7 Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management for Project Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

7.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management for Project Manufacturing

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management system generates demand projections that you use as input for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne planning and scheduling systems from Oracle. The planning and scheduling systems calculate material requirements for all component levels from raw materials to complex subassemblies.

Effective management of distribution and manufacturing activities begins with understanding and anticipating market needs. Forecasting is the process of projecting past sales demand into the future.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management system generates these types of forecasts:

  • Detail forecasts, which are based on individual items.

  • Summary (or aggregated) forecasts, which are based on large product groups, such as a product line.

  • Planning bill forecasts, which are based on groups of items in a bill of material format and reflect how an item is sold, not how an item is built.

See "Understanding Forecast Management" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Forecast Management Implementation Guide.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management system integrates with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Manufacturing to support production controlled items in detail, summary, and planning bill forecasts.

The forecast represents the demand for a production controlled item. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system allows only one type of top-level demand for production controlled items with an associated production number at any instant in time, either a forecast or a sales order. If a production controlled item has a forecast, then the item with the same production number cannot have a sales order.


The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not support forecast consumption for production controlled items.

7.1.1 Planning Bills for Production Controlled Items

After setting up a planning bill, you can generate a planning bill forecast to help you plan configurations for end products. The MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program (R3482) reads the detail forecast for the selected parent planning bill items and expands it to create a forecast for the planning bill components for the same time periods.

You can use a planning bill to configure a hypothetical average parent item that is not manufactured but represents the components that are needed to satisfy demand for all the combinations of options and features that you expect to sell.

Use planning bills during master scheduling or material planning. You can forecast with a planning bill to determine component demand within Master Production Schedule (MPS), Material Requirements Planning (MRP), and Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning system.

See "Working with Planning Bill Forecasts" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Forecast Management Implementation Guide.

7.2 Prerequisites

Before you work with production controlled items in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management, you must:

  • Set the processing options for your version of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program to use for production controlled items.

  • Set the Project Planning processing option on the Mfg Mode tab of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program to a value of 2 to include production controlled items in the requirements planning run.

See "Setting Processing Options for MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Forecast Management Implementation Guide.

7.3 Revising Detail Forecasts for Production Controlled Items

This section provides an overview of detail forecast revisions for production controlled items, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to revise detail forecasts for production controlled items.

7.3.1 Understanding Detail Forecast Revisions for Production Controlled Items

After you generate and review a forecast, you can revise the forecast to account for changes in consumer trends, market conditions, competitor activities, marketing strategies, and so on. When you revise a forecast, you can change information in an existing forecast manually, add or delete a forecast, and enter descriptive text for the forecast.

You use the Forecast Revisions program (P3460) to create, change, or delete a detail forecast manually.

See "Revising Detail Forecasts" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Forecast Management Implementation Guide.

Manufactured items may have long lead times and, therefore, begin the production process before a customer order exists. You create a forecast with a generic production number to represent demand for an item.

When you receive orders for production controlled items, you can allocate inventory to the order. If no inventory is available, then you can peg an existing forecast to the order. You create a new sales order with a new production number if no forecast exists for the production controlled item.

A work order may exist on the shop floor based on the forecast of a generic production number. When a customer order is taken, the inventory and production plan is allocated to the order based on the statuses of the work orders. The consumption of generic forecasts enables accurate available to promise (ATP) planning and timely product delivery.

You use the Forecast Revisions program to work with forecasts for production controlled items.

The Production Number field and Query by Example (QBE) line appear in the detail grid of the Work With Forecasts form. The Production Number field also appears on the Detail Forecast Revisions form.

On the Work With Forecasts form, you can search for a forecast by item, branch/plant, or production number.

The Detail Forecast Revisions form enables you to perform the following actions for production controlled items:

  • Create new forecasts.

  • Edit single and multiple rows of forecasts.

  • Copy single and multiple rows of forecasts with and without production numbers.

  • Delete single and multiple rows of forecasts with and without production numbers.

You use one of the following methods to associate a production number with a production controlled item in a forecast detail line:

  • Select an existing production number from the Production Number Master File table (F34401) using the Visual Assist button in the Production Number field to access the Production Number Search form (W34401C).

  • Select the Generate Prod No. option from the Row menu on the Detail Forecast Revisions form to have the system automatically generate a production number.

  • Tab out of a row for a production controlled item to have the system automatically generate a production number if the Production Number Generation processing option on the Production No. tab of the Forecast Revisions program is set to 1.

    The generated production number uses the production number type specified in the Production Number Type processing option on the Production No. tab.

When you automatically generate a production number for a forecast, the system generates a new production number based on next numbers. If branch/plant is defined as a segment in the production number, the system uses the branch/plant from the header or detail line in the production number generation (Release 9.1 Update). The system cannot override the branch/plant on the detail line (Release 9.1 Update). If month and year are defined as segments in the production number, the system uses the value from the Date Created field in the Production Number Master program (P34401) (Release 9.1 Update).

The production number resides in a cache file. You can blank out the Production Number field if you do not want the production number and then go back and generate another production number. When you click OK to accept the forecast, the system creates the production number record in the Production Number Master File table.

The system also stores the production number record in the Production Number Master Tag File table (F34401T). However, the record does not include a number in the order number (DOCO) field so the field value is set to 0 (zero). (Release 9.1 Update)

Although you cannot manually enter a production number in a forecast detail line, you can add an ad hoc production number to the Production Number Master File table using the Production Number Master program (P34401). You can then select the ad hoc production number from the Production Number Master File table for use in a forecast detail line.

When you create a forecast, the system verifies that the production number is not used for a sales order. The system provides an error if the production number exists for a sales order because you can have only one source of demand for a specific production number. After creating a production number, you can edit it in forecasts.

For forecasts containing production controlled items, the system retrieves the Company from the branch/plant specified in the Detail Forecast Revisions form. The system then uses the item number and company to validate the production number. The system does not validate the customer number because no customer is required in the forecast for production controlled items.

The system stores production number information in the Forecast File table (F3460). The Production Number Master File table (F34401) contains data item PNDMDFLG to indicate F for forecasts and S for sales orders.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management system contains no intelligence specific to forecasting for production controlled items. The forecast is only labeled with the production number.

The system supports forecasts through electronic data interchange (EDI) using the following programs:

  • Forecast Transactions Revisions (P3460Z1)

  • Forecast Inbound Processor (R3460Z1I)

  • Outbound Extraction - Forecast (R47062)

7.3.2 Prerequisites

Before you work with forecast revisions for production controlled items, you must:

  • Set the processing options on the Production No. tab of the Forecast Revisions program to set up automatic generation of production numbers for production controlled items in forecasts.

  • Set the processing options for your version of the Forecast Revisions program.

See "Setting Processing Options for Forecast Revisions (P3460)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Forecast Management Implementation Guide.

7.3.3 Forms Used to Revise Detail Forecasts for Production Controlled Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Forecasts W3460B Periodic Forecasting Operations (G3421), Enter/Change Actuals Work with detail forecasts for production controlled items.
Detail Forecast Revisions W3460A On the Work With Forecasts form, select a row and click Select. Revise detail forecasts for production controlled items.

7.3.4 Revising Detail Forecasts for Production Controlled Items

Access the Detail Forecast Revisions form.