8 Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning for Project Manufacturing

This chapter contains the following topics:

8.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning for Project Manufacturing

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning from Oracle provides a means for you to use resource planning tools in distribution or manufacturing environments. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning enables you to use supply and demand balancing logic to create material schedules and detailed production plans that support single-facility or multifacility planning.

See "Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning system integrates with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Manufacturing to support production controlled items.

The process flow for Requirements Planning for Project Manufacturing uses many of the same programs as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning.

You use a production number to track the demand of production controlled items in sales order detail lines and forecasts. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system allows only one type of top-level demand for production controlled items with an associated production number at any instant in time, either a forecast or a sales order. If a production controlled item has a sales order, then the item with the same production number cannot have a forecast.

The system considers safety stock as generic demand whether or not JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Manufacturing is enabled. Production controlled inventory is not used to supply safety stock.

MRP includes the in transit, inspection, and other quantity buckets as on-hand inventory if the Receipt Routing Quantities processing options on the On Hand Data tab of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program (R3482) and On Hand tab of the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant program (R3483) are set to a value of 1 (Release 9.1 Update).

The system stores production number information in the following tables:

  • MPS/MRP/DRP Message File (F3411)

  • MPS/MRP/DRP Lower Level Requirements File (F3412)

  • Vendor Schedule Quantity File (F3430)

  • Vendor Schedule Commitment File (F3435)

  • Ad Hoc Vendor Schedule File (F3450)

  • Forecast File (F3460)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning system does not support the following functionality for production controlled items:

  • Fixed order quantity.

  • Forecast consumption.

  • Planning time fence rules:


    A production number can have only one source of demand. Because a production number has either a forecast or a sales order, the following functionality is not supported for an item with an associated production number.

    • C: Customer demand before, greater of forecast or customer demand after

    • F: Forecast before, forecast plus customer demand after

    • G: Greater of forecast or customer demand before, forecast after

    • H: Greater of forecast or customer demand before (for forecast consumption)

    • S: Customer demand before, forecast after

    • 3: Zero before, forecast plus customer demand after

8.1.1 Time Series for Production Controlled Items

Use the appropriate version of the MPS Time Series program (P3413) to review the item series for the material requirements plan.

See "Analyzing Planning Output" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

The MPS Time Series program does not contain any specific functionality for production controlled items. The time series displays only quantities that are not associated with production numbers. Thus, any work orders, purchase orders, or sales orders tagged to a production number do not affect the time series. You can review production number information in the Production Number Workbench program (P34403).

If the Suppress Time Series processing option on the Performance tab of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482) and Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant (R3483) programs is set to blank to generate the time series, then the time series may contain invalid data.

8.1.2 Multifacility Requirements Plans for Production Controlled Items

After you set up supply and demand relationships among branch/plants, you can use the Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP), Master Production Scheduling (MPS), and Material Requirements Planning (MRP) gross regeneration versions of the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant program (R3483) to generate a multifacility plan.

See "Generating Multifacility Requirement Plans" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

You run the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant program for production controlled items, and the system creates messages and time phases by production number.

8.2 Prerequisite

Before you work with production controlled items in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning, you must set the processing options for your version of the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant program.

See "Setting Processing Options for Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant (R3483)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

8.3 Generating Material Requirements Plans for Production Controlled Items

This section provides an overview of material requirements planning for production controlled items and lists prerequisites.

8.3.1 Understanding Material Requirements Planning for Production Controlled Items

You can generate a material requirements plan for:

  • A single item.

  • All items.

  • Only items that are affected by transactions since the plan was last generated.

When you generate a material requirements plan, the system evaluates selected information, performs calculations, and recommends a time-phased replenishment plan for all selected items. MRP output consists of information in the time series, action messages, and pegging. MRP output consists of information in the time series, action messages, and pegging.

You use the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program (R3482) to create and manage material requirements plans.

See "Generating Material Requirements Plans" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

You run the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program to generate an MRP plan by item. You must set the Process Planning processing option on the Mfg Mode tab to a value of 2 to consider production numbers when generating the MRP plan.

The system uses the standard supply and demand inclusion rules during MRP generation to drive the demand and supply calculations for production controlled items.

The MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program uses the demand from the production number as another dimension of supply and demand for production controlled items. The system does not consolidate the demand from two different production numbers. MRP plans for each combination of item and production number demand.

MRP reads the Item Location Tag File table (F41021T) and matches on-hand supply with demand from forecast and sales orders.

If the Receipt Routing Quantities processing options on the On Hand Data tab of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning and On Hand tab of the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant programs are set to 1 to include receipt routing quantities in on-hand inventory, then MRP reads the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121) and Purchase Order Receipt Routing File (F43092) tables. MRP identifies and adds the quantities in the in transit, inspection, quantity 1, and quantity 2 buckets as on-hand supply for a specific production number. MRP does not use the F41021T table for items in receipt routing as the in transit, inspection, quantity 1, and quantity 2 fields are not in the F41021T table. (Release 9.1 Update)

Messages generated for production controlled items contain a production number. However, messages for production controlled items do not contain a production number if the parent item in a multilevel bill of material is not production controlled.

8.3.2 Prerequisites

Before you generate material requirements plans for production controlled items, you must:

  • Set the processing options for your version of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program to use for production controlled items.

  • Set the Process Planning processing option on the Mfg Mode tab of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program to a value of 2.

  • Set the Receipt Routing Quantities processing options on the On Hand Data tab of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning and On Hand tab of the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant (R3483) programs to a value of 1 to include receipt routing quantities for production controlled items in on-hand inventory (Release 9.1 Update).

See "Setting Processing Options for MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

8.4 Working with Detail Messages for Production Controlled Items

This section provides an overview of detail messages for production controlled items, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to work with detail messages for production controlled items.

8.4.1 Understanding Detail Messages for Production Controlled Items

You can manually review and process messages using the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program (P3411).

After you generate master schedule output, you review the action messages for the individual item numbers. After you review each message, you can perform one of these actions:

  • Place the message on hold.

  • Clear the message.

  • Delete the message.

    You can delete any message that you have reviewed but did not process.

  • Process the message.

See "Analyzing Planning Output" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

See "Processing Planning Output" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

You use the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program to inquire, add, edit, delete, and process messages for production controlled items.

As you process messages, the system updates the following tables:

  • MPS/MRP/DRP Message File (F3411)

  • Sales Order Detail File (F4211)

  • Purchase Order Detail File (F4311)

  • Work Order Master Tag File (F4801T)

The Production Number field and QBE line appear in the detail grid on the Work With Detail Messages form. The Production Number field also appears in the detail grid on the Detail Message Revisions form.

The system supports work, purchase, and transfer order message processing scenarios for production controlled items.

When you process action messages for single and multiple rows with an associated production number, the system updates the order based on the inclusion rules and statuses that are defined in the system. If you change the production number on the Detail Message Revisions form, the change is also reflected in the order.

You process order messages with message types O (order) and B (order and expedite) to create the corresponding orders.

When you process WO (work order) type order messages, the system updates the F3411 and F4801T tables. For multiple rows that contain production numbers, the system creates separate work orders with the respective production numbers populated in the Manufacturing Work Order Processing program (P48013).

When you process OP (purchase order) type order messages, the system updates the F3411 and F4311 tables. For multiple rows that contain different suppliers, the system creates a separate purchase order header and detail lines with the production number populated in the detail line. The production number is not editable.

When you process multiple rows of OP type order messages with production numbers that have the same supplier and the Consolidate processing option on the PO Info tab of the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program is set to consolidate purchase orders, the system creates a single purchase order with multiple detail lines. The associated production number populates the detail lines, but the production numbers are not editable.

When you process OT (transfer order) type order messages, the system updates the F3411, F4311, and F4211 tables. For multiple rows that contain production numbers, the system processes the message and updates the Order Number field. The F4311 and F4211 tables contain the production number.

When you process multiple rows of OT type order messages with production numbers and the Consolidate processing option on the OT Info tab of the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program is set to consolidate transfer orders, the system creates a single transfer order with multiple detail lines. The associated production numbers populate the detail lines.

When you process multiple rows of OT type order messages with production numbers and the Consolidate processing option on the OT Info tab is set to not consolidate transfer orders, the system creates separate transfer orders with a blank production number in the Sales Order Entry (P4210) and Purchase Orders (P4310) programs.

