Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class ParamDef

  extended by oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat.ParamDef
All Implemented Interfaces:
AccessorDefinition, AccessorParameterDefinition, AttributeDefinition, Definition, NamedDefinition, ParameterDefinition, VariableDefinition
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ParamDef
extends java.lang.Object
implements AccessorParameterDefinition

Defines a method parameter of a data control.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface oracle.binding.meta.Definition
Constructor Summary
ParamDef(java.lang.String name, OperationDefinition parent, java.lang.String javaType, java.lang.String elementJavaType)
          Creates a new instance of a collection of scalar type.
ParamDef(java.lang.String name, OperationDefinition parent, java.lang.String javaType, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String elementJavaType)
          Creates a new instance of a collection of scalar type.
ParamDef(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String javaType, OperationDefinition parent, boolean isCollection)
          Creates a new instance of simple type.
ParamDef(java.lang.String name, StructureDefinition def, OperationDefinition parent, boolean isCollection)
          Creates a complex paramter.
ParamDef(java.lang.String name, StructureDefinition def, OperationDefinition parent, boolean isCollection, boolean isScalarCollection)
          Creates a complex paramter.
Method Summary
 StructureDefinition getCollectionStructure()
          Retrieves the metadata of the collection itself.
 DataControlDefinition getDataControlDefinition()
          Retrieves the DataControlDefinition that this Variable belongs to.
 Definition getDefinitionParent()
          Returns the parent of this metadata definition, which is the Definition that contains this Definition.
 int getDefinitionType()
          Retrieves the type of this definition.
 java.lang.String getFullName()
          Returns the full name of this Definition, which includes the name of any parent objects.
 java.lang.String getJavaTypeString()
          Retrieves the type of the variable.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of this Definition.
 AccessorDefinition getParentAccessor()
          Retrieves the AccessorDefinition of the parent accessor.
 java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
          Gets the table of properties.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Retrieves the value of a property with the given name.
 java.lang.String getSourceTypeString()
          Returns the actual java type of the attribute in the data source.
 StructureDefinition getStructure()
          Retrieves the metadata of the elements that the accessor collection contains.
 boolean isAccessor()
          Whether the parameter definition is an accessor.
 boolean isCollection()
          Since an accessor can return a structured object (or a collection).
 boolean isKey()
          Finds out whether this attribute is the primary key of the row.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Finds out whether this attribute is read-only or is updateable.
 boolean isScalarCollection()
          Returns true if the accessor returns a collection of scalars.
 void setParent(OperationDefinition parent)
          Sets a parent to this definition.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object val)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ParamDef(java.lang.String name,
                java.lang.String javaType,
                OperationDefinition parent,
                boolean isCollection)
Creates a new instance of simple type.

name - name of the parameter.
javaType - java type of the parameter.
parent - the parent definition of this object.
isCollection - true if this parameter is a collection


public ParamDef(java.lang.String name,
                OperationDefinition parent,
                java.lang.String javaType,
                java.lang.String elementJavaType)
Creates a new instance of a collection of scalar type.

name - name of the parameter.
parent - the parent definition of this object.
javaType - java type of the parameter.
elementJavaType - java type of each collection element.


public ParamDef(java.lang.String name,
                OperationDefinition parent,
                java.lang.String javaType,
                java.lang.String elementName,
                java.lang.String elementJavaType)
Creates a new instance of a collection of scalar type.

name - name of the parameter.
parent - the parent definition of this object.
javaType - java type of the parameter.
elementName - the name of element in the collection.
elementJavaType - java type of each collection element.


public ParamDef(java.lang.String name,
                StructureDefinition def,
                OperationDefinition parent,
                boolean isCollection)
Creates a complex paramter.

name - name of the parameter.
def - the complex definition of this paramter.
parent - the parent definition of this object.
isCollection - true if this parameter is a collection


public ParamDef(java.lang.String name,
                StructureDefinition def,
                OperationDefinition parent,
                boolean isCollection,
                boolean isScalarCollection)
Creates a complex paramter. This constructor can be used for creating definition for a parameter that is a collection of a scalar type.

name - name of the parameter.
def - the complex definition of this paramter.
parent - the parent definition of this object.
isCollection - true if this parameter is a collection
isScalarCollection - indicates if the accessor is a collection of scalars.
Method Detail


public final java.lang.String getName()
Description copied from interface: NamedDefinition
Returns the name of this Definition.

Specified by:
getName in interface NamedDefinition
Name of this Definition.


public final Definition getDefinitionParent()
Description copied from interface: NamedDefinition
Returns the parent of this metadata definition, which is the Definition that contains this Definition. For example, the parent of an AttributeDefinition could be a StructureDefinition if the attribute is contained in the structure.

