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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Imaging and Process Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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3.3 Configuration of Repository Options

Oracle I/PM uses the functionality of the Oracle Content Server to store and retrieve documents. Documents are stored and secured based on criteria specified in the application into which they were uploaded. You must create a connection for Oracle I/PM to recognize the repository you are using. For more information about creating a connection, see "Managing Connections".

Configuring repository options, such as defining the maximum number of search results returned or if the full-text of a document can be indexed, must be done through the Oracle Content Server repository. It is recommended that you make all necessary repository configuration prior to defining any application, input, search, or connection objects in Oracle I/PM. For more information, see the Oracle Universal Content Management Managing Repository Content, Managing System Settings and Properties and Getting Started with Content Server guides.

3.3.1 Storage Management

Oracle Content Server uses file store providers to determine where and on what type of media content is stored. Oracle Content Server does not have the option to move documents from one media to another based on time, nor can documents be deleted based on lifecycle. File store providers are configured in Oracle Content Server independent of I/PM. If you need to move content to a different file store or delete documents and all revisions, you must do so explicitly using the Oracle Content Server Repository Manager tool. For more information on working with the Oracle Content Server repository, see the Oracle Universal Content Management File Store Provider Installation and Administration Guide, Managing Repository Content and Getting Started with Content Server guides.

For more information about configuration options provided by I/PM on the Storage Policy page, see "Application Storage Policy Page".

3.3.2 Repository Capacity

An Oracle Content Server repository can get full to the point of reducing its operating efficiency at which time it will not accept any new Oracle I/PM applications. However, you may continue to upload documents to existing applications in that repository.

An Oracle Content Server repository is considered full if any of the following are true:

  • The number of security groups exceeds the value of the environment variable IpmMaxGroupLimit.

  • The number of roles assigned permission to security groups exceeds the value of the environment variable IpmMaxGroupRoleLimit.

  • The number of metadata fields exceeds the value of the environment variable IpmMaxMetadataFields.

  • The Content Server configuration setting IpmRepositoryForceFull=True

    Setting IpmRepositoryForceFull equal to True allows you to configure Content Server to identify itself as full to I/PM in order to prevent additional applications from being created. This does not prevent documents from being uploaded.

To get additional space for applications, do one of the following:

  • Install an additional Oracle Content Server repository as a master, or set it as a proxy to the main Content Server. For information on how to configure a master or proxy server, see the Oracle Universal Content Management Managing System Settings and Processes guide.

  • Increase the values of the IpmMaxGroupRoleLimit environment variable (maximum number of security group versus security group role mappings that have privileges assigned before a Content Server is considered full) and IpmMaxMetadataFields environment variable (maximum number of metadata fields before a Content Server is considered full) by editing the config.cfg file directly or by using the Oracle Content Server administrative server. The default value for both of these variables is 500. For more information about changing Oracle Content Server environment variables, see the Oracle Universal Content Management Managing System Settings and Processes guide.

3.3.3 Storage Media

Oracle Content Server defines where and how it stores content using file store providers, which are configured in Oracle Content Server and can be a combination of any media supported by Oracle Content Server. Because document storage location is not defined by the media being used for storage, the term volume is used to represent a storage location when defining an application in the I/PM user interface. Note that Oracle I/PM cannot be used to create or define a volume. It only connects to one defined and configured by a Content Server administrator from within Oracle Content Server.

3.3.4 Oracle Content Server File Store Provider Rules

File Store Provider functionality within Content Server allows you to have more control over how and where files are stored and managed within Content Server. For example, typically you would only be able to store all content on a single file system in the vault and weblayout directories. However, using FileStoreProvider, you have the ability to store content across multiple file systems, while also being able to store content within a database. Disabling the Repository Weblayout Directory

Content Server traditionally uses a weblayout directory on a file system to store content in a format for viewing in a web browser, even though the main storage volume may be set up in a database. This can allow for faster retrieval of content when content server is being used to manage a web site, or can be used to store a secondary file used to describe the primary content item, but it doesn't have much use in an I/PM solution. Retaining a web layout directory for an exclusively I/PM solution would copy files to a web layout directory that would never get used, taking up unnecessary storage space. It is recommended that any file store provider configured for use as an I/PM volume should have the weblayout functionality disabled. For information about disabling the weblayout directory, or about FileStoreProvider in general, see the Oracle Universal Content Management File Store Provider Installation and Administration guide.

