20 Testing Pipeline Manager

This chapter describes basic start, stop, and configuration tests for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Pipeline Manager.

About Testing Pipeline Manager

To test Pipeline Manager, follow the procedures in these sections:


To perform a test start and stop of the Pipeline Manager database, contact your database administrator.
  1. Starting Pipeline Manager

  2. Using Pipeline Configuration Manager to Configure Pipeline Manager

  3. Testing Pipeline Manager without a Database Connection

  4. Testing Pipeline Manager with a Database Connection

  5. Testing Single and Multiple Pipeline Rating with BRM


    After testing basic pipeline operation, see "Configuring Pipeline Manager" and "Optimizing Pipeline Manager Performance" in BRM System Administrator's Guide for more information on configuration and tuning.

Starting Pipeline Manager

You start Pipeline Manager by using one of the following methods:


When Pipeline Manager cannot establish a connection with the Pipeline Manager database (most likely because the database is down), you receive an error message and the Pipeline Manager startup is canceled.

For more information on parameters used with the ifw command, see "Starting and Stopping Pipeline Manager Manually" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

If there are startup issues, the system stops and sends notifications to the process log and stdout.


The path and file name of the process log are defined in the ProcessLog section of the startup registry.

Stopping Pipeline Manager

You stop Pipeline Manager by using the pin_ctl utility, or a semaphore. See "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" and "Starting and Stopping Pipeline Manager Manually" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Testing Pipeline Manager without a Database Connection

To test Pipeline Manager without database access:

  1. Go to the system directory.

  2. Source the source.me.sh for the shell:

    % source source.me.sh


    The source.me.sh is for a bash shell. If you use a C shell, enter source.me.csh.
  3. Go to the Pipeline_home directory.

  4. Start Pipeline Manager with the simple.reg registry file:

    bin/ifw -r Pipeline_home/samples/simple/simple.reg

    The system starts without a database connection and two sample EDR files are processed.

  5. To confirm that the sample EDR files are processed, go to the Pipeline_home/samples/simple/data/out directory and open the output file.

  6. If an error occurs:

    • An output reject file is created in the Pipeline_home/samples/simple/data/rej directory.

    • The input file is moved to the err directory. You can find it in the Pipeline_home/samples/simple/data/err directory.

  7. Stop Pipeline Manager. See "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Testing Pipeline Manager with a Database Connection

To test Pipeline Manager with database access:

  1. Go to the system directory.

  2. Source the source.me.sh for the shell:

    source source.me.sh


    The source.me.sh is for a bash shell. If you use a C shell, enter source.me.csh.
  3. Open the Pipeline_home/samples/simple/simple.reg file by using a text editor such as vi.

  4. In the ifw.DataPool.PrefixDescData section:

    • Comment out the Source parameter entry with the File value and uncomment the entry with the Database value.

    • Be sure that the DataConnection parameter is set to ifw.Datapool.Login.

  5. Be sure that the DBC module is configured with values for the UserName, PassWord, and DataBaseName parameters.

    See "Database Connect (DBC)" in BRM Configuring Pipeline Rating and Discounting.

  6. Save the file.

  7. Start Pipeline Manager with the simple.reg registry file.

    bin/ifw -r Pipeline_home/samples/simple/simple.reg
  8. If you previously tested Pipeline Manager without a database connection, move the done EDR files from the /samples/simple/data/done directory to the /samples/simple/data/out directory and rename the file to *edr.

    The system is running without a database connection; and it processes two sample EDR files.

  9. To confirm that the sample EDR files are processed, go to the Pipeline_home/samples/simple/data/out directory and open the output file.

  10. If an error occurs:

    • An output reject file is created in the Pipeline_home/samples/simple/data/rej directory.

    • The input file is moved to the err directory.

      You can find it in the Pipeline_home/samples/simple/data/err directory.