Specified by:
getDefinitionParent in interface NamedDefinition
The parent Definition


public final java.lang.String getFullName()
Description copied from interface: NamedDefinition
Returns the full name of this Definition, which includes the name of any parent objects. The full name should reflect the runtime nesting level.

Specified by:
getFullName in interface NamedDefinition
Full name of this Definition.


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
Description copied from interface: NamedDefinition
Retrieves the value of a property with the given name. Properties can be used for UI hints such as display width and height.

Specified by:
getProperty in interface NamedDefinition
propertyName - Name of the property to be retrieved.
Value of the property with the given property name.


public java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
Description copied from interface: NamedDefinition
Gets the table of properties. This returns a hashtable to ensure any modification done by caller would be synchronized. Note that this API has not been added to the JSR yet.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface NamedDefinition
a hashtable of properties.


public final java.lang.String getJavaTypeString()
Description copied from interface: VariableDefinition
Retrieves the type of the variable.

Specified by:
getJavaTypeString in interface VariableDefinition
The fully qualified Java class name of the variable type.


public DataControlDefinition getDataControlDefinition()
Description copied from interface: VariableDefinition
Retrieves the DataControlDefinition that this Variable belongs to.

Specified by:
getDataControlDefinition in interface VariableDefinition
The DataControlDefinition that this Variable belongs to.


public int getDefinitionType()
Description copied from interface: Definition
Retrieves the type of this definition. It can be one of the TYPE_* constants defined in this class. This is useful to find out the actual type of the Definition without doing an instanceof operations.

Specified by:
getDefinitionType in interface Definition
The type of definition that this Definition implementation class implements.


public final boolean isAccessor()
Description copied from interface: ParameterDefinition
Whether the parameter definition is an accessor. It is an accessor if it is a structure, such as a JavaBean or a Collection of JavaBeans.

Specified by:
isAccessor in interface ParameterDefinition
True if the parameter is an accessor, false if it is a simple type such as a String, int, etc.


public final StructureDefinition getStructure()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Retrieves the metadata of the elements that the accessor collection contains.

Specified by:
getStructure in interface AccessorDefinition
The metadata describing the structure of the elements in the accessor collection.


public final boolean isCollection()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Since an accessor can return a structured object (or a collection). This function should return true when the accessor represents a collection.

Specified by:
isCollection in interface AccessorDefinition
true if the accessor is a collection, false if it is a simple object such as a String or an int.


public boolean isScalarCollection()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Returns true if the accessor returns a collection of scalars. Scalars are simple types that are not structured and are not collections.

Specified by:
isScalarCollection in interface AccessorDefinition
true if the accessor is a collection of scalars, false otherwise.


public void setParent(OperationDefinition parent)
Sets a parent to this definition.


public boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from interface: AttributeDefinition
Finds out whether this attribute is read-only or is updateable.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface AttributeDefinition
True if this attribute is read-only, false otherwise.


public boolean isKey()
Description copied from interface: AttributeDefinition
Finds out whether this attribute is the primary key of the row.

Specified by:
isKey in interface AttributeDefinition
True if this attribute is the primary key, false otherwise.


public java.lang.String getSourceTypeString()
Description copied from interface: AttributeDefinition
Returns the actual java type of the attribute in the data source. This may be different from the java type returned by getJavaTypeString if the data control is returning an attribute as a different datatype as what it is in its data source. For example, if the source type is a java.lang.String representing some number, the java type of the attribute could be java.lang.Integer.

Specified by:
getSourceTypeString in interface AttributeDefinition
The java type of the attribute in the data source.


public StructureDefinition getCollectionStructure()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Retrieves the metadata of the collection itself. It is possible that the collection itself has operations defined, such as if the collection is a class that implements a java.util.Collection interface and contains methods for searching through its elements. Please note that this is different from the getStructure API, which returns the metadata of the collection elements.

Specified by:
getCollectionStructure in interface AccessorDefinition
The metadata describing the structure of the collection, or null if there is none available for the collection.


public AccessorDefinition getParentAccessor()
Description copied from interface: AccessorDefinition
Retrieves the AccessorDefinition of the parent accessor. A parent accessor is the accessor from which this accessor is obtained from. For example, we have a Dept structure, which contains an accessor called emps that returns a collection of Employee. Each Employee structure in turn contains an accessor called address that returns a structured type Address. The parent accessor of address would be the accessor emps in the Dept structure.

Specified by:
getParentAccessor in interface AccessorDefinition
The definition of the parent accessor.


public void setProperty(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.Object val)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 1997, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.