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Oracle® Beehive Application Developer's Guide
Release 2 (

Part Number E16652-04
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Oracle® Beehive

Application Developer's Guide

Release 2 (


July 2012

Welcome to the Oracle Beehive Application Developer's Guide.

This guide lists the useful resources required by developers working on Beehive for all Platforms.

Oracle Beehive Application Developer's Guide

Oracle Beehive provides you with the following tools, technologies, and resources that enable you to integrate Oracle Beehive into your applications:

Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Services

Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Services consists of APIs that enable you to develop Web applications. These APIs are implemented with the principals of REST, Representational State Transfer:

  • API URLs point to the resource being used rather than a generic method endpoint.

  • Requests use standard HTTP verbs for simplified CRUD methods: Create, POST; Retrieve, GET; Update, PUT; and DELETE. Standard HTTP verbs are used for other methods such as Read Batch, Delete Batch, and Lock (POST).

  • Create and Update data is sent as a POST body (JSON and XML).

  • Every request returns a projection of the representation of the object created, updated, or retrieved. (A projection is a defined subset of a particular representation's data members.)

Refer to Oracle Beehive Developer's Page for sample code that demonstrates how to use Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Services.

Refer to Oracle Beehive RESTful Web Service API Reference documentation for API descriptions and programming tips. This reference is also available on your Oracle Beehive instance at <Host name and port of your Oracle Beehive HTTP server>/comb/v1/docs.

Oracle Beehive SOAP Web Services API Reference

Oracle Beehive SOAP Web Services API Reference are APIs that enable you to develop Web applications.

Oracle Beehive SOAP Web Services allow programmatic access to Beehive services and data in a Service Oriented (SOA) environment. The API is exposed via a SOAP interface for application to application level integrations where human intervention is not possible.

Refer to Oracle Beehive Developer's Page for sample code that uses this API.

Refer to the Oracle Beehive Soap Web Services API Reference documentation to learn more.

Oracle Beehive Business Intelligence

Oracle Beehive Business Views enables database administrators to obtain statistical information about workspaces and documents within a particular scope (enterprise, organization, or workspace). A business view is a tailored presentation of database data.

Refer to Oracle Beehive Business Views guide for a description of all the available business views and sample SQL queries.

Refer to Extending Reporting Capabilities of Oracle Beehive Business Views on Oracle Beehive Developer's Page for techniques to extend its reporting capabilities and how to integrate Oracle Business Views with Oracle Application Express.

Oracle Beehive Developer's Page

The Oracle Beehive Developer's Page contains samples, tutorials, and dynamic versions of reference documentation.

On this page, click on the topic heading to view sample codes where relevant. Click Documentation to view the product guides. One can also access the forum for the topic by clicking on the Forum link.

For more information on Beehive documentation, refer to the Oracle Beehive Documentation library, release 2 (2.0).

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Beehive Application Developer's Guide, Release 2 (


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