  11. Stop Pipeline Manager.

    See "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Testing Single and Multiple Pipeline Rating with BRM

This test uses the whole range of Pipeline Manager functions. To perform a wireless test run:


All steps in this section are required. This procedure uses a sample wireless price plan, pipeline registry file, and CDR. For your implementation, you must perform these steps using either your custom price plan and registry file or the samples.
  1. Go to the system directory.

  2. Source the source.me.sh for the shell:



    The source.me.sh is for a bash shell. If you use a C shell, enter source.me.csh.
  3. Run the Pipeline_home/conf/pricingdata/Oracle/insertWIRELESS_SAMPLE.pl script.


    This script loads the sample wireless price plan configuration into your Pipeline Manager database.


    If you ran this script in a previous test, you do not have to run it again.
  4. Open a sample wireless registry file.

    For single pipeline testing: Pipeline_home/conf/wireless.reg.


    To isolate potential problems, perform a single pipeline test first.
  5. Be sure that the DBC module is configured with values for the UserName, PassWord, and DataBaseName parameters.

    See Database Connect (DBC) in BRM Configuring Pipeline Rating and Discounting.

  6. Start Pipeline Manager.

    For single pipeline testing, use the wireless.reg registry file:

    bin/ifw -r conf/wireless.reg
  7. Create sample CDRs.

    See "Creating a Sample CDR File".


    Use the file naming format teststring.edr, where string is any string. The CDRs must match your BRM data (service, origin, timestamps).
  8. Stop Pipeline Manager.

    See "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Creating a Sample CDR File

Your sample CDR must be formatted using:

  • Plain ASCII

  • Semi-colon-separated

  • One record per line

All lines, including the last record, must end with a NL (new line) character.

Example 20-1 Sample Format:


Table 20-1 describes CDR field formats and restrictions:

Table 20-1 CDR Field Formats

Field Description and Format


The service code.

Maximum length: 3 characters.

The following service code values are predefined in the sample rate plan:

  • TEL

  • GPR

  • SMS

  • WAP

  • DAT

  • FAX


The call's originating number.

Maximum length: 40 characters.

Sample value: 00491729183333


The call's target number.

Maximum length: 40 characters.

Sample value: 004941067600


The call start time.


Sample values: 20011114184510 (for '14.11.2001 18:45:10')


The call duration in seconds.

Maximum length: 11 digits.

Sample value: 300 (for 5 minutes)


The number of bytes sent in the call.

Maximum length: 11 digits.

Sample value: (1024 for 1 KB)


The number of bytes received in the call.

Maximum length: 11 digits.

Sample value: (1024 for 1 KB)

(Optional) callclass

The class of call.

Maximum length: 5 characters.

The following call class values are predefined in the sample rate plan:

  • Conf = Conference Call

  • Mail = Mailbox Inquiry

  • MOC = Mobile-Originated Call (Outgoing Roaming)

  • MTC = Mobile-Terminated Call (Incoming Roaming)


The access point name for the call.

Maximum length: 64 characters.

Sample use: specifying the URL for GPRS

Example 20-2 Sample CDR Records



If you cannot start Pipeline Manager, it can be due to the following problems or errors:


Error messages are written into the process log file and into the pipeline log files. For more information on pipeline log files, see "About Pipeline Manager Log Files" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
  • The user environment is not set correctly.

    Solution: Correct the errors in the environment settings.

  • The registry contains errors.

    Solution: Check the registry for type errors, missing brackets, missing or incorrect entries, and so on.


    Registry entries are case-sensitive.
  • Paths are missing.

    Solution: Create the missing paths according to the definition in the startup registry.

  • A lock file already exists.

    Solution: If the BRM framework has not been stopped correctly, a lock file already exists. Delete the lock file and then stop and restart Pipeline Manager framework.

  • The database is not opened/the listener has not been started.

    Solution: Open the database and start the listener.

  • The database entries contain errors.

    Solution: Check the created database schemes.