16 Setting Up Invoice Print Styles for PGCA Contracts

This chapter contains the following topics:

16.1 Understanding Setup for Invoice Print Styles for PGCA Contracts

Using several setup programs within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne PGCA system, you can create multiple styles of invoices that meet your business needs. In contrast to the invoice print setup in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract Billing system, these setup programs enable you to create your own invoice styles without using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid tool.

When you print invoices for PGCA contracts, the Invoice Print program (R48504) calls the Print U.S. Government 1035 Inv program (R52G507), which prints invoices using the styles that you have created. The invoices that the R52G507 program creates can be used as Standard Form 1035, which is required by the U.S. federal government.

Using the processing options for the R52G507 program, you can also run the Print U.S. Government 1034 Inv program (R52G508). This program prints Standard Form 1034, which is required by the U.S. federal government. The R52G508 program prints onto preprinted forms, so you cannot create your own style for this report.

Using the setup programs within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne PGCA system, you can create invoice styles that:

  • Display different billable transactions within different sections on an invoice.

  • Summarize and sequence the billable transactions differently within each separate section on an invoice.

  • Display burdening transactions in various formats.

  • Summarize entire invoices either at the invoice level or the funding level or by business unit or business unit and subsidiary.

To create invoice styles, you first set up account range groups, burden and component rules, and text line codes, and then you attach them to individual sections within an invoice style. You can reuse account range groups, burden and component rules, and text line codes in multiple styles. The following topics discuss the various components of invoice styles.

16.1.1 Account Range Groups

Account range groups determine which transactions to include in an invoice section. Each account range group can contain an unlimited number of user defined object account ranges. When you set up invoice sections, you enter account range groups to identify which transactions should print in the section. For example, you might set up an account range group that includes all accounts that relate to employee travel and then attach the group to an invoice section called Travel.

You use the Invoice Account Range Groups program (P52G80) to set up account range groups and the system stores the ranges in the Account Range Group table (F52G80).

16.1.2 Burden/Component Rules

Burden and component rules enable you to specify how the system prints burden and component transactions in an invoice section. For each rule, you can enter one or more burden categories or component codes. You assign a summarization rule to each burden category or component code in the rule, and then specify a sequence number. The sequence number determines the order in which the system prints the burden categories or component codes on the invoice. You can set up an unlimited amount of burdens and components for each rule.

You use the Invoice Burden/Component Rules program (P52G86) to set up burden and component rules and the system stores them in the Invoice Printing Burden Rule table (F52G86).

16.1.3 Text Line Codes

Text line codes enable you to set up lines of text to print on the invoice. to set up the lines of text and associate them with a code. You can also use text line codes to create a blank line to create space between sections.

You use the Invoice Text Line Codes (P52G88) program to set up text line codes and the system stores them in the Invoice Printing Text Line Code table (F52G88).

16.1.4 Invoice Style Assignments

After you set up invoice styles, you assign them to invoice level contracts. You can also assign an invoice style using a blank invoice level contract number. The system prints this style for all invoice level contracts that do not have an invoice style assigned.

You use the Assign Invoice Styles program (P52G84) to set up assignments for styles and contracts and the system stores them in the Contract/Invoice Printing Style table (F52G84).

16.1.5 Invoice Styles

Invoice styles comprise multiple invoice sections. Each invoice section can contain the account range codes, burden and component rules, and text line codes that you set up. When you set up invoice styles, you first specify the following information at the header level:

  • Presentation level

    Determines the level at which the system summarizes amounts. You can choose from four levels of summarization. The most detailed level is by business unit and subsidiary and the least detailed level is by invoice level.

  • Print period of performance (POP) dates

    Determines whether the system prints the POP dates for the invoice in the header area of the invoice.

  • Print awarded amounts

    Determines whether the system prints the awarded amounts from the invoice level contract on the invoice header.

  • Print funded amounts

    Determines whether the system prints the funded amounts from the invoice level contract on the invoice header.

  • Print cumulative amounts

    Determines whether you can print cumulative amounts on the invoice. For each section, you can select the option to not print cumulative amounts. However, if you do not select this option at the header level of the invoice style, you cannot print cumulative amounts for any sections within the style.

