22 Working With Blend Management Interoperability

This chapter contains the following topics:

22.1 Understanding Blend Management Interoperability

Some activities for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management may be performed by external systems. Interoperability provides a method for bringing these externally generated data into the system.

Using electronic data interchange (EDI), the external system creates a flat file in the format specified for operations tables in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management system. The data in this flat file is validated and converted into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne table records. From the data in these tables, you create operations in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management system using an inbound batch engine. You can also manually edit the data in the unedited transaction tables (Z files).

22.2 Creating and Modifying Inbound Operations

This section provides an overview of inbound operations and discusses how to:

  • Run the Inbound Flat File Conversion program.

  • Create and modify inbound transactions.

22.2.1 Understanding Inbound Operations

When you import operation data from external systems, you create "after-the- fact" operations with a status of Active or Actual. The inbound data specifies the From and To vessels and the actual quantity or dip measurements. You can import these single or multiple operations:

  • Single-vessel in-place operations.

  • Operations with one-to-one movements.

  • One tank to many virtual barrel tanks (VBTs).

  • Many tanks to one VBT.

  • One VBT to many tanks.

  • Many VBTs to one tank.

The system does not expect all quantities from the external system, but the inbound data should provide the minimum quantities for calculating operations. For receipt operations the system always expects the actual move quantity. For all other operations, any one of the quantities (Actual Move, From After, or To After) is essential so that the system can calculate the appropriate actual quantity as required by the instruction method of the configured operation. You must enter 1 in the Quantity Flag field, which enables the system to identify the quantity that you enter. If you do not enter 1, then the system does not consider the quantity entered.

Interoperability enables you to import the following basic operation values:

  • EUR.

    Lot quantities and the Fixed/Balance flag set appropriately. The system updates the From After and To After EUR values for the operation.

  • Composition records in the bill of lading transaction.

  • Default owner.

  • Blend ID and alternative Blend ID.

    The system updates the override flag for the Blend ID.

  • Quality assurance operations.

    The system validates the tests and updates them with test values. It updates the test results for the After lot.

    You also can update tests and import new tests for existing operations.

  • Sample information.

    You can import the sample information that is associated with a test. The system stores third-party sample numbers as alternate sample numbers. The system does not consolidate imported samples.

  • Equipment.

    The inbound engine can assign multiple pieces of equipment.

  • Consumables.

    The system provides default consumables based on the equipment and also assigns consumables from the data tables.

  • Resources.

    The inbound engine can process multiple resources.

  • Cost.

    The system assigns costs only to receipt operations

  • Style.

    The system assigns style only to receipt operations

  • Instructed attributes.

    You can add instructed attributes for From or To After lots with override flags.

  • VBT.

    You can add new or update existing virtual barrel tank (VBT) operations.

If you work with multiple tanks, such as importing data for many VBTs to one tank, you must include values for certain fields. If you do not include them in the data that you upload, you can use the appropriate transaction revision program to add the information:

  • V2V Move Seq Num (vessel to vessel move sequence number) (data item WV2VLNID)

  • From To Flag (data item WCFTF)

The system does not process other operational data into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne inbound transaction tables. The following table describes operation data that is calculated by the inbound operation engine or uses default values from the configured operation:

Data Source
Style You can instruct style in receipt operations (weigh tag or bill of lading).

For all other operations, the system uses the style attributes from the configured operation, equipment, or vessel as a default value.

Lot comments Lot comments can be instructed for From After and To After lots.

The configured operation provides default values for additional lot comments.

Accumulated additives The system calculates this value if the configured operation is an additive operation.
Costs The system uses the costs from the From lot or the material type item's standard cost for receipt and bill of lading as the default value.

Note: You cannot instruct the costs to the general ledger for operations.

Material type The system uses the default value from the configured operation. You can also instruct the material type.
Wine status The system uses the default value from the configured operation. You can also instruct the wine status.
Instructed attributes You can instruct these values.


