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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 2 ( for Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-Bit)

Part Number E16643-07
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1 What You Should Know Before Installing Oracle Beehive

This chapter describes the hardware and software prerequisites of Oracle Beehive and available installation scenarios. It covers the following topics:


This section describes the following Oracle Beehive software and hardware requirements:

Operating System Certification

Oracle Beehive is certified for Oracle Solaris 10 on SPARC (64-bit).

The hardware and software requirements included in this installation guide were current at the time this guide was published. However, because new platforms and operating system software versions might be certified after this guide is published, review the certification matrix on the My Oracle Support Web site for the most up-to-date list of certified hardware platforms and operating system versions.My Oracle Support is available at the following URL:

You must register online before using My Oracle Support.

Use the following steps to locate the certification information for your platform:

  1. After logging in, click the Certifications tab.

  2. In the Certification Search pane, on the Search tab, select the following information:

    • Product: Enter the product name or select from the drop-down list of Products.

    • Release: Select the release number of the product.

    • Platform: Select the target platform by choosing from the submenu list.

    For example, certification matrix for Oracle Beehive, Release 2.0, on Oracle Solaris 10.

  3. Click Search.

    A new window appears with the product certification details.

  4. Click the Release Number link to view the certified version of the product on a specific operating system version.

    For example, Oracle Beehive 2.0 is certified with Oracle Database on Operating System Oracle Solaris 10.

  5. Click the Operating System version to view Support Information and Notes.


    Contact your Oracle sales representative if you do not have a My Oracle Support account.

Required Operating Systems Packages for SPARC

Oracle Beehive requires the following packages on Solaris operating systems (SPARC 64-Bit):

  • SUNWbtool

  • SUNWhea

  • SUNWlibm

  • SUNWlibms

  • SUNWsprot

  • SUNWtoo

  • SUNWi1of

  • SUNWxwfnt

Required Operating System Patches

Currently, no patches are required for Solaris 10. However, updates are often made to the list of required patches for J2SE. Click the "Readme" link on the following URL for the current list of patches:

Increasing Shell Limits on Solaris


In order to install Oracle Beehive, the maximum number of open file descriptors must be at least 4096.

In particular, on Solaris, ensure that the output from the command ulimit -n is at least 4096.

Although the steps in this section increase the value of the maximum number of open file descriptors, ensure that the kernel parameter fs.file-max is set to a value equal or higher than the value of hard nofile in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.

To improve the performance of Oracle Beehive on Solaris, increase the following shell limits for the user installing Oracle Beehive:

  • Maximum number of open file descriptors, hard limit: 65536

  • Maximum number of processes available to a single user, hard limit: 16384

For more information, refer to Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual from the Solaris 10 Operating System Documentation Library on the Oracle Technology Network's Documentation Home Page.

Database Requirements

Refer to Oracle Beehive Database Requirements for information about Oracle Beehive database requirements, creating databases, and configuring database settings.


The installation scenario "Installing Oracle Beehive for Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)" does not require a database.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Requirements

If you want to install the Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application, which enables you to install Oracle Beehive from Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control, you must have Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 5 Grid Control ( or later.

Hardware Requirements

The following are the minimum hardware requirements for Oracle Beehive:

  • Disk Space: 2.6 GB


    Installing Oracle Beehive on a Network File System (NFS) file system is currently not supported.
  • Swap Space: Oracle Beehive requires at least 2,048 MB available swap space.

  • Memory:

    • Oracle Beehive (refer to "Template Information" for more information about these templates):

      • Basic Server Template: 2 GB

      • Basic Server and Client Template: 3 GB

      • Client Only Template: 2 GB

    • Oracle Beehive for DMZ: 1 GB


The values for minimum disk space and memory do not include the amounts required for the target database.

Oracle Beehive does not support IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6). You must disable IPv6 from the server on which you plan to install Oracle Beehive before starting the installation process.

Host Name Resolution

Before installing Oracle Beehive, configure host name resolution and verify that your host name or host names resolve.