After you set up the presentation level and the header information for the invoice style, you set up the sections for the style. Because the various section types contain different types of transactions, each section type has specific guidelines. This table describes the guidelines for each section type:

Section Type Guidelines
T (time and materials) and S (cost plus) These guidelines apply to T and S sections:
  • You must associate an account range group with the section.

  • You can associate a burden/component rule with the section, but you must select a burden/component rule that has been set up with a summarization rule of 1, 2, or 3.

  • You can use any of the 13 summarization options for current amounts.

  • Depending on which summarization option you choose for current amounts, you can use one of several summarization options for cumulative amounts.

  • You can select any of the options for printing units if you have selected the Print Cum Amounts check box on the header of the invoice style. If you have not selected this check box, you can select only these options:

    • Do not print

    • Print for Current Only

  • You can select either of the options for printing rates.

  • You can print a section total.

A (award fee), B (labor burden), D (draw), F (fee), L (lump sum), M (milestone), P (progress), R (rated draw), U (unit price), TAX (tax), OTH (other) These guidelines apply to A, B, D, F, L, M, P, R, U, TAX, and OTH sections:
  • You can select one of these two summarization options for both current and cumulative amounts:

    • Detail (every transaction)

    • One Line

  • You can print a section total.

A and F sections also include award fee and fee excess amounts.

TAX sections have these additional guidelines:

  • If you select the Detail (every transaction) summarization option for this section type, the system summarizes the amounts by tax rate/area.

  • If you do not set up a TAX section, the system adds the tax amounts in the sections to which they apply.

OTH sections contain all invoice amounts (other than discounts) that have not been defined in other section types within the style. You must include an OTH section in each invoice style that you create, but if you have set up your invoice style correctly, you should not have any amounts in this section. The OTH section is a troubleshooting tool for you to use when setting up your invoice styles.

DSC (discounts), EXC (limit excess), and RET (retainage) These guidelines apply to DSC, EXC, and RET sections:
  • You can select only the One Line summarization option.

  • Discounts are not included in the total invoice amount.

  • The EXC section includes only cost and total excess amounts.

  • The system retrieves retainage amounts from the Invoice Summary Work File table (F4822).

BRD (applied burden/component) These guidelines apply to BRD sections:
  • You must associate a burden/component rule with BRD sections, and you must select burden/component rules that have been set up with a summarization rule of 4 or 5.

  • You can print a section total.

SBT (subtotal) You must specify a beginning and ending sequence number for SBT sections, and you must select an option for printing units.
TXT (text) You must specify a text line code with TXT sections.

For each contract, you can define multiple styles. For example, you might set up one style to meet the request of your customer, and then set up another style that is a more detailed version of the invoice to keep for your records. You might also set up different invoice styles for different invoice level contracts that are attached to the same contract.

You use the Invoice Printing Styles program to set up styles and the system stores them in the Invoice Printing Style Header (F52G81) and Invoice Print Style (F52G82) tables.

16.1.6 Additional Setup for Invoice Processing for PGCA Contracts

After you set up invoice styles and assign them to contracts, you must also specify which invoice print program and corresponding version the system should run. To accomplish this, you can either use invoice format codes, the processing options for the R48504 program, or a combination of the two, depending on the complexity of your invoice printing practices.

These examples illustrate different methods for specifying which invoice print program and version to run:

  • If you use the same print program and version for all of your invoices, you might set up an invoice format code in the Invoice Print Version Cross Reference program (P48S58) for the XJDE0001 version of the R52G507 program, and then attach the invoice format code to all of your contracts.

  • If you have both commercial and U.S. federal government contracts, you might set up one version of the R52G507 program that has the processing option set to run the R52G508 program, then create an invoice format code for this version of the R52G507 program and attach it to your PGCA contracts. You would then create another version of the R52G507 program that has the processing option set to not run the R52G508 program, create an invoice format code for this version and attach it to your commercial contracts.

  • If you need to override the print program, version, or printing styles for certain invoices, you can use these processing options on the Project and Gov Print tab of the R48504 program to enter override information.

    • 1: Override Invoice Printing UBE

    • 2: Override Invoice Printing Version

    • 3: Override Invoice Printing Style

      These processing options override the invoice format codes and any other setup in the P48S58 program.

