10 Processing EDI Scheduling and Planning Documents

This chapter contains the following topics:

10.1 Understanding EDI Scheduling and Planning Document Processing

When setting up and using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Interface for Electronic Data Interchange system, you must specify how the system handles scheduling and planning documents.

10.2 Receiving Planning Schedule Forecasts

This section provides an overview of inbound planning schedule forecasts and discusses how to receive planning schedule forecasts.

10.2.1 Understanding Inbound Planning Schedule Forecasts

Run the EDI Planning Schedule Edit/Create program (R47061) from the Planning Schedule - Forecast menu to receive planning schedule forecast transactions. Planning schedule forecast transactions are processed and copied into the F3460 table.

When you run EDI Planning Schedule Edit/Create for Planning Schedule - Forecast, the program:

  • Edits transactions that the translator software mapped to the F47061 table and the F47062 table.

  • Writes the transactions to the F3460 table for further processing by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning system if no errors are detected when editing the transactions.

Use the Status Inquiry/Revisions option from the Planning Schedule - Forecast menu to locate information about inbound planning schedules.

Use the Status Inquiry/Revisions option from the Planning Schedule - Forecast menu to revise inbound planning schedule information if the inbound planning schedule forecast differs from that used by other transactions. Working With the Transaction Processing Mode

Each item in the F3460 table has a summary record by item number and branch/plant. For all transaction codes except I, the system handles the forecast summary records as described in these paragraphs.

Each EDI transaction for planning schedule forecasts has a transaction set purpose code, which is a user-defined code (UDC) from UDC table 47/PU. Each valid code corresponds to an action code of A (Add), R (Replace), D (Delete), or I (Inquire). If you do not enter a code, the system uses R as the default value and writes a warning on the error report.

The system processes each of these actions as follows:

  • Add: Adds detail records.

  • Replace: Replaces the forecast value in the detail record with the new forecast value.

  • Delete: Deletes detail records.

  • Inquire: Displays information for the data that you have requested.

    No database changes take place during an inquiry.

When you run EDI Planning Schedule Edit/Create (R47061), the system prints information on an error report and an audit report using:

  • The system records each error that it encounters for the forecast records on the error report.

    The system does not process records that are in error unless the error is a warning. For forecast records to delete, the system checks only these fields for errors:

  • Transaction Set Purpose.

  • Branch/Plant.

  • Date Requested.

  • Item Number.

  • Forecast Type.

  • The system writes a line to the error report for every inbound forecast record that contains an error.

  • The system writes a line to the audit report for every forecast record that it processes. Using the EDI Inbound Interface Tables

When you run EDI Planning Schedule Edit/Create (R47061) for planning schedule forecasts, the program uses these EDI inbound interface tables:

  • F47061

  • F47062 Using Mapping Guidelines

Mapping is the process of converting information from one table structure to another.

In the F47061 table, the following fields must contain data before you can effectively use the EDI Planning Schedule Edit/Create program (R47061) for planning schedule forecasts:

  • EDI Document Number (EDOC).

  • EDI Document Type (EDCT).

  • EDI Document Key Company (EKCO).

  • EDI Transaction Set (EDST).

  • Send/Receive Flag = R (EDER).

  • Address Number (AN8).

In the F47062 table, the following fields must contain data before you can effectively use the EDI Planning Schedule Edit/Create program (R47061) for planning schedule forecasts:

  • EDI Document Number (EDOC).

  • EDI Document Type (EDCT).

  • EDI Document Key Company (EKCO).

  • EDI Transaction Set (EDST).

  • Send/Receive Flag = R (EDER).

  • Address Number (AN8).

  • Short Item Number (ITM), Second Item Number (LITM), Third Item Number (AITM), or Customer Item Number (CITM).

  • Forecast Quantity (FQT).

  • Date Requested (DR0J).

  • Forecast Type (TYPF).

  • Unit of Measure (UOM). Updating Application Tables

When you run EDI Planning Schedule Edit/Create (R47061) for planning schedule forecasts, the program copies the data from the EDI interface tables and updates these application tables:

  • F3460

  • F4102

10.2.2 Receiving Planning Schedule Forecasts

Select Planning Schedule - Forecast (G47251), Inbound Edit/Update.

The EDI Planning Schedule Edit/Create program updates EDI documents that are successfully processed in the EDI inbound interface tables to prevent duplicates. The program updates EDI documents by entering Y in the Processed column (EDSP) in all of the EDI inbound interface tables.

10.3 Sending Planning Schedule Forecasts

This section provides an overview of outbound planning schedule forecasts and discusses how to send planning schedule forecasts.

10.3.1 Understanding Outbound Planning Schedule Forecasts

Run the Outbound Extraction - Forecast program (R47062) from the Planning Schedule Forecast menu to generate planning schedule transactions (830/DELFOR) to send to the supplier and to communicate the expected demand for items over a specified period.

Use the data selection on any field in the F3460 table or F3430 table to control which records to select for processing. For example, you can select a data range, forecast type, or specific vendor.

Planning schedule forecast transactions are retrieved from the Forecast File and Vendor Schedule Quantity File tables. Using Application Tables

When you run Outbound Extraction - Forecast (R47062) for planning schedule forecasts, the program extracts data from these application tables:

  • F3460

  • F3430 Using the EDI Inbound Interface Tables

When you run Outbound Extraction - Forecast (R47062) for planning schedule forecasts, the program creates records in these EDI outbound interface tables:

  • F47066

  • F47067

After these records are created, you must perform the flat file conversion process.

10.3.2 Sending Planning Schedule Forecasts

Select Planning Schedule - Forecast (G47251), Outbound Extraction.

The Outbound Extraction - Forecast program extracts records from the Forecast application tables and creates planning schedule forecasts within the EDI outbound Interface tables so that they can be sent to the trading partner.

The EDI transaction set number for planning schedule forecasts is 830.