You cannot import media attachments using electronic data interchange. Detail Lines for VBTs

When you enter records for which you move volume for multiple vessels or tanks, you must take care to indicate the correct sequence for the moves. You must associate previous moves in a sequence with subsequent moves. If you do not enter records correctly, the system might display unexpected results as it performs calculations. One Tank to Many VBTs

For example, suppose you need to create records for one work order that includes a move from one tank to two VBTs, and each VBT includes three barrels. For this example, you would access the record for VBT1 and enter three detail lines for each of the three barrels. Each of the three details lines should include a value of 1 in the V2V Move Seq Num (V2V move sequence number) field. Next, access the record for VBT2. When you access the line, they system loads three lines for VBT1 and V2V Move Seq Num 1. You then add a detail line for each of the three barrels for VBT2 and enter the value 2 for the sequence number for the three lines that you just added (detail lines 4-6). Many Tanks to One VBT

For example, suppose you need to create records for one work order that includes a move from Two tanks (T1 and T2) to One VBT (VBT1), and each movement line of VBT has three barrels. For this example, you would access the record for VBT1 and enter three detail lines for each of the three barrels for the T1 to VBT1 movement line. Each of the three details lines should include a value of 1 in the V2V Move Seq Num (V2V move sequence number) field. Next, for the T2 to VBT1 movement line, access the record for the second movement line, and add six lines for VBT1 and V2V Move Seq Num 2. Enter the value 2 for the sequence number for the three lines generated from the previous movement line and for the three lines for the current movement. The second movement sequence should have six detail lines. One VBT to Many Tanks

For example, suppose you need to create records for one work order that includes a move from one VBT (VBT1) to two tanks (T1 and T2), and VBT has six barrels. For this example, you would access the record for VBT1 and enter six detail lines for each of the six barrels for the VBT to T1 movement line. Each of the six details lines should include a value of 1 in the V2V Move Seq Num field. Enter E for the Barrel Volume Status field for the first two detail lines. Next, for the VBT1 to T2 move, access the record for second movement line, and add four lines for VBT1 and V2V Move Seq Num 2. The second movement sequence will have only four detail lines because two barrels were emptied in previous movement line. Many VBTs to One Tank

For example, suppose you need to create records for one work order that includes a move from two VBTs (VBT1 and VBT2) to one tank (T1), and each VBT includes three barrels. For this example, you would access the record for VBT1 and enter three detail lines for each of the three barrels. Each of the three details lines should include a value of 1 in the V2V Move Seq Num field. Next, access the record for VBT2 and enter three detail lines for each of the three barrels. Each of the three details lines should include a value of 2 in the V2V Move Seq Num field. Z Files

When you prepare to import external operations data into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management system, you first convert the flat file into a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne table for unedited inbound data (Z file) using the Inbound Flat File Conversion program (R47002C). Running this process populates the following tables:

  • Operations Transaction File (F31B65Z1)

  • Operations Composition Transaction File (F31B31Z1)

  • Operations Style Transaction File (F31B34Z1)

  • Operations Cost Transaction File (F31B3CZ1)

  • Operations Equipment Transaction File (F31B52Z1)

  • Operations Consumables Transaction file (F31B53Z1)

  • Work Order Transaction File (F31B93Z1)

  • Operations Resource Transaction File (F31B97Z1)

  • Operations Quality Test Transaction File (F31BQAZ1)

  • Sample Transactions (F31BSPZ1)

  • Operation EUR Transaction File (F31B17Z1)

  • VBT Barrel Transaction File (F31B18Z1)

  • Instructed Attributes Transaction File (F31B19Z1)


When you import multiple dependent operations in a work order, ensure that the operation reference numbers are in the appropriate sequence. The system uses the operation reference numbers to sequence operations in the Operation Transaction table during processing.

To process Z files into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management system, the system uses specific transaction process types for every type of record that you import. You configure a version of the Inbound Flat File Conversion program (R47002C) for each type of record by entering the corresponding transaction process type in the processing options. The following table lists the transaction process types and the corresponding information sets:

Transaction Process Type Description
JDEWCN Consumable
JDEWCO Composition
JDEWEQ Equipment
JDEWINS Instructed attributes
JDEWOP Blend operation
JDEWQA Quality
JDEWRS Resource
JDEWVBT VBT transaction
JDEWWO Blend work order


Interoperability does not support spirit operations. The Z files do not include temperature fields.

22.2.2 Prerequisites

To run inbound flat files conversions, use the Flat File Cross-Reference program (P47002) to associate the transaction process types with the appropriate flat files.

22.2.3 Running the Inbound Flat File Conversion Program

Select any of the versions of the Flat File Conversion program from the Blend Interoperability (G31B07) menu.