3.3.5 Additional Oracle Content Server Components

Oracle I/PM uses Oracle Content Server components to provide compatibility and additional options. Ensure that they are installed and enabled. Required Components

The following component is required to be installed and enabled to ensure compatibility with Oracle Content Server:

  • IpmRepository: Sets global profile rules to support document profiles specific to Oracle I/PM applications, for compatibility with other products supported by Content Server, including:

    • Folders

    • Universal Records Manager (URM)

    • Information Rights Management (IRM)

    For more information, see "Oracle Content Server Document Profiles". Optional Components

The following components provide useful functionality that can be leveraged by Oracle I/PM:

  • OracleTextSearch: Provides full-text indexing capability.

  • ContentTracker: Provides audit capability for content access.

  • Folders: Provides integration with LDAP and would allow I/PM to be configured to automatically add documents to specific folders.

3.3.6 Oracle Content Server Document Profiles

When an application is created in Oracle I/PM, a corresponding profile and set of profile rules are created in the Content Server repository. The application profile is created with Exclude non-rule fields enabled so that fields from other applications are not shown at the same time. Because of this, any field not specifically identified in a profile rule is not displayed on the various document related pages, such as the check in form or the document information page. Global Profile Rules

The IpmRepository component sets up global profile rules to group system fields and ensure their display when an application profile is created. These profiles are created or updated each time Content Server is started.


You can disable the automatic update of the global profile rules by setting the Content Server configuration setting IpmUpdateProfileRules to 0 (zero). For information about configuring Content Server, see the Oracle Universal Content Management Managing Repository Content and Getting Started with Content Server guides.

The IpmRepository component creates the following rules:

Name Description
IpmStandardFields1 Groups standard fields such as Title, Author, Security Group, etc.
IpmStandardFields2 Groups standard fields such as Content ID and Revision, etc.
IpmStandardFields3 Groups standard fields such as Release Date and Expiration Date, etc.
IpmSystemFields Groups Imaging system fields
IpmFolderFields Groups Folder fields
IpmUrmFields Groups Universal Records Management fields
IpmIrmFields Groups Information Rights Management fields

Because these rules are global, they do not need to be referenced by a specific profile in order to be active.


If any of the global rules are defined without any fields, then the Is global rule with priority setting is turned off. For example, this happens if URM has never been installed on a Content Server instance. Application Profile and Profile Rules

When an application is created, a profile and rules are created to handle the display of the application fields. The rules created for a profile group the application fields and provide any default values for those fields. The following table describes the rules:

Name Description
IpmApp_<X>_Fields Groups the application fields
IpmApp_<X>_Defaults Sets defaults for Imaging system (Security Group, IPN Application ID) fields and application specific fields

In the rule names above, <X> is replaced with an internal application identifier. These rules are not global, and need to be reference by a profile to become active.

A profile is created for the application and is given IpmApp_<X> as the profile name, where <X> is an internal application identifier. The label for the rule is the application name. Working With Folders

Oracle I/PM does not automatically assign application documents to a folder. However, by modifying an application profile and profile rules, you can automatically assign documents to a specific folder. To modify application rules to automatically assign documents to a specific folder, do the following:

  1. Create a new contribution folder to hold the application content. Make a note of the folder's identifier, for example 932000007.

