B Tables Used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requisition Self Service System

This appendix contains the following topics:

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requisition Self Service System uses several tables to store processing information.

B.1 Requisition Self Service Tables

This table lists the tables used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requisition Self Service system:

Table Description
UNSPSC Commodity Code


Stores UNSPSC codes that you download from the UNSPSC website (www.unspsc.com).
Secondary Commodity Code


Stores a secondary relationship with a given commodity (optional).
Commodity Relationship


Stores the relationship between a UNSPSC code and a general ledger account number.
Commodity Structure Definitions


Stores the commodity structure.
UNSPSC and Commodity Structure Relationship


Stores the relationships between UNSPSC codes and commodities.
Supplier and Commodity Structure Relationship


Store the relationships between suppliers and commodities.
Supplier Commodity Structure Cross Reference


Stores the relationships between your commodities and the corresponding commodity code of suppliers.
Item and Commodity Structure Relationship


Stores the relationships between items and commodities.
G/L Account and Commodity Structure Relationship


Stores the relationships between general ledger account numbers and commodities.
Item Master


Stores basic information about each item, such as: item number, description, search keys, category codes, and default units of measure,
Item Branch


Stores default item information, such as each item's process and dimension groups.
Item Location


Stores each item's quantity information, G/L class, and lot status in each location.
Purchase Order Header


Stores header information for the purchase order created from the requisition.
Purchase Order Detail File


Stores the detail for the purchase order created from the requisition.
Requisition Order Header


Stores requisition header information, such as: order company, order number, order type, business unit, order date, order amount, currency, number of detail lines, number of completed detail lines, number of canceled detail lines, requisition header status, and requisition title.
Requisition Detail


Stores information for each detail line on a requisition, such as: supplier number, ship to number, buyer number, item number, unit cost, extended price, quantity ordered, commodity, and requisition detail status, and line type.
eRequisition Receiver file


Stores requisitions and related receipt information, such as requisition order number, purchase order number, amount received, and quantity received.
Requisition Multiple Account File


Stores account distribution information for requisitions with multiple account distribution.
eReq - Shopping Cart Work File


Stores information regarding items that a user selects when using the Shopping Cart program.
Shopping Cart Detail


Stores information regarding items a user selected using the Shopping Cart program. The system creates records in this table when the user submits a requisition from the shopping cart program.
Direct Connect Setup


Stores information for suppliers that is required for using Direct Connect.
Direct Connect Supplier Extrinsic Information


Stores extrinsic information required for suppliers with which you use Direct Connect.
Approval Authority (Employee)


Stores approval authority setup information that was created at the employee level.
Approval Authority (Employee Group/BU)


Stores approval authority setup information that was created at the employee group and business unit level.
Approval Authority (Business Unit)


Stores approval authority setup information that was created at the business unit level.
Approval Authority Constants


Stores the settings for the approval authority constants.
Approval Authority (Commodity/BU)


Stores approval authority setup information that was created at the commodity and business unit level.
Delegation Master (F43E280) Stores the details about the Requisition delegation. Details about the delegator, original requestor, delegated requestor, delegation period and the application on which the delegation is valid is stored in this table.