For each data set, such as composition, style, cost, equipment, consumables, resources, quality information, EUR, instructed attributes, VBT information, operations, and work orders, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management system provides a different version of the Inbound Flat File Conversion program. This table lists the available menu options:

Menu Option Version
Inbound Composition Revision Data XJDE3131
Inbound Style Revision Data XJDE3134
Inbound Cost Revision Data XJDE313C
Inbound Equipment Revision Data XJDE3152
Inbound Consumables Revision Data XJDE3153
Inbound Operations Transaction Revision Data XJDE3165
Inbound Work Order Revision Data XJDE3193
Inbound Resource Revision Data XJDE3197
Inbound Quality Revision Data XJDE31QA
Inbound Blend Sample Revision Data XJDE31SPL
Inbound Multiple EUR Revision Data XJDE03117
Inbound VBT Revisions Data XJDE03118
Inbound Instructed Attribute XJDE03119

For items that are used in the blend process, for example additive and consumables, you use the Item Master Unedited Transactions Processor program (R4101Z1I) to import item records into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. If you set up operational cumulative thresholds for additives, the program includes this data in the import as well.

22.2.4 Creating and Modifying Inbound Transactions

Select Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Process Inbound Work Order for Blend.

When you run the Inbound Work Order for Blend program (R31B65AZ1I), the system validates the records and creates operations. Based on the operation information in the Z file, the system creates a work order and attaches the operation details from the flat file to the work order.

If the process of creating operations from the transaction records is successful, the system flags the records transaction table (Z file) as processed. If errors occur in this process, the program flags the appropriate record in the Z files and sends an error message to the message center. You can use the appropriate transaction revision program to change the information. Inbound VBT Operations

When you import operations from external systems, you add or update VBTs based on the transaction action code on the record. Action code 2 means that you are adding or creating a new VBT operation. Action code 4 means that you are updating an existing record.

To add and update VBTs on inbound operations, the system also uses data from the following fields in the F31B65Z1 table:

  • From VBT Type and From Capacity Type.

  • To VBT Type and To Capacity Type.

  • V2V Move Line Number

The system stores the following VBT information in the VBT Barrel Transaction File (F31B18Z1):

  • Barrel ID

  • From/To flag

  • Volume status

  • Quantity received

  • Rack number and location

When you add or update VBT information, the system creates operations only if the VBT in the previous operation already had barrels. This validation does not preclude the creation of new VBTs. The system also verifies whether all of the barrels from the Before lot that are included in the After lot either full or empty.

The system calculates dips for all barrels that are not empty.

If you have set the barrel tracking method in the winery constants to C (collection), the system considers the quantity received as the number of barrels. Otherwise, the default value for the number of barrels is 1. Inbound Samples

If you perform a QA operation with sampling on the blend lot in a VBT, the VBT Barrel Transaction File stores information about which barrels are sampled and in what sequence. For all other operations, these fields are disabled.

Run the Process Inbound Samples for Blend program (R31BSPZ1) to update barrels with the same sample number in the VBT Detail table (F31B101) with sample information, such as the value from Sampled check box, the sample sequence and the barrel location.

22.3 Revising Inbound Transactions

This section provides an overview of revising inbound transactions and discusses how to set processing options for Revise Work Order Transaction (P31B93Z1).

22.3.1 Understanding Revising Inbound Transactions

In addition to using the Inbound Flat File Conversion program, you can enter inbound transactions directly into the unedited transaction files using one of the transaction revision programs. You can also use the following programs to revise transactions that contain errors:

  • Revise Operations Transaction (P31B65Z1)

  • Revise Operations Composition Transaction (P31B31Z1)

  • Revise Operations Style Transaction (P31B34Z1)

  • Revise Operations Cost Transaction (P31B3CZ1)

  • Revise Operations Equipment Transaction (P31B52Z1)

  • Revise Operations Consumable Transaction (P31B53Z1)

  • Revise Work Order Transaction (P31B93Z1)

  • Revise Operations Resource Transaction (P31B97Z1)

  • Revise Operations Quality Test Transaction (P31BQAZ1)

  • Sample Transaction Revision (P31BSPLZ1)

  • Revise Operations EUR Transaction (P31B17Z1)

  • VBT Barrel Transaction (P31B18Z1)

  • Instructed Attributes (P31B9Z1)

  • F4101Z1 Item Master Revisions (P4101Z1)

    Use this program to revise items that you use for blend management and to cumulative and operational threshold information for additive items.

22.3.2 Forms Used to Revise Inbound Operations

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Operations Transaction Revision W31B65Z1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operation Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work with Operations Transaction form.