  2. Add a new profile rule. Make a note of the name. For example App_<X>_Folder.

  3. Add the Folder field. The Folder field is the xCollectionID field.

  4. Set Type to Info Only.

  5. Enable Use default value and set the default value to the folder identifier obtained above. For example, 932000007. This allows people using the Content Server check in form to see the assigned folder.

  6. Enable Is derived field and set the default value to the folder identifier obtained above. For example, 932000007. This allows the value to be set upon check in from any source. For example, IPM upload.

    Setting the rule in this manner will not allow users to move content from one folder to another. This includes the trash folder. To allow movement between folders and deleting content, change derived value to use custom script and add something similar to:

  7. Now edit the application profile rule.

  8. Add the rule just defined (App_X_Folder) to the rules section.


If an application is modified in Oracle I/PM, and the modification includes an application name change, then the rule you just added to the application profile will need to be added again. Working With Universal Records Manager

Oracle I/PM does not automatically assign documents to a retention category or life cycle. However, by modifying an application's profile and profile rules, you can automatically assign documents to a retention category or life cycle. The following steps are for assigning a retention category value. If you wish to assign a life cycle, substitute xLifeCycleID for xCategoryID.

  1. Create a new retention category. Make a note of the retention category identifier. For example, you could use App X Category.

  2. Add a new profile rule. Make a note of the name. For example, you could use App_X_Category_rule.

  3. Add the Retention Category field. The Retention Category field is xCategoryID.

  4. Set the Type to Info Only.

  5. Enable Use default value and set the default value to the retention category identifier obtained above. For example, App X Category. This allows people using the Content Server check in form to see the assigned category.

  6. Enable Is derived field and set the default value to the retention category identifier obtained above (App X Category). This allows the value to be set upon check in from any source. For example, IPM upload.


    If the category to which you are mapping the documents is a category that is a records-only category, you will also need to add a field for xIsRecord and set its default and derived values to “1”.

  7. Now edit the application's profile rule.

  8. Add the rule just defined (App_X_Category) to the rules section.


If an application is modified in Oracle I/PM, and the modification includes an application name change, then the rule you just added to the application profile will need to be added again. Working With Information Rights Manager

Oracle I/PM does not automatically assign application documents to an IRM classification. However, by modifying an application profile and profile rules, you can automatically assign documents to an IRM classification.

  1. Add a new profile rule. Make a note of the name. For example App_X_IRM).

  2. Add the IRMProtection field. The IRMProtection field is xIRMProtection.

  3. Set the Type to Info Only.

  4. Enable Use default value and set the default value. This value must match an Oracle IRM context. This allows people using the Content Server check in form to see the assigned IRM classification.

  5. Enable Is derived field and set the default value. This value must match an Oracle IRM context. This allows the value to be set upon check in from any source. For example, IPM upload.


    If IRM is not configured correctly, or the value does not match a valid context, you will be unable to check content into Content Server because it will fail IRM validation.

  6. Now edit the application profile rule.

  7. Add the rule just defined (App_X_IRM) to the rules section.


If an application is modified in Oracle I/PM, and the modification includes an application name change, then the rule you just added to the application profile will need to be added again. Working With WebCenter Spaces

Oracle I/PM documents are not automatically accessible within WebCenter Spaces, but documents can be automatically assigned to Folders visible within WebCenter Spaces. Manual configuration and modification of an application profile and profile rules are required to ensure that I/PM documents will be accessible.

  1. Configure Content Server and Oracle I/PM to use the same LDAP-based identity store that Oracle WebCenter has been configured to use.

    For information on configuring WebCenter and Content Server to use an LDAP identity store, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

  2. Configure Content Server as the bridge between I/PM and WebCenter Document Service using an I/PM supported version of Java.

  3. WebCenter Spaces' Document Service uses the Folders component, and I/PM must be configured to automatically specify Folders for checked in content. For more information regarding configuring I/PM with Folders, see the section "Working With Folders".

For further information regarding WebCenter Spaces integration with Oracle Content Server, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.