed to the F03B11 table. The system does not validate this field.
Unit of Measure VJUM Alpha 2 This field describes the type of units. The value that you enter must exist in UDC 00/UM (Unit of Measure).
G/L Posting Code - Cash Basis Acct VJALT6 Alpha 1 This field must be left blank. The system updates this field during receipt processing.
Payment Instrument VJRYIN Alpha 1 Any value that you enter in this field must exist in UDC 00/PY (Payment Instrument). If you leave this field blank, the system updates it with the corresponding value from the F03012 table when the invoice is processed.
Void Date - For G/L - Julian VJVDGJ Date 6 This field must be left blank. The system updates this field when invoices are voided.
Void Reason Code VJVRE Alpha 3 This field must be left blank. The system updates this field when invoices are voided.
A/R - A/P Miscellaneous Code 1 VJRP1 Alpha 1 This field must be left blank. The Sales Order Processing System updates this field.
A/R - A/P Miscellaneous Code 2 VJRP2 Alpha 1 This field must be left blank. The Sales Order Processing System updates this field.
A/R - A/P Cash Rcpts/Inv Reg Code VJRP3 Alpha 1 This field must be left blank. The Sales Order system updates this field.
A/R Reporting Codes 1-10 VJAR01, VJAR02, VJAR03, VJAR04, VJAR05, VJAR06, VJAR07, VJAR08, VJAR09, VJAR10 Alpha 3 If you leave this field blank, the system uses the values from the address book category codes (AC01 - AC10) for this customer.

If you enter a value into this field and a value already exists in the address book category codes for this customer, the system uses the value that you enter in the F03B11Z1 table.

The system does not validate this field.

Transaction Originator VJTORG Alpha 10 This field should be left blank. The system updates this field when the transaction is processed.
User ID VJUSER Alpha 10 This field should be left blank. The system updates this field when the transaction is processed.
Program ID VJPID Alpha 10 This field should be left blank. The system updates this field when the transaction is processed.
Date - Updated VJUPMJ Date 6 This field should be left blank. The system updates this field when the transaction is processed.
Time - Last Updated VJUPMT Number 6 This field should be left blank. The system updates this field when the transaction is processed.
Work Station ID VJJOBN Alpha 10 This field should be left blank. The system updates this field when the transaction is processed.


Complete the Frequency - Recurring (VJRF) and Recurring Frequency # of Payments (VJDRF) fields only if the invoice is a recurring invoice that will be recycled. Documents generated with recurring information have the Document Type RR. The value that you enter in the Frequency - Recurring field (VJRF) must exist in UDC H00/RF (Recurring Frequency).

The number of payments corresponds to the number of times the invoice will be recycled. If the number of payments is equal to 1, the system does not generate a new invoice.

A.1.4 Ignored Fields

These fields in the F03B11Z1 table are ignored by the system. The system does not pass any values entered.

Field Name Alias Type Length
Type Record VJEDTY Alpha 1
Record Sequence VJEDSQ Number 2
EDI - Document Type VJEDCT Alpha 2
EDI - Transaction Set Number VJEDTS Alpha 6
EDI - Translation Format VJEDFT Alpha 10
EDI - Transmission Date VJEDDT Date 6
EDI - Send/Receive Indicator VJEDER Alpha 1
Batch File Create G/L Record VJEDGL Alpha 1
User Address Number VJEDAN Number 8
G/L Bank Account VJGLBA Alpha 8
Account ID VJAID2 Alpha 8
Account Mode - G/L VJAM2 Alpha 1
Date of Last Sent Reminder VJRDDJ Date 6
Date - Reminder Stop Until Date VJRDSJ Date 6
Date - Statement VJSMTJ Date 6
Number of Reminders to Send VJNBRR Alpha 1
Level of Last Sent Reminder VJRDRL Alpha 1
Write-Off Reason Code VJRSCO Alpha 2
Receipt Number VJCKNU Alpha 25
Date - Cleared Value VJVLDT Date 6
Closed Item - As Of Processing VJFNLP Alpha 1
Date - Statement - MO VJSMTM Number 2
Date - Statement - DA VJSMTD Number 2
Date - Statement - YR VJSMTY Number 2
Date - Statement - CTRY VJSMT# Number 2
Date of Last Sent Reminder - MO VJRDDM Number 2
Date of Last Sent Reminder - DA VJRDDD Number 2
Date of Last Sent Reminder - YR VJRDDY Number 2
Date of Last Sent Reminder - CTRY VJRDD# Number 2
Date - Reminder Stop Until Date - MO VJRDSM Number 2
Date - Reminder Stop Until Date - DA VJRDSD Number 2
Date - Reminder Stop Until Date - YR VJRDSY Number 2
Date - Reminder Stop Until Date - CTRY VJRDS# Number 2
Historical Currency Conversion Rate VJHCRR Number 15
Historical Date - Julian VJHDGJ Date 6
Historical Date - MO VJHDGM Number 2
Historical Date - DA VJHDGD Number 2
Historical Date - YR VJHDGY Number 2
Historical Date - CTRY VJHDG# Number 2

A.1.5 User Reserved Fields

These fields in the F03B11Z1 table are reserved for users. These fields are not updated by any program nor are they displayed on any form in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system.

