A Error Messages for South Korean VAT Reports

This appendix contains this topic:

A.1 Error Messages

Certain processing options in the Generic VAT Extractor program (R700001) are required when you run the program to generate VAT reports for South Korea. When you run the Generic VAT Extractor program and a required processing option fails validation, then the system generates an error message to help you identify why the system did not complete the process.

This table described the causes and resolutions for the error messages:

Error Message Description
Fiscal Company TRN invalid CAUSE: Report Header - The Tax Registration Number is invalid for the Fiscal Company entered in the Generic VAT Extractor processing options. The tax registration number must be 10 or 13 characters, and it cannot be blank.

RESOLUTION: Verify that the address book record for the Company specified in the Company processing option includes a valid value in the Tax ID field.

Supplier/Customer TRN invalid CAUSE: The Tax Registration Number is invalid for the customer or supplier. The tax registration number must be 10 or 13 characters, and it cannot be blank.

RESOLUTION: Verify that the address book record for the customer or supplier of the Company processing option includes a valid value in the Tax ID field.

Company is blank CAUSE: Report Header - The Fiscal Company processing option is blank.

RESOLUTION: Enter a valid value for the Company processing option (Fiscal Information tab).

Legal Representative is blank CAUSE: Report Header - The Legal Representative processing option is blank.

RESOLUTION: Enter a valid value for the Legal Representative processing option (Fiscal Information tab).

Location is blank CAUSE: Report Header - The Location retrieved for the Company specified in the Company processing option is blank.

RESOLUTION: In the address book record of the company specified in the Company processing option, complete the Address Line 1 (ADD1) and Address Line 2 (ADD2) fields.

Date From PO is required CAUSE: Date From processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a date in the Date From processing option or leave the Declaration Date processing option on the Validations tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the from date.

Date To PO is required CAUSE: Date To processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a date in the Date To processing option or leave the Declaration Date processing option on the Validation tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the to date.

Declaration Number PO is required CAUSE: Declaration Number processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a value in the Declaration Number processing option on the Declaration Information tab or leave the Declaration Number processing option on the Validation tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the declaration number.

Declaration Type PO is required CAUSE: Declaration Type processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a value in the Declaration Type processing option on the Declaration Information tab or leave the Declaration Type processing option on the Validation tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the declaration type.

Declaration Period Type PO is required CAUSE: Declaration Period Type processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a value in the Declaration Period Type processing option on the Declaration Information tab or leave the Declaration Period Type processing option on the Validation tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the declaration period type.

Declaration Period PO is required CAUSE: Declaration Period processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a value in the Declaration Period processing option on the Declaration Information tab or leave the Declaration Period processing option on the Validation tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the declaration period.

Declaration Date PO is required CAUSE: Declaration Date processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a value in the Declaration Date processing option on the Declaration Information tab or leave the Declaration Date processing option on the Validation tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the declaration date.

Declaration Year PO is required CAUSE: Declaration Year processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a value in the Declaration Year processing option on the Declaration Information tab or leave the Declaration Year processing option on the Validation tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the declaration year.

Declaration Site PO is required CAUSE: Declaration Site processing option is set up to be required but its value was not entered.

RESOLUTION: Either enter a value in the Declaration Site processing option on the Declaration Information tab or leave the Declaration Site processing option on the Validation tab blank to remove the requirement of providing the declaration site.