  1. Verify that the host name has been set by using the hostname command:


    The output of this command should be similar to the following:
  2. Verify that the /etc/hosts file contains the fully qualified host name by using the following command:

    cat /etc/hosts | grep 'eval hostname'

    The output of this command should contain an entry for the fully qualified host name and for localhost. For example:      myhost          localhost                 localhost.localdomain

    If the /etc/hosts file does not contain the fully qualified host name, then edit the file and make the required changes in it.

Installation Scenarios

This section describes the possible ways you may install Oracle Beehive. It covers the following topics:

Installing Oracle Beehive Against an Existing Database

This is the standard installation scenario that will give you a fully functioning instance of Oracle Beehive.

This scenario gives you the choice to install and configure Oracle Beehive, or to install Oracle Beehive now and configure it later.

For more information about installing Oracle Beehive against an existing database, refer to "Oracle Beehive (Standard Installation) Sequence of Screens".

Installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra

Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra is a Web-based client for Oracle Beehive. To install this product, select the Basic Server and Client template when installing Oracle Beehive. This will install Oracle Beehive and Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra in the same location. Alternatively, if you have already installed at least one Oracle Beehive instance, you may select the Client Only template, which enables you to install Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra in a different location than your Oracle Beehive instance.

For more information, refer to "Template Information" in."Oracle Beehive (Standard Installation) Sequence of Screens"

After installing this product, refer to "Configuring Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra".

Installing Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application to Provision Oracle Beehive Products

Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control offers a centralized environment with which you can manage the complete Oracle IT infrastructure, including systems running Oracle and non-Oracle technologies. Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control gives you a broad set of administration, configuration management, provisioning, end-to-end monitoring, and security capabilities.

Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application enables you to install and configure Oracle Beehive products in the robust environment of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application enables you to upload installable versions of Oracle Beehive products into the central software library of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control. It also creates the Oracle Beehive Enterprise Deployment Procedure with which you can install and configure Oracle Beehive products on any host through the Deployment Procedure Manager of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

Refer to "Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application Sequence of Screens" and "Provisioning Oracle Beehive" for more information.


If you have any additional management service instances connected to the Management Repository, you must shut down all additional management service instances before installing Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application.

Installing Oracle Beehive for Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

This scenario installs and configures Oracle Beehive into a demilitarized zone (DMZ) that will integrate with the rest of the Oracle Beehive system.

An Oracle Beehive DMZ configuration consists of one or more Oracle Beehive DMZ instances that are isolated from the Internet by a firewall on one side, and from one or more Oracle Beehive non-DMZ instances by a firewall on the other side. The DMZ instances are viewed as semi-secure. They are protected from the open Internet, but are not completely trusted like the non-DMZ instances that are inside the second firewall and part of the company's intranet. Oracle Beehive data is stored only in the non-DMZ instances, and administrative tasks may only be performed on the non-DMZ instances.

Oracle Beehive for DMZ requires an existing (non-DMZ) Oracle Beehive instance.

Oracle Beehive for DMZ does not require a database. However, the administration tool beectl will be disabled, because this installation scenario does not require a database, you only have to specify a target installation location, which the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard will configure as a DMZ.

The following image illustrates an Oracle Beehive DMZ instance integrated in an Oracle Beehive system:

Figure 1-1 Oracle Beehive DMZ Instance Integrated in Oracle Beehive System

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Oracle Beehive DMZ Instance Integrated in Oracle Beehive System"

For more information about installing Oracle Beehive for a DMZ, refer to "Oracle Beehive for DMZ Sequence of Screens".

Installing Oracle Beekeeper

Oracle Beekeeper is a secure, browser-based administration client. It provides Oracle Beehive administrators centralized and role-based access to system configuration and management, user and workspace administration, monitoring, and reporting functions. For more information, refer to "Oracle Beekeeper Installation Help".

Run setup.exe (Microsoft Windows) or runInstaller (UNIX-based operating systems) from the Oracle Beekeeper installation media to start the Install Wizard for this product.

Requirements and Certifications

The following are the minimum hardware requirements for Oracle Beekeeper:

  • Disk Space: 750 MB

  • Memory: 1 GB RAM

Installing Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode

Silent mode enables you to install Oracle Beehive with minimal interaction. You provide the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard with a response file that contains all the required information to install and configure Oracle Beehive. As a result, you do not have to be present to select, specify, and confirm options in each step of the installation process.