On the Work With Detail Messages form, you select the Auto Process option in the Row menu to automatically process action messages. For multiple rows of order type messages and action messages, the system processes the messages and updates the Msg Typ (message type) field to P, sets the Message Processed field to Y, and populates the Order Number field with the work order number. The system updates the F3411, Work Order Master File (F4801), and F4801T tables.

8.4.2 Prerequisite

Before you work with detail messages for production controlled items, you must set the processing options for your version of the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program (P3411).

See "Setting Processing Options for MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions (P3411)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

8.4.3 Forms Used to Work with Detail Messages for Production Controlled Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Detail Messages W3411D MRP Daily Operations (G3413), MRP Detail Message Review
  • Review detail messages generated by the Requirements Planning Regeneration program.
  • Work with detail messages for production controlled items.

  • Process work order and purchase order messages individually by selecting Process Message(s) from the Row menu.

  • Clear messages by selecting Clear Message from the Row menu.

Detail Message Revisions W3411B On the Work With Detail Messages form, select a row and select Message Revision from the Row menu. On the Detail Message Revisions form, select Hold/Release from the Row menu. Place messages on hold.

8.4.4 Working with Detail Messages for Production Controlled Items

Access the Work With Detail Messages form.

8.5 Reviewing Pegging Demand for Production Controlled Items

This section provides an overview of pegging demand for production controlled items, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to review pegging demand for production controlled items.

8.5.1 Understanding Pegging Demand for Production Controlled Items

Use the Pegging Inquiry program (P3412) to determine, or peg, the source of demand for dependent requirements.

See "Analyzing Planning Output" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

The Production Number field appears in the header and detail grid of the Work With Pegging Inquiry form. You can view all dependent demand or pegging records related to a production number.

8.5.2 Prerequisite

Before you review pegging demand for production controlled items, you must set the processing options for your version of the Pegging Inquiry program (P3412).

See "Setting Processing Options for Pegging Inquiry (P3412)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

8.5.3 Form Used to Review Pegging Demand for Production Controlled Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Pegging Inquiry W3412A MRP Daily Operations (G3413), Pegging Inquiry Review the sources of dependent demand.

8.5.4 Reviewing Pegging Demand for Production Controlled Items

Access the Work With Pegging Inquiry form.

8.6 Processing Messages Automatically for Production Controlled Items

This section provides an overview of automatic message processing for production controlled items, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to process messages automatically for production controlled items.

8.6.1 Understanding Automatic Message Processing for Production Controlled Items

As an alternative to processing messages interactively, you can run the MRP/MPS Detail Message Processing program (R3411).

See "Processing Planning Output" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

When you run the MRP/MPS Detail Message Processing program, the program processes the following types of messages for work orders, purchase orders, and transfer orders:

  • B: Order and expedite.

  • C: Cancel.

  • D: Defer.

  • E: Expedite.

  • G: Increase order quantity to.

  • L: Decrease order quantity to.

  • O: Order.

When you run the MRP/MPS Detail Message Processing program, the default data selection consists of:

  • Where Action - Message Control (F3411) (MSGA) [BC] is not equal to Y

  • and Action - Message Control (F3411) (MSGA) [BC] is not equal to E

  • and Action - Message Control (F3411) (MSGA) [BC] is not equal to X

As you process messages automatically, the system updates the following tables:

  • MPS/MRP/DRP Message File (F3411)

  • Sales Order Detail File (F4211)

  • Purchase Order Detail File (F4311)

  • Work Order Master Tag File (F4801T)

The system supports work, purchase, and transfer order message processing scenarios for production controlled items.

The system updates the F3411 and F4801T tables when processing WO (work order) type order messages. For multiple rows that contain production numbers, the system creates separate work orders with the respective production numbers populated in the Manufacturing Work Order Processing program (P48013).

The system updates the F3411 and F4311 tables when processing OP (purchase order) type order messages. For multiple rows that contain different suppliers, the system creates a separate purchase order header and detail lines with the production number populated in the detail line. The production number is not editable.

When you process multiple rows of OP type order messages with production numbers that have the same supplier and the Consolidate processing option on the PO Info tab of the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program is set to consolidate purchase orders, the system creates a single purchase order with multiple detail lines. The associated production number populates the detail lines, but the production numbers are not editable.