The hierarchy of how the system determines which invoice print version to use is covered in detail in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract and Service Billing Implementation Guide. The only difference for PGCA contracts is that the system uses the processing options on the Project and Gov Print tab instead of the Print tab.

See "How the System Determines Which Invoice Print Version to Use" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Contract and Service Billing Implementation Guide.

16.2 Setting Up an Invoice Printing Style for a PGCA Contract

This section discusses how to:

  • Add an invoice account range group.

  • Add an invoice burden/component rule.

  • Add an invoice text line code.

  • Add an invoice printing style.

  • Assign invoice styles.

16.2.1 Forms Used to Set Up an Invoice Printing Style

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With Account Range Groups W52G80A Select Project and Government Invoice Printing Setup (G5223), Invoice Account Range Groups. Review existing account range groups.
Account Range Group Revisions W52G80B Click Add on the Work With Account Range Groups form. Add an account range group.
Account Range Group Search & Select W52G80C Click the Search button in the Account Range Group field on the Account Range Group Revisions form. Search for and select a valid account range group.
Work With Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rules W52G86A Select Project and Government Invoice Printing Setup (G5223), Invoice Burden/Component Rules. Review existing burden/component rules.
Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions W52G86C Click Add on the Work With Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rules form. Add burden/component rules.
Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Search & Select W52G86D Click the Search button in the Burden/Component Rule field on the Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions form. Search for a valid burden/component rule
Invoice Printing Text Line Code Revisions W52G88A Select Project and Government Invoice Printing Setup (G5223), Invoice Text Line Codes Add text codes.
Text Line Code Search & Select W52G88B Click the Search button in the Text Line Code field on the Invoice Printing Text Line Code Revisions form. Search for valid codes to assign to the text line.
Work With Invoice Printing Styles W52G82A Select Project and Government Invoice Printing Setup (G5223), Invoice Printing Style Details Review and search for existing invoice printing style details.
Invoice Printing Style Revisions W52G82D Click Add on the Work With Invoice Printing Styles form. Add an invoice printing style.
Invoice Printing Style Search & Select W52G82C Click the Search button in the Invoice Style field on the Invoice Printing Style Revisions form. Select a valid invoice style.
Assign Invoice Styles W52G84B Select Project and Government Invoice Printing Setup (G5223), Assign Invoice Styles. Assign invoice styles.

16.2.2 Adding an Account Range Group

Access the Account Range Group Revisions form.

Figure 16-1 Account Range Group Revisions form

Description of Figure 16-1 follows
Description of "Figure 16-1 Account Range Group Revisions form"

Account Range Group

Enter a code for the account range group.


Enter a description for the account range group.

Beginning Object Account and Ending Object Account

Enter a range of object accounts. The system generates an error if the beginning object account is not less than the ending object account, but the system does not validate whether existing ranges overlap.

16.2.3 Adding an Invoice Burden/Component Rule

Access the Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions form.

Figure 16-2 Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions form

Description of Figure 16-2 follows
Description of "Figure 16-2 Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions form"

Burden/Component Rule

Enter a code for the burden or component rule. You can enter either a burden or a component code, but not both.

Sequence Number

Enter a sequence number for the rule. The system uses this number to determine the order in which the burden or component prints on the invoice.

Burden Category or Component Code

Enter the code of the burden category or component to which the rule applies.

Summarization Rule

Select a code to specify how the system summarizes and prints the amounts for the specific burden category or component within the invoice section. Values are:

1:Add to Base Line

Add the burden or component amount to the base transaction amount.

2:Detailed after Base Line

Print the burden or component amounts by burden category or component code after the base transaction line.

3: By burden at Section End

Print the burden or component amounts by burden category or component code at the end of the section.

4:By Burden in App Burden Sec

Print the burden or component amounts by burden category or component code in a separate Applied Burden or Component section.

5:One Line in Applied Burden Sec

Print one summarized line for the burden or component amounts in the Applied Burden or Component section.

The system stores valid summarization rules in user-defined code (UDC) table 52G/SR. These values are hard-coded.