Field Name Alias Type Length Values to Enter/Definition
User Reserved Code VJURC1 Alpha 3 Enter any alphanumeric value up to three characters in length.
User Reserved Date VJURDT Date 6 Enter any date in this field. Use a format that the database accepts.

See the data item for G/L Date (VJDGJ) for more information.

User Reserved Amount VJURAT Number 15 Enter any amount in this field. Use a format that the database accepts.
User Reserved Number VJURAB Number 8 Enter any number up to eight digits in length.
User Reserved Reference VJURRF Alpha 15 Enter any alphanumeric value up to 15 characters in length.

A.2 Mapping Fields in the Journal Entry Transactions — Batch File Table (F0911Z1)

This table lists the corresponding fields that you must complete in the F0911Z1 table for processing batch invoices. All other required fields are updated by the system when the record is processed. The system populates the remaining required fields based on information in the F03B11Z1 table for the transaction.

A.2.1 Required Fields

These fields in the F0911Z1 table are required for processing batch invoices:

Field Name Alias Type Length Values to Enter/Definition
EDI - User ID VNEDUS Alpha 10 See the important note after the table.
EDI - Transaction Number VNEDTN Alpha 22 See the important note after the table.
EDI - Successfully Processed VNEDSP Alpha 1 See the important note after the table.
EDI - Transaction Action VNEDTC Alpha 1 See the important note after the table.
EDI - Transaction Type VNEDTR Alpha 1 See the important note after the table.
EDI - Batch Number VNEDBT Alpha 15 See the important note after the table.
EDI - Line Number VNEDLN Number 7 This field is increased by one for every line of account distribution for the invoice. For example, if one invoice has 10 lines of account distribution, the line number begins with 1 and is increased by 1 for each line. If the Transaction Number field (VNEDTN) is the same, all lines of the account distribution for the invoice are processed together.
Document Company VNKCO Alpha 5 If you enter a value in this field, it must be the same value that is entered in the corresponding field in the F03B11Z1 table.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value entered in the corresponding field in the F03B11Z1 table (VJKCO).

Document Type VNDCT Alpha 2 See the important note after the table.
Document Number VNDOC Number 8 See the important note after the table.
Batch Number VNICU Number 8 See the important note after the table.
Batch Type VNICUT Alpha 1 See the important note after the table.
G/L Date VNDGJ Date 6 The value that you enter in this field must exactly match the value that you entered in the corresponding field in the F03B11Z1 table.
Account Number VNANI Number 29 Enter the account number in the format BU.OBJ.SUB.
Account Mode VNAM Number 1 Enter 2 in this field to correspond to the account number that you entered in the Account Number field (VNANI).
Ledger Type VNLT Alpha 2 Enter AA in this field. This value must be set up in UDC 09/LT (Ledger Types).
Amount VNAA Number 15 Enter the amount that corresponds to the account number that you entered. Use a format that the database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier, while others do not.
Explanation VNEXA Alpha 30 Enter the Alpha Name of the customer.

If you leave this field blank, the system retrieves the alpha name from the Address Book Master table (F0101). By completing this field, you improve performance of the process.


The values that you enter in these fields must exactly match the values that you entered in the corresponding fields in the F03B11Z1 table:


EDI - Transaction Number (VNEDTN)

EDI - Successfully Processed (VNEDSP)

EDI - Transaction Action (VNEDTC)

EDI - Transaction Type (VNEDTR)

EDI - Batch Number (VNEDBT)

If you complete these fields, the values that you enter must be the same as the values that you entered in the corresponding fields in the F03B11Z1 table:

Document Type (VNDCT)

Document Number (VNDOC)

Batch Number (VNICU)

Batch Type (VNICUT)

If you leave these fields blank, you must also leave the corresponding fields blank in the F03B11Z1 table.

A.2.2 Required Fields for Processing Batch Invoices using the Advanced Cost Accounting System

If you use the Advanced Cost Accounting system (System 16), you must complete additional fields in the F0911Z1 table. The system processes these fields and stores them in the Account Ledger table (F0911).

Field Name Alias Type Length Values to Enter/Definition
Cost Object Type 1-4 VNABT1, VNABT2, VNABT3, VNABT4 Alpha 1 Enter up to four cost object types. The system uses these fields to validate the values that you enter in the corresponding Cost Object fields (VNABR1 - VNABR4). If you enter a value in one of the Cost Object Type fields, you must enter a value in the corresponding Cost Object field. The values in the Cost Object Type fields must exist in the Cost Object Types table (F1620).
Cost Object 1-4 VNABR1, VNABR2, VNABR3, VNABR4 Alpha 12 Enter up to four cost objects. The value in each Cost Object field must adhere to the edit rules for the corresponding Cost Object Type (VNABT1 - VNABT4).
Posting Code 1-10 VNPM01 - VNPM10 Alpha 1 Leave these fields blank.
Item Number VNITM Number 8 If you enter a value in this field, the system validates it against the Item Master table (F4101).