The system updates the F3411, F4311, and F4211 tables when processing OT (transfer order) type order messages. For multiple rows that contain production numbers, the system processes the message and updates the Order Number field. The F4311 and F4211 tables contain the production number.

When you process multiple rows of OT type order messages with production numbers and the Consolidate processing option on the OT Info tab of the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program is set to consolidate transfer orders, the system creates a single transfer order with multiple detail lines. The associated production numbers populate the detail lines.

When you process multiple rows of OT type order messages with production numbers and the Consolidate processing option on the OT Info tab is set to not consolidate transfer orders, the system creates separate transfer orders with a blank production number in the Sales Order Entry (P4210) and Purchase Orders (P4310) programs.

The production number populates all the orders created and is retained in all modified orders.

8.6.2 Prerequisite

Before you process messages automatically for production controlled items, you must set the processing options for your version of the MRP/MPS Detail Message Processing program (R3411).

See "Setting Processing Options for MRP/MPS Detail Message Processing (R3411)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

8.6.3 Processing Messages Automatically for Production Controlled Items

Select MRP Daily Operations (G3413), MRP Detail Message Processing.

8.7 Working with Supplier Release Scheduling for Production Controlled Items

This section provides an overview of supplier release scheduling for production controlled items, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Generate contract-based supplier release schedules for production controlled items.

  • Revise contract-based supplier release schedules for production controlled items.

  • Enter ad hoc schedules for production controlled items.

  • Run supplier schedule release generation for production controlled items.

8.7.1 Understanding Supplier Release Scheduling for Production Controlled Items

Supplier release scheduling provides suppliers with consistent shipping information and advanced demand profiles to support the goal of just-in-time production and delivery.

See "Understanding Supplier Release Scheduling" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

See "Setting Up Supplier Release Scheduling" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.

The system supports production controlled items in the following programs:

  • Supplier Schedule Generation (R34400)

  • Supplier Schedule Revisions (P34301)

  • Ad Hoc Schedule Revisions (P34302)

  • Supplier Schedule Release Generation (R34410)

  • Supplier Schedule Print (R34450)

You can generate a supplier release schedule from existing blanket orders for production controlled items. You run the Supplier Schedule Generation program to generate a supplier release schedule based on item number, blanket order number, and production number. Blanket orders can have multiple production numbers in a detail line.

The Production Number field and QBE line appear in the detail grid of the Release Schedule form (W34301I).

The system supports ad hoc schedules for production controlled items when blanket orders do not exist for the items.

Forecasts generate demand by item number and production number.

You can also use production controlled items in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Supplier Relationship Management product from Oracle.

See "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne SRMC Overview" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Buyer Workspace and Supplier Self Service Implementation Guide.

8.7.2 Prerequisites

Before you work with supplier release scheduling for production controlled items, you must:

8.7.3 Forms Used to Work with Supplier Release Scheduling for Production Controlled Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Vendor Schedule Revisions W34301B MRP Daily Operations (G3413), Enter/Change Schedule

On the Vendor Schedule Revisions form, find and select a schedule for an item.

Revise contract-based supplier release schedules for production controlled items.
Add Ad Hoc Schedules W34302E EnterpriseOne Collaborative Portal, Ad Hoc Schedule Advanced Search

On the Search For Ad Hoc Schedules form, complete the filter fields and click Find.

On the View Ad Hoc Schedules form, click Add Record.

Enter ad hoc schedules for production controlled items.

The supplier enters committed quantities.

Edit Ad Hoc Schedules W34302C On the View Ad Hoc Schedules form, click Edit. Edit ad hoc schedules.

8.7.4 Generating Contract-Based Supplier Release Schedules for Production Controlled Items

Select Single Site Periodic Planning Operations (G3422), Generate Supplier Schedule.

8.7.5 Revising Contract-Based Supplier Release Schedules for Production Controlled Items

Access the Vendor Schedule Revisions form.

8.7.6 Entering Ad Hoc Schedules for Production Controlled Items

Access the Add Ad Hoc Schedules form.

8.7.7 Running Supplier Schedule Release Generation for Production Controlled Items

Select Single Site Periodic Planning Operations (G3422), Release Supplier Schedule.