16.2.4 Adding a Text Line

Access the Invoice Printing Text Line Code Revisions form.

Figure 16-3 Invoice Printing Text Line Code Revisions form

Description of Figure 16-3 follows
Description of "Figure 16-3 Invoice Printing Text Line Code Revisions form"

Text Line Code

Enter a code to identify the text line.

Text Line

Enter the text to be printed on the invoice.


To create a blank line, enter BLNK in the Text Line Code field and leave the Text Line field blank.

16.2.5 Adding an Invoice Printing Style

Access the Invoice Printing Style Revisions form.

Figure 16-4 Invoice Printing Style Revisions form

Description of Figure 16-4 follows
Description of "Figure 16-4 Invoice Printing Style Revisions form"

Presentation Level

Specify the level at which you want the system to separate out invoice amounts. Values are:

1: Invoice Level Contract

The system combines amounts from all funding level contracts for the invoice level contract. For example, if the invoice style contains a labor section, the system combines labor amounts from all funding level contracts for the invoice into one labor section.

2: Funding Level Contract

The system prints amounts for each funding level contract for the invoice level contract in separate sections. For example, if the invoice style contains a labor section, the system prints a labor section for each funding level contract and then prints a summary for the invoice level contract at the end.

3: Business Unit

The system prints subheadings for each business unit within each funding level for the invoice level contract and then prints the invoice style sections for that business unit. The system also prints a summary for the invoice level contract at the end.

4: Business Unit + Subsidiary

The system prints subheadings for each business unit and subsidiary within each funding level for the invoice level contract and then prints the invoice style sections for that business unit and subsidiary. The system also prints a summary for the invoice level contract at the end.

The system stores valid values in UDC table 52G/PL. These values are hard-coded.


For presentation levels 2, 3, and 4, the amounts for the invoice level summary are summarized by section into one line. The system does not repeat the detail that was printed for each funding level, business unit, or business unit and subsidiary. For example, if you select presentation level 2 and then set up a Labor and a Travel section, each with a Current Amount Summarization Rule of 3: for Employee Name, the system summarizes amounts as follows:

For each funding level, the system prints a Labor section with amounts summarized by employee name and prints a Travel section with amounts summarized by employee name.

After the last funding level for the invoice level contract, the system prints a Labor section with the labor amounts from all funding levels summarized into one line and then prints a Travel section with the travel amounts from all funding levels summarized into one line.

Print POP Dates (print period of performance dates)

Select to indicate that the system should print the POP dates from the contract in the invoice header.

Print Cum Amounts (print cumulative amounts)

Select to indicate that the system should print cumulative amounts in the invoice sections.

Print Funded Amounts

Select to print funded amounts for the contract in the invoice header.

If you selected 1 in the Presentation Level field, the system prints the total funded amounts of all funding levels that are attached to the invoice level. If you selected 2,3, or 4 in the Presentation Level field, the system prints the funded amounts for the funding level.

Print Awarded Amounts

Select to indicate that the system should print awarded amounts for the contract in the invoice header.

If you selected 1 in the Presentation Level field, the system prints the total awarded amounts of all funding levels that are attached to the invoice level. If you selected 2,3, or 4 in the Presentation Level field, the system prints the awarded amounts for the funding level.

Sequence Number

Specify the order in which the section should print on the invoice.

Section Name

Enter a name for the section. The system prints this name on the invoice as a section title.

Section Type

Select the code that represents the type of transactions for the section. Values are:

A: Award Fee

B: Labor Burden

BRD: Applied Burden/Component

D: Direct Draw

DSC: Discount

EXC: Limit Exceeded Adjustment

F: Fee Line

L: Lump Sum

M: Milestone

OTH: Other

P: Progress

R: Rated Draw

RET: Retainage

S: Cost Plus

SBT: Subtotal

T: Time and Material

TAX: Tax

TXT: Text

U: Unit Price

Depending on the section type that you select, the system requires you to complete additional fields.

See Invoice Styles.

The system stores valid section types in UDC table 52G/ST. These values are hard-coded.


If the section does not contain any amounts, the system does not print the section on the invoice.

Account Range Group

Select the account range group of the accounts that are applicable to the section.

Burden/Component Rule

Select a burden/component rule to determine how the system prints burden and component transactions.