This scenario is appropriate if you want to install Oracle Beehive as a batch process or do not want to use the GUI provided by the Install Wizard.

You may install Oracle Beehive against an existing database or Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application in silent mode.

For more information about installing Oracle Beehive in silent mode, refer to "Installing Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode (Non-Interactive)".

Installing Oracle Beehive in High Availability Environment

Installing Oracle Beehive in a high availability environment involves installing a third-party load balancer, installing multiple Oracle Beehive instances, and configuring the virtual server of each instance.


If your Oracle Beehive deployment will be using WebDAV, your load balancer must be RFC 2518 (HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV) compliant.

For more information, refer to "Installing Oracle Beehive in High Availability Environment".

Installing More Than One Instance

To install more than one instance of Oracle Beehive so that each instance is in its own computer and shares the same database, simply install each instance with the Install Wizard. When entering the database information for each instance, use the same global service name for the server name.

To install multiple instances of Oracle Beehive with Oracle RAC, refer to the section, "Installing Multiple Oracle Beehive Instances with Oracle RAC".

To configure a load balancer after installing multiple Oracle Beehive instances, refer to "Installing Oracle Beehive in High Availability Environment".

Upgrading Oracle Beehive

Refer to "Upgrading Oracle Beehive Overview" for steps to perform before upgrading your Oracle Beehive deployment to Oracle Beehive Release 2 (2.0), the order in which you should upgrade Oracle Beehive products, and other procedures to perform after upgrading.

Starting Oracle Beehive Install Wizard

All installation scenarios use the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard.


Before installing Oracle Beehive, check if the file tnsnames.ora exists in the directory /etc or /var/opt/oracle. If so, either move or rename the tnsnames.ora file prior to installing Oracle Beehive.

After installing and configuring Oracle Beehive, you may move or rename the file to its original location or name.

Run runInstaller from a user account other than root to start the installation and configuration of Oracle Beehive.


Oracle Beekeeper is shipped on its own installation media (separate from Oracle Beehive). Run runInstaller from this installation media to start the installation and configuration of Oracle Beekeeper.

The Oracle Beehive Install Wizard has several command-line options available. For more information about these options, refer to "Oracle Beehive Install and Config Wizard Command-Line Options".


For all installation scenarios, except "Installing Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode", you may run the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard without any command-line options. For more information about installing Oracle Beehive in silent mode, refer to "Installing Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode (Non-Interactive)".

Cloning Application Tiers and Deployments

Cloning is the process of copying an existing installation to a different location while preserving its configuration.

You may clone an application tier, which involves preparing a "gold" image of a patched Oracle home. With this clone, you may create a new application tier with all patches applied to it in a single step. This is in contrast to separately installing, configuring, and applying any patches to Oracle Beehive.

You may also clone a deployment, which involves creating an installation that is a copy of a production, test, or development installation.

Refer to "Cloning Oracle Beehive Application Tiers and Sites" for more information.

Uninstalling Oracle Beehive

You may uninstall the following products with the Oracle Beehive Uninstall Wizard:

  • Oracle Beehive Release 2 (2.0)

  • Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application

  • Oracle Beehive for DMZ

Start the Oracle Beehive Uninstall Wizard by running the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard and clicking the Uninstall button. Alternatively, run the Oracle Beehive Config Wizard (or Oracle Beehive Install Wizard) with the -uninstall command-line option.

For more information about Oracle Beehive Install Wizard or Oracle Beehive Config Wizard, refer to "Oracle Beehive Install and Config Wizard Command-Line Options".

For more information about uninstalling Oracle Beehive, refer to "Oracle Beehive Uninstall Wizard".

You may uninstall Oracle Beehive in silent mode. For more information, refer to the section "Uninstalling Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode" in "Installing Oracle Beehive in Silent Mode (Non-Interactive)".


The Oracle Beehive Uninstall Wizard cannot remove the Oracle Beehive schema of a site-cloned application tier. Refer to "Manually Deleting Oracle Beehive Tablespaces and Datafiles" in "Oracle Beehive Uninstall Wizard" to manually remove the schema.