Add or revise an operation transaction.
Operations Composition Revision W31B31Z1C Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operations Composition Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work with Operations Composition form.

Select Composition Revision from the Row menu on the Operations Transaction Revision form.

Add or revise composition information.
Operations Style Transaction Revision W31B34Z1C Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operations Style Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work with Operations Style Transaction form.

Select Consumables Revision from the Row menu on the Operations Transaction Revision form.

Add or revise style information.
Operations Equipment Transaction Revision W31B52Z1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operations Equipment Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work With Operations Equipment form.

Select Equipment Revision from the Row menu on the Operations Transaction Revision form.

Add or revise equipment information.
Operations Consumable Transaction Revision W31B53Z1C Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operations Consumable Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work with Operations Consumable Transaction form.

Select Consumables Revision from the Row menu on the Operations Transaction Revision form.

Add or revise consumables information.
Operations Cost Transaction Revision W31B3CZ1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operations Cost Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work with Operations Cost Transaction form.

Select Cost Revision from the Row menu on the Operations Transaction Revision form.

Add or revise cost information.
Operations Resource Transaction Revision W31B97Z1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operations Resource Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work with Operations Resource Transaction form.

Select Resource Revision from the Row menu on the Operations Transaction Revision form.

Add or revise resource information.
Work Order Transaction Revision W31B93Z1C Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise WIM Work Order Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work with Work Order Transaction form.

Add or revise work order information.
Operations Quality Test Transaction Revision W31BQAZ1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operations Quality Test Transaction

Click Add or Select on the Work with Operations Quality Test Transaction form.

Select Quality Revision from the Row menu on the Operations Transaction Revision form.

Add or revise quality test information.

You can access the Barrel Transaction Revision program (P31B18Z1) from this program.

Revise Sample Transaction W31BSPZ1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Sample Transactions

Click Add or Edit on the Work with Sample Transactions form.

Add or revise sample information.
Operations Multiple EUR Revision W31B17Z1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Operations EUR Transaction Add or revise multiple EUR information.
VBT Barrel Transaction Revision W31B18Z1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise VBT Barrel Transaction Add or revise VBT information.
Instructed Attributes Transaction Revision W31B19Z1B Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Revise Instructed Attributes Transaction Add or revise instructed attributes on inbound transactions.

22.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Revise Work Order Transaction (P31B93Z1)

These processing options control default settings for the Revise Work Order Transaction program Display

These processing options control how transactions are displayed on the Work with Work Order Transaction form.

Level of Inquiry

Specify how you want to view transactions. Values are:

1: Batch level.

Blank: Transaction level.

Processed View

Specify whether you want to view processed or unprocessed transactions. Values are:

Y: Processed.

N: Unprocessed.

Direction Indicator

Specify whether you want to view inbound or outbound transactions. Values are:

1: Inbound.

2: Outbound.

22.4 Purging Transactions

This section provides and overview of purging transactions and discusses how to purge transactions.

22.4.1 Understanding Purging Transactions

When records in the unedited transaction tables are no longer needed (for example, because the blend operation has been created successfully), you can purge them from the unedited transaction tables. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management provides the following purge programs:

Program Number Program Name Version
R31B65Z1 Purge Operations Records XJDE0001
R31B31Z1 Purge Composition Z1 Records XJDE0001
R31B32Z1 Purge Style Z1 Records XJDE0001
R31B42Z1 Purge Equipment Z1 Records XJDE0001
R31B53Z1 Purge Consumables Z1 Records XJDE0001
R31B97Z1 Purge Resource Z1 Records XJDE0001
R31BQAZ1 Purge Quality Test Z1 Records XJDE0001
R31BSPLZ1 Purge Sample Z1 Records XJDE0001
R31B3CZ1 Purge Cost Z1 Records XJDE0001
R31B93Z1 Purge Work Order Records XJDE0001
R31B17Z1 Purge Operations Multiple EUR ZJDE0001
R31B18Z1 Purge VBT Barrel Transaction ZJDE0001
R31B19Z1 Purge Instructed Attribute ZJDE0001

22.4.2 Purging Transactions

Select Blend Interoperability (G31B07), Purge Work Order Records.

You can use the Purge Work Order Records program (R31B93Z1) to purge work orders along with corresponding operations and other attributes, such as EUR, composition, style, equipment, instructed attributes, VBT information, consumables, resources, costs, quality tests, and samples. To delete a particular work order and its associated records, you must select the work order reference number in the data selection. If you do not select a work order reference number, all records are purged.