Current Amt Summarization (current amount summarization)

Specify how the system summarizes and sequences the current amounts in the invoice section. Values are:

1: Detail (Every Transaction)

2: One Line

3: Employee Name

4: Employee Name + Date

5: Job Type (Labor Category)

6: Job Type + Emp Name

7: Job Type + Emp Name + Date

8: Job Type + Job Step

9: Job Step

10: Object Account

11: Pay Type (PDBA)

12: Name Alpha Extension (EXA)

13: Name Remark Explanation (EXR)

The system stores valid values for this field in UDC table 52G/CR. These values are hard-coded.

Cum Amt Summarization (cumulative amount summarization)

Specify how the system summarizes and sequences the cumulative amounts in the invoice section. This field is available only if you have selected the Print Cum Amounts check box in the header of the invoice style. The system stores valid values for this field in UDC table 52G/CM. These values are the same as those in UDC table 52G/CR and are hard-coded. Depending on the value that you select in the Current Amt Summarization field, only certain values are valid. Valid combinations are:

Current Amount Summarization: 01 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 01 or 02.

Current Amount Summarization: 02 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02.

Current Amount Summarization: 03 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 03.

Current Amount Summarization: 04 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02, 03 or 04.

Current Amount Summarization: 05 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 05.

Current Amount Summarization: 06 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02, 05 or 06.

Current Amount Summarization: 07 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02, 05, 06 or 07.

Current Amount Summarization: 08 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02, 05 or 08.

Current Amount Summarization: 09and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 09.

Current Amount Summarization: 10 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 10.

Current Amount Summarization: 11 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 11.

Current Amount Summarization: 12 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 12.

Current Amount Summarization: 13 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 13.

Print Units

Specify how to print units on the invoice section. Values are:

Blank: Do not print units.

1: Print units for current amounts only.

2: Print units for cumulative amounts only.

3: Print units for current and cumulative amounts.

The system stores valid values for this field in UDC table 52G/PU. These values are hard-coded.

Print Rate

Specify how to print rates on the invoice section. Values are:

Blank: Do not print rates on the invoice section.

1: Print rates for current amounts only.

The system stores valid values for this field in UDC table 52G/PR. These values are hard-coded.

Beginning Sequence and Ending Sequence

Enter the range of sequence numbers of the invoice sections to be included in the subtotal. If the range that you specify includes any other SBT sections, the system excludes them from the subtotal amount.

Text Line Code

Select the code for the text line that you want to use for the invoice section.

Print Section Total

Specify whether to print a total at the end of the section. If you select this check box for a section that is set up to print units, the system uses the value in the Print Units field for the section to determine how to print units in the section total.

16.2.6 Assigning an Invoice Style

Access the Assign Invoice Styles form.

Figure 16-5 Assign Invoice Styles form

Description of Figure 16-5 follows
Description of "Figure 16-5 Assign Invoice Styles form"

To assign invoice styles, enter the contract number for the invoice level, and then enter the invoice style and the sequence number to determine the order in which the system prints the invoice styles for a contract.

16.3 Example: Invoice Style

This section provides an example of an invoice style.

16.3.1 Example: STYLE001

In this example, you set up account range groups, burden/component rules, and a text line code, and then you use them in a new invoice style that you create, STYLE001.

You first set up account range groups in the Invoice Account Range Groups program (P52G80). These examples show how you have set up account range groups:

Figure 16-6 Example of Account Range Group Revisions form: ARG1

Description of Figure 16-6 follows
Description of "Figure 16-6 Example of Account Range Group Revisions form: ARG1"

Figure 16-7 Example of Account Range Group Revisions form: ARG2

Description of Figure 16-7 follows
Description of "Figure 16-7 Example of Account Range Group Revisions form: ARG2"

Figure 16-8 Example of Account Range Group Revisions form: ARG3

Description of Figure 16-8 follows
Description of "Figure 16-8 Example of Account Range Group Revisions form: ARG3"

Figure 16-9 Example of Account Range Group Revisions form: ARG4

Description of Figure 16-9 follows
Description of "Figure 16-9 Example of Account Range Group Revisions form: ARG4"

