Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.adf.controller

Interface Summary
TaskFlowContext Context information associated with a task flow instance.
UrlParameterConverter This interface describes a Java class that can perform Object-to-String and and String-to-Object conversions of values passed as URL query parameters.
ViewPortContext Context class for all per request per web application per view port information.

Class Summary
ControllerConstants Public Controller constants.
ControllerContext Context class for per request per web application Controller information.
DefaultUrlParameterConverter Default implementation of the UrlParameterConverter interface.
TaskFlowId Uniquely identifies a task flow definition.
UrlConstants Public constants used in ADFc URLs.

Exception Summary
AdfcIllegalArgumentException Extension of IllegalArgumentException that forces the use of a strongly-typed ExceptionKey to create a translated message.
AdfcUnsupportedOperationException Indicates an attempt was made to perform an operation not supported by the ADFc controller.
ControllerException Exception from the ADF Controller.
InvalidTaskFlowReentryException This exception indicates that task flow reentry was attempted (e.g.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
11g Release 1 (


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