You then set up a burden/component rule in the Invoice Burden/Component Rules program (P52G86) for printing burdened amounts for burden category FR (fringe) at the end of the section. This example shows how you have set up burden/component rule BRD1:

Figure 16-10 Example of Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions form using BRD1 rule

Description of Figure 16-10 follows
Description of "Figure 16-10 Example of Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions form using BRD1 rule"

You set up another burden/component rule for printing burdened amounts for burden category GA (general and administrative) after each base line. This example shows how you have set up burden/component rule BRD2:

Figure 16-11 Example of Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions form using BRD2 rule

Description of Figure 16-11 follows
Description of "Figure 16-11 Example of Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Revisions form using BRD2 rule"

You then set up one text line code to print contact information at the end of the invoice. This example shows how you have set up the text line code:

Figure 16-12 Example of Invoice Printing Text Line Code Revisions form with text line code

Description of Figure 16-12 follows
Description of "Figure 16-12 Example of Invoice Printing Text Line Code Revisions form with text line code"

Finally, you set up invoice style STYLE001 in the Printing Style Details program (P52G82). The following form examples show the setup in the P52G82 program for your style.

This form shows the first six columns that appear in the grid:

Figure 16-13 Example of first six columns of Invoice Printing Style Revisions form

Description of Figure 16-13 follows
Description of "Figure 16-13 Example of first six columns of Invoice Printing Style Revisions form"

This form shows the next six columns that appear in the grid, with the Sequence Number field repeated:

Figure 16-14 Example of next six columns of Invoice Printing Style Revisions form

Description of Figure 16-14 follows
Description of "Figure 16-14 Example of next six columns of Invoice Printing Style Revisions form"

This form shows the last eight columns that appear in the grid, with the Sequence Number field repeated:

Figure 16-15 Example of last eight columns of Invoice Printing Style Revisions form

Description of Figure 16-15 follows
Description of "Figure 16-15 Example of last eight columns of Invoice Printing Style Revisions form"

For each invoice level contract that is assigned to STYLE001, the system prints this information on the header of the invoice:

  • POP dates.

  • Funded amounts

  • Awarded amounts

Because STYLE001 uses funding level contract as the presentation level, the system summarizes amounts for all sections by funding level, and then prints a summary of all funding levels for the invoice level. The following subtopics describe the results of the setup for each section in STYLE001. Sequence Number 1: Labor Section

The system prints the Labor section first. This table lists the fields and values of the Labor section for STYLE001 and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Account range group: ARG1 The system prints amounts associated with account numbers within account range group ARG1 in this section.
Burden/component rule: BRD1 (Fringe-section end) The system prints a total of all amounts for burden category FR (fringe) in one line at the end of the Labor section.
Current Amount Summarization: 05(Labor Category) The system sequences the current amounts by labor category, resulting in separate lines for each combination of employee name and date.
Cumulative Amount Summarization: 05(Labor Category) The system sequences the cumulative amounts by labor category, resulting in separate lines for each employee name and date.
Print Units: 1 (Print for Current Only) The system prints current hours.
Print Rate: 1 (Print for Current Only) The system prints current rates.
Print Section Total: Selected The system prints a total of all amounts in the Labor section.

This is an example of a Labor section for STYLE001:

Figure 16-16 Example of a Labor section

Description of Figure 16-16 follows
Description of "Figure 16-16 Example of a Labor section" Sequence Number 2: Material Section

The system prints the Material section next. This table lists the fields and values of the Material section for STYLE001 and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Account range group: ARG2 The system prints amounts associated with account numbers within account range group ARG2 in this section.
Current Amount Summarization: 12 (name alpha explanation) The system sequences the current amounts by the value in the Alpha Explanation (EXA) field.
Current Amount Summarization: 12 (name alpha explanation) The system sequences the current amounts by the value in the Alpha Explanation (EXA) field.
Print Section Total: Selected The system prints a subtotal line for the Material section.

This is an example of a Material section for STYLE001:

Figure 16-17 Example of a Material section

Description of Figure 16-17 follows
Description of "Figure 16-17 Example of a Material section" Sequence Number 3: Travel Section

The system prints the Travel section next. This table lists the fields and values of the Travel section for STYLE001 and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Account range group: ARG3 The system prints amounts associated with account numbers within account range group ARG3 in this section.
Burden/Component Rule:BRD2 (G & A after base line) The system prints a line for general and administrative (G & A) after each base line that contains applied burden amounts for burden category GA.
Current Amount Summarization: 04 (employee name + date) The system sequences the current amounts by employee name and date, resulting in separate lines for each combination of employee name and date.
Cumulative Amount Summarization: 04 (employee name + date) The system sequences the cumulative amounts by employee name and date, resulting in separate lines for each combination of employee name and date.
Print Section Total: Selected The system prints a subtotal line for the Travel section.

This is an example of a Travel section for STYLE001:

Figure 16-18 Example of a Travel section

Description of Figure 16-18 follows
Description of "Figure 16-18 Example of a Travel section" Sequence Number 4: Postage and Freight

The system prints the Postage and Freight section next. This table lists the fields and values of the Postage and Freight section and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Account range group: ARG4 The system prints amounts associated with account numbers within account range group ARG4 in this section.
Burden/Component Rule:BRD2 (G & A after base line) The system prints a line for general and administrative (G & A) after each base line that contains applied burden amounts for burden category GA.
Current Amount Summarization: 01 (Detail (Every Transaction)) The system prints a separate line for each transaction.
Cumulative Amount Summarization: 01 (Detail (Every Transaction)) The system prints a separate line for each transaction.
Print Section Total: Selected The system prints a subtotal line for the Postage and Freight section.

This is an example of a Postage and Freight section from STYLE001:

Figure 16-19 Example of a Postage and Freight section

Description of Figure 16-19 follows
Description of "Figure 16-19 Example of a Postage and Freight section" Sequence Number 5: Cost Subtotal Section

The system prints the Cost Subtotal section next. This table lists the fields and values of the Cost Subtotal section and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Beginning Sequence: 1.0 and Ending Sequence: 4.0 The system prints a subtotal of the Labor (sequence 1.0), Material (sequence 2.0), Travel (sequence 3.0), and Equipment (sequence 4.0) sections.

This is an example of a Cost Subtotal section for STYLE001:

Figure 16-20 Example of a Cost Subtotal section

Description of Figure 16-20 follows
Description of "Figure 16-20 Example of a Cost Subtotal section" Sequence Number 6: Fees Section

The system prints the Fees section next. This table lists the fields and values of the Fees section and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Current Amount Summarization: 02 (One Line) The system summarizes current fee amounts into one line.
Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 (One Line) The system summarizes cumulative fee amounts into one line.

This is an example of a Fees section for STYLE001:

Figure 16-21 Example of a Fees section

Description of Figure 16-21 follows
Description of "Figure 16-21 Example of a Fees section" Sequence Number 7: Retainage Section

The system prints the Retainage section next. This table lists the fields and values of the Retainage section and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Current Amount Summarization: 02 (One Line) The system summarizes current retainage amounts into one line.
Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 (One Line) The system summarizes cumulative retainage amounts into one line.

This is an example of a Retainage section for SYLE001:

Figure 16-22 Example of a Retainage section

Description of Figure 16-22 follows
Description of "Figure 16-22 Example of a Retainage section" Sequence Number 8: Other Section

The system prints the Other section next. This table lists the fields and values of the Other section and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Current Amount Summarization: 01 Detail (Every Transaction) This system prints the current amount for each transaction that was not included in any of the previous sections.
Cumulative Amount Summarization: 01 Detail (Every Transaction) This system prints the cumulative amount for each transaction that was not included in any of the previous sections.

If you have set up your invoice style correctly, this section should not contain any amounts. If this section does not contain any amounts, the system does not print it on the invoice. Sequence Number 9: Contact Information

The system prints the Contact Information section next. This table lists the fields and values of the Contact Information section and describes the resulting appearance of the section:

Field and Value Results
Text Line Code: CONT The system prints the text associated with text line code CONT at the end of the invoice for the funding level.

This is an example of a Contact Information section for STYLE001:

Figure 16-23 Example of a Contact Information section

Description of Figure 16-23 follows
Description of "Figure 16-23 Example